GR THRI® B i ing | | ldo owder AbsolutelyPure The Woman Makes the Home She culinary department, ly upon unhe: ilthful, accessories, vy 1, “ mages She is it best -ey Lig who, looking afier the turns her back resolute- cr even suspicious, food economical; she knows that true econo my does not consist in the use "Ar ou of inferior meat, fic FM is an earnest adc baked fod, and has r, or baking powd sate of home Rua er. vne made. home maae, acme i proved the truth of the statements of the experts that the best cook- ing in the world today is done with Royal Baking Powder, rr ——————————————— HOME HEALTH CLUB By Pr. David H. Reeder, Chicago, Ill After our little talk last week pbeut what typhod fever and some of the things responsible for its apread, and how we can do much oward preventing it, you will maturally ask “What are some of he early spmptoms, and what is the best way to manage a case?” The: usually experienced is a AS A EAA feeling, back- out with tired worn accompanied appetite, constipation, and at first temperature i early evening. general probably ache, loss of headache, legache, slight rise in the the afternoon and a n Right here we want to give it as our opinion, ped and vigorous elimination tained by the use of proper pur- atives and high colon flushings, until the entire system the attack will ob- continued is cleansed, end The New Store Since taking one of the finest lines of charge of the Yoblonovitz Shoe store I have added Men's, Women’s and Children’s Shoes At From 98¢ t0'$2.48 to be found in this town. They com- prise the best there is in shoes and] should be considered when you pur- chase that next pair of Shoes. All Kinds Repairing machinery I am short modern do Having to on 1epared repairing Give me you, at right prices. and let me notice and vour next job show LASKEMITZ pr with The bod-Kind Qt 50. PENNA. ictly first nd repair ' County. = © 1 oe seese000rel MOUNT JOY, PENNA, American Rates Moderais B® S ge Hotel. M cut Joy, Pa. M. Backenstoe, Pro. | see 3a lan 8 I Has just be ‘modeled thruout all Bat! Heat 3} 1¢ moderic conveniences suc Hot and Cold Water Electric Light, Ete. , Stear With A ffords | Table is Supplied the Best Market ® the « & » Aliso Lunch Counter Vhere sandwiches, Cheese Tr ipe, NOUDS, Etc., Etc., are served hoice Prime Oysters Any IS STOCKED WITH 1 I BEER, WINES, i 08S & evo ese In Style BAR OF Good Stabling Accomodation Local and Long Distance Telephone | It's A Cure That's Sure . -FOR- * RHEUMATISM, GOUT, SCIATICA, AND LUMBAGO We have cured Thousands with JONES BREAK-UP AND IT WILL CURE YOU Always in stock at Ww. D. CHANDLER CO. DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES est Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. | sept. 4-3mo. [Constipation “For many years I was troubled, in $pite of all so-called remedies I used. | At last I found quick relief and cure in those mild, yet thorough and really wonderful DR. KINC’S fe Pills , Buffalo, N.Y. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. that if all food is step-! THE BULLETIN, MOUN1 JOY, PA. “But” how if left have you ay, it right there would into But these let old vou know, alone developed We rather or would not a case of typhiod don't | wouldn't you have to If typ! {symptoms cut short than them just to see develop? But symptoms the that the been checked; littl lot us Inno have not temperature rises a high ar every afternoon and evening, they uncil after a few days the We merease week, patient takes bed, case What is Get a and let nurse to a | to his and how have a sure typhoid on our the enough of hands best course to pursue? physician who competent But, knows, him put a trained on the case This not always the you say is for aver family, and age little let management possible the other costs a too much, Very course us outline that well, then, of home successful bed and has proved very The patent quietest, is put to in the best ventilaed cosi- the treatment in house, the high est room Begin by giving a copious injection, or enema, of bowels. warm water, to cleanse the Food: Absolutely no is hungry extremely the mind They must In says. the patient for It