THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN ow XI. NC)L.25 MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY. NOV. 1 {412 ) )y $1.00 A YEAR "ULATION ALWAYS COUNTS—OUR ADS BRING RESULTS—THAT'S WHY MERCHANTS USE THIS ADVERTISING MEDIUM » ERISMAN'S CHURCH | ' N F v | ’ i S ersonals | ss rer ame aa we mie | FF lOFIN News [Farmers Column! oituary beth Paul of Manheim, spent Tues ——— - . 'HEREABOUTS OF OUR | day with J. K Palm and wife HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY Viir [USEFUL INFORMATION FOR THE | rfHE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUS{ | INDS THE PAST WEEK William Heisey, wife and son, AGE WEST OF HERE FARMER TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER | Jonas, spent Sunday with Mr, and — | ir Staff of Reporters Found | Mrs. Alvin 8S. Hershey, at Manheim. | Gocal and Personal Briefs That Have | Pick Your Apples When Cool and | some Well Known veople From Our | Card Basket Since Our Last Christian Rothfus; wife and Occurred Since Our Last Issue in Keep Them Cool—Wacth Youn Neighborhood Have Passed to ue | _—— : y on a Tore i a 11 oF Pat op g : > . ino » a y : : . . i Many People Were in and | daughters, Mary and Helen, spent Our Hustling and Wide Awake Bull —International Laying Con- Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue | Town, Sunday with John Zug and wife, Neighbor Village. Florin. test—The Fertilizer Question—— Gone to Their Reward, r o- ay tue villuga, - — Other Notes — g ia 3 Shila- . a Irorana. (3aAhar is . ginle Yis ri ‘ iden S A A. Rollman is in Phila Jonas Snavely, sr, and wife and Eugene Gaber is on the sick list. —— Mrs, Mary King died at Columbia OUR CORN CONTEST 3 Jonas Snavely, jr, wife and son Clar- Mr. J. H Rutherford is paying In selectng potatoes for seed pur-| On Friday night in her 76th year | ocal Notes ; A. Roudabush spent Sat-|apnce, and daughter, Anna May spent | 42,c. per dozen for white eggs. a de : a i y : : vais. | POSS is not only best to gel The Mount Joy Bulletin One Year » Annville, Sunday with Christian Herr, at Mr. and Mrs. Israel Leisey vVisit-| ), c0 of desired type and size, but \Ibert, the 3 year old son of Fred SE ew ; —— " L. Hershey of Philadelphia | Donegal. ed friends at Millway last week. equally important that th ’ {erick Flick died at Columbia on For #n Ear of Corn. MANY SHORT NEWS ITEMS OP . . all] ! ¢ ¢ €e See } - — VEN BY rrp go arn oO wn Monday. Isaac Tyson is on the sick list Preaching services were held at chosen shall come of prolific stock Monday GENERAL INTERES] 3 » P r aa . p al ’ " y : iy * 4 C SLOCK . v . » > 3 or or . a G. Myers of Lancaster, |anq his friends from near and far |Eby’s Church on Sunday morning. that is, from seed that prod ) Our corn contest is getting real —————— . A h : b { S, see a roduced as vjef g ‘ni ys X day in town. came and husked his corn for him Mr. Daniel Garber is off on af... good sized tubers as possibl Hiram W. Hilt, a retired farmer | interesting and we hope many Brief Local Happenings Gathered as any §g 81Z A's as ssible ’ ' ri id \ud 3 Volirs: Lancaster , ing iri y "EV y X Fhey Occur Wi : , S. Vollrath of Lancaster, He thanks them all very much for |hunting trip thru Perry County. in the hills. The only way such |©f Manheim, died on Sunday aged |more farmers will make entries ey e ur With the Whirl of the Oo mn yesterday. their kindnicss Mr. Victor Deibler of Royalton, 86 vears i 3 World for Quicy Reading Withie k cs 2 . a x : seed . can be selected is by hand ge very soon, Fhe contest closes Sat- the Past Few Days. E. Howe of Lancaster, Miss Stella Weaver spent Thurs-|spent Sunday in town the guest of | joi. which giv tir f tl Re —.. i h [ ye O 3 r § ’ : Ce . pk £8ing, rives ne for 1e ; h urday so get busy The person ex-| ————— 3 rsday in town, day with her friend, Miss Luella | friends. inatinoti plas i ne $b. Rev. Martin J. Mumma, a retired : ! r ; p — a FC i of Lancaster | vs ! pi ; cf, [Inspection of each hill as it is open- 4 Bi hibiting the largest ear will re- Mrs. C. N. Mumma is bedfast on _- 0 y omstock o ancaster | ish, at Manheim, and she enjoyed The Brethren in Christ held ser- od Tue selection of seed potatoes clergyman of the United Brethren 8 { $ ‘ Ru ; : . 5 3 | . $ § < gE : i i y accoun ) SICKNess. «a n on Monday. ¢ |a nice time. vices at the Cross Roads church on. ; : Church, died at Hershey on Satur-|ceive the Bulletin free for a year |“ : iow ge Br + of 1 as 3 from the bin promiscuously has : 3 : ._| Mr. Charles Dillinger is busy take 1 rge B. Brunner of Lancas- Henry Buch and wife and Jacob | Sunday. Se at a ae : day Mrs. Dr. J. R. Lehman of |and the second prize will be six o : ’ Q ! mw. Pridav y ‘ ai Just about as much to commend it EB ing orders for Christmas trees ce : n town Friday. Weaver, wife and daughter, Stella, Mr. Albert Geyer of Elizabeth- as selecting seed corn from the bi Mountville is a daughter. mons. sahserjption, All, hose, I'l bl 1 M : 3 3 i oo x : : ues & Seed corn Iron e bin G : . ‘he public sale of Mrs S LY H. Shade of Reading, was spent Sunday with Peter Shelley |town, spent Sunday in town calling| . : — who desire, can get their corn after e pu Soe 's, Susan = or | esterday » . : : after the crop is husked. 3 iF Williams on Monday was well atten- Ce t 1ere yesterday. and family and Samuel Snyder and|on his many friends. on will dai : Mrs. Lavina Henry the contest closes if they care to ted : " : re Tlie Ye a mi company's dairy far : : re 3 ¢ : : aed 11¢ Leader of Elizabeth-|\ife at Manheim Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Carmany spent in N ] : " ; id I farm w rs. Lavina Henry died at her |bPreserve it for planting Herewith | p Jol Herchel i rol x ir : New Jersey it is said th: nl : . ; i ; | Jur townsman John Herchelrot! in town yesterday. William Knight wife and daugh-|Sunday at Landisville calling on men. ar tod iki ie e home in Lancaster on Sunday from |is a picture of the ear that won teal he . a lesv. sof . as : . ; oll, Dk 'n are today milking regularly Cais : = . ia ; . was so unfortunate as to lose $ Maley of the County Seat ter are spending several days with [relatives and friends. Hiri fit oY ‘ g iv | Bright's disease, aged 59 years. |first prize in the World's contest last H t £ 1 ineRe in : : . ty e cows each twice daily us : or enry street a few days ago. on business Monday. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. A bouncing baby girl arrived at TI hott . a € cally. mpg. Elizabeth Stoner of this place, | year. A . : ! ; ny se TV y ker cire 0 n ley begin work at 2 o'cloc yl, : : y Y ; | Miss Katharyn Gingrich achin rry Longenecker circulat-|Ryh), near Ruhl's church. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer wtot > He of k In the 5 , sister of the deceased. We received another entry from lise Rat A y ho mgr 7s pi . x. a : y afternoon anc ontinue ilking . erator a 118 office, was « tv e parts on Saturday. Jacob Ober, wife and daughters, | Gise last Wednesday. fi } I ! : : milking Mr. Jacob B. Brubaker ol near town operat 7 L hi oi a on . Tnliine . 3 ive ours They 1e st seven | ies . : s 1; Severs ays this week e to sick # Nolting of Columbia, | Grace and Kathryn and John Snave- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bates and son } il 2 SY VOR TEN. Sevedi John C. Stambangh It is certainly a fine ear and will *¢ i dn) set due to sie er % av . . : Teva qours until 2 a. m. a i agai ‘ y 4 : ness. r streety on Monday. ||y wife and sons, Henry and John |spent Sunday in town visiting ; Lil nd milk again John CC. Stambaugh, a former |make many of the entries hunch up. ji y ATV Cats - iced trae ! : a : : or a like period, having » peri v a ‘ 3 'e are indebte t wy. 0, 6 Harry Getz was a visitor tolang daughter Stella, spent Sunday |friends in the village. : Jie 1 I, having the period | egigent of Florin, died at his home ——— g 4 ndebted to Dr sf \ 7 Coun x 3 : rom ¢ a, mi to 2 se as |; : 3 ‘ ; ongenecker for & yortio ) Is at the County Seat on Sun-| with Elmer Geib and family. Miss Martha Arndt of near town a il he L P. mM. 10 use as i, washington, D. C. last Wednes- The New Officers St RS : » portion of Hh - “ : 1ey like. ‘he fastes ilker of y i : arge moose he she while g in; - Isaac Walborn and family enter-|spent Sunday with her brother Mr. ) 2 The fastest milker of the gay death being due to heart The Tollowing officers were. elect Be : se he )t while gunnin vg fe 5 how. ia ok evi : Pr svat en milks a cow » average in| : 5 ’ in Canada. 1s. Estella Bucher is entertain-|(sineq the following on Sunday: |Milton Arndt and family. (s a Cow on the average inifajjyre, He was extensively engag- ed last Sunday evening for the Y I > 1 y 7 sdav eo igs 2 ar a : y every seve é g alf i \S : : i Te 5 , Jon't forget the oyster supper the Wednesday club this after-| joseph Brandt and wife of Mt. Ver- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weaver of ey en and a half minutes, eq in the manufacture of raglp s © E. of the United Brethren he a 'pper ur 0 ’ y : ABE ot i .« | While the average rate is one cow in|.,.. , sy 3 Ta : der the auspices of the Jr. 0. U. A . non; Daniel Walborn, wife and |Lancaster called on Mr. and Mrs. i ici " carpet. Deceased was 62 years old [Church to serve for the ensuing M Mt. J Hall this 8 i hr : v a. ia : x ach eig 2S ¢ a half The ia : x >'M., in Mt Joy a is St rday v o Ir. Moyer of Palmyra, is here on, andson, Percy Geist, of near |l.emon Leisey on Sunday. each eight minutes and a half, The 459 jeaves a wife, Caroline and Year: : avy this - Saturda) ris is sr-in-law rs ! \ men receiv 7% cents ¢ . . : } : 2 evening, Nov. 16 ) < iglt to his mother-in-law, Mrs.|gup)s church, and Amos Witman, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cox and Ici ecelve 117} cemis an hour for |children: George B., Henry J., John President, Wm Jrubaker Ed. R , 1 ] their services sides . ‘ i, en 2 : ’ id Ld. eam's colt sale was well at- . wife and son, Earl, and daughters, |daughter returned home after spend ¥ services, besides room andiy., Abram and Mrs. Anna Thomas. V. Pres., Alvin Shonk y : ; be Freda Willer is gradially a ods ; eT itito ine several days at Chicas board. | He Gs . . y Tnttad : ey. Phiph : tended on Saturday. Quite a num- Misses Lizzie and Nora of near Lititz |ing several days at licago. 7] {He was a member of the nited Recording Sec., Edna Hershey ber of fine colts wor id ‘at fai - F : EAST Sia » state sxperime stati al x . ’ : ¥ via db er o e colts were so é from a severely sprained ee — Mr. Henry Ganinstor and daugh- le state; experiment station of Brethren Church and was buried| Cor § Ruth Spangler . CH Zell 1 th py ¥ i r = a : . Misa Tis ; : : Florida is performing a service for; " wr . ‘ Ey pan prices. C. Zeller called the sale. e os ; . PLEASANT HILL. ter Miss Lillian of Manheim, spent the. Tainerd air RE e forijp the Rock Creek cemetery atl ryeasurer, Raymond Nissley. Mr. 1. EE. LonuoneeRer. is Draw k and Miss Thompson of | ; lan : a snnday at ZR iia¥e le farmers and ruck gardners of | Washing ) : : > : A : Mr. J. & ong K £ 8) o 9 : ped | Monroe Ebersole captured three dy i: J. RK, Preymeyer's, the state th: her . Bi ashington, D. C. Chorister, B. F. Gerber. housing the finest lot of celery and : plled on friends here on | ,...viio of Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Easton called state that other commonwealths| init ol hie Rr res Talore} sin he lery rabbits on Friday. might well toll tl : Asst Chorister, George Ebersole cabbage he raised since he is truck . NF rime abet an a loli gl well follow le example 2 . pv’ BROKE : ‘ a flet} ee Din pas tL AX : ; Preaching was held at the Boss-|0n the former's sisteer Mrs. Walter TI at as ye : of Mrs. Méry Blrosey. { Pianist, Ruth Spangler. iz which he is selling very cheap Q Earls of Newark, N. Jul)... church last Sunday Hoffman at Maytown on Sunday le service referred to consists in Mrs. Mary Brosey, widow of Hen-| 4 Pianist. Edith Bentzel Ti > il I > ’ \S f friends here las : : pe . : » : |the analyzing of si les ln : : : , : a . here wi ‘e a meeting of the c § as . an} ap . ari- 3 = sam § rosev i ‘ (de ‘ . oe ost of ~friends here last Mrs. Jacob Horst was a week end Mr, Joseoh Rutherford of Marl | fertilizer: ; pres Of|ry Brosey, ditd on Saturday morn-| Heads of Committees: Devot on- Wilson Progressive Club tomorrow &o visitor to Lancaster on Sunday etta spent several days in town the|!°rtilizers for the farmers of the|ing at her home in Maytown, from |, Mps. B. F. Gerber: Social Ethel } hy 1 1 ; = : i § i ast ay. . ; ; | state tree OF ens dite : : Vis ¢ ] FE rerbe $ 1al, Kth night n the smal 1 ge 1 ¢ ne les Templeton, of Phil- Mrs. Samuel Gish who had been |8uest of his brother J. H. Ruther- | State Iree of charge Ihere 1s noja complication of diseases Deceas- | ghani Missionary, Muriel Greena- Iall f | : gp fi : Mrs. St ish ¢ > 5 sein oiling ] : : to wh h YL HE ies x 4” Mt. Joy Hall for the purpose of ar- ® lled on friends here on | confined i6 iio house with. slek- ford. | Ww compelling the state chemists toled was in her 56th year and was| all Flower Bother Ebersol ( ” Hf ar y | hous sl i : arto ia np he Pha : . ow Stu 4 rer Ir ng for a parade All memben ness is recovering after several | Mrs. Jacob Stokes of Columbia, |! rform th service ut they seer former resident of tl n. Shel okout. Elizabeth Greiner ted ] : igh : y | Se & meg ¢ 1 Si ere | : | iN : - ' . ( 1h, + “€ x HH are requeste 0 e present C. Imboden and R iwooks Sicknioe spent Sunday in town the guest of |'© fave taken the re hat i urvived ythe following child iE : 1 : : 4 {S ¢ S53 ! Ine hand 2 he 3a 1 . . < . ET 3 r Wante( Blac ksmith, als steam leona were seen about Any person in need of good c ws | her parents Mr. and Mrs. Emlin|V28 berlfeciy proper to do so lon ¢ Mi C. B. Grib Renova; H. 1rill aba 4 iso = } = 1 ; i L Buller |as mo la of the state prohibited|W. Brose: Ycaate \ 160. his Was Some Moose dr operator, tenant f¢ house and ; tean be accommodated by calling jot el ; 7 3 ore : | svond vy. OC acksmith, also tenant for dwel Georgi Langvater t¥po Ob) y coh Horst on the Sam Sheare - | Mr. Howard Neideigh and three|!t: In connection with this work tacke Maytown ih Lomse | Syomn - : $e : ling 1 ho can rat team : . . : JE ¥ ta wall oe 3 . ‘ hn : 2 . ~~ necke 0 eaat 1d oy af + g notuse wino ‘al operate stea bethtowr wis circulating In farm back of Rhe | da ighters of near Mount Joy called |the station chemists are endeavor regan of this place nd Mr Ella |! bo EY el : : : 1 A. M. G Mill hi x : far: yac f ¢ { ; : : : re ts 3 oy : {Ie SYOr Wi f1 d t A I. Garbe’s ill, Chick on Sunda} Thats. has boon 1 fi al his daughter Mrs. Milton Arndt |'" ) ve llose who sen ! 0 n¢ Y Bn ioe to Cl nT Fe Ni ’ doar nial danatiter ; § ) 1 tos Sina { of lizer to ; y y Iii held ( H rn les to 14 i con lan ? [long the line here ts lately and} OR Suhd: fe : : : Tas i 1 caster R. D. No. § nov 6-2 at Kia lh or Mr. Bunny has en the suf- Miss Myrtle Beatty of Mount Joy | strc fon in: heal iy oy = pe at pe ar er ! : : li issn | ferer Many were killed spent Sunday in town as the guest |and fertilize: and their effo hoi h 1 Wit ; : Don't Miss This Fi Swiler of dottsville, | : i . of ST: HAT eRi T+ + | SE Nn to be be o ood | y ( of ¢ l : , : Potisyitle The stork ente the home of J h parents ir, and Mrs. J. G n ! i aboratl) staged ted business within our DOr-|, ywijjamg at Maytown, last week. | Beatt I At 1 ose of the foi — e Wel, 8 1a SN haby Dov o 't intellizence| Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young spent | Week of the internatio p ne | Joseph S. Greiner DIES ! cen produced the : 3 Bediner ang {arrived to grace their home Sunday as the guests of Mr. and es ny IeIng vondngie Te oe conti oF 44 Y! %y evening Noy. 23 Willer spent Sunday at Eliza- | We olovate our bearer to Squire | MIS Aaron Baker and family near |Ston Agricultural ollege Con- | d resident of R » townsh I ler: ic actor, Mr frier a : ~~ hv'e (1 . | nect t r 2 1 7 lo ( ) ort , $ 5 In Ot A 1 1 nds. { Grosh of Milton Grove for the co1 EEby’s Church. cticut, Mr PF G Yost’s per of | 1 fl ( “3 : \ 0 y n able Ivester Dearbeck and sor pliment he extended us in hi Mr. and Mrs, H. H Shoemaker | White Leghot Wl in the lead |!ance nort ot ersonville : ai ee : ( ¢ tin David . bE x : ‘ia . 3 Phuivsd 1 DOT n( M [Longe er were guests of Mrs. Harry | wook’s letter to the Bulletin. and Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Gantz spent of ISH « vhile | thursd; 4 : ot y ; i ! ( \d ) g ents vine on Sunday. | ts. SOD i mss Sunday as the tests of friends aL n White Wyandottes| i! 18 ¢ eLire « | for reserved seats Garber’s | Xo f 1 i eond wi a 4 my I Wf th Brethre n ( at | 1D Juite m be f hi = S. J. Roberts of Everett, Pa., | A Grand Supper Safe Harbor. | ' hs ond Yih bu | ; : 1 a ! ! 9 . ; H | a e heing tre 1 y MOOS Dru 02 Don i set your ] r latha 3uller fish Commiss- | Marwood F White Lechorns are } je i urvived by h wife | 5 ng t ( > n town on Monday the guest| A grand supper for the benefit of Mr. Nathan Buller fish Commiss-|Marwoo Whit «eghorn 1 : : : Yahn. | Sint tn u ; i ona TT oan : Yona ind third wit S00Te of" 041 a follo hildren ohn ¢ € ir a Joanna Miller. [the County Convention to be held |1oP€r Of Has spent Sunday in| hird Score of 3 HL okt I - a Sy : : : . 5 } a town with his brother Mr. Emlin | While the on Poultry Farm pen|on the homestead farm: Henry, re ietei 1S Harper, of Philadelphia, is!here next June, Flag Day, will be Y Din HE { das N ' nT m District S. S. Convention | : 3 yi Buller and lv | of hite Leghorns rank fourth | gidir nea Elizabethtown Mrs Rapho Teachers Meet her mother, Mrs. Mary Pat- held in Mt. Joy Hall Saturday i { £8 : Ii Werner 2 Camhelltown) 1 : have rf Pan} ' e dist St Scheol Con ast Math strech | evening. Nov. 10. It will be held Hazel Conklin of Gordon, | a production of934 The iran vera: of ; imbe ote wn he ¢ he Ss ( : tapho ship Hon om hrs Mou Tor : : : ih Neb., spent ‘several days in town as | En sh pen of W te Leghorns be d Mi He Gibble, o viiiton 1 le o Satur [De % 1 \ : Mary King died at Colum- [under the auspecies of the Lan- i 5 [4 " 1 The ful was held ) 11 and BOTOUgH aI Loun oy 1 » tags - | the guest of » cousi +. William | longi te F'homa irron ran { X owe : it rence I } oki cre Her remains | caster County Association Jr. O. the guest of her cousin Mr. William | : ) 0 rank/’ Ce be d in the Lutheran church I A. M The bill of fare will consist] Hamilton and family. . [fifth with 908 ¢ It nterest- | 4a¥ moring th erv ’ } f I ed at Klinesville. gr Ae le bill of fare V1H consis . ihe to uote that of i : Yor 4 so ond Visic. ‘Saciots Recitat 1501 Iu fternoo: An z Mary. and. Croce of oysters in every style, ice cream, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brandt and ee ! IR : 3 eni Novemb 6, when an ex- es lar) ¢ 11'e . the have mad ‘ : ) ¢ ( th nN © JR 18C1 ( Ho 2 cakes, sandwiches nd all other del} daughter Anna of near Rheems hat SARE C 4 ramme will rende ( Rohrerstown, spent last 3 i ‘ y 1 t fw or he Q n belong to ti x 1 he cen ¢ p n I M11 et : — icacies in seaso pent Sunday as the guests Wm. | : ot Ee ya : £ Ltt nce i 1 d (he in town with friends. sa In Senso) ' : 3 . S GRIND al p 0 he I J nele M : : ess es AEs Hamilton and family. | J X ¢ I is mo cord y ed J. Harry Miller and daugh- bein ald White W isn y ' ; . 3 : : : : : Apples! Apples! Mr. F. B. Stretch assistant ticl pe ; : > nip I { Ihe mpie i F are spending insti- SR ; aN ’ ention above 3 Fir Ne yr. £ I : [ just received a rload of choice | agent the Landisville station is r t ¢ € W ends at Endla. ye 4 | Al yulls no tte i or something of t a ( I St New York te apples. I guaran-|working at the Florin station while | r , I re er w A dabus 1 tw : g : . : ) re SUDDOSH ? hand 1 er I het Q VI idabush an WO | tee every rel sound and to ru Mr. Cox is off on his vacation | 1b ¥ : 1 f H%% man Gets His Orders nding the week! 11 thro LRT as ; ; : ndled t 11 tin with the da f 16 ] el ¢ 4 : well throu le barrel. This is my Mr. John Kauffman and son Lloyd | ; . . Mille MV tville lear Lewistown third carload Will have nother | ne : : 0ss1bill ir mir ; : third. carload, WW have another |of near Ironville, and Mr. Jacob|, . I nd les of cotton wel orche 1 ~~ a ed r and Iie tie ) amovne. is | carlin: Sy AF . rl : Vis Ns s : ecome m ind 1 some ong 2 Cr oF acmayne. 18 earlaad vest week, When in New | Shires and family of town, were nst 1 he floor light \ it 1 Rid ry 5 pt v3 ON Hh hor | VAot Vise 4 5 An inst: ndi te i t i 1 1 Sa iver Ride the d in town with her | york I bougl one of the fin- very pleasantly entertained at A. B. : : : : oy ‘as : i un HC her and d y child a Wve TATE 7 all . Ve yey 1 . nt 4} ph y in the he n the 1 1 ¢ I ther, Mrs. Margaret Zel est orchards of apples in that section | Winters on Sunday xe : went Gh he ; { = 2 P 1s direct ntribute aC bell is spend of the country. Come and see a1 Z : , n ne oy Helo a of : p f lara Campbe ) t o : i ! ne Rev. J. B. Funk, Miss Eva Kreid-| entle bt vhose shh the me Th fire | ¢ it in or ( Ween! . ® K i glen with her dge for yourselves. Respectfully, : { BE : a fo Ne | tH t week in Atglen Ww : T yourselves pectiully,l er, Miss Bertha Eby, Mr. Harvey the. owner himse ( 1 in the picker rcom of No. | 1 Re an friend iv- i~-~Dyer and other Moyer, Mt. Joy, Pa. 1 Vom as x Si Lid nel y y ih y ran A 1 } cu i : : Geyer, and Mr. Emanuel Eby were | was bell : o|1 mill. There was more damage by |;, lem an automobile ride up the ——— el A mnie | wa t r it bile ride up tl i ie pleasantly entertained atChristian | some admiring friends Wishing | Water than fire | river to E ethtow The On Gunning Trips. Detwiler, daugl Free Demonstration reneman’s g , : .. fia RP en { 1 3 ; am Darrenkamp is 1 A - nl strat Breneman’s on Sunday | the animal to move his position a 0 decorated with banners im Darrenkamp is gunn : lle vtle n re w e ¢ o ‘ee ‘ - . yi: r : : 10 n ‘ou \ 11 p Sue : i 2 wu 8 Dig free demon Messrs. Jacob H. Rutherferd and |bit that he might appear to better A Neighborly Act he men enjoyed the trip very mueht 1s 1 County. ¢ her spent Sunday | strat len Sui offee ¢ Mr. = : a 3 . rq . . 23 r larrv HO ¢ TT c 3 ge i a re lay jsiration of dolden San coffes aL MY. 1hrather- Joseph of Marita were advanta the owner struck him Mr. Clayton H. Herr, who resides | but few of them returned home a Mr. Harry Gochnauer and som fam? f Mr. Gingric at | M 8S. wman’s store on Saturday, lvarv > : { : re . 13 cia — : loniomip e tx nlnan ON ——y o h 3 4 An's > re on y 1rday, fvery successful while out on a gun-|lightly with a whip. In an instant|on the ohn S. Nissley farm several |bit sea sick. Those in the crowd Benjamin, of this place, left yester- ve. November 6 whe everybody is i : i : : | - : av morning for y 3lacl > ° > 2 3 . < : h everybody is|pning trip one day last week they the devil in the animal, until that miles east of town, has been con-|were Messrs. John W. McGinnis, day morning for the Black Log Zerpky, son of Peter no COTY fe y invited to attend.|gycceeded in bagging 14 fine quail [time latent, burst forth, and, turn-|fined with typhoid fever for the|S. R. Snyder, Levi Dillinger and Mountain where they expect to a > » Fort Terrv or particulars se & . - . 13 : . | : s \ 3 \ i yo o ives toy for Fort Terry, r particulars see ad. and a number of rabiits. ing on his owner, he killed him be-|past ten weeks, and at this writing | Jesse Watson spend some time gunning. . f o EDO Ee. > | ’ | wn meet Ieee 2 spend®ng a month here fore the eyes of his friends. It is|is able to walk about. Last Wed- TTT Ee ro . 3 5 r G 5 i . . : : N os ” rents. Has Many Gold Pish : Rented the Stables well to regard these brutes as just|nesday forty three of his neighbors Fine Under Conditions | An Error in Place = Mrs. C. S. Longenecker Mr. H. H. Myers has just drained Mr. Ed. Ream has rented the spa- [What they are treacherous and un-|came to his farm, husked and haul- Mr. W. B. Detwiler, of this place [Last week we made an error in A ive ia i or 3 : : ar . ip : tatine her accide 0 Fer Mis Catharing spent | his pond near Florin and has an ex-|cious stables and yard at the old | reliable. Then if they prove any|ed to the barn, an entire field of | qiced a corn stalk that was 14 1-2 Stating where the accident occurred ernoon at Lititz and |ceptionally fine lot of gold fish of [Req Lion Hotel property which he |thing better a fellow is ahead that|corn. Mr Herr wishes to heartily |feet high upon which there grew to the late Henry Shank. We 1 making the trip by auto-|various colors, that can be bought|wiy occupy with his surplus stock.|much If they do not he is not[thank all who were so kind and|(hree large ears of corn, one of Should have said at the home of at any time, either wholesale or re-| yr. Ream expects to hold combina- [taken off his guard and does not|generous to do this work. them being on display in our win- Mr. John Martin, as that is where * y Mr. and Mrs. Peter tail. tion sales in the very near future|have his life insurance matured in| . 1m + — dow. Mr. Detwiler also has a few he was employed. ertained these guests: at intervals of about two weeks.|a Jiffy. Shoot. at Mil%on Grove samples of ears that are as large as; = Zerphy and family of Two Big Porkers With this additional room he now EE ——- > -.—- On Thursday, Nov. 28, Thanksgiv|the ordinary although this is the] Will Preach Here Bridge, Mr. Clayton Yesterday Mr. Samuel Fasnacht|has ample stabling. G. A. R. Post Inspected ing Day, a grand shooting match |third consecutive year he had corn{ Rev. F. E. Erdman, P. E. of Har- family of near Milton [killed a hog for Mr. Walter Kramer am Mr. James W. McCune, P. P. C,|will be held at Mr. A. S. Holwager's | in this field and did not use any fer risburg District, of the United Evan John Gephart and |that weighed 385 pounds and one Tried the Engine of Lancaster, accompanied by Adju-|hotel at Milton Grove, for a lot of |tilizer. !gelical Church, will preach in the Back Run. for Mr. Donald W. Kramer that Friendship Fire Company held [tant D H. Heitshu, inspected D. H.|fine turkeys and geese. 2t ell Mapes mete: | Evangelical Church in this place, ri rei 3 S Ji ; " —— Eee ri . ‘riday ni 7.3 « W. D. Detwiler, Mrs. weighed 421 pounds, Both hogs a test of the host and engine on|Nissley Post No. 478, G A R on Will Go to Panama oh Friday night at 7.30 P. M. Re- . Anna Lytle, Mr. Clar | Were within a day of one year old. |North Market street Saturday after |Saturday evening Everything was Good Shoe News Mr. W. B. Bender of this place, Vival services. Everybody welcome, > A Btu. y 3 ’ > : : > : - n " + v » : —— DN CII Ww. IM. Hollowbush, RO0%: Everything passed off very|found in first-class condition. We wish to call the attention of |will sail from New York for Empire i T) n nie 1 y eo - QE : ‘ } 3 a + e, BA attended the Removing the Hedge Fence. ! oe: the engine gave perfect sat our many readers to the advertise-|Panama. on the 20th he month Bought a Truck. 1 q i i isfac + : : A y Pm nits A : at Wrights- Mr. G. Moyer is removing the Hen, and those in attendance November Number Out. ment of Mr. Charles L. Dieroif, the [to visit his daughter, Mrs. Warren; Th Philip Frank Malting Compa- i i wer : 3 : ’ ; n mn 3 ; bride, VBS[RSUE9 fomce imi fhe ven side of i] pean ya Ye mavter in The November number of the|East Main street shoe dealer, Don’t |E. Hoffmar Mr. Bender wil end {ny of this place, has purchased a : ic whic wo : . : : ’ > 1 Aare: ‘ia 3 jing and a|the pike at his farm Beal town. id rked Pattersonian is being distributed | fail to read it. a month in Panama I his large International Motor Truck ; : el ree Mr. Th hedge are being pulled by a and shows improvement over the eet ee absence his business wil be n from the local representative, Mr ho ! traction engin | Read the Bulletin initial issue. Subscribe for the Mj. Joy Bullet harge of Mr. Walter Mease. |H., S. Newcomer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers