1 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1969 THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. PAGE THRER 69 hid CET — are gambling, prostitution, the reason he is willing to Will pay 10% over face for Lad f " di h narcotics and illegal liquor. speak to citizen groups is to U. S. silver coins in $500 ving enlo Ho og Whi ( D h Gambling alone represents collect their support in back- lots 45-1c fice. Possibility for perman- 8 als eo i rr lor Ss Sm wr ’ . ep pping dreary, remove the spots as eral months. General office d t ord NSE 1 0 how small busi. hig Mer. kes its they appear with Blue Lus- work, Nishie Box AA eo. Mt. on HAROLD FRANK SCHATZ nessmen are loaned money, ® ha hvoswra maces Ils ire” Remi electric shampooer Joy ou eqn. = how the {zati tlic plans by telephone to rob $1. Cassell & Graham, 20 ee Harold Frank Schatz Si VY pe organization . 1akes jung ourry out its mur Market Square, Manheim, — ‘ : t+, control, manipulates the : xr 45.1 62, Mount Joy R2, died at bust : the f ders, to transfer its money Pa. 3-1c¢ home at 2 p. in. Wednesday, orness, using the former ,.,4"(; handle all its busi. REAL ESTATE a. or : ' owner's good name, milks _ fee : _ Buttercup Bakery. Order Jan. 29. He was the husband {he pu iness and 1 s the ness. Police are not interest Valenti Heart Cak : of Kathryn Wagner Schatz. nD : Sp an Ao € ed in the ordinary citizen's OW! Phone 665.3286 15.10 51 J n : M proprie = pr sn 3 telephone conversations but ; ' PAE TY SEURG, PNA 5 orn in Mount Joy, he ot : in Pennsylvania it is illegal cres, tillable — was a son of the late George activity, he said. to tap ee er In : kid- New, Taylor Te ai then Acres, two modern houses, Ll and Mary Frank Schatz. A Gangland killings are com. nap case where such meth. Tire Sizes 6:00-16, 6:00-15, Sight room brick ’ Seven 90" = EK farmer, Be Was 8 member of WO nd he told the hows ods would be highly benefic. §o0.18, $10.15, 6:00/6:40.15, Hi el hic op b a - Mark’s United Methodist and whys. ial. 380, [700-14 three pair for ,,.q "priced $95,000 (Other | church, Mount Joy, and the The speaker said that The organization is even Sale. $10 a pair less than ¢ = Grey ' ¢ Friengstip Fire Co. No. 1 of “what we find scares us.” in goverumunt on many ley. half price. Manheim 995091 LEE M. FBRTVAN, Realtor 'S tount Joy. “These people are entrench- els and J. Edgar Hoover has . 7 4-1713 - Besides his wife, he is sur- ed in every kind of repul- said that organized crime SHENK'S 54 Hanover Street 91 vived by five sons, Harold F. able business you can men- without any doubt is the USED BICYCLES Gettysburg, Pa. 17325 E Jr., and Thomas F., both of tion. most fearsome problem fac- Also Bicycle Repairs 13-4 | Mont Jor Bobery E, and Titler frankly said that ing America today. New Location, 5 Moun Joy - ichar " oth of Mount ope : | Joy R2, and John W._ Man- $1-tfe wa Sen me heim; a daughter, Dorothy BIIIEIIITIIIssIIItrIIIeII III rT er es eI Te Tees ITT SITs ee sss sss Tssesssssss] 1937 Dodge truck, in A-1 con- i | g- Wile of ivvood Flowers Everybo dy PY dition, For 5 inspection call HELP WANTED | Manheim R2; grandchild- / / ! evenings 665-5257. -2C r . - ren, three great-grandchild. he Classifieds ¥ rm : Male or Female ren two der oo vona. - Reads Mixed hay, $25.00 ton on the === mm PT a Eds ot eat farm. Call 665-3090. Harry C. y . VES: aro x rT Rohrer, Manheim R2. 44-2p NEED MONEY ? Brown, Mount Joy, Russel C. = x i We need help. For A nt- Bai ’ ; cents and three cent pieces ppo1 3 ainbridge R1, Carl Schatz, for sale. No dealers Chuck 1968 SINGER ZIG ZAG ment, Call 898-7836. 44-2¢ : Mount Joy 22, and Caroline FOR SALE Rineer, Manheim, 6655007. sewing machine. Slightly = F. wife o e Rev. Ray Lu--° <2¢ used. n ems Tresses, . pold, Cunard, West Virginia. = makes buttonholes, sews on Hel Offered ~ + Services were held Sunday 6 rm. semi.detached corner FOR SALE buttons, overcasts, mono- Pp = afternoon from - the Heilig house. Oil heat s/w. Asbes- Us. GOLD, all denomina. pea, fancy SH No at- < ce funeral home and burial was tos siding, central location. tions - $1 to $20. Choice Fes, Pe ax Bear Will do ironing and altera- made in the Mount Joy ceme- in Yanneim, Call fe3snt) Als Une COL : I oe ines. Js bo ry oe Hi tery. : best ay COLD AoW or pay payments of $5.25 IY Christ. Ph. 653-4827. 45.2¢ 8 Chevele $5, 31 hp 4 Foal Bug bod Fi Gi: Bor 8. CA Coble bce ae given nie . speeds, exc. cond., . 50-.20-10-5-215 .9 .. i ren while mother works. mn % About Organized Ph. 665.6417 bet. 6 & 9 pm. Peso Pes. Choice AU. to Unc. $341. If toll, call collect. ;c References given. Call 653- (From page 1 ) 45-1c U.S. PROOF SETS 1936 to 5537. 43-4¢ Quoti £ q Daschund male pups, AKC oR re PO UNCLAIMED LATAWAY INCOME TAX uoting from ures com- ; : 1 i i - piled me a, he 20d wormed. Call 898-7610 PANAMA PROOF SETS. inaciae. Builtin A or SERVICE T said that the financial tol 2ft€r 3 p.m. lc This country’s Ist issue [int Does everything. Must be BEN STONER ts taken from Pennsylvanians Can You Qualify? Need some. £2 It the U. S mint a 1 sold. 5-yr. parts and service : Iv is truly st : one to dsvist In brsiness Francisco. Set includes the guarantee. PHONE 898-8241 yearly 1s truly staggering. 28 my DUSINEeSS giver $1. pe. 900-fine. These Unpaid balance $32.30 % . The lieutenant explained os besuly Sonnlliant, $ his sets are very scarce. None is. op pap oe ry 45-tfe that the organization is made $65 i Vock FOE ed sued for circulation more per mo. Call Capital Credit Excellent care given to child up of 24 families in the U.S. : ©. scarce than 1936 U. S. manager until 9 392- i ke : interview call Mrs. Landis U COMMEMORATIVE age p.m. while mother works. Refer- and said that five are engag- at 569-2086 between 1.4 p.m. . S. R 4341. If toll, call collect. ences given. Call 653-5537. ed in operations in establish- 45.1c Half Dollar, all types and 27-tfc 43-2¢ 4 ed sections of the state. Tose Letied Inez © Notice: Anyone desiring to INCOME TAX SERVICE : He displayed maps show- Alfalfa and Timothy Hay, : . : x 3 ori ing how the families have $25. Straw - Barley, $30. Pl. pprcy ACTIONAL CUR- purchase a lot in Florin Af my home or yours, C3 : Marietta 426-3296 44.9 AENCY issued during the Heights. Call Bob Kline 653- WM. D. GROFF oe divided Pennsylvania for Marietta = . -“C time of President Lincoln. 1291 or call Collect (814) 768- R. 2 Hosler Rd, Manheim their own benefit. There ac- Seasoned fireplace wood de. All types from 3 cents to 50 3413. Howard Bernhard. Phone 665-4368 42-tf = tually are 144 members of 7: : 1 cents choice crisp unc. - there 24-tfe SN : livered. Mixed. Gibble 665- °°! the organization in Pennsyl- 345 44.2q Will never be any mere of = vania and 70 in Philadelphia ; hese Booties T° Biss, Yop! ANTIQUES ws c. alone, he said. CONSIGNMENT OF OLD to buy choice material in Bought, Sold, Appraised . : Th 0 y ; these series. ; Zhe Cosa Notre is filer, oR mane Tinos G. F. FLINCHBAUGH Closed Sundays & Evenings Instr uction i onylmng WIKh Go each, Liberty head TV" Box 578 MANHEIM, PA HART'S brings in phoney and Souly nickels 25c¢ each from good 17545 151 North Charlotte Street care less how legitimate the 5 fine common dates. Some Phones: 665-2293, 665-5606 MANHEIM, PA DON'T BE HELD BACK —GET A WAYNE 5 activities are. The “Four other dates available priced Member ANA-ANS.CN A. and a a. Horseman of Crime” he said accordingly. Also some large SPMC HIGH SCHOOL F In Cp, ERB RBIS pen, . 8 LENHERT'S IN SPARE TIME a at tly 00 FRE *, 3 do CABINET SHOP : - Blasi iiln 7} MARIETTA, PA. J ver 17 ag not in see), ' . ” AL 2 ” ao Antiques restored, refinished, uSam—————— ou 1, ; > on os cabinet and formica work. WAYNE SCHOOL Ce Stren Ea : : : ses id of Chicage 3 pe Sr rt ’ 00 / 32 : o PHONE 426-3542 25-tfc 934 Raymee Drive nd i to \ . ‘6 RK — Lancaster, Pa. 17601 EPs eet ) : “ik = . G.I. Approved 141-19876 = ° 3 V A 1.E NTIN KH mg y 2 . 0 Please send High School booklet. — ry. : / Te FOR RENT 0 ibd ht eb dd S00scsssensnne A ce’ £1 0 FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST! © ie SRR rss = vor . " . . . . " ; ’ s FOR RENT: Mod § Lo grreiseerens 000000000000 0IIIIII ans .e 2% in Just tear out this convenient list and bring it with you when you choose oo FB pedroom Apt, aden vo diva ond SATE win from our complete selection of Hallmark Cards. 2S SE I Serator a Cal 93 | : . : *eee tl Sen 3 b after p.m.. o-1p - ¥ n EX ‘e RELATIVE / ‘w—UCello Packs «From Both of Us Pan is : Mother { (Boys and Girls) —Our Wish : 2-3 One-half house. 4 rms. and MISCELLANEOUS - —Make-Your-Owns ~T0 Both of You : path, garden, lawn, garage. ~oi00f \ — Juvenile Boxed Money Enclosure i® 4 mile ne. Manheim, Christ e = ! Wife \ he ’ uw 5 i > : 0} Tt i Assortments Teacher i ee lan couple. Avail. April 1st. . 1 —Hushand . : Red ¥ .. Thanks for booking your =k Sister, Sister and FOR YOUR VALENTINE INDIVIDUAL VALENTINES 2 ji Thone 6656047 72 Musser M327 Chick Orders Husband or ooh N Se FOR RENT: 12 acres of farm for 1969. Musser’s - { t . aye, * kK — Brother, Brother and —Valentine Gift Wrap _ Coin Cards Sais land in Manheim b ‘45-tfe ef | Daghter, Daught Valenti Ribbon —on 4 frie Call 6633363 Aller Spin Card Party Friday, Feb, 14 - ) —Daughter, Daughter ~~ wa GIT Bl a 3. Card Party Friday, . g | on Husband er Shit — Baby's First $d 2h Jone. *43¢ at the Friendship Fire Com: 4 eT SRIAWE Fi TITLES GENERAL VALENTINES “op = tou Jog 5i 8 pe. | i _ — Across the Miles FOR PEDAL PEDVLE mae HELP WANTED hohe Chub. + 21 asic : OO pe ger er githizy OW Fashioned on ny Cousin \Yoiring Cho ad —Jiples fudge FEMALE - j OS — Nephew ~——DOy Erien ne a wg LN fe ai Find FOR YOUR VALENTINE 5253.5, CARDS OF THANKS i, 3 20° 4 er) sR 5% Dine lm pe eat _ DIRTIcS vl SELLING AVON IS FUN! -« DE From Ai of Us —_ Darling — Place Cards. Xun Earn as you learn! Pay bills, ; but 3 47% Sms +” __Someone Dear — Party Invitations ’ oa make friends. Territory open. I would like to express my gw ASSORTED VALENTINES ~~ with Love — Party Silhouettes al ings near you. Call 845-2774 appreciation to the many Ore ee FOR CHILDREN Fine Folks — Valentine Gondola goo, 15 or write Mrs. McCann, 48 good friends and customers 3 ie! —Penny Valentines — Special Friends ! Centerpiece _, px HE East Street, York, Pa. 45.1c who remembered ne In so % og i i - . - Tra A many wonder w . roo wLollipop Valentines Secret Pal sat uf Need 200 women in our 11 ing my recent stay in the - B ry " te, counties to become Tupper- hospital and while I was re- wit 2 , “When you care enough to send the very best”) § im ware Demonstrators. No ex- cuperating at home. fi am 4 x ore perience or investment need- John Garnes - J or: x ren | ed. $15 to $35_average earn- ETT ia 2, vy SE) ing per evenings. Become a I want to thank everyone - BRE Jove, 5 orn TE manager, receive a new car Who was so kind to remem. a War A008 Th, SLOAN S P HARMACY ony to drive, by recruiting oth- ber me with cards, flowers 8% SET [av YT ers. Write P.O. Box 168 Or- and Other Bindinostes arin i Pies 8 Ton 3 3 %i. wigsburg, Pa. 17961 or Phone My stay in the hospital an ol § 5 oF EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. % eered 2 IV) 366-3211. 45.4c a at Bo Jost a : duet al Pierre ome. car B. Hendrix Toeesettl, . FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE ¢ Fal ne y ” Cleaning lady wanted, 1 day - OW ; MF 4 W777 every other week. Call 569. When in neec ‘or’ printing 9330 after 4 p.m. 44-2¢ remember The Bulletin.
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