Page 2 - SUSQUEHANNA TIMES Po ge Photo above shows, trom left to right; tront row- Fire Chief Kenneth D. Geesey, Sr., Tri-County CB Social President Stephen Bailey, Police Chief James Millar, and fireman Jay Beaston; back row- trustee Glenn Evans, trustee Bruce Herneisen, and Asst. Secretary Donald Morgan. C.B. Social to register radios Tri-County C. B. Social, Inc., has just completed plans to hold an operation identification at the Mari- etta Fire Station on May 8, 1976. The purpose of opera- tion identification is to register items that are fre- quently stolen from houses and vehicles. These items, C. B. radios, tape players, F.M. radio converter, and the like, are a target for thieves looking for a fast re- sale. How does Operation Identification work? You bring your C.B. radio or tape player, or whatever the item to a ‘‘Tri-County In- graving Break."’ Volunteers will engrave the item with your license number, social security number, or any other request that can only be traced to you. Then you fill out a paper listing the items, which is turned over to the police. If that article is ever stolen or lost the police department has a record of all markings that-are on the article. Also, Tri-County Club will supply you with a sticker to put on your dash- board or house window, stating that the items have been registered with the police. A sticker is also available for the item itself. The free service is spon- sored by the above organiz- ation and the Marietta Police Department. James Millar, Marietta Police Chief and Kenneth Geesey, Pioneer Fire Chief will be on hand to give some helpful hints on protecting valuables from being stolen. Road distress flags will be offered for sale at the same time by the sponsoring group. The set of four vinyl posters with a self stick back tab depicting for common road emergencies: break- down, injury, out of gas, and flat tire. Stephen M. Bailey, presi- dent of the Try-County and his members will be on hand from 11 a.m., until 4 p.m. Saturday, May 8. Refresh- ments will be available from the Pioneer Fire Company ladies auxiliary. Marietta Aux benefit to be held Young Joseph J. Gilmartin holds a candle mold while Mr. William Heisey pours wax. "Sounds and Spirits of '76,” a garden party-benefit for the Marietta Auxillary to the Columbia Hospital, will be held May 8, from 3 to 7 p-m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, 111 Fairview Ave., Marietta. Guests will have a chance to indulge themselves in the exquisite tastes of Amer- ica’s 18th century landed gentry. Delicacies like cheese olive canapes will be served. Liquid refreshments in- clude George Washington's favorite drink; the. claret wine cooler. Luke Grubb will be featured on the harpsicord, a commemorative booklet will be available. The Colonial Crafts hostess will be offering some carry home creations.’’ The menu will be prepared by the Kountry Korner. The public is invited to attend. May Day (cont.) [Continued from page 1] Miss Lori Sagerer, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Sagerer. Miss Robin Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder. Miss Connie Frey, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fry. Miss Sharon Hershey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hershey, Jr. Miss Laurie Kling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kling, Jr. Serving as escorts will be Robert Squibbs, Leonard Mummau, Chris Miller, Mitchell Johnson, Scott Penwell, Duane Gray, Thomas Markley, and Jerry Miller. Arlen Mummau will es- cort last year’s queen. Also participating in the May Day festivities as flower girls will be Miss Sarah Harnish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Harnish and Miss Sandy Messner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Messner. Bearing the Queen’s gift will be Master David Harn- ish, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Harnish. Serving as Masters of Ceremonies for the proces- sional will be Mr. William Earhart, a member of the W. I. Beahm Junior High School faculty. Mr. Samuel Harnish, principal of W. I. Beahm Junior High School will announce the 1976 May Queen. Mr. Walter Price and Mr. Theodore Greider serve as Student Council advisor. Mrs. Joyce Zangari and Mrs. Jean Phiel serve as advisors for the May Day candidates and the proces- sional. This year’s May Day pro- cessional will begin prompt- ly at 7 p.m., in the W. L Beahm auditorium. The public is cordially invited to attend this May Day cele- bration, a highlight of the school year. DHS Band Parents sponsor paper drive The Donegal Band Parents Club will sponsor a paper drive on Saturday, May 15, from 8 to 11 a.m., at the high school. All con- tributions may be brought to the school for processing. Large amounts will be picked up by calling 653- 4710. The last call for Colgate labels will be May 15th. Proceeds from the above projects will contributed to- ward the summer band camp activity. May 5, 197 They say good fisherman are liars, we agree! We think people who find their cars over-due for state inspection STRETCH the ¥ truth also! A WE LISTEN TO BOTH! * WE SERVICE BOTH! & | MILLER’S Mobil’ SERVICE 271 WEST MARKET STREET, MARIETTA 426-3430 ad te ap tals: a 1.19% HIGH AS . .. Jacob N. Olweiler MON. - TUES. - THURS. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. incal representative WED. -8:30a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 218 S. MARKET ST. ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. wep 8:30am 1:00 pun 367-5134 SAT. -9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon $1,000 minimum required. Accounts insured to $40,000. CHOICE BITS Pre-arrangements are important. They convey to your loved ones your wishes and desires. That is why many people in the area have completed pre- arrangement forms from our establish- ment. For further information call 426-3614. How May We Be Of Service To You? Richard D. Smedley FUNERAL HOME 29 NORTH GAY STREET, MARIETTA 426-3614 EMERGENCY EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS MEDICAL SERVICES Saturday Afternoon Available Day & Night and Sunday COLUMBIA HOSPITAL Norlanco Health Center 7th & Poplar (Mount joy Area Only) (Emergency Entrance) SUSQUEHANNA TIMES Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin Box 75A, R.D.#1, Marietta, PA 17547 Published weekly on Wednesday (50 issues per year) 426-2212 Publisher—Nancy H. Bromer Editor—Richard S. Bromer Advertising Manager—Elizabeth Ehrhomn Society Editor—Hazel Baker Staff —Jody Bass, Kathie Bromer, Judy Swab Vol. 76 No. 18 May 5, 1976 Advertising Rates Upon Request Entered at the post office in Marietta, Fa.. as second class mail under the Act of March 3. 1879. Subscription Rate: $5.00 per year | i] Lene ae
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