Page 16 - SUSQUEHANNA TIMES Camm [l= \ ., 4 SE AN \¢ NZD -~ Pr Lule 0 Cessna Pilot Education is designed with the businessman in mind. As a businessman, you need the fast, flexible and economical business travel that a Cessna can offer. And as a businessman, you'll want to use a productive Cessna as soon as possible. Our Cessna Pilot Center is prepared to get you in the air fast. To save you time and money Cessna 's unique integrated learning curriculum is the reason. Ground and flight instruction are coordinated into a single, logical sequence for faster, surer learning. : Cessna ay g classroom will BH om 150 PILOT CENTER the world's most popular trainer. C How about it, Mr. Business || man? We're ready to help you get | Discover Flying J your business off the ground. = Number one in pilot education Right now. Ask about our $5.00 y for some very down-to-earth reasons. introductory flight. Smith Aviation E-town Marietta Airport Marietta, Pa. Phone 653-8787 On Sunday, February 16, friends, relatives, and neighbors of a local couple joined with them in celebra- tion of fifty years of wed- lock. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra E Hess marked the completion of their fifieth year this past week on Wednesday the 19th of February although the reception in their honor had been held four days earlier. Sons of the couple, Wilbur, Robert, Leroy, and Ira, and their wives held the surprise reception in honor of their parents at the West Greentree Church of the Brethren. Approximately 125 guests were in atten- dance. Mr. Hess has been a farmer all of his life on a Hess family celebrates S0th farm north of Mount Joy previously operated by his father, the late Ira S. Hess. He is still actively engaged in farming, although his youngest son, Ira, now manages the farm. Mrs. Hess was Martha Auker of Elizabethtown, daughter of the late John and Hettie Auker who had moved into the local area from Juniata County when Mrs. Hess was in her late teens. They were married on February 19, 1925 by the late Rev. Henry K. Ober of Elizabethtown. The couple is now residing near Mount Pleasant Breth- ren in Christ Church just a bit over a mile from the Hess homestead. Who's whe? Crystal Singer! Crystal Singer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Singer of California, ND and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs, John P, Singer, May- town has been selected as a member of the Who's Who in Vocational and Technical [IITIIL LULL LALLA ALLL LI LLL] LL] SHREVE’S INN Frank & Emma “Where Friendly People Meet’ Mount Joy, PA SLOAN’S PHARMACY 61 East Main Street, Mount Joy, PA Sick Room Needs We rent...walkers, wheel chairs, commodes, crutches. We sell...canes, rib belts, support stockings, cervical collars, hernia belts, sacro supports. Rexall Drug Products—Vitamins Monthly Discount Specials Cosmetics—Photo-Supplies Russell Stover Candies Hallmark Greeting Cards and Stationery Halimark Party and Candle Shop— Gift Wrap Baby Needs Children’s books and games School Supplies Everyday drug needs Your prescription filled by registered pharmacists [10 percent discount to senior citizens] Family prescription record plan ws Bicentennial Special 1a If your purchase comes to $17.76 during 1976 we have a FREE GIFT for you. Thank you for your patronage Blood pressure check Tuesday and W ednesday, 2—4 p.m. Store Hours: SA .M. to SP.M. Monday thru Friday 9A .M. to 5P.M. Saturday all 653-4051 or 653-2139 We accept Bank Americard and M aster Charge Free Parking After hours: Emergency Schools in America. She is a senior at Central PA Business School, major- ing in Data Processing and minering in Accounting. She is a member of Lambda Tau Sorority and will graduate in June of this year. COLUMBIA FACTORY OUTLET BEDSPREADS—DRAPERIES | LINCOLN HI-WAY 4 MILE EAST OF COLUMBIA TURN SOUTH ON OSWEGO DRIVE DAILY 9-6, FRI. 9-9, SAT. 9-5 (684-6341) Marietta A solid brick rancher with 3 bedrooms, and a bath. Also an entry foyer, liv- ing room with brick wall fire- place, a formal dining room, an eat-in kitchen, and a large pat- io. House has oil heat and a detached 2 car garage with a storage area. Features large landscaped lot. Water and sew- $39,900 Ask for Lloyd Rohrer KINGSWAY REALTY \ phone 299-0791 ) (WANT TO SAVE MONEY??? February 18, 1976 884.7900 Call JIM HEISEY 653-1205 Located 4 miles West of Eliza- bethtown on Falmouth Rd. CALL 367-2959 30i Cherry St Columbia, PA DICK SMEDLEY 426-3614 CALL ME BEFORE YOU BUY A WATER SOFTENER AMMON SMITH 653-1159 SMITH WATER CONDITIONING CO. 807 West Main Street Mount Joy \ A NEW IMAGE AND DRIVE YOURSELF WILD WITH ONE OF LIFE’S EXTRA PLEASURES. IT’S THE PRACTICAL WAY OF DRIVING IN LUXURY WITHOUT THE EXPENSE OF CAPITAL INVESTMENT. 1760 MANHEIM PIKE LANCASTER PHONE 569-5353 Opposite Erb’s Market -" J ®
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers