CALL IN Hazel Baker [Marietta] 426-3643 Cherie Dillow [Mount Joy] 653-1609 : The Susquehanna Times 6-2212 or 653-8383 A \ 2200s 2 : a7) : - 3p \ pe) eh » % 0, O . Zs RASTER Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin Sa A <IFTEEN CENTS - Mount Joy Lions Club plans pancake breakfast MARIETTA & MOUNT JOY, PA. Vol. 80, No. 19, May 14, 1980 Virginia Horst resigns, Brightbill joins council mayor from $40 to $55, and Virginia Horst resigned from the Mount Joy Bo- rough Council Monday night, because she has accepted a position at the Melmark School in Chester County. Earl M. Brightbill, -new council member, participat- ed in his first meeting of council. Brightbill, a cabinet maker who has lived in Mount Joy for 25 years, is filling out the unexpired term of John Harnish, who resigned from council last month when he moved to the Landisville area. Bright- bill has been active in the membership of Trinity Luth- eran Church. Council appointed Bruce Hamer, borough manager, as enforcement officer of the new safe structure ordi- nance of the borough. Plans were made to appoint a replacement in the police force for William Roberts, who is resigning to become police chief in Marietta. A resolution was adopted requiring fees for the subdivisions of properties for building projects. Fees will be charged per lot. The basic fee for a subdivision will be $30, plus $6 per lot. If the subdivision involves a new street the basic fee will be $60 plus $12 per lot. The zoning laws were amended to clarify meaning and to make it possible for residents to make changes in their dwellings without necessarily having to go before the zoning hearing board for certain changes. A proposal to raise the pay of council members from $30 to $45, of the The regular monthly meeting of the Marietta Restoration Associates will be held this Thursday, May 15. The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm at the Commun- ity House. Mr. Gerald Lestz, well- known Lancaster County businessman, writer and publisher will be the guest speaker. His subject will be ‘“exploring Old Lancaster County’ which is based around a slide show high- lighting the county’s archi- tectural heritage. of the authority members from $25 to $40 was voted down. A request from the Florin Fire Company for the borough -to help finance a fire (smoke) alarm system in the fire house will be considered when next year’s budget comes up for consideration. : ; loan to the Florin Fire Company of $60,000 to help pay for a new fire truck— without assuming any re- sponsibility for the loan. Borough acknowledgement of the loan will make it ment of the loan will make it easier for the fire company to get the loan. Action on abandonment of three alleys in the borough was postponed. Council authorized the purchase of a new refuse truck, a Ford, at $45,639 with $10,700 being received for trade-in of the borough’s old truck. A bid of $950 for removal of the Shatto barber shop building on borough prop- erty was accepted. A new 14 horse power engine, costing $620, for lawn equipment was ap- proved. The most heated discuss- ion of the evening was about whether the police depart- ment should retain both of their old cruisers, now that they are getting a new VW cruiser. Since some policemen had been using their private cars for police work, some councilmen felt that the department needed more cars. Most councilmen were opposed to the police using their private cars for police work. Other council mem- bers questioned whether the department needed three cars. -~ Chief Kline pointed out. that the number of calls answered by the police has increased nearly 1200 per- cent from 1974 to 1979. Many times, Kline said, the department was without a car, when one of the cars was being serviced and the other was in use. Council voted to retain the two present cars and the new small cruiser until the end of the year, on a test basis. VR Ansara RE Artwork by Linda Ross ‘Historic Marietta Day’ The Marietta Restoration Associates will hold their second annual ‘‘Historic Marietta Day’’ this Satur- day, May 17, from 10 am to 4 pm. The event will be held rain or shine. Displays of art, crafts and antiques will be found throughout the town. There will also be open houses, music, walk- ing tours, food, sidewalk sales and magic shows. Directions to any specific display can be found by stopping at the Marietta Restoration Headquarters, 36 W. Market Street. A brochure featuring the vari- ous events will be available at the center. Events to be held all day are as follows: Craft Show and sale in front of the Old Town Hall Museum; Old Town Hall Museum open; Self-guided Walking Tours originating from Marietta Restoration Associates’ In- formation Center, 36 W. Market St.; Continuous slide show of Marietta Architecture at Information Center; Sidewalk Art Show of students of Gallery 31 (31 W. Market St.); Plans on display at Information Cen- ter for apartment conversion of the old silk mill by Historic Landmarks for Living, Inc., Various ‘‘busi- ness specials’’ and food The Mount Joy Lions Club will be holding its annual Spring Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, May 17, from 6:30 to 11:00 am at the Lions club activities building lo- cated next to the Mount Joy Swimming Pool. Proceeds from this project will go to benefit the various projects supported by the Mount Joy Lions. Tickets are available from all Lions and will also be available at the door. > PUFA needs singers People United for the Arts (PUFA) is looking for alumni who like to sing to participate in the alumni chorus at the PUFA Com- mand Performance on June 7, 1980. Specifically requested are alumni from the classes of 1955S through and including This week’s Thursday, May 15, at 7:30 pm in the Community House, Marietta—Mr. Ger- ald Lestz showing architec- ture slides and speaking to the Marietta Restoration Associates. Program to be followed by the regular business meeting. The pub- lic is welcome. Thursday, May 15, at 8:00 pm the Donegal School 1979. Please contact Lois Witman (653-5358) if you are interested in being a part of the Alumni Chorus. The chorus will be under the direction of Mrs. RoAnn Lau and will be rehearsing on June 6 at 7:30 pm at the Donegal High School. calendar Board will meet in the District Office, Mount Joy. Saturday, May 17, from 6:30 to 11 am a pancake breakfast at the Mount Joy Lions Club building. Saturday, May 17, all day, Historic Marietta Day, rain or shine. Saturday, rain or shine sales all over town (see brochure); tickets being sold for a quiet raffle by the Marietta Auxiliary to the Columbia Hospital at 243 W. Market St.; and Town Wide porch sale. Tours at Nissley’s Vine- yards, RD#1, Bainbridge, from 12 to 8:00 (more information at the center); Children’s (12 and under) Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest at the S-bend, 11:00 to 12:00; Patricia the Clown will entertain throughout the town from 12:00 to 2:00 and put on a magic show at the Community House at 3:00; Classic films at the Marietta Theater, 1:00 to 3:00; ‘‘Gothic Lofts’’ (form- erly Old _Zion Lutheran Church, corner of Mulberry and Walnut Streets) one condominium unit nearing completion and open to the public from 12:00 to 5:00; and at 2:00 a Master Weaver demonstration with the latest design in multi- harness hand loom at Chateua Art, 316 E. Market St. (Shop open 10:00 to 5:00). All are invited to come and enjoy the day’s festivi- ties during ‘‘Historic Mari- etta Day, Saturday, May 17.
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