Page 2 - SUSQUEHANNA TIMES Mrs. Harold McKain heads Pioneer ladies by Hazel Baker Mrs. Harold McKain has been elected president of the Marietta Pioneer Fire Company Auxillary. Mrs. McKain, the mother of two daughters, was a vice-president of the same organization and is an active member of the United Church of Christ and the Women’s Guild, Marietta. She hopes for a good year with the auxillary and urges cooperation with the mem- bers. The auxillary’s function is to support the firemen in the debt of the new building and to assist them in the various ways that arise for the volunteers, Mrs. McKain emphasizes. The public is invited to join the group which meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Fire Company building, Water- ford Avenue. Mrs. Harold McKain Art display at library by Emmy Lou Foley Mr. Richard Houck, Mount Joy, is displaying some of his art work at the Mount Joy Library during the month of January. He has been drawing with Maytown parents to hear Lawrence Mr. James Lawrence, principal of Maytown Elem- entary School, will speak at the Parents’and Teachers in Partnership meeting this Thursday night. This meeting was origin- pencil for 21 years and uses other implements. He is an art instructor at the Ephrata High School. Mr. Houck alse displays at the Lancas- ter Community Gallery, Lancaster City Schools, and Reider College. ally scheduled for last Thursday, the 14th, but was postponed because of snow. The major topics of the discussion will be the opre- sent curriculum and policies of the school and projected changes. Mr Lawrence also The new MYAA officers are, from left to right: seated; Mrs. Winnie Bensinger, secretary and Mrs. Emma Penwell, treasurer; standing; Mr. Jerry Cranford, vice-president, and Mr. William Miller, president. MYAA elects officers by Hazel Baker Officers were named for the "76 term of the Marietta Youth Athletic Association Thursday night in the Marietta Community House They are: William Miller, president; Jerry Cranford, vice-president; Winnie Ben- singer, secretary; and Emma Penwell, treasurer. The president appointed these committees: Property-Mervin Gut- shall; membership-Jerry Cranford; picture-William Yohe; picnic-Mervin Gut- shall and Frances Cranford; insurance-Mervin Gutshall and Jerry Cranford; tourna- ment-Mervin Gutshall, Winnie Bensinger, and Clyde Butz; and registra- tion-John Anderson, Glen hopes to get some new ideas from the discussion, and urges everyone to attend. The meeting will be held in the school cafeteria at 7 p-m. Refreshments will be served. ‘Town meeting’ in Elizabethtown The Elizabethtown Chamber of Commerce is going to kick off the bicentennial year with a unique ‘‘town meeting"’ for area residents Saturday evening, January 24, at 7 p.m. in the Elizabethtown High School auditorium There will be tree admis- sion, free refreshments, free mementoes, and numerous displays of historical indus- trial artifacts, paintings, church memorabilia, etc. The High School band and the College chorus will join for a musical program. A nationally known speaker will give a short talk on the principles upon which this nation was founded. Deb Cobaugh of Bain- bridge designed the pla- cards distributed through- out Elizabethtown to an- nounce the town meeting. The public is urged to attend. Shank, and Winnie Ben- singer. The registration fee is $2 which includes a hat and insurance for each player. The group will cooperate with scout groups so as not to duplicate meetings. The next meeting of the group will be February 12, at 7:30 p-m., in the Community House. This is the second term for William Miller as pres- ident of the above organiza- tion. He is the father of three children and is marri- ed to the former Anna Funkand. He has been an employee of Wyeth for 18 years where he serves as a mechanic. The Marietta High School graduate played baseball and basketball and was sports editor of the ‘‘Spot- light’) the school news- paper. He also contributed sports news to the former Marietta Times. While in the U.S. Army from 1948 to 1952, Miller participated in his favorite sports of base- ball and basketball. He played County league ball on the Marietta team and basketball with the ‘‘Hill- toppers’. He served as president of the Wyeth bowling and Marietta Re- creation Association, was Democratic committeeman for 10 years and a member of the county executive Democratic committee for 7 years. A former member of the Jaycees, he is currently a member of the Mount Joy American Legion, Wyeth Tennis League, president of the Marietta Alumni Assoc- iation and coach of the MYAA traveling midget team. Have You £7 Been Watching ) January 21, 197 A Our Basketball Team? They are CHAMPS! MILLER’S Mobil SERVICE 271 WEST MARKET STREET, MARIETTA 426-3430 Announcing A new publication by the Susquehanna Times— The SUSQUEHANNA MAGAZINE coming soon A magazine about and for the people of Lancaster County. Call about Bargain ad rates for the first issue. 426-2212 or 426-1707 LYNN’S 1) BP, roooce JU SHOP 665 Essex St., Marietta 426-1802 Call after 5 for appointment Ah @entral y/ Hotel 102 N. Market St. M1. Joy Phone 653-2056 Lunches Dinners 1ite2 Mon.-Thurs. Fri-Sat. 569 Sto 10 “Tours of A. Bube's Brewery and Cata- combs by special re- servation until May 1, 1976.” SUNDAY DINNERS Served in First Floor Dining Room 11AM.te7 P.M. EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS Saturday Afternoon and Sunday Norlanco Health Center (Mount Joy Area Only) (426-2212 or 426-1 707) Publisher Editor Society Editor SUSQUEHANNA TIMES Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin Box 75A,R.D. 1. Marietta, Pa. 17547 Published weekly on Wednesday (50 issues per year) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Available Day & Night COLUMBIA HOSPITAL 7th & Poplar (Emergency Entrance) Nancy H. Bromer Richard S. Bromer Hazel Baker, 426-3643 Staff Jody Bass Kathie Bromer Vol. 76 No. 3 January 21, 1976 Elizabeth Ehrhorn Judy Swab Advertising Rates Upon Request Entered at the post office in Marietta, Fa.. as second class mail under the Act of March 3. 1879. Subscription Rate: $5.00 per year
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