ROWNING'S Excelsior Coffee. Whilst trying Coffee of all the varionsbrands. Remember "BROWNING'S EXCELSIOR" —at the head it stands. Trne, it's not like others that are "SOLD EVERYWHERE." A little stretch, we all do Lnow, good goods will easily bear, ( But a stretch like this—"sold everywhere"— is very apt to tear. ) Now, I can salely say, without any hesitation. There's none like "BROWNING'S EXCEL SIOR." in this enlightened nation. Skilled, chemists have not found a Coffee from any store Possessing the same, ingredients as "grown- ing's Excelsior." Nor is there any one, in or out of the Coffee trade, ' Who knows the articles from which "Brown- ing's Excelsior's" made. I'm told it's made from . bailey, rye, wheat, beans and imas ; Name a ttiousand ' other things—but the RIGHT ONE if YOil 'please. But with the Coffee-Men not hold con- tention - - For theniany, many things they saY—too merous to mention. Whilst they're engaged in running round from store to-store ' - To learn the current- wholesale price of " Browning's ,Excelsior," Some who know my Coffee gives perfect sat isfaction, . Have formed a plan by which they hope_ to cruise a quick reaction., The cats--'tis with a few ; - no doubt 'twill be ' ' ' To naive their toffee after mine, (BROWN ING'S).EXCELSIOR." Some' say their's the only bran I - that will stand a ready test. Now, try a little'of them all—see which you like the best. Three years have passed away since / first sold - a litore ; ' Never have I in yourpaper advertised before ; Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish more, like some used by "everybody," "sold everywhere," in "everylitore." A trade like this I do not wish ;' the orders I could not ; The factory all Jersey's land would take— leave not a - foot to till. ' My tnide is not so very large , ; still I think I 'beim my share ; - But, redder, yob May rest assured, 'ha NOT "SOLD ET ERYWHERE." ManufaCtured and for Sale by the writer, GEORGE. L. BROWNING, No. 20 Market street Camdeq, New Jersey. This coffee is not composed.of poisonous drugs, it' contains nothing deleterious ; inaitY persons use this Coffee that cannot use the pure coffee ; it takes biut'one and a half ounce's to make a quart of good strong coffee,' that being just one-half the' quantity it takes of Java Coffee; add always less than half the price. • • , RETAIL DEALERS may purchase' . it in less quantities than ten .gross at my prices from the Wholesale Grocers. E MPLOYMENT FOR EVERYBODY.' Great Sale of Jewelry, Watches, Chains,, Diamond Rings, Silver-Ware German and French Fancy Goods, Br.C.,'worth over 3800,000a1l to be sold with out reserve. EVeryone to r haVe ' something valuable... , LIST OF THE ARTICLES.. Gents Gold Hunting Case Watches $35 to 'l5O Ladies Gold EnamPd Case Watches $5O to 85 Gentii Hunting Case Silver Watches ,35 to 70 Gents Gold Watches, double time 75 to 150 Gold-plated Watches in magic cases ,35 to 50 Gold Plated Witches Enameled, for. Ladies, 35 to 50, DiaMond Rings Gold Vest and Neck Chains Gold Oval Band Bracelets Chased GAM Braceleta. , 5, - to 10, Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains sto Solitaire and Gold Broeches • 4to 10, Lava 4,nd Flerenline Breeches , t o 6, Corad y „ Opal,,and . Emerald Bro.ochets• to „8, Mosaic, Jet;•La s ia and Flan; E ar D rops 4to 8, Coral, Opal, and Emerald Ear Drops 4to 6, Cal ifognia DiSfelind , Breastpina , , i 2,50 to 10, Gold Fob and Vest Watch Keys 2,50 to 7, Fob and Vest Ribbon Slides ,3, to 8, SolitareSleeve Butfons, Studs; ete.; "3 to 10, Gold. Thimbles, pencils, etc:, 4 to 7, Miniature Lockets '4 tciß, Miniature Lockets—Magic spring - 5' to'lo, Gold Tooth Picks, Crosses, etc., 3 to 10, Plain Gold Rings, .ChesediGold-RingS 4 toll, Stone Set and Signet Rings . -3 to 10, Califoiniti Diamond Rings 3 to 10 Ladies' Jewelry,in Sets—Jet and Gold 8 to 15, Ladies' Jewelry in sets, Cameo & Pearl,4,to 12, Gold Pens, Silver Extension Holder &. Pencil 4 to 10, Gold Pens and Gold Mounted Holders. 5 to. 10, Gold Pens and Gold Extension Holders 6 to 15, Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups 20 to 50, Silver Castors, Fruit and Cake Baskets 25 to 50, Silver Tea and Table Spoons and Forks, per dozen 20 to 40, Silver Plated Tea Pots and Coffee:Urns 35 to 50' Silver Plated Lie Pitchers & Molasses .Cups 25 to 60. Sce,Vihat the most popular and widely cir culated periodiCals say of our Establishment: From the' "Dispatch". ofFebruery 44, We take pleasure in. calling the attention of our readers to the :anneunceinent of. Messrs. Devaligh & Co.''s . Great Sale of Jewelry, Silver Ware, and FatlCt Goods, in kuir 'advertising colunins.Warn . personallly acquainted with M the eniberiortina firm and kno* tliemto he gentlemen' of atetliog worth and integrity. Thrir stock otgo6dS, for variety and. extent we haVe scarcely seen paralleled. From the "Mirror of Fashion," March 1,1865 Messrs.; Devaugh`& Co.'s G rest ,Sale ofJew elry, etc., opened on. thellyth. and ",ice venture to sey thitim finer .displar of goods was ever exhibited by any • establishment in this City. The ladies thronged their bazaar` almost to suffocation, although the streets were rendered nearly impassable by the melted eno v and slush. We predict for them a won dgiful success. • . , . Erupt-the "Ledger,'" February 2S, W.,' Our lady friends should visit the extensive establishment of Messrs. Dev.augh- '& No. M, Maiden Lane,.if they .wish to indulga themselves with a sight which they Will' long remenitier,. Such a- , profusion. of elegant Watches, _chains, Rings, Earrings. and,.in short, of Jewelry of every name, kind and de scription, we never. before /witnessed. Their silver and plotedware,- is. superb .and almost lasts into the shade,the other splendid estab lishments which have long/been the boast of our city. It is estimated, that their stock is worth not less than one million of dollare. GIRARD .W. DEVAUCEI &.CO., Maiden Lane, ,New York. 3m] JACOB A WISNER'S TOBACCO,' CIGAR & MIFF STORE, Opposite the Oross ICeys Hotel,- '''MA:RIETTA, PA. THE undersigned would respectfully inform the public- that he still continues, at the old stand, coiner of SecOnd and Walnu;streets, directly opposite the. Cross Keys Hotel, to keep on hand and for sale, all kinds ofoigars from Half Spanishmp,. in prices from $6, $7 $2O to $BO per thousitrid.,„„TonAcco.--Natural Excelsior Cavendish, ..Orarioko Virginik; Con gress Fine Spun , Ladies . Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of:01311h tobacco, An derson,s best Fine-cut: All kirids of fine Ci gars manufactiired of imPoit6d Stock. SIXES 11 pax SPANISH:, KappeO.Snuff .and_all kinds Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs, I'We-cut; Pipes; &c. c.),T I-R WW Ye map it w#Ve o'er the hind, of the, free gßi t ,tpe ) home of the brave. 4es ND' be remembered that the place to purchase your choice Toilet st ile ,*is at Dt. - firNLE'S Drug Store, where he has just 'opened a' - large assortment of the, choicest Extrietif kir the tfandkerehlef, finch as Night Blooining Ceiteus, iiirneirith, and 'the White Pond Lily; three of the most fashiona ble perfumes now in use .' Call' , and - examine for yourselves., ' 31-tf INEENIE OT. CROIX: AND - htTV; i IT CIAAND for culinary.purposek;r N. D. Bettiamin. HOOFLANDI GERIEADI BITTERS WHICH WILL CURE Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and Jaundice. WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS resulting from disorders of the digestive organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fumess or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn `Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, sour eructations, sink qng or fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach, iwimming of the Head, hurried and difficult Breathing, fluttering at the. heart, choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of vission, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the head, defici ency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyes,. pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &c., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, constant imm . aginings of evil, and great de pressicin of spirits. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL GIVE YOU A Good Appetite, Strong A erves, Healthy Nerves, • - Steady Nerves, ' Brisk Feelings, • Energetic Feelings, • Healthy Feelings, A Good Coustitution, • . • A •Strong Constitution, A Healthy Constitution, • A &mind Constitution. WILL MAKE THE WEAN STRONG, Will make the Will make the Will make the Will make the Sallow Complexion Clear, Will make the Dull eye - • Clear and Bright. • prove a blessing in every family. /Can be used with perfect safety by male or Female, Old or Young. PARTICULAR NOTICE , There are many preparations soid under the name of Bitters, put up in quart bottles, com pounded of the cheapest Whiskey or common Rum, costing from 20 to 40 cents per, gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander seed. This classof ,Bitters has caused and will con .inue to mush, as long_as they can be sold, .iundreds to die tte deatli of a drunkard. By their use the , system is kept continually under the inlluence of alcoholic stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for liquor is created and kept up, and the .result is all the horrors at-. tendant upon a drunkard's life and death. Be ware of them. . Fdr those Who desire and will have a liquor bitters, we pubiish the following receipt : Get one bottle Hoofland's German Bitters and mix with liaise quails of good Whiskey or Brandy, and-the-result will be a preparation that will far excel in medicinal virtues and 'true .excellence any of the . numerous liquor bitters in the Market, and will cost much less. You will have all the virtues of Hoojlanci'S Bit ters in - connection with a good article of liquor and at a much less price then these inferior preparations will'cost you. Those 'suffering from marasmus, wasting away, with scarcely any flesh on their bones, are cured in a 'very short time; one bottle in such cases will have Irma' surprising effeet. . - DEIII . LITY, - Resulting from Fevers of any kind—these bit tens will renew your strength in.a short time. FEVER'AND Acur..