Page 4 - SUSQUEHANNA TIMES (= 30007 Mark Adams grapples with Cocalico opponent. photo by Corky Flick Grapplers muscled from top; end season with 10-1 record by Corky Flick On Friday, February 13, the Donegal Indians’ Wrest- ling squad finished their league season with a record of 10 and 1. On Tuesday, the 10th, the Indians lost their first match in 2 years. The Donegal grapplers wrestled against the only other undefeated wrestling team in Section 2, Annville-Cleona. Early in the match it looked like both teams would have a tough evening. In the 98-pound bout, Mark ‘‘Grizzly’’ Adams found himself trailing 0-8 early in the batttle. Adams came back with a head lock and a near fall for the Indians to make the score 8-5, Annvile. Later, Adams got another reversal to make the final score 8-7. It looked bad for the Indians as they lost the next 3 matches. Donegal came back with pins from Garner and Mull, at the 126 and 132 pound weight classes re- spectively. George Mohr was tied by Annville’s Risser. Mohr was the only Indian to go undefeated in league com- petition this year. After Mohr’s match, the only other Indian to win a match was Tim Howell, with a 5-3 decision over Klein- feiter. The final score for the Annville-Donegal match was 39-17. Donegal’s JV’s lost a hard fought match 15-34 to Anneville’s JVs. On Friday night. Donegal clenched 2nd place in Section 2 by beating Cocalico with a 25-22 final score. In this match, deci- sions went to Adams 10-8, Prowell 3-2; Meszaros 5-0; Garner 12-5; Mohr 10-3; and Brandt 10-2. Donegal’s Tim Howell, got a forfeit at the 185 pound weight class. The JV’s also won a 27-6 victory. Cagers shoot for higher glories after perfect 14-0 Section 3 year Donegal won its 14th league basketball victory by squeezing past Garden Spot 50-47 last Friday. At the end of the regular season, the Indians are the only undefeated team in Section 3 of the Lancaster - Lebanon League. The team will have a shot at higher honors in two seperate tournaments: the Lancaster-Lebanon playoffs; and the District 3 playoffs. The Lancaster-Lebanon intersectional playoffs got underway this week. Tonight, (Weds.) Donegal will take on the Section 1 champions at Hempfield High. On Friday, the winner of that game will challenge Cedar Crest. The game will be held at Hershey. The Indians are also entered in District 3 play- offs. The District playoffs are seperated into classes on the basis of school size. Donegal, an intermediate- sized school, was seeded third in the class AA tournament this year. The Indians’ first game in the District 3 playoffs will be held February 27 at Penn Manor. Donegal will be facing Lancaster Catholic in that game. Coach Swift isn’t pre- dicting how well his team will do in either set of play- offs. “From now on,’’ he says, “every team we play is going to be good.” Last Friday's game with Garden Spot wasn’t an easy win for the Indians. Garden Spot’s effective defense included one tactic that backfired; they fouled John Fellenbaum every time he got his hands on the ball. The pressure held Fellen- baum to 4 field goals, but gave him a chance to demonstrate his foul-throw- ing prowess. The accurate Indian sank 1S of 16 charity attempts. His total of 23 points made him the game’s high scorer. McCue scored 10 points, McKercher 9, Barto 6, and Miller 2. Earlier in the week, the Indians had an easier time when they trampled Pequea Valley 94-62. Fellenbaum sank 30 points in that game. Mec- Kercher followed with 18, Barto canned 14, Miller 8, Weber 6, McCue 5, Bradley 4, Zimmerman 4, Gallagher 3, and Milligan 2. FINAL STATISTICS EXCLUDING POST-SEASON February 18, 1976 Donegal High elects class officers The freshmen class officers at Donegal High are, seated, left to right: Diane Hess, treasurer; Joann Pittenturf, historian; and Sheri Smith, secretary. Jim Shrum, president sits behind the girls. The vice-president, Scott Adams is not pictured. photo by Jim Beck The DHS sophomore class officers are, left to right: Stacy Miller, vice-president; Wendy Newcomer, secretary; Jim Johnson, president; Mimi Ginder, treasurer; and Brenda Gibble, historian. photo by Jim Beck Donegal—20-2 Player ~~ Games F.G. F1, FLA, Total Avg, H, Game Fellenbaum 22 197 78 98 472 21.5 36 McKercher 22 139 32 $4 310 14.1 22 Barto 22 97 59 100 253 5 29 Miller 22 102 48 70 252 11.4 24 McCue 21 81 46 75 208 9.9 21 Bradley 22 62 33 4 157 7.1 15 Weber 22 48 6 9 102 4.6 13 a Milligan 17 18 12 15 48 2.8 11 The junior class officers at DHS are, left to right: Greg Lindemuth, vice-president; Barb Zimmerman 17 8 S 7 21 1.2 4 Landis, treasurer; Raeann Parker, secretary; and Kevin Bradley, president. Historian Deb 1.0 4 Mumma is not pictured. photo by Jim Beck Gallagher 4 7 0 2 14 a A ios a iu
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