PAGE TW ‘The Mount Joy BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Published Weekly on Wednesdays Except Fourth of July Week and Christmas Week (50 Issues Per Year) 11 EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PENNA., 17552 In the heart of fabulous Lancaster County. Richard A. Rainbolt Editor and Publisher Subscription Rate - $2.50 per year by mail. Advertising Rates upon request. Entered at the post office at Mount Joy, Penna., as second class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. LANDISVILLE - SALUNGA NEWS Miss Mary Alice Hunter, coordinator for speech and hearing for the Lancaster County School system, was guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Hempfield Woman's Club, held in the Landisville Fire Hall. Her topic was ‘Development and Prevention of Speech’ Prob- lems’. Miss Hunter, a gradu- ate of Geneva College, re- ceived a hearing therapy award from Franklin and Marshall College. During World War II and the Kor- ean War Miss Hunter served as an officer in the WAVES, Mrs. Walter Ayars -intro- duced Miss Hunter. Mrs. Burnell Wagaman, ways and means chairman, announced plans for the dessert card party to be held at 8 p.m. on Feb. 2 in the Mount Joy Le- gion. * * * Jay ‘¥. Smith, 4 Brandt Blvd., - Landisville, was pre- sented the Hempfield Jaycees Distinguished Service Award recently. William Thomas Hempfield Jaycees vice presi- dent, presented the '69 award citing Smith as “a man who has set an example of leader. ship and enthusiasm in many fields of volunteer activities.” Smith “is ‘married to the former - Nancy "Rankin and has two children: James 6, and Stephen 7. He has served on committees at the Zion Lutheran church; is institu- tional representative to Cub Pack ‘37; a member of Boy Scout Troop 41, Landisville; a member of the Scout Build- ing committee; vice president of the Hempfield Ambulance Assn. and is a state-certified ambulance attendant and driver. *® * ¥ The marriage of Miss Jac- queline McCrabb, daughter of Mr. and - Mrs. Loyal Mec- Crabb, Jr., 235 Main Street, Landisville, to Paul Edward Ziegler Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zeigler, 135 North 14th Street, Columbia, took place. recently in Holy Trin- ity Roman Catholic church, Columbia. The bride is a graduate of Hempfield high school and is employed by the Grinell Corporation. Mr. Ziegler is a graduate of Lancaster Cath- olic high school and attended York Junior College. He is employed by Armstrong Mar- ietta. * * * The Hempfield Sertoma club met on Wednesday even- ing, January 29 at 6:30 p.m. at the Mount Joy American Legion Post Home. Speaker . for the evening was Dr. Art Jones whose sub- ject was “Smoking and Can- cer’’ This ‘was not a regular Ladies Night, but all wives were invited and urged to attend. Friends and neighbors Donegal Schools Menus ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Thursday, Feb. 13 Oven fried chicken Glazed sweet potato Green beans/butter sauce Roll & butter Bananas in orange juice Milk * * * Friday, Feb. 7 Oven baked fish sticks Whipped potatoes Tomato sauce Roll & butter Apple crisp Milk * * %* Monday, Feb. 10 Mamburg steak - gravy Succotash/butter sauce Celery & carrot sticks Bread & butter Fruitcup with erange Milk * * * Tuesday, Feb. 11 Grilled frank on. buttered heated roll Baked beans Creamed slaw Peach crumble Mitk *® w * Wednesday, Feb. 12 Baked macaroni & cheese Candied carrots Celery-peanut butter Roll end butter Peach crumble Milk HIGH SCHOOL & JR. HIGH Thursday. Feb. 13 Oven fried chicken Glazed sweet potato - . Gayle) -beans/butter sauce ! reraember The Bulletin. Roll & butter Bananas in orange juice Milk * * * Friday, Feb. 7 Oven baked fish Whipped potatoes Tomato sauce Roll & butter Apple crisp Milk * %* # Monday, Feb. 10 Grilled sausage with barbeque sauce Succotash/butter sauce Cabbage-pepper slaw Hard roll & butter Chilled fruit cup milk * * * Tuesday, Feb. 11 Grilled frank on buttered heated roll Baked beans Broceoli/butter sauce Peach crumble Milk : * * * _ Wednesday, Feb, 12 Barbecue Ham on buttered heated roll 1 Potato nuggets . Candied carrots Spice cake Milk CARD PARTY St. Mary’s Catholic church will sponsor a card party on Friday evening, Feb. 13 at 8 o'clock at the Friendship fire hall. The public is invited. When in need of printing 44.3¢ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1966 were also invited. * * * The final registration peri. od for the Hempfield Adult School's spring semester was held from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 27, at both Hempfield high school, Landisville, and Centerville Junior high school, Center- ville road. Courses still open at this date were conversa- tional German, conversation- al Pennsylvania Dutch dialect beginner and advance invest- ments, ail painting and wom- ens’ physical fitness. At the high school the courses: with openings were algebra, millinery, beginners’ and refresher typing, begin- ners and advanced bridge and men's volleyball. * * * Miss Kathryn Louise Kum- ler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kumler, 746 Dorsea Road and Barry Karl Mark- ley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. K. Markley, Manheim R1 were united in marriage re- cently in First Presbyterian church, Ocean Springs,Miss. The bride is a 1965 gradu- ate of East Hempfield high school and will graduate In May from West Chester State College. The bridegroom, also a '65 graduate of Hempfield high school, attended Millers- ville State College. Airman 1 C. Markley is serving In the field of electronics com- munications at Kessler AF. Base. sk * * Studentes representing Hempfield in the Lancaster County Chorus performance held Saturday, Feb. 1 at Eph- rata high school were as fol- lows: Soprano I, Judy Frey; Sue Siepietowski, Cheryl Myers, Linda Bulson; So- prano II, Carol Godshall, Kathy Gross, Brenda Hess; Tenor I, Jim Echelman, Spur- geon Davis, Tenor II, Dan LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE Estate of Harold F. Schatz Sr., dec'd., late of Mount Joy Township, Pa. Letters testamentary on ;aid estate having been grant- ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi ate payment and those hav- . ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned, HAROLD F. SCHATZ, JR. 110 West Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. and JOHN W. SCHATZ, 188 N. Main Street, Manheim, Pa. Executors Newcomer, Roda & Morgan, Attorneys. 700 N. Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. 17602 45-3¢ NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF LANCASTER COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA RETURNS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY For the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 1968 Subject to Taxation For County Purposes At the Rate of - Four Milis on the Dollar PAYABLE DURING THE YEAR 1969 UNDER the Provisions of and The Supplement and Amendments Thereto. Every resident, individual, copartnership. compa 2 poration in the City and County of Dns er sonal property taxable under the Act of June 17 1913 P.L 507 and amendments 1s required by etuin thereof to the Lancaster County Personal Bureau, stating the market value thereof as 31, 1968. Rehyrnss 30 be made between January 2, 1969 and 69. an or been mailed, and if you did not Work hic Resume. have be obtained at the office of the Property Tax Bureau, 36 N. Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa PENALTY: FAILURE TO FILE RETURN ON OR BEF ORE: 9. THE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENT, TO ‘WHICH WILL BE ADD AN ES TIMATSD February 15, FEBRUARY 15, 1 BUREAU WILL OF 12%. Following is a partial list of tax; Mortgages: Promissory Notes or Bonds of individuals; | cle. ret Clans. Srarsempted), Bonds. |15. Main St. Ph. 553.5981 Ret Not or Beh ear Tuterest) ING -the family are taxable. - = = ©" semibers uf sonal Property Tax Bureau, yo he Joncasier County Per Judgments; Public Loans etc. of Corporations of First Personal WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1969 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Convenient Reference To Firms Servimg Community Graybill, Bruce Silversteen, Alto I, Linda Wright, Lisa Huffman, Cindy McKonly, Linda Gard, Sharon Brubak- er, Gloria Ruhl, Alto II, Becky Bushong, Pat Young, Charmayne Denlinger, Bass I. Bryan Snyder, Ray Cooke, Glenn Ladner, Bass II, Rick Jolene and Mike Gladfelter. LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTRIX NOTICE Estate of Annie C. Blen- singer, dec'd., late of Mount Joy Borough, Pa. Letters testamentary on said estate having been grant- ted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set ‘lement to the undersigned. MRS. VERA E. NEWCOMER 216 East Main Street Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 ; Executrix Newcomer, Roda & Morgan, Attorneys. 700 N. Duke St. Lancaster, Pa. 17602 EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Elmer L. Heisey, dec’d., late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Letters testamentary on caid estate having been grant- the undersigned, ail 45-3¢ ed to persons indebted thereto are immedi- requested to make ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned, THE UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 Executor Newcomer, Roda and Morgan, Attorneys 700 N. Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa. 45-3¢ ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE | Estate of Jacob E. Williams, | a/k/a J. E. Williams, dec’d., late of East Donegal Town-| ship, Pa. Letters testamentary on) said estate having been grant- ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or “demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned, JAMES E. HOCKENBERRY 118 East Main Street Mount Joy, Pennsylvania Newcomer, Roda and Morgan 700 North Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. 17602 44-3c¢ the Act of June 17, 1913 law to file a return Property Tax of December blank return, one may Lancaster. County Personal personal property subject to MOUNT JOY © AUTO REPAIR STALEY'S GARAGE General Repairs Used Cars - Inspections MOUNT JOY 653-5951 e DAIRY PRODUCTS ELWOOD MARTIN PENSUPREME PRODUCTS MILK & ICE CREAM R.D.2, Ph. Mt. Joy 653-4891 e EXCAVATING C. ROBERT FRY GENERAL EXCAVATING ® Residential ® Industrial R.D.2, MANHEIM, PA. Phone Mount Joy 653-1253 ® FURNITURE Eberly Furniture & Floor Covering ELIZABETHTOWN R.D.3 11%. Mi. East along Manheim Road Call 367-5468 ¢ HOME IMPROVEMENT ROOFING — SIDING SPOUTING — AWNINGS RALPH F. KLINE Over 20 yrs. experience Mount Joy 653-5771 Lititz 626-7474 Ephrata 733-1224 We're particular about our work ® LOANS [mstalment Loan Service Inc. (LOANS TO $600) Instalment Consumer Discount Co. (LOANS TO $3500) 23 Cent. Sqr., Elizabethtown PHONE 367-1185 ® MASONRY LESTER P. ESHELMAN MASONRY Brick - Block - Stone Silicone Masonry Waterproofing Donegal Springs Road 653-5325 : ® OIL SERVICE HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE 653-4484 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM . PRODUCTS Oil Burner Sales & Service ® PAINT & BODY WORK Carriger Paint & Body Shop Cars painted. Wrecks rebuilt Wheel Alignment Service RHEEMS 367-6450 ® PLUMBING ee — = H. 8 MECKLEY & SON ‘ PLUMBING ~~ HEATING . Sales & Service : Stock, etc.,? Jancaster Canty Property Tax Bu 36 North Duke Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania _ Assistance in| - - LEO KOB. INC. - Heating — Plumbing Air Conditioning rn “Since. 1904” “24 ‘South Market Etreet - Elizabethtown, Pa. Patrenize Our Advertisers _ Ll aa i Tai SY f bend AY A sad wm
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