impress this upon given until and asks it is hard to the average lieve that fed to keep his strength up. Dr. Neith may of person, be- a sick person be re- ference to typhoid, “We tell uron you, phoid patient calls for Dr. J. . Tilden, experience you plainly in of ty- the to give food the food.” who has had many ty- not unless appetite in managing this to years phoid has say; 1 have the hot ten cases, patient every hours, with water three grains of carbonate of soda; be- sides the hot water the patient all the cold water allowed patient Every thing with by 9 the echt. 1 order The patient then cold the warm the may have desired, I never a |at night. through be the has to o'clock in lights turned tub put and nig evening for the bath in a twice a day. is is be the It submerg- water, water and until cold the warm {turned on, is to off is as | drawn water in | bath as it will get. keeps patient chilliness l usually ed until heat minutes to half comes on from few Dr. towel (usually a Old cold wrapped extraction.” hour.) the He bath an Keith, generally used and sheet pack the and all patient in cold, wet bowels over them a wet and over 1 bla minutes to shee Ww of a fe patient nket In course an. hour the ould perspire freely, he is be washed and rubbed chill cniil- dry nexperience( quoting Di aching pa YAOI € n al nurse should rub the abe three hours; f 1lsion lieve the mprove tl tion much comfort f ith a until an enema warin water w F salt, is used then What liarrhoa appear, other night, critical discharg f1 recognize as a a1 apbear make appearance om tenth day until 11 temp come a decide rature, and After lowed ‘resh ripe fruit, tomatoe excluded) After a and 1d toast wes abstemious diet the little m remembering or so of this patient may have a ore of | substantial food, better to under feed typhoid lit is always |than overfeed a [cent | The lof a very | method of Details may [Health Club. merely outline | yet effective typhoid fever. of the Home Above is an simple, handling be had { CLUB NOTES Dear Doctor:—I am young 24 years old, and supposed to with pulmonary tu- I was a bookkeeper in lan Indiana city for three years. Last February I had a severe attack of La grippe, and the cough stayed with me till spring and summer. My physician that T was in the first stages of con- sumption and advised me to go to a high and dry climate. I seem to do fairly well here, but do not gain in strength as rapidly as I would wish. Any suggestions from you would be gratefully re- ceived L. S. My that you can be cured, you pursue the proper course. You should by all mears sleep out of doors. pose like ninety nine out of every hundred other consumptives a man be suffering berculosis. opinion is provided which stop I sup-| | | Address, Allen ! You |N. Y | a subject food is to Philadelphia, Pa., We urge placing the crop at given a glassful of gafe maturity disturbed turage, out | indoors, diet; exercising west, sleeping attention of vou are going paying no to your getting and like it doors feel out only when paying no attention to deep breathing or in other words ol and ¢ freos Health must ercises takin 1ife pecting little ine h air you gel tO cury YOu be earned, get out nd get it doors, but Sleep out of work on LOO do as much hard, th breathing farm, not stren will permit Prac exercises 18 your tise deep Interest at it daily Get and vourself or three times gomethng work forget be glad you will ed in results I should ty, i details regarding All at get to write you ¢ give me more plic your case readers of this publication all pertaining to the Address a the are liberty at times to write information health for 11 of 1 communications to Home Health Club bh Ave., Chicago, I111., address full postage, err lA Meee The Week In Grain wmplled for the Mount Joy Bulle- tin, at Mount Joy, Pa., by Wm. L Bear & Co., Pennsylvaniz Building, by D. B. I.ehman, Manager, Woolworth Building, Lan- ‘aster. Penna Phila. news way greatly that important. 039 Cottage Grove with name and in and at least four cents in 13 in 1912 Corn the been Pa., Nov. In revision estimates a increasing cereal has The final exports than final yield for the nouncement most an- now a of crop more and statement it bu. a calling 200,000,000 from Inglis far in excess of general ed at the 37,000 follow- be 3,169,- October ¢ The vield the par- the pas- the expectations was final yield to against an of 3,016,000,000, of naturally of commodity, \g- timate the largest worked to that with fall tone on record lowering values for and of ticular unusual abundance created a soft to list generally, and to coarse particular. developments, grain grains i Foreign sufficiently n while foreign did the to keep higher, overcome acute prices firm and a shade not suffice to fully actual de been domestic abundance of grain. Such strength as has price has of liberal day large veloped a way, the export in reflection good inquiry for sales for tnat Clear half nent vy and account from to day) were five and ances millions, but trade generally ing of harvests ission been the for —— A A RHEEMS rient one day rintenden state of Ohio, Frank sen | HO NDI | { by th that | convales- | told me| Fr and & aid firm will pa 2D DOLLARS f » of Catarrh tl} € use of HALL. ery ca Sworn to before me sence, this 6th de 1886. A. We Hall's Catarrh Cure is ken inter nally and acts directly upon the blood and ay cous surfaces of the:system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75¢ Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. et By Dinner evening, and Lancaster, Birthday Last Wednesday Armstrong, the bland clerk at Pfaeffle’s very generously entertained ty of his friends that The Farmers’ Inn in this honor of his birthday anniversary. A sumptuous chicken waffle and rabbit dinner with other toothsome delicacies was served in Proprietor Morrett’s best style, which was greatly enjoyed by all the guests. Mr. Armstronz was the! Chester popular Cafe a city par- at in from place and many recipient of a handsome gold watch. | - SE —t | Many Children are Sickly | lieve Feverishness, Headache, dren Break up colds in 24 hours, re- Mother Gray’s Powders for il i | Teething Dis-! At all Stomach Troubles, orders, and Destroy Worms. druggists, 25c. Sample mailed free. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, 1 What PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH Bumblesock Has his Week, Shwilkey Say = NA NS fis Nn H wuch uff Do ledsht di tzeidung Du husht mich de der kup g'shtelt in wore woo WIFE'S HEALT RESTORED lusband Declared Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Would Re- store | Health, And Did. er vears ago I the matter me. 1 had fe- id kidney trou- and was so bad off ould hardly rest { Cay or night. 1 doe- to. d with all the best doctors in town and took many kinds of medicine but noth- ing did any good un- til I tried your won- derful remedy, Lydia nimmy Ich hondlich dime uff sellin laeva let fun| De gronk hen s r'schhwetzed derwae Betz hut imbroofment nere ware en looks | g'sawt es uff menshlich [ch grawd won se sich uff der kup shte- De Betz Grill hut der Pol 'schmissa os won ich net fol breicht drawga, g'sawt Sexfoos grose my wile my fees mae gooka | hob era fardle | © daida we my g’sicht o en sawt es daid era gevva : lla daid ly fore g ich aw un feel sowfa daid don farrissa glaeder Polly hut net de SO era 0s se het nuch tsu feel tzung un set moll wid-| be cured w thanks Compound 1 am d of Billy [ch shtae aw Schnellkeffer si asel net ariae uff em der em rida kup. Der mensch os en gonse wuch | leeked un badreeged un gaed Soon- | dawgs in de karrich un bade far de| orma sinder Der mon | tramp dor-| derno uff used Kup un aver da fees, woo si fraw we en rich en laeva un doot dawler monument | usht era finf hoonert ivver gons era grawb is uff da fees | bis are en onery aw awrem shot | Kinner un der mon Woo der mon nunner bint bis si noch |! table Compound. would restore my health and it has.’ | Mrs. MAY Wyarr, sands of women in the who have been benefitted by roots and herb a woman to r« | Read What | ble and a serious i | tired and disc ura; work. | and have re one of my {ric g'henked hut, k | Virg Farmer's E. Pinkham’s Vege- My husband said it Ashland, Ky. There are probably hundreds of thous United States this famous luced from ars ago by s suffering. man says: trou- ana was todo my r could *h was or thirty old remedy, pre Wi won nother Wao [ had female Camden, N. J. hn My doc ors told I ne | eration, but Fi } retable that affliction commended it to raore than Is with he best mesalts.”” —Mrs. ELLA JOHNSTON, 824 Vine St. If you want special advice write to SV to Ly shtaed sex awg uff em| Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi« | dential) Lynn, Mass. be opened, read and answered by a | woman and held in strict confidence, | Big Colt Sale Friday, Nov. 15 D. B. wid sell a carload inia colts at public sale Inn stock yards H. Zeller will On Co. fine the this of at in lace. OC. call sale, gae missa muss uff em kup in der Himmel, won are any how ni comed. Droom saesht du ich bin net arlae | em kup shtaed. druff uftmohls shtella daida dewelt uff olles es os olls ebmohls uff Feel net, | € leit shtaena un wissa ole un es daid druff we Zoot won | | C mae sich usht | far saena gooked ruff We hob hut ga gooked | 'shtonna | | ich em kup g unnersht grawd we en mon os g’ suffa is, maned are arlae ware de sober | leit ara g'suffa laeva hi bur un onera : : { il inmeim 1t der | | Hi Semly irris recht ga-|q menner wore | irlich Yaderer hut ga-| a 4 wom A FTIR MAT SE like new. Arctics We sell them EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED | | 69 ER Also the Ever Reliable Freed Brothers Work Shoes | For Men and Boys. | | : | ladies the Lintuer Shoes beat. the be For can't faction them. Service and satis- in every pair. Call and see Dress Shoe I have the best | CROSSETT. In a THE Charles L. Dierolf EAST MAIN ST. MT. JOY PA. ARKER'’S ’ HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and besatifies the My its Youthful Colog EB SE in | ner, | Qi unna| for evversht | requiring | to | Delivery, Guaranteed COURT PROCLAMATION jig, ier, Associate, f Common Pleas in and for the Cou y of Lancaster, and Assistant Justi es of the Courts of Oyer and Termi and General Jail Delivery anc uarter Sessions of the Peace in and the County of Lancaster, have is ned their precent, to me directed me, among things make public proclamation thru wat my bailiwick, that a Court of O r and Terminer and a General Ja! also a Court of the Genera ssions the Peace and will commence in the the City of Lanca lonweaitn I Judges of other S of Juarter Jail Delivery, ¥ t i1 « oul n ter, in the Commi of Peun ON THE NOVE MBER purst MONDAY 18th) 1912 THIRD (THE 1ance of whic and Alderman « { 1 the said TED SRST dyed all these dif- goods with the me dye. § )-La Dyes."’ ERI ferent = AMOND Let us help you p 1 Get them at CHANDLER | East Main St., Your letter will | Kieffer | 1911, wn Wednesday, November 13th, BLANKETS WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- FITS ON WOOL HORSE BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS, 18 THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO $10.50, FINES" STOCK LAP ROBES IN THE COUNTY, FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV. ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL STOCK oF VETERINARY MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS Lowa recke LANCASTER, P/ To0-R-TST Half Price. Great Bar- On The Square. Trunks at gains. er HimnnnaNEnTITn GO TO W.B.BENDER Mount Joy, Pa. FOR A GOOD SHAVE STYLISH HAIR-CUT REFRESHING SHAMPOO |or anything in the Barber Line. the | President and Hon. Aaron B. Has- | the Court CHRISTMAS TIME or Any Time Brownie Cameras th Agent for Standard Steam Laundry. rnish 1t t Brandt sStehman MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Druggist | Sunday Hours 8 to 9—35 to 6.45 p. m. Shaving WEST MAIN ST. Cut Your Butler Bill JELKE HIGH-GRADE “GOOD LUCK” USE BUTTERINE ABSOLUTELY PURE Under spection For Sale on and After riday, Oct. 11, AT 2 E. Mag JUNT JO A. MT. JOY, PA Government In- "12 Street . | Joseph B. Hershey 'Tonsorial Parlor | East Main St., MOUNT JOY Three Chairs. No Waiting Agen for the Middletown Steam | Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday {and delivered Friday. BONE MEAL for Fertilizer Hafleigh & Co. Philadelphia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers