NOTICE ! . Qualified TV and Stereo and Radio Service. Evenings and Saturdays. G. R. Strack, 113 NEWCOMER MOTORS (From Preceding Page) ers. For full list mailed vou, S. Charlotte, Manheim. Call write Rumsey Sales, 226 Lib- 665-4837. 45-tfe OUR WHEELS erty St, Bath, N. Y. or call ly MAKE BETTER DEALS! 607 - 776-3478. 29-1c aS aia ia _ - Card of Thank $ B NOTICES ~—————=— _ *70 Camaro a —.. We wish to thank everyone i Dre sig whe helped make the Tens Automatic, § oy), P. 8. arbecue on Saturday, Oct. 2 9 ISSUING BUILDING for the Jo Lowry fund a com- 69 Chevy Impala PERMITS plete success. We are deeply : : ‘ ? Custom Cp, V-8, Automatic, Monday - 7 to 9 p.m. grateful for the time and ef P.S., Air, One Owner Thursday - 7 to 9 p.m. LARRY H. HEISTAND Box 51A Ridge Road ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Phone 367-7712 29-2¢ The average man walks every year the distance from New York to California. fort contributed by neighbors friends and even strangers, Dean and Joanna Lowry 67 Chevy 4-Door Hard Top. V-8, Automatic, Power Steering % ton Chevy Pick-Up Truck Straight Shift, 8 cyl. WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. I want to express my thanks to my neighbors and friends wro remembered me with “wo cards, flowers and gifts dur- Img my stay at the hospital and since my return home. Mrs. Janet Stirling 29-1c COUNTY WIDE BUSINESS DIRECTORY We print everything — in- voice books, wedding invita- NEED HELP? OR SERVICE? t.ons and stationery - club bookl pn One of these reputable firms may be able to be of DIS tiekets he name it, we print it! Bulletin assistance : - Farm and Home News, 11 Tem Wr dT I RE ee Ras — ® ANTENNAS ® OIL SERVICE HOLLINGER TUSCAN TV and OIL SERVICE ANTENNA SERVICE MOUNT JOY 653-4484 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS INSTALLATION & REPAIR 72 North Grant Street MANHEIM, PA. Phone 665-5321 Oil Burner Sales & Service ® PAINT & BODY WORK EI Carriger : Paint & Body Shop Cars painted. Wrecks rebuilt Wheel Alignment Service RHEEMS 367-6450 A ® “PEST CONTROL” ® ANTIQUES COUNTRY HOME ANTIQUES Pinkerton Road R. D. 1, MOUNT JOY Mrs. Wayne Miller, Prop. PRIMITIVE FURNITURE INTERIOR DECORATOR :- BURLAP 653-4028 Tr S— P.J. PEST CONTROL CO. TERMITES ee ROACHES. ANTS © WATERBUGS RODENTS ® ETC, Phone 569-2838 © AUTO SALES ARNOLD'S PONTIAC - OLDSMOBILE New & Used Car Sales & Service MAYTOWN, PENNA. ® PLUMBING H. S. MECKLEY & SON PLUMBING - HEATING OIL BURNERS Sales & Service 15 W. Main St. Ph. 653-5981 ® DAIRY PRODUCTS ELWOOD MARTIN PENSUPREME PRODUCTS MILK & ICE CREAM R.D. 2, Ph. Mt. Joy 653-4891 = ® SPORTING GOODS ® EXCAVATING RAY KNORR'S SPORTING GOODS MOUNT JOY ® Hunting Licenses ® Equipment! : HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thur. & Fri. 3-9 pm. Sat. 9am 5 pm, C. ROBERT FRY GENERAL EXCAVATING ® Residential ® Industrial R.D. 2 MANHEIM, PA. Phone Mount Joy 653-1253 ® TV and RADIO SALES & SERVICE TV— ME /1 —STEREO Browning & Johnson Communications Gear Motorola Radios and Tape Players Police & Fire Monitors Sales — Service FLINCHBAUGH'S Since 1928 72 N. Wolf Street Manheim Phone: 665-2293 ® FURNITURE == Eberly Furniture & Floor Covering ELIZABETHTOWN R.D.3 11% Mi. Past along Manheim Road Call 367-5468 pra sr — ® T.0ANS Instalment Loan Service Inc, (LOANS TO $600) Instalment Consumer Discount Co. (LOANS TO $3508) 23 Cent Sqr., Elizabethtown : \ e WATCH REPAIRING PHONE 367-1185 © MASONRY Xx LESTER P. ESHELMAN MASONRY Brick - Block - Stone = Silicone Masonry rs Waterproofing JAved Donegal Springs Road S race iyors - 8335323 rie Rs 68 S. Linden St. . : x Manheim Hypnotisin is an ancient se oo form of medical treatment! —— East Main street, postoffice), Mount Joy, phone 653.4400. (next to 37-tfc REAL ESTATE MOUNT JOY GERALD R. HEETZ LOTS FOR SALE § Florin Heights, Terrace Av- enue extended. $45 front foot. Water & sewer, Incl, First 2 lots are choice loca- ions. Bushong-Boyd home builders. Many floor plans and designs to choose from FARM 63 acres, 12 mile north of Mount Joy. 2V%2-Story, Old Stone, Brick - veneered Home. Modern kitchen, living room, 4 bedrooms, Large bank barn, silo, to- bacco shed and corn barn. Geared for steers. Asking $80,000. Land potential for building development. Mount Joy Township, DONEGAL HEIGHTS THREE BEDROOM tri-level - kitchen, dining area, living room, wall-to- wall carpet, family room. One-car garage. House in excellent condition. Lots of extras. $29,900 RHEEMS FOUR BEDROOM 214-STORY BRICK large living room, wall-to- wall carpet, dining room and kitchen. House offers lots of living space for large family. 4-car garage. Immediate Possession. $23,900 47 West Donegal Street 3 BEDROOM FRAME DWELLING Oil Hot Air Heat $13,500 Immediate possession MARIETTA INVESTMENT PROPERTY 217 West Market Street 3 units; net income $1,400 Historical value Reduced to $11,000 COMMERCIAL LAND ROUTE 283 Milton Grove-Rheems Interchange — North and South sdes of road. RAY N. WILEY ~ AGENCY, Inc. INSURANCE OFFICE Mount Joy For salesman Call 653-1481 SHOP THE CLASSIFIED WAY a ————— i AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 A.M.—FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 PM.—FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE—MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE—WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. \ FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone 717) 354-2184 PUBLIC SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, "71 AT 69 EAST COLLEGE AVE. ELIZABETHTOWN Kelvinator elect. stove, like new; Kelvinator Food- arama Trim wall refrigerator freezer comb., like new; kitchen cabinet, kitchen server, kitchen stool, Sunbeam elect. mixer, double utility cabinets, chrome dinette set, 6 chairs; Zenith UHF Color TV, Kenmore electric sewing machine, 2 knee-hole desks and chairs, platform rocker 2 plank bottom chairs, 3 pe. living room suite, 6-leg table, coffee table, smoking stands, pole light, table and floor lamps, desk lamps, clothes rack, mir- rors, 6-piece maple bedroom suite, spring, innerspring mattress, metal wardrobes, chests of drawers, bureaus, Hollywood bed, spring, night table, boudoir lamps, lge. 2-door wardrobe, bedding, cedar chest, clothes hamper, flat top trunks, low trunk, new Hoover upright sweep- er with attachments, 2 Bissel sweepers, reversible 21” fan, elect. iron, steam iron. ironing board, card tables, Christmas decorations, books, bingo set, Lighting Gli- der sled, porch chairs, porch rugs, new garden hose, rotary Moto-mower, digging iron, shovels carpenter & mechanical tools, step ladder, ext. ladder, garbage can, meat saws, meat bench, baskets, Rogers silverware-set- ting for 7, other silverware, dishes, cooking utensils, iron skillets, Tupperware, food grinders, many articles too numerous to mention. Sale to start at 5:30 p.m. when conditions will be made known by FRANKLIN L. DRAYER DUPES & GERBERICH, AUCTIONEERS S. MILLER, S. KRAYBILL, CLERKS 28-2¢ ST LIC Se EE ee 142 ACRE DONEGAL FARM OCTOBER 12, 1971 The J. Robert Keller 142 acre farm, - at inter- section of Donegal Springs Road and Colebrook Road, in East Donegal Township, about 3 miles from Mount Joy. Adjoins property of Donegal Presbyterian Church with its famous spring, and property of Elizabethtown College, formerly on: of the Cameron farms. Stone & Brick Dwelling eight rooms and bath, 6 fireplaces. LARGE BANK BARN, can stable 100 steers; tobacco shed 2-CAR GARAGE, and other outbuildings. Land is level, well drained and highly produc- tive. 15-acre meadow, - through which passes the outflow stream from Donegal Spring. About four acres woodland; balance tillable. About a mile of road frontage. One of Donegal’s finest farms. Sale on the premises, Tuesday, October 12, 1971 at 2 P.M. Open inspection Friday, Sept. 24, 6 to 7:30 P. M, and Saturday, Sept. 25, 2 to 4 P. M. Other times by appointment, call executor, bank trust dept., 653-1441. J. Robert Keller Estate UNION NATIONAL MT. JOY BANK, Executor ARNOLD, BRICKER, BEYER & BARNES, ATTORNEYS CLAUDE F. SMITH, AUCTIONEER
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