PAGE TWO THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA, J. E, SCHROLL, Editor & Prop'r. be = SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR Six Months 50 Cents Three Months Single Copies. . Sample Copies. . . 25 Cents 2 Cents . . FREE Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as second-class mall matter. All correspondents must have their communications reach this office not later than Monday, Telephone news of importance between that time and 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan- ges for advertisements must posi- tively reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisements inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday pight. Advertising rates on appli- cation. BUYING TOBAOCO Quite a Lot of the 1912 Growing To- bacco Has Already Been Contract- ed For that acres ofl between the 1912 It is estimated 500 and 3,000 erop of tobacco has been contracted This is perhaps 15 per cent of the crop. The has been in the northern, northeastern and eastern sections of the nothing having done western or southern parts, or township, learned except a few special Ha vanna around Washington borough. The concerns that have in the field have been Levy several buyers, George the Eisenlohrs and Rossins a2 New York house. The paid been 9 and 3 cents. rumors that as much as has been paid but this cannot be fully confirmed A few growers have been learned of who have already begun stripp- ing but, while tobacco generally pretty well cured up, most farmers have yet plenty of outside work to do and will not take to the tobacco eellars until rough weather sets in. So far as can be has been no shed damage whatever and the leaf seems heavy and sood substance. The trade in old ported to be quiet. for total buying county, been in the Manor so far as can be crops of been and his Hoffman, & Sons, have generally There 10 instances, prices are cents in some is is re- tobaccos ment A SPORTING HILL Joseph Wickenheiser spent day in the home of Phares Mohn, at Salunga. TheUnited Zion's Children held services in the Union church on Sun- day morning. M. H. Kauffman, wife and daugh- ter Helen spent Sunday with Harry Gibble and wife at Rheems. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horst fornia, were guests of Mrs. Brubaker during the past week. Mr. and Mrs J. B. Fralich and son Lyman visited the mother, Mrs. Mary Fralich at Lititz, on Sunday. A. DD daughter Mary his Mr. and Frankhouser, at Ephrata. Mrs. Abram Cooper and Sun- of Cali- Harriet former's Frankhouser, wife and spent Sunday with parents Mrs. Wm. J. Howard Miller and Samuel Floyd | of the, spent Sunday in the home i, mer’s daughter, Mrs. John Shonk | Hill. reorge and son at Cwl Mrs. Dorothy Landis Kise, daughter George and John all of West Philadelphia, spent part of the week with Levi Fissel and family Masters man spent parents, Mr. and Sherer, at Manheim. Mrs. Kathryn ter Helen, of Reading, and daughter Alice Kauff- grand and Ralph with their Mrs. Joseph Ross Sunday R daugh- Harvey and and Straus of parents, Mr. and daugh- and Amos Sumpman, Paul enjoyed ¢ Cover, wife TL.ancaster, visited their H. Florence S. Weidman, wife ter wife and son D.B BE Wenger's fgunday Ginder BAINBRIDGE Charles B daughter, guests f several Mrs. have ret dletown irned to their 1 here with Mr and removed Keesey two where Mr. Keeser h position vith the iving ac- McCall will reside, cepted Power Company. Oliver Fry, off the hono poultry prizes on his prize dans and Buff Cochin much competetion teen hundred entries. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Brandt vere entertained at their home in Middle- town by a number of friends and relatives from this place, Marietta and Middletown, in honor of their departure to Lancaster city, where Mr. Brandt has accepted a position with the Union Trust Company. They were former residents of arietta. 4 of this place, carried Hagerstown many Hou- rs at the show, by winning stock of There nearly was and eigh- learned, there filled of plan has Messrs. | Hime 1 Fb RA A 'HE BA on a horse blanket is the sign of quality—the guarantee of satisfac- tion. It means the entire blanket—yarns, straps, buckles, everything —was made in one factory—the largest in the world. That factory gives you blankets of the best quality at the lowest prices. 5A Blankets go direct from factory to your dealer’s shelves. You pay no jobbers’ commissions, yet you see and handle the blankets before you buy. 5A Blankets wear the longest. The hard twisted yarns, the multiple warps and the experienced workmanship combine tc make HA Blankets the strongest, warmest, thickest and closest woven blankets made. The 5A Storm King is our most popular medium-priced square blanket. It is exceedingly warm, heavy, thick and strong. Outwears several ordinary blankets. Weighs 8 lbs. Measures 84 x 90 inches. Costs but $2.50. Easily worth three times as much. Buy a 5A Square Blanket for street use. Buy a 5A Bias Girth Blanket for stable use. Buy a 5A Plush Robe for carriage or auto. WM. AYRES & SONS Philadelphia, Pa. ER NORTHWEST RAPHO Hill Tuesday Next Automobile Licenses Applications school on 1913 automobile Chiques had no motor i fo1 riday and P. C registration ind for license Hollinger Chiques cycle licenses are pouring into the Geib and Hiram Highway Department by constructed a coal bin in The month State be church last week. the E W and This bath guests with the latter's parents the Mr. Mrs. Misses Certrude Brandt applications will half and hundreds the and a Geib wife were Sab- tags shipped in December Samuel Becker. Hiestand been adopted to meet and and their Mary senerally occurs in the K The rush which last fortnight of the year, Gertrude visited 1913 failure friends, Misses Lizzie and Hollinger olive and green, January tags are to display them on owner and son, l.est- complainant Nathaniel automobile wife No make the Samuel Groff, of 1 will liable to arrest days of grace Maytown were are allowed. The thans>9,000 1912 the vear ends, C er, visitors in the family of Hollinger, on Sunday. Ww. Kulp and department has issued more visited Sunday. for cars for and family wife, licenses John Geib and may reach 60,000 before Samuel on B. Brandt and day guests with Samuel Brandt and wife were Sun- re ete Ae . family. Over One Hundred Years Old family of Rapho possession a dress wedding took place on Miss town- A pretty Saturday Samuel Barnes, when Mr. Ruhl was married to Mr. of Rheems, The splendidly entertained reception at the of the evening Ruhl, L. Herr, shi his p, has in Frances daughter of and | Mrs. J. Edgar couple by his father when That making which was worn he was a babe was way back in 1806, the age of the dress one hundred and six years. was home Sunday. While the dress was quite in fash- at a jon at the time, it would hardly bride's parents, on “shine” with those seen nowadays. OE It is well preserved and is certainly Read the Bulletin a bit of antiquity. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin Gomplexion Cloth. To induce you to test the superior merits of ERINE TALGUM POWDER Your local st, will hold a SPECIAL SALE, offering you a regular 25 cent Sifter I 1 > reduced rate (for this sale only) of 19 CENTS, and give each purchaser an Smposrted Chamois Complexion Cloth, worth 15 cents. Ask your dru aist about i¥. CLOVERINE TALCUM POWDER, is a refined powder for refined people, ind has won the unat indorsement of mothers, nurses and physiciu Refresh- ir nd sanitary for the nursery and toilet. 1 healin Only the best and scien Delicately perfumed with sweet i y to try it at reduced rate, besides for your face. MPANY CLO 11Inous in Soothing xion Cloth ICAL CO , PA. T utactured « or 3 Pp HE WILSON 7” a § ’ 0 TYRO) 5 ‘01 ee ——————————————— 01 = mm =i AN ee Se} LJ i JL DL AINAL I O. OL. AININ\L 11 CY} i) = = » we TERT SA — — 3 ACHE all-wool oe] "™ y Y 0 cheer shown —— FE. B. GROFF MOUNT JOY. PENNA. "RE BERRIEN EEE RRR = HIGHEST CASH PRICES | PAID FOR DEAD ANIMALS WHICH WE REMOVE PROMPTLY BY AUTOMOBILE TRUCK. dpdioodbeostefoofocforfocdestoed delerirolococtosfocfecorfoofocforioriosfoctrofecfooiscfocforfofesfesforeeforfsnior George Lamparter’s Sons LANCASTER, PENNA. 1 Bell Phone No. 920. d. Phone No. 1299 * wv | BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY, SALUNGA, Rabbits seem rather scarce and small Mr Sunday with Christ Swarr spent his brother John Balmy the loveliest the year Miss Mary Weaver night with Miss Our M, E Indian days are of summer spent Friday Alma Hershey choir is rapidly veloping into its talent Claud Fackler the Gain- family near Maytown on Sunday Mr and visited Harry Swarr and family on Sunday. Phares Strickler and family spent Strick de- musical visited nr Mrs. Gorrecht Sunday with his brother F. S. ler, Mr. Miller hunting trip. got and Norman a Heiser the Harry went to mountains on did not fellows Salt air the other back. agree will give a try next time. \ Thus far Melvin Newcomer is the champion gunner he having bag- ged twenty-four rabbits. Mr. Samuel Eby and wife visited Ira Seonaere's, Elmer Rolland’s brother-in-law, Samuel Garb- Just and last Sunday. Warren Lean er's and wife of Landis- party Thursday evening in honor of Miss Weaver and Mr, Habecker. Mr Frank Strickler our ment dealer has just N. G. Baldwin load summed up Mrs. Abram Stehman Ralph and Abram of Millersville, visited the families of Dr. G. S. Ken- B. E. Kendig last Sun- ville gave a on imple- received a fine The car bushels. lot apples. 550 and sons dig and Dr. day. The Brethern this fall continued time and there School the in- Sunday was beyond from present will usual dications be such vervices up to the holidays. Mr and Mrs. I. N. Mumma daughter Anna Martha, Mr. and Mrs Elias Eby, Miss Ada and Master Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eby were by Mr. and Mrs. Ira on Sunday at their near Bossler’s Church. \ Our Salunga Choir classy and is getting some of its well deserved recognition. Last Sunday they sang in the Luthern Church of Lebanon and calls are be- coming frequent the leader- ship of Miss Mary Shenck. Mr. Frank Newcomer met rathar accident with results and his and entertained L.ongenecker home is surely under with Friday He that R. R. when shooting rather serious brother Melvin on gunning in the P. near Salunga, was day were Locust latters charged and lodged in the the shot were small entered the limb it young man will venienced after a rest. rene tl I e—— MARIETTA Mr. George Wolf of Silver Spring, is home on a visit. Rev. W. J. Fairfax has from a visit to Harrisburg. Mr Benjamin H. Prowell return- ed from a visit to friends at Harris- burg. The grove gun accidently dis- of the charge and foot. As and but a few is probable the little portion knee be incon- returned regular monthly meeting of the Board of Educaticn was held on 4 = An Imported Ghamois | ment of the church ing. Tuesday evening with President Mueller in the chair. St. Mary's Catholic Churchheld a progressive euchre in the base- Thursday even- Refreshments were served and | valuable prizes were awarded in all the contests. The project of the automobile ‘line between Marietta and Maytown i Hall, The re- seems almost an assured fact. promoters were in this section cently and at Maytown, and all reports the line will be running soon. This will in all probability in- crease trade wth the two towns. The dletown from following people from I territory Elizabetht- inciden- and surrounding enjoyed a straw ride to town and other places, and tally took in the play in the Market The th Beat 300, Coming of Ru Edna 1 Katharyn 1 Martha Rose, Clare 1 Myers, Mary called urtz, Misses Ida { licke Katharyn Myra ole Thomas, McGinnis Pearl rs, Florence nerr, King, Beck, Irene Brinser, Edna Robinson, W Seltzer, Mal riisie nes Markley, Edgar m Charles Scheaffer, Camer Detweiler, Conrad, Hershey Kean, Mr Atticks, Mr. and Mr on Mrs. I. R. Harry Bauder, C. Martin sem—S lint ERISMAN'S CHURCH .Abraham Erb visited his Erb Wednesday. b Rohrer and N and Mrs. brother Albert on one of R: est citizens celebrated his 83 birth r on Friday. Landisville Archie Hunt of brother Frank visited his on Sat- urday and Sunday Miss Elizabethtown College spent day and Sunday at home. Miss spent a part of the past Philadel- phia, visiting acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Metzler spent part of Saturday,and Sunday Mrs, Metzler’s parents at Anna Brubaker a student at Staur- Lizzie Missimer week in with Lititz. Mr. Ammon Petersburg spent night and Sunday Eshleman The neighbors Brubaker’'s corn Kreider of East part of Saturday with Henry husked A. Monday K. on and Mid- | Nellie Seltz Beard, Ag- | ypho’s old- | PA. ednesday, November 13th, 19 GETZ BROS. $10.00 $15.00 $17.00 Winter Suits and Overcoats They're the Suits an Overcoats that bring crowds of buyers, not bd cause of what we say abo them, but because of wh they are! Hundreds and hu dreds of men come bas every season! Suits and Overcoats $10, $15, $17, that so stores would megapho from the house top as u precedented twenty to th ty-five dollar value. New, fresh lots aj coming to us daily to f the empty places madec#i¥ day before! Every Getz Brothers’ Suit or Overcoat is sold to; Saad Moe FA soph te MA A ————— HOME By Pr. Davig After our hbeut what some of the its apread, ai oward prey maturally ask he ea: } he best way There is S] Since taki one of the fi lll you at the cheapest possible Jd: ~ Getz Brothers’ price a ~ has a personal guaran of satisfaction! Wake up and see w] we have for you. Suits and Overcoats, $7.00 to $20 Mr Brubaker is confined the house. Mr. Daniel Metzler who is one of the directors of the Mennonite Home at Oreville, attended the directors meeting held there on Sat- Tuesday, to urday. and wife, Flinchbauch, an auto Lebanon Brubak- H. Brubaker Mrs. Kurvin Mr, Newcomer, spin Church Co. on Sunday where Rev, Rev. I. Mr. and Christ took to Gingrich’s religious services. eR — er conducted GOOD NEWS Many Bulletin Readers Have Heard it and Profited Thereby. “Good news travels fast,” and the thousands of bad back sufferers | in this vicinity are glad to learn | where relief may be found. Many a | lame, weak and aching back is bad more, thanks to Doan’s Kidney Pills. Thousands upon thousands of people are telling the good news the Old an ex- no experience with Here . ; ample worth reading: their Of | Quaker Remedy. is justice of the! Emaus St., Middeltown, | “I know that Doan’s Kid-| ney Pills live up to the claims made them. My kidneys troubled nd on for some time and I was Joseph Campbell, ce, 29 Pa., says: for me off subject to attacks of pain in my back. I could not retain the kidney. proof Hear- highly cretions and this gave plain ewak. Pills box and be-| that my kidneys were Doan’s Kidney T obtained The kidneys poken of, using them. result was My and every gan tisfactory. strengthened were condition im- My experi- Doan’s Kidney Pills my { proved in way. ence with war- me in recommending them to other kidney sufferers.” { rants For sale by all dealers. Price 50 Foster-Milburn Co., New sole agents for the \'mnited | cents. | York, ! States. Remember the name—Doan's— {and take no other. ed granted Charters Gran | | | — © A { Friday to electric companies Conestoga, Martic, Pequea, Providence and Martic townships and to the Eliza- behthown and Marietta Electric Company. The incorporators are: W. W. Griest, C. Edgar Titzel and John S_ Graybill, Jr. panies will be merged into the Edi- son Electric Company, and will be operated by the Lancaster County Railroad, Light, [He and Power Comp:@y. Charters were on in These com- 1 always have on hand anything | in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham. | i PARK & POLLARD: f. DRY-MAS ~ Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etc. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Prices always right. GETZ BROTHERS, Krall Meat Market! “Tutton. MOURT JOY HALL BUILD MOUNT JOY, PENNA. \ ‘willlay in the spri 'months—whe ‘eggs are cheap. Pork awd MAKES XO ©\ J THEN Ql H H. KRALL Vest Main Street, Opp. Bank, 2¢11 Telephone : HR @Has. BL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE nA Main Hing and Cle Collect DR. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 530-532 Office Hours: 9a. Sunday and Other Hours a) » We BARBER 5t., Mount Jos ttlement of MOUNT JOY, PA Contains the right fi mixed right. Brings eg lowest cost. Less tha the labor to care for hen Your money back —if you want it. Don’t get started now and hay — plenty of them—right Ask us for the Park &] Year Book and learn this wonderful feed. lw 4 SELL EB ring of Public Dales Estaies ion Of f your and have Oo. XK A posi preventativi JENKINS for further details. chickens Pou 1se our CLEMENT For Sale by FB | 4 C. & Drandt&St MOUNT JO, Woolworth Building Lancaster, Pa. m.to3 pm By Appointment Both Phones R42 LLIAMSE Agt Terms Maoderarve. CHARLES S. FRANK Prompt Attention given to Sa Real Estate and Persona! ry . Referg For Middletown Steam MOUNT JOY, # Made A New M “J was suffering,¢ P st 1, h and back,’] I. Alston, Raleigh, N. C 8 liver and kidneys did not @ but four bottles of Elect 8 made me feel like a I | & PRICE 50 CTS. AT ALL DR «After fuar in our fam of consumption I was a frightful cough and but my life wis savg 87 pounds f{groug Laundry | PENNA. i Bell Telephone | AUCTIONEER Ce; DR MOUNT JOY, PA | $01 Jomas TL... M A feather duste
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