Butterrick Patterns Therz’s a Reason is be- i yopula: 1 i € ( sults de tai Women 1 erick p ern yecau now ne $ de- < es y n'y r he he pattern y tl N¢ ever) ( ( ittern Department, First Floor Do Your Xmas Shoping Early ETO 5 W this eque st ( 1 oves 01 ¢ r ice lot of anect worry and \ e same T pi v stocks are a he \ y ec 1 hundred pe . ette ervice The request is ic 1¢ nd has met \ 1] of the people of ma fx irgest cities | i ~ on LAM ’ 2%5%L%%%SSLLNNS NICER MEATS FOR LESS MONEY S%%5%%% IF THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT GET A SAVORY You can save money every time you use The Savory Roaster, AA SLLNLLLBLLLS because it will make the cheaper cut of meat taste sweet, tender and jui No trouble, bastes and browns automatically. R151) 1 Cy. BREE RSE EERE) AUTOMOBILE TROUBLES ire of the company Is In some — — loubt For the present, he sald, it sroposed to take up the bank in. Creditors of the Kline Mdtor Com Proposed to Laie P of lehite 1 nd omplets the oraers pany Will Accept Fifty Cents on ) ! y com] 1 nd th olla : he 0 : I'ha + mistake wa made In re XM AS —— movi he plant from York was the ollow lr ( erence n York on opinion expressed by M1 Balley, Friday between \irector of he 1 dso head of the vork Car DISPI AY Kline Mo ! Company, of Rich: j.06 Company In Richmond, he wond, Va ‘ ‘ Yoru enterprise Wd he company was confronted and credit t was announced that i). gifculties in securing materials OPENS HERE an agreement had been reached wita .,.. workmen and in properly hous u practically a if the holders of mer- in ts workers All of these things, ON SAT RDAY chandise clah for settlement upon vd figured in bringing the con a basis of fifty cents on the dollar. .... the wall ¥ ’ The total of the merchandise labili Leinbach s— “WHERE — — — ties was said to be about $37,000 CHRISTMAS DREAMS Samuel E. Bailey formerly presi \ Reno judge has dared to refuse a ME TRUE” dent of the company, and one of the divorce Is Nevada to lose its only | CO heavies ockholders aid that the industry? I'his store will be ready Saturday to greet and serve " nm | the Xmas multitudes. Al PEE 88 REEL E EERE EER. ¢ : = | though the exhibit will be . Y | only partially complete, we a / / . will be in splendid readiness a o serve the wisest shoppers » Ee | those who shop early, and E A | oid the December crowds, ‘ I'he ore is Dbrimful of Corner S id wre and E. King Sts. ight, distinctive Christmas erchandise thousands of ifts 1 from baby to ( dp Th Xmas decora- Q ¥ e the most beautiful ~ Bk { ATS Come— body es a Go WE GIVE ) “S. & HH. bs Green Stamps = ® © # | IDO00O00ODOCOVOOOVTOITOOOL L4 wi 3 es PUBLIC SALE & anf ee . VALUABLE FARM — m u November 29, 1913. o ened will sell on the =» northeast of Lo- = l'ownship known w Joh 1. Kreider farm, adjoin- = in M. R. Hoffman on the = I y M and Benjamin = he south, and on the = the 1 Jacob M. Engle and a Dani¢ En now known as ¢ R.-H farm, containing = = | 100 ACRES more or less, sub- H i ject to surve y. The Improvements B® | consist of a 2-STORY BRICK B | HOUSE WITH KITCHEN m attached, CEMENT SPRING @ | HOUSE LARGE BANK & Large Tobacco’ Shed, suffi- cient to house from 8 to 10 acres. All SOLOMON G. ENGLE The Time Place-- Your Overcoat AE EEA A PEM CS SEE STIMU SCORES of men from distant places, such HEN as Wrightsville, Parkesburg, Honeybrook, Coates- ville—(not to say anything of all Lancaster county)—spend tore for the privi- | their time and money to come to this of getting a real BIG CITY selection in OVERCOATS, at SMALL CITY prices—we think we are pretty near right when speaking to Lancaster City men to THIS IS say YOUR OVERCOAT STORE. For Young Men we're showing a handsome collection of CHINCHILLAS at $12, $15, $18, $20, $22, $25. Worth at any store, $15 to $30. In Convertible Collar Coats, many mixed patterns, from $8.50 up; ers, a fine line of Oxford, Gray or Black Chesterfields, with fancy Meltons, say $12 up, and for quiet dress- plain or Velvet Collars, $8.50 to $28. Mackinaws For Ladies and Young Men them for their the best More popular every day, Ladies want mannish lines. They tell us our showing is they've seen. Prices run, $7.50 to $15. © A APE, ree Groff & Wolf Co. 26-28 North Queen Street LANCASTER, PENNA Agt. for Mrs. S. B. Lenhert Philip Singer, auct m= | Meet Me on the bridge and We'll ave a Plate of the Best Ice Cream In Town ” 22S << ~ sl SSS "i — T— 4 ART ZELLER'S All Flavors at All Times. Spec Prices to Parties, Festivals Suppers, Ete. Mrs. CG. H. Zeller Marietta Street MOUNT JOY Do Not Now On Display at the Lancaster Auto. Co. Garage Never Closed 230-38 W. King St. LANCASTER, PA. i The largest and only strictly fire' proof garage and repair shop in Lan- | caster City or county. Mt. Joy Bulltein. Advertise in th | of Representatives office ‘Fail to See The 1914 BUICKS | ed | eager expectation | after going | was held up for a Tne Week In Gramn Compiled lor the Mount Joy Bulle tin at Mount Joy, Pa, by Wm, L. Dr. Dixon's Seasonable Advice to the Beur & Co, Penusy.vania Bullding,' vast Army of Christmas Shoppers | Philadelphia, Pa, by D. B, Lehman, manager, Woolworth Building, Lani 00 he next five weeks 2,600,000 Phila, Pa, Nov. 14, 1913 6, in Pennsylvania will be Damage reports from Argentine busily engaged in thelr Christmas shaped the course of grain prices shopping Under ordinary circum during the week with wheat up 13 ances 60 per cent. of it will be and trading on a very large scale. gone within the last ten days, The While the damage was reported as 4 adage about the early bird se heavy over an area of about 2,000, curing the delectable morsel seems 000 acres, the fact that the next Lew ;, pai] to lure the gift buyers from weeks will be the critical time OF (heir habit of chronic procrastina- the crop leads to the conclusion that tion. Not only Is it of financial ad- possibly the whole territory around vantage to the individual and Buenos Ayres and Habhia Blanca may |penefit to the thousands of employes be affected, If this should prove to of shops, but early shopping may al be the case it would affect over 5, (so effect a saving of lives and 000,000 acres and could not but have health according to Dr. Samuel G. a great effect on prices here because Dixon, the Commissioner of Health. of the small amount that would be| Dr. Dixon says “The great bulk of available for export, most of which is Christmas shopping is done by done in January and February. The | women and if they realized the dry weather in India, together with | enormous saving of nervous energy the attitude of Russian shippers in| which would result from shopping holding stuff for better figures has early, early in the Holiday season produced a strong tone in the Liver-jand early in the day, there would be poo] market, Winnipeg in turn re-|less need for. preachments on this flecting this condition at times, not- | important subject, The mind is ina withstanding the fact that good re- better, condition in the morning to ceipts at that primary are still re.|make the necessary decisions, one's ported. The increased winter wheat judgment is naturally affected by acreage on this side of the bor-|one’'s physical condition, Then too, der is the favorite argument among ‘lhe atmosphere in the stores is bet. the bears who point to the good |!¢" earlier in the day and there is stal which the new crop has far less congestion of the transporta- eceived and predict a big yield on tion lines. Under crowded conditions the 86,000,000 acres. World's visible ''e air becomes vitiated, and as a upply increased 10,000,000 bush- sult the vitality of the individual els but Broomhall's International Re- lowers In this physical state Vie inclined to the bull side. rong ura resistance is lessened ind the shopper is much more likely cash markets in the southwest, a re- renewal of export business, low price level, undoubtedly heavy damag in Argentine and the fact that both in er and spring crops have been fin anced and are back of us are some of the bull points made by those who look for higher prices. The market closed the week with a strong tone and the bulls expressing confidence. Corn strong throughout th k December option in was with the Veeck best demand. Cutten was again act- ve with Bartlett Frazier also on the bull side, The December option showed a gain of 2 cents within the veek although the Government re- port was decidedly larger than the trade looked for. The farm reserve, however, was than expected and with strong cash markets at all points it proved comparatively to force a big covering movement in closing days of the week. New crop Is not yet a factor and receipts of old corn have been rather light while husking returns have been rather disappointing in many sections. The matter of weight is now entering in- to the price movement as was point- ed out by Bartlett Frazier op Friday. In a broad trade with offerings light and natural course was upward and although December led the movement by reason of a heavy short interest, ' the May option followed closely and was well taken at all stages, EE CORN GROWERS RETURN Winners in Fair Association Contest Spent Two Interesting Days | these buildings are in first-class con- | dition. Spring water at the house | and barn, second to none in quality. | | Possession and title given April 1st, { 1914 Also at the same time and place | { will be sold a lot of Lumber & Cord- wood. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock n., when conditions will be made The winners contest of the Association, in the -Lancaster who receiveq Washington prizes, Wednesday evening two i 1 tv capital city, corn growing County Fair free trip returned having in the they had a Lo as on after spent days of interest during which an interview with President Wilson. Upon their return one of the number wrote an account of the trip, as fol lows: “The corn growers’ trip to Wash- ington, D. C, in charge of J. F. Sel- domridge, secretary of the Lancaster Fair sociation, has heen a grand success without a doubt. Leaving Lancaster on Tuesday morning at 6:40 o'clock they arrived at Wash- ingto 11 A. M.,, whereupon they immediately tool sightseeing trip over the city in an automobile, after which they Hotel “The afternoon Wa through National Museum In the evening lightfully went to the Metropolitan for lunch. in a trip onument and thsonian Institute Centre Market. the visitors were de- entertained in the House building by Mr. John M. Groff, private secretary to Hon. W. W. Griest, and also visit- the Congressional Library, the finest building of its kind in the world. Wednesday was a day of for the boys, for through the Treasury Department building they were greet- ed by President Wilson in the White House. After this they went to the Capital, where they were given an opportunity to see the House and] Supreme Court in session. In tne afternoon they went to the navy) vards and were shown through the, various shops where great guns, was spent shihoian samgion up the Smi and | shells and other war materials were, | manufactured. The trip throughout, was instructive and was enjoyed to, the fullest extent by all. Among the winners were Henry R. i Eby of near town and Paul Peifer, i Salunga. = Vaccinate R. R. Men Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 18.—Depart- ure of freight trains from Enola yards of the Pennsylvania Railroad couple of hours | today until 85 men could be vaccin- ated. This was necessitated by the prevalence of small-pox at Hunting- ton and other points on the Middle division. THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. J | v SAVE YOURSELF, SHOP EARLY 0 succumb if in chance contact with communicable disease, The dange of catching cold Is also greater any the conditions tending to the develop ment of colds into pneumonia preval wherever the ventilation Is poor, The excitement and nervous ex haustion which follows too lengthy periods of shopping have a tendency 0 aggravate any weakness which there may be of the vital organs; it is advisable shopping expeditions lengthy a period, Children should the crowded stores when it can be avoided. Conditions which make the adults susceptible to disease ap @° them to an even Eley ®) In addition to the sho Sor the question there are the thousands of clerks, delivery men hence the not to extend]! over too not be taken into, and other, JUNCTION or al Lancas on! Saturday, and wife spent L. Miller and en leman Is spending Urlas Witmer at r, wife and so auffman’s church Henry Buch and eman and gentle Sunday in the U. B. church in m vid Ra er, wife and daugh- par Manheim, spepi- protherdn-law, sane ly. Surf bor employees of mercantile establish bert fe and children and ments who under the most favorable Mish R¢ prphy spent Sunday conditions must of necessity put with M b and Robert Kling forth unusual exertion and undergo and thei at Lititz an unusual physical and mental strain Consideration for them and 5 sonic Home their welfare as well as the more, pact at the Masonie selfish consideration should prompt yome, itown, runs the every one to make every possible jo.nqrv of all sorts, the effort to shop early.” refrigerat nt, the pumps ————— A ee ns and the f furnace for dispos- Lays Off 1,000 Men ling of all fal and waste, the Fewer specifications have forced heating | efpostatic = system, the Bethlehem Steel Corporation to and all tk en machinery, such lay off 1,000 men. This is the first 2S meat|c dough mixers, po- time since the structural plant start. fato parérs ish washers, and at ed business, six years ago, that it the same 8 rnishes the light of has been compelled to reduce opera- 1800 incanc lamps. tions, The reduction in output re — flects the depressed condition of the jo; jot slightly stumpworn building trades. issues and s for sale cheap. = aA fpe— It is eas a country minister But a woman doesn’t care to boss to earn hi . than it is to col he job if she can boss the boss. |lect it, ( arma BREEN 1 A a ou { a a : n " | @ a y OO a = pet 15 & IT N QUEEN ST, = 3 E ~~ LANCASTER. PA H ' Zz 4 a - 5 ; m n 1 : r ; = ® . ress O0odas a. e a . # 8 . All This Week : is Wee = 3 : LE Yard Reduced I ® = Very al uce n rig € : [Ho - ~~ % B= . . N a A large and complete stock of Colored Dress Goods. p=. e bes in foreign and domestic makes is offered. 3 Hi A Dress Goods stock with a high réputation for quality, newness and desirability T —and for this Annual Event nothing will be withheld. AD Fu ; : ev This is an opportune time for our patrons to save money or their every Dresg = B Goods need. 4% a @ 'B The entire stock will be sold at the following advertised prices--not a single piecd »4 ® wiil be withheld. = =u = a rge stock of Poplar Cloths, Wool A splendid assortment of this high = [9c Bright Plaids & Shepherd Checks, 19¢- ade Dress Goods, in Storm and French \ = 36 and 38 inches wide; all regular 25¢ ; : Serges, All: Wool Broadcloths, New Bed- ht B ford Cords, Splendid Diagonal Wedves, and neat = goods. Shepherd Checks; full line of colobs, and all our b regular $1.00 goods; 44 to 52 inches \wide. ed] ~All Wood Batiste, English Storm and \ f: = 39¢:- rench All-Wool Serges, Cashmeres, Fan- —For a splendid line of 1-tvool Colored = erges, Herringbone Suiting Whip- 99¢>- 300ds, our RE ats ph of Serg- PO ® (ords and Mohairs; splendid color lines; 36 to 44 Goad ) So oe Satin Charmese, Brocad- aa ed Goods ans 2 a 52 i ® inches wide; and all our regular 50c qualities. ‘ oo and 2B owae, 42, 44 nay >2 inches wide; our regular price, $1.25. a \ se i —TFine, All-Wool French and Storm Serg- —For the best line of ColoYed Dress = 5c Wool Poplins, Wool Dress Voiles, and Si 29 coon: We carry, in Chiffon Broad- a All-Wool Dress Taffeta; a complete line of gloths heavy 7 and Tight | Weight : : : : . ; French and Storm Serges, Wool Eponge, I}iagonal Be colors, in the various weaves; 42 and 44 inches Cheviots, new Scotch Plaids, for Skirtin and t 8 vide, and all 75¢ goods. heavy Coatings; all our regular $1.50 lines. ow A ~. 3016 1 JR E1501 11 1 1 1 1 1 mo Ih S Poi f This B i i Good Merchandise Carefully Selected; Prompt and Careful Service; Low- : T 3 i ¥ WO i est Prices Consistant With Good Quality. nee wes : T $ on 3 Cape Cod Cranberries fine ° 0 U jadomd 15s Extra Choice i f C s New Seedless Raisins per Ib. usu the; roe) Camed: Peas Ev y New Crop Heckers Buckwheat Very Year our sales double Ir on this excellent brand. Try a wea flour 1%-lb. package cere 10¢ Our own make and a pure can if you are looking for a fine Bro clean, wholesome . food. It's be- and article per can ceesennnn. 15¢ : iA styl Choice new California Evapor- coming more porfilar every sea- putt ated peaches per Ib. ......14¢ Sweet Pickics son. Nothing but the best $7 New -Hawaiian Pineapple per Excellent flavor and a pure | articles used in preparing this a es aa HDB pickle per doz.. .. .. .. ..12¢ mince, meat per 1b. eee 156 . “wu = : Ee —— East Main St,, . SAG wp fe. OUNT |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers