Page 2 - SUSQUEHANNA "TMES Doris Saylor won the Donegal School District spelling bee last week. Photo shows Doris (left), 2d place winner Laura Schwert, and Beahm principal «%, - F a ? in Fa Sg AE Pa § wy i Ee i aughters Engles celebrate 50th anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harold Engle, 100 East High Street, Maytown, were honored at an open house celebration on Sunday, April 4 at their home. The event. hosted by their daughter, was in cele- bration of their S0th wed- ding anniversary. The Engles were married on April 10, 1926 in York, PA. They are the parents of two daughters: Catharine, who lives in Lewisburg, PA and is the wife of Jack Nentwig, and Dorothy, who lives in Warwick, R.I. and is the wife of Stuart Meade. They have two grandsons. Mr. Engle is retired from Wyeth Laboratories. They are members of the St. John’s Lutheran Church, Maytown. Baseball season around the corner The baseball season for the Maytown kids is about to start. Junior Midgets (12 to 14 years) will practice on Tues- days and Thursdays; call Sam Drace (426-3634) for more information. Midgets (14 to 16 years) will practice Mondays and Wednesdays; call Jim Libhart (426-3452). For information on PeeWee and Midget Midget clubs, call Bob Hiestand (426-3421) For information on girls baseball, call Jay Hoover (426-1732). All practices will be held at the East Donegal Town- ship Park. Parents who are willing to help prepare the diamonds are invited to contact Bob Hiestand (426- 3421). The public is reminded that it is illegal to ride vehicles of any kind on ball diamonds. Violators will be prosecuted. DID YOU HEAR... A Florida newspaper re- cently ran a story on ‘‘The Amazing Prestons’’ Paul and Mickee Preston of Plantation, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Preston were a distin- guished ice-skating team in the nineteen-forties, per- forming in Madison Square Garden, the Sonja Henie Show, the Ice Capades, even Europe. Tragedy struck Paul Pres- ton in 1951 when he was paralyzed by a stroke that ended his skating career. Paul was a native of Marietta, and he returned here to his father’s home for physical therapy. With his father’s help, he achieved a Two appointed to Richard D. Smedley, of 29 North Gay Street, Marietta, PA and Harry E. Zink, Jr., of Bainbridge, PA both members of VFW Post 5861, have been appointed by National Commander-in- Chief Thomas C. Walker, of New London, Conn., to serve as National Aides-de- Camp for 1976. Walker, head of the 1.8 million member organiza- tion of overseas veterans remarkable recovery. The Florida newspaper article, which was sent to the Susquehanna Times by Mrs. George Houseal, tells the story of Paul Preston’s courage and warmth and the new life he has built for himself in Florida. VEW post commented, “The VFW has always been in the forefront of these activities and one of the reasons is dedicated veterans like Mr. Smedley and Mr. Zink. MJ Boro Council agenda The proposed agenda for the Mount Joy Borough Council meeting to be held on Monday, April 12, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Borough Offices Building, 21 East Main Street, Mount Joy, 1s as follows: 1. Receive and consider bids for a 1976 lawn tractor. 2. Receive recommenda- tions from the Public Safety Committee with regard to certain traffic ordinance changes. 3. Receive and consider certain tax exoneration re- quests. 4. Receive and consider the final subdivision plan of Donald and Shirley Yingst as shown on D. C. Gohn Associates DWG. No SG- 251. JayCee Ecology Project Continues by Donald L. Simmons The Marietta Jaycees are still actively involved in recycling of newspapers, magazines, books and card- board. These may be drop- ped off at the Jaycee Center just off Waterford Avenue anytime. Glass is also still being collected for recyc- ling—and preferably should be taken to the Jaycee Center on Saturdays, but can be placed on the porch anytime. The money which results from this project is used for renovating the former school. Replacement of win- dows is the current project. Membership in Jaycees is open to young men between 18 and 36 and the Marietta Chapter invites all eligible men to join and become active in our Community during our Bicentennial year. DID YOU HEAR... Purple Martin scouts ar- rived at 5:30 p.m. on Thurs- day, April first. Where? In Ben Billett’s backyard, of course, at 219 W. Walnut Street in Marietta. Buy Only One More Muffler! FREE REPLACEMENTS FOR LIFE OF CAR (Labor not included) WISSLER MOTORS Route 230 West Mount Joy, Pa. April 7, 1976 April Fools is past! #3 is due! Don’t be fooled by waiting til the last minute. MILLERS Mobil SERVICE BR( HOURS SUSQUEHANNA TIMES OLD ROUTE 30 (462) in COLUMBIA RAIL] BLT “Since 1915’ ! LEI 3RN PE 4B RRL ALL TR (F “I haul cancelled store orders, | odd discontinued items and "| samples from Carolina factories | fo a warehouse outlet in Mt. | Joy.” “NO StCONDS" “Priced | ) just above nize used things.” | — IWSING MISTAKES FURNITURE | 17 New Haven Street Mt. Joy, Pa. et EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS Saturday Afternoon EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Available Day & Night COLUMBIA HOSPITAL 7th & Poplar (Emergency Entrance) and Sunday Norlanco Health Center (Mount joy Area Only) Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin Box 75A, R.D.#1, Marietta, PA 17547 Published weekly on Wednesday (50 issues per year) (426-2212 or 426-1707) Publisher—Nancy H. Bromer Editor—Richard S. Bromer Advertising Manager—Elizabeth Ehrhorn Society Editor—Hazel Baker Staff —Jody Bass, Kathie Bromer, Judy Swab Vol. 76 No. 14 April 7, 1976 Advertising Rates Upon Request Entered at the post office in Marietta. Fa.. as second class mail under the Act of March 3. 1879. Subscription Rate: $5.00 per year BS aad Cad bala
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