ractically ing Au- oncealed k tragedy y fe ist, ing, the rout, e es- which h Qome hb runahout. hb Mr. Trout, hte of speed, wind was it sible to Limite png at/ t on Trout, fhat the train hit ed feet over he time Investigation was , which t time. ¥ { ‘WP tracks | who ‘was an! he had! ether the train MOUNT JOY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. WEDNES 'S COUNTS—OUR 1 xX A ADS BRIN( RESULTS -THA'TS PAY, NOV. 12. 1913 WHY MERCH RNS FROM THE TowNsHIPS| Vote Polled by Our Rural Friends Last Yusaday lowing is the vote bunding townships last week: CONOY Elections—Irvin Harry Kauffman, R t, BM lection dge D r Seachri of a8: 78. Hackenberger, R : M 69 ax ( H. Brandt sv; Harry J Directs H. M 74 School IR 146; J B Meck] | Fahs, C | M 75. Supervisors (0 143; ownship Lockup—For, against, EAST-—LINCOLN S. H. itlections—Thos. R —Sam’] Portner, 33. DONEGAL Judge O'Brien, D Inspector of 45; of E 34; Samuel McKain, i essor— R Collector—Jacob M 24; H. C. Erb, hool Direct —C. M 33.8. Kra George R 92. Supervisors—H., years), D 41; B (4 years), D 32; Grove, (6 years), R 81; stein, (4 years), R 80. Township Auditors—Morris Fry- singer, D B M 33; H. B. Jacobs, D 33; B M 33; Harry Leedom, R 85; Hiram Risser, R 83. T'homas Sharp, lections Harvey G. BM Armor 101. S. Risser, R 106. C. Keiser, ybill, D 32; R 83; Geo. R ide, D McKain, J Gomph, D S. Endslow, Stibgen, H. Engle, (6 A. Harter, Elmer E. Harry Hauen- 35: was found, lying at was left of dog Death was 1 20US. s 9:13 when the had been The de- | “*out a year. marriage was Miss | Ist year she was © brs inthe East Lam- hools. tii School Building of Hossler's school! township, will be .'22; the &kercises :30 p. m. This program ered: Invocation, Rev. | ; Opening Address, P.| fusic, Teachers; Reci- tkey; Dedicatory Ad- Music, Teachers; Sheetz; Music, Address, Supt. ptors are P. S. Helo Greiner mos N. Musser, Eby, Treasurer; Amos N. Musser and pomprised the building T. U. Meeting T. U. held a most en- g in the U. E. Church oon. The attendance The following pro- bndered: Prayer, Rev. I ng, Loyal Legion Chil- ses, Rev. H. N. Faulcon- K. Ober and Mrs. J. S. ion, Miss Mary Eshle- Notice bers of the s of town are requested the Evangelical church 8:45 for our first the Sunday School Con- 2 h E. W. Garber. br Supper a Success er and chicken corn soup d by the Ladies’ Aid the Lutheran church Sat- ing, was very well attend- t sum was realized for the fund. US HE HH “God Announcements Rishel, pastor of the God, will preach at 10:30 hg Heed for the Eventful hd at 7 p. m. on “The Be- Attitude Toward the Un- are invited. A sn etters Granted Miller, Mt. Joy, executor fp. Miller, late of Mt. Joy. bmmy, Rapho waship, of Joseph Dell, latg According | various | re- | DONEGAL EAST—MAYTOWN Judge of RElections—Samue] Sload, ‘D 69, B M 92; Walter Hoffman, R 124; James Lane, S 1. Inspectors of Elections—John H. {Henderson, D 74; B M 93; John | Eshleman, R 118; Frank Sperle, S 1. Registry Assessor-—Abram Fletch- , D 71; B M 94; Christian C. Flory, . 120; A. Sweigart, 8 1. Tax Collector—Jacob S. Risser, D 62; BM 95; H C. Brb, R 132: B. N. | Stoner, S 1. | School Directors—C. C. Keiser, D 165; BM 94; S. S. Kraybill, D 68; B {M 97: George Endslow, R 126; Geo. | F. Stibgen, R 118; Ira Albright, S 1. | Supervisors—H, H. Engle, (6 {years), D 60; BM 96; G. A. Harter, | (4 years), D 59; B M 98; Elmer E. | Grove, (6 years), R 127; Harry Hau- ‘enstein, (4 years), R 118. Township Auditors—Morris Fry- singer, D 67; B M 95; H. B. Jacobs, D 67; B M 91; Harry Leedom, R 117; Hiram Risser, R 123; David Hallenbaugh, S 1. { DONEGAL EAST— SPRINGVILLE Judge of Elections—William Weid- man, D 16; B M 58; Joseph A Eshleman, R 72 Inspector of Elections—Calvin Bates, D 12; B M 66; Harold W. Bul- ler, R 62. Registry hart, DD 14; Charles, R 64. Tax Collector-—Jacob S. Risser, D 114: BM 66; H. C. Erb, R 60. School Directors—C. C. Keiser, D 15; B M 64; S. S. Kraybill, D 17; B |M 66; George Endslow, R 58; George | F. Stibgen, R 56. Supervisors—H, ~H. Engle, (6 | years), D 14; B M 66; G. A. Harter, (4 years), D 16; B M 68; Elmer E. Grove, (6years), R 56; Harry Hau- enstein, (4 years), R 57. Township Auditors—Morris Fry- isinger, D 15; B M 71; H. B. Jacobs, {D 11; BM 62; Hapey Leedom, R 63; { Hiram Risser, R 5 DONEGAL EAST —CONSOLIDATED Tax Collector—Jacob S. Risser, D B M 29; H. C. Erb, R 298; E. N. Stoner, S 1. School Directors—C. C. Keiser, D B M 310; S. S. Kraybill, D B M 308; George Endslow, R 267; George F. Stibgen, R 266; Ira Albright, S 2. Supervisors—H. H. Engle, (6 years), D B M 310; Elmer E. Grove, (6 years), R 264; Harry Hauenstein, (4 years), R 255. Township Auditors—Morris Fry- singer, D B M 306; H. B. Jacobs, D B M 297; Hiram Risser, R 262; baugh, S 1. Assessor—Howard Barn: B M 65; Henry R. DONEGAL WEST Judge of Elections—Aaron K. Beer, D 57; Milton B. Boll, R 87; Ellwood Booser, B M 66. Inspector of [Elections—John A Seitz, D 56; John G. Martin, R 92; yton E. Charleston, B M 58. Collector—Wm. L. Diffen- th, D 72; Samuel K. Weaver, R Adam Stumpf, B M 66. thool Directors—John G, Mc in the various Acker- | 104; | D! B; Harry Leedom, R 265; David Hallen-|" } lortuary B. L. Lan- | lip 18 W. omer P. iormer 96. | the Me- | Veal Christian Hernley Hernley, died at near Lititz, the last sisters and funeral interment Christian aged of a nited Zion home, 190 years, He was of seven The with | family brothers. was | Thursday, | Tree Church. Samuel T. Sheaffer Samuel] T. Sheaffer died at his home in West Marietta Friday, after being confined to his bed for almost twenty years. The funeral was held yesterday, with interment in the Marietta cemetery. William Sheaffer of Florin is a brother. George W. Shaffner Mr. George W. Shaffner, an aged and well known resident of this place, died at his home on East Main street Monday morning at 1 o'clock. Death was due to uraemic poisoning. Mr. Shaffner was in the 71st year of his age and resided in this place for many years. He 1s survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary Shaffner. De- ceased was a member of Trinity Lutheran church and of Howell Lodge No. 405, F. and A. M. of Honeybrook, Pa. The funeral, which will be held tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 9:30 and at 10 o'clock from his late home at the Lutheran Church will be in charge of Casiphia Lodge, No. 551, F. and A. M. of this place, Interment will be made at Manheim. Mrs. Amelia Ray Mrs. Amelia Ray, wife of Aaron Ray, died at her home near Silver Spring Friday evening. Death was due to a complication of diseases. The deceased was 63 years of age and was born at Kready. Besides her husband, she is survived by the following children: Mrs. Cora Meiskey of Lancaster, Harry, Silver Springs; Uriah of near this place; and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs, Sarah Musser, Miss Lizzie Goodman of Eden, Henry of Bausman; Mrs. Anna Buel and Mrs. Mary Baker of Landisvillee The funeral was held from the home of her son Harry, Silver Spring yester- day morning at 9 o'clock at the house and 10 o'clock at the Re- formed Mennonite church at Landis- ville. C—O Cr eee U. B. Church Notes The Woman's Missionary of the U. B. Church will observe Woman's Day, Nov. 23, at 7 p. m. The speakers will be Rev. and Mrs. Jno. Musselman, who will talk on missionary work in Africa, from which country they recently returned. They expect to go to Africa again in the near future. You are invited to these services. Rev. Dr. C. D. B. Brane of Dayton, Ohio, editor of the Religious Tele- scope, the official organof the TU. B. denomination, will preach Sunday morning and evening. Sunday school at 9 a. m., Junior C. E. at 5 p. m. and Senior C. E. at 6 p. m. Dr. Brane is an eloquent preacher and enjoys high standing in the reli- gious world. His appearance in Mt. Joy is a rare treat and it will be good for our people to hear him, rere A Ame Society / Barn Raising Hiram E. Wolgemuth, who lives along the Marietta pike, three miles from town, raised his new barn Sat- urday afternoon. The old barn was struck by lightning about two months ago and was burned. —— District S. 8S. Convention The district Sunday school conven- n will be held in Trinity United gelical church on Wednesday, R. A and interesting pro- y (Contig pI{ page 3) ration. ie) the | two | held | glenn, at Green | tropolitan | day, | INSTITUTE MONDAY TEACHERS’ There Are Almost Seven Teachers Present—Sessions in Mar tin Auditorium | Monday marked the opening of the Lancaster Institute, | sixtv-second session of Teachers’ held in | County | will be Martin except today and tomorrow held in night City sions will also be house, By Sunday arrived in the and ber almost i Institu President, intendent Ww. an to enroll Auditorium at 8 o'clock 1ing and th The on lock noon. opening sessi itute began at I'he \d the opening H. urch Dr. CI will re conducted by Rev. Gerdsen, of Moravian The follows: be evening attractions as Lincolx Tuesday, Monday, lecture by “Dead Lions;” ex-Governor Robert Country, Its Dang Possibilities;” Wednesday, Me- Concert Company; Thurs- College Girls and Walter Eccles. interest has been aroused coming of Dr. Claxton, who is the United States Commissioner of education. He will make an ad- dress on Thursday. The instructors are as follows: Music. Prof. H. J.Taylor; psychology, Dr. C. P. Colgrove, head of the de- partment of professional instruction in the Iowa State Teachers’ College, at Cedar Falls; science, Dr. S. C. Schmucker of West Chester Normal; pedagogy, Dr. C. H. Gordinier, of Millersville Normal; rural schools, Dr. P. P. Claxton; citizenship, Dr. N. C. Schaeffer; schocl management, Dr. Henry Houck. COO. .-:rthAhAT Fire Company Met The regular meeting of Friendship Fire Co. was held last Thursday evening and it proved quite a social event, After adjournment luncheon was served J. M. Backenstoe. President J. J. Pennell] served as toastmaster, and these toasts were responded to: “What Constitutes a good Fireman,” Jno. E. Schroll; “The Beginning,” Paul E. Getz; “Fire Ex- tinguishers,” S. H. Miller; “Remin- iscences,” M. M. Leib; “Cheeses,” Dr. J. J. Newpher. It was voted that this meeting being such a success, it might be well to hold one each month. wr ——— CR ——. New Advertisers We wish to call the attention of our readers to the mew advertise- ment of the Outlet Clothing Com- pany at 24 West King street, Lan- caster, This is one of Lancaster City’s few exclusive gent's furnish- ing stores and you will do well by calling at their store when in Lan- caster, een. “srt. — McConnell, lecture by “Our and Much over the by 1 Farmers’ Creamery Election At an election held Wednesday, Nov. 5, the following directors of the Farmers’ Creamery in this place, were elected: A. L. Nissley, B. L. Gerber, J. M. Hostetter, A. H. Erb, A. N. Musser, B. D. Peters and Benj. O. Musser. The auditors are E. W. Strickler, G. Moyer and Levi F. Eby. rt A Re On Annual Hunt Messrs. S. S. Farver, B. F. Goch- naur, E. A, Fackler, Martin Linde- muth of Elizabethtown and Harry and Benj. Gochnauer of this place, have gone to Clinton County on a three weeks’ hunt for deer and bear. rm es A Gr rere Apples at Newcomer's I expect to have a carload of choice York state apples in about one week. They are ‘“Durfee’s” pack and sure to be first-class. He has never failed to make good. H. S. Newcomer rn A A errr Oyster Supper The ladies of the Church of God will hold an oyster supper in the Mount Joy Hall Saturday evening Nov. 22. Oysters in every style, cake, candy, coffee, ice cream, etc. will be served. rn A Gn \ Bread at Three Cents ‘William Scholing, the west end baker, has reduced the price of bread to three cents per loaf. The reduction is made on account of a drop in the price of flour. Try a loaf and be convinced of its goodness. porn The fineét line of Shoes in town at Beneman’s. OPENED Hundred the y pr | \ | which | Nf \ Auditorium, | ( Ir | i this Dodd, Co- is continued until | i 2 o'clock in the exercises | A ers | Prrsiml | when | | the | many seven | Daniel | vice Mon- | | weomer | Philadelphia Spohn made irg Monday. linger attended a last wursday. spent from Lancaster. d Miss Anna ter Wednesday. and at Dr Tuesday Morton an Lanca Hoffer Thursday | f | | { i 21 v| abenstadt { Flora Ay at | Mrs R ciel Miss Beatrice ing the week with daughter spent Lancaster. caster. Mr. were g Sunday. Mrs. M. Ithaca, N. some time. Mrs. Wesley Charles Gribbel Lancaster. Mrs. Ed Ream Ream are spending Philadelphia. David Hoffman, phia, spent Sunday tives and friends. Miss Salome Feeser of Harrisburg, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Getz on Sunday Mrs. C. 8. Gingrich and Fannie and Esther visited Lancaster Wednesday. Clarence Campbell Greiner spent Sunday friends at Elizabethtown, Mrs. Irvin Geistweit and daugh- ters Mabel and Mildred are spending the week in New York. Mrs. Carrie Hutton of Lancaster spent last Wednesday in town as the guest of Mrs. Harriet Blessing. Miss Myrtle Shreiner of Lancaster, | is the guest of Mrs. William Way on | Donegal street for the week. Miss Esther Brunninger of Siras- burg, is spending the week with Miss Vivian Chandler. Mr. Virgil Meck of Strasburg, spent Saturday evening and Sunday with W. D. Chandler and family. | Mrs. James Glatfelter and daugh- ter Margaret are spending the week with friends at York and Manchester. Mrs. Fred Sheaffer and daughter Dorothy spent from Friday to Sun- day with relatives at Shiremans-| town. Mrs. Charles Gribbel of Renova, spent a few days here this week as | the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley | Curgan. Miss Evelyn Steigelman of Harris- | spent a few days here last] as the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Backenstoe. Miller left Saturday for Harrisburg, where she will be the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and | Mrs. S. P. Heilig. Misses Mar, Daisy Weiser of nesday evening in Kathryn Gingrich. Miss Esther Ebersole spent from Thursday to Saturday at Elizabeth- town as the guest of her sister Mrs. Elvin Baker. Joe Campbell, an old time resident of this place and former Soldiers’ Orphan school scholar, passed thru town Monday. Miss Catharine Witmer left this afternoon for Harrisburg, where she will be the guest of relatives for several days. Mrs. P. J. Dieter and Miss Elza- beth Dieter spent Thursday at Lan- caster with the former's daughter, Mrs. Stanley Fortenbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bortner of Stewartstown, York county, returned home on Thursday after spending a week here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Samuel Sheaffer. Mrs. HL F. Hawthorne and chil dren Mae and Harvey spent a few Mrs. uests at and George Hotel F. Breneman has gone to Y., where she will spend Mrs. at Curgan spent and Monday Viola at and Miss the week Esq., of Philadel here with rela- daughters friends at i and with Messrs. Harry | in town | | burg, week J. M. Miss Elsie Raymond and spent Wed- with Miss garet. Florin, town ANTS ve Hawthorne is spend- | relatives at Lan-| | Horseg | of Lancaster, | McGinnis on | | | perienceqd {evening at 7 | Neiman | Norristown; | (Continued on page 5) THIS DVE ISK $1.00 A YEAR TISING MEDIUM LOCAL NOTES Items Told In A Brief Yet In teresting Way Mrs. Elizabeth Ricksecker, who | y been quite ill, is improving. ay Laskewitz has rented the Mision) Stoner property on Marietta str defeated Elizabethtown | foot ball Saturday, | lount Joy | | | of | \ game wo 12-6 hag a fine at her Shank ol SLI 38 Fannie 1d crop iwberries on ponegal sireed, the local Teachers W I gal, and izabeth- to wed of the the )MOITo cepted a lephone at po- Garber 3 I etl MARIETTA NAILS CITIZENS THIOW ON STREET i Painfully Injur Are Tor mobile Tires Considerable trouble is in Marietta nails in the streets, intentionally and others not | Saturday in Centre | several shingles being because ple | a0 | | Le pex throw ing it knowing of it. Square there were laying in the middle with sharp nails projecting. only by accident that a horse automobile missed striking them. | In the first ward wire nails were | picked up by herses and one man had the trouble of having his horse injured twice in the same foot by a wire nail and the animal has not fully recovered. An some from Lancaster was compelled to put on a new tire a few days ago from having it torn by a nail while passing threugh the main thoroughfare. automobilist Trinity U. E. Announcements Next Sunday will be observed as annual Rally Day in and alt of the echureh 9:30 a. m. Rev. Geo. A. Knerr of Manheim; chaplain of the Fourth Penna. Reginient during the Spanish American War, will teach the Men’s I class. Rev. Knerr will also preach the sermon at 10:30. In the o'clock the pastor, Rev. N. A. Barr, will preach on the sub ject “Falling Into Line.” Rally exer- cises will be followed by evangelistic services every evening during the following week, Saturday excepted. rt ff MR rss Entertained at Dinner Sallie Hershey entertained a of friends at dinner on Sun- day at her home in this place. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Aaron of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Shank and two daughters of Misses Tillie, Alice and Sadie Hershey, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hershey of Elizabethtown: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Hershey and Mrs. Martha Shank of this place. rr A Sunday scuoul | services. At ible Mrs. number Walter "Cows and Hogs at Public Sale On Friday, Nov. 21—At Gantz’s stock yards, this place. A large lot of extra cows and close springers and a few backward cows, also some cattle, A lot of extra fine shoats. Persons look- ing for good stock should not fail to attend this sale. Mumma and Pautz. Frank, auect. a Wiil Visit Florida | Rev. Henry E. Longenecker and wife of Salunga, Samuel E. Longen- ecker and sister Amanda of Eliza- bethtown will, with a number of others, start on November 17th, on a visit to Florida, where they will pass the winter. There will be twelve persons in the party. — Eee Coming Saturday evening, Dec. 6th, Frank- lin and Marshall Glee Club of Lan- caster will give a concert in Mount Joy Hall at 8:15. Tickets, 25c; re- served seats 35¢; chart at Garber’s drug store. —— A. O. K. of M. C. Banquet Florin Castle No. 15, Ancient Order Knights of the Mystic Chain, banqueted at the Bxchange Hotel Thursday evening. An excellent in good fresh young ” Re Steel©on call on . | ir of the street, | It was | and | Hand visited family seventieth his guest of her sister Mrs. of Groff’s parents Dyer on Sunday. Greenland village the guest and family. ~The i | fl Ms Fin Th 16 Breaks Her Let Log MENTION AN D OF PERS THE ONAL WEEK in That Thriw Village a Short Mount Joy as Reportorial] Staff Tr Indust anspired ious t of we t Dy our Seiphert of Lancaster, visiting on friends called turday. H trading Saturday. visited on elmiich n Mond HL to sickness Philadelphia, to town Mon- O1 of ‘larence Geib of Middletown, in the village Sun- lled on friends ay. Misses Naomi the Emily and spending Frey- week at ever are wding. Misses Margaret Raymond and Eva preider are spending the week at y caster M,. at Mrs. Harry Ichler of the former’s parents tow? on Sunday. Eugene Garber is spending week i Blaine Perry county ves, Stacks of rents Mr, 1d Maste] visiting re Mr. Ha visited hi S. Stack Miss Ng v Lancaster $ 3} and Mrs, S. S on Mary Mr. on Sunday. Emanuel ED birthday Mr. home in this placa Miss Kathryn Miller phia, visited her siste Young severa lays 13®t wl Mr My rank Vo¥ Harrisburs, were the guest Mrs Wi on Sunday Miss Flo of Elizabé town, Sunday in town Jacob Rider. Groff and son called on Mrs. and Mrs. John 8 I ana and CA ev Rosy spent wars Mr. and Mrs. John Elizabethtown, Mr. Mr. Shriner and spent Sunday of John family of in the Emanuel Eby Messrs. Horace Cox and Jay Nis. sley have returned home after spend- ing several days in the western part of the state gunning. Messrs, Samuel Risser Mumma left Sunday for a few days hunt in Perry county. They are (Continued on page 5) a. and Engle Missionary Program > The Woman's Missionary of the Trinity U. E. their annual program ing, before a large and appreciative audience. This program was ren- Song, “The Morning Light is Breaking,” Congregation; Prayer, N. A. Barr; Quartetie; “Tell World,” Mildred “What Society not and “what a Mis- sionary Society should be,” by the W. M. S.; Recitation, Harold Funk; Reading, Miss Ida Bryan: Quartetts, “Thou are Drifting,” Benediction. er ee et GB EO Society Church gave Sunday even- dered, Rev. The Way; should a be,” Missionary 1 Reception for Rev. Oscar M. of this place, but Rev. Kraybill Kraybill, formerly now pastor of the Church of God at Columbia, was ten- dered a donation and reception last Wednesday evening at the parsonage. A large number of friends and mem- bers of the church participated in the event and it proved to be a most enjoyable meeting Rev. Kraybill’s many friends here are glad toglearn of his success at Columbia. -_— Now a Successful Mercha The many friends of Mr. Wagner, formerly proprietor livery in this place, will he ¢ hear that he is now successful ducting a store at Newark, N. A Romine, Thanks I take this means of th those who so kindly assisted funeral of my sister, gfiss Miller, oyster supper was serve
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