Wednesday, September 10, 1913, PAGE EIGHT BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA . i i . those fine Crawford and Ashtabula VISITED BIG DAM bo res ns tonhoro > ‘ pe ! resem wg ul RHEEMS Rheems rotary from four o'clock Of Plummer ested him OB | oun Colts at public sale at S | ! a i of M ah Engle of Kansas Is until eight Campmeeting people suspicion, with a bag that contained | Gantz's stock yards in this place. Commissioner Buller Looks Over Dring mm One Buller g ) lay om ] pending a w M and M ere in distre many of them had tha holce « x ker minu hel among them are a few well mated Call's Ferry Construction i ot oe v o he eave fo Jostoy to atten . Hers! heir clothing ruined by wading thru head N. W. Greiner, who was cal ‘edn ew 200d acclimated " ’ AY . “ I n teal t "nt e 1 y vin t nd d to identify then recognized them 761 ; Qing { x n : ty ! 3 A ¢ { Hn ! ’ ’ I LOTS hat Zeller will call ed Minorca by | Bob Klefler & tables Satur and good — p ere { d M ( H Another Colt Sale Zell i ‘ le ——— —-— Rubscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin othy ea esteemed dauzhte f iF " 4 of Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulitein. - Er - “ “ v - THE SECRET OF LONG LIFE. hy nes of the human mechanism, by allowing A nitation of Nature's method of nt of the blood and nervous strength is t alcohol) of Golden Seal and Oregon st with Cherrybark., Over 40 years led Dr. Pierce's Golden : i : : ¢ Do not sap the springs of lif ct che accumulation of poisons in t iste of tissue and ir iterative glyceric extract t Bloodroot, Stone and restoring to take grape ro ago Dr. | ce gave to the put If You Knew- ne ¢ Medic i vers He found it » ip th d in taking up the pr per ele- . rir y a 1 er v throwing out the poisons from . ‘ ng and othing a cough. ted, and having what we mpoverished blood covery’’ is an all- blood, nerves and fevleviosioioviociedfododdeiodododede dd mee 5 restoring waste weart and lungs on rich er 2k Mi You Saw-- If You Realized- aleole ole ole cfoclionle she ale se olcle diode dd ddd dead edhe ed Bd ET TTT TTT IrTTIrTrTITTTrTIr er rTereeT eer retTw TET PPT deol oe ole sleet ole ale ade doula od. i hat the Oo-operation 222 1 States FERIA A Eh 1020 one leading drug store in each impo:tar Then You Would Believe-- That it is an Advan- Toilet tage for you to buy Rexall Preparations iin—magKes It 0SS1DIE ® CORED ®) BoD Al y OW ( on o oO Rexall 25¢, PRT T TTT Teeter dded deeded nN eg o Rexall RRR RREETITITITITTITIrIrIrTIrrvee Tw Bo eloobelestocte ole ole cloche leaden de ode fe ols abs be 8. 3. 2 nN on oO oleole ole ede ole ale ole ole oe ole ae oe fe ae ale ale ale dele Be 8. Bel 2. 2. Rexal * 6 Rexall Rn 1 nexal "The Hager Store AUTUMN FASHIO REVIEW Will be an important feature of Lancaster's United Fashion Show resenting the latest fall styles on living models, he BRILLIANT RECEPTION TUESDAY EVENING And from two to five o'clock WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY WITH SPECIAL MUSICAL FEATURES AT EACH PRESENTATION NN Ww og or Ov 0 0 for Rexall Toilet lea ther-making, soothing soap, in three for ragran S ry Preparations for the Teeth Fragrant and Sanitary parations or the e to e the discriminating shaver his choice in Whichever Form You Prefer Rexall Antisept Rexall Tooth Rexall Tooth Paste 2 “Rexall Toilet Goods Week” begins to-day at all The REXALL Stores oofocfocfosforforfocfocfocfoctecfocfocfococococfocococfoclecheoloeecferfoofecfocfesfecocfocose HESE GOODS ARE SOLD ONLY AT E. W. GARBER’S REXALL STORE 81 East Main Street ey Mount Joy, Pa. rire deedodofeioieoeooieodedofodeoirobdoieoboddifeioiabedfsoetoesibdededededodd | 1 here wae a car anchored sfoefoofocfooforfe efor cfesfofecfoslooosforfosfofocfosfocfosfecfosfosforfosforfesforfocforfecosforfoste sheviestecforfocforgeedosboofodeodeddordodfordodedeods dood deodorfoododecdsdofodesdododofodoop oe ofoole ode ole oforfofe feof fea ofe ofe ofe aeafe off ae soa of of ae oe oe be ole se ae le ele le aed seo of eo fo eof ese fee ee feof fe esos feof I — NEW GOODS— ARE CONSTANTLY ARRIVING Share In These Quality Offerings at the Modest Figures We Place on Them PROMPT DELIVERY BELL TELEPHONE —————— wo——— J Foods ode sls alo als ale ode ads ols ol WRN Bo ods ots Zo ells os els oo ells ones os ols ol. WRENN TERR RN The Hager Piano Store Has Made An Enviable Record Two years ago this month The Hager Piano Store started from the ground up. It was “a Piano Store without a customer---but not for long.” 1913 crop and as good as can ye made. Lutz & Schramm Co. Fig Newtons pe -----10e of Pittsburgh are the ly firm ‘offe ike er It : Se of picl s who have n r been neh on Th a A pr handled by the Pure Food TARR RRR Bo os ole oe oe ole ibe ole ale ols ale od Sweet Pickels Fresh Cakes RE ole ole ol . mission for adulterating their Saite Wale cracker b. Be products It has been a positive success from the start, and the splendid growth of the out second year based on the solid foundation of the first year foreshadows a continuos- straight—no preservatives used Fresh Potato Chips We handle li : n 5 and 10c packa is pure and the ges, OO 0 ly growing business. The Hager One-Price Policy Applied to the Piano Business people of Lancaster City and County q ly recognized and appreciated the One-Price Policy Store. It was welcome departure from the old establl hed custom of selling for “all : close the sale. WANE TEE dre ed Be endo oe ole ole oe ole ole oe ole oe oe Dresses wear SIL HE fae TT For Spicing coming down » of Musical In rruments of international reputation and inquestioned superiority f The Hage Store was bound to revolutionize th 2] piano business. 10 Sweet 1 per jar exclusive agency in this section for thé wonderful Pianola- lounding- Board Pianos. 1s Heppe Three-$ lege t Bo obo ole oBe oF ole ole ole ole ale ale ols o1. Jeodesdeadesieodeodeadeoogerdeedeodeoiordeodoriooeelesteotooteetostostontortontontonte te dlonte dle cho abe ale ike sb abo ake abe ah il che ab Ble a oh Re pre isdeiediesieieecdscdecddededsgededededeodedeododeodrelerdedsdsdecgodeededeeodedeododoodeodsofootssfosgecdsgoeode feos ofeodoclsofsofesfasgaeececeeofeodeofesdeole ofssfergsefesfeesfesfeofeofeote of ofesdeofooforfeefeeforgosteoe deofesdenfenfenfeefeeeefeegeoforfe forte dos Bu ode oBe ole ode oBe Bo ao oe ale ale Leads WHET EVERVITY eee Apple Butter per jar.. on By go . : ; ’ Apple jelly per jar . ; : Ris ; Arrive Fad 4-15. bags each he best vinegar and spices Chili sance per Freshly st choice sweet siock Pianola-Player Pianos semwent of Royalty and prominent Rubber Diapers he Metrostyie Canned Peas ; > great masters 1eW Crop of 413 fresh sheeting The I vou 1sualls : 2 o¢ ind strong pe al 2 n° 3 25¢ 28¢ > Aeolian Company VEEN TET TY Jo ole ode ole ade se ole ole ale Beale ale ale oo ol. Ladies’ & Misses Muslin Night Gowns fancy label the quality is in - me ; : p te 50 & T5¢° the can. Get the | Steinway Pianola Pianos Wheelock Pianola Pianos Weber Pianola Pianos Stuyvesant Pianola Pianos Steck Pianola Pianos Stroud Pianola Pianos Francesca-Heppe Player Pianos Bo ode ole ole ole ole ole oleote oloote cle ole ole ale ale obo ote oe fe fe 2. o8, Heppe-Three-Sounding-Board Pianos nd ATE n any othe rigt ANOS nearly WERE Victor-Victrolas & Records a Vicirola from $15 to $200 on eas] remember that our stock of atest producti ofedeofrofedeiesde wiesleede ole alede ated dete 3. omprehensive. including the
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