February 18, 1976 GILBERT MOTORS All cars inspected, tuned up, and serviced by us. 1973 Plymouth Duster, 2 dr., 6 cyl. auto., R.H., P.S. 1973 Plymouth Satellite, 2 dr., V-8 auto., R.H., P.S., air 1973 Chevrolet Impala, 2 dr., V-8 auto., R.H., P.S. air 1971 Buick Skylark, 4 dr., Sedan, V-8, auto., R.H., P.S., 1970 Pontiac LeMans, 2 dr., V-8 auto., R.H., P.S., air 1969 Chevrolet Station Wagon, V-8 auto., R.H., P.S., 9 passenger 1968 Pontiac LeMans, 2 dr., V-8 auto., R.H., P.S. These cars are above average and are guaranteed by us. Financing available to qualified buyers Maytown, Pa. 426-3604 CURL IE (30TH *Since 1915” LLLTIARE M4 .F MEL & GERRY HEISTAND, PROPS. PUBLIC SALE OF FARM MACHINERY AND LIGHT HOUSEHOLD GOODS ALONG ROUTE 222, 2 MILE SOUTH OF QUARRYVILLE. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1976 11:30AM. IHC 756 diesel w-torque, 10 front weights, 540 and 1,000 rpm, fast hitch, good rubber. IHC 460 diesel fast hitch w-torque, good rubber. THC 454 gas tractor w-1850 loader w-power bucket & fork, 1500 hours. IHC 4 bottom 16 in. 710 Auto. reset plow w-Cushion Coulders (plowed 15 acres), 32 transport disc, 12 ft. cultipacker, New Holland 268 baler w-thrower, 2 rack wagons, EZ trail 8x8x18 1 yr. and Gehl 8x8x16 wide track, Little Giant 24 ft. elevator w-motor, New Holland 469 haybine, John Deere 841 rake, Fox Super 6 chopper 2 row wide direct cut and pickup, A.C. hopper blower, Oliver 540 - 4 row Cornplanter w-fertilizer and insecticide, John Deere Van Brunt 17 disc drill, New Holland flail manure spreader, Allis Chalmers 6 ft. rotary chopper, 3 pt. weight, rubber tired feed cart, Sears Craftsman 7 hp. lawn mower, 18 in. Lawn Boy, 2 SS wash tubs. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 10 Cu. ft. refrigerator, chest of drawers, typewriter desk, double galvanized wash tubs, plastic coated mattress (like new), oak bureau w-mirror, baby crib, 8 pieces of depression glassware, double candle holder console set (dark glass). Terms by: DAVID R. AND MARIE HESS Tel. 786-7041 J. Everett Kreider Carl Diller Aucts. Lunch by Farm Women No. 31 Attention: Very few small items. This will be a short Sale so please do not be late. Machinery in good con- ition. Deaths LILLIAN M. DENLINGER Lillian M. Denlinger, 76. of 1145 E. Orange Street, widow of J. Landis Den- linger, died in Lancaster General Hospital at 2 p.m. Born in Marietta, she was the daughter of the late Gottleib and Ella Hipple Miller. She was a member of the Lutheran Church of the good Shepherd and an active member of the American Legion Auxiliary. Surviving are a daughter, Elizabeth A., wife of Robert M. Simmons, Tucson, Ariz; a grandson and a grand- daughter. ESTHER K. HESS Mrs. Esther K. Earhart Hess, 86, widow of Abram M. Hess, died at the Messiah Home, Harrisburg, Friday afternoon. She was formerly of Mount Joy, and was a guest at the home for 1 1/2 years. Born in Rapho Township, she was a daughter of the late Almos and Lizzie Keener Earhart. She was a member of Crossroads Brethren in Christ Church Surviving are three sons: Lester R. Hess, Elizabeth- town; Kenneth E. Hess, Lancaster; A. Clair Hess, Grand Rapids, Mich; 13 grandchildren; 8 great- grandchildren; two brothers Almos K. Earhart, Mount Joy R1; Paul K. Earhart, Mount Joy R2; and a foster sister, Marie, wife of Martin Hoffer, Elizabethtown. ...trailer ban [continued from page 1] A request from the Mar- ietta Youth Athletic Associa- tion for summer use of the War Memorial Park was granted. The MYAA also got 40 hours of free night lighting in the park. The Marietta Jaycees were granted use of the park on June 30, and July 1,2,3,4, and S. The Jaycees are planning the biggest 4th of July in 200 years. St. John’s Episcopal Church reserved Sunday, July 11, for an evening vesper service in the park. MOUNT JOY LEGION (2 mi. E. of Mt. Joy off Rt. 230 By-Pass) kh ARRAN Sat. Feb., 21 THE SAVOYS BENE NEESR Sunday Dinners 12 NOON to 9 P.M. Reservation Ph. 898-8451 Chetead, Att MACRAME CLASSES aos 7 Begin March 2 SUSQUEHANNA TIMES - Page 3 DHS band plans hoagie sale KENNY by Hazel Baker Two hoagie sales were planned as benefits for the Donegal Band students at the February meeting. The first will be held March 6, the second on April 10. Profits, which are divided between band members and the Band Parents Club, will be used to defray costs of a trip to Winchester, VA, April 29, 30, and May 1. Although plans are incom- plete at this point a tentative schedule will be for the band to perform on the Capital steps and to tour both government houses on the afternoon of April 30. The group will participate in the annual Apple Blossom Parade on Saturday. Residents are urged to save their papers for a paper drive later this spring. Mount Joy merchants meet by Jeff Brown The Mount Joy Mer- chants Association held their February meeting at the Mount Joy Restaurant. The main topics of dis- cussion were the scheduling of promotions for 1976 and the adoption of a seal for the merchants. Plans are now being formulated for con- ducting a contest to design the seal. The contest will be open to the public. More inform- ation will be forthcoming for those interested in entering the contest. MARIETTA CITGO CITGO GAS - GROCERIES OPEN 5:30 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. DAILY SUNDAY 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Ed Reeves, Prop. Phone 426-3863 East End — Route 441 - Marietta x SMITH A | Brand Names Jackets Sneakers Up to mozZzr »I3Ip»pmro Ixm-Hz-— Top Quality Turtlenecks Winter Caps Gloves [Ski] Ski underwear 65° discounts on some tems | 0p 65 E. Main St Mount Joy, Pa. 17562 RUIT STAND Sw IS Who says there aren’t any bargains anymore? Thurs., Fri., Sat. only Meat Specials Ibs. of tomatoes for heads of lettuce for $ Kunzler’s famous Baked Ham Reg. $2.79 White American Cheese Reg. $1.49 $ $2.39 $1.29 HERRD PHONE: 426-1805 Intersection of 441 & 743 Open 8 AM.-1l P.M. Daily & Sunday .00 .00
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