PAGE 7 PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH Has to What Shwilkey Bumblesock Say This Week Ich wore aw amohl de ledsht wuch in Fildelfy. Ich bin mit em shtore keeper nunner far si goods kawfa un mer hen en woonerbawre tzeit g'’hot. Ich wore in mime laeva der- forenet ous em lond un es is mere or- lich fore cooma. Mer sin doh fart im fermiddawg un sin dorrich Harris- barrick, Lengeshter un oll de onera shtettle om wake noach. De kar wor foll leit un we ich ni cooma bin huts grawd gagooked os we shtoop os foll leit hucked un ich hob grawd aweck my hoot ob-g’'numma. Ve ich g’sana hob os de onera oll de heet nuch aw hen don ich miner aw widder uff der kup. Endlich is der conductor room eooma un hut g'sawt, “Al tickets, please.” Ich hob in my sock g'longd un eme my ticket galonged. Ich hob ene derno g'frogt we si familia ware un eb are selver recht g’soond ware un we dare waetza gooka daid oona nows. Are hut mere ken ondwardt gevva un hut mich aw gagooked os won are mich net kenna daid. We mere naixt on Fildelfy cooma gin hut der conductor ous ga-roofa: “Fildelfy, Fildelfy! All change, Fildelfy!” We are es drit mohl “Fildelfy” g’sawd hut bin ich uff ga-joomped un hob g'sawt, “Yaw, yaw, ich bin red- dy.” Es hen a pawr karls hinnich mere awfonga locha, awver we ich room gadraid bin un se aw ga-gooked un se hen g’saena os ich de tzae blick, hen se awver era gakidder g’shtun- ned. We mere ous da kars wora un sin uff de shtrose cooma don bin ich in en eck ni g’ shtepped un hob em shtore-keeper g'sawt are set aw ni cooma bis de leicht farby ware. “?” hut are g'sawt. ‘“Woo saesht du en leicht?” “Ei, wos is des don won’s net en “leicht 18? Saesht du net de feela leit doh hinnich annonner noach lawfa?” Are is en shtiller mon un duch huts ene galechert. Are hut mich derno on’s wartz-house un hut g'sawt ich set dart bliva bis are cooma daid. ‘We’s supper tzeit wore hut der waert g'sawt ich set ush dart in de shtoop ni shteppa. Es wore en grosse longe shtoop un we ich about in der mit wore hov ich nuch en shtoop g'saena feel we de arsht un bin g’shtart far ni, Es naixt os ich g’wist hob bin ich blump wedder en shpiggel g'luf- fa os es mere de naws sheer in der kup ni ga-drivva hut. De leit hen oll awfonga locha un ich hob ga-bro- veered mit maucha, awver my naws hut mere tsu wae gadoo far locha un ich hob g’shpeered os ich tsu di- henkers grose bin far hila. Endlich bin ich on der dish. Der naeger is derno cooma un sich hinnich mich g'shtelt un hut awfonga tsu sich sel- ver schwetza, ebbes we: “Ham, beef, mutton, surloin, mut- ton chops, spring chicken, lobster, deviled crab, pork and beans, de la- supersquirtical cembullanaexetra.” “Wos is letz?” hov ich g’sawt. “Want supper, sah?” “Certainly, sah,” hov ich g’sawt, un mich tzurick galawned in my shtool, den gaid grawd widder ivver de same shtory. Des hut mich far- tzarndt un ich bin uff ga-joomped un g'sawt os wile der shpiggel net, farbrucha ware het are nix tsu shelde, un won are net in druvvel cooma wet don set are sinera bisniss | noach gae. Are is derno nows un gli is are cooma mit ganunk essa far dri men-! scha. Ich hob olles farsoocht un nix | hut mere recht g’schmocked. Ich | hob net olles gakent. Ich hob en | leffel foll fun ame deller g’numma, don fin ich ebbes hardes drin, un we | ich’s ous em mohl hob far examina don wor’s so forhoftich en gloa fun ma grebs! We ich sell g’saena hob ig es mer ivvel warra un ich hob usht |’ nuch de deer g'mauched bis olles | roof commoa is. Es hut my mawga | gor woonerbawr ous tune g’schloga | un ich hob em waert g’sawt ich wet | ins bed. Ich bin g’shtart far de shtart far de shtaik nuff don hut are | g'sawt ich set worda un ich kent rida | uff’m alligator!” ’ ‘“Nosser,” hov ich g'sawt. “Ich eon de cony eir grebsa fressa, awver der divel sull mich hulla won ich nuch en alligator ride!” Ich wore net holver de shtalk druv va g'west bis. en boo noach tsu shpringa is cooma far mere my bed wisa. Ich hob mich ous ga-doo, un ‘we feh’s licht ous maucha hob wel- ga-noggled: ont blow out the gas.” - ehocfesforfeforfoofocfocdoofoods foofooforfonfesfocfosdinctesfertosionfesforferforte Needed dood ols ojasfanien] fen) $b J # L L E » L # # ° » Le # L o » » 3 a oo * ofeeforfecfooforforts : i i : , . a fo . . . o . . . fo * * < * o » L * * L LC » # L NC * * L L » » - ” » # L : » ¥ # L # » # L L the “Queen Quality” Footwear is unsurpassed. where you can buy these shoes, and you can buy them NOW at decided savings. peofoots deefodfeatrofodoctedoofeofocoodrfedrdodirirdrdededr dedodecdeddecdecdededieodeodedbds docdeododdrdoddocds The Donovan Company THE. BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. dfeclpeloofoefafecirdrfecirecfocirofeefoduidedooiroierddeed Qoaferdoctodfeciofectssfocfecieefecierlesfeciodfocloafociofordosdesieioddeddeciooodrfofedodfrodreoeds The Donovan Company Wednesday, January 17, 1912, The Donovan Company dE RESCORD=-=-BREAKING SALE 1 $300,000 STOCKS Is Truly The Wonder of The City and County of Lancaster FAMILIAR WITH THE HIGH THE PEOPLE OF THIS CITY AND COUNTY WHO WERE OLASS MERCHANDISE WHICH WAS ALWAYS CARRIED IN THE BIG STOCK OF FOSTER AND AN- EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS, COCHRAN COULD SCARCELY BELIEVE THAT THE NOUNCED IN THESE COLUMNS, WERE TRUE. THE THOUSANDS OF OLD OUSTOMERS WHO FLOCKED TO THE STORE ON THE OPEN- ING DAY WERE DELIGHTED TO FIND THAT THE VALUES IN MANY CASES WERE EVEN UNDERESTIMATED. - TR —— Rousing Values in Women's New Coats and Suits You will find in the splendid offerings to-day warm Chinchilla Coats, rich, full length, Fur Coats, and very handsome, dressy plush garments, ALL NEW, the majority of them newly unpacked, and brand new Suits that are just out of their boxes all marked at practically half price; also, Dresses of Serge, Silk, and Velvet, at just half price, and a fine line of Separate Skirts at half and nearly half. CHINCHILLA COATS FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $20.00; SALE PRICE, $7.98 Stunnng garments, of Gray Chinchilla Cloth, cut in Polo effect, with wide sailor collar, or but- toning to the neck. Extra fine values, rarely found. PLUSH COATS, FOUR STYLES FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $30.00 SALE PRICE, $17.98 Exceedingly graceful, full length Plush garments, with wide collar and cuffs, and broad trim- ming of Persian Paw. Richly lined with handsome brocade. FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $27.50; SALE PRICE, $14.98 Beautiful Plush Coats, cut on the same lines as the $17.98 models, with the same graceful cutaway effect in front. Satin lined. FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $30.00; SALE PRICE, $17.98 The collars of these plush models are very stylish in cut and finish, and are richly trimmed with braid. They have wide revers in front. FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $20.00; Lovely coats of Plush, plainer in style, but with the same lovely Handsomely lined with satin. STYLISH NEW SUITS, TWO MODELS FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $12.50; SALE PRICE, $6.98 Of popular gray mixed materials, expertly tailored; the trig, stylish coats lined with satin; the skirts up-to-date in every particular, Wonderfully fine values at $6.98 FOSTER & COCHRAN PRICE, $18.50; SALE PRICE, $9.98 Particularly attractive Suits, in gray and brown mixtures. They are smartly tailored, practical Suits, that have the good style women like. SALE PRICE, $9.98 lines of the other models. WE THOUGHT WHEN WE MORE THAN TRIPLED THE USUAL FORCE OF SALESPEOPLE THAT WE HAD PROVIDED ALL THE ASSISTANCE NECESSARY, BUT OUR WILLING HELP- ERS WERE TAXED TO THE UTMOST FROM THE TIME THE STORE OPENED IN THE MORN- ING UNTIL WE CLOSED OUR DOORS LATE IN THE EVENING. EAGER SHOPPERS HAD THE DELIGHTFUL EXPERIENCE OF BUYING FINE, SEASON- ABLE MERCHANDISE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF THE GREAT STORE, THE PRODUCT OF THE BEST MANUFACTURERS OF THE COUNTRY, AT PRICES CONSIDERABLY LESS THAN FOSTER & COCHRAN PAID FOR THE GOODS. MR ATEN CTE Extraordinary Clothing Values at Sacrifice Prices The high standing of the Foster & Cochran Clothing store is back of every garment in this sale. Men have always been sure of the high quality of the materials, the absolute correctness of the cut, the authority of the styles, therefore, in this outclearing you just as sure of satisfaction as if you were paying full price for each garment instead of practically one half. Winter is all right if you are dressed to meet him, and here you will find warm, reliable, prac- tical Overcoats and Suits for every vagary of the cold spells, garments that you can buy with confidence and wear with pleasure. MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS The Suits of fancy worsteds, cassimeres, plain black Thibets, Clay diagonals and blue serges; the Overcoats of fancy stripes and plaids, dark Oxford grays and black Kerseys. Both suits and over- coats at the following prices. Sizes 34 to 36. Foster & Cochran Price, $12.00 Our Sale Price. + civics vse Sheen e, irs inn ene Er sss sane sven Foster & Cochran Price, $18.00 $6.98 Our: Sale Price ....i. 00 ..0iive CD SRT Foster & Cochran Price, $22.00 $8.98 Our Sale. Price .v+...ii00.s Pr atin © Sania Tit Peatadlie cv Bs tithes anbleis +5 vio tigi + tbe ve $11.98 ’ BOYS’ SUITS WITH LONG PANTS Made of Fancy Worsteds, Cassimeres and Blue Serges. Foster & Cochran Price, $5.00 Our Sale Price ..... 0... .iiiicenes FTE ERE ele a a Foster & Cochran Price, $7.50; $2.98 Bur=Salle PHce . .. ice si ie Eire ei Shes snsevness Foster & Cochran Price, $10.00; $3.98 Our Sale Price .. 0 ce a emi ea $4 98 MEN'S ODD TROUSERS Foster & Cochran Price, $1.50; Our Sle Pree. oi ordi cre issn ass erties tase hs Eh sen Eh Foster & Cochran Price, $3.00; 99¢ Bar Sale Price. ns a ee a $1 59 Men Save on Overalls, Leather Reversible Coats and Underwear Overalls; Foster & Cochran Price, 50c.; Heavy, Ribbed, Fleeced Underwear; Foster & Cochran Price, 50; Sale Price China Lamps and Statuary At Snappy Prices Busts; Foster & Cochran Prices, $1.00 and $1.50; Ste Price. .. 8 oth. cae En dd Cake ote 35¢ ; : | Heavy Velvet Rugs, 9x12 feet; Working Pants; Foster & Cochran Price, 75c. and $1.00; ' Sale Price . Ee Sprites ersten 75¢ Foster & Cochran Price, $20.00; Sale Price ............ $9 98 BRIG SPPICE civ crv vivre sivas wv vim divi inten wine wie pinion 9¢ Hanging Lamps, with pretty shades; All-Wool Brussels Carpet; j : Leather Reversible Coats; Foster & Cochran Price, $5.50; . Foster & Cochran Price, $4.75; Foster & Cochran Price, 80c.; Sale Price ................ 39 Sale PhCe RI dab... eT ee a a $3 98 Sale Price .............ccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinn $3.49 Fibre Mattings, Carpet Designs; : ¢ Cordur Blanket-Li C o . Hanging Lamps, with chains and Shade; ees 4 ; : . oy Blanket-Lined Coats; Posteri Coelitun Price, $0.50; Foster & Cochran Price, 40c.; Sale Price ................ 19¢ Foster & Cochran Price, $3.25; os oy oy ran ice, $9.50; $6 19 1 ay Sale 0 rn i enna aes Sale Price $2.29 Vacuum Cleaner ‘We have a variety of handsomely Decorated China Dinner Sets, ranging in price up to $29.50, that we radically reduced. Some particularly good styles that were $12.00, are now $7.50 Rugs, Carpets and Mattings At Half Prices Foster & Cochran Price, $25.00; Our Sale Price. .. -$12 50 Only hand-power Vacuum Cleaner, with a continuous suction. The Famous “Queen Quality” Shoes-Prices Cut For smart, original designs, with distinctive touches, for style, excellent fit and fine workmanship Remember, this” is the only store in Lancaster WOMEN'S “QUEEN QUALITY” SHOES SALE PRICE $2 98 button and blucher styles. SALE PRICE, §2 98 Foster & Cochran Price, $4.00 In popular leathers; also, in black suede and cravenette; Foster & Cochran Price, $4.50 Tan Calf, High-Cut Bluchers with Short Vamps. Foster & Cochran Price, $3.50; In various leathers and styles; short vamps. Foster & Cochran Price, $3.00; SALE PRICE §2 69 SALE PRICE, $1.98 other woods; ' Button & ‘Blucher Styles, with short vamps. THE DONOVAN C Astounding Values in Furniture Chiffonieres RocKers Handsome models of oak, bird’s-eye maple and Of oak and with mahogany finish in several dif- ferent styles. Foster & Cochran Price, $8.50; SALE PRICE, $5.00 Foster & Cochran Price, $6.00; SALE PRICE 00 Foster & Cochran Price, $4.50; : $3. SALE PRICE, $2.39 Hitchen Cabinets ; Foster & Cochran Price, $17.00; SALE PRICE, Foster & Cochran Price, $16.50; $8.50 SALE PRICE, §8 25 Foster & Cochran Price, $5.20; SALE PRICE, $7.90 Foster & Cochran Price, $10.00; SALE PRICE, $6.90 Foster & Cochran Price, $7.00; SALE PRICE, $4.90 Half RacKs Foster & Cochran Price, $10.00 | SALE PRICE, $6.50 Foster & Cochran Price, $20.00; { SALE PRICE, $10.00 | 32-38 E. King St., ny Lancaster, Pa. eedodroied ole avleedeofolecootedendeofoedooteodoofeolrnfoofonfococorte ooloodoodesioofbestoofoadafosfosfocdooforfodfostonloofe sorte desfosfoofe foods FH | eiveioivedeaederireleoiecordeedrefori dedi cdodordedecdocdeduivdridodoipoodeiododododdododo dood 8 EE EE EE EE EE EE EE TTT TT TT TTT TTT TTT TTT T TT ITTTTTTRTTRTTTTTTPTITTeeTTN TR TEETER Tr a ss 0 Tr Tr rTrrTrTTrTvrIrTrTrTTTrTr™™ ribdesloelrdiosibaliocioclonivoloctootoctectocioairetoctoctoclocloctoctectactoe ts. Fade? 2 2 2 8 2 2 2.2 2 2 0.8.8 8 0 s 2.8 LA a a a a ee im gas farshticked. De naixt A Brief History {In the spring of 1908 I' bought The Week in Grain “ompiled for the Mount Joy Bulle- morga: hov ich: mime friend g’sawt dos wons eme nix ous' my first Incubator and 2 Brooders. tin, at Mount Joy, Pa., by Wm. L. maucha~daid don daid ich widder I started hatching at once and got Bear & Co.. Pennsylvania Building, hame gae. Are huts farwillicht. Es along very. well. The. next. spring Philadelphia, Pa., by D. B. Lehman, essa hut mere gor net ow g’shtoona. I got two more and started selling Manager, Woolworth Building, Lan- Se ess breakfast om ‘elf uhr, dinner | machines to ‘my neighbors‘ and on gsexa owets, un supper der naixt|friends, now I have §¢ Incubators, § dawg. Won der good mon mere mY | Brooders, 4 Colony Houses and am farshtond lust don -maega de Fildel- fy karls era grebsa fressa un alligat- ors rida tsu eram gootes un so long 0s se wella. Ich aster, Penna. Phila; Pa., Jan. 16, 1912 The price action has been slow hatching about 4000 chicks for my eagly and late, with the change in trade and up to date I sold to the trading levels unimportant as com- amount of over $2100. pared with a week ago. Foreign ad- Yours respectfully, vices have been rather more favor- J. E. LONGENECKER.. able to sellers than heretorfore, not- Box 101, Mt. Joy, Pa withstanding further reductions in —— re the estimated Argentine ‘yield and Housed Fine Ice slow outward movement from all ex- J. N. Stauffer and Brother have ‘°T% nations. In a technical way, hus far housed 400 tons of ty ibly the most influential factor _erystal ice they ever hary been the swerving of profession- Norages n inches ia thick. ar timent to a more bearish view- i will kens mae der- point after a week of activity on the buying side. gihis change - D 2 lac] ' participation in the upward move- ment, rather than to a change in any basic condition in the trade. With nations, other than America, contributing less than five million The Bulletin to world shipments, and the most im- portant foreign authority—Broom- hall—reducing again his estimate of ! the amount to'be available from the Argentine crop to the very low a- mount of 88 million, the price weak-| ness on the other side is difficult to | understand. Cabled advices offer no further explanation than steady liquidation of Wheat bought at much lower prices by important holders, and this is probably the real source of the weakness. The increase of more than six million in the visible supplies of Canada for the week has the leading bear card, tho it refleets bdlow quality and haste to dispose crop; as well as an important ation in supplies. Is the place to get a neat and quick job of good Pri LN
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