PENASYLVANIA DUTCH Bumblesock Has to This Week A hwlikey Say —.. Now vil ich ower aw en si kivel fol grumbera shawla fressa von des net gshposich vetter is. Ay dawk is es kolt ganoonk fer de haerna fom en muley bull ferfrera, der necksht dawk is es warm ganoonk fer fonna pows hucka uny en ruck un de peiff shmoka, un so mocht eva der winter op. : Wons kolt is hucka ich un my olty, de Lis, byem uffa un blowtera iver olty socha un do yetz hen mer amole tzrick gagooked un mer hen net hel- fa kenna shwetza waich de tzite es de bowera do room en kreamery do gshtart hen. Sel mole es hoechta es batzawlt war fer milch ware about en dawler es hunert un on selem hen de bowera ols woners gamaint was se hen fer era milch. Well is es net wunderbore we de brice fom milch nuf gonga is bis dara tzite. Denk amole draw was de Farmers Kreamery batzawla, abotich letshta moonet. Se hen sivanafotsich gent betzawled fer booter fet un era average test war shear gore fear pundt tzum hunert pundt milch. Sel date about en dawler un finf-un- ochtzich mocha. Ortlich gute, gel. Ich denk de bowera vu era milich noch Florin fora hen woners ga- denkt we se gabate wara mit tzwa dawler es hunert fer milich awfongs, ower ve long hut sel uf gholta? Oli- vile gin se froe won se en dawler un ochtsich sent grega data. Of course de waesht des se de no olly dawk milich fora missa ower do in Mount Shoy broucha de bowera net so uft fora. Noch en grose ding is de op- gshepta milich fr de si. Do on de Farmers Kreamery kena de bowera és era milich rey fora oll de opgshep- ta milich grega os se vella ower druva on Florin grega se net en : Kreamery gabliva sin kenna vyetz A froe si. Now grega se may dafore es de onera kols, kenna oll de opgshep- ta milich grega es se vella, fer finif gent der kan, un broucha usht feer mole de woch fora. Ich will huffa hen a lot foon sella kols ous des es betzawlt ‘de hame’ bliva, un bisness dua mit lite es se kenna. gfoona rere Ul A Msn The Week in Grain Nompiled for the Mount Joy Bulle- tin, at Mount Joy, Pa. by Wm. L. Bear & Co.. Pennsylvania Buflding, Manager, Woolworth Building, Lan- vaster, Penna. Phila., Pa., Jan. 23, 1912. A substantial advance prices has been the feature of the trade, and a factor in forcing a firm- er one throughout the list. With a shortage in the yield approximating gix hundred million bushels, and ex- treme low temperature making un- usual requirements for feeding pur- poses, the advance is not surprising aside from the high level from which it had inception. The level at Jan- uary 1st abnormally high to many interests in the trade, and an out- ward movement from interior points to an extent that might reasonably be anticipated at the prevailing price just at the close of harvest, seemed eminent enough to force substantial reductions. This led to professional short selling and eastern’ sales by cash interests that are now finding it difficult to supply their needs. Both for interior feed and for south- ern shipment, the price has been somewhat above the strictly commer cial level, and this demand has been flberal enough to abserb the rather meager sales from first hands. The the immediate price suggest that agricultural that by reason of wider experience might have been expected to analyze This cereal seems destined to com- afford a good trading range. good gains. ——— Or CI es With the Live Stock Never put hot water directly on the cream. A reliable thermometer should al- ways be kept handy and Guesswork doesn’t pay when mak- ing butter. Cracks in the bottom ‘swallow up! more ain than the at that. er 4] market situation is interesting and! action would | interests | of the situation than have interests druppa un von se vella fer era so missa se grite un woser tzomer shtarra. Well, de bowera es by de Farmers des by dara tzite Philadelphia, Pa:; by D. B. Lehman, | 3 | | | | i have made a rather better diagnosis | | conflicting factors more accurately. for the ewes. mand a wide share of speculative| The colt must have exercise while and investment: attention and should growing, to develop its muscles and Wheat | tendons. and Oats have been overshadowed to | some extent, but for the week show stalls’ day in ‘and day out. It will | ruin the best colt. When you buy a horse do you look {at his knees? If they are all marked {up, make careful | cause of stumbling on the road. { Remember that the colt has a | SPPd Pdi ddd dededsidvbadeiriodedsdodedriodeop dodo dededodobododedododode dodo doddododrdpd dodo cielo dodo d irefeorlodepaoleirddd The Donovan Company | feapreesioesfrefoeiocieefocoolecdoiefociofods ido dfeefocirodecfodforodesiroirdod Prodeeeeecfodrededesdefoodododed Sook 1 » a — Pde bd The Donova Nn THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, January 24, 1912 ey Be oe alle ole alee alle ole alle ole cleat oe ole ols A LJ he eh hh The Donovan Company ————— Don't Miss the Opportunity of Your Life To Purchase Fresh, Stylish, Reliable Merchandise From Foster & Cochran’s $300,000 Stock At Less Than the Goods Cost the Manufacturers to Produce A CHANCE LIKE THIS COMES ONLY ONCE IN A LIFETIME. WE DO NOT EXPECT EVER TO BE ABLE TO OFFER SUCH MERCHANDISE AT SUCH EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES A- GAIN. MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, THE EQUAL IN SOME Men, Whether You Need Clothing or Not, Buy Anyhow at These Prices You all know the kind of Clothing carried in the Foster & Cochran Stock, for the famous Hackett & Carhart Co's “Uncommon Clothes; You can buy Suits or Overcoats here with your eyes closed. in the country. in quality or price. MEN'S OVERCOATS AT HALF AND NEAR with every new wrinkle that adds to style, good looks and in stripes and plaids. Of the best materials and patterns, comfort; mostly in grays, tans and browns; made with velvet collars; 34 to 44 breast measure. MEN'S OVERCOATS, FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $10.00 Sa fees vr nn vi satiny bg aden ®4.9R OUR SALE PRICE MEN’S OVERCOATS, FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $12.00 OUR SALE PRICE MEN’S OVERCOATS, FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $20.00 OUR SALE PRICE MEN’S OVERCOATS, FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $22.00 OUR SALE PRICE FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $1.50 OUR SALE PRICE FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $2.00 OUR SALE PRICE FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $4.00 OUR SALE PRICE MOTHERS, READ THIS . Here is your opportunity to buy first-class, well made Knickerbocker Suits they will pronounce O. K,, Suits you will like because of their sturdy worth. them at half price and less, of course you'll want to secure more than one suit. such an opportunity again. $3.00 SUITS AT $1.69 $4.00 SUITS AT $1.98 $5.00 SUITS AT $2.49 .BOYS' REEFER COATS $4.00 COATS AT $1.98 $5.00 COATS AT $2.49 Aluminum Ware Considerably Reduced This ware makes the best ceoking utensils, as it does not crack or chip. Aluminum ware is rarely reduced, but in this sale you can buy it for these new prices: $3.20 TEA KETTLES AT $1.50 $3.90 STEAMERS AT $2.00 * $2.25 COFFEE POTS AT $1.50 $3.00 PUDDING DISHES, $1.47 $5.90 PRESERVING KETTLES, $3.90 $4.90 PRESERVING KETTLES, $2.90 $3.90 PRESERVING KETTLES, $1.50 IMAGINE BUYING WOMEN'S BEAUTIFUL HIGH CLASS MEN'S ODD TROUSERS Did You Ever Hear of Shoes at These Figures? Fine “Queen Quality” Shoes; sold exclusively at and the famous Reliance and Hanan this store; makes are included. Women’s Reliance Shoes, in various leathers; lace and button styles. Foster & Cochran Price, $3.00 OUR SALE PRICE .............. $1.98 Women’s “Queen Quality;”” Shoes in different leathers. Foster & Cochran Price, $3.50. OUR SALE PRICE .............. $2.69 Men’s Hanan Custom Made Shoes, of Patent Calf and othér leathers. Foster & Cochran Price, $6.00 OUR SALE PRICE Boys’ Alden Mannish Shoes. Foster & Cochran Price, $3.00. OUR SALE PRICE COATS, SUITS AND FURS; CASES OF THE PRODUCT OF THE They were agents » manufactured by the greatest experts You cannot go wrong Algo in dark Oxfords and blacks for your boys, Suits When you can buy You’ll not have $ 7.00 SUITS AT $3.98 $ 8.50 SUITS AT $4.29 $10.00 SUITS AT $4.93 $6.00 COATS AT $2.98 $7.00 COATS AT $3.49 Men's Stetson Hats Are Way Down in Price We have them in both Soft and Derby styles. Buy now and you save nearly $1.00 on this fine make of hats. Foster & Cochran Price, $3.50. OUR SALE PRICE ............ $2.69 Other Soft or Derby Hats, in various styles at these prices: $1.50 STYLES AT $1.13 $2.00 STYLES AT $1.38 $2.50 STYLES AT $1.89 Do You Need Dress Goods Read This DARK GRAY, 40-INCH VIGOREAUX SERGE Foster & Cochran Price, 89c OUR SALE PRICE SILK AND WOOL, 38-INCH GLORIOSA Foster & Cochran Price, $1.123. OUR SALE PRICE SILK VELVET IN VARIOUS COLORS AND BLACK Foster & Cochran Prices, $2.00 and $2.50 SALE PRICES ........ §1 AND $1.25 Women's Shawls Reduced The lots include several styles in grays, browns and greens. $8.00 Shawls are $6.98 $6.00 Shawls are $3.00 $5.00 Shawls are $3.98 ped, we have decided to mark them all at Sale Prices. “One lot is made up Of beautiful Axminster Rugs in floral. The Foster & Cochran prices for these Axminsters, | $25.00 to’ $28.00. CARPETS, CHINA, FURNITURE, MEN'S FAMOUS HANAN, QUEEN QUALITY W WEEKS AGO FINEST TAILORS OF NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA; AND WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR, SHOES, INCLUDING THE AND ZIEGLER LINES, AT PRICES FAR LESS THAN FOSTER & COCHRAN A FE PAID FOR THEM. Women’s Suits, Coats, Waists and Furs At Less Than Wholesale Prices All the garments are fresh and represent the latest modes, and are just the beautiful, comfortable things women need for winter. Sealet e Plush Coats Their becomingness, rich appearance, grace and warmth make them great favorites with women. The first lot was quickly snapped up, but we have unpacked more of the coats and they are now on the racks. Two full length, handsome models, in, having wide collars and revers and fastening with large frogs, prices. Foster & Cochran price for these Plush Coats, $19.98. OUR SALE PRICE Another full length Plush Coat, of graceful cut, perfectly tailored, has a becoming collar and wide revers and is satin lined. Foster & Cochran price for these models, $27.50. OUR SALE PRICE ... ili« «+s vseeensnssrssdrttasstsses sssavssconsmssstecess $14.98 $2.98 New Silk Petticoats, $1.49 Women pronounce them perfect beauties in colors and style. Certainly you never saw finer values at $1.49, why you cannot buy the silk for $1.49. The shades include old rose,, rich reds, navy and Co- penhagen blues, changeable effects, black and white. They are beautifully made with a wide plaited band above a plaited ruffle . differing somewhat in finish, both beautifully lined with sat- are unusually fine values at their ] - = . Dainty Lingerie Waists They are brand new and they introduce charming advance Spring styles. All have the popular set- in sleeves and the newest fancies in double and single side ruffles, and they are attractively trimmed with laces and plaits applied in a variety of styles. Long and three-quarter sleeves, Three different models at these prices: Foster & Cochran price is $2.50. OUR SALE PRICE ......c.cvieoneeisnn ES LE en shire sass een ay $1.79 Foster & Cochran price is $2.98. OUR SALE PRICE sesrtrssrsretesassssonesrney $1.98 Foster & Cochran price, $3.98. OUR SNL IPRIOE, «oi. sv svssnaniirs rt viavsnivsnssossssi vss eovss $2.49 Beautiful Sheer Waists, of Eyelet Embroidery; handsomely trimmed with fancy beading and Val. lace. Foster & Cochran price for these models, $3.98. OUR SALE PRICE $19.98 Long Serge Coats, $12.98 An extraordinarily fine line of new, full length Winter Coats, expertly tailored and lined with Skinner's satin. winiie a ai sye Sin ee iv emis tiiak 8 Saves sssien ses atest Rugs at Less Than Cost of Production One hundred handsome Rugs, ordered by Foster & Cochran for Spring selling, having been ship- The second lot contains Heavy Brussels Rugs, the patterns Oriental or | jn room sizes. the newest designs, The Foster & Cochran prices for the Brussels Rugs, $15.00 and $16.00, ath te va dinshy $14.50 SALE PRICE .................- $09.00 SALE PRICE Men’s Heavy good values; and Heavy Cotton Fleece Lined Gar- ments. Foster & Cochran Price, 50c. Boys’ Extra Heavy Fleece ‘Lined Underwear. Foster & Cochran Price, 25c. Men’s Brief Bargain Hints Ribbons; Furnishings Underpriced exceptionally best colors; extra Plain and Fancy wide. Foster & Cochran Prices, 29 and 39c. SALE PRICBE.............c..... Ribbed Underwear; OUR SALE PRICE Collars, Jabots and dainty Women's Neckwear; Side Frills. Foster & Cochran Prices, 50 and 25c. OUR SALE PRICE .....ccicvvesss 16¢ SALE PRICES, ...... 25 AND 12 1-2¢ Men's Four-in-Hand Neckties; reversible and Women’s Kid Gloves. in mostly all sizes and wide ends. shades. Foster & Cochran Prices, 50 and 25e¢. Foster & Cochran Price, $1.50 OUR SALE PRICES ...... 29 AND 19¢ OUR SALE PRICE ................ 69¢ Men's Suspenders; lisle web. Foster & Cochran Price, 25c. Women's Long Chamois Gloves, in natural color. Foster & Cochran Price, $3.50. OUR SALE PRICE OUR SALEPRICE ...c...ovnteo.s R1.69 THE DONOVAN CO. 32-38 E. King St., Ltancaster, Pa. Don't keep the colts used. small | with care and |crammed with coarse food, develops young Jack O’Brien meet Tommy of thé rack |into a pot-bellied, dyspeptic, colicky ; horse. Do not give ch cause tied up in |zine, inquiry as to the stomach, and ~- must be fed intelligence. A colt ter A. C., has i 'hall on Thursday, | fastest lads in the world. « ‘Do not give the hogs frozen swill. young brother of Jack O'Brien; thé them frozen or half /middleweight and has never boxed other’s club. It was hat he was Manager BE egetables. It will jpset the |outside of hg ndigest! nd a Meith diffic When chaff ‘or: other: particles get into the eye of an animal, syringe or sponge the eye frequently with clean cold water ‘containing sulphate of one grain to each ounce of water. Keep the stable darkened. A LANCASTER BOXING SHOW Young Jack. O’Brien. and Tommy Rowan to Meet Manager Hensel,"-of the Lancas- arranged Rowan, of Brooklyn, at Prince street : 80598 ¢ January 26th. : pos Mueh' of the success with hogs de- O’Brien is éonsidered a boxing mar- and strength of the lambs (pends upon keeping them free from [vel and is believed to be one of the ‘will be governed by the feed| lice. the names of five men submitted to him as O’Brien’s opponent and he picked Rowan, who knocked out Frank Erne in two minutes at Lan- caster. The senior Jack O’Brien will second his young ‘brother and will ‘also referee one: of the bouts. There will be a different referee for each match. The other bouts of the evening will be Johnny Greiner vs. Young Russel; Kid Nick vs. “Speedy” Fritseh; Tom Droney of Lancaster va... Young McGrady. of..Columbiaj Kid Hoak ve. Young Otts, late of Cleveland. ns . LANCASTER: JUNOTION Frank Greider and Jonas Snavely are busy filling their ice houses. J. K. Phalm hag already filled his. Miss Emma Miller and Mrs. M. Bx Gross” were guests of Albert Kling and family ¢ne day last week. ; Raymond Fink and wife of Man=! Suni 0 of hi to have He is a ecured Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. 2 the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | Pg brother, Irwin Fink. Jonas Snavely, wife, son, Clarence and daughter, Anna May, were guests of Allen Hoffer and family on Sun- day. Reuben Strickler wife and children of Silver Spring, were guests of Wil- liam ‘Heisey and family, on’ Sunday. Misses Grace were with their grandparents, and Mrs. B. D, Ashey, .at Manheim, on Saturday and Sunday. John Snavely, wife and daughter, Stella; and son, Henry, were guests of Alvin Hershey and wife, at Man- heim, Snavely and son, daughter, Anna ‘May, Mrs. Isaac Wal- born and daughter, Leona May, and William’ Heisey, wife and son, Jon- as, were at the same place on Sat- urday afternoon. | Good warm clothing way to save doctor’s bills. Gumption on the Farm Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Here's wishing you the best year yet! Ever notice how easy it is for a man to get married who isn’t able to support a wife? What is the use of sucking a filthy roll of tobacco called a cigar, any- how? Be clean, The self-made man is never fin- ished until some woman gets busy | and polishes off the rough edges. i Footprints on the sands of time are all right, but be careful not to make them on mother’s clean kitch- en floor. The thing that uses a man up and | makes him old before his time is to stop work and turn into a'first-class loafer. t Some folks sell out and move ev- ery time they get into a tight place. will last for many years. mer in the house, yours. and Anna Fetter see if he doesn’t. Mr. are one man, then, eee tl A eer Mrs. Wanted Clarence, Jonas and ron’ ‘Sunday. { A An For Sale et ei: p intg the fire. Pa. s A Jenny Lind 'ag good as new, | That is jumping out of the frying Call or address H. G. Stauffer, Mt is a capital See that the wife has her share. A warm coat When your husband wants a ham- just take him He will bring you a better one the next time he goes to town, When the producer and consumer indeed, the dis- tance between them is reduced to a minimum. Raise everything possible for your own use on your own farm. A lady to make her home with a | good family over winter and assist. | in ‘general housework. Good wages. Address Box No. 35, Mount Joy, Pa. TH But t 1 7 A sum tise: Dart 1" and the Stat B.C The & ufac sold City, Wed highe AS the Mam teen Work thruo plant; “A land, Joy, | Penns buildi knowl Plant. The plant have 1 the ab viewed Grey 1 forme be sol extensi ganizin of forn \ express \ Afte! plants he pany of one everyth smoot! } This ploves port h: peal pl Read Preac Sunday vices wi Feb. 11, On ac weather vices at ed for Morris lumbia | of his m Miss TF Primary school in tune of 1 last weel in that d¢ Le Recent the Cente with thes manager Smith, se editor. zation is Year Bool a complet important hundred y ed a limit which wil near futur contain a | trations ar teresting public. The Mot pany anno renovater ° here in th will contin bout Marc should take time. Add Joy, Pa. The state Fire Compa Thursday e .30. Mem vithout fur jectric Lig Residents now enjoyi electric light of Lancaster nating curre ing houses. Wreck The Colur Pennsylvania 11.25 o’clock to Bainbridg \ car.
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