.:-....r 16.;', f :-Ti:i7.l'': :S. KO vtts Dkript ranter „.„...„........ .:„,,,.„,. PITTSBURGH, SATURBAY I :AUGUST 48,1860., Atip- Having purchased for our office the ' 4 " Muse bides Aegetintard and Diapatell euleytiall, or nearly all, 'o,fabr iutistrigert,nbio hart thilr papers addressed Ce them regularly by a einpularly unique machine, which fatten:l -an Me white-marry; a , smatt , entored.“nddressMamp," la Get, whereon appears their name plain ty printed, followed 'by Me date ap!o which they have paid for their p apers—thee being authorised by an Act of ,e ,date' always be adisanrid 'an the receipt mater . iptifin , nitrocA in exact deavtianlnten;th,(o; Amount so iereiredt and thus be an ever-really viflid receipt; scarring to every one; 'and at all times. tilimr.feMSkiikuredge of his arivapapor count, so, that if any error is made,he can immediately:del sect it and'Have it corrected—a boast alit:, valuable to the ,publisher and stt(icrilteri as it Matte terminate alt painjut , mintmieratanctipgs Legit/cep them respecting accounts, and thus tend to.perpeSPaee thrtr-importantreintitmehip. * Thate,in arrears will please remit: Rev. Wm 'T. Morrison , and Lady,. inissiona 7 ries of our Foreign Board, have arrived safely at 'Anjier, on their Viay 'to China.. iltaiely.—hVilivititution'ii un do' the tiri oi8:11.M sax, Principal. The eataiOglie f ox 1860-61 gives the names of one hundred and twenty pupils. Centre College; Ily.•This iniiitution con- Cored, the degree ef- D.D.,.0n 'Rev. Messrs. Jouwil'RfeEj of Louisville, and JoHN C. RAYLESS, of AShlatid. The degree of LL.D was also conferred on Hon. J. J. CRITTZN DEN. A scientific depattment, has been organized, and ,Rev. W. MoKNivar elected professor. _ • R A CY. Oldies E, Redges.:-,A. correspondent of thepPresbyterian speaks of the death of Mt. HEDGES ' ' , at Maysville, California, July"loth;' aged tWentY.Tour years. He was a native of New Jersey an a gradu tit ate of Princeton College : and eminary. His health: as feeble and howentr to ;Cali fonds' int , hopes of receiving ibenefit from the' cha r rig,e orlaimate ; but it was net for liiin'to' servd Jong on eiitli. „ , , morrEs THE GENERAL ISSiitßiN. The Minutes of the Assembly's meeting at Rochester ; l are received. They make a volume of `two hundred and eighty-eight pages: absence of Dr. LEYBURNI Stated Clerk i the publication has been made by other competent persons. The arith metic, proof-reading; &c., has been'attend ed td,‘as we are tbld; by the same perions who, in forineryCars, conducted the same work. Ne i he .nee rely upon the accuracy of the figures and statements. • Evbry'elder,‘as Well - as every minister, who wOuld be'well informed, should haye„ cop - ANOTHER .RENOVAL Friim the Centrql Pros6littTian we learn that Bev. W. ,D ; ! Torvzs, P.D, of the Pres bytery of Holston, Ilia at.his residenewat Holston Spaings, Scott County; Sabbath the sth inst.°l4 Was a 'native , of 'PittsYlVania, County,Va., lit removed to Xentucky in early life, He was at one time President of Centre' College, Danville, Ky., and for' fourteen-years pastor .of the Presbyterian church at ilopkinsville,lin that State. For several Years - he was.Nesident of the 'lv"- ersvlle Feinale College, And at the tinle his death, Principal of the'HighSchool at Holston'' Springs. PRE BYTEBIAN QI:IMLTER BEVIEW. The number for July. contains—L.Anti- Revolutionary Histbry 'of Episcopacy; IL Russia; 111. ‘Viiiicerit Turrara; W. Gen eral Assembly.of 1860; V: -Dr. Bushnell's Sermons;; VI. The Position and 'Misslon of. ottr Ginircle; VII. Doctrinal Preaching; VIII. Literary and Theological Intelli gence; IX. Notices of ,New Books. The first article is the address of Rev. DT.. HOPKINS, delivered before . the New School Assembly, which met •in this city; last May. The sixth article is the sermon of Rev. Dr..PArrEusoN, at theupening of the same Assembly, and :are understand, issued separately also, aff'a pamphlet. , JUR. SLAVE TRADE. , , • Cur cdiantry'ia being disgraced, and in.. volved in, deep guilt,' by . a revival of that horrible business, the Slave • Trade. Not only are American shipmasters, especially many belonging to..New-Work i -engaged in the traffic to Cubs,,,:but.:Slaves are being brought to, the 'United States.,. ,The North Carolina Presbyterian, thus speaksor: the subject: " During our'recent visit to the South, we were surprised and pained to find that the number of persons favoring the re opening of the Slave Trade is greatly on the increase. The number has largely in creased in the hat five years. The common impression that it is only a reckless' politi tion here'dild another there who 'approves of the traffic is erroneous: .dhinge taken placeeid the minds' Of man `who' ATo not polititiard, and it hair exteided zi to classes and peofessions. Tenlre* l igii:not oho man' in` five hundred' would 'bitve pub- . Holy adVocated 'the Wider . and Afiiit *Mile business was tregitdedv*ith repugnance Wad horror. Now advocates' are perhillins numerous; as the:tippoiientri Planters and intelligeht iheohsiiice ''ore beginning to, favor the it is not deemed ' a reproach or a (Onrill Offente. "The trade iiselfris iiirgelY on the in crease. Five - cargmr - ofqdrioans are now landed on the egikskto onn i ton? years ado. Some express the opinion that the propor tion is greaterthii this.' .* * *' " This . question of the, African Slave' Trade forces itself upon 69 attention, of. the Christina people andiwess of the Smith. The discussion cannot bee shnoned, and the; question 'must :he 'honestly Met. Aiside from its .politiiiiil'AiOteter,-it has moral h and religious arinigii which claim 'our nO- " The sanctity ' of the law is invaded by, those whO are engaged in tibia traffic.. Christians ought' not to .hold'their ;peace , when the ConiiiititiOn 'of thieointry, trampled' nada' SAP "The bordOr - and Middle States of the South will not consent toltikak - e with their more Southern neighbors iii;this Shameless violation, of national law. They cannot ap prove of such illegal proceedings, but would kindly yet firmly remonstrate. The traffic cannot be legalized, and conservative men need no . ~further argument to confirm them in their opposition. If the• Gulf: States wish to ,retain the sympathies of the, border States antlAnt preserve the unity of the Si:lth in iialingonterest, and action, , they must maintain the Constitution as it is, and uphold An Majesty ,of the laws., Maryland,' Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, and .K entucky, Missouri,. with the voice and heart 1„oue man, r now, and al ways will, proteit against 'the. renewal of the 1141,eve Mrade;" • -1 -W4 i tO findth . at 'the attention of' this}' On** by' their own .!V '.J J Everything connected with the East is of interest to the;intelligent and expectant Christian. Here was the origin of our race, of our religion, and of our civiliza tion. Here some of the grandest events of WM the past have taken place, and the finger 'of - Prophecy points tolhis as the theatre on "which some of, the great thingi yet to oceirr in the history of nations are - to be performed. It was not strange that in a former age, when the people were but pbor ly informed as to the import of the Bible, when the true spirit of 'Christianity was but -little known,: and when , its conquests were expected to , be achieved by might and power,rather than by the Spiiit Of ,Qcd, tliat all Fatrope, should be seized with enthusi asm, if not with fanaticism, to rescue the Holy Land from the poser of the Moham medan. Nor is it,strange that everything relating to, this country, famous.in the past, should be reo.arded with the greatest in terest by statesmen, philanthropists, and ChriOans: , . Just now the attention of the civilized world, that has been for the Malmo months intently 'fixed upon Garibaldi and'ihnt.held little island of the Mediferianeari now struggling for liberty under his guidance, is directed to the voices of wailing and anguish that come over wide intervening seas from Syria. Again the ,fury of the Crescent bas_ broken forth; the sword. of Mohammed is again unsheathed ; the frenzy of the Moslem, asz in old time, is irc hot' pursuit of the 'follo*ets of the Cross. Catholic, Greek, and Protestant Christians have been the subjects of indiscriminate slaughter. From seven thousand to' ten, thousand have been slain, from sixty sand to seventy thousand have beec_drivell . from their homes, and ; are hunted like par tridges on the mountains, and from 'five, thousand to six thousand have fled for pro tection to the Protestant mission ,stations, and to the residences of Europeans, and are dependant on them for daily support. Men,, , wometr, and children have been , alilre massacred. All this has taken 'place not far from Mount Hermon under' under the shadow of the Cedars of Lebanon, on the' heights of Carmel, along the plains of Sharon, almost by the side 'of the road over 'which Paul passed on his way to Damascas, and nearly within sight of Bethlehem, Nazareth and Jerusaldn. In the meantime, the Turkish govern ment,that pledged itself to England and France, in 1856, to grant toleration and give protection to all Christians, as well as to Mohammedans, ha, either been pow erless or unwilling to afford relief, and stop the shedding of blood. The Turkish com mander -not only neglected to defend the assailed, but even connived at their butch ery. This feature of the agreement with England' and France, in order to eseape de struction from Russia, on the part of the Sultan, has never ,been cordially acquiesced in by the priesthood-and people of Turkey. No longer ago than last year = a formidable conspiracyagainst the Sultan was organized by his own brother, on this very account. Except when underthe eyes of the author ities and Consuls of civilized- nations, this article has been, to all intents and purposes, a dead letter. And the very promulgatiOn , of it his tended to inflame Mohammedan 'hate,forit Was looked upon as a significant indication that the Christian was about to triumph, and the Turk to pass away.- Thus the idea that constituted such a powerful ingredient in the causes of the outbreak in India, that Christianity was about to change not only the religions, but the, government and the customs of the country, has been` powerfullyat work throughout the Turkish dominions, and has been' a fearful incentive of the late outrage& No other region, of' the same extent, in the world, contains such a multiplicity of antagonistic races as do the mountain rano•es of Lebanon. This has been so for, many generations. Excluding the wander, ing Arabs, the.opilation is little more than a' million and a-half: Abeut one:lalf. of these are Mohammedans, OD e- guar ter cOn sists those who bear the Christian name, and the remainder is composed of hybrid and anomalous races of Pagans and semi- Mohammedans. The Maronites are 'about 200,000; members of 'the Greek. Church, 150,006; and, the , Dfuses, 100,000: The hatred found amongst these _three di visions is intense, and but little Was necei sary to make it' burst into a flame. The general. mass of the, 'Moslems are the. rni ng led descendants ; of 'the various races that . , composed the Greek. Empire in the time of• Mohammed. And in all the Christian sects there has been the same blending of pritniti've races, and a large infusion of European blood during the crusades,, and evendown to our, own day, so that his now impossible to ascertain their national on-' BM 1111111 . The Ilfarcis i Oes are so called fropiMaio, their, first • bishop, _who Lived' in the . fifth een.tury... Their subjection . to the jurisdic tiori4of,tbeititoman pontiff was agreed to on the ihrfirOss . cieadition '114: neither the POieS nor their emisariee Should abolish:or , chamge. any thing that related„to the an cient I rites; moral precepts, or• religious. opiniona , of the people. So that' in reality tliefielktion of this people tAi'Ro*e isms rb nOininat than any thing else, and„forAje, friendahip:,! the Roman Pontiff . ha; . to payi very dearly.. ••• - The 'Greeks are 'adherents of the' Grceli , Chureb, Established 'Church of Itniesisiiiid'which comprehends within its bosom, absci, a considerable part of Egypt, Abyssinia,' Greece, Mesopotamia, and Adenine. It originated inithel i ninth' century,' from' the ' con trosieray the' procession of the Holy.Gliost, and rjeal ' ousy of the See of Rome, united. This Church is one of the largest claiming the Christian name. It rejects many - of the errors of Rome, but holds 'ethers abOuti equally injurious. The .Drums are Arabs who' caine from . the Eastern , confines of , Syria, and , gettled . if - .4440i! . . ant . A i nti-Lebanort - with& the laat•nitia kiin4ro,. years. Theyire ascot af. the •Idoh.emmedans, existing,, only in, Syria. ('They themselves trace their origin; two religious sect to 13ionine,'4 fauatic,4whii,ln pkilin4a4l Caliph Agypt, dePlAire kiii* 4 o l l4nr, ifestation f!of 1 God. .Althaugh Caliph was sooniassastinated, Ilbtailiveantinisiet proPagatkiii:isft T nitory in, iYi46, and with UAW , t, of hi 'fl;llewisra, 1; f s Mohtanb; wrote , wriN4 lo 4 Pg ",**, IMMO TILE OUTBREAK SYRIA. Ts ', 8I ' .. -RIA:Ns. BANTER.-. 7 sATTJ,R,DA Y,.: . ;:.A.T.TG , ,, v5r:r .. ;:i.5,... 1860. ings. According to his:intentiop, only the Druse priesthood ware,to See:Allis volume, and no revelation was to beillade lanai the second advent of liakem, who was' to ap pear on the earth again master Hamm, this being, probably, an idea sug gested by Christian,dogmas. , , iwcresy about the snored writings of Hamsa,,,,vps net; however, observed, an`d7 copies - of the works are now in the 'great Ilibraries in Paris, Vienna, the Va#aan;: LOgen; theesßodleian Library, at; Qxford.„. Like the regular,,M.ehammedans, ,some of the features,of their faith andlvorship have evidently'•been 'borrowed frpnr"the Christian religion.: Biit iketwithatan'ding thiS; their v oppositiVik to `phritip,igns., ap proaches the fiendish more .than it resem bles the,human. To attaiwthe maStery,has, long been "the darling object of the Maroniie, the - ,Greek, and the DrUse. And, when the rage of the Druses burst forth, whether from. a,desire to, exterminate,all opponenti, or.sfroin fear that the Maronite.and Greek Weie-about:to attack them, it matters' not ' the others en tei:ed into the contest most willingly. The Greek :and Papal Bishops, and Patriarchs -Stirred , up their :people to seek the 'utter destruction of the - Druseif,i so 'that' not single'one of theth shouldl , e left in Mount And,theiteople rushed into the war, with perfect xecklessness, without lead ers, without union - , without-arms, andr.with ,out provisions to'meit'U hardy and'Weil 'furnielied race 'Of men, beld as fions';6- firely united in 'thin, and Undor,the control of able leaders. The -result thus far, as might have imen -expected; has been a suc cession' of Drum "iitdories, - 'accoMparkid with pillac4andruthles4'srairgiteil. *ith in six weeks, no, less,thauone,hundred-and: fifty villages aud. Aiamlets: haye, been..de strayed in Lebanon,' with a: frightful` hiSs human life. J . „ As a matter ' , of icourse, the ctniiitry 'has been laid Waste, and fugitives are fiying everywhere. The effects lipcn our Amcr lean Protestant ,Missioas thave r been''Most disastrous. The Rev. Mr. l3ErvfoNbad one thousand Dru'se children in, .his'' sehoOkS, within fifteen Or twenty ' , 6k , Beirut • these are all dispersed:.. The cim K eji of the American Board at Hasheiyn, with •all the mission property; hasbeen destroyed.- The town itself has been plundered and burned to l ashes, and all the; Protestant villagei in the great; district between Mouint, / Hthifon on the East and Tyre,On'theWest,liaVeheen devastated, while the 'peoide . haVe been 4., • driven .from their:homes utterly is estitute All this has occurredin the';'distriet where . the Gospel , has made the greatest prOgress, and in what was, spitit:nall3r, the brightest spot in all SYria. Arany of the Protes,tqni converts sealod their-faith with their blood; And ,not a few of them bore a noble testi.: mony for Jesus in the' trying 'bent: Just before the 'slaughter eottunenaed; 14.ToNsOon, one .of the leadine:,ProieStaniS,:: a mart of &Lill ano,prayer, seeing there; was, no hope of. eseape,cried outto the Protes 'tants and others around him: ' . . My dear brethren, the tbne 'is short. The Drums are coming upon TM.' and we sire 141 going like sheep to the slaughter. Death• is beforeins, and we shall SOOn leave this worldand. stand be fore - God. In whom will yOu trust?, , There.is no: Saviour but Jesus Christ: look to bim, daf),tiPon him, trust in him'itnd will:alive. Repent and believe, and he'will not`east you -'offs Let every' one call on the:Lord Jesus, the Saviourr- • Great numbers 'united with =this mari calling upon God, and is he was leading in prayer he'wee literally'heWed to pieces. These thino , s sadden.the Christian heart, but the Lord reigns ! • The wrath oflman shall be made to praise him. One thing is' certain, the Sultan will be cOMpelled v tb_ protect the Christians,pr his kingdom will be taken from_him, as probably it ought to have been long ago. Russia ; will :protect the Greeks. France will avenge the blood of , the Maronites, to Where the 'faiteof her, • - • rulers has been flyiedged for ,generationa, And England will demand safety ,fc‘r„ the.; Protestants. Jast now the power of the) Beast - .in the West, and of the False' , Prophet- in the' Eait,, are `alike'-utertaCed, bittG-odbilly knoWs the resiilt. ty ___ /eHsu. , .or can any human-being tell what new -dons of .the great Powers of Europe-this may .prOduce. 'Napoleon , is''lookieg iously to the East, bk'ivai of 'the 111 - editeg. ; ranein,.tembich be,i'Ould bring back tie, commerce lost to Eranee by the 'discovery, of the. passage around. the Cape' bf , Gbod! Hope. Will he be allowed toldn for us to. wait in faith, prayer, and hOpe. AIiNUAL• REPORTS--1101 - OF• EDO CilligE EdUcation has occupied the attentip - n4if t14: 1 .V; ieShyterian T here is no Church lOW is-her-sugerier,• in. ; this aspect.no! :Church,: we belieVe, which isihkr actual. :She glias special heed' to tleCTliin*,.tilifing ishing ing, the hous(44d.4q4Permattentr.hoine of ,•instrnction Jufant +school ' s ; ;primary schools; , the, common' or Aillitgin kis; . itiirles,P•i o ;,' 4l3 'll , rod4 6 tilii. POW "WP.l?' 3 , and the nbjects eft her love and :come ' ) ,Site provides the means of education; andsiiper-- intends instruetion[fron(the fan ti le ' of the distincfive eividences itt i tcos truly Biblical ,Clkurch--deeply . c a tf the Lord • ;Teetur:Christ. , "He' ittaii°P;a; . :teacher come' fioffi'factd-; leadhei.". wilic'ein t i l tiri4: l 4i . gip s' •1. • •• unit W1G.13 . While Presbyterians lyive ever been the. patrons of education, and foremost in 'the ranks of tholfel#ll: l 4l'etiiiiVigil sustain schools and. Oolleireikapctspeeialltaitilyiiiin heli* z or-r...." - : l i o it, • yo , b g wen ,ry v it was not imtil ' iOcr forty rum t ego, that our Gene*, :Assembly, organised a Board which should lave . special charge of this work; This Board; at its inception, ,and fdr' more than half the period ,f t its 'maitenlieiad its attention confined 'to the rseeking ; nntb ; directing and.tiding poor and , pious young: men of 'talent,' Who might , de *re to enter' the ministry? It was not till. afteithiva . ccissiCa of Dr. VikitEN . F4P4O , toileile•i'reterYihip; ennieeixteen:oirie4en:, teen years ago, that the members their views so as to , embriwthe Whole ;of . :of education, •Und, by .plignliesitin th e' 'Assembly; gave t li ei!,ettent!on sehoci i ts ): Academies,. ; and ; Colleges:; ; tbese ,to jp l s brought into being, ,and. to be ,guidedArp .Ghurch SessiOns, , Preabyteriesit4d'lyntidiv The iviSOrtiLottliii ; -siillitite# 1544 - 10 • ) • been greatly golibtiact.. ; .lt...tgoi t orr,anu 2LT ' idle' • 4 .P - 11 0 1"3574515 BTRPW,J; , rezfin ;tnittirM IsiNi• I** 'united;: - L.` : .tt.: .- feeble.:* , Pitiochialscheols %re butqew in , number' fiesb i j i ca ar often 0 ,0 ;, I, §5,a.., ' .excelled VfthosbAviiith rt ' edndue ea on'. 1. private enterprise; and Synodical Colleges, thohgh numerous and highly useful, have not attained. pretiminence. They are, in faet, too numerous to be well endocied‘'and well filled • and there is a lamentable want of unity, energy and liberality in their 'snstenanCe. 1 1 1 1 q whole at M. by the Board, for the department ,of Gen eral Education, - duringAlid past year, was' but $1,340. 1 2#` . The amount of; the. Bourd'Ot receipts, however, and, of r course, .of their . disbursements, in this department, does not measnie >their: influence '- They'' help to keep alive and give a Christian .influence' toy instituticma which.train many hundreds of our young men and yoong women. - The _Report gives ithe names ' and- locations of sixty Presbyterial Acaue.mies, - and "of eighteen Spiddical.Colleges: ' ' ' But, as intimated, iiiirlsterigl'ObeittiOn is the- great 'object of- this Board. - This department of the'WOrk'is regarded by` all is ,"being. appropriately ~an , l esclesiastical work , TOithis object the ciiiitributions of the were164;637.19. , The number: of 4‘. candidateS was; in' thelr academical;course, 107giat bourse, A . e ,„ - their Theological course; i J 92; Or not,repor"ted,ls;`'total,492. were receivad . durin 'the year, and the rag gregate is" IQI gre46o'74" trs previous year: , - The 'whole,. number, of can didates' mad the 33 car dur 19g We' 4i yetirs; hilloeen 2,952. . • ThiS Board has sustained : immense` less„ in the removal .of 'Secretary, -VAN, RENSSEL4ER: He not only tpostiessedlabil 7 ' itY; ..a4e'illat ability iC[, t tbe . It was= not self, relatives,_ or partisans thati he'serVed, Was'The'ehureli. ever remember,the emphasis. with. which be spike to us, in his office, some eighteen menthe ago- The- subjectu of; conversation was Zion's interests AS` affected . by tier agents ':lt was at the ; time -wheli,-the.,•: As sociate- Secretary of'the Board' of Denitatihi Neeions h4,resigned,,and-,the 'office-waa abolished. He'said, alluding to the service we ,had rendered; and „ t,be„,reproacheei.we endured : " Go'on,brother: - !Mu have'done a'good -work,, but you Rave a great,(7,e,a2 more to do. The) '0 •WS I a great want- iof eebnoiny mantiijing which be:lony, 10„ " ,There must be .Yarther forms" Several mittdislhefi'eame tinders' reVW.On. Yps!lliOu g horiion' die4i;;Othei; did not coincide - withusl lu . 'every minute'' tliing we,saidr and did - ielatiVe : - ,tot. hnreh l agencies; he was' yet • cordially WithAs in' principle.' 'lle ad'opted'ourMbito 'Ecoi44 l nIY AND EFFICIENCY, kOthE in , > Words and deeds. : He gave hiS'own:limVand eneraiea' gratuitouSly, and he, conducted; an ads iris-; tration •under Which faithfUl Men l4bored and,earned,gleir wages. When it was ascertained. that diesel:lone. of SySteinatio Beneiolence., would,- wOrk` well,.(about.the time of the conversation abOve alluded ) afrangexitenfg, Weie ni ' Me to dispense with_the services .of .the Assn- , elate coryespOnding SeeTetary. , This 'left' in tke.erapl4iQf this. Board . but Secretary; and he Was retained for the Sake .of the ,Department ,of.Geperal ,Education. , Thenialso, the •Board'.Wati . subjeeted'lte expense' for Clerks' *agesi and they had to. pay a salary of , only for Treadurer. and Book , keeiper.'', been an ..example. :They exhibit 'an .ac count which niay inapire a Confidencein, the - churches,- t6t,- their benefactions /will (. , be' righteciusly appropriated: The ioard , receives:and aids all applicants, who are 'duly' qualifiedlifd Who'present'the' proper testimonials. -; The. qualification& are piety; tale,hts; gob& charaeter;;'6 and "a deiire to enter, the,migiStry ;h - the applicant i haVjog, been at least six months, , a member of Ithe Presbyterian Church, gopd artd , regular Standing, and.baving studied Latin.at - least three months. The testimonials , are' ,certificate from the Presbytery: tn. which the applicant ~naturally, ..belpiiirs. The Board are,exceedingly zdesii ous;ithat appli cants shalltrulrpossess , the required quill'- f ., ficationS; and the General AisemblY reefs Presbyteries to be cautious`and faith; ful. After e candidate has beenreceived, the officers, still exercise a .supervision over , his deportment and progress'? ` -growth - in grace, habits of industry, and 'developnients of, power,, are required ;" arid in the efier 'CisePof suP i e l rAsion 'the' kind Parental.' hid of Christian ..,teachers, and of- church , SesSions,andtPreabyteries is sdlicitcd : `='` ' wibutitialtssr. :)Repe* Woke. us ; a frgaiiiil i on ./_rt l Vll4iffinliiti'rial"PUtraiii rti .1 • • - • •• 4.1,/1 ). t •••1•1 /1 • Thp inamirtance of s an and • thorOugh edimittinir, in I,he,fminifitry t • is ,ablyopresentedrraWdbliefirbilyi, the ievioning: • Tnet'irikliiiii l d deliiifid•Yigh; WS' ..• ; • ./111: t• . • ' Tf) .il.! •• 1 • 4,0111 d W . upon °Lir lottns:•wign what•is well, known tor•tho Board•fandt the; Trashy teries,l *IWO • fir our triic foility,fliiqVilieo44iiniitc quisitions of collegiate ap r theqlogic.fil learoing i 6l.9, nizt comprisc,tho”oxf)y high qualifications.. Bliod common rsease,* spiv: it of 'selfde Vatic* andrirank 'find' ordeal, 1 e*ctiiiffSeig' 'the, Slier be , • 'l'7 •V) ••••• prouch khe,o9ppeligul take. upon . them the,pore..of; ThetLord • give! ns. finch miniSters; 'in :Urge' mirdbers, for lust -own ;.. • . • 11E1VVILL.1110111111; 111; • - us:Christ' his~iinat".; Mei. ; • ' a loug i lifei. de'yoted to. .the . cause alum; He as in the • eighty-secood' year, EMI e miniatr• ministry, llre7-1111;e1i414,:-AL:)4491Y- i t jhence he was called ,to 7 the :03,ixtli Presbyterian church, ,Philadelphia:mWhile serving that church 4341epicb1 eigifiNiss:iitipoilitea 'President of DiOtiikip:ol+, parlyde t itn 'OA,. which he felt his . dittylo incept. Old difficul '•ties in the 9ollege still rankling, l anil pre 'venting it froin`heinic 'the nsepilness WcPter!•alittol o 4 (l l PraTEIPL re f eigl4edo Anditigt(!feVociratif invitation to •;the church . at ilnimaiitoirn. position' he occupied till' thainfiriniti?s of adimnoing lifs'indiaidliKtkirkitiro,': Fre hid, / ;since then, ieiti(lo,lL4 l; ,Pbiladelphia, exercising his, ministry in,ondi j Ag, his Irethren, and , in preaching Ao:pini,4l:: : , : .;,:f. : waie;:itiainentit a Dlt r aehila • •.;‘, ' v.itufts " ' '• :•••, ..); OtT s 'Aff e : AlkiYabrofike ,PDpfhtiifeswiskifteclitt:fir•therttu*,;•4liin. ~" ~ ~~~: BIE2EI in every o.ood purpoSe, a 3 / 4 eise:counsellor, devothdly IDious land in all things his amin laity shone re,splendent. Rev. Chiles G. lWLcnn, D. D., formerly of Gettysburg, Pa well-knovvn for his eon ! nexion with the late itev. Tr. JOHN M. 217.jp.A.N, of ,P.altimere, departed, this life, at an advanced ,Fg-e on; the 4th of July, at • • his lath residence,' Indiana. EASTERN StICKARY. BOS TOAr AN-D NAW,ENGLAND The FriVlETif ANNUAL MEETING of the ,American Board of -Foreign -Missions, will be held in the Tremont Templn, Bos ton, nn 'Tuesday, the 2d of October, at 4 'o'clock P. M.' This being the Senai`-Cen tennial- Anniversary, is expected`to be an occasion of great interest, and laroe num bers will be in attendance not only from New-England; from all parts of the. coun try., Many missionaries from different guar ters'Of the world will alsorbe present. The past history of the;Board, its present con . „dition, and its future prospects, will call. forth much earnest discussion. •Efforts will be made to , obtain a-reduction of fare ''on' the different lines`of travel, and the result will be published as soon as possible. Boston has always been denominated a PURITAN CITY, and its early-founders were those Who left hoine and COnetryhecause of ; 9:lt'll' opposition to'Rpiscopacy. But it as .not generally, ; known that there was. at, one time an' attempt' to establish Episcopacy by I'4-entire' demolition of Puiitaaism. This was done by Sir Edmund Andress who Coining .into the colony in the, latter part of 1686, with almost unlimited , powers, un dertook to , ebtrude Episcopacy even upen the Puritan congregation, now known as the . fain'eus Old .4 9 ,th 'cli'a r ch. He viva so far, as, to take 'forcible . possession I of, the house of worship, for this' purpose: But the people-resisted 'this , eneroachment upon their ChiiStian Jiherti . and legal rights• a`n'ti rr greatly to the wisd6m firmness • and meekness of'the pastor Rev. Samuel ,Willard, were, successful. s Mr. Willard was the;second pastor of;_thiS church, •and - was lingtaltmf as colleague' with the Res Thomas Thateler, 'the first pastor,'the 10th of April, 1678. In i l7ol he was chosen President of Harvard College, as sitteesSor to (the , Rev Dr. Xnerease Mather, and for Many years he.filled the ',office with ,distin giushed 'ability and success. He was born at r qbncortl, Mass., ,itt. January, 1639, ten , years after the settlement'of Massachusetts 'l3hyteoloiiy; nineteat'' years 'after the landing of the' Pilgrimsde Plymouth. He teas the author of forty-four, books and. ,pamphlets., ; ,But his greatkwork was his "Body of Divinity in two hundred! and fifty Eipository Lectures on the Shcirtei Catechism." Previous to , tlonathn Ed= wards, he was 'acknowledged to :be - the great divine of Ncw England. tln the DICTIONARY CONTEST, every method : is"resorted to for the purpose - of eilaibitinc , the ii!iPeri(6ity one of rivals to the other At last the words 4e fined .rhave been 'actually,rcounted; as ,has been• the case with the GeOgraphical; Scrip. trir`e, and. "Proper "namcs. And as 'One of the'curiosities of literature, we may state that - the. number of words defined. in the Vocabulary, Proper of Webster is .99,000: There are also some 6,000 or, 7,000 words defined in - the Supplethent, embiicing - words that have recently come into Use. — ln the Tabls of , Geographical, ScriptUre, and Proper names, there are 36,000 pore words given, rnaking , san Aggregate .of, in round numbers, 140;000. .In Worcester thet:e is a- total of 108;300 - words defined, and 28,000 Geooraphicar, Scripture and'Proper' names, giving a t total of '13,2,6 - 00 words, leaving about 8,000 more in . Webster than in Noreester.; l In Webster, there are 14:,700,000, ems, in Woroester,l3,3oo;ooo, 1;400,000 ems, in favor, of Webster,. ,The .A.NDOVEA THEOLISGICAL SEMINARY ANNlvErtekthe poe!irrnd last . Seek,' the 'ex arnination ;the' ClRfies commencing on Monday week. , The graduating class nurn hers thirty-three, thirty-six : being :the orig inal number: : Your or .lof,the)grad uates' have rdedieated. tfiernS'elves to the foreign mission fielcl4:.si pas. t•••L••1.:• - ••*•,l , toiiiies . st, tire or.six..aie called to7pastorates n New-Vingland Rev nop:flaitis i :ofißan g ii, delivered an able ; addreiti'hefore%blief'l4BCietrof Inquiry, oil Stilt ai•the.nr'eskin7 r • •- t es t `8 2f. Vi S i t ) ? f P l 9** l 9FAry 4igi ßO L ; We l in i ll Y4 ;: mnpingritey. - Alr.,•Beanbien, of Chicago; • I spoke to•the Students iFteneli •Prote`st, ism. The sermon before the' Alutnnt was delivered . by Rcv.. Prof. Stowe,. iri Open ee. of President • 'ayland:., ' l'•]~e. .text,-Jas.,,v: 16, was treated . an.illustrative and:Soto e what huinorcus:ostyley; sh`OWing' that we shodld confeiiiinc ' s not the but specifically, and l that "preitelling 'the Gc,s.:' Po' was aPPlANatthq truth , to. individual : cases,-rather thin dealini:in generalities* which disturb self-coinplicency; • nor swat* the conseionsnesi 'of sin. !BCC' Piet Schaff delivered, an siddreis i TO* Hall, before the ; Porter Ahet l erkai;l Sticiety, tion ,the Unman Character ..of Jestis Christ.: ''The subjeiskwas analyzed at considerable length, and Criptural simpliCair.• The excellenceS,Cf'Cbrist i the . paritynnd * saintliness of hinlifo, an& teach ings were shown to be indubitable evidences of thelDivinity of the. Son• of. .one r pealierity • 'aboutthe idareir Pref . ' Said was thet it was origipallyiwritten in, • Goman, , then toinalated into ,Englialkly . *anther person,' and ID this forin ' eredhy the 'original author. .2 1 •' W. BACON, 'in 4118 1: /an ." • centennial address at the f anpivereary of " the Hopkins' ,Grammar Schoo . 1, New,Haven, • gave.a portrait.of the character of %Ezekiel Cheever the first teacher of - thikaeliocil, and one of the most distingnishi4l; of `the early, teichers of Acirtpagland that ( excited con-. siderable iriterest because. of:lts:likeness to one who' now bears the 'same . ' fiimily name. History, he feared, wonld have to write that the learned, self-denying,. conscientious Cheever was in some degree willlnl,,,epinionated, and de cidedly , unmanageable. A _ourious record has, ' been disoovered of histirialleore the First, Churoh • in New-Haven, not for any iteandalOus sin, sit' much as rot' being tin•g'erieral pragmatical, dogJ maticai, and disagrpeable..: Hie particular tranaL' gression seems to hnvn : consistesiehiefly im speak li ing evil of dignitaries, in abuzing the church and, elders, and in doubtful ,disputation.; Hrotkisr • Cheever 'neither relraothig 'nor giving. aitsier, the brelluva reasoned ' , withaiim ; they had, for a. , long, timt i ojtmrired r ao i iqtaiessed agaitui, Oom.radiotrig,,o,tifr „prOttd,spilit ; pod ccintro'4isyittitil him 'Wondered ' iCwOuld airewhat dtPVtitk 3 hint.' Clievvvr nem* 'Abided.% lin . 211 , 'At :Man ' -- GUILFORD CONNECTICUT, is one of the , oldest towns in ?the State; it lies on the Sound, about sixteen miles East of New- Haven. It was settled in 1639, by emi grants principally from the rich counties of Kent and Surrey in. England, whose de scenda,nts still- remain, occripyinein some cases the very, homesteads which their forefathers selected for their homes more than two hundred years The 'first minister was. Rev. Henry Whitefteldi an 4 Ids dwelling, which was built in 1640, •is still `standing, and is believed to be the Oldest dwelling-honse now standing in the United States. It is .a massive stone build= ing, on a beautiful site, .looking directly -out upon the` waters , uf the Sound, and 'bids fair to stand for centuries still. W- Y 0 R Tms CITY continues overflowed with strangers. The hotels. have, been doing an immense busines,s, and trade is qUite - active for this season of , the year. The more dis tant; purchasers are beginning to arrive, andmake their selections.for the, pall busi ness. . The, citi,Tobbers who have an early trade have been making up their assort ments, and the clothiers have also been in creasingly active. ' In cotton goods 'the, largei - porden of the moVeinecis 'has leen 'for the, out-4-town trade, but• the, drought' has,cut off the motive power of some Eas tern mills, and this, has helped to maintain prices. Since the .A.LDERMEN AND COUNCILMEN of 'this city have, bylvmajor•vote, approv ed the enormous swindle of '.5105,000 for the Japancie entertainment, the Tribune haS set to work .in earnest to punish those 7, 110 , voted:in favor: of, it. For some days their natnewmere published in that Paper, enclosed - in - Meek lines: On Monday the residence. and place ,of business 'of each man was given, and all citizens cautioned to hold no dealings` with them. The , men who voted for this. appropriation certainly deserved all 'this, and probably a severer treatment But it is queStienable whether the precedent thus set by ;so influential a journal as the Tribune, ,may ,not be liable to grave objections. It certainly can be abused 'so 'as to accomplish' very injurious results:' In' the nlentiinkil is not at all impkobable that this, matter will injure the 3letropolitan Hotel very eonsiderably; strangers will hesitate about stopping at a hotiselihereluch wholesale extortion has been practised. , ' • From the 20th of July- to, the 2nd of August, six hundred and thirty-five per sons,7males' and feniales, haVe been trans ferred to the WORKHOUSE ' ON Enien.- w#,L's ISLAND, as vagrants and. disorderly: persons., One of this number has been, conimittect' the first ,time;= three hundred and thirty-seven the second , time; seventy- five "the third time •,' , forty-four.' the feurth time t ;, eighty:nine frinn four to ten times:; eighty-nine from ten to, twenty times; 'ten the thirtieth time; ten the fortieth time; two the" forty-first time; and'five the fiftieth time. . The BOOK PUBLISHERS are making ready for a large Fall tradel The leading houses e each nearly as many Works' in 'press as they can cdpfortabiy look after. The Etarpers, unable. to meet the demand ; of, their custorners , by theidaily and nightly running of half a hundred power presses, have been compelled to order several more. It is difficult to say at what point this ,mayanoth,restablishment, now< the largest in- either-:hemisphere,' lbnit its opera tions. ' So thoroughly is it systematized in every part, that casual visitor, on taking a seat in - the quiet apace railed off on the FratikAn , Square side of -the building, would , ,scareely believe that within its walls a thousand . busy hinds were at work put tufo. • .together books treatin o . , on almost , • . • every SUbject within- the macre of Enmlish' or. classical literature • THE GERMAN Ropo4rioNOf this city id..lhiniens4 - and is eenStantlY . increasing, ; • , that one Yof the great ebjects . ,the, leading political parties is 'to secure this: 'vote. , ;:Itpeannothe deniedthata large part . of the Gerinane seenifintifely: 'devoted to"' 'Making' ineneY;hy lager beer and the'Sun T . day theatre.,,'And among ,theM are some. of the most determined ,eneMies of ~eian4 gelieal `.religion e end . of :all our Ameriien laitTSAvitli respects `'to the Sabbath" and the" Sale of liquors. • 'But, art e same nue, there are many truly pious sand ',godly men among ;the . . ,Germans, who,, - deeply deplore. the tendencies of.,tUir , countrymen: the 'aiigreo'ate'they eihbokr element, `the 'exiSterioe and the pon%er of which have been too ditte understood, either by the American ;population, or the.Sundey theatre gentlemen.' Thouiands of 'German citizens arnas . theionghly dalized by!' the ,Thindayekeesie& of some of their, ;cipvntryrnen as . Ameriganseanbe, and they.inre;watehing ; the progrem.of the ,ef forts, :toenforce -the- , laws--against` Siinday ttppliug ifid.. -- theatrical: * eihibitionVf:eyen more eagerly " 4.1 arc, they as, d estitute, O r religious instruction of Abe. better kind as has - been en'erally supposed. , :` , .' , Theilare twenty-one chnrehes, , .elsiming to i s .oe;' in' a 'greater or less degree:. seven;ievangeliclt. these; ~. are. Lutheran T four.Reformed.llat h (there are be , organizations our. Didrihattaw Is land;)' three Presbyterian; tWol:'llethedist . Episcopal, two iforavian and - One 'each' Gerinan. Refermed Baptist ~and 4 th " Apos,telie Episeopal. and Other,Amissiona'?,:armang•thislmpulaj tion:, Soine -Of ` the:se 'Onngregatiens' are large and prosperOus.- - ' • - DR. SPRING'S FIPPIETit-A*NIVERWARY SERMON, 011 1 Sabbath: naorni!fig, - -iveek;was listened to bYgreaCCOnWoUr'f . among yhom,yveret,Many eleigYmen of ferent , denominationS,'.- Dr.. Spring opened the services by- an'invocation. The -psalm' was Sun el'COMMeneingi' heaVenS, eternal Gad,. '• ''Thy , gciodrtessin frill glory shines:''' . . Prayer was „ offered by Rev. Di:. lerrii,t t ' whom; } Dr Spring f introduced :as .• forluPtmatfoAkaPßAsV ; • . . Spring announced his tat, fromlii rah v' I6~" - ifc have put fiky".4votds in } to th`y mouth, and I have covered :thee in. the, qtMX*4'l44i the:ll44 , ogs a,n4 folp44Atigsns-,of the. earth,Uand .say unto , Zion; r , Thou cart: popliot-.»/Q ,rht thino„Nve#, Re fit demptien," qwently.wft o :7i9 3 4l.2,,yy tv nr, tf,:aelingly did. he. dwell ; 4pqn tagEolo.44.oetv instead going -41W it"finettilY .secular History Ofdthet , I progress and growth of the city and country' or of recountinghis successes in the ministry .. for half a century, as has been done in not a few anniversary serin:ons lately published. The closing paragraph was especially tender . and solemn. He said: But` I n2ust , close. The half century is gon e —gone like a small star that has been twinkling in the curtain of the night=gbue like a soft fine cadence of distant minstrelsy as it vanishes in air; gone like the - word just spoken, for good or evil, never to be recalled; gone like the clouds that disappear after they have exhausted their treasure upon earth; gone like the leaves of Au tunitt which the wind has swept away ; gone like the phantom which in prospect had the semblance of vitality, but which in the retrospect has melt ed away and gone ; gone as yesterday has gone. Why do I say they are gone Nothing is gone, whose influence remains, with man or woman. The Sabbaths, the prayers, the praises, the Neeks, the months, the years that. seem to us to have vanished one by one in the mysterious past, live still in' "God's universe. Past—what is the past? What the momentous present, this now, this accepted time? What is the never-ending future? All parts that make up a grand eternity —eternity that was, and is, and ever will he. The great angel of heaven's high chancery, re cords as well the reaponSibilities of the hearer, as the responsibilities of ' the preacher; and the great Judge will render to every man accordin g to his works. God bless his word for his name's sake. Amen! The chasing prayer was offered by Rey. Ravaud . Rodgers, D.D., grand-son of Rev. Dr. Spring's predecessor and col league, Rev. Jan Rodgers, D.D. A hymn was then sung and the congregation was dismissed. • The presentation of the testimonial, on the following evening, was deferred on ac count of the low state of Mrs. Spring, whose death was almost hourly expected. And she did die on Tuesday morning, but two days.after the delivery of the fiftieth anniversary sermon by her husband. Dr. SPring has held his pastorate longer than any other eleroyman in this city, excepting Dr. Berrian, of Trinity church. Dr. Ber wife• died but a month or two ago. PHILADELPHIA. This city hasits full Share of Visrroas, and is likely to do a Very large business this Fall.' The manufactures of Phila delphia give her an importance of which she can never be deprived, and a source of regi j ilar and solid income that is only be ginnini to be properly 'appreciated. .Th&churches of Philadelphia embrace a large number of SCOiCEI AND hum, or of their immediate descendants among their membership, and Consequently great in terest is taken in all that concerns the state of religion in Ireland and Scotland, Nowhere else in this country has the late revival in Ireland excited an equal interest. A, meeting of,the members of the United Presbyterian :churches in this eity was held last Week, in the church of Rev. Dr. Dales, Race Street above Sixteenth, to hear an ad dress from ReV, Mr. Kilpatrick, of Ireland, on the , present state of religion in that coun try. The meeting was very largely at tended. Rev. Dr. Dales presided, and in trodticedMr. Kilpatrick to the Assembly. The reverend gentleman proceeded to give .an, elaborate and interesting account of the progress of Protestantism among the Irish people. He alluded to the wonderful re vival which has been takinir place among the Irish, and spoke • of the great interest felt., in it by. Christians throughout the world.' The speaker did , not think that any accounts of this marvellous action of ProV-, idence among-that People could have exag; aerated its importance. His descriptions . of various incidents connected with thekte vivaf and its progress , were full-of interest, and 'Were listened' to with profound atten tion. 'He coneludeeWith. a _strong appeal to the Christians of America to assist by their prayers and, , contributions = the good work now progressing: At - At the conclusien of the diieelrae, Rev. J. T. Cooper, D.D.. offered a resolution yressing the confidenceef the meeting in the representations -ef Mr. - Kilpatrick, and recommending''his mission .to the' liberal consideration tite'Christian community. .The WEARING. or THE DOWN, by gymen, , as recoinmended 'by-the late Synod Of the Lutheran 'Church, is' not without opposition On this 'account, and in Con flexion some other ,chmages, a division has been .caused ,in St. Mark's. Lutheran church; Spring Garden Street, above Thir teenth,' of Which, 'the Rev. C. P. Krauth, D D late of Pittsburgh, is the pastor. The tise of the gown and the introduction. of several new features.in worship were ob noxious' to some of =thelnembers: The lat ter have held 'iwo meetings, and made attempts to - organize' it UV* -- congregation. At the seeps' ,meeting Rev... Dr. Stork, tt*,...c s , formerly pasior ofSt. IViark was invited to become.the spiritual leader of the new body. At, an adjourned meeting, a portion of Dr. - Stork's'answer- was read, in which he declines th6call; and regrets the action of the se.eeders.'''S6Me remark.s were made rIolin) an, and, others, criticising the course of Dr. Stork. It was unanimously resolved to' organize- a ,fehrtreh. forthwith. Elders'and deacons were'elected, and trus tees were also nominated Some of the nominees were anxious ,to decline the honor propose.d to,he conferred upon them. A series of..resolutions:lwere adopted, after some discussion:" The - first - provided for the, .organization of'st!, AiMes':,Evangelical English Lutheran 4hurch,.to-be subjected to the , rnles;of, tke East-Pennsylvania Synod. The Tesolutfon -was ' adopted, with amend- Inehti. " I For:the pre'sent;' the organization wilf,"he eoneebleci t *ltk'no 'Synod. Meet lingshwAl At,,g() 9 North Broad Street every Sabbath. 1., The: 'Rev: ALFRED': Nzvaif D.D., has withdrawn; at the reil*A of the people, his tesionation of the plgtorate4f Alexander ehureh, and will continue his labors as here tofore. MBE !•' For ttie Breityterian Banner. `Let* fronilowa. ' moms. :NDITOIirS:-,,O ur farmers are doPe.e , cutkingiwartd many of them done stacking their;graiir„. All would have been done, ere this, but for, the-late rains, which, I fear, will somewhat injure the wheat yet in shpck.< have been in this State for ftvelearsyaegt have not seen so good a crop of,t-wheat, aud, l oats. as the one just cut. corn, -09,:=neTer, promised so ,well. New wheatiaalretuly commanding , a fair price, and consequently times are looking up. If fora, gine ,4he'garners have been laid deso late, end, I the, barns broken down, and the corn.has beert.:withered, now the Lord is filling t.he itloors full of wheat_ What a dehVofigratitude we owe, that the Lord higW4undantly blessed the labors of the husbindmen. A`.debt we can never pay, but which we can-most appropriately no knowledge with a:thank-effering. Soma i three or four days ago, one of my parishioners -put, a hundred, pounds of flour
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers