PAGE TWG MAYTOWN N EWS NOTES Miss Grace Henderson -» WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1968 about the prospects of a play- ground program next summer The nominating committee is Mrs. Hazel Crankshaw, War- ren Rupp and Wlison Pen- well. The next card party spon- Sgt. Donald Mayers, Platts- held Thursday evening, Nov. sored by the Civic Club will burg, N. Y. has been visiting his parents for the past two weeks. Airman Barry Watts left for a tour of duty in Thail- and. Miss Mary Glattacker, Harrisburg, called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frank last Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. George Mor- ris spent last weekend at Wil- liamsport with friends. Miss Jane Fryberger, of Chambersburg, is spending this week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low- ry and son Joel spent last weekend with the Ray Fry- bergers. Mrs. Lowry and her husband attended her Saint Joseph's hospital class reun- ion on Saturday evening. Guy. (Sonny Hoffman cele- brated his birthday anniver- sary last Sunday, Nov. 3. Tom Mayers, son of Mrs. Martha Mayer is visiting her. Mrs. Anna Haines and your correspondent attended the 45th Semi-Annual Naturali- zation Day program at Host Town Motel last Friday. This pregram is arranged and sponsored by Unit 34 Ameri- can Legion Auxiliary. An important town meet- ing of the Civic Club will be HOSTESS may not have the world on a string, but she knows i your community 3 inside out. If you're new in town, call her today! MRS. PAT MILLER Phone 653-1732 \——— |. Fund” in a 21 at 8 o'clock at the Legion Home. There will be election of officers and a discussion be a turkey party Friday eve- ning, November 22 at 8 o’- clock. LANDISVILLE - SALUNGA NEWS The Hempfield School Board approved the purchase of faculty room furniture at a recent meeting. Purchase of faculty room furniture from Washaw De- sign Inc., Lancaster, for $2,- 132; a paragon kiln {rom Eddy’s Ceramics, New Hol- land for $210; and insurance to protect teacher’s personal property used in classrooms where approved. Authoriza tion for the sale of a used chlorinator to the East Hemp. eld Twp. Water Authority for $50, and approval of a con- tract with the firm of B. R. Kreider to have walks at the Centerville Jr. high school for $130 was also given. The board approved Nov. 8 as the date for the annual senior class trip to New York City, approximately 150 stu- dents and eight chaperones made the trip. #* * * On Wednesday evening, No- vember 13, between 7 p. m. and 8:30 p.m. has been desig- nated as a time when all teachers will be at the Cen- terville high school to meet parents who desire further information about their child’s report card, which were sent home on Tuesday, Nov. 5 es The amount of $58.45 was raised for the Vicki Usner combined club project sponsored by the Health Careers Club. and the Future Homemakers Chapter of Hempfield high school re- cently at the three - night “The Market House Event” at Columbia. Both clubs join- ed forces of making candied apples to sell at an outside booth with all the proceeds being contributed to the fund. Many of the girls of both scholastic organizations were friends of Miss Usner and decided this sale would be a way of helping her. Miss Usner was injured in an auto accident almost a year ago and has been in a coma since then. >. = * Teachers in secondary schools at Hempfield Union School District have a good reason to say they're seeing "s 1968 Olds 4 - 4 - 2 1960 Chevrolet 2 PENENNTENENNEERENE HANNE PRAIRIES AREER RARE ANE GEMEARUBRRNETRENERBRERMEENEGREARGENNIERARNBERAN 4 WH Bll ries 113/158 1968 Olds 4 - 42 Sport Coupe 1368 Chev. Imp. Spt. Sedan A C 1967 Chev. Impala V8 Spt. Sedan 1965 F85 Cutlass Coupe 1864 Chevy II Nova Spi. Cp. S. S. 1863 Ford '2-Ton Pick Up 1962 Chev. Imp. V8, 4-Dr. Spt. Sedan Newcomer Motors, Inc. Cor. Main & New Haven Sireeis MOUNT JOY. PENNA. Phone 653-4821 Sport Coupe, new Ton Pick Up BEHARRANINARENNENNERESMNE RERENEEN ERE sEEssusna’ double in the classroom. Six- teen sets of twins are enrol- led in the senior high school and at Centerville Jr. high school. ; * * * The Hempfield Sertoma Club observed Ladies Nite by going to a Hockey game on Wednesday evening, Nov. 6. Dinner was eaten at the Cocoa Inn. * P ® At Hempfield under the di- rection of Henry Fox high school band master. the inter- ested students “come out” for the football band in their Fall activity. When footblal season ends, the football band season ends too, thus the football band is a separate entity from any other music- al organization in the school. Many band players are also in Hempfield Concert band and other school instrumental organizations, but in the foot- ball band, they play different instruments. This year there are only three students of the 77 total band complement who do not regularly play with another school group. Fox does no actual direct- ing in the football bands’ public performances as leaves this responsibility to the students. He created many of the Hempfield routines normally requires 10 hours of marching drill and two hours to learn the music for a single halftime perform- ance the Hempfield conting- ent presents five different routines seasonally on a home and away appearance basis. Under the same. activity program complementing the band is its eight-girl major- ette team and the 16.girl rifle drill team bith under the supervision of Mrs. Lynn VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS Miss Elizabeth H. Ramsay, 53, Elizabethtown. Samuel Z. Wanner, Manheim R4. George Hardish, 60, Mount Joy BIRTHS 68, of A son to Mr. and Mrs. Jere Barto, East Petersburg A son to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Halterman, Bain- bridge A son to Mr. and Mrs. William Hess, Manheim R3 A son to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ramsey, Mount Joy A son to Mr. and Mrs. David Yingling, E-town Rl A son to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Coble, Elizabethtown A son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Herr, Landisville A son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young, Manheim R4 A son to Mr. and Mrs. John Hinkle, Marietta A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Germer, Mount Joy A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coffman, Marietta A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Haldeman, Manheim RD: 3 A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holton, Marietta Advertising Dozsn't Cost — It Pays! he WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1968 -- WEDDINGS :-- FRENCH — HEISEY Miss Frances Lorraine Hei- sey and Airman 1/c¢ James Lee French were united in marriage in Glossbrenner United Methodist church, Mount Joy, on Saturday, No- vember 9, at 1 p. m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra D. Heisey, of Washington Boro Rl, who gave her in marriage. The bridegroom’s honorary par- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heisey, 639 Church St., Mt. Joy. The Rev. Gerald Kauff- man, performed the cere: mony. Mrs. Harry O’Brien was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Audrey Hoffman, Greencastle, and Miss Sandra Heisey, Mount Joy. Miss Nancy Souders, flower girl, was escorted by her brother, Richard Souders Jr. Both are of Lancaster. Airman 1/C Tony L. Crumbly served as best man. Ushers were Harry O’Brien, Camp Hill, and Jas. Miller, Mount Joy. The bride graduated from Penn Manor high school, at- tended Kings College, Briar- cliff Manor N. Y., and gradu- ated from The Harrisburg In- et” tn". from the w=, PENNSYLVANIA FISH COMMISSION 2 ESoMe Goon MUSKIE ¢ PIKE LURES ARE : SPOONS. . . ... IN VARIOUS SIZES. ... GENERALLY LARGER SIZES FOR MUSKIES. PIKE & MUSKIES ARE BOTH PARTIAL TO MINNOWS AND stitute of Medical Arts. Airman French graduated from Newport Harbor high school and attended Orange Coast College under a fellow. ship with the California De- partment of Mental Hygiene. He was employed as a tech- nician at the Fairview State hospital. He is presently ser- ving with the strategic Air Command. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heis- ey were hosts at a rehearsal party at their home in Mount Joy. The bride’s aunt, Mrs. Warren N. Heisey honored the bride at a shower. The couple will reside in Michigan. Engagements WHALLON — BOYD Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyd of 260 Elizabeth St., Landis- ville, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Miss Kathleen M. Boyd, to Law- rence R. Whallon, son of Mrs. « Dorothy Whallon, 711 Farm- ingdale Road, and Robert L. Whallon, 1021 Sherry Lane. Both are graduates of the Hempfield high school. Mr. Whallon attended Lancaster Business School and is serv. ing in the U. S. Air Force sta. tioned at Keesler AFB., Miss. ANTES — MOOMAU Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Moomau, Staunton, Va., an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Linda Sue Moomau, to Larry R. Antes, Mount Joy R2. Miss Moomau is a gradu- ate of Fort Defiance High School and Staunton School of Beauty, both in Virginia. Her fiance was graduated from Hempfield high school and attended Thompson Busi- ness College, York. Both Miss Moomau and her fiance are employed by the ON TRAFFIC SAFETY (A 5-question quiz on traffic safety from the Pennsylvania Bureau of Traffic Safety published through the cooperation of this newspaper) CHUBS . USE THE LARGER Western State Hospital, in @ © ° 8 0 0 9 0 000 0 8 0 eB 0 OC 8 00ers" a ® ® 0 0 0 * * . ® . * * . . » . . ® . * iW - w . . ° . . * . =» mo » . . . ° (a) three (b) four (a) 50 (b) 100 of intoxicating liquor. (a) .05 (b) .10 have visual acuity of at least (a) 20/30 (b) 20/40 (a) 25 (b) 30 1. Winter driving is just around the corner. One of the things about winter safety is the fact that tire chains, approved for use in Pennsylvania, must have at least, . , cross chains per drive wheel. 2. On September 13, Act #162 became effective in Penn- sylvania establishing specific regulations for motorcycles and their operators. That act requires that motorcycles operating on Pennsylvania highways cannot follow each other at a distance of less than...... feet. 3. According to legislation effective September 29, 1968, the new implied consent law states if a person has alcohol by weight in the blood of...... percent or more, it shall be presumed that this person is under the influence 4. Tobe eligible to drive an automobile in Pennsylvania without corrective lenses it is required that the operator 5. Rain slicked highways are always a hazard, particu- larly in the autumn when leaves cover the roadway. The wise motorist will realize that while an auto can be stopped in approximately fifteen car lengths at 50 m.p.h. on dry concrete, on a wet pavement the stopping distance at the same speed is approximately...... car lengths. eC ‘(-¥ ‘q-¢ ‘p-T O-1 SI9MSUY BS 20.0 00000 00s ses esses esses ee’de ese.os (c) five (d) six (c) 300 (d) 500 (c) .15 (d) .20 (c) 20/60 (d) 20/70 (c) 35 (d) 40 ® 00 00000 00000 eh eee . 0 NS Bt 8 0029073008900 000 0000000000000 08st r.00 cure sere ®@ 0 0 0 9 0 0 000 0 x |<
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