EERIE RT EEN. ven? i UG TO WC WO UOT WNT WMC MN WW | RRR RRR EERE RENNER RRR ENON NRA REN il | PAGE SEVEN THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA Wednesday, September 10, 1913 ertise In The, “BULLETIN” when it gogq ihlishi news.’ WU LU BB OE BN NN ON ON ON BE NE BN BN NN NN OB ON NN BQ NOC wo | The Week in Grain PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH, . Farmers Col umn Compiled for the Mount Joy Bulle — w SECOND-HAND n at Mount Joy Pa, by Wm, L. | What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has Te . Bivens VALUABLE INFORMATION | Boar & ( Pennsy.vania Building, Say This Week B - FOR THE FARMERS | Phi wlelphia, Pa, by D. B. Lehman T ] \ Woolw Buildin | A U om 0 I La ES Wake Use of Unsalable Fru t—Lice | Phi Pa. Sept. 10, 1913 i ~ on Hogs—Continue Cultivation for ¥ Wheat! finally uceeeded in getting = BCE TO BCR TH BE Ww Vegetables—Silage too Heavy for t of the ru in which it has beer = o ° < ° 0 a» ° 9° = Hogs—The Small Potatoes | many week I'he last trading w We offer the ioliowing second hand cars at extremely low = \ugust found the September i figures | Manure is money There is no dis pinion around the lowest figures on » . counting the conclusion and any the crop but the opening on Tuesday Wm =I. H. C. AUTO TRUCK. 8! 1and owner who doesn't believe it by | was at higher levels with the demand = 1—WHITE STEAMER TOURING CAR. M| the way he robs his soil is making a | droadening all week until 31% cents - 1—~DRAGON TOURING CAR. | great mistake that will soon stare | had been added to the price, the fe 1=~CADILLAC ROADSTER. mm! him in the face All soll is depleted distant onths Suining Het the = 1—40 H. P. TOURING CAR. m| Sooner or later, and that farm comes samy Seogut. SH Streets | ar. - 1—EMPIRE ROADSTER: - 0 She agh Scones to which nothing fuct that exports since July Tet. have = We also make a specialty of rebuilding ‘and repainting cars ®| There is one word which poultry- | been on an unusually a scale and ® and carry a large variety of Ford repair parts and a variety of M men must never forget and that is|the realization that France has 35, @ auto supplies. . | | cleanliness, Without it failure is 000 00 Ywhels is Yeas Han ort: Thea s . " , last give gre: weig ( e arg . i .} : We make a specialty of building fore doors on old model eae. BD Ma hy ment. that our export business this on SS 2 boy , " ra 8 This improves them considerably as it makes them look like new iy ty produce oul and throat | year will break all record A de vhucked. Ks Or Rei = models. Bi oubles which are particularly fatal. | ¢ ease of 128,000 bushels in the ;, Hullerlieck hut olly ga-but en * - . BB Lice will breed and thrive in filth, | Visible supply was entirely unexpect hiiel hickory huls in si oldter = diy Wri TB ais = and will ruin your flock in a short ed at this SE - the ye iz Hathaway uffa gashtecked far uns - m time unless exterminated § receipls mn he outhwest indica . waurem holda. Um der uffa room n » " When potatoes come in, use the A : a rmers Who had to wora about en dutzent fun en konda J A ones that ¢ of the size of } order to sa y ‘oans nave alread oon 0oma uffsetza De " La nd 1 S Brothe rs Boar for the hen and chicks e 80 a1 hose who e able 10 daw missa oll om onera end . B Cook them and throw them into the ©? ur will i W : tal Ireser county ga-operate hovva selly = h Pr | | poultry vard, and no preparation will Price = hi in the Uni =e Sales cht wil kenner ni kooma is, un » R eems, enna. Wm be necessary, as i chicks can | are now 44,561,000 bushels or Rah dorshticher farsomling hedsht du 0100 W®® mm mmm easily pick them to pieces, It a larger than a year '50, Slow net wole finna kenna uff wide un economical to use potatoes in this |®stimated the combined spring and 444 Naiva om uffa wore en manner, those that are unsalable ean | Winter wheat oo at 784,000,000 ,,. box n sake-male g'shtonna ory, TE MRE : )e converted into eggs and in | bushles or Deany 10,000,800 MOTe un der Mike Blotner hut 1 en CTE Are You Undecided ng to the profit from the farm han our largest previous crop ick Ni uwocl 00 longed : where to buy your bill of Lumber? Swine raisers are advised against Continue }] dry and hot weather g ¢ Barric} is en If so, all you have to do is to look '¢U'M8 You Wine sxtensiyely on, Rave yh} A — ws Y : : wor he op 1s ’ . la i recent bulletin from the a82ll ivance price Id A h 10] el jigae us der a prices we are quoting for O station It oo fibrous and onge option but a : el win digestible nen to prove | 4 ew high price 1 € ! ( oO 1 us HIGH GRADE LUMBER factory for growing and feathing || onsen of opi olsfa The vi Ti } a digestive nD Go nnient repol V V { as everything that is in- . : iD eadeet }. 000.04 n 10.000.00 . c in building, for interior or Old sows will eat some I } work, from the Timber however, if fed 'to them it should « lowa | XY auc vour foundation to the Shingles oan § .Dorton (of ihe i The hese co : roof o ic i ‘ 2 CoD t e hav ¢ \ i : 4 ble 1 n frequen conditio t % ‘ 1 1 E. S. MOORE TL a st a bw : k The cannot be ex-! Europe will fall on the 1 Le : Der Mil Ho Dealer in pect t ear fruit if essential A ible to Ie 1 1 ne is property tel cal of ! The 0 Ww von aer nuch amohl en shtick C i L b (= ge Frequer cultivation in addition to ) Oa nd ha un da oldta SO1 ebkooce oa 3 Tin ex, Yalii the prolongation of the hearing period ; ie b il ely ent woo 1 oll ir oldter ine - of the tomato tends to lessen the mel an fo ndoo awfed hut, dno ware aer FEED, HAY, STRAW, SLATE, SALT CEMENT AND FERTILIZER damage que to the blossom end. ro 1 prices existing reddy far er contrac mocha druff A large stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest cash price paid for of this fruit. Keep thls good work A imps! ef hin to Bol zon on tzu laeva, De Sam Schnitzler hut going by all means, riday and saturday there was con- g,.1awht en oooter wasser-milloon gaip Kansas Agricultural College says: siderable profit taking which caused .,,e en kaniech un id de Estimates of Lumber and Mill Work a Speciality Few things retard the growth of a ? recession of 1% to 1% Jt the buy shpots fum leb-koocha shloga. Ich hog so much as lice. Years of ex- Ing was still good and offerings were yj, go qsht one g'lust un hob derwed- FLUORIN, PENNA, perience have shown that the best yo Lave] or. Bartlet Frazee was ger ga-chawed on mime duwock—hob remedy for destroying the lice and reported a heavy buyer on the re: njy g'sawt awver hob feel sa-denked - ap ea m= fleas is dipping in chemical solutions. ¢Ssion Saturday and many in the Endlich hut der Sammy Sensawetzer Dipping also keeps the skin of the trade predicted a Government report ocawt os en sooter mins-boy ware animal in a healthy condition and that would prove worse than any gi choice un der Sam Seeshuls hut thereby aids growth, Because ot estimate yet made. Price Current grawd ni g'shtimmed mit em Sammy cheapness in first cost and lasting Placed the figures about as low as provided es ware hlendy whiskey im qualities, most dipping vats are now any one when they estimated 2,250, boy. Der Billy Bixler hut arlawbt es built of concrete. 000,000 bushels. The report will be... on sind whiskey so fardarva. on all Straw Hats cut from one-third to one-half. Apples and pears that drop from issued Tuesday at 2,15 and the pg qiien hut der oldt Sammy Senda- ODD LOTS IN the trees and cannot be sold, should market to day yas In the natyre of petzer g'sawt os en goote reeb daid be made into cider or dried. A double @n evening up of pit contracts, eme about so goot schmocka o cage cider mill of four or six barrels -— rr Pse ebbes. Der Billy Bixler hut si aned it and Stiff Hats p>r day, may be had for $18, and al BALANCED RATIONS awg tzu ga-dricked nuch mere un smalt mill for family use for $10. A — der kup g'nucked so feel os tzu At G 1 cook stove fruit dryer may be had’ what They Mean to the Dairyman sawga os der reich old ketzer laebed reatly Reduced Prices. for five dollars. Evaporated peaches, uff reeva wile are blendy hut un kon CAPS of every description cherries, raspberries, apples and pears Properly fed cows are better milk- se net farkawka. Der Mike Dubrigel and blackberries may be put up for ers: produce stronger, healthier hut g'sawt mush un millich daid si family use or made into salable pro- calves; are better able to withstand obbadit dreffa, un der Fridder Michel 0 | ducts. There is a steady demand for gjckness and disease and changes in moyer hut gapicked uff de oldt sot 1 evaporated fruit during the winter climate; are always ready sellers. sees-ebbel os ols tzeidich sin warra 1 er aas In most every neighbor- Moderately high feeding costs, but noach der arn ivver em misht forra, hood a profitable business could be jt pays. There is no economy so Taise un so hen se fardt gabisbadeered un established that would not only prove 4g shortening up the food supply or ich hob ols derwedder ga-kowed. End- 144 North Queen St. Lancaster r, Pa profitable to the owner, but would feeding a ration widely out of lich is es room tzu mere kooma un ’ ’ . give employment ‘to the boys and palance. and that brings up the der Jeck Koonrawd hut mich aw-ga- ER a. - girls of the vicinity, In a trip through question: gooked un hut g'sawt. FF r ee [the fruit belt of an adjoining state, “What is a balanced ration?” “Doh husked der Shwilkey un sawg 0 y Tm |taken recently, I found a number of A balanced ration is one in which ken wardt. Wos is di pick?” | [ | such establishments, 1 was told that the three chief food principles—pro- “Well; boova,” hov ich g'sawt, p the business was not only fairly re-' tein, carbohydrates and fat—are in bin net tzimberlich, awver for or : ~ |munerative to the owner, but was a the right proportions. ni un dawg ous, for morga, middawg, is the only kind I sell —Furniture that 1s Furniture means of bringing in more and better If a cow is to do her best she must un ovets, gebh mere duwock, : help in the . community where they oe a liberal supply of properly com- “Bully far der Shwilkey! Du bisht, . were located. bined food. One pound of protein to by gosh, widder recht!” hut der Hul Rockers Mirrors Hall Racks Sweet potatoes winter squash, gjy pounds of carbohydrates and fats lerheck g'sawt, Koon uff, oll i pumpkins are now being packed in is the right proportion hands, un nem en j ous der Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks large quantities and find a ready sale The protein in the food is the { x- schwottza huddle uff my gredin, f in the commercial packing houses pensive element. It is that which Mere hen oll gadrunga un's hut de [a . the apple parings are made into jelly forms muscle in the body and the schwortz g’'schweepel De LXtension & Other Tables Davenport and the peach stones cracked, the gg5ein or curd in the mil} Hull e ¢ keller missa ? kernels ground and made into The carbohydrates are the cheap- far mae hulla awver ae ut rawd China Closets Kitchen Cabinets [various medicines: the stones are est portion. They are the starch and en kivvy fo rega TR un = y ground and sold for packing pur-’ gyear of plants and perform a like pound rhoder pe mit far si barl : : poses If the fallen fruit can not be office in the body as does fat. Green widder nuff filla In fact anything mm the Furniture Line put up the pigs should be turned In-| fodder, corn silage, hay and roots of ——— 3 : 2 to the orchard, and many insects all kinds are highly carbonaceous, School for Suffrage Workers Undertaking and Embalming would also be destroyed. One peck Gluten, cottonseed and linseed meals, os oil Seiicmbor 15 a of sliced apples, mixed with two eq vheat bran and oats contain a 5 e Jot he oe workers : be quarts of Wheat bran, may he fed to high per cent. of protein. anatied in New York City under the £2 Le he id wien. a gay. The apples : Alfalfa hay is particularly rich in ection of Mrs Carrie Chapman = B ) should not be fed whole as there is this valuable constituent. A ton ha Catt. President of the Inter-National J ® =m chai L langer of choking s much value for cows as a ton of Woria Q . ’ ’ wd Chair a bran wolf 1 State Can MO ITTINT JOY. PENNA ’ I ! oods that form paien Committee 1 instructors North Carolina Produces Most Mica 5 Ww cow's ration. If you ¥ : . 5 Siti ie = at For many years North Carolina a cov telnember. he tomac n s Sh WL ; YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED has been the largest - producer Off. i % holdin ty gallons. oo. To, ae a United States, accordi 3 s ple o = ; i . : : : ts 2 & H. Trading Stamps JU £110 the United states Geologica 2 Sob pe = iors ¢ JR4p [4 Ve Pric o 189 S 2€ me S {earth y . . . . BA « f fron the ror © gra lresh eS eal 1 (WITH EVERY DOLLAF’'S WORTH OF COAL PUR 3-N 7 Lh 3 = S ; ; oma ge an ¢ CHASED FOR CASH AT Rell | | consisted Sjgets of ne quauh In winte i 1e s 5 school will con A ad tn : arge He 1es Of Sma ow fo u 7 O¢ COIN S ae i = : ol j va being F H, Bakers e i 8 on 2 ae 0 ihidly s oe red 80 Madison Avenue and 48 dumps vaste A he sn S of = sheet and Serap mica became . — Ee Coal and valuable, the dumps at - the la ts ® : LUMBE mines were worked . Over and the : ait : ° Beware of Ointments for M R YHRDS AHARLiY of Mice Drediosd. was ; a Sa eq Catarrh That Contain Mercury by eatly increased. Now that most at ism ry Sense Mount Joy, Penna, of ibe dumps have been worked over | Feed th Goat ccording to the Nhl t agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar . Shingles always on band Fm B S De al iP Hi flow 3 ‘ Lf go o Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door, Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Ete. Ith iv > liad lr be i or Sia} b A heavy milker _Tequires a much u gents for Alpha Portland Cem ent. Also Roofing Slate mines and prospects, probably as | on of mes! yin Jes 2 } ates Quickly and Cheerfully m ade on all kinds Building Material | {pans as a hundred. Many of these) LH 2 Small mus ah > Tow saat an Telephones No. 333. Opto site Old. P. k. RB Depot. are worked by the mountaineer farm- 5 Jeg o large JuAPLRY 1) Starchy R s y — - { : e : foods and a small amount of meals ; : eae : {er and miner at times when crops rich in protein may draw upon the : and |are laid by. and occasionally one of reserve she has stored ‘in system, re He br F. 3. & If You Want Results [the prospects develops into a large but she will soon go down in flesh.| Sold bv'] leposit. and her milking period will be| Take Hall’ shortened. The Bulletin has it on all of them TT -re.—— We dg t= Best paper in townjMBulletin i can ge, § i To Our Patrons § Read This Ad Carefully Aud Profit By The ~ Experience of Others TTT TREATY ddl didedhdiedh ddd be. TETFTFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT™ This ad has paid us, but. the way our customers are talking thout the results they are getting from our FEDERAL STOCK & POULTR!®»FOOD is convincing enough for you to try it too. If it were not good, we would not be selling it, They are not only pleased with the results they are getting, but amaze? at the beauti- ful and valuable premiums we are giving, These premiums are l'mited in number, so the first who buy, are the ones who will get he premiums The goods is put up under serifl number 17232 and all the in- gredients printed on the label of ¢ rery bucket, We will be pleased to show you what the proposition is and feel confident of your future business, after vou have given it a trial Still more convincing to, ask the man who is feeding it. Distributed by BRANDT & STEHMAN, Mt. Joy, Penna. ddd ddd tid tid ddd ak bts sss PERETTI TTTTTTTTTIOTTITTITITITITITITY TTY Applied to Road With an Auto matic Pressure Distributor This machine is the most improved device for apply- ing Road Oil to the road. It is in fact AN ATOMIZER, . distributing the oil under pressure in a fine spray or mist which is quickly absorbed into the road surface, leaving No Surplus {0 be Tracked lito the Honse to the injury of carpets and Furniture. THE ROAD IS CLEAN AND PASSABLE for pedestrains IMMEDIATELY AFTER APPLICATION. We carry the Road Oil In Stock at All Times at Mount Joy, and can give you service whenever you re- : s quire it. With our service you can get light applications frequently and thus avoid the common practice of excess- ive applications in spots, to the discomfort of pedestrians and damage to carpets. We are conveniently located to make applications in Mount Joy, Manheim, Elizabethlown, Marrietta, Colum- bia, Landisville, Salunga and vicinity. Out-of-town orders for applications with Pressure Dis- tributor must be for 450 gallons or multiples thereof. Please ask for prices. * Independent Oil . CLARENCE SCHOCK, Prop’r MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Sooferderfeeteoosdentenfoosdoodenforesfunduniecdecdesdentuniefeodestinduiooiofondentosfonodofesforgesdonfudfofesdeerforfodofooimed b * 3 + [3 ry “y ~y oe : LEINCACH & CO 3 * Be ks ° % : Lancaster, Penna. { i i i i LANCASTER’S DAYLIGHT i & r- vv o- . DEPARTMENT STORE * o You save from three to five cents on each dollar you spend i , here, if you collect the little S. & H. Green Trading Stamp. i 3 Free phone service in Lancaster County—call 1100 on Bell i oe hone and have charges reversed. i *» Free delivery (with a few exceptims) to all points within fifty 1 miles. n We carry at all times, a complete line of Dry Goods Notions, : ge ens, Fancy Goods, Embroideries, Men's Furnishings, Women’s 3 4 and Children’s Ready to wear Muslin Underwear, Corsets, Infant's 3 wear, Carpet , Rugs, Cut Glass and China. i 3 IN3TZ4) OF FRI: SIX FAR: W: GIVE HONEST VALUES i fooferoefororioiuclecioniontosdectenfocfecdooforiosfororforfefosfeofefoctonfecfectesfororforforfontecte © odedefecfeserieiecfesferfertesinfesfonfofocferferderfosjecfenorfecfecfecforfeofenderfosfesfectecioofenententesfosfecfustesfetefocfesteoerfesfesfenge & al a n i Fall Exhibition of New Goods * Offering Exceptional Values at This Time % Y € untr IVE not find a stock of Furni + ¢ eauty « the 1ific nd § Fe Goodson display at our big store. i 0 1 ocation saves our customers $10,000.00 an- i en > MISSION STYLES FOR THE LIVING ROOM— piece Suites : $18.00 up; Settees $9.00 up; Rockers, $3.75: Tables, $6.00 up; G. i W. Sec. Book-Cases, $3.00 per sec ge BED-ROOM PIECES- Bureaus, $9.00 up; Chiffonieres, $6.50 £ Princess Dressers. $12.00 up; Tables, %¢ up; A Brass Beds, $ i 1p “hairs, 90¢ up , ING. ROOM PIECES—Buffets, $18.00 up: ina Close i Serving Tables, 2.75 up: Chairs $1.00 § and F iture Repairing and R, MALE galling
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