1 a = | VOL. XI. NO.16 MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11, CIRCULATION ALWAYS Personals Interes ing Session in Vilk school gL —— THE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR House Saturday Night HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY VIL FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK — \GE WEST OF HERE ——— | O1 vturds enir e¢ Rheer Who and Where They Have} ified { Branch of ¢ Lancaster Count focal and Personal Briefs That Have ; anger wre Over un- | : . Mon Wor = ner Them? M Associatio : n the \ Occurred Since Our Last Issue in (RY = ere 0 4 . : ; ; y ; | age schoolhouse t 1 good atte Our Hustling and Wide Awake +. Hollinge 111 1 e ¢ 1 id itereste Veighbor Village, Florin, on Tuesda rsol { l ‘ { M | \ M M Po Be« of 1 t \ | ‘ 0] 1 1 \ Alice 1} t nesd I \ M1 Mazie Shelly p Fri rt an Mi Vi ret Raymond M nyder 1} I ) = ends at Marie eceive I ( wchin 1 E. ( Grave { I N n 1s Mi nn K G Voel 3 . Vil ‘ 1 a’ i { “ 1 Mo | Y ent Monday ) 1 Will (dive Telk Later Mi : 1 M H. S n r } it ROS f Iar iv r- { I ¢ nd ( these parts la Inesda ht a I R.. Ww nro- | N { I Ant Ay Milton S. 1 of Readin ed for | © | oul pen W H in town on business Wednesda e Farmer but he could no y : : ' i Mr. H 8 18S M1 J Gladstone of New Yo DIC SE le LV promise in business to lan ter ) \lo ( ed on friends here Wednesda letter t he would speak at a ! : | aay Ir. Charles Reinhard of Philadel [future meeting V1 Rose i nuch Mr. Geo Mille i Ove phia, spent Wednesda in town [inter seted in the Farmers Asso : hold . | | household effects to this place t( Mr. Paul E.» Getz spent Sunqay, ( ation. ba aay ds ind vesterd: at Balti re rr A Monday and yesterday at Baltimore | Cause of Unlucky ges. Preuchin Al. COBRIILIDD. Sav vi 1d . : . 1! s ia 1 ' Elizabetl Jenjamin Friday gave a brief]es will be held on Sunday at Eab Re 5 rt 3 ) lize ot y : : Tt Rev. 8 #1 Herwsler. of 1zabeth- | 11k on “What is the Cause of Un- church, Wn, spe Saturday . with friends y+ : 3 ; 5 town, pent Saturda) 1 | Tuc ky Eggs? He said he did not | Misses Emma and Lettie Dver re hel M } Philadel [ant the question an important one. | turned home Mondav from weeks Mr. I. A. MacDonald of lade It can be answered mainly in one | trip to Johnstown hié -ansacted business own .3 : phia, transacted business in to | way, the cause being a derangement Miss Stella Wachstetter spent A s 1 Philadelphi of the IoWl's organs, Thursday as the guest of friends at Mr. J. Templeton of Philadelphia, os : : : : 4 17¢ eo wa a mid-week visitor to our bor- Miscellaneous Business Elizabethtown, dad « - 38 8 3 . . . } . ; ouzh There was a discussion of miscell Mr. Roy Bates and family of Mt. | ugh, Bas Ties ; spe S av i . dq 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Eshleman and janeous affairs and the association Joy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Mr. © Mrs. S. . HS 31 ¢ & y ‘ abun x : as informe £ he Ww scales W. C. Bates Mr. Ralph Eshleman spent Sunday |Was Informe d that the new s § M+ Jacob Kite and Fariile shor t Marietta was ready and that coal would soon Mr. Jacob Kline and Tamily spen at Marietta. : Q ys STi : S ¢ Clizabe as John W. Geib and family were |be on hand. nhaay ; m : " ibethtown the : guests of friends. guests of C. 8S. Shenk, or ridge / nteresting Discussion. . guests of C. . k on b in I 5 ’ ; \ Mr. Harry Shelly has received a i i S ay There was a suggested question 3 3 ; 3 : Hill, ori Sunday. 5 There R . 1 : shipment of ironing stands to be Rev. S. A. Honberger delivered a|which aroused considerable discus- distribntod AMONe his Hane § among § F aT « “hi esq C ( ot % st CW : nn ap dei. . . : good sermon at Chiques church, on |sion, it being “Will the I armel Be in this section. Sunday evening. Benefitted more by the Election of W. R. Stokes and U. I. Smith f . 1 . AES « . . i ua 0 ~. Philip Greiner, Elizabe an / "OW ils : " Theodore . gic § Mr. Philip Greiner, Elizabeth and | Woodrow Wilson than of Theodore Perry County, spent Monday as the John Greiner, spent part of Sunday Geib F.W. and A, P, spent last Thursday at Millersville State Normal School. Mrs. Sallie Hershey and Mrs. te Weidman visited friends in abethtown on Sunday. Mr. James Glatfelter and two daughters Elizabeth and Margaret, nt Sunday at Harrisburg. > Mrs. J. H. Cramer spent several davs at Marietta as the guest of her mothe Anna Vogel. S. A. Honberger of Cali- and Monday Sunday spent nights with C. G. Hollinger Mrs. Ella Hickey of Philadelphia, Spe several days here last week as the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Stoh- ler. Miss Minnie Shelly of near town, Tyrone after spend returned to . Tf hoy some time here the guest of her mother. ‘raw- to ( Ream has ford County where shipping his colts and heifers is oO gaturday, : Mr. Albert Cover is pain he exte of the Baker properties oc- cupied by Messrs. S H. Miller and F. H. Baker. Nathaniel Hollinger's visited in il ies of Benj. Hambrig at Milton Grove, ovel Hollinger five N. home on Tuesday after a abode in the family of B. Werner. A Krall and Brown to Willow A MTS. and accoms- Jacob excursion Grove on Sunday. Mr. Walter lottsville, Va., a this place, is spending some time in Grissinger of Char- former resident of town with friends.. F. W. Geib, acompanied Elizabethtown by Rev. by C. G. Hollinger, went to to hear a sermon delivered Andrew Hutchinson. Mr. Mrs. and Mrs. Jacob L. ter, and Mr. Cyrus Smith of Millers- with- Mr Mr. Lancas- and Samuel Haines, Haines of Lewis ville, Sunday Seeman. spent K. W. Wisegarver of Lancaster, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the family of Jos. B. Werner and Thursday and Friday in the family of F. W. Geib. Mr. Walter Keller of the U. S. ship Minesota, spent - Saturday and Sunday here with his parents. He has returned to his ship which will go to Mexico at once. Mrs. Smith and of delphia, and Mrs. Elizabeth Holwz er and Mrs. Anna McGirl of this place, enjoyed an auto trip to Mil- ton Monday evening Mr. Mrs. Phila- or. mother Grove on called Holwager. Williams Walter spent where they on and Abram Mr. Earnest town, Md., and Sharpsburg, Md., George of Funks- of Saturday as Jackson the of Cator. They guests stopping latter's a Jackson, why is returned home on Sunday, off at Lancaster Miss Ann confined to the to visit the sister, General Hospital She is proving. I it and | returned. to | _ them he be will hold its Autumn Opening sition of living models the | something out of Roosevelt? that presented had than the of more, up country. American buggea Ine ol them, I'he farmei lieved that as asse ef that RHEEMS FARMERS Rheems, bel W. L. the Heisey, of platforms of the partie Wilson ith by and more to do Ww candidates. The plat Wilson's made at 1 while party was Roosevelt's was from different quarters o Ninety per cent of people like to be Anierican far of the trusts will 7 ™ 1 8 nC While Wilson may or may not stan no co nen w have some say. The spe both candidates b watched. votes in his di marly bought for fifty cents During a general discussie the farmers show Years ago two bil introduced ii both died. A interest rar represent he The October Meeting, Della G. Shank. i eat Autumn Exposition The Hager Store ,at LLanca next week, the main fe: which will be York. will the ordinary New This from musical features. the city and county and will be more than worth while to go and see grand concert will be given nesday evening. For further read the large advertisement on an- other page. The gation is at a A New Meeting House Reformed Mennonite cor of a new meeting house on the of the old one in this borough. new structure will be 96x54 two stories with basement. present home of the congregation of the Church of oldest churches edifices in borough. 1¢ « é 1 yards. the Please remember that on Satur- Sept.- 14, Mr. Ed Ream will 1 carload of colts and a carload of Holstein heifers at Gantz's stock If in of anything in it line please attend t sale and B. ——— DEI sen 5 , « ’ Don’t Forget Ream’s Sale i GALL Marriage Licenses Issued P. F. Hawthorne, East Mae Hatz B. Landis r, both Lancaster David and of Florin ——— Eee Everybody Surprised Roosevelt the question rarmers the fashion show Wed- details work on the construction God, and is one of Doneg Emma ieved 3S I'e- form Jalti- made f the the hum- | mers con voice and 1 for ntrol aker can mit had Is in 1 the man mers but ster po- irure on Also be for hi gre- site The feet, The the the | le de Mr, ent Ipiha on Quite a large number of our town COUNTS—OUR guests of 2Uuesrs of Harry mother, N Mrs Florin News ADS BRING A. D. Garber. Mr. Peter Dukeman of Hershey spent Sunday as the guest of Mi and Mrs. Albert Haines Mr. Clinton r of Rheems, spent Sunday as guest of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton Mr. Geo. Miller and of Wit mer spent Sunday as the 1est of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ishler. Mr. and Mrs John Dver daughter Ruth spent Sunday friends at Palmyra Harrisburg Saturday as the gues Irs. Harry Bear Howard Shickle 11 n ft for their home in Phil: Sunday. Howard le people attended camp at Saturde Mr. and Mr Frank Amwa) Mt. Joy, spent Sunday as guests Mrs. Mary ner { Mr. Merle Garber of Blaine, Perry county, called on his brother, A. D Garber, several days | Mr. Perry dates and ) of | Mt. Joy, spent Sunday as f | Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Bates. | Mr. Christ Ferry and of East Petersburs spent Sunday the guests of Mr. John Guhl Mr. Andrew Hostetter of M ville, spent Sunday a the guest his father, Mr. Jacob Hostetter Found A pockethool in front I. KK myer te Owne ret same by) illing at the store | Vih nd Mrs Hertzler | spent Sunday at Elizabethtow: as | guests of Mr 1 Mrs. Fred Farm- | er. [ Mr. Geo. Kline and in | erect a ciimney at the ard Hardware Works, this | week. { Mr. and Mrs. William Bates and | son of Si wn, sp ur manda as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bates. Rheems on RESUILTS- 1912 $1.00 A YEAR THATS PICTORIAL EVENTS \ New Feature for This Community at the Bulletin Oflice Heth 1 [ \ en the i ofl \\ ‘ Vi 0 1 1 orld 1 a } ( ral p ‘ ‘ oir current e 1 Iwat ote 1 ( he evel I'h will ( news ( jC 1d every 1) velcome to call vd © ¢ eautiful illust on vill be noticed that in some Ce these me photos, only on a l¢ wi be found in a few New York City dailies, which papers re supplied with this service We have procured the service at some expense, being of the opinion that our people can appreciate illus accidents, big events, WHY O : ! FELL FROM A WAGON bituary | Mr, Samuel Mateer of This Place, Has a Foot Badly Injured 'HE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUS! TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER M 1 later { t nful accider hile some Well Known People From Ow 1 he Red Men to Mari Neighborhood Have Passed to the 3 1 f \ 1 1 Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue ! { ) or ‘ 1 ( | 11 1 { | ¢ ending Hie Mary Francis Gallagher y . Whil vat i 1 ( Marietta pike it ¢ While watch G | A v tl bh ¢ In Marie on the \ { Mrs. Mary | ( re lving hub of if Charle ; P } { the V 1 | ¢ ing over h : t 3 y | tenjamin J. Gochnauer ve I \ Tr 4 1] ere ( 1 I'he othe enj in J. Goch Mr, and Mi Ber 1 ‘ ! ed yf th place 1 i y ‘ I'l ifort n w taken noon at fom o'cloc) Io choler oM ¢ e In \ M. Thome infantum, aged o \ ttended h Fe ‘ ed the na and two days. The { ral . ae 1 1 econd story window at place from the house ft two o'cloc Ho Marietts tid wd then I ht ( € | Y to Thursday afternoon.. Interment will PT ) l nt -— sms he made in the Mt. Joy Cemeter — ’ A Clam Bake. Mrs. Mary Blosser Eatin lams, baked in Rhode Is Mary, wife of Robert N. Blossewn land style, on Diamond islands in Monday She was is in of Florin, died morning at { o'clock. htr thirty 1 110 ( x i Yolon first year and leaves a husband and ot( as 11 as se large cities | is Well as those m large cite a small son Death was due to t where they lv be found : ~ : lors Jey cah on 6 1 : berculosis. lhe funeral was held re eet ; this morning at 9 o'cloc] at ir i ar . 1 \ 1 Birthday Party J the home of John Hatbleib at Flor birthde surprise arty was, . . A hirthany RTPI part lin, and at 10 o'clock at the Cros held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. irubaker near Strickler’s Henry A meeting house, last Tuesday even- honor of their daughter, Miss The ing in Nora following were present: Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ginder of Old Line, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wolge- imuth of Union Square, Mr and | Mrs Johr Wolgemuth of Union Square, Mr. H. S Brubaker, Miss Ruth Brubaker, Mr. and Mrs. Amos | Sheet Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Wol emutl Mes John Keener and E and Miss Gertrude Miss Brubaker received quite raber o presents, among which were 25 handkerchiefs. tA — Got Ducked—Gets Sore ) Post of Marietta is he of er Ss n« te likel e ( eq ) NEW ( charge « 1lt and battery pre ferred 1 Mi Harry Carpenter of this place M1 iti Mariett was sprnklin or some reasol saw fit to try from 1 D 1 docto ot a goo tury lap mout! u { low, i E— An Old Book Pe Reinhart e I possession Gen n. hook printed in Zuricl 1 718 by David Betz e of the book, whicl ceived froin 1s ¢ Lie Peter Rein ‘Glauben’s Predigten,” or Beli book cor 1e of Vusselmal and the te 797 tends ( ) ha 16 OWI tt et - —— I A Slight Fire ) roll, sor of Mrs. Mount Joy street, had tent in the yard at his home For a joke some bo) pplied a match to the canvas and the entire tent wa consumed by flames in short order. It was not necessary to call out the fire department. The blaze occur- red Sunday evening about dark etl — Horse Sale at Union Square peopl | Roads church adjoining cemetery. Christian Seitz Christian Seitz, one of the best known residents of this section died on Thursday on his farm, a short distance east of town, after a lingering illness from infirmities incident to old age He was in his 89th year, was a farmer for man) vears, but lived retired fe some time Besides his wife he leaves one daughter Frances, wife of H. C Harner of Lancaster The funeral as held on Saturday afternoon rom his late home, and at 1.30 1 the Mennonite churect on Done St Interment w made il M oy Ce tery —- a ——— — Ride to Lancaster and Return Free, Wonderful Opportunity he Donovar Company, well OW1 hroughout [Lancaste nd rol 1 ountie \ Lancaster's eadir Department tore, h her or a ttractive off Nn for reat circle of patrons his well known firn S( ¢ ) in ind ( rogre ¢ tl the blic 1 [ ( iful 1d ever oO1 he I O1 vi ¢ ¢ 11¢ is fir 1 0 ext fO ne f ( on ells of their ver ¢ I ( heral opo I off refund to thei ir h, ti of 1 1 161 Tr I § he ymrchases Te ertan onl dd within 1( ( nv day of the Ti i tbo e 1 no )¢ i the ( e cou The Donov 11 Co 1 n t eir Formal Autumn Milline: 0 ening for Saturd Monda n Tuesday, Sept. 14, 1¢ d 17 in opportunity to most yeautiful, the most extensive and | most fashionable display of trimmed exhibited in this ate A ever cordial extended to body to visit store on opening days, and all other Donovan store is The store, times and all are Mr. Oscar Young spent Sunday as On Friday, Sept. 13, C. C. Hall-|{45 take advantage of the many the guest of his former school | ill sell a carload of Nebraska |gnlendid conveniences this big store teacher, FP. B. N. Hoffer, at Eliza | colt at public sale at the Union | offers therm. bethtown. | Square Hotel in Rapho tonwship Don’t tail to read their adver : Mr. Wm. Hamilton has finished | They from 1,000 to 1,300 1bs.| ment today on 6 cutting his tobacco crop. He isi . 100 in age of from 2 to 5 -—- a ER su se > » first yd 3.3 ot Tia, JenDosed be the first one done in vears. They are Rob Inanden: Hawthorne—Hatz Mr. Emlin Buller and force are 2 At yhe home of the bride, No. treating the house occupied by Mr. Paraded n Marlena 512 38 North Mary street, Lancaster, Horace Cox and Peter Walters to a Disezo Prive, No Le Imp. ©. RB yn Sunday, Rev. G. D. Batdorf coat of paint. [ M., was quite CORSM enous n the | pie Paris F. Hawthorne, a st Sunday School, 9. Junior C { bie parade at Merion on Friday.| of the Moody Bible Institute, 2., 5.15; Senior C. E., 6.15: and | There vas a goodly number of cos-| pigs B. Mav Hatz. The sorvice oo besos 50 : | tumed men in line and headed by as used Mr. and Mr wt preaching at 7.30. Prayer meeting | every Thursday evening. + | the Foresters Band made an excel-|wj]] leave on Thursd ro ( Dr. Bryson and family of Lancas- || Bt impression. Ie zroom Is ! ) H ter, and Dr. Bolton and family, | i thorne « has « rge of spent Sunday as guests of Jacob | second \ Hostetter and family, | Last F Chas. H.{He is Ve k here AVINS Mr. H. S. Musselman retur | Zeller ead of fin yeen a fi r or } home after spending some time a SON ecolis public sale R i \ the guest of his son, Mr. H. @, Mus- | Gantz’s stock yards for D. B. Kief-| J selmayp Harrisburg. : | ter & Co Ver od prices were : 1a Mrs. Simon Myers and Mrs. John | 1. : : Shepard of Elizabethtown were | — ee : oe entertained by Mrs. Hen- | The Flavor Lasts p cob fF. € ( 8 rve Ycung on Mon i : a ; . | pers( 1S once iste the 1 es with mpro 111 ¢ 1 \ Messrs. John Hawk \ Ream of Elizabethtown, their iends on MERCHANTS Interment in the invitation is | the | the’ requested | | U SE THIS ADVERTISING MEDIUM the Susquehanna river was a treat extended from York to a number of [Lancaster county guests Sunday. There was plenty of broiled chicken lobster, sweet potatoes and sweet roasted corn ears on the side Among those present from this locality weve Messers. Harry C. and Clarence Schock and Dr. J. J. New- pher, of this place: Dr. J. R. l.ehman and B. Frank Musser, of Mountville Dr. Donald McCaskey, of Witmer; Dr. Walter Keylor of Mechanics- burg, and Dr. 1... K. Leslie, of Bare- ville, Dr. J. G. Hersh Manheim. rr — A — Will Erect a Cottage Masons Home The Dauphin will county erect a cottage at the Masonic 3 | section | | Local Notes — SHORT NEWS ITEMS GENERAL INTERK MANY oe | Brief Local Happenings Gathered aa | hey Occur With the Whirl of the rid for Quick Reading Within the 'ast Few Days. [ } 1 faiti ce inl lo ) | { Ir ee ] ) est ou ) 1 i 1 ¢ LOY i hte 11 have ¥ HOW ) irda { k-of 1} Mid owl Reading fah el tI PD Beneman's men. womel 1 children Wanted \ position on the farm {by the year Apply at this office. It is very quiet nowadays whe omebody isn't sounding a key not l.adies Home Journal Patterns for October now in stock Bernhart & Co The report of the Union Nation- al Bank may be found in another column. To have your chickens lay feed Rust’'s E Producer, Bern- bart & Co. John Sowers ripe for this time of” reports rasp- berries—a rare fruit the Double S. & H. Saturday, vear. Trading at I. Green 14, Stamps, Sept. Jeneman’s. A good farmer would like to hear from some one who is desirous of employing a man by the year. Norman Henry caught an eel ii at evening that Wanted Day the creek Snyder's grove 23% pounds. First-class broom mak- er. work. Address Eagle Broom Works, Hanover, Pa.3t weighed or piece site Elizabethtown The work The State Firemen's Convention will be started early next summer. |is now in session at Lebanon and This ‘being the case, the Harrisburg |the big parade will take place to- and nearby lodges will have toi Morrow, h their subscriptions to the The administrator's notice of Lil- 15.000 fund that is necessarv for|lie Welfly, administratrix of the es- the erection of the handsome build-|tate of Joseph Welfly, may be found I Janned. in which to house thelin another column. : nfortunates of the Dauphin county! Wanted—25 operators for Shirt ( : " VinROY t is the ht that an active | factory Can show opportunity for | a 1 2 cambaigy ill be starte ve near | five to ten dollars per week. Apply future but $3.000 in actu 4sh (to A. R. Kilgore, Florin, Pa. eel 1bseribed to date { Mr. Albert Myers was the recipi pccsnemme: SU immer ee | en ff a large number of socks and : 3 | ne ¢ I birth \ for which fo An Epileptic Institute or Is birt 1 whicl Charged vith the larcen ,f | he than 1is many friends er on oM. 1 ) Salesme ted to lool after ( v it | of near Mout \ Ral Morto 1 in Lancaster a adja 1spende nzements| Addre Harve 0il Co.. Cleve e been made te ave the ng land, O n admitted te y atitnt | Rubber pla: Araucari Ferns lm I P I'e nent of epilips pring City, |} : { : 3 1d o } hov 1 hie : { S nlants roost r for Nr. ( hite iarci D lil and H } e effo of i 1 1 1 Zel ( I € Ir Ral Mor- | * bulbs enhous { Flori ) dmitted to 1 Ethel entertained a rir ( p Institution |! friend Saturday ¢ m i ( | Onay ) f 161 CoO I Mabel ( ¢ P P P ( ( I I a ! ( I n 1 I ! 5 | ent Were VI s Ethel Shan Mahe re eee | i | Cochrar ] eth Gre 1 1d Keller's Cattle Sale | : |B rs A n Sho Cireime I eller &| : lay W illiam Iru 11 1 I f [ 9 head of| | rere nl RA rrr Co fre | p k-i Families at Odds ( e some | On Monda MV Mart Kaylo1 QO b1 lis, | Of this p ¢ € 1 ; a te suitable or | M Esther il q i c DI te | as : er 0 M ind S i nnua Holsteir sale | M1 Emlin Buller a é M E } ¢ O« 11, when they|' 1 he 1 ’ 5 ill 1 [ he } \ bred ror Lies 1 that M I l 1 lends olor _ [Mrs. Esther Bulle ! na = AA moe earn {a pain S nd K: Ww Nv mas slapped in tl Ce Constable Jos An Aged Family, yw pha kramer S 1 rran Abraham 7 near Masterson-|*" Ine : . : . ind 1e Case Vv he yefore ville, is 70 years old, Benjamin Zug, : | 3 . — SUITE OS S Dé irdaay of the same locality, is 75, Rev. S. Dr xis afternoo: R. Zug of this, borough and : : i criss mt i liners John Witmer of this borough, a | brother-in-law, is 90, a total of 400 Harvest Home Services | vears for five persons in one family. Next Sund: Sept io, Wi be | This surely a remarkable record observed as Lok 8 1y I ES morning, and Harve | 5 * 1 f { Class Social 1 . | evening Mrs: C. S | f | civen te old¢ )1¢ | hal Voy hol a social her | : 1d 1 social at 1€ Che % ¢ stefull | Jonegal stree vr the | ‘ gal reet for el vecorated.. and Fruits Ve Ws her Sunday School class. | > 1 ian] land | 8 {1 S W SD € cake, andwiches and ne ] 1 rvices be served. All are invite : hott 1 nd « o nd spend a pleasant eve | : " | 1 1 ) 1 e i € \ 1 Eve I ae OTE 1d A Qe y ®1 Our Home Markets he Baby ¢ \ | i P ¢ ent of 1 { [ 26 ¢ y Y 11 De 1 ¢ Potatoes 5 { 1 theoge re 1 ¢ 9 , ! : 1 84 | Hoffer's G i | - —— | yl <Q . “. 1 ely last . / rt
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