\ gi THE BULLETIN, MOUN1 JOY, PA Atempted Sueide | It tho Morioas Revoluionata bad 000000000000000000000EO0OCEOEOCOOOOO0OECCOCOOL Barry Wolf of Columbia, who at-| Mrs, Papkhurst among them, Huerta Sampled to Wynmit sulclde on Satur | would feel less secure in his dictator | py p - K 0 C \ | dag, is In the hospital and Is still ship | S800» 500 CSOD SHI IIEINN SLO DEO OSLY \ ving the authorities a great deal of trouble, It being necessary to keep! Mr. Burleson's plan for dividing | A Genuine Money Saving Opportunity--A Real Chaie to Buy High- Class Clothing and Furnishings at a Fraction ofThe Godd’s Mam in a straight jacket, He 1s the Post office department into three | delirious and | - » Real Value--Is Offered You in This Sa OOCOOOOBOOCOOOCO0O0000000CO000000000000C00000000000000000CDO0ONCODDIVIHDOVDOONN Sale Starts Wednesday, Yov. 19 Sale Ends Saturday, De. pull through. core 000000000000000000C0C000000000000 JOOOOEOOOOAROCORCOCBOCO0N00000E JPOCCOBIBOOOOOOVO00 Men’s Suits ‘en’s Overcoats CHILDREN $18.50 Suits now $« Overcoats now ..$16.50 MUST WORK » ——— — BEERS Ree. — .- I. F Being Some Reason Why I Solicit = and Want Your Drug and Drug Sundries Patronage. substitution is practi ed by many Unwarranted retailers who seem to think this the right thing to do When you come into the Rexall Store you'll get what you ask for unless it happens to be out of stock—-in our complete stock a very rare occurrance be consider your best interest that frequently or believe to be better So carefully do wie we may suggest something which we know for the purpose than the article called for of this kind in our store occur every day and in- have thanke us for taking such a keen i] needs and purchases vise will be cheerfully given regarding . o yourself and your family to patronize a store customers with such care and such honest mer- NOTICE The following will be the price for Ice Cream for this winter: Brick Cream Per Quart $ .35 $.30 2 Qts, Each .30 1.00 Per Gallon 1.15 OO0000OHNN¥ 000000 THE REXALL STORE E. W. GARBER [81 East Main St. MT. JOY, PA. OO 0PPRPOPRRRRPEOHPEPEORERCORCOOC® QO, > $1:Overcoats now ..$12.50 $1:0vercoats now ..$11.00 $12)vercoats now ...$9.00 $103vercoats now ...$7.50 ... $5.50 $15.00 Suits now $12.50 Suits now $10.00 Suits now Ice Cream $8.00 Suits now $8.00ercoats now Per Quart Boy’s Suits $11.00 Suits now Bis Overcoats .. $7.00 ...$6.50 .. $5.00 Per Gallon To Wear Out These Heels because they're made with peculiar care to withstand the rough and tough wear that youngsters are bound to give them. They're no ordinary rubbers. The *“Ajax”’ and “Vulcan” are members of the famous line of rubbers called the “Top Notch Brand.” The ~ $10.00k coats now $9.00 Suits now 38 00 = $8. oats now Suits now $7.00 (pats now $6.00 Cats now ....$4.50 $5.00 Clts now ....$3.50 : $4.00 Qvgs now ....$2.75 Pe " Suits now 101 RRR EEE DEERE Ee EER AGE EEE STE SEE Suits now \ Suits now i Man or Woman Suits now - @Q 000EOeO0OEOEOOEOOOE LOOK FOR - “Top Notch” Rubbers challenge the market. You can’t find in this town or any other, a rubber that will wear out LAST at the HEEL! Top Notch rubbers are balanced—they won't break, crack out or split through at the beel before the rest of the rubber is worn. A special heel plug with several thicknesses of pure rubber and tough duck extend from the heel upward Q J * J J J J + x 9 & &S & 5 x J & J) +x & + RS + & &) J JS * & & LJ + JS J & & J + & & * &J + CS J * * & J &J + x J J * * & 8) : onto and into the upper, protecting every curve and angle. It’s a battle- ship shoe that stands the gritty grind of road, gutter and sidewalk. HO), 1f its new shoes you are looking for, whether Men’s, Boy’, Ladies’ or Children’s, don’t buy until you have first seen my line. The prices I know will please you. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY Don’t throw that pair of good shoes aside because they are slightly torn or the sole has worn thru. Bring them to me and I will make them like new for a very small con- sideration. Step in with the children and let us show you this sturdy rubber bearing the ‘‘ Cross ’’ on the instep. WE HAVE THE BEST LINE OF SHOES AND RUBBERS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN $16.00 Coats now $13.00 Coats now $12.00 Coats now $8.00 Coats now $6.00 Coats now p= Child’s “VULCAN” PPEePERPERORRREPPOOPLOCCOOOPOE PPOREPEPO® $12.00 Cravanettes now Tok ee 3k ce ee ok ke A kok kok ok kk Lok Lk kk ok ook a ok A Tok Vk ck (ok ok ok ok To Lk Lok ok ok kkk Lk Lk JL KK 6 AK AK KK AK KLE KEK KK EEK OK DE XU KK CCE Ty Harry Laskewitz MOUNT JOY, PENNA, An assortment of hats | and caps to be closed out at a great . ’ Misses’ and Speciai During This Sale ps to 1 . 9 = : rec 3 Children 5 Coats We will give to our customers a beautiful $2.50 Good Warm Sweaters for all Rug size 2 1-2 by 5 feet for only 99c. each, with 50¢ to $6.50 every cash purchase of $2.00 or over. No customer will be entitled to more than two rugs. If you wish to secure one of these handsome rugs ror iess than $2.50 you will have to get them during this sale.” See display in our windows. EAST MAIN STREET POO I( ©) ® \ $10.00 Coats now $8.00 Coats now $6.75 Coats now Mens’ heavy fleeced Under- wear 50c grade now 38¢ 5 $6.00 Coats now Fleeced lined wrappers slight- ly soiled $1.50 reduced to 98¢ A Big Special Fine Solid Walnut Bed Room Suite Of Three Pieces Only $25 il. L.. Spohn Undertaking and Embalming Doals Be oe ole ole Bo Se Ls 2. SRT} $5.00 Coats now $4.00 Coats now ©POO0OEOEEOOOO® OPOORGO CRC) DOVODOOOONINOOVVVOOOOOLOOOOOODOO0OOOOOOOO0OOOOOSOTOOCO0 0 Double JA’ Trading Stamps Each Wednesd} and Saturday During This Sale = |. D. BENEMAN BENEMAN’S East Main Street, : ‘Mount Joy, Penna. Deo errrrrrrerlRrrllolrreREEECEEEIELEEEEEERELELLLEEOCCCOOCCOECL) NOTICE | Is hereby given that U. E. Hoffer + has purchased all of the assets of the Company, Mount © eee Lo oeale oto ste oleate adobe ste oate steals Bo 8. 0 0 3 8 ©PPOOREOOROEEOOO® OREOEeEO®® a a TD TR SS RL OR TR PO MR vio Pp ei vege vie ope oe fe afenfenfonfenfeo] DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D. 1913, Borough of Mount Joy, by electrici-| hall fail to keep the supporting TO THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF ty, from the fifteenth day of Novem-| Poles, lamps and fixturps in such re- NOVEMBER, A. D. 1915, WITH ber, A. D. 1913, to the fifteenth day |Pair as shall be satisfaciory to the THE PRIVILEGE OF THE SAID of November, A. D. 1915, both dates|ldight Committee of uncils afore BOROUGH TO RENEW THE jpclusive, be and is hereby awagged|Said, said Committee may cause SAID CONTRACT FOR AN ADDI- to the Edison Electric Company, up- such repairs to be made, at the ex- WHY MOUNT JOY MERCHANTS] SHOULD ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN SUCCESSOR TO D. H. ENGLE W. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. SREP AMAR B bd ddd ddI deb db dd Sd BoclooBooReaBonl efsaPeofeoBe cle ole fe fe afe Pe Bo afe Fuul B. 8 2.0 Printing “Abe” Lincoln Said FALL HATS The’re here in endless variety. As to Value and Styles—none do or can give better. Caps For All Purposes Wingert & Haas 44 North Oueen 8t., Lancaster, Pa. | Herald (Joy, Pa., Clarence Schock, Pro- prietor, and will continue the busi- ness under the name of the Herald | Printing Company, U. E. Hoffer, Pro- |prietor. All debts due the Company | should be paid, and all debts owed [by the Company should be presented to U. E. Hoffer. Signed ; CLARENCE SCHOCK, U. E. HOFFER, Hotel For Sale The Farmers’ Inn, Mount Joy, one lof the oldest and best hotel stands in the town; good pleasant location, {fine building with all conveniences; {large stable and shedding. Spacious |stock yards where horse and cow sales are held weekly, cow barn and shedding with water. For sale very reasonable to a quick buyer. Apply to Wm. H. Gantz, Mt. Joy, Pa. tf. | FROM THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D. 1915. | Abraham Lincoln said: “I do not| |know much about the tariff, but Ido] Wi {know this much; when we buy goods | ereas, the Burgess and Town abroad we get the goods and to{ Jouaci] of ihe Borough ot tony foreigner gets the money; when We| pointed Light Committee of said buy goods made at home, we get| Council, have heretofore received a both the goods and the money. pla om ihe Boiron Electric Com- Those who get the “lion’s share” |Pany for the lighting of the streets |of Mount Joy business are advertisers | Of She coory "Gor by SiSeiielY: Sop! in the Bulletin. 'D. 1913, to the fifteenth day of Nov- Are you getting your share? ember A. D. 1915, both dates inclus- ive, with privilege of said Borough to! I {renew the said contract for an addi- Work of the Register | Sonal term of eight years from the Aaron G. Sahm, executor of Bar.| Sftoonth gay N gv " the) bara Rohrer, late of East Hempfleld.| terms hereinafter expressed, which! |are agreeable and acceptable to the: !said Council. . An Ordinance | THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED by the Burgess] AWARDING TO THE EDISON EL- and Town Council of the Borough of ECTRIC COMPANY THE CON-| Mount Joy, and it is hereby enacted | TRACT FOR LIGHTING THE and ordained by the authority of the STREETS OF THE BOROUGH same. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin OF MOUNT JOY BY ELECTRICI-| SECTION 1. That the contract! TY, FROM THE FIFTEENTH for the lighting of the streets of the | that is to say: First: The said Company shall furnish and supply One hundred and fourteen (114) more or less, 40 watt Mazda Tungsten lamps, and seven (7) more or less, 80 watt Mazda Tungsten lamps, to burn from sun- down to sunrise every night, for the purpose of lighting the streets in the Borough, for the sum of Thir- teen Dollars and fifty cents per light per annum for each forty (40) watt lamp, and the sum of twenty-five Dollars and fifty cents per light per annum for each 80 watt lamp, and necessary for such lighting at its own expense. Second: All of the said lights shall be located at such points and places on the streets and squares of said Borough as the Council of said Bor- ough, acting through its Light Com-| mittee, may designate. ) { Third: The said Company’ 1 furnish, free of charge, during | term of the contract, or any renewal or extension thereof, interior light- ing for the Borough Council cham-: ber, fire engine room and lockup. | Fourth: Ie case the said Company J TIONAL TERM OF EIGHT YEARS on the following terms and prices,|Pense of the said Company, and such expense shall be deducted from cay. amount which ma$§ then or ereafter be or become due unto the said Company, and if, for any reason, any of the lights fail to burn, a pro rata deduction shal} be made for the timg of such failure. Fifth: The Borough shall have the privilege to extend the said com- tract, at the same prices aad on the same terms for an additiori] period of eight years from the \fifteenth day of November, A. D. 191: SICTION 2. That the Bualgess the burough of Mount Joy be b'4 ized and directed to execute, half of said Borough, a agreement or contract with son Blectric Company, in CH with the terms and conditid forth in Section 1 of this ord; Ordained and enacted ij day of November A, D. 191 B. S. DILLIN dent of Counc Attes! .Fellenbaum, CJ Approved this third 3g be D. 1913 A DW H by. 3 CN rd eh Pt A ba AR o2 ad sa a
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