HE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, only of this place but al = The News ET La istel county--ig G A . (Gove ho has been a chicken fanci at Florin . or over tity years. te ha fie \ carried oll first 3) ion breed it the dif nd county i durin n He till CNEaR ving hatched : : Mlizahethtowr oF Q i icito acceine il A. ( ing I HC Oil and Gas Engine | ooo vere sway de, ah hive oid An I H C engine will develop from ten to £ M nd M ld Stoll and daugh _ ever) nch of Lielt A thirty per cent more than its rated capacity. ! \ Perfect combustion makes it economical in ¥ Pittaburg ft pend ora n I 1 . — fuel consumption. Its simplicity makes it eeks iI vicinity , found of the burner practically trouble-proof. Wi sap Blessing ed to VEEN i He Ke I H C engines are built in vertical, horizon } : n bend. the room e€\ { tal, stationary, portable, skidded, air-cooled i ; ni M : and water-cooled styles. The line includes i \ B Winte ‘ sawing, pumping and sprayit itfits. Sizes : , ward Shick from 1 to so-horse power. lh ate on } : Pon re idly gas, gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, distillate and : Lr e, whi alcohol. I H C oil tractors range in size from 6-12 to 30-60-horse power, for plowing, thresh- i g, etc. Have the I H C local dealer demonstrate the engine to you and explain its various pointe TS Get catalogues from him, or write the | International Harvester Company of America \. D. Garber is confined 10 10 injuri (Incorporated) old iey P ¢ ¢ left last week Crop The Misses Fannie and Jennie Le invited to join the growers in the Good of Mast Petersburg visited present organization. Reports of the Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mickey on growing crop showed that although Would you go to a tailor for a suit of clothes if you knew Sunday. there are some fine fields, only about he bought the goods in Chicago, had the coat made in Lincoln hy ; : Sh = > Mr. and Mrs. John Minnich of fifty per cent. of Philadelphia spent several days town as guests of their daughter, Mrs. H. L. Stoll. Neb.. the vest in St. Louis Mo., and the pants in Springfield Mass., and that all he had to do was to put in the pockets and even fow topping will not save some of the crop from early frost ee sew on the buttons? : | Mr. Grover Ichler is off duty with a badly bruised shoulder due to am No Passes For Wives accident which occurred while at Employees of the Reading Railway work on the P. R. R. repair gang at Mt. Joy. Mr. Michael Kottler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fair and The motor car company which is going tobe in business five years from now is the concern that builds its own product from the ground up. They can build it cheaper and they can build it better. You want a car don’t you, that is backed by daughter visited Mr. Frank Fair and has ordered a discontinuance ny that won't be quitting business about the time you En a company 1 > : family near Eby’'s church on Sun- passes to all but regularly employed day. men. Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Freymeyer and three daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Marriage Licenses Henry Freymeyer and children en-; Ww, A, Miller and Gerturde Baugh- joved an auto ride to Reinhold’s man, both of this place. are needing some mechanical replacements? tl A) Ae. What are acknowledged as the best motor cars on the mar- ket? Name them over. Aren’t'we right? Aren't they the cars built by the concerns that sells them? / and relatives. Shearer, both of Mt. Joy township. J hr % o oO | 2 J LJ + * 7 » Ls Ob LJ * * L * 7 7 7 * * * 0 7 J hy » Ls * * 7 Ly % bs J * 2% x Florin can boast of having more Abram M. Hess, East Donegal, The Buick Motor Company builds everything from the | $ es 3 y 3 oveies than in any other town its size in| township a up. We are building a motor car that sells because 3 : ground I > 2 Pennsylvania. Flocks of chickens ——— + is a good car. a powerful car, a durable car, and economical : : ; it 1s a go d car po ual car, a di car * can be seen in almost every yard! On Friday evening Rev. C. D car. and several persons make poultry] Rishe will deliver his lecture on 1 keeping a business and devote a|“The School of Cigarette Smokers What a Buick has done for others, a Buick will do for you Probably one of the most famous | vhin Co ODN 075 to $1,685 F. 0. B. L t a. 75 to Ancaster ge Kirk Johnson & Co. | a Any House A Home” oi 16-18 W. KING ST. LANCASTER, = PENNA. Roadsters and Touring Cars IS A om Pleasure [0 BE WITH “The Stay At Home's’ When You Have ee ¢ ° Re. ll n i i Lancaster Automobile Go. Garage ‘Never Closed 230-238 West King St. LANCASTER, PA. : PB OO000000000000O0000OINGO000000O00DT000O000000C0000000OO000COOCOO0OOOOOGONOOINGINNNNOOOOONNN 00 0OOOO0O0O0COO00000002000OOOOOOOOO0 HE I} 1 + 1 +1 £3 + f ’ 1 The largest and only strictly fire proof garage an a, shop in Lancaster ) OOOO00OO0OU or m——_ 0 | Al | fe THE GRAIN HOUSE OF THE EAST varying from works of the great com ESTABLISHED 1897 : 3 € poy gtime songs of the day, and all can perfect musical expression on the Primatone. IAM L. BEAR & CO. (Members Chicag » Board of Trade) BROE ERS IA BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th ts, PHILADELPHIA KS BONDS INVESTMENTS pCONDS 2 MINUTES ; f Trade. To any Grain Msprket in America 220.826 Woolwn Handy Terms Reasonable O 00 Very Price ustrated catalogue will be sent on request. THE “PRIMATONE"” is fully guaranteed. Full value for old instruments taken in exchange the yield will be | } jn normal. The opinion prevailed that | company have been notified that for | Station where they visited friends Harrison G. Miller and Edna L. BO0000000000000C00000ICO0000I00000 busir ip to tow) "ue nd old a i nun be ol chicks durin le pa ¢ on Jamie MceCormick of Lancas Anothe enterprisn poultry man vad \ business trip to town of thi place | 1. I*. Sheetz, pro wieto of the Ideal poultry vards Carrie Welsh of Elizabqh- He makes the hatching of chicks a called on friends in town on pecialty I'he past season he has sunday hatched over three thousand, most D Woods of Blaine Perry Co, of which were S C, White Leg spent veral days in town with A horns He now has nearly 200 leg Once U on a Tine D. Garber horns which he will keep as breed p Ake Miss ( ra Kshleman of Colum- ers for next season Ld NCE the re was re ally no wav out of bia visited friends in the village on J I Longenecke! residing a Of it for the farmer. Plodding home Monday short distance east of town, also | from the field path his te ae lhe Misses Grace and Ethel hatched a large number of chicks pre of day, he saw before him the wait=- Leede of Highspire were visitors to during the past season ing small By 5 about the house, town Sunday. —— barn, and yard, jobs that took time and labor, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hable and CHEMIST HAS NARROW ESCAPE and never seemed to end. There was water on Charles of Lancaster spent Sun - - to be pumped, wood to be sawed, various day in town Struck Match in Gas Filled Labora machines to be run by hand. It was a dreary Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carson tory Room and is Badly Burned prospect — but that was once upon a time. spent Sunday at Maytown, guests Today he lets the engine do it. of the atter's mother Lerov O Bran on of Mr. and !au Buy from the I H C engine line. THC Mrs Huwmer loft. Saturda for Mrs. Simon L. Brandt, residing at] engines are built right and consistently all Steslton ‘where she. Will’ spend: two Marietta, ‘had most. miracqlous through, to work efficiently for years. Whether vecks With her son... . “ive death. last you want it for sawing, pumping, spraying, Mose bran S nd Harry Ich. Wednesday a gic labo electric light plant, for running separator, of EE ar : ~ieit Ltt Di H tor and Co repair shop, or for all sorts of tiresome energy= Pir ® 9 me Of; Were .Bunday 3 chore hie is. chiplos Fhe cOMpaRy wasting small farm jobs, you have need of an 8 : 0 A : 4 ne. oe dre ithe mantiactd 't antitoxi WO y Le and fan N ol w Harrisburg ; Mr, and Mrs. Jefferson Bishop, — _ . EE EY : : ‘ r Y Cir Alivia ET TE TR Bia; | Mr. and Mrs. Newpher Smelter. 1oBACCO GROWERS MEET son and daughter spent Sunday at ¢ — ——— -_— lowenna as cuests of Mr, ¢ Mrs > Rowenna u of Mr. and Mrs ite pealers Into Membership In OCO0OVOVOOO0 DOOO00000 OODDOD0000D00DDVOVIDO0 paric Billet 3 | ss = Loca Organization and Discuss the present no more passes will be | ‘issued to their wives. No reason was given for the order, but it is under- stood that the railway commission | ?l of | | | | | of its citizens interested in poultry and Esther K. Earhart, Mt. Joy ! great dea of time to the vork.| and Tts Graduates,” at Enhaut, Dau- | FREE notice of your sale is iu swe for any length ol time excellent advertising because ring the buve Yard Mount Joy, a carload Crawford and Ashtabula count) and a few good acclimeted improvements, Also a tract of 22 Barbara E, Breneman and An- Breneman, widow and heirs Wednesday, Sept 17-—On the Bridge, three miles north of 93 acres with fine dwelling, house, bank barn and all lives near Accomac, Young’ wanted to take the drills to father, had himself boosted to Mrs. Wm. Ichle: iller for Newport, R. I, where she will b = | get them spend severa weeks with her pa- The regular September meeting of a package rents. the Lancaster County Tobacco | "ACK ¢ Mrs. Henry Flowers of Elizabeth- Growers was held at "the experi | his # town is spending several days Im peptal station at Landisville on Sat- jhe S| town with her daughter Mrs. Geo. yrday afternoon. The decision was |”, x 5 Shatter. reached that the leaf tobacco dealers ; fF and in landing he got be- the heavy package and the + ways. The mule bolted and | tl Ar Subscribe for the Mt, Joy Bulletin. Sale Register = = - ve print yur sale bills by s0 many people and a ch 1 the following wil Sep 13 \ Gantz Ed Ream Zeller, auct Sept, 16-—0On the premis Joy Township, a mile north a farm of 100 acres with grave] land by Anna Brene- P. Brenneman, dec. Zeller, them easily the cheapest In the long run. in Mt. Joy township, near of a hore ee that really makes it cheap a tract of gravel land con- : Good materials and skilled workmanship outbuildings by Amelia H. Shearer, { as trustee to sell real estate Clinton 8 Shearer, decd, Zeller, Horse Thursday, Sept, 18—0n the prem- Rapho township, on the road Bl k t from Manheim to [Inion an e ) one mile from the former, a 33 acres of gravel land with ’ t-twisted yarn nen and a tract of wood made of t eg t, ughte . \ : n ¢ insure y ih i come In many sty 1 patterns Emma She Executrix of 2 horse blanket factory in the world—your dealer buys direct from our factory Sheetz, decd. Zeller auct. | \ BE avweett” profits: Don't buy Sept. 19.—At the Florin # i blanks Dn 1 ound ir “1a Ask your dealer for 1 \ 0 { 1 B : A wi | Ki I Velfl h : 3 }) Bl y Fh DRY i Kid A) FAC} Biankets VA: ( O net 2 } rat )1€ B € 1 n orne srbara a I Do ] 1 3 YY x © ali ¥ Ni y wi O } olley - Rw, # BE Of 7:3 7a Jot of : As. ym New Haven treet, Mt Wear Like Iron—Cheapest to Buy Blankets make [t's the durability -one 5A will outwear The extaDIdinan wearing qualities of 5A Horse two ordinary horse blankets, therefore will cost you less. durable and warmest blankets in the United States, a 2 1-2 story brick dwel H. BE. Ebersole. Zeller tri A411 Xinds Concrete Work Boy Falls Off a Mule ctious mule and a heavy pack- eel drills proved the undoing Miller, son of Eli Miller, dressed. He rolled them in and swung them on his then, against the protest of the mule. He had not before the animal pitched His nose was broken and was considerably bruised in two hours before he was 1s Built Foon in [ LOOKING at it from your view point, in choosing your car you will consid things which are more important fo you than the size of a manufac or how many ##zousands oi cars he builds, or how many falking points equipment. The Hay calle 2d by author ities “one of the most € efficient plants: Sin the ew put is large to earn minimum costs on pe and 1 to make haynes cars cowinon. 1ynes equipment leave: But Haynes Sincerity mear Haynes 1e 0 original 1 pulder « I Jo Stil 18, al been, at the head of the s same where the skilled mac the mn (ne worked out ot by a pi and ear ijum price can offe is sincerity. No ott tangible mone; fort, safety anc €€ VIOULCLS four cvlinders four cylinde 7 ote sty tos » » 3, Haynes ‘‘ Six,” 5-passenger touring - $2500 nter control. Cali or Phone for Demonstration BROS. Rpeems, AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, KOKOMO, INDIANA Pere J. Y. KLINE BUILDING BLOCKS tyles and Colors Door and Window Sills Retailer of the Best Grades of Cem fo the Teolesfosteotoste Jookesteok CRTETEY Jo ole ole ole ole ole ale ale ote 2. anise ei ieiesiesiecforocfecfecforforfofocfestorfosfeconfysesdesfesfenfecerfoots fooforfork STINTS erp pre sierra vienieecfesks Leote sleet ote oteotoate ste abe ibs i. 8. 8. Ae a of + »] ul o 2, Bi NY ml BOE WE Ee All m odels electrically started and lighted by the Leece-Neville separate TT Pa | =
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