' ' l/ ---.1 ,-;;;:. ._:_\ at jt ... l e.. ogi 4/ 1 -,-. ____ __..- ___-_--- r tAx4d n the (i)r, Ot of TuE 0 K S T 1 , r?. orirr , tunity par , : t of the 0 , st varied assort . , very class and I , ^ :.ow offer • the public the same apo :uq.sually LOW rates. ;, :lab!. standard works, 1 etv- 3 :l'z at a well selected library, great advantage to call and , rextem ive s:ecic on band. My ob is, as it always was, to supply , c the community with anything in , toot reasonable terms possible. the Imtter and most advantageous all parties. The Political Econo ttcheaper an article is, the more ettscd.” Then the conclusion ,m) we I,oy cheap, -we must sell • allowing ourselves a reasona- • • • , 1 • 1N...0' IMRE IM3 0 • =I ...re• . • t • a . •. .tr "' • • ef‘:. • , I ' . • • --=•• en, • 1• • CV% . • .;,••• •- • 41\ . , . • • - a OE t 4soo • t MI MI • 4. t Q .el tio .4 Arvi• • M w 1 • ‘4,4*- -•• • . • ;it p \:1, ') C/11.''RTS FOR 1860.—1 t is -.• ' b - th• court that adjourned courts L. 'd for the trial and decision of , mmion Pleas, Orphans' Court , 3,10 el, as follOws : • . ". Ansusrciif.' . .J.Cing - nly•Sionday, March 10th. .. t - I ' , " " Tune. 18th. 4, ie d ," " " ' Sept. 17th. its r ci-:' ( 4 ' 4 , Dec'r 17th. r one week from the said days re , .;,1 as much longer as the business \ --, ....b All the cases on the list for sr- ID Orphans' Court shall be taken ~• 1 ,14 . r. days of said terms,aud proceed , d . 7 imposed of, unless continued by t a liuse shown. • .. n the argument list in the guar- I :hall be taken up on the ltrednes ' Alit .1 terms, iF not , prevented by the r Court,so, ' , 'i•te Orphans' and if V e . - , l'itarter sessions Svill be commen ,. %ultimo:in• of the-Orphan's Court , tf the cases in - the Common .• ~, • - .1, raced en Thursday or the • I. • . . ' - : ....e th e.Oman* court 1 .,. cfri ..: ..,,, casels•. that case the or -, - . .• _.,, ..,., -•,-_- said com Walk taken .lip --' • , 10 ,-4 .. -.„ ' -two of the.'cas'?.s iivibe'other ' •-. , :emir din until disprrsed of, unless. ~ „fir .. consent far cause shown.. • „,,• . ; ir, ' 7 1• 4 'r ‘:Dleted thtii,the itbseuee of coun . c appointed for taking . up.cases ''......,„„'”. o the. preceding orders, shall be no '- penal proceedingsthercin, unless by • ..,„,••41 ground fur a continuance be -• . "AC 0"' El, , v r ',V TTI k Lg. ItiS ordered by , d r *- 4 !, 1 . , .., ;. - - ‘,..," . , .1. l' , ::,;• , ' - tlett Courts for Jury trials in 1 to ,l-- - 7 : ' ... - 1 ."k -: ~ ~ \ I. c held a s igllow s 1 ... 1 ...." S r; , ~..,,a% . • _,:•... ......_.!,-...,... ' :, 'i: ~ : 1;1 .4onday ) 3olllJah'y. 1414..,g ~.4 . - ••• - ' 111 . '- • ''' " 9sth Mai-,. : • " "... • .i.., ••... . :‘, l :- rm, t 14'4' '‘.-- „' ~ 1 . ,, ,' ,••• .. 13 P: t:.. • . '' • 1 N ' -''• Uk4l4s. :SAW '' - n l ' 2" .: ' ''' '-'. ' N - .. ' - ..-''; '''''. -..., 4 1. rj ME , 6 • . • %a - .t it' • ,'‘ A - lEI ~• ~.. 1112 =I o t ` re • I 11 • P Cie • S . . . i. f" . • ‘. EMI ME -,- , li, ' "I, 890K,5, 44 k entinn to my large _: Rooks on hand., ••' , M" ,, , fse of Sunday :' , cchnol Union , - the rinhlica. , ' ,- R .ool Union, I t t Book and . •-•Ell Proshyte .. , .tirmoiations ure . . • -;,- /ptio) , , , , ... ~.. or ti re enr, Quarto / 4 11 .:..,f . ~ r advantage . ify .ectang,. ,' a d , • ST ) RF, ve• 'ranging form rm Ono, elsewhere, call and exam , cheap static of 7 JOllll SLIF.A FFER, CC.PSFr)F I o Murray, Young & Co. u 17.1 [ttnyny A. SIIULTZ )leS ' Hat and Cap Store ! ]3EO., QUEEN STREET, STEM T I-1 A Trl'l , ',l{S, •AcrußEits, 1;:ETX1 r. nr. A LERS TN D STi3AWGOODS,' DFSCUIPTION. story a splendid aasott ant Gaps of all the new.- tEr444mxtlitalit ies. •Sills Liat for $3 :CA BUN ERE.IIRi.I, Spring" todless s variety. A spien ..of C4P . S— „ea . PT, Zeltl all the other styles. of. NOW tvolily, he cheapest quatitie3, . Owe rtt. t.7 , traw Hats of nibs and cluldren's wear: 1 auks to a liberal Public, eAtentkin buAness and merit a continuance of tilt all, and at prices to as Bold to dealers at a ;ght ana the highest price klkkk FUMD'S, BITTERS, Aq ° - 1 'S t IAL des of the _From; red .'!leir great popularity only f 1r: rd. Unbounded satilfae them in all case; and. the .:.noonced them worthy. tqlilt, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Nervous System, of the Kidneys, CZ® ::ri•fug from a di4idered zionzack and digestive , znd pconancntly cured by Hell*, 1°" S. & B. Hifi:STAND, DEALERS IN . LUMBER, COAL Silt, Locust Posts, JVhitepine and Cypress Shingles, hc., Lower Station, MARIETTA, PA. S. C. Si IL F. ILIESTAND having again We:re into co-partnership under the old firm title of S. & B. BIESTAND, Would respectfully inform the public that ney have just laid in and will constantly keep on hand a complete stock of ALL KINDS OE LUM BER, FAMILY AND BURNERS COAL, GROUND: 00 A 7, - I 'IT ALUM SALT, LOCUST POSTS, PINE AND CYPRESS SHINGLES, LATII, &C., SEC. Having added A SAW MILL in connection with their Yard, they are prepared to furnish BILL STUFF of every description. at short notice and very reasonable prices and having a Canal ]loat and Train of Cars will enable them to deliver at any pciint on the Railroad or Cana; with dispatch and at the lowest rates. Arrangements have been made to run a Ctir twice a week, regularly, to Philadelphia" and goods delivered immediately upon their arrival here, All orders, goods or packages left a* Samuel L. Witmer's, No. 1123 (old No. 423) Market-st., will be promptly attended to. Marietta, May 15, 1858 —ly. OWA RD ASSOCIATION, Philadelphia. II A Benevolent Institution established by special endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the cure of Diseases of the Sexual organs.- Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) end in cases of extreme. poverty, medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrtuna and other Diseases' of the Sexual Organs, and on the mew Remedies employed in the Diepensaty sent to the afflicted:in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three postage stamps will he acceptable to pre-pay postage. Address, Dn.: J. Sx r.tret-llonctmon, Acting Surgeon,Howard Association , Na 2 South Oth St., Philadelphia. By order of the 'Directors. Fr?WRAF D: HKARTWELL, President. GEORGE FAIRCHILD, Secretaty NEW SPRING GOODS AT HALDEMAN'S CHEAP CASH STORE, - C •• . . OLUMBIA. • ----o OW,Opening, a full assortment of 1,11 E'IT" SPRING GOODS, to tVliivit,„we,invite the attention of our many friends and customers, confidently believing, that for variety,quElity ' stile and eheariness,Will' give the: ullest stitisfuetion tO our customers. LADES DRESS GOODS. Traveling dress goods, in great variety, -Fancy dress silks, newest Spring styles, Black glossy dress silks, best brancs imported, at tc to $1.50, Foulard silks, newest designs, Brocade silks, Plaid Ottoman Poplins, Striped Grenadim Poplins, Satin Lustre Poplins, and other new styles of dress goods, embracing every novelty of the season, English and French yard wide Chintzes, 200 ps English and Merrimack prints, Beautiful new style Scotch Dress Ginghams, Calicoes, 6,9, 10, very good.. Sti AV LS. - - Stella, Brocha, Long & Square, Black Thibe Long and Square, Crape, Blanket, Long St Square, and other new Spring styles in great variety. - EMBROIDERIES. Frencli.Worked Collars, " Sleeves, " " Cuffs, ' 4 ' 44 Collars and Sleeves in Setts, Chime7etts and Sleeves, Jackonet and Swiss Edgings and Insertings, Bahtls and Flouncinge, )handkerchiefs, Embroidered, Hemstich, and Printed Bordered hdfs, Irish Linens and Shirtfronts, A: large Stock of Richardson's Superior Irish Linens, Handmade Linen Shirt Fronts, iIOUSE KEEPfNG GOODS. Blankets, Marseille, Lancaster and Allendale Quilts, Woolen Coverlets, Comfortables, Bleached and Brown Linen Table Cloths from 2 yds. to 4 yds. wide, Bleached and Brawn Domes tic Table Cloths, Woolen Table Covers, Work Stand Woolen Covers, _ _ . . Sacking Bottmns, Table Oil Clothes, Stair Oil Cloths, Crash fox Stairs Brown and Bleached Meetings:l yd. to 3 yds,. wide, Pillow Case Muslins," Tickens, Furniture Chintzes rand Checks, Toweliv.gs,Bureau Covers, &c., &e., Looking-Glasses. a-laite stock, Prifne Geese Feathers,--300 pounds, • Window Shades, a new and full assortment, Windo* Shades with Fixtures. Einbroidered Muslin Witidow" Curtains, China, Class & qtieensware. arquirerl a similar pn- 1101:T FAIL, , nchitis, In ncibieixt China Tea Setts, gold band ; White Granite • wale, in new shapes, in full Dinner and Tea setts-; Pitchers, Dishes, Soup Tureens, Gravies, &c„. Chamber and Toilet setts; 'Foible and Bar Tumblers ' Wine & Champagne. Glasses, Egg and Cellery Glasses, fishing cures EC2I che , k and pracceding Goblets, Preserve Dishes, _Fruit Stands, Cake Stands, &c., &c. • • CAItPETINGS. We invite particular attention to our new and large stock of Carpetings, comprising over ten thousand yards Super BruSsele, Imperial Threeply,. Superfine Ingrain, Fine and Medium Ingrain, Smith's. New York Patent Ingrain, Plain and Twilled Venetian 1-2, 5-8; 3-4, 7-8 amtl yard wide, Superior Domestic Listing, " " Rag, Scotch Hemp, Floor .Woolen Druggets, from 1 to 3 yds. wide, Velvet Rile, Door Matti, Foor Oil Cloth froth 1 yd, to 4 yds. wide, the latter cut in one piece to fit a hail, ' Mattings, checked and plain frbm 1 yd. to 2 yds. wide. A full line of lioisery and Gloves, Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Clack and -Fancy super French ,and _English Cloths, Black - and Fancy Super French and English Cassimeres, The very latest style Vestings. Cloths, Cassimeres, and every variety ofgoods for boy's wear. Dr. C. M. tree, Plida aguisEs and at 75 cents ii 4 44cKsoN •:aeg trete. malty by the Ahai.twAc, mmendatory fry. •These ;up agents. EItDINAND ZUG, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, LOWER ERE, OF MARIETTA . , Would respectfully inform the citizens of this borough and neighborhood that he has just re turned from the city, - where he pureltased.a first rate stock of BOOTS & SHOES, of great rah - ety.of style and fashion, for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children' wear, which he is determined to sell at very low prices. F. Z. also makes to order, at short notice, everything in the. Boot and Shoe line. His shop is on Front street, nearthe "Lower Rail road Station, ,, and nearly opposite Cassel's Iletel. [March 31-30'7 - RIME GROCERIES:—Rio, Java and Laguira Coffee ;, Crushed,, Pulverized and Brown Sugar; Superior Green and Black Tea ; Rice, Cheese and Spices;- Syrup and prime ba king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley at &P_9 XGLFR 4- P4TTERRON'S AT MICE. Letters of Administration upon the Estate of Jacob Kline; late of the bo= rough of Marietta, deceased, having,been gran ted to'the undersigned, he hereby request: all persons indebted to said estate to make imme diate, payment, and those havinlg clairim upon the-same to present them duly authenticated to Aptil 14, IS6O-6t] CONRAD It. MARKS. 00AL OIL LAMPS: Just received a new and large assortment of new-style Coal oittalniiiiperior to anything now in use, s:.d. cheaper titan they can be bought iiitown, GROVE 4- /COM Ile S' '~` USINDIKVAIMIDICIIIIIIII.OammamowsweIe BrupoWs eoirepthafeZ 'elT)aies FOR DELICATE DISEASES. NO, 1. THE GREAT REVlVER.—Speedily eradicates all the evil effects of self abuse, as loss of memory, shortness of breath, giddi ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of vis ion, or any constitutional derangement of the system brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. A6ts alike on either sex. Price one dollar. No. 2. Tux BALM.—WiII cure in from two to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(clap)is without taste or smell and requires no restric tian of action or diet; for either sex ; price SI. NO. 3. THE TEREB will cure Gleet in the shortest possible time, and . I can show certifi cates of cures effected by this remedy, when all others have failed. No taste or smell.— Price one dollar. NO. 4. THE PUNITER is the only known remedy that will positively cure strictures of the urethra, no matter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. Price one dollar. NO. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case of Gravel permanently and speedily remove all diseases from the bladder and kidneys.— Price one dollar. No. 6. Tilt PREVENTOR is a sure preven tion against the contraction of any disease, is less expensive and far preferable to anything in use. Adapted to either sex. Price $l. NO 7. 'THE AMARIN will cure the whites radically and in less time than they can be ef fectually rernoved.by any other treatment; in fact this is the only remedy that will really cure this disease ; pleasant to take. Price SI. NO. S. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are cer tain, safe and speedy in producing.menstrua tion or correcting any irregularities of the monthly periods. Price two dollars. No. 9. THE FEMALE SAFEGUARD, or Off spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price $5. Either of the Remedies will be sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Circu lars containing valuable information .with full descriptiom.of each Remedy, may be obtained by enclosing one post stamp. Addres; 1112. FELIX BIIIINON, Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. These Remedies arc sold in Marietta only by JOHN SAY LIBLIART, where circulars con taming a full description of each ease can be obtained gratis; on application. General Depot, North East Cornerof York Avenue and Callowhill streetßbiladelphia,Pa. IL:r Jn complicated eases I can be consulted by letter, or pet sonally at my office ; entrance, No. 401 York Avinue. Da. 1. IhtuNow. August 23 4 1859.-IY. ISSO. J SECOND [lB6O SPRING SUPPLY OF NETV GOODS BARGAINS in Spring and Summer Dress Goods, Rich Dress Silks, Paris printed Dress Goods, in INlouSlin i Challies, Grenadines, Bereges, &c., &c. STELLA SHAWLS, A splendid lido of Stella shawls, embracing Ladies Spring Cloaks in every style, shade A splendid line of Cloths, Cassieneres and Vestings—Just imported. C7arpettnAs Window Shades, Wall Papers, B:c., which,, with goods receiving_daily, will fonn the most complete assortment we everoffer& HALDEIVIAN'S ' Cheap Cash Store, Columbia. April 7, 1860. "rk.R. EDW. W. SWENTUIL, tress... if Graduate of the Baltimore College of Dental 'Surgery, and an assistant operator and partner of Dr. Waylan, offers his professional- services to the citizens of Mari etta and vicinity. .Persons desiring to have their TEETII attended to are invited to call at his ottieb, adjoining Spangler & Patterson's store, 2nd story, entrance from Market street. I hereby recommend to the people of Mari etta and vicinity, Dr. E• W. Sw ENTZEL ) grad mete of the Baltimore College of Dental Surge ry, as a competent and skillful operator, hav ing bad ample opportunities of seeing his ope rations—having long been an assistant opera tor of mine. JOHN WAYLAN, D. D. S. $l5O I. l l l lt l t V w A o R o Pihe men liere e a n s it i e s d al i lm e d late kidnapping of John Brown (a Tree colored man) . from Salisbury township, Lancaster co., have absconded, the Commissioners of Lan caster County, Pa therefore, offer a reward of One Hundred and Fifty Dottnrs, for the appre hension and conviction of said two men—that is to say, $75 for each. DAN/EL GOOD, TOSEPII Bo v ERS, LEVI S. REIM', March 31, 1560.] C!ommi,isioners. UGAR! SUGAR!! S.UGARII! 10 I have a recipe for making Sugar from the mica of the Chinese Sugar cane, which I will send post paid, to any part of the United States on receipt of $1 in coin or postage stamps. I obtained this recipe from China, (at a cost of $25) in ISM, and have tried it for two years and find that it is all that was claimed for it. Address JONATHAN S—KII)D, Box 418 Clarksburgh, Harrison Co., Va. fain Any newspaper publishing this months and sending me a marked copy will) the bill enclosed, I will remit the amount. Z wish to advertise in all the papers in the Union. Jan. 21-3m] JONATHAN 5.,, IDD. ON FRONT STREET, No. 101, has con stantly on hand a superior quality of Groceries, Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, Teas, Spices, Candles, Soaps, QueeNware, Crockeryware, Nails,, Spikes, Brooms, Buckets, Brushes, Fish; Bacon, Lard, Buckwheat and Wheat Flour, Cornmeal, &e., &e. Persons wishing fresh GROCERIES can rely on getting them, cheap for cash. N. B.—All kin d s of Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Marietta, October 30,1853 25. ESTATE OF ANN WHITEHILL, Late of the Borough of Marietta Lanca4ter Co'., Deceased. Le tors Testamentary on said Es tate having been granted- to the 'undersigned. All persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate - payment and those having demands against the same will present them for settlement to the undersigned, residing in said Borough. JAMES WILSON. Marietta, March 5,1860 6t EXECtITOR'S NOTICE. Lefton Testa mentary on the Estate of \VM. DIX, Late of the Borough of Marietta, deceased, have been vented to the subscriber, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the said estate will make known the same Without delay. PETER BAKER, Exacuroa. March 24-6 t ENRY WOLFE, Agent for the sald.of S. M. Griswald's celebrated Gold Pens. Just received, a large stock of the above peas —all warranted. Old wore-out pens re-poin ted by S. M. Griswald, No. 177 Broadway, New-York. Send your pens to H. Wolfe, Market-st., Marietta, Pa., CLOTHS AND CASSIMERS,—A very su perior selection of _French and German Cloths, and Cassimers, and a variety of beauti ful Vestings,..selling very cbeap at SPANGLER it. PATTERSON'S. 30 000 YARDS of C ALICOES at from five to twelve-and-a-half cents a yard. Now io the time to make quilts when a first rate print can be had for 8 cents and good qality at 5 cents, at Spangler ti• Patterson's. MHE GREAT BOOK. HELPER'S This hook, which has been so exte •• advertised in the Halls of Congress, be had for 50 cents per copy, at MIN 1477,, ==:11 R=El GY and Sleigh BLANKET - ^h.l.o.wer pr. all the new styles. CLOAKS, CLOAKS and color. MEN'S WEAR GEO. .IVIUN D °REF, Looking Glass and Picture Frame MANUFACTORY. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs the CitiZens of Marietta and vicinity, that he has opened an establishment for the ix anu - acture of every description of Pier, Mantel, Odal and Square Mirror Frames, Portrait and Photograph Square and Oval Frames, of all sizes, plain and ornamen tat, wholesale and retail. Pictures and Looking Glasses framed to order in Gilt, Lacquered, Rosewood and Mahogany moulding. A large assortment of plain and colored Engravings, Pictures and Varnish for Grecian, Florentine, Potichomania and Diaphanic painting—Oil and Watercolors, Canvass, Drawing papers, Pastal Crayons and Boards; Sabel and Camel hair Brushes; Cray ons and Drawing pencils, with every other ar ticle used in Drawing and Painting. . Agency for the American . Company's Stereo scopes and Steoscopic views—plain and colored. Old Frames regilt, rendering them equal to new, at less than Philadelphia prices. WM. E. REINITSH, KRAMER'S Row, ORANGE -ST., . near the Corner of North Queen, LANCASTER, PA. April 23,.1859. 50-1 y , . Tobacco and Cigars; THE undersigned would rospectfullithform the public that he still continues; at the old stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets, directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from Half Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $2O to $BO per thousand. TOBACCO.—Natural Leaf, Excelsior. Cavendish, OranokeVirginia, Con gress Fine Sflun Ladies Twist Coarse Spun Twist; Eldorado, Jewel ofiOphir tobacco, An derson's best Fine-cut. • All kinds of fine Ci gars manufactured onmported stook. SIXES HALF Siarasx. Rappee Snuff and all kinds Fine-cut Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs. Fancy Pipes, Cigar Tubes, §•c. Jan. 30, 1858.] J. A. WISNER. J. R. HOPPER, Civil Engieeer, Surveyor, Conveyancer and Draughtsman. Main ..S•treet,. Mount „joy, Lancaster Co., Pa. ALL kinds of land surveying and dividing ; levelling of watercourses, roads, Ste. Ac curate and neat plain and ornamental Mapping. and &alighting of town plans, large landau es tates, &c. Mechanics', Quarriers' and Earth work measured and estimated. Deeds, Relea ses, Powers of attorney, and other legal instrt ments neatly and, accurately drawn. Execu tors'; Administrators', Assignees' and Guar dians - accounts stated. . _ Also ; agent for the sale of the RIDGEWAY FARM' AND LAND COMPANY'S lands in ELic Connty, Pa. Communications by letter prompt• y attended to Mehaffey, Houtz & Co., LUMBER MERCHANTS, UPPER STATION, MARIETTA, PA. TTAVE on hand a large and general assort went of Boards, Joists, Plank, Scantling, - Rafters, Shingles, and Laths, Planed white pine for shelving Mooring ,and ceiling; Shingle and Plaster Lath, Pales;Sc; also Pine and Oak • stuff, constantly on hand:-_ : and . sawed-to "order, n'Orders attended tout the shortest notice, and delivered at any point oh the rnilroad by cars. ERISMAR , S Saw Alin .and Lumber Yard, MARIETTA, PA. lONS i TANtL'ir on hand a full assortment of all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which he of ers at reasonable prices. Boards, Plank, Joist, Scantling, Rafters, Laths, Shingles, Pails, Sc., - 3-e., ti-c. OAK, PINE .3" HEMLOCK TIMBER. All orders atteac to with dispatch. J. M. ERISMAN. Marietta, April 11,1854.-tr. EUREk A. 111 ItLS, Marietta, Lancaster :Co. • THOMAS C. CHILD, AdT., luta constantly on hand, or Manufactured to orderall. kinds of SASH; .DOORS, BLINDS, Shutters, 4T., All orders addressed to MLIIAFFET, HOUTZ C 0.,, for any of the above articles, or for Bill Stuff, Timber Girders, Lath, Pickets, Pales, Shingling Lath, Floor Boards; Weather Boarding, White Pine Shingles, or Lumber will el ways meet with prompt attention, and be sup plied on as favbrable terms as from any other establishment in the country. A liberal discount offfor cash IVIDEND AND INTEREST: The Penn Mutual. Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia, have declared another dividend of Twenty-five per cent on the premiums paid in 1859. Certificates for policy holders in this neighberhbod are now ready for delivery; by calling on the subscriber, who is also ready to pay the Six per cent interest due on Certifi cates issued previous to Septeraber 1859. TIIOS. WELSH, AGENT, Walnut-st., below Second, Columbia, Pa. April 7-3 t ATTENTION I Housekeepers. Anderson has just received Apples, Oranges, Lem ons, Figs, Dates, Pruens, Citron, Rasins,-Cur rants, &c., &c., Fresh and finecheap, and cheaper than the cheapest at Anderson's. UPERIOR. COAL OIL. Just received ar L Dr. Hinkle's Drug Store, a very superio article of ICerosene, or Coal Oil, which is wars ranted pure, and is as clear and transparent at burhing fluid, and free from smoke or smell, EIRESII HOME GROUND SPICES AT r ANDERSON'S! Attentiiin Butchers and HOuSicapers: Having a great demand'for our famed SPICES, I have concluded' to con tinue to keep a constant supply of Groundl 7 9- per, Ground Vorriander, and Sweet Maljorant. • DELLINGER'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Near Spangler $• Patterson's Store, Market-st., where PhMogiraphs, Ambrotypes and Melain cotypes are taleen at very reasonable prices. 313—Call and see specimens. MBA and Dinner Setts.—Several crates o 1 new style Queensware, beauriiui in rite design,in ful! Dinner or Tea Setts, and at re duced prices at. Spangler k Patterson's, FOR SALE CHEAP : One Night Hawk and three setts of Boat llarness. Inquire at the store of .1. R. Difenback. GOOD COUNTRY - BROOMS WANTED for which the highest market price will be paid at the store of J. R. DIFFENBACEI. CON STANTLY bandi *anongahela rec tified Whiskey. Benjamin . Fr Co. WOOD'S Hair Restorative at - OR Ovi, Sr. ROTH'S EW FIGS, Raisins and Currants, at Jas IN M. Anderson's, Market-st. VILTITATE and Yellow Hominy just received Vl' at Anderson's, Marketnst. D YOTMS.Han g in g and Side Lamps, For Eale dt GROVE Sr ROTH'S. Ci UPERIOR COAL (iTL-25 cents a quart 0 . 5 GROVE & ROTH'S- S UELLBARKS at J. M. Anderson's TATIONA WY—the largest assortment in town at Grove Roth's., 'IM?MBKIMZEI D R. HINKLE'S DRUG, PERFUMERY, Book, Periodical and Fanny Store, MARKET-ST., MARIETTA THE subscriber having, just returned from the city with the most complete and beauti ful assortment of everything in his line ever offered in this Borough. He has purchased another supply of PTJR.E. AND FRESH DRUGS, which can be depended on for what they are represented, having received his personal attention in the selection. In addition to his Drugs will be found a nicely selected lot of all kinds of TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, of every kind and every price, consisting in part of German, French and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Binishes, - Buffalo and other Hair COMBS, Hair Oils, Pomades, etc., etc. Part Monnaies, and Pocket Books, Pen Knives, Puff Boxes and Powder, Miller's Water-proof pas to Blacking, for preserving the cattier, etc., etc. FLUID AND PINE OIL, always fresh and for sale very cheap. LAMPS. LA DIPS.—A large assortment of all kinds of LA MPS. Dyott's Patent Safety- Fluid Lamps and Cans, for which Dr. IL is sole agent. These Lamps and Cans should be In every family that use burning fluid. Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. The justly celebrated Batchelor's HAIR Dye. DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes, India Cola gogue, llartv's Tricoperous, for, the hair, nay Rum ' Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour of Rice, Corn Starch Hecker's Farina all kinds of pure Groun& Spices, 'Compound Sy'rup of Phosphate, or Chemical toed, an excellent ar tical for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con sumptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk, an excellent preperation for the table; Table Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of Hoes perfumery, pomades, soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative s now everywhere :acknowledged the beg'. Particular attention will be paid and great caution observed in. compounding Physicans prescriptions with accuracy, Dr. H. will al ways be found in the Store unless professionally wngaged elsewhere. " Our Musical Frie A rare companion for the Winter months. Every Pianist, ) Should procure this Every Singer, weekly publication of Every Teacher, Vocal anti Piano Forte Every Pupil, music, costing but Ten Every Amateur, Cents a number, and Pronounced by the entire press of the countn, to be "the best and cheapest work of the kind in the world." Twetre fad-sized pages of Vocal and Piano Forte Music • FOR TEN CEATS. Yearly, $5 ; Half-yearly, 2.50.; Quarterly,l.2s. Subscribe to "Our Musical Friend," or or der it from the nearest news-dealer, and you will have music enough,for your entire family at an insignificant cost ; and if you want mu sic for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet,-Ac cordeon, etc , subscribe to the SOLO MELO DIST," containing 12 pages, costing only Ten cents a no. Yearly, $250; half-yearly, $1.25. All the back numbers at ten cents, and bound volumes of "Our Musical Friend," containing 17 numbers, at $2.50 each, constantly on hand. C. B. SEYMOUR, CO. ' No. 107 Nassau-st., N. Y. 11 Agents wanted for these publications. ME TO ANDERSON'S where will be found the latent and best assortment of Confectionaries, Prints, Toys & Fancy Articles ever offered in this place, consisting an part of New Raisins,Cranberries,Currants, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Iceland Moss Paste,,Gum Drops,llour hound & Flaxseed r Ceugh Candy, Cough Drops, Pepper Catury, Preserved Fruit,Gurn Fruit, Fig Paste, Oriental Pressed Figs, Cream Bonbons, Jolly Lumps, Fine Vanilla Almonds, Cream Strawberries, Jujube Paste, Rock Candy, Wis tar's Cough Candy, Walnut Candy, Maple, Strawberry and Gum Taffy, Fruit Candy and candies el every quality and price. Dates, Ahnonds, Apples, Citron, Cranberries, Lemons, Mince Meat, Sugar Toys, Cocoa Nuta, French Walnuts,llazel and Peanuts ' Water, Sugar,Fa rina, Soda, Fennel and Butter Crackers, Tea Biscuit and Jumbles. ;13-Wooden, Tin, Lead, China and Paper Toys, Dolls of every size and material Black -and White. Animals of every description, Tea setts, Furniture setts, Villages, Trumpets, Violins, Guitars, Drums, &c., &c., &c , &c. Velocipedes, Bobby Horses,Wheel Burrows, Sleighs, Children's Gigs, &c. Also, a gond assortment of Writing Paper, Cards, Foolscap, Letter, Note and Gilt edged paper, Tissue paper of assorted colors, Envelopes, &c., &c.,- , for sale cheap at J. M. ANDERSON'S, No.lsB3larket-st., OPPOSITE G. L. M. , ,car.El,7's HAT STORE DR. G; W. WORRALL, SURGEON DENTIST, MARKET STREET, AD.7O/NING CASSEL'S STORE MARIETTA, PA. PFERS his professional services to the Urpublic and will be happy to wait on all who • may patronize him. Dentistry in all trffr, ts branches carried on. ".P.E;rrt inserted on the most ap proved principles of Dental science. All oper ations on the mouth performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and reasonable terms. Having determined upon a permanent location in this borough, at the old stand, would ask a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him ; having studied under a celebrated graduate of the Philadelphia College of Dental Surgeons. feels confident tb be able to sender satisfaction in all branches of the profession. Refers to Dr. R. L. McClellan, D. D. S. Dr. H. B. Dunlap, D. D. 8. F... Hinkle. M. D. J. H. Grove, M. D. Smith Armor,M. D. 11:51 Ether administered , proper . persons. New family Coal Yard CHEARER than ever offered in this Corn =nay., The subscriber having having determined to give his attention exclusively to the OAL trade is prepared to offer great inducements to persons wishing to secure their winter fuel. His stock is made up of the followingmaricties of _FAMILY' COAL: Shamokin, red ash, Shamokin, 'white ash, Treverton, gray ash, Baltimore company, Locust Mountain, all of which he will sell at the rcry lowest figures for casli. He is also prepared to sell by the boat load, at first cost, and win, in all ca ses, guarrantee gross weight.. Limeburners and others buying coal by the cargp will find it to their advantage to give him a call before purchasing-elsewhere. THOilfAsS'2lairLe,-- Marietta, Sep. 10, 1.859-18tf ' HWARD; litanufastnrer and ;Dealer iri . -STRAWGoops, Nos. 103, 105 - arid' 107 North Second Street, ' PHILADELPHIA, We are 114EW receiving our Spring stock, which will comprise a large and desirable assortment of all kinds of &MAW AND LACE GOODS. Our stock of Flowers and Ruches will be un usually large this season, and we would invite especial attention to that department. Please call and examine theLn before making your parchases. I WARD, _ Nos. 103, 105 and /07 N. 2d-st.„ Philadelphia. JOHN BELL, Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-sr., and Elbow Lane, Marietta. QItA.TEFUL for past favors I would return my thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that I still'continue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES § VESTIVGS, which will be made up to order at the shortest notice by the best of workmen, and on reasona ble terms, I wouldlie pleased, therefore, to wait upon my old, customers and all Who see proper to patroniZe Atte hereafter. • rOct.29-756. l 1. 0.) Ii S S A t ref vOeIIV theGROUND ALU Vt SA i old prices, by T. R. DJ FFENRACEI. T: C. A NEI NEW PArGLAND RUM , culinary purpusce, wai - cautvd at I D. Benjamin: 4- Co's. IR .2.7w-i/AJ/77-myu z„. " 1 ' f inerl /7 1 /7 / . ( T 0C A.TED AT PHILADELPHIA, NEW (YORK. BUFFALO, ALBANY, CLEVE LAND, DETiailT AND CHICAGO. Philadelphia College. S. E. CORNER SEVENTH A:4'D CUESTNUT.STS. I= MARLS L. HALLOWELL, H. CONVFERWAiT,, JOHN' H. MYERS, PROF. J. S. HART, 3. B. LIPPINCOTT. COUNTING HOUSE COURSE, Comprises Book-Keeping for Mercantile, Briar ing Railroad s and Manufacturing flusiggess with Penmanship, Calculations, Correspon dence, &c. &c., fully qualifying, the student for actual business. Students receive indi vidnal instruction. Diplomas are awarded le graduates. THIRT Ir-FIVE DOLLAR: Pays for Life Scholarshtp.good in seven Colle ges LTwenty-frve dollars for partial coarse: ocr For catalogue add specimens of writings a ddress, including nye stamps. BAYA iCT STft A TTON, * Ph iladelphia. , July 30, 1859,y NEW * CHEAP SADDLE* HARNESS AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY. Opposite Spangler .• is f Patterson's Store Market'Street s Marietta, Pa. SL. DELLlNGV.R.''respectfully . informs the public that he has )-; constantly on hand,(aa&will-make to , order) at the above stand-a large.and handsome assortment of Saddlery of every'deicrfidion, such as Saddles, - Bridles,. Harness, ITrctOn • Whips,' Collars,'Fly-nets; Coffers, TrimlS; Trafieses, Carpet Bags, ' and in fact everything in his line of business all of which are of the best material and Wbrk manship. Also, a good assortment of Buggy Whips,'Sleigh Robes, tit. always on hand. R6pairing done fo order. Being determined to mitt a share of public patronage, all be asks is an examination of his stock and he feels confident none will leave his establishment withoutAleing - satisfied with' the workmanship and prices. June 11,,'3G: HEAP READY-MADE s^l,o - ruhvon.! C Havirig just ietuiried fmm the city with a nicely selected lot .of Beady-matte Clolltipc, which the undereigned is prepared to furnish at reduced prices having-Malin a g'eneral meat of men and boys' clothing, whjeh'heis determined to sell LOW, FOR CASH. His stock consists of OVER-COATS,. DRESS, Pkock SACK COATS, PAOTS, VESTS, Pc.A.J.kricETS, ROUNDBOUTS, (knit) OVERHAULS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HoisERY, UMW:MUIR-TS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &C. Eye/I - thing in the Furnishing Goods line. Call and eiarnitit - h.— fore purchasing eiseW Were. Everything sold'at prices to snit the times. - JOHAriaeLL, Corner of Elbow Lane and, .314.-ket next door to Cassel's Store Marietta, October 29. 185(i. T)RINCE'S PROTEAN FOUNTALN PEN has only to be tried to be 'approved.- t. Unparalleled success is attributable only to its great merit=. ThousandS nave. testified to its utilify and ciniitenienee. Ettailffillett ; incor rodible ; self-supplying:,..can_ be, regulated at pleasure; is airtight; does nut soil the fingers and can be carried in the pocket without-leak= age ; saves time and will write .more easily than any pen in existence. WARRANVED PERFNCT Single Pens sent.-by mail, free of,postage, with full directions, on receipt of Five Dollars for the beSt No. I Pen. For the No. 2 Pen s4 t which will write from six to ten hours coqin nously, according to size. This pen used as the ordinary pen (dipping) is worth live of the ordinary styles, as with ore dip a letter of 30 Or more lines can be written. Address, T. G. STEA RNS, AGENT, No. 5267 Broadway, New-York J. J. LIBILA.RT, DRUGGIST & •P II A,RIVIA CEUTIST; ~, No. 60 Marisa; sfreel,„Alariffta,.pg, _ f~ r EEPSconstautlyonhand Fresh Medi. ones, Drug's, Perfumery, Plants, Dye-t Stu t , Glass, &e., &c. K Especial attention paid to Physicians' Prescriptions, and none but pure medicines Used in e'ompounding - theni. All the preperations of the U. 4.Pharmaeo tem kept on hand. Wig: B. ItiDGRAVF.., CommiSsion Lumber'llfercA ant, TVesc Falls AreV3 altimore, ItisPV.CTFULTAV , his services for the le of L n every description Fro his knowledge of the business be feel confident' of being able to Obtain the highest market "rates fox all eonsigninents entrusted to his care. Vi EDE:IVE[II3y Dr. Hinkle -I- Comstock's Fre.sh . Garden Seeds Parker's 4 ‘ rt Landreth's 4C , Large assortment of Fresh Plower Seeds. " German Flower Seeds. Genuine Keystone Saponafier. New Books, Music 'gm. ' Blairs & Coxes Gelatin s ' Blair's Pure Chow,late, URNETT'S Cocoaine. A compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, &c., for dressing' the Hair. 'or efficacy and agreeableness it IS without an.equal. It prdients tlio ba4 tirafe tailing off. It - promotes its hcaltity 40 NO-411 8 1 , - ; 1 1' it is not greasy or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It satens•the 4 air when , lard awl dry.lt soothes the irritated scalp skin. It affords the iichest lustre. It remains longestin effect,. ...For sale at .. . GROVE & ROTH'S. Drue 4 , Perfurner`y Sectre, Market street. T4AngS ANAER§ON ipspeetfully an t/ wont ces to tilecitiiens of Marietta itnd vi ej.tlity ? that he has - just reckivedliltect • •;. eastern itiarlieti one of the largest and-beet sorted stocks of Confectionary ever Offerecti n this borough, consisting. of Candies, Foreign Fruits, and , Nuts, Toys, and Holiday .1),- in endless variety. Come' and see and been; vinced of the fine assortment and the tear p ces at which everything:ja hie line is selling, EMBROJDERIES—Just received the „larg and most desirable-lot of F.mbroiderie • oitered-for sale here, consisting in part. tiful French Worked Concrs, Enders S'pencers, Swies arid Jackonett Edging - sorting, flouncing, &c., which will be prices that can not fail to give satisf.leti. • R. Diffenbii D OOTS AND STIOES.—A great varie D ty of fashionable Boots and Ski. c 3 o kinds and styles, which will he soli prices by - • JR. DV RINN E LS Glycerine Soap, - Frangipani Extract, add an assortment of Soaps, new perf ust received at DR. 111.Nli. LE'S. LAMES AND CENTS Anderso, received an et ,, gant a.,-ort/n-zll ~r mery, consistin g of Toiliet Nosp..;. Extracts and ColtY!fle.l at the 11SURI rutPs, al , for gentle-, "2'4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers