gly Natal 1j arititian. .gfattlicia A , Ada. 91, 18 bo Iksing determined to devote more time t&home affairs than heretofore, we would feel under obligations to onr friends for any items that may occur, in order that we may give publicity to every transaction worthy of note. sirTbe "Fourth" was spent by "Ma riettians" as follows : A "stag party" composed entirely of males—at "Wild Cat Run," a place already made renown. ed by similar parties ; a delightfully cool point on the York county shore, which we are told passed off to the credit of all concerned, having had an oration, the declaration read and a number of patriotic songs sung and a "good time" generally. A party composed of the "upper-ten lovers" bad a very pleasant pie We immediately opposite our office, near the "Ghats Ferry"; this is said to have been a recherche affair and got up without regard to "cost or price." The Methodist Sabbath School, also, had a picnic at Clark's spring, and, upon the whole, the town was literally thinned out and rusticating elsewhere, pleastkre seeking. Urn* State Encampment to be held et Yoik on the 34 of Settember, prom isee to be quite s military , pageant. We learn that the Lancaster .oacibles, than which, there is not a final looking or better drilled company in the State, in tend going; also our neighboring.friends at Baytown—and no better set of men, as men, or finer looking and behaved as soldiers, will, we are certain, tread the grounds of "Camp Patterson." Wn are also informed, officially, that Brig. Gen. Wrrwse. and Staff' are to be piers, and of course see ourself once more in "span !eta and spurs" upon the "tented field," being the General's "right-hand supper ter." Here will be a fine 'field open to our young military friend, Brig. General A . irtzsrixo LAT; (to Whose untiring exertions our friends at, York are surely indebted for the appointment of that place for the State Encampment;) to dis tinguish himself as a military man and a gentleman, and we have no hesitancy in Raying "he will do it" ; yes, we know he will cheerfully m4every cjtiuen soldier there "at home." firßy referring, to an advertisement it will be seen that Gen. Wrrvea has issued an order indefinitely; poitponing the 14locompment orirsittentere'rs, eedeved to take place near tatieWsron the 27th of August next. The State Igncaptp. ment haring been ordere4,l4,be hold at York, our military companies Wiehing to go there could not loose Lime' enough to attend both, hence the peetpomment, A - good time generally" is in looping for all who go to York. trip The "Fourth" was appropriately celebrated is Bainbridge, we are told, under the auspices of the "Burrowos' Literary Society."- T. Hall Foreman, Eery., and Geo. Mayor Franklin, of-Lan caster, delivered addreases. The M otibt joy Brass Band and The Maytown In. faulty, under the command of Brig. Gen. Grove, were there. The whole affair is highly spoken of. or Messrs. Kautz & Rally have com menced McAdamizing the Marietta and Baytown turnpike, and the work appears to progress finely. In passing through Baytown a few evening's slate, we ob served three new buildings In course of erection and the village generally lock ed more lively than some of its' larger end more pretending neighbors. Through the kindness of P. J. At- MORT, Es q ., we ark enabled to give the population of our Borough, hi aytown and East Donegal township. The pop illation of this Borough in 1800, was 2101 : 3taristta, 3040. 14 aytown, 680. East Donegal township, " 1000. etirlt appears by the Lancaster pa- Pars that the County Prison Inspectors and.idr. Beeper Cadwell have been on a visit of inspection to the several pris ons in Philadelphia. The admirable Mender in which the Philadelphia pris ons, are conducted will no doubt give .01 - fispectour some Telluride hints on &e. ear John Eiger, -Esq., of Lancaster, died in that city on Tuaiday.afternoon past, aged ;69 years. hi r. Uhler wee at one time Sheriff' of this• county. or Brigadier General Wrrwen has ordered, in lien , of the encampment, a wade for loopootion and rellew in Lan caster on Saturday, August 4th. ,„ 7r ___ tiff SOD of Jacob Barnes, Ilsl k at Bainbridge, ,_ ad a few days Kt . , i ' : c 1 ' i i , ~ . l ili : 1 :1704 t 11/.,. et .4. ,• . 1 ‘......c , RI • eI 6 .2. ,, ft,„ !it, t 's a t ,' .i• ~., ' •• . • .s. - , 4 "t) ' ( ' s t'at 4r4. P -41 Pa A;P, 4k e•te t ,, V la '`'er "...; C'l • "1 1 'V • - "Y''' , ffl , --:"..r - , -..- -. ,4 • ir '. fj If 0 04, St kie °V ( r. P OW t ' . .) t 'zt , s.' f/ap r 4: 42 art,, • A(.6 y --) ~,. , • trp . - i . ~- • ./...- ~ ' ~., .o. • • /y r ' °l7l,,:qPro d • e 7 ?0 k • i i ' ' cr ' •IY,II ,_ eir On Tuesday next some of our young friends intend having a picnic on the York county shore, immediately op posite this place, where, we believe they have erected a platform for dancing and every other arrangement to predict for them a pleasant time. On Wednesday evening a small party of excursionists— ladies and gentlemen--with music cross ed the river in a flat-boat returning a bout nine o'clock, making everything "seem and sound" like a delightful party. sr We are glad to be able to chroni cle some improvements in our Borough since our last issue. Dr. Hinkle has re painted and repapered his residence and Drug Store; Dr. Huston has repainted and his beautiful residence in Market Square and if Mr. Bailie will follow-suit the "Diamond" will be greatly beautified; three 'Very comfortable two story frame dwellings have just been erected down on what is commonly known as Pike street, a short distance west of the old Susquehanna Institute building, now the Linden House ; the Hermitage Hotel, at the lower station, has been greatly modernized having a restaurant and bagatelle room in the basement, &c. Mrs. Flury, of Flury's Hotel has almost completely remodeled her large brick hotel, enlarged, papered and painted the dining room, and greatly improved the bar room; this is now one of the finest hotels in the Borough. The report that President Buchan an had sold "Wheatland" his residence near Lancaster, and had or was about to purchase one near Baltimore, is pro nounced by the knowing ones a false hood. crWe have been requested to announce that there will be a meeting of the friends of "Lincoln, Hamlin & Curtin," at the Town Hall, on next Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of forming a "Wide Awake Club," eirln the hurry aid confusion of get ting out this noikwe have unavoidably omitted several advertisements and sev eral local items intended for this week's paper. SErThe Marietta School board will meet on the morning or the 7th of An gust, to allot our public schools. MATH To tir.t.xei I.MM ANIi SPECIES OF VERMIN! " Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. " Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator. " Costar's " Electric Powder for Insects, &c. Destroys instantly Rats, Roaches, Moles, Mice, Ground Mice, Bed Bugs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Mks; linietts on 'plants:lnsects on animals, &c., in fact every form and Bracics or Yzaat Ten years established in New-York City— used h the City Post Office, City Prisons and Station Muses, the City Steamers, Ships, the City-Hotels—the "Astoo 't Saint Nicholas," &c., and by more than 20,000 private families. Druggists and Retailers everywhere sell Chum. Wholesale Agthts In till the tarp cities, Regular sizes] lie, 50e, and one dollar bak es—bottles—flasks. Beware of Sparieus Imitations!! Examine each boxy bottle and (leek, and take nothing but 44 COSTAR'Sii One Dollar Boxes sent by mail. $3 and $5 boxes for plantations, hotels, &c. by express. Address orders, or far "timid's!. to Dollars" to HENRY It. COSTAR, Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, N. R. lErSuld in Marietta by Dr. Grove 4- Roth. To CousurarrivEs The advertiser having beeft restored to health in it few weeks, by very simple Mindy, after having suffered sev eral years with a severe Lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption, is anaidtls to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used, [free of charge with directions for preparing end using the same, which they, will find a sure cure for Con sumption, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of advertiser in sending the prescription is to ben efit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish ing the prescription will please address ftnv. Bow Anti A. Wll.san, Williamsburg, Kings co., N. Y. Um 5000 Antrufs Wafirrtn.—To dell fnur new anikUatilkalled inventions, wanted and selling eirpiAtiere, My agents have cleared over $20,000 on them. Diplomas, Silver medal and four Patents granted them. For four stamps you will receive 75 pages particulars. Best agency in the country. EMIT(AIbf. BROWN, L owell, Mass. HERIFF'S SALE. On Tuesday, August 0 7th, 1860, al 2 o'clock P.M. I will expose to public sale, or out-cry, at the Court Ilouse, ir.the , City of Lancaster, the following Real Estate, viz A CERTAIN Two-Byort FRAME Oa DWELLING HOUSE, Twenty. feet- in front and 28 in depth, and a one-story Frame Kitchen adjoining, liby 14, on lot numbered )85, in the Borough of Mari etta, containing in front on Gay st. 40' feet, and extending in depth to an alley 186, boun ded on the west by Gay street, on the north by an alley, and on the east by an alley, and on the south by lot no.. 184. Seized and taken in execution as the proper ty of WM. NIXON, and to be sold by B. 'F. ROWE, 811.1eitir . r. duly 21, 1.860.-3 t yayr ILE:IttaItIETTA SCHOOL BOARD will meet in. the High School Room, on TtieS , August 7th, at 9 'o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of exatinnin& Teachers. Da' County Superintendent Evans will be present. C. A. SCHAFFNER, Seey. Marietta, July,2l, 1860. • 1-3 t CLOCKS, WATCHES and Jewelry carefully re nd charges moderate, at W 0 L F E'S; A t Zzr-York :Cindies, for Rd ' • • • :g 9.1401 tif o3:7rrI0l s; SEMIS PORI L.A - TI - IE FiIEK_T:Y- EIV FIRM MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. fit. J. 11. GROVE and HAnarsoN ROTH having formed a co-portner ship for the purpose of conducting the business, under the firm of GROVE ,S 1 ROTH, hereby announce to the eitizens of Marietta and vicinity that they have just completed their purchases, which they they now offer for sale, being a complete asssertment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs Class, Whitelead, Brushes of adkinds, and everything usually kept by druggists and apothecaries. An assortment of all kind Of LAMP for burning Fluid, Pine Oil or Coal Oil. Lamp Tops, Wicks and Oils constantly on hand. A nicely selected lot of all kinds of STA TIONARY, Envelopes, Pens, Pen-holders, Inks, &c" of all grades and at all prices. Perfumery, Pomades, Soaps, Tooth Washes and an endless variety of Faney and Toilet ar ticles, all of which will be sold at reasonable prices. [Jan 8-35-ly FasVoir t bie, ffqf g 0 Cap • MANUFACTURER, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. - UTAYING purchased of Mr: Crull the stock good will and fixtures of this well known establishment, I hereby inform my numerous friends, and the public generally that 1 am pre pared to supply their wants in the HAT AND CAP line at all times with promptness, and at as reasonable'rates agony establishment in the Union. Having had o years experience as a practical hatter, and being in the receipt of the latest "Reports of Fashiona,” and having fa cilities for obtaining goods direct from the - East in 48 hours; by strict attention to business and a desire to pldase, I hope to merit and teeeive a liberal share of public patronage. P. S.—Having disposed of my establishment to George L. 'Mackky, I cheerfully recom mend him to the favorable notice of all who desire a . "comfortable coeering for the head." In retiring from business I eXtend my un feigned thanks to my friends for the patronage so liberally bestowed to me and hope the same may be extended to my worthy successor. JOHN CRULL Marietta, August 2S, ISM_ STOVES! STOVES!! STOVE,V!! STERRETT & Co., MARIETTA., Have perfected arrangements with Philadel phia foundries by which they are enabled to sell all the latest and best-improved COOK STOVES at foundry prices; freight onlysidded. . .. Air-tight Gas burner PARLOR'; They desire to call special atterg*i to 'this very superior and handsome "Gas - Wtnee; as being the most complete and econ4l ever offered to the public. They have a a large , variety of Gas burner Room, Fano: 4 Canon, gi lt) Radiators ) Air-tight and Nine-plate iS;i'd and extra heavy old style CANON STOY.C9 i-for • . r School Rooms, &ores, Shops, &c. , . Coal Limi, Screens, Shovels, Pok.•ers, s•c Odd Castings, Grates, Fire Brick, furnished at short-nettce. atliffES & lf-iQtie33s l. frA 4r- 7 ' IN - H. D. BENJAMIN, Wine .3• Liquor Peale)Oot&big, BEGS leave to inform the public that be . 130 will-continue the WINO& - LIQUOR. busi— ness, in a❑ its branches. He will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish. and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, §•c., netVamin's justly celebrated DOSE fIPHIS KEY itlways on hand. A very surerior OLD RYE TVIIISKEY u'st received, which is warranted pure. An If. D. B: note asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from I ho. 00.! ...Ks!! AND STATIONARY VERY CHEAP AT DR. RINK Lle . S. DR. HINKLE having just returned from Philadelphia where he selected a very fine assortment Of CI kinds of MISCELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL BOOKS, to which he would respectfully invite the atten tion of School Directors, TeaChels, Parents, Scholars and all otherti it Want of mirk iud of BOOKS, Magfigiines, Mammoth Weeklies, the Dailies, Stationary of every kind and price, and in fact eVetything in the A nice collection of Music on hand and a catalogue of all the music published, from which selections can be made and ordered. Anything in his line not on hand will be or dered and obtained in a few dayks Aleitander LyndgaV4. FASHIONABLE SOOT 4- SHOE DIANIEFAbTItIigR, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN Would most respectfully inform the citizens of .this Borough and neighborhoOd that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Borough, and be ing, a practical BOUT AND SHOE 'MAKER himself,is enabled to aeleet thdgment than those who are not. He continues to man ufacture in the very beat manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he will warrant for neatness and good fit. Irk. Call and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. ZA.HM 'F.PECTFOLLY inform their FLfriends and the public that they still continue the WATCH, CLOCK AND TBWBLBY businea at the old stand, fiorth-west Corner of North Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa A full assortment of goods in line of busi ness always en hand and for t the loweSt cash rates. .Repairing attended to .11 orally by the proprietors. HARRY L. Vs.nsi.] [Elm: J. "Zstrar DISSOLUTI Ci IC The firm of ritivry, flown & Co. is this day dissolved by mu tual consent JAMES Durcl, Gro. W. MEHAFFEY. Havir , tented Our interestin the "EUREKA MILLS" to Geo. W. liteliafrey;*we would take great pleasure in calling "the attention of our former customers to the fact that he is now prepared to fill allbrderiia his line with promptness and.dispatch. IffEFIAFFEY CO. Marietta, March I, ISGO.-6m - " E tiV F I Sji:---Illackerel 1 . 1( • . Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in various packagts Marring and Cod Fiati, at • SPANGLER 1k PATTERSON'S. H A hIPAGN E and other Table Wines, guarrantead to be pure, and sold•as low as cod oebonght i t Philadelphia or . New-York. CO TYR LAE F:eathera. , -3 Balee_ excellent live picked Feathers far sale in late or small quantities by Sp critgkr .5* Patterstni. l and, -gtvORLY, of Jersey ,P eat he s aild talweat.Potatoes, is a fe* ite S alra, at "FE' - Anil URE SPICES from the Washington Spice Mills, At Wife's. ft •Nior r-meg: NEW DRUG STORE, DRUG 4 PERFUMERY Ged. L. allacklegi Front Street, Marietta. Pa Book - and Stationary line DANIEL K. HOUTZ, JAMES bfEFIAFFEY, NM = FRESH suMNI4:R GOODS From New-York, 1860! -TOW opening the most beautifid assortment of AM Spring Goods we ever offered DRESS GOODS. Organdie Robes-2, 5,7, 9, 11 flounced &rage Anglais Robes, 2,5, 7, 9 and 11 flounced Satin Plaid Berege Robes,Double.skirt Satin Plaid Berege Robes, Solid Plain Colors, Satin Plaid Bc ege Robes, Poi de Chevre Satin Plaid Bereges Robes, gay and neat Bereges and Grenadines; new style Spring Silks, Black Silks, best brands imported; Plain Mous' a oit'-• , -in Pinks, Blues, &c. ; Berege Anglais. New Spring Cloaks, Mantillas and Dusters, Lace Bournous, Lace Sultanas, Lace Mantles, Lace Pointer, Cloth Cloaks, light Spring styltS, Gathered and plaited. SnAW in all styles and colors. MEN'S WEAT...—Superb Cloths, Cassiinercs and Vestings. CARPETINGS.— An additional Supply, among which are the randsomest Brussels, Threeply, and Smith's New. York Patent,we ever offered. It. J. HALDEMAN'S CHEAP CASE STORE. PLUIVII3 DYEH, Fashionable Tailors & Drapers, PRposite A. Cassel's store, bfarket street, MARIETTA, PA. THE undersigned having associated theta selves into a co-partnership, would here by inform their old patrons and the pubic generally, that they will continue the Fashionable Tailoring Business at the old stand, adjoining Dr. Hinkle's Drtig, Store, Market street. Having a fine stock of eiotbs, equiNeivs &3Jestirr, which they will dispose of and "make up" on reasonable terms. Being determined to give satisfaction, they would reapedtfully ask a con tinuation of past favors. Christian Plumb, Nathan Dyer, NW Gutting done at short notice. Marietta, Sep. 10, 1859.-lf. ThVble, I)lq3orp, Near the Tinvn Halt, Illartetta l Pa. THE undersigned having made arrageinents with a Vermont Marble Quarry to get his stock direct will be enabled to do all kinds of work in hia line at vei'Y reasonable rates. He will keep constantly on - hand, or mate to order at short notice, all kidds df Mantles, Monuments, Enclosures, Grave Stones Door and Window Sills, Steps and everything in his line of business maiiii factured of the finest Italian and American marbles, which he will sell at such prices as cannot fail to render satisfaction, and only asks a fair trial of the public before'purchasing else. where. Letter Cutting of all kinds done at the short estnotice and on the most 'reasonable terms. TnE GLATZ FERRY FORMERLY KEESETS. TUE undersigned having leased the abuye named._4lsLests.h.laho4l. Ferry - antrilifdel, in itettsine Township, York county, opposite the borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to entertain the public at his bar and table with the best the market affords. lie would very respectfully inform the traveling public that having obtained FIRST CLASS FERRY BOATS, and efficient ferrymen, and is now fully preps • red to aeon - m(ol4e persons wishing to cross the Susquehanna with vehicles or otherwise without delay, or detention B. . . JON NOEL. October 1, 1859. ly The litrthitago Hotel, Lower Railroad. Station, Marietta, Pa, T- tinder Signed wottld most respect fulty inform his friends and the public that he has leased the above named old and well known hotel, and is now prepared to accom modate all who may feel disposed to patronize him, being determined to leave nothing undone on his part to merit, and hopes to.receive, a share of public patronage. Good Stabling attached. _ WILLIAM JOHNSTIN March 10, 1309. THE .611111HGAIN WATCH: YjIIIE Artierican Watches are among the best lintektepers now in use, and for durability strength and- simplicity far „surpass any other watch made in the world. - =H.L.SE.J.ZAIIDt Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre Square- Lancaster, Pa., have - them for sale at the eery lowest rates—every watch accompanied with the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen.' uineness. EQUILIJ3ItIUM ! 11, 4 QU AL or . IikiGULAB. TIMEKEEPT.RS, eau be had of H. L. & 1 , 1 J. Z!iiiiir f Cot. North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancas ter, Pa., in the shape of Equitibriiiin. Levers— the best article of Swiss levers now in the mar ket. They are lower in price than any watch of equa ualkytand just as ,truo for tictiekeeping. E, ;4' ,s 6.' 7 11 g • as t 2 t " 7> g4:l •t' ts. 0 P g c, F., - i-i 5 ~..2 ,r 6, 0 - z Za" 1 0 z ~,. o t 6 E_, 1 44 co r. t-1 4...';', ''' i ," 1 2 ~.'' EI .4 ...,„, . ..-: E. ,--, ,--, -- -4 , 2 C.l ... 44. Cl 2 W, 1../ P 14E ci if; .g re i ' •. . a ) ;. 1 0 0 P "0. 4a. C, 9 a 6 c.) .T 1 , ...-- Bte F . : .Ar 41 '' 4 17.- ED .. - 0 - .. 0 ce, 4 g ts f "'" Q.l W 0 X '-' 4 4 ~t 1 / 4 , q tO 4 04 e, ~, 0 'Et; 0 60 4, 5 c i ' N R 1-4 41 g 4 E - i iqr4 21- A ''' q = 9., 43' -- ki 0 - 24 , '+' u- P.l is 1:4 Rcit M ;54 •••.. .' . .. " Z ''s 0 0 n E., 0 62 a f... 1 E.l g 4 p.. cz, o c) 0 t pa n• " 4 L. ',., ' 45 . , 4: k ct 4 4 P ~ s = t 3 ii 0 is i• -- i '4 .; i - 2.. i rz• t.. 5 . R, 0 filo CONSUMPTIVES ANL , NERVOUS SUFFERERS. Tho subscriber, for several years a resident of Ails discovered while there, a simple vegetable recnedy—a sure cure forernisteriptitsti .Astlona, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Neriktlis debility. For the benefit of Consumptives-aria Nervous sufferer's, he is'willink to make thdsame public. To those who deturelt, lib will send the pre scriptiort; with ffill directions, free of charge ; also a sample of the medicine, which they will find a beaUtifut combination of Natdte's shit pie herbs. Those-desiring the remedy can ob tain it by return mail, by addressing' .1.• E. CUTHBERT, BotoniePhysiciatt. Aprill4-3M] No. 42913rbadv6ay, N. Y. ILVER WARE at IL L. 8r E.: J. Zahm's Corner North. Queen - -st . -and Center Square Lancaster, F. .Stroons, KniVes, Forks, Gob lets, N.apjtin Rings, Chains, .Ladles, &c., made to our own order and warranted to qe o.a.n,dard silver. -Any.article made to order to suit cus tomers. Ohl-silver taken in exchange Lir goods or purchased for easlr. DR. J. Z. HOFfER, DENTIST, Or THE BA LT.IIIII3iLE COLLEGtQt-DENTAL SURGERY, LATE. OF-BARR-ISBERG,PA,, ,, --- OFFICE: Front street, fourth door from Locust, over Sd33•lor&r..l4l:::Den ald's Book Store. altombla:. Entraiice. be tween the Drug and 860k,Scares• *14.47 OTICE is hereby, '•;:. , :ek . f that A . 4- RUBY (BIaeIr&AAIFF Nefieg jr V etta, has ki4liiciki<v!itri. , Ti <ter , ,a ttleplef.,A. •:' r ,_..: __.......... ~, , ..,- , . ~ p ~ .„ ..._...„ r • w ....7...tA ~..: gsrod icittee=att_ New Summe JUST RECEIVED AT I.Btf , ! ,61-• ff;ffe No. 61 MARKET STREET . , JUST opening, the latgest atl best stook of LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET; Black Silks, Foulard Silks, .Plain and Figured DeLaines, Shawls, Ginghams, Chalties, Calicoes, Tickings, Aidsline, Checks, Table Linen ; Diaper, Embrei deries, &c., Black and Fancy Cloths and Cassimercs, Silk and Marsallics Vesting, Cottonades, Ken tucky Jeans, Hoisery, Suspenders, Gloves, Cravats, Shirt Fronts, &c. ALL KINDS OF House Ftiroustirrin GOODS. Every variety of Sheeting and Shirting, Mullins; Table and Irish Linen, Towelling, Ticking ) &c., &c. Allendale and Marsailes Counterpanes, Flannels all prices and colors; Linen and Woolen Table covers. Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds and Patent Fixtures ) Wall Papers, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths. Umbrellas and Patasolls, Glass, Queenserare and Cedarware. Boots and Shoes, All kinds of Liquors wholesale or retail 3)..A LARGE ATM( OF cirrAr GROCERIES. Rio Coffee at 12z cents, and other goods at cor respondingly low rates. The highest price given far Country produce. IQ—Very fine Syrup at 50 cents d J. R. DiFYENBACii. S. S. RATRVON, [SUCCESSOR TO F. J. Kp.Alltru.] Merchant tailor, Draper and Clothier, LANCASTER, PA. A v AILS himself of this opportunity of an nouncing to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity, and his friends and the publin in gen eral, that lie has taken the old stand of the late F. J. Kramph, where he has been employed for the last tea years, and intends continuing the Merchant Tailoring Ciething business in all liits various branches, and hopes ..that a course of strict fidelity to his patrons may merit a reasonable share of their confi dence and support. In addition to a compete STOCK OF CLOTHING AND Gentle]iiens FurnisEizig tie will constantly endellYbt to provide a good assortment of French. German and American Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestittg4 which will be promptly made t 6 Order in a stltr= stftntlhl and fashionable manner, or according to such styles as to his patrons may be most desirable . . The Foreign and American Fall and` Winter Fashions received, in addition to the mont hly , reports which come to hand regu larly throughout the year. The agency fqr the order on sale of James *. Scott's (formerly' -Winchester & Scott's) celebrated Patent Shoulder-seam Shifts still continued and pdperly ad - N-01M to. S. S. R. would be doing violence to his own feelings and to the just - aestits of his friends in Marietta, were he hefe to omit returtliug his sincere thanks for the many acts bf kindness they have extended towards him during a long series of years, and hopes Ms future efforts may not render him unworthy a continuance of the same. [TS-45 NEW SINKER GOODS, --o SPANGLER & PATTERSON, No 66!1 1 MARKET ST., MARIETTA, H AVE just opened an immense stock of • SUMMER GOODS, Shallics, Fancy Silks, Debages, Mous de lanes, Ginghams, .Chintzes, Calicoes, Cassimcres, .Vesting', French Cloths, Newstyle Coating, Cottonades, Youth's Cacsimets, Spin. Shawls, Mantillas, Neck Tics, Cravats, eloves, Suspenders, Shirt Fronts, Collars, Cars, &c:, &c. Sheetings, Shifting', Cheeks, Tidings, Flannels, , Diaper, Ineririn,' Stair ; Rae, Linen, and Cottf , n, Carpets, Wall and Window Paperi Te-anepareill GROCERIES: Extra fine Syrtips; prime Rio Coffee, choice Black and Green llas, Yel low a.nd White Sugars, Fish, Rice . , Salt, Spi ces, &s., all of which will be sold at the lowest market rates. An early call is solicited. No .a's the -Time, to buy Very Cheap at THE WALNUT HALL CLOTHING STORE, Maiket Street, Marietta, Pa. . • -0- ILLER & SNYDER , having just received Big large assortment of all kinds of new and ktthionable Clothifig, And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods , generally, all of which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Walnut Hail can now offer the largest and best assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING this side.of Philadelphia, and being thankful for past favors from our nurherous friedds and customers, would respectfully osk a ediatinua lion of the sante% All kinds of Cltitiling Manufadtured in any style desired -fashionable or ptdin. ira-Au /rinds of Cutting done at short notice. SAMUEL D. MILLER, ANDRE IF" SNYDER. April 14, 1860. 4 t Qtfick Salcii gad §mall ProAta!" GEORGE-H. ETTLA. LUME.ER, lisnitxt• ana coo edt*isziort bietthe 11.1arietta, Lancaster County ; Pa. TTARD on the Rfrer Bank, atindgitg 4h6 did I . and welt known " FLuftir% Having opened a Yard for the tritii attiofl tff a Commission Binixtess, I would respeCtfully solicit consignments, and pledge myself to use. my utmost exertions fdr the best interest of my patrons. 1 feel assured of my ability - to obtain - the highest market rates and effect sales of all articles that may be en trusted - to my care. I will be ready at all times to make purchases or attend to any bu siness the public' may 'feel disposed to plate In my charge, and all instructions punctually car ried out. Advances Made On consignments. January 21, 186_0.-le •• Dissolution of Partnership. fiIHE CO-PARTNERSHlPberefofiiii exist ing bet Ween the und9isignbd, under tite firm of Miller & Mtissel, in the saw-milling and lumber linaiieess, has this day Ueda dig-- solved by n - ntnal, consent. gdat Donegal, April 2 7860. JOHN MfLitti, HENRiir S. MO,OE:T* I A.FIRMIAM MUSSEIL The business of the firm will be Eoritinued under the fine of Mil er.Bi ltiusser, by the un dersigned, to whom all p,ersoits indebted will make paynient: JOHN MILLER, HENRY S. MUSSER. LUMBER YARD -0- GROSIi Sr. SON, LUATER toPif.Lagi Yard at the .Eastern part of Marietta. Itsr Pleas call at .their office, a4joiuing the -STOILIt brick Hodge of th& CiiiA L. 171NEt-A : Ten barrels Pure.' Ci s horde made. Cider Vinegar for sale •• at ilk' cents a. quart at Nyor,im's, made of the parr juice of the apple ; a &Ogle trial wig onlrince . you of that !set. WOifef . i ViliOity 'Store. URE C'AVAWBA. BR .uuy tl,e 6.41 REM `- C 77 -ti r _ "i t 4 l\ll D; y rex,. •,,n I fat Wi t -the et.„ PROF. WOOD' , and gentlemen of its praise. A fete ti given ; see niredlar possible for_yon to 47 WA/.1 Gentlemen: You has been received, s that I had been beni Hair Restorative, at of the fact if 1 had 1 award it to you it due. My age is of my hair auburn, • five or six .years and .the scalp on lose its sensibility i it. Each of these with time, and abt wits added in them top of my heat 4'' In this unplr ced to try W d # arrest the fa no expectat;," You stored to its was, bowel/ . the use of tl i" .. the falling c red to the By‘t int scalp and del lo at, very much to : whose solieitatiatik For this, among c her sex, I strongly who value the adni. profit by my example, end tte& opiesi gray or getting bald. Verg . , , " Dim To O. J. Wood 4. Co., t r z " 4 h, Eri 444 Broadway, N.Y. S , tor: - ip Mee, SIANASTO ..1' " , • Fr •..., To Professor O. J. -I; : slo '" a‘ mil le " Hair Restorative" ha t < ,-,. . p at good since I commence wish to make known to on the hair, which are Man may be nearl resort to ydur tag return more bet. is my experience: . Yours, Trul P. S. You can By publishing it ii get more patronaf your certificates sttang Southern J `a e ° 7 . 11/4 Wood's lIA IR I J. Wood. Dear ! 81 une to lose theme the effects of the j Orleans. I was ydur preparation s very thing needed glossy, and no [ions to you in treasure. only giving THE RESTORA three sizes, viz : small holds the medium hdlds in proportion that bottle; the large more in proportidn, 0. J. WOOD & No. 444 Drbadut 114 Market Strei ri''And sold by all gOOl plods dealers. TIVE large, in', ai sat lei in the bald HODGES) DAVIS ST. CO' 1.-,OTTE Consolidated Lotteties _Authorized by the Lelrisletit BoxErrt OF ACAME:III ULASS B DR.CR's tttitv TiIESDAY, LN TF 14IACON, GEORG I iBIZE, INEM NUMBERC , 1 Prize of 2. Prizes of 2 dd 2 do 2 do 2 do 2 do 1 dd .3.10 dd T:TA, M' 7,000 k 1; wo. 64 4o 64 d 6 -64 do 128 do 6,504 dd 28,224 do k ot 31,412 Prizes, stiieti Certificates of $126; of 26 I. riOn [Mon Is drawn $70,000.1 Ei3 Drawn eve r: your own [toy OM, MI Circulars coy SEheriieg, one sending us Il ccionikunil ed, on rei liy - t4suff anti kites i2llh- aIU to* ately after the liawing. The dffieial drawings an NE* 'retk Herald. Orders received and prizes Rroadway . , New-York. .Dkpet. L. A. HODGES, AGRI*. OR; HODGES, DAVIS 4 , CO. MANAGrgS, MAC4S6', (i Apfil 7, 18 . 07..1 - t. tPECIAL, NOVICX .1 Now largest &oat. dom) Men's Wear we have eve, of Super. Nnglish. Frezela-; man, Black gntt Fancy Cloths and CassieteresiYancy, Figred atk Velvet and Plink . . e tin de particular attentioi gobs. HALDEMAN'S Chem SOWN MILL.—We have at Room a large Flour and can furnish Flour by thq Ono e barrel, or fifty barrels, glar - Oats by the busltelotkpi/W Corni Oats, Ships-and ways_ on handoloeoish„ Also Cracketiti GI nt-Weis4oli,i Mari :404.-fig-lucto 44 - FIWEE,iR.T.Z‘LA int and 0 fine Weary-Of the f test r 9dip,Xlll best facttirieil-IrE a ntry r th . aitlf Cor. Nodii Queen et. Oul Cent, caster, Pa, Our prices are moo :" n t n t goods warranted to , llollo. aen sold b Ct PECTACLO4II9# J, WI; Is, Su 0 can be iiioed.'oith' - can ba bought at H. L- • tC4e inst. - .net. of, _North: 'Queen-at.; mid. Cea , b. - Litucaster. at shoji'. -notice. New glasses refitti-i gild, I try NtEssq , .. t-test r gent free by 1 1 66 ' .7/ a4R Vi to 1 7 . IA R. i a ist tre r: Oken n Sprain •, jaw , Whiti wand Sc , 1 iS sta =131211 ves the ,dies for ti MO r/ 1211 lin worth ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers