\GE FOUR WOMEN TAKE NOTICE! A man cannot understand the torture and suffering many women endure uncomplainingly. If the majority of men suffered as much pain and endured with patience the weakening sicknesses that most women do, they would ask for immediate sympathy and look for a quick cure. Many women have been saved from a life of misery and suffering by turning to the right remedy—Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription—a remedy which is safe to take because containing no narcotics, alcohol or injurious ingredients, It is an slterative extract of roots, made with pure glycerin, and first given to the publie by that famous specialist in the diseases of women—Dr, R, V. Pierce, of the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y. Mus. Lizzie M, HessaeiMeRr, of Lincoln, Neb,, 520 *C” 8t., save: "1 send a testimonial with much pleasure so that some lering woman may know the true worth of your remedies. I was a great sufferer from female troubles but after taking one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, waich a friend advised me to take, I found myself very much ime proved, After taking three more bottles, and using two boxes of Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets, 1 found myself on the road to recovery. I was in poor health for five years but now I am cured, ‘ re] hope all women suffering from fe male weakness will give Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription a fair trial, Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach. liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, Mgrs. HESSHEIMER. 3 We sdecfocecieriocortesiorie cores sfecocfochecfocfecfocfeciecfemrioiecfococociociofecoofofe Jo io Io To fo fo pooled A Properly Fitted Shoe Can't Hurt the Most Sensitive Foot In buying Shoes, place Fit above all else Style and Service are necessary, but if vou sacrifice Fit, vou suffer the loss of both Style and Service. No Shoe retains its shape that does not fit, No Shoe wears well that does not fit Why suffer? This Shoe Store has a trained salesforce—experts that know how and will sell vou correct-fitting Shoes Easy every hour you wear them TRY SHAUB’S SHOES THIS FALL Worth The Price, You'll Say SHAUB & CG. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY LANCASTER 18 N. Queen Street, ATR PR TR Peppa OUNCE of THE BULLETIN, HOME HEALTH CLUB, By Dr, David H, Reeder, Chicago, 111, AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION It is a trite but true adage; "An prevention Is worth a pound of cure This particularly } | eRe k o Vv 4 Is Your Piano Intertaining? i You Sa o! hy? : ° -e ne seemuse, perhaps, you cannot pay, and have to wait until some one else comes to play for you. + Now, why have a silent piano in your home when wt will 3 gladly exchange the piano you now ave for a : ’, Famous Hardman Autotone 3 Thtn, when you want music an netertainment, you don’t have to wait, you simply place a rol of music on the piano and ; tread, and you have the finest music in the world right in your * own home. o Just to think how nice it would be to hear that song you : heard years ago, “Silver Threads Among the Gold,” and to know J you are playing it yourself is a pleasure you never know until you I have played the +! Hardman Autotone + Our tasy payment plan will enable you to purchase a Hard- 3 | man on strictly confidential terms, and have the World's Best Pi: * ayer in your home. > > ¥ + ¢ Johnson & Co., | + 16 and 18 West King St., LANCASTER, PA, * 0 woodelesioofeeiociorfecfosfocfocirefecfrcforfoafocs is eirefeoioafpefecfssfoofrdoofecfeciraroforforteciocfesforforforiocfesionforeciecionoforfovfocts focfosfocefo fons HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR DEAD ANIMALS WHICH WE REMOVE PROMPTLY BY AUTOMOBILE TRUCK. George Lamparter’s Sons LANCASTER, PENNA. Bell Phone No. 920. Ind. Phone No. 1299 Iriooeferipele nied do eslpodeetncgraieegosfestoofosforfofesderifeclecionoonfontec? are the products of more than 30 years’ experience. Three brands— 76° — Special — Motor Power Without Carbon Waverly gasolines are all refined, distilled and treated—contain no ‘“‘natural’’ gasolines, which are crude and unrefined and which carry e maximum of carbon-producing elements, Waverly Oil Works Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Independent Refiners Makers of Waverly Special Auto Oil a PARK & POLLARD . __ | . DRY-MASH 92.57 MAKES THE < “LAY OR BUST. Z To 46 CANAL & 139 FRIEND ST. BOSTON. MASS. RSK THE MAN WHO FEEDS IT A fresh lot of Beef Veal ~ Beef Serap - Poultry Bone 3 in three sizes Direct from the manufactur-r. Ask for prices BRANDT & STEHMAN Mount Joy, Pa. If you are hungry for Buckwheat Cakes. the kind mother used te bake, we still have Buckwheat flour on hand. Read The Bulletin eoforfoofosdoafeoforfonferoofectoecfenfeofosfonforooforfecfosforierd | tuberculosis | ed under proper | these remedies and treatments will | with material that you have at | afficted with nervous trouble She falls when she applies to the prevention of illness and especially to the prompt care and treatment of small afflictions that may result seriously, otherwise here are many times when prompt action will turn aside a long spel! of sickness, prevent a big hil' from th | doctor gave much valuable (ime hinder a crippled condition for life or even checkmate death When this is so palpable in common experience and backed by | proverbs such as quoted and; “A stitch in time saves nine’ ete,, it is somewhat remarkable that so many persons utterly ignore it all and reap thé dire result, A scratch that becomes inflamed: a sliber under a finger nail; may both heal naturally and with little care. Upon the slightest sign of inflammation, the most per- fect prevention should be at once re- sorted to. Otherwise there may come the danger of blood poisoning, lockjaw and worse When vou find any cause of danger, remove the cause at once by thorough treatment taught in the Home Health Club books. If you are not in possession of these books write to the club and the proper ad- vice will be given you, freely and without charge. Don't neglect a little cold, stop it, don't go around with a sore finger, heal it; don't watch your hair falling out, prevent it: don’t growl and en- dure decaying teeth, remove the cause, don't wait until the lump in vour breast has become a cancer, or the brown scab on your face de- elopes into a lupus: treat them to a finish, and if vou do not know how ask the Home Health Club, There are simple home remedies and home treatments for all afflie- tions, from a distressing itching to Properly administer- circumstances, make you whloe again and all of it ican be done in vour own home and | for the most part of it. CLUB NOTES. Dear Doctor: My little four years old is doctors here say that the nerve lead- to the cerebellum is affected was first noticed Sept. 4th ’10 first complained f pain in the of the head, and in a short time she began to stagger and fall king. She has been troubled much with constipa- tions, but is some better of that now closes her eves while standing, cannot look upward without falling. She vomited very much, and with great force, up till Is plump, weighs attempt to diagnose the case of your child from the des- cription which vou have given further it shows a few of the symptoms of Locomotor Ataxia, al- { though these are not usually found in so young a patient I think you vould be w t have a erv car ful and thorough examination of the spine, by a reliable and skill- ful ost opath. for probably there is some slight luxation of the spinal column, and have it also examined adherent propuce [ ) care 10 e ad- ditional suggestions without seeing the case 1 20 T-10( It started n rinar nrgans I \ q t ¢ [ nate, oth ne 1 deal. ril ri: on y | ediately oll re e n Y 8 sel on I S s h and f er Ss 1 as 1 ¢ 18 orouche 1ch p organs. You complicated. un befo 1 ould im- ove without having to treat- rents From previous experiences with your methods IT believe that vou an help me out of my present sick- nes From the description you gi of hy case I would say that it has wrogressed until it has now become Instead of having only one or two conditions to treat vou will have at least three to overcome. believe it began in the digestive probably were not careful in regard to the food that yon were eating as vou should have | been, comsequently, the stomach has become deranged and then the bowels, throwing too much work on the stomach, liver and urinary organs. Had you heeded the first warnings your stomach gave you, regulated your diet, and procured { indicated internal remedies, you could have probably cut the attack short I would suggest that yeu regulate | your die so as to avoid pork, veal, | | meat gravies, and white bread.! You may | chicken, once daily, baked potatoes, whole wheat bread, take a little mutton or rips frwits, AN MOUNT JOY, PA TWELVE DAY BARGAIN SALE In order to dispose of the balance of summer goods we have arranged this sale, which will be a benefit for you. can and do give you for little money. goods we have added other articles that will give ginger and life to this sale. THURSDAY, SEPT. 12th TO TUESDAY, SEPT. 24th Infants 50c¢ White Caps 35¢ ladies’ Kimona or Dressing sack, eRCh ..... . vn iven wre 19¢ Men's $1.00 Khaki BOW sir vernnnivnersrrnis 5¢ Boys' 20 and 25¢ Blouses -10¢ Chilren’s Barefoot Sandals, now > and S85¢ ladies’ and Misses White Canvas 2.strap sandals, now ....... 80¢ Trousers, Silk Taffeta Ribbon, up to 33% in wide, Per Yd. .civvs dasa 10¢ Children’s Sox, per pr. ..... qC¢ White, Pink and Blue Hose, per WF PI: css cssacesnns eres Ke Screen Doors, now "5c $1.50 5-gal. Neverfail Oil Cans, $1.00 Aprons with and with- oul ob ... rs eas evmeneae 20¢ Ladies’ Extra Size Muslin Gowns, | A RR RE SEE 58¢ Misses and Children's Muslin Gowns, ach .......c.c iss 19¢ Ladies’ Muslin Drawers .. 20¢ Children's Muslin Drawers, per PI. sais inceains 10 and 15¢ ladies’ Knit Union Suits .. 20¢ Ladies’ Knit Drawers .... 19¢ Ladies’ Tan Hose, per pr. .. 5¢ ladies’ Black Petticoats, $1.00 and $1.25 Skirts, sale price H8¢ ladies’ 25¢ and Misses 20c¢ Ging- ham Bonnets, each ........ 10¢ Muslin Sheets of excellent quali- ty, 1X90 in, each ....:. 1. 39¢ Bolster Cases, each ...... 29¢ Pillow Slips, each ...... 12.¢ Nottingham Lace Pillow Shams, each EEE EERIE” 3 J 4 H. E. SAGER East Main Street. ream or etiring at believe nea overcome your diffi- Joy, spent Sunday Byerly and William Marietta spent Thurs- day visiting friends in this place. resident of this place, who had been removed to the Lancaster further treatment. next Sunday A A Horticultural Feature of County Fair The agricultural department of the Lancaster County Fair under the management of J. G. , of West Willow, will be one ef the best that has ever been shown in Rush is well-fitted to take charge of this work, having made a carful and scientific study of raising nuts, grapes and other small In these lines especially the be unusually rich.’ pwiding all of hig time department will on this work, foods would ac-|heen in evidence overcoming your 1 f i o vour diet as I have'the magnet of attraction tother theatres, big we. The policy xr shows at little more than t y|interes n the Fair through out the ple have not been h mea Sone |entire count a good thing. and 1] Es e—T"TTT are 5 and 10 cents ¢ for breakf 1] Family Theatre sho 10, 20 and be very careful] tl Family Theatre, Lan-|!h 1 1tcastes dur’t anything You! bi Ging Street play-|' 1 9-0 » glass of cold water | Y weeks ago un- prices you the morning two | der 1 \ H. E. Doan, The show for this meals, and one rlv « he Hippodrome and than any yet given Read the Bulletin drink plenty of Is and eat very that you wes glad to suggest ® should vou desire'H® f this publication are |g ttme to write for “ aining to the sub- : 8 Address all com-|2 the Home Health ttage Grove Ave = name and ad-'® at least four cents - = NEWTOWN a Real fm Fle oe | Taytown wer | 1 nF = ou MM |= a These iten . i; = to you that there Hornafius, Mr. Walters|@ 0 Sou 1 Hote 3 . ure economy, sojourned on Sunday as|g pare econom) Priscilla Fogie = ~ : Pr a Frank and wife oj 3 George Moore and = w Louis Resh. Sickels, an old for some wme, morning and horticultural $39.95. LEIN 100-piece set, reduced to $13.50. AUSTRIAN CHINA—It is particularly noted for its quality: quaint, conventional tan and green border. $27.50, it in open stock. CH. FILED HAVILAND CHINA—A china that vou will find best assortment and newest designs. A reduction in thie well-known china should be of 100-piece Haviland J s are too often dismissed with’ is bedwear of honesty and integrit} Sheets and Pillow Cases 15¢ bleached or unbleached. good quality cases 19¢ good heavy quality bleached muslin pillow 79c fine quality, bleached muslin sheets, full size, $1.25 good size quilts: goodquality, $1.39 fine quality crochet quilts in neat patterns $1.80 extra fine, hemmed crochet quilts—very Dinner Sets Reduced Not the cheaply decorated sets, bought for sale Maddock’s English Royal Porcelain,an especially durable Also carried in open stock Marseilles interest to a vast number of housekeepers. All our We also carry the Margest and mrettiest line of open stock dinnerware beautiful sets as low as $9.95. When in Lancaster visit our basement. reporss unuswal 47-49 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. Wetlnesday, September Shows you just what good values we Along with the broken lines of summer 70. 85 2d 90¢ Mount Joy, Pa. Nprmonfiprmenfiprenenfyreenfiyoes J. CLEMENT JENKINS Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 530-532 Woolworth Building Lancaster, Pa. 9a. m. to 3 p. m, Sunday and Other Hours By Appointment Both Phones Bell Lan., 994 week promise — pet Gi seems Advertise in the Mt. Broom Works, Hanover, Pa.3t r— | A JE ACH & CO Splendid Values In Bed Spreads Sheets and Pillow Cases THR TTR ul m il 0 i [ [ i : ‘ i 1 3 : : 1 ’ 8 s ¥ 5 n 2 m u x ” r = © ¥ 11] 1 wt standard make, as 100-piece set reduced to $21.30. You can also buy table, and here in our basement
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