(ot goal Itarititian. SAT____ -- lIRDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1865. Vote the clean Ticket. Bo sure and get your ticket from a true and reliable Union man, Then to on o sure that there is no mistake in it. Wine it, to see that ALL the follow ing ones are on it, just as they stand here. STATE OFFICERS Auditor General John F. Hartranft, Surveyor General Jacob M. Jampbell, Assembly Day Wood Charles Dermas Rudolph W. Shenk. John M. Stehman. ' COUNTY OFFICERS District Attorney William Aug. Atlee, County Treasurer Samuel Enaminger Commissioner Samuel Slokom Prison inspectors Abraham R. Witmer George Long Directors of the Poor Conrad Gast Samuel Wolf Simon Groh (1 year ) Surveyor Abraham R. Witmer Auditor Daniel hi. Eby sw The public schools .of the borough were opened on the 18th of last month, soder the following corps of teachers, with the annexed number of pupils : Warren R. Gnash, High School, 24 heo. Iliestand, Male Secondary, 32 Jacob Windolph, Primary No. 1, 73 Miss M. Turner, Female Si c !Wary, 48 iris Harriet Cook, Primary No. 2, 59 Miss Sarah Turner, Pioneer Hall, 47 L, Weaver, East Prospect No. 1, 75 Mies Mary Larzelere, East Prospect No. 2, 53 Miss Fifield, Colored school. 22 er We aro gratified to learn, from a ery reliablesource,that our young friend John Clark, son of Col. John W. Clark, errantly of this borough, who, a short ireo slate, established a Business Col or' in the city of Reading, is doing re , arkably well—the college students umbering over seventy. It is conduc ted on the "Commercial College " plan, .ad is the only one in that city. Young Clerk, is, in every way, worthy of the :regent confidence and deserving liber al support. The colored school opened on !dandily last. We are also gratified to learn that tho school board contemplate 'posing a night school for apprentices and others who cannot attend day school. This is really a step in the right direction ; many worthy young mos who are compelled to work all day would gladly embrace an opportunity 'o receive instruction in the evening. Went credit is due the present board for initiating this excellent movement. li` Mrs. Margaret Roth has opened a trimming and variety store in the room of her lumbar d's new building, immedi ately opposite Diffenbach's. We are told she has a splendid assortment of the most useful and fashionable notions now in use. Go and see her goods. Read her card in another column. fat There will be a sale of household goods belonging to the late Mrs. C. 0. Thompson, and the late Mrs. Maria W. liestand, at the late residence of Mrs. lliostood, on Market street, at one o'clock this afternoon. It' Johu Spangler has just opened a hew stove stock. Hi also has nearly 'votythin g in his line, in the housekeep '4l wuy. Drop in and see what he has, soil be surprised at the great variety. LT Several valuable borough. proper bus ere to he sold th s evening, at Funk's Cross Keys tavern. See our advertising columns. ......... lie Joseph • IL Ferguson has been ap pointed Postmaster at Mount Joy, in Plate of L. P. Brady, resigned. MARRIED On Tuesday morning last, by Rev. Mr. Lane, Mr, Aamurrus Knots, of Ulster county, New - Yotk, to ANNIE, only daughter of Mr. Lewis Houseal, of this borough. In Columbia, on the 26th ultimo, by Rev. Mr. Miles Rigor, Assomas LIGHT, to Samr. a, boroudaughter of Mr. J. P. Walter, both of this Rh. DIED. Oa the 2d of Dii i i iiii, -- kiiiiiiin D., on of Pwer rand Maria Gottschall, of this place, aged ears, 5 months.and 3 days. Alat! how changed that , lovely flower, IVhich bloomed and cheered RV heart; P eiri fleeting comfort of an hour, How 10011 we'er called to art. *Leicester papers please p copy. • O y T if OD WANT a good Cooking Stove sa• find a go to John Spangler's, where you rge assort tmeSe nt. He sells cheap 4 6 0 AL lioi:"xda,)volt,l4::_rant: each to give entire satisaction. • '*eld, Stove Gratea, Cylinders and Li of di tlere;it. kinds, kept on hand at JOHN SPANGLER'S. XRAIJT STANDS, bleat tamm, - Wlne geo iC eige, Tubs, Beekets and Cedar-ware raity, r onstatitly on hand at spillvoz,Eßl. auarfulp 31tport OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATION- AL BANK OF MARIETTA, PA., OCTOBER 2D, 1865. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, $156,842 48 U. S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation, 110,000 00 U. S. Securities, to se cure Depositors, 50,000 00 U. S. Securities on hand, 13,400 00 Due from the National and other Banks, 65,417 73 Cash items, 4.410 26 Notes of other Banks, 6,216 00 Legal Tenders, 55,045 00 Real Estate, Expenses, Taxes paid, BM= Capital Stock, $lOO,OOO 00 Due Depositors, 193,665 36 Due U. S. Treasurer; 95,262 8S 228,828 24 Notes in circulation, 99,000 00 Due other Banks, 