---The chills will not re turn if these Bitters are used. No person in a fever and ague district should be without.them. From Rev: J. Newton Brown, D. I).; Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge: Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, - through distrust 'of their, ingredients and effects ;. I yet know of no:autai tut reason why .a man ma) mot tes tify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the bene fit-of others. 50 to 100, 10 to 30, 4 to 8 I do this more readily in regard to Hoofland's German Bitters, prepareff by Dr. C. Id. Jackson because I rwas prejudiced against them. for a number of years, under the impression that thty were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend Rob't Shoemaker, mi., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and foz encouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long debility.. The use of three bottles of these bitters, at the ' be ginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not:felt for six months before, and,had almost ,dispair ed of regaining. I therefore thank. God and my friend for directing me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 23, 1862: Beware of counterfeits! • See that, the sig nature of "C. M. Jackson,". is on the wrapper of each Vottle. ' ' " Large Size, $1:00 per.bottle, or I.- dozen for $5, Medium size, 75c per bottle, or dozen for $4. • The larger.size, on <account of the quantity the bojtles hold, are much-the cheaper.. , - Shld your nearest druggist not have the artitqe; do not be put off by any of the intoxi cating preparatioos that- may be offered in •its place, but ,send to us, and we will forward. securely packed, by express. ' Principal Office and Manufactory, • • .No: X 631 ARCH STREET. JONES & EVANS; Successors to C. M. Jackson & Co. R. BRUNON'SREMEpIES. - -. NO. 1. ,Tur.. GREAT.. REVIVER.--Speedily eradicates all the . evil effects of self at use, as loss of memory, shortness of breath, giddi ness, palpitationsof =the heart, dimness of vis ion, or any constitutional derangement of the system brought= by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Actsalike on eithe.rsex knee one dollar. . .No. 2.. THE BALM.—WiII cure in from two to eight days, any case of.Gonorrhoea,(clap)is without tests or smell and requires no restric tion 01 action or diet; for either sex; price $.l. „ NO. 3. THE-Taxes will cure Glcet in the shortest possible time, and I can show certifi cates of cures effected by this remedy, wher all others have, failed. No taste or smell.— Price one dollar. NO. 4. Tire 'PIT:NITER is the only known' remedy that will positivelyeure strictures of the urethra, - no matter of how longstanding or neglected the case may be. Price one dollar. NO. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure any Case of Gravel permanently and. speedily remov all diseases from the bladder and kidneys.— Price cine. dollar. No. 6. Tick PREVENTOR is a sure preven Lion against the coutraction of any disease; is less expensive end far preferable to anything in use. Adapted to either sex. Price $l. NO 7. THE AStARIn will Mire the whites radically and in less time than they can be ef fectually removed by an: other treatment; in fact this is the only remedy that will really cure this disease; pleasant to take. Pribe sli NO. 8. THE ORIENTAL P &VEILS are cer aM, safe and speedy in' producing menstrua tion or correcting any irregularities of the mtonthly periods. Price 'two dollars. 'No. 9. THE FEMALE SAFEGUARD, Oi Off spring Regulator will last a lifetime... Pride $5. Either' of the Remedies will be sent free by mail on receipt of, the -price annexed. circa lard- containing valuable information with full description of each Remedy, may be .obtained by enclosing one post stamp. Address FELIX BRUNON, Box 99, - Philadelphia, Pa. These Reinedies are Sold in Marietta only by JOHN JAY LIIHIART, where circulars con taming a full description of each case can ,be obtained' gratis, on applicadon. General - Depot„ North East Corner of YOrk Avenue and Callowhill street,Philadelphie,Pa. In cOMplicated cases I can be consulted by letter, •or,.,poitinnallyht my'otOce ; entrance, • • • - 401:YOlik Avenucc. - gh 01 , P:s.. tQW 7r - r - t t .-st . Honey.,pL 3 7,cer kE i ...,Pattn, w kiEnpnO, Ilathand Shaving SOZPS! *jai in -- pted. Jukt,rateiv,ed and fox ,iittle-Arery cheap' at TILE OZDEAY MORTAR. Delicate 'Ratty, Thin Stout, Depressed Lively, PRICES LA-W2(IIE MARIETTIANA-it--) P UTNAM'S CLOTHES WRINGER No WOOD WORK. TO SWELL ea SPLIT No numb-serews to get out of order. Warranted with or witb-out Cog-Wheels. It took the. First -Premium at Fifty-seven State and County Fairs in 1864, and is, with out an exception' ' the best Wringer ever made. Patented in the United States, England, Canada, and Auitralia. agents wanted in every town. Energetic agents can make from 3 -to 10 Dollars per day. WHAT ETEKYBODY KNOWS, viz That Iron well galvanized wit/ not rust; That &simple machine is better than a com plicated one; • - That a Wringer should be self-adjusting, durable, and efficient; That Thumb-Screws, and Fastenings cause delay and ft oubte to regulate and keep in order ; That wood soaked in hot water will swell, shrink and split; That wood bearings for the shaft to _run in will wear out ; That the Putnam Wringer, with or without cog-wheels, will not tear the clothes; That cog-wheel regulators are not essential ; That the Putnam. Wringer has all the ad vantages, and not one of the disadvantages above named ; That all . who have tested it, proxinunce it the best Wtinger ever made; That it Will wring.anything from, a thread to a bed qiii/twithout -alteration - We might fill the •paper with testimenials y but insert only a few to convince the Shepti cal, if Such there'be ; 'and we say M all, test Putnam's - Wringer. Test it thoroughly With any and ALL others„ and ifaiot,entireiy satisfa,ctery, return it., GENTLEMEN : • ikEOW.fiom practical experi ence that iron welt galvanized with zinc will not oxidize or rust one particle. The Pianant Wringer is as near perfect as possible; and I can cheerfully recommendit to be the best in use. Respectfully yours. - JNO. W. WHEELER. Cleveland, Ohio. Many years' experience in the galvanizing business enable me to indorse the above state ments in all particida7i. Sep. C. LErrnars,.loo Beekman St. New York, January, 1864. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by practical, working, and know that it will do. It is cheap ; it is simple ; it requires no room, whether. at work or at rest; a child can operate it ; it does its duty thoroughly ; it saves time and it saves wear and tear. We earnestly advise all who have much washing to do, with all intelligent persons who have any, to buy this Wringer. It will, pay for it self in a Kar at most. dzitELy. PRICES—SS, $9, and $lO. Sample Wringer sent and express paid on receipt of price.. Manufactured Manufactured and sold, wholesale and re fail by the _ . PUTNAM MANUFACTURING' CO., No. 13, Platt Street, New York, THE PH(ENIX. PECTORAL • Compound Syrup .of Wiid Cherry and Seneka Snake Root, WILL CURE THE. DISEASES OP THE T.ltirOat cre Such as Colds,' Coughs, aoup, Asthma, • Bronchitis, catarrh, Sore Throat; Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, .5-c. ITS TIMELY USE WILL PREVENT Falmonary Coniumption, And even where this fearful disease haataken hold it afford greater relief than any other medicine. Miss Kate Vanderslice ofPottsville, says: "/ was benefited more by. of. the Phoenix Pectoral than any other medicine .I ever used.) , Elias 'Oberholtzer, sof Lionville, Chester cofinty, was cured of a cough of many years' standing by using the Pluenix , Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of. Hall street, Phmnixville, certifies that he was cured of a cough of two years' standing, when all other medicines had failed, ltj the Use of the Plcenix Pectoial. Jacob'Powers certifies that he has soldliun dreds.of bottles of the Phoenix Pectoral, and that all who used it bear testimony of its wonderful' effects in curing cough's. - - John Boyer, editor of the Independent Phrenix, having used it, has no hesitation in pronouncing it a'complete remedy for cough, hoarsenesS and irritation in the throat. The West Chester Teffersoniaa says : "We have known Dr. Oberholtzer person ally fo number of years, and it gives us the greatter pleasure to recommend his medicines, inns much arthe rarely haire thetenefui family medicines prepared by a physician of hisoficquirements and experience. ' Dr. Oberholtzer is a member of the Alumni of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, at which institution he grad`- , uated in 1854." The Reading Gazette , says: “This cough remedy is, made by. Dr. L. .oberholtzer, of Phoenixville, Pa., and it has acquired an un surpassed reputation, in, curing. coughs. It s carefully and Skillfully prepared from Wild Cherry. Barkend SenekaSnalte Root,:" Dr. Ge0...8.-Wood, Professor of the,Prf;ctice of Medicine in the University of Penney vania, Physician to the PennsylVania Dospit al,"and one Of the authors of the United-States Dispensatory, says of Seneka Snake- Root: "'lt's action is especially directed to the lungs:" - The proprietor of this medicine has so much confidence in its curative .powers, nom the testimony of hundreds who have used It, that the money will be paid back to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its effects. ..It is so pleasant-to take that children cry It costs only TiIiTENTY-FTVE CENTS It is intended foi Only one class of diseases, namely, those of the Throat snd Longs. Prepared:only - • LEVI OBERHOLTZER, M. D., pitcenlityille- Pa. . . TT LYONS' PURE OHIO CATAWBA.BRANDY, • AND SPARLING CATAWBA WINES. EQUAL in QUALITY and Cheaper in price than ihe Brandies and WineS of the . Old World. , For Summer Complaint, Cholera Infatitum, Bowel Co'mpl'aint,' Cramp,, Colic and Diarrhoea. A sure cure guarraraied, or Me money' refunded. . . In support of the above . statements, are pre sented the Certificate - a of Dr: James R. Chilt on, New-York; Dr. Hiram Cor, Chemical In spector, Ohio ; `Dr. James R.' Nichols, Chem ist, Boston; Dr. E.. N. 'Jones, Chemical In spector, Circle Ville, Ohio ; Prof. C. T. Jackson, Chemist, Boston ; "Dr. Charles Upman Shep ard, 'Charleston; S. C.; 'and J. V.Z. Blaney, and G. A. Mariner, Consulting Chemist, Chi cago, ill of whom have anylyzed the Catawba Brandy, and commend it in the highest terma, for medicinal use. When evaporated through clean linen it let no oil or offensive'matter. :In every reepec it is a PURE spirituous liquor. The oil which gives to' this Broady its flavor and aroma, is wholly unlike fuSil or grain oil. Its odor par takes of both the fruit and oil of grapes. With acids it produces ethers of 'a high • fragrance. The substitution of this Brandy for Cognac Brandy will do away with the manufacture of picrurrous spirits; sold under this name both at home and abroad. Respectfully. • • A. A. DAyEs 3 M. D., state Assayer, - 16 Boyleston-st. By 'rzr. SANE, IN, 1864, haYe analysed " L. 'anus' Pure Catawba Brandy," with reference IV its composition and character, being the same as that produced in past years. sample taken from .ten casks afforded the same results with regard te puri ty ; a slightly increased amount of the princi-. ple on which its flavor ; depends was determin ed by comparison 'with . former sairiPles„ The indications of analysis shiny thai this Brandy is produeed - hy the same process as mos: of the imported. Brandy,: Respectfully, .A. A.. Els.yr.s, M. D 4 - . State A.sseyer,,,l6,Boylegtee 7 4 Ppstee i Ju1Y•130i; , 18,44 [M ON; MANT.IFTACTIiIiED • ONLY. BY , A t , .TIACI9BBr. [To whom all orders' abOuld*liMaddreaseills 3MI Dzror, 91 Liberty-st., New-York. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. _ for pop hefe,Rtiop of Nkipe, or INCONTINENCE of URINE_ Inflamation or 'Ulceration of the Bladder or Kidneys, - Diseases of . the Prostrate Gland Gravel, Brickdust deposits, Dropsical Swell ings, Organic -Weakness, Debility, .Female Complaints, &c.. • RPSYNEYS. Fluid F.xfilet &dm. 471.,(? Improved Rose`= Wash Will radically exterminate, from the system Diseases arising from habits of dissipation, at little expense, little or no change' of diet, no in convenience or exposure ; completely super seding those unpleasant arid dangerous remedies Cbpabia and Mercury, in coxing these diseases. USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU In all diseases of the.grinary Organs, whether existing in male or female, from whatever ause originating, and no matter of how long standing. It is pleasant in its taste and odor, immediate in action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of bark or iron. Whose suffering from broken down or deli cate constitutions, prociire the remedy at once. The Reader must be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above diseas .es, it is certain to affect his bodily health; mental powers and happiness. If no treat ment is submitted to, Consumption or Insani ty may ensue. All the above diseases require the aid of a diuretic. HELIVIBOLD'g EX TR A C7-'•B' Uc ThU =I 1 - 4EL_MbOLD'S nfratizt C iNCENTRATEX) Compound Fluid Extract SARSAPARILLA, For purifying the blood, removing all. diseas es arising from excess and iMprudence-in life, chronic constitutional diseases arising from an impure state of the blood,,and the only reli. able and - effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Ilead, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches; Pimples on .the Face, getter, Erysipelas, and all.scaly erup tions-of the skin, and beautifying the-complex ion. NOT 4 ,F Of the worst' disorders that afflict mankind arise from the corruption that .accumulates in the Biood. Of an the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none, can - equal in effect - • HELAIBOLD'S Compound :Extract cf Sarsaparrilla. It cleanses and renovates the Blood, instilsl the vigor of WE ALT H into the, system, and purges out the humors which make dit• ease.. It stimulates ,the healthy functions . Of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle .in the Blood. Such a remedy, that could tie relied on, has long been 'sought for, and new, for the 'first time,: the public haveone on which ,they, can depend. Our space here does not adinit of certificates to show its effects, but the trial of a single bot tle Will shOw to the Sick • that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken.... Two tablcspoonsful of_the Extract of Sarsa parilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet. Drink, and, one bottle is equal to a gallon, of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoction as usually made. The above it:attracts are prepared on purely scientific principles—in Vacuo—and embody the full strength of the ingredients entering in to.their composition., A ready and conclusive test will be a Comparison of their, plciperties with those Set forth in the U. S. Dispensato- HOW TO USE THE REMEDIES ' In diseases of the Blood, Humors on the Face, or any and every part of the body, use Extract Sarsaparilla, applying to . Pimples and all external• Humors or- Eruptions, the Im proved Rose, Wash. Use the Extract Buchu for all diseases re quiring the.aid of a Diuretic, except 'those of the Urinary Organs, such as Gonorrhcea and Gleet ; in these use the Extract Buchu and in ject with the Improved Rose Wash. I:l3=q These. eXtracts' have been admitted to use in the United States Army, arig .11,1 so. arc in very general use in all the state hospitals and'public-institution's throughout the 'land, as well as in private practice, and are consid ered as invaluabik remedies. ' MEDICINE ' . , DELIVERED ' 7 'o ANY ADDRESS.' DIRECT: LETTERS TO • HELMBOLD'S . DRUG & CHEMICAL " - WAREHOUSE 594 Broadwit:y, IC - V, next getropnlitan Hotel OR, TO HELMBOLD'S DEPOT, 104 smith ,S4.fe*, BUlldini , .PHILADELPHIA. , - Diseribe sympto - mi in iill.comniunicatioits SOLD B,Y .l LL DRUGGISTS, EVhRYWAERh. BEWARE OF COUNTERT'ELTS ; ASK gpit i. :- .ll4:7l,MBbib' / „ 'TAKE . 1% e '6 G REAT SALE OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY, 81.000,000 WORTH! TO be disposed of at One Dollar each, without regard to value, not to be paid for until you know what you are to re ceive. BY A. H. IidIVEN 6. CO., [AGENTS AND MANUFACTUREMSO NU. 36 BEEKMAN-ST., NEW YORK. Read the following list of articles . .to be sold for One Dollar. 100 Gold Hunting Case Watches , each $125,00 100 4 " Watches, various styles 75,00 200 " Ladies' Gold Watches ,1 60,00 500 Silver Watches each $2O to 35 - - 6,000 Latest style vest & neck chains 5 " 20 5,500 Gent's California Diamond pins 5 " 20 4,000 California Diamond ear drops 5" 10 3,000 Miniature Revolving Pins 6 " 10 2,000 'California Diamond and enamelled - Gent's scarf pins new styles 5 " 10 2,000 Masonic and Emblem 'ins 3 " 10 2,500 Gold Band Brifeelets, engraved 3" 20 3,000 Jet and Mosaic Brooches - 3 "'lO 2,000 Cameo Broodhes 5 20 . , 3,000 Coral Eaf-Drops 4 " 6 2,000 Laclies'"Wattli Chains 3 " 15 6,000 Gent's Pins, a splendid assort 2 "10 4000, Solitaire Sleeve Buttons ' 3 •' lO 3,b00 Studs and Sleeve Buttons, in sets 3 " 10 5,000 Sleeve Buttons, plain &engraved 2 " 8 10,000 Plain and eugraveclyings 2,50 "`lO 3,000 Loeket s engraved 2 to 10 15,000 seta Ladles' Jewelry; new and latest stylet 6 " 12 5,000 Handsome Seal Rings 3 S '2,000 Sets Bosom Studs ' 2,50 " 6 1,000 Gold Pena and Gold Holders 15 " 25 2,000 Sets Jet and Gold Pins and Ear drops, latest styles, very nett 6 " 10 2,000 Gold thimbles, Pencils, &c. 4" 6 10,000 Gold pens, and silver cases " 3 10,000 " hony holders 4 " 6 This entire list of beautiful and valuable goods will be sold for One Dollar each. Certi ficates of all the above articles will be plaeed in envelopes, and sealed. These envelopes are sent by mail, as ordered, without regard to choice: On the receipt of the certificate you will see what you are to have,.and then it is at your option to send the dollar and take the article, or not. ' Five certificates can be ordered for $1 ; elev en for $2; thirty for $5: sixty-five for $lO ; and one hundred for $l5. We will send a single Certificate on the receipt of 25 cents. Agents wanted to whom we offer- 'spzeial terms; send 25 cents for one certificate and our circular with terms. A. 11. ItO WEN & CO., (Post Offlae Bok 4270,) No. 36 lieekman-st , May 27-6m.] New York. FISH'S LAMP HEATING APPARATUS. Boi/ing—Frying—Stewing—Steeping— WITTI THE i'LAME THAT LIGHTSTHE 1100 H. * * "* By the' lame of a common lamp, at the cost of a cent's worth of oil, a very comfortable breakfast con be cooked. * —N. Y: Tribune. • * * * Simple in construction, easily kept in order, ready'for use in a moment .* * * convenient to have on hand. * * Drug gist's Circular. * * Fish's Lamp is one of the most popular novelties of the day, * * the utility of it is unquestionable, a great saving is made in heating and cooking small articles, and can be made to cook meals for a great many personp, which is actually done on th,t ambulance cars which carry the sick soldiers. * Scientific American. - * * * For family use, hospital tent, bar rack, picnics, fishing, nursery, or sick room, it is au article of comfort_ beyond all propor tion to its cost. * Tdurnal of ifealth. * * I have - tried the ,aliparatus, and my wife and I proclaim the same a niost valu able and,,indispenaatiiLlarticie, and ..we now wonder .we save so-long, done with out it. * d Oil Circular. • • * * An toroidal contrivance for getting up . heat at at Lice for nursery and general household pu es, * • • one important point is th .. ; Zill in cost over coal dies. * • * ' Prices firdin Wo to Six Dollar's: Capacity from One to Four Quarts: Three Articles Cooked at (pie time with one Burner. Arranged for Kerosene or Coal Oil, or Gas. A. Descriptive Pamphlet' *of thirty nges fur nished 'gratis. THE UNION ATTACHMENT, Price SO Cents, To be attached to a Common Kerosene Lamp or Gas Burner, by which water may be boiled, and food cooked ;. also arranged. to support a shade. Every Family needs one. WM. D. RUSSELL Agent: Nd. 206, Pearl - St., New York. D:Z• Agents Wanted. ~ .11:r• Two of these Heating Lamps can be seen at John Spangler's Hardware. AGRICULTURAL /IL . CHEMICAL COMPANY'S Cheap 'Fertilizers THE FERTILIZERS prepared by the Ag ricultural Chemical Company, [ a com pany chartered by the legislature of Pennsyl vania with a capital of s2so,ooo,lhave been proved in practice .to be the cheapest, most profitable and best, for the Farmer, Gardener and Fruit Grower, of all concentrated ma nures now offered in any. market. The Com pany's list embraces the 'following: TIABU LETTE: • This. Fertilizer is composed r of night soil and the.fertilizing eloments of urine combined, chemically and mechanically with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab sorbents. ' - It is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea dy for immediate:use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. Its universal application to all crops and soils, and its. durability' and active qualities, are well known to be all that agriculturists can disire. CHEMICAL COMPOST.' This Fertilizer is largely composed of animal matter, such as...meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool, together With chemicalS and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose-the mass, and re tain the nitrogenous elements. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especially for potatoes, and garden purpoSes.. . , • . Its eiteellept ijuillities,'strenith and cheap ness, have made it very popular with all who have used it. . , iThOMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This high ly‘l,,j phosphatic fertilizer, is particulurly adapted for the, cultivation of. Trees, Fruits, Lawns and Flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit,' and largely increase' the 'quantity and perfect the, maturity of the fruit. For hot house_ and, household plants and ilowere,.it will be found an indispensable article to se— cure their greatest perfection. It will prevent and cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. It is composed of such elements as make it adapted to the growth of all kinds of crops in all kinds of soils; The ,formula or method of combining its constituent fertilizing ingredients have re. ceived the highest approval of eminent [Mem isM and_ scientific. agriculturist& - TIII.OS P HAT E' OF Li-ME . - The Agricultu- Jr =al- Chemical Company- manufacture -a PhosPb.ittCof .Link in accordance with a new and valuable formula ; by which a. very supe rior article is produced, so far as to be afforded at: skless price than othey:manufacturers'oharo. Practical tests, tiave, proved that its,value; asp fertiliser, is equal to the lest. Phosphate of Lime in ; the market. $l3- Tr.nitts CAStto , ^•All-orders of s , Ton, eir more, will be delivered atthe railroad'atations and,lite wharves.of shipment, free af cartage. Cartage will be eharged •.cin all orders , of six barrels_. or less. Qua Dollar per Ton Allow arise for cartage will be made oa,all sales ,de • livered, at • the werke of, the Company, on Ca nal A.V.fiiptiviuno,r; Cs EMI,C4I, Co 'B WORKS, Afcol9l. l klitii - y on the Delaware.. _rev 4l4eirrcii Villadeififitia, Pa. virrrs,4nerai t Agent. ^ - The ComPiiiiy?s.;Pharnplilet Circular; ere bracing full ,directinns fgr using the above• Fertilizers, sent by mail free, when reqaested, = No. 66!. MARKET .T/1431,ET, MAR/ETTA, 1 , 4, DEALE IN RS Dr iMKKTi r HARDWARE, Keep constantly on hand a foil stock ding Material, Nails, •LOCKS, HINGES '''• I • GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, Winn L; . ---:': SUPERIOR ARTICLE OP CEMENT,*,-,, IR ON: Rolled (Oil MI, '.. Iron, Steel, Ilorse,4llo o R;. ''' Norway Nail Rods, Hoop and Bar, , , 1,, Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Files, liasp!.i,: HOUSE-ATEPING cion.w . — FIRST-CLASS COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES, ItA.:cl;r.,: Z . ..i Tubs, Churns, Cedar Stands, 'Wash Boards, Buckets, 11Knives and Forks, Plated and ITletalic .$0.,7,:,• Sad Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters. ti,,,,, Copper Kettles Clothes Wrin gt ,, N I: Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, y., ;:' Lamps, Shades and Lamenn, TP:t ' Scales, Coffee Mills, rami,i Chamber Setts, Sze., &n, Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Horse .i t; ,. Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and Llr n, , ," Cistern Pumps,Lo , and Shirt Breast Chains, &c., & w I. - TOO L S: Hand and Wood Saws,llt . Chopping and Hand Axes, planesi. ,:, Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, 1:.:1: Hooks and Shears, &c., &e, Thankful for past patronage, we he r ~ and receive a continuance of till ~ PA TTE/m.O, - , ;' Marietta, July 30, 1864. w iLLIAM HALL ,V 543 BROADWAY, NEW-V 1 AGENTS FOR THE CELF:rion D It IGGS New Patent Piano 1.:01,, Which are creating the greatest ,ens:ll musical world, and have reeei‘ed est testimonials from all Ow tists in the countQ , among whea: S. Thalberg, . Mason, L. M. Gottschalk, Vlanri s Wtn. Henry Fry, • ':Theodoie M. Strackosch, /Max Marctak, Herman A. Wollenhaupt. Having purchased the Agency or G.: Prince Sr. Co's Melodeons, Aut , ms.rt: School Organs, from their late A:2.Th% t E. Bacon, we will be pleased to recr:v..: for those celebrated Instruments, to, ways endeavor to keep a soak'. nt hand to fill all orders at sight. The eral discounts given to the Trade, Clergymen and Schools. Ail inst,u.,e , !: , ranted for five years. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORMS Flutes, Banjos, 1 - ialinv, Violin Strings, and all kinds of Brasd and other .Nlusi atruments for Banda. PUBLISHERS OF SHEET MUSI Just published, 4 ' The Venite,” a 11,,, lection of Chants for the !s. opening anti closing Voluntaries. cieties, Classes and for the Social Virgil C. Taylor. Price,--hoards, Cloth, One Dollar. In press, acid will soon be iisuol, M , twenty Melodic Exercises for Inc proper art of singing, by Carlo 11d , ,0r, or of Bassini's Art of Singio4. AND 'NO-FORTE CA I.ITIII-. a collection of Five Flop- Flinn.; passages, lot speedily developing ine of the fingers and acquiring that dcg;• • : ibility, independence and voloihi• : . •• are so indispensable to a good peit,i • The Piano Forte, Hy Fro 'iris 11. Music sent by mail, post-paid, on teem.` marked price. WILLIAM IiAII.s hin] 543 Broadway, Nu:-1 :•• WINES Sr V ) = 4-1)\ - -' D. 13ENJA:\ lIN - DEAI Eit IN WINES & LIQ.UOItS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. EGS leave to inform the put ]ir Dwill continue the IV/N L I nese, in all its branches. 11,1, nll. keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, IVines, Gins. Irish on Whiskey,• Cot-dials. Bitfers,,lc.. BENI AMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rase 11 G;s ALWAYS ON HAND. A very surerior OLD R YE WI/ ust received, which is warranted pre. All H. D. B. now asks of u. is a careful examination of his Nto , ces, which will, he is confident, roti': el keepers and others finding it to antage to make their purchases fi AHCANA WATCH. - The cases of this Watch arc an . invention, composed of six diffriqo combined, rolled together and plahi,h , • , ducint , an exact imitatiou of IS (wit callceArcana, which will always color.—They are as beautiful as and are afforded at one-eighth the case is beautifully designed with Pani: - shield for name, with Patent Push P ,- • engraved in the exact style of 11. Gold Hunting Levers, and are hall) smile and desirable, and so exact an of gold as to defy detection. Tile is manufactured b.% the well known Watch Corripany of Europe, and ma , finished, having engraved pa Ilets.l: , "Q bridges, adjusting regulator, with 4 r:‘ l and the improved jewelled action. dial and skeleton hands, and is w rr, :'' ' good time keeper. These Watches are of three different: the smallest being for Ladies, and Hunting Cases. A case of six will 1:r Mail or Express for $125.00. A 1:1; sent in a handsome Morocco Case for will readily sell for three times thirce -- •„. are sole agents for this watch in the States, and none are genuine whic!l bear our Trade mark. Address ~ GIRARD W. DEVAUCfr 6 Importers, 15 Maiden I.nre.., 3mos JOHN BELL, Merchant tit t: Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Law:, 11 tIRATEFUL for past favors I V.Tmy thanks to my numerous friends 311.,.;., trons and them that I still conttrw old business at the old stand, where I pleased to see them at all times, and full and splendid assortment of CLOT-112, CASSIME.US . which will be made up to order at the notice by the best of workmen, and On ble teems, I would be pleased, therefu re' upon my old customers and all who sr:) of patronize me hereafter. f Oct.'- Estate of Charles Kelly, late -- "* 4 ' — norough ey• Marietta, deceai" . Letters of administration on said e ing been granted to the undersignrJ , sons indebted thereto are requestz,l tor immediate settlement, and those or demands against the same Win rle3q without delay for settlement to the ed, residing in the ihrtoeir, , _,. of Mariet(9. JOHN ALTX Eft? Marietta, Jup,e 17, I t salAdminisml7litti - • To LANDLORDS! lust receivo i and Irish WHISKIE S, pura i ixt fl. , D. Benfamain,,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers