ee SRE Pe RR SE sa Sh AR RRR By R.A.R. Left over from the election! Mt. Joy voted more heavily in the election last week than it did four years ago when Johnson opposed Goldwater. In ’64, 1,773 people cast bal- lots. ® # ® This fall 1,857 went to the three polls. ® o eo This is how it was: 1964 1968 East Ward ..... 643 665 West Ward ... 679 683 Florin Ward ... 451 509 Total... ..... 1773 1857 ® Oo o This note from a Donegal football fan, labeled “I think this is worth mentioning: Friday evening my hus- band and I attended the foot- ball game between Donegal and Ephrata. We arrived at the gate to purchase our tick- ets just as the Donegal team was coming, chanting as they ran. The band started to play the National Anthem, before the players were near the field and these young men stopped and removed their helmets. It was very impres- sive and made us feel very proud.” ® oo o If you noticed that Dick Schweiker, U. S. Senator- Elect, who was named last week to succeed Joseph Clark made a good showing in Mt. Joy, you might be interested to know that he has a num- ber of friends in the area. ® ® ® In the not too distant past he came to Mount Joy a num- bers of times on business with the State Junior Cham- ber of Commerce. ® ® © Some of the fellows who have now passed the age of active participation in the Jaycees know him well. = : 2 vo a THE RE MOUNT 5 I oY ” . J Ca WD - 2 Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper — Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy ve o VOL. 68. NO. 24. MOUNT JOY, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1968 SEVEN CENTS * Florin Church Will Induct New Pastor On Sunday, Nov. 17, the Reverend Jacob Replogle will be installed as pastor of the Florin Church of the Brethren, Bruce Ave. The Mr. Replogle come nt Joy after serving as director of Church REV. JACOB REPLOGLE College Relations and Alum- ni Secretary of Bridgewater College Relations and Alumni College, Bridgewater, Va. He has served perishes in Baltimore, Maryland, Chicago and Dayton, Va. He is a native of Hatfield, Pa. and graduated from the Washington, D. C., public schools. He attended Blue Ridge College and received the B.A. from ‘Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, Va. and the B.D. degree from (Turn to page 7) ‘Of This and That’ Snow-covered petunias and roses! Geraniums peeping through a blanket of white! Yellow leaves falling on top of two or three inches of heavy, wet snow! It was certainly an unusual day, Tuesday, and one we will not soon forget! It was beautiful, and we saw cam- era enthusiasts recording the amazing sight of snow on fall flowers. But to the small fry, the snow wasn’t nice. One little boy said, “It’s an ugly snow —my mother won't let me go out and play in it because it’s too wet!” So you see, beauty is a matter of view- point! 5 * * * To paraphrase a popular slogan: of other days: “As the Marietta elementary school 12? goes, so goes the nation! : At least that’s the way it worked out last Tuesday, el- ection day — Richard Nixon _ got 169 votes, Hubert Hum- phrey, 103, and George Wal. lace, TT The ‘election’ was organ- ized by the fifth grade pupils and their teacher, Gene New. comer, with all 349 students at the school taking part by voting! It was an interesting pro- ject, from first to last. The children took two big card- board refrigerator boxes, painted them gray, and then THIS ISSUE -- Two Sections 24 PAGES by the editor's wife installed ‘“‘door knobs’ and “levers” to give them an of- ficial look! Inside were the pictures of the three candidates above the “levers,” and behind the boxes sat children to tally how many times each lever was pushed down Preliminary work before election day included putting up political posters in the halls of the school, and ‘‘reg- istering”’ the children of all other rooms, to make them eligible to vote! There were committees for each part of the project, and the children worked enthusiastically. One of the pupils, Becky Ratledge, expressed the satis- faction of all the children when she wrote in her report about the project: “I learned how the election works!” Another, Jackie Frrey, said, “We had lots of fun doing it . . and most everybody in the class was happy, because so many voted for Nixon.” So it really was prophetic about the national election, after all! . Parents’ Day Parents of members of the Donegal high school football team will be honored at the last home game of the sea- son on Saturday, Nov. 16, when Donegal hosts Hemp- field. The occasion is being spon. cored by the Booster Club. Parents will be given free admission into the game and presented with. corsages. i from Gary, Ind., quiz on things that happen- . ed during the class’ Mount Joy Class of 1938 Holds Reunion The Class of - 1938 of Mount Joy high school held it’s thirtieth year reunion Saturday, Nov. 9, at Hostet- ter’s banquet hall. Albert Peifer, president, welcomed the class members and guests. Special guests of the class were Miss Edna Martin, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Nitrauer, Mr. and Mrs. Wil. - bur I. Beahm, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gladfelter. Mrs. Barbara Jennings conducted a senior year. She was the class treas. urer. - The class president called the class roll. There were 16 members present from a group of 45 graduates, which was the largest class to be graduated up to that time. There was a total of 38 peo- ple present. The reunion committee chairman, Jay Snyder, an- nounced that his co-chairmen, Mrs. Paul Gingrich and Mrs. Wm. Emenheiser, are prepar- ing a booklet which will con- tain all the names and ad- dresses of the class members and also a brief history of each member since gradua- tion day. The 35th class reunion will be held in June 1973. Serving on that reunion will be Chairman Albert Peifer, Co.chairman, Mrs. Vera O. Gingrich and Mrs. Winifred M. Emenheiser. Following adjournment of the business meeting, the group looked at pictures and papers and reminisced of the school days. Reservations were made at the Mount Joy American Legion for dancing. BPW to Hold Fashion Show, Card Party FIVE DAY Weather Forecast From The Harrisburg Weather Bureau Thursday through Monday Nov. 14 - 18 Temperatures for the 5- day period from Thursday through Monday are expec- ted to average below nor- mal. Daytime highs will be in the 50’s, night time lows in the mid-30’s. There will be little day to day change. Precipitation may total greater than 1% inch water equivalent, occuring as snow or rain likely a- bout Saturday. Winter and Holiday Fash- ions will be the theme of the dessert card party and style show to be held by the Mount Joy Business and Pro- fessional Women’s club on Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 8 p.m. at the Howard Johnson's Mo- tor Lodge, Route 30 East, Lancaster. Reservations should be made in advance for the ev- ent. Tickets are available from all club members. Narrator for the style show will be Mrs. Eugene Eicherly. Fashions will be modeled by the Mount Joy B.P.W. club including: Mrs. Michael Pri- cio, Mrs. Edward Brown, Mrs. Vera Newcomer, Mrs. A. P. Mitzkavich, Mrs. James RB. Baker, Mrs. Robert K. Brown ’ Resigns After 17 Years After serving as Captain of the Mount Joy Fire Police for 17 years, John L. Schroll of 116 East Donegal street, Nat'l-Standard Splits Stock 3-2 National-Standard company, its board of directors voted in Chicago this week, will split its common stock, three shares for two. The authorization is for dis- bursement January 15 to holders of record December 10. The Wall Street Journal Wednesday, January 13, said: “The usual quarterly pay- out of 25 cents also was de- clared, payable Jan. 2 to stock of record Dec. 10. The board said it will establish an annual dividend rate of 75 cents on the postsplit shares, equivalent to $1.125 on old stock. “The Niles, Mich., com- pany is mainly in the produc- tion of specialized wire pro- ducts and steel forgings.” Memorial The American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and their Auxiliaries, togeth- er with the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of the area, will attend Veterans’ Memorial’ services at the Evangelical Congregational church Sun- day, November 17. Those wishing to attend will meet at the fire house at 10:15 a.m. to go as a body to the church, corner of Don. egal and New Haven streets for the service, which will begin at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Troup has made ar- rangements to seat a eape- i city congregation. has resigned his post. At Friendship Fire com- pany’s November meeting, held Thursday night, Nov. 7, Schroll submitted his written resignation, effectively at once. At present the fire police group includes 16 other men. Schroll has served the com- pany as engineer, chief chem- ical man, has been one of the company’s most loyal members. He was Mount Joy's first chief of police, working un- der Burgess Harry Engle. In March of 1969, Schroll will be a 50-year member of Friendship Fire company. At the Thursday night meet- ing, the company made nom- inations for all officers for next year. At the December meeting, which will be held the first Thursday of the month, officers will be elect- ed. Mrs. Clayton Bell, Mrs. Glenn Forney, Mrs. Joseph Germer, Mrs. Raymond Gilbert, Mrs. Earl Koser, Mrs. John W. Melhorn, Mrs. Charles Ruhl, Mrs. Herbert E. Sarver, Mrs. Ralph G. Thome, Mrs. John G. Wealand, Mrs. Charles Drace and guest model, Mrs. Clinton Eby. The card party will feature non-progressive bridge, pino- chle. and 500. Players are asked to make up their own tables and supply their own cards. Prizes will be given. Mrs. Earl Koser and Mrs. John Wealand, co-chairmen of the club’s finance commit- tee sponsoring the event, are being assisted by: Mrs. Eu- gene Eicherly, Mrs. Lester Eshelman, Mrs. James Shaef- fer, Mrs. Samuel Balsbaugh, Mrs. Raymond Gilbert, Mrs. Abraham H. Weidman, Mrs. Charles Drace, Mrs. Ann EI- vin, Mrs. Andrew Reymer and Mrs. Alvin Yingst. The show will benefit the many projects and special funds supported by the club including: Women’s Medical College, Scholarship fund for a senior girl at Donegal high school, Girl of the Month, School Dental Clinic, Tea honoring girl garduates at Donegal high school, Mount Joy Library, Girl Scout Troop. Mount Joy Commu- ity Council, Senior Citizens and others. MASTERSONVILLE P.T.A. Mastersonville P.T.A. will meet November 21 at 7:30 p. m. The topic is Keystone Idea. ev. Jesse Dourte will be the Moderator. The invoca- tion will be given by the Rev. Monroe Dourte. The Mount Joy Stamp Club Exhibit will be held in the Mount Joy Union National Bank during the week of Friday, Nov. 15 to Nov. 22. ® An Editorial “Send your child to Europe!” That is what the big posters say. the letters, catalogues and Send your child to Europe for eight weeks. That is what brochures say. Give your child an opportunity to soak up culture. Give him the world. Provide your advantages of seeing child the ‘know how” opportunities in the to meet the world and to get a jump on his peers. Buy yourself, Dad, a big status symbol. Pat your. self on the back. Prove that you are successful and can afford to spend the money. Mother, vacations are tough. Send your teenagers to Europe. Get em out of your hair for most of the summer. Don’t send the youngster to camp. Rr. Send ’em to Europe! Or, some place else! (Turn to page 3) |
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