y > > . AF AV ~~ er . we SUSQUEHANN Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy | MARIETTA & MOUNT JOY, PA. | | | | | Vol. 76 No. 17 April 28, 1976 | Lilikette Eckenrode (above) and her escort, Bill Peightel, won prizes for best colonial students at the Marietta- Maytown- E. Donegal Bicentennial Ball. Bicentennial Ball held Riverview School Mrs. H. Leslie Blake, Jr. (center) poses with daughter Beth and son Bob at the Bicentennial Ball. The photographer told them to ‘‘look old-fashioned.” vafph M, Snyder 3, De Moun Joy, PA 1 75%2 ASAE +» TT -ES RTE FIFTEEN CENTS Dr. Gratch to retire; vacant office to become Maytown clinic A medical clinic, under the auspices of St. Joseph’s Hospital, will be opened in Maytown on May 1, in the former offices of Dr. Michael Gratch, who is re- tiring. The clinic will in time branch out into pedia- trics and the other areas of special medicine. Dr. Gratch came to Lan- caster County thirty years ago after completing a tour of duty on a hospital ship in the South Pacific. He settled in Maytown and began his practice as a family doctor. About 4,000 babies spanning two gener- ations, have been delivered by Dr. Gratch. One family was a particularly good customer for Dr. Gratch’s services: he delivered eight children for them. Doctor Gratch says, ““Doctoring is my life.”” His father before him was a doctor; his only son, Michael, will be a doctor after him. Michael will graduate from Temple Uni- versity School of Medicine on May 27. The Gratch’s daughter, Mrs. Carol Haack, is a maverick; she will graduate next year from the University of New Mexico with a degree in law. Retirement plans for the Gratch’s are indefinite. Immediate plans include a summer of sailing and playing with their grand- children in Avalon, New Mount Joy to hold The Ladies Auxiliary of the Mount Joy Fire Co. will have their Mother and Daughter banquet on Mon- Jersey. Dr. Gratch has been the Maytown and Marietta school doctor for 29 years, as well as athletic physician for Donegal High School. He is a graduate of the University of Bologna, Italy, a certified member of the American Board of Family Practice, a fellow of the American Academy, a member of the American Health School of Sports, and a member of the PA and Lancaster Medical Societies. Aux. banquet day, May 17, at the Mount Joy American Legion. Din- ner will be at 6:00 P.M. The price is $4.50 per person. V-ball marathon to benefit The 7th and 8th graders at W. I. Beahm Junior High will participate in a Volley- ball Marathon sponsored by the Student Council. The event will start Friday, April 30th at 3:00 p.m. and last until all participants wear out or at 5:00 p.m. Sunday, May 2. The action will be covered by Cable channel 6 TV. Proceeds will go to the Senior Citizens and the Youth Athletic Association elderly around the community. Visitors are welcome to come and watch the fun. DID YOU HEAR... The Mount Joy Lions Club members (and some- times their wives) drive Polly Pennell to special pottery classes for the blind in Lancaster every week. Kitty Brown of Marietta is a volunteer teacher in this inovative program. Dr. Michael Gratch Dr. Gratch is a staff member of St. Joseph's Hospital and Columbia Hospital. He is a courtesy staff member of Lancaster General Hospital. mander of Post #809 May- town American Legion; vice- chairman of the Donegal Authority, treasurer of the Marietta-Donegal Author- ity, a member of the Mari- He is a past president of etta Lion's Club and St. the Maytown-Bainbridge Mary's Catholic Church, Rotary Club, Past Com- Marietta. Stan the Man — } photo by Corky Flick Donegal’s Stan Curry can run a quarter of a mile faster than almost anybody in Pennsylvania. He placed 2d in a S0 school track meet at Shippensburg recently, with a time of 50.6. He’s training hard, and getting faster all the time.
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