PAGE 16 | | Mr. and Mrs, David Myers of 149 New Haven St., left Saturday, October 2, for a week's cruise to Bermuda. They were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brink of Middle- town, The party left from New York aboard the U.S.S. Franconia. * se Mrs. Anne Bertich, Albany, Calif., spent several weeks with her sister, Miss Eliza- beth Brubaker, West Donegal Street. She was a former teacher at the Marietta street Elementary School. ES iw * Wn Mrs. John Schroll, 206 S Barbara street, fell on Tues- day, Sept. 28 at her home and sustained a fractured vertebrae and a fractured wrist. The fall was down the 14 basement steps at her home. She is a patient at St. Joseph's hospital, having been removed now from intensive care service, Saturday evening, Oct. 2, a block party was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Harnish. : Neighbors at- tending were: Mr. and ‘Mrs, Sam Williams, Mr. and "Mrs. Clair Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Kimber Lippiatt, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Evans. ES * Ww Mr. and Mrs, George Malik and daughters Kathy, Connie and Susan moved from the home of Mrs. Malik’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Darren- kamp, to their new resi- dence, 40 West Donegal street, this week. Mr. Malik is Chief Petty Officer in the Navy stationed in California for 21% years of sea duty be- fore retiring to make Mount Joy his permanent home. During their naval career the family has lived in Florida, Maryland, the Great Lakes region and five years over- seas. They spent two years on the Island of Cypress and three years in Bremerhaven, Germany. Hd 3 wn Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thom- son and children Gina, Melis- sa and Curtis moved last week end into their new home in the Florin Heights development R. D. 2. They formerly lived at 40 West Donegal street. * * *® Mr. and Mrs. Donald Straub and children Marg, Kristen and Fred enjoyed a one-day sightseeing trip to our na- tion's capitol on Wednesday, Y Subject: NANCY NEWCOMER THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. 1 be and will be displayed in the PEOPLE! Emergency Medical Calls SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND SUNDAY Dr. Thomas O'Connor NEW ARRIVALS A dughter, Rachel Ann, born Sept. 28, in Appalach- in Regional hospital, Beckley West Virginia, to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Longenecker. Mrs. Longenecker is the for- mer Kathleen Brown, Mount Joy R2, and Mr. Longeneck- er formerly resided at Mari- etta RI. Sept. 29. They visited such interesting places as the Smithsonian Institute includ- ing. ‘the -Museum of Natural History, National Museum of History and Technology and the Art and Industrial Build- ing, Lincoln Memorial, Capi- tol, the Washington Monu- ment and the White House. If you have been on a vacaiion, a week end trip. entertained out of town friends or had a party, call me with the information at 653-5701. Deadline for each week’s paper is Monday noon. % Of This and That (From page 1) mountain! w wn Ne As we have said before, Sico Park is beautiful in Oc- tober! It’s a shame the picnic season is over then. We spent an hour or So down there last week, and it was an oasis of peace. All was quiet except the chatter- ing of the jays and the crows. A few yellow leaves were falling, and three or four ducks were swimming around in the creek. Otherwise there was nothing moving at all. Honeysuckle was in bloom along the banks of the creek, The grass was green, the un- dergrowth in the little woods across the creek was turning red and brown. It was lovely. But in an- NEW BOOKS AT MOUNT JOY LIBRARY Love in the ruins Rose In this sign Cape Ann: Cape America Inspector’s holiday Capone We speak no treason My favorite intermissions The American princess I'm glad you didn’t take it personally The child from the sea Walter Percy Gail Cameron Joanne Greenberg Herbert Kenny Richard Lockridge John Kobler Rosemary Jarman Victor Borge Edward Kuhn Jim Bouton Elizabeth Goudge Support your local library! —————————— CUNEEN EERE SANSA EEA SIN SENSEI EE ENE FOR No Trespassing Signs BIG 11in. x 14 in. SIZE — AT MOUNT JOY BULLETIN J INEESHNENSEEIARERRRENEn SALE 4 other week or two it wil even prettier! Then would be a good time to walk the levee around the park, savoring the colors, the autumn smells and th “bright blue weather” of ctober, BE @® Main Street (From page 1) lot of them—had been keep- ing their eyes turned toward the sale Saturday of the Mummau farm (south of Don- egal high school). It brought $1,165 per acre. Hs ® ® The next test of the same na- ture and one which is the subject of much speculation is the Keller farm (Donegal church neighborhood), whici comes up for public sale on Tuesday, Oct. 12. Power Line Cut As Auto Crashes A power interruption of more than a half hour blank- eted 16 to 18 hundred local users on Thursday, Sept. 30, when an auto went out of control and sheared off a utility pole ~ at the Eberle cemetery curve on. the Mari etta, pike. ‘The borough was in a “tur- moil” for a time during the period. Firemen were needed at the scene but the accident had cut off power to the #ir- ens and there was no auxil- iary electricity.” The fire bell dinged and fire trucks moved up and down Main street col- lecting firemen as best = they could. Later, controls which had been activated sounded long and loud when power was restored. The pole was knocked down by a car operated by Richard A. Foote Jr., Lititz R4, age 17. His vehicle also hit a parked car. He was not ceriously injured but the cars were badly damaged. District B.P.W. Meeting Set District 7 of the Pennsyl- vania Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs will hold its fall over- night meeting Oct. 30 & 31, at Shippensburg State college with the Shippensburg Club as hostess. Mrs. Dorothy Mowery, of Shippensburg, Director for District 7, will preside. Delegates elected to serve from the Mount Joy B.P.W, club are: Mrs. Benj. Horst, Jr.; Mrs. Gerald Sheetz, and Mrs. Richard Kohler. Alter- nates are: Mrs, Marlin Sine- gar, Mrs. James Heilig and Mrs. Paul Little Harvest Home At St. Mark's Sunday, Oct. 10, will be Harvest Home Day at Saint Mark's United Methodist church. The sanctuary of the church “will be specially decorated for the occasion. Individuals and families assume respons- ibility for window panels. Members of the church are urged to bring canned fruit, which in turn will be given to the United Methodist home at Lititz. At the Sunday evening pro- gram of Enrichment, begin- ning with a carry-in supper at 6 pm., there will be a specially produced panto- mime designed to encourage broader participation in the church school. It is entitled “Zero Hour” and was written by W. R. Kohler and Robert Sherk. Mayor Signs Proclamation A proclamation declaring observance locally of Nation- al Business Women’s Week was signed by Mayor Henry Zerphey on Friday, Oct. 1st Bulletin window the week oi National Business Women’s Week — October 17-23. This event is sponsored by the Na tional Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. Posters to spotlight Nation- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1971 al Business Women's Week in our community will be dis- played in numerous and vari- ous windows in Mount Joy as well as all the banks and the Donegal high school as a rec ognition of all career women in the world. .: WEDDINGS : - KOLP — KREIDER The marriage of Miss Les lie June Kreider to James Kolp took place Saturday, Oct. 2 at 5 p.m. at the Wesl Green Tree Church of the Brethren with the Rev. David A. Yingling officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lester S. Kreider, Mount Joy RI. She was graduated from Donegal high school, She is employed by Watt & Shand, Park City. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Norman H. Kolp, Mount Joy RI. He was graduated from Donegal high <chool. He is employed by I. R. Musser Poultry, Inc., Mt. Joy. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of sata peau, trimmed with Chantilly lace. Miss Ruth Kolp, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of hon- or. Bridesmaids were Miss Mary Jane Eshleman, Eliza- bethtown R3, and Miss Bren- da Burgard, Rheems. Serving as best man was J. Roy Kreider, brother of the bride. Ushers were Marlin Myers, Gerald Musser, Ron- ald Musser, and Kenneth Musser, all of Mount Joy. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at Hostet- ter’s banquet hall. The couple will live at Mt. Joy Rl. STONER — FUHRMAN The marriage of Miss Bar- bara Ann Fuhrman to Barry E. Stoner took place Satur- day, Oct. 2 at 2 p.m. at Zion Lutheran church, Marietta R1, with the Rev. William R. May officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Fuhrman, Marietta R1. She was graduated from Donegal high school. She is employed by Armstrong Cork Co., in the main office. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Sto- ner, 466 Donegal Springs Rd., Mount Joy. He was graduated from Hershey high school, voca- tional division. He .is em- ployed by John Heisey, elec- trical contractor, Hummels- town. Given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white Spanish lace trimmed in seed- pearls and a satin bow with streamers, Miss Bonnie Myers, Mount Joy, was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were: Miss Bon- nie Stoner, sister of the bride- groom, and Miss Brenda Sto- Donegal Grid Team Blanked Without difficulty, Man- heim Township's raging Blue Streaks ground out their 4th victory of the season Satur- day afternoon, clipping Done- gal, 280, and keeping the way open for a county cham- pionship. The game, played in the rain, was 7-0 at the quarter, 21-0 at the half and 28-0 at the end of three periods. The visiting Streaks took the opening kick and in the first series of play went more than 70 yards to a TD. From there on it was a matter of fattening the score. Donegal's best thrusts of the wet after- noon were stopped by fum- bles and interceptions. This week the Tribe goes to Solanco Saturday after- noon for the fifth outing of the season, still seeking a win. Last weekend the Golden Mules clapped a 20-0 defeat on hapless Cocalico. ner, also sister of the bride- groom. Miss Barbara Stoner, another sisier of the bride- groom, was junior brides maid, Fiower girls were Miss La Von Fuhiman, Bainbridge and Miss Carol Saam, Eliza bethtown. Jimmy McCurdy, Eizabetntown, and Timmy Funrman, Bainbridge, were ringbearers, Serving as best man was James luyers Jr. of Marietta R1. Ushers were: Franklin Geib, Mount Joy, Keith Gish, and Kenneth CUoer, both of Mount Joy. Foilowing the ceremony, a recepuon was held at the church. ihe couple will live in Mayiown. - Engagements - WITMAN — ALLEN Mr. and Mrs. George H. Alien Jr., 526 Walnut >treet, Snarpsville, announce the engagement of their daughter Virginia, to Jefirey P. Wit- man, Mount Joy. Miss Alien was graduated from Sharpsville area = high school and is attending Calii- ornia State college. Her fiance was graduated from Donegal high school and is attending Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana, The couple plans a winter wedding. Named Players Of The Week A senior and a sophomore have been named ‘by their coaches as the most outstand- ing players for Donegal high school in the Manheim Twp. football game, played Satur- day, Oct. 2. They are: Mark Gainer, senior halt- back, outstanding offensive man, and Gary Gallagher, so- phomore defensive end and line backer. Each week during the grid season, the coaching staff picks two players who have performed with outstanding success in the game the week before. They are presented certificates. Marietta Couple Wed 50 Years The children of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hess, 561 East Market St., Marietta, hosted a drop-in celebration Sunday, in honor of their parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. Invited guests met at the English Presbyterian church, Marietta, from 3 to 5 p.m. The Hess’ wree married on Oct. 5, 1921. The Rev. Jacob Brubaker, Landisville, offici- ated at the ceremony. Mr. Hess is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hess of Millersville. He was a candy manufacturer and is a retired bookkeeper. Mrs. Hess is the former Lottie Diffenbach, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elam Diffenbach, Lancaster. The couple are members of the English Presbyterian church. They are parents of five children: Dorothy, wife of Wilbur K. Shoemaker, Lan- caster; Minerva, wife of Ed- win Boll, Elizabethtown; Jan- et Hepler, Millersville; J. Mervin Hess, Cleveland, Ohio and Etta, wife of the Rev. Fred H. Irwin Jr., Lancaster. The Hess’ also have fifteen grandchildren and one great- grandhild.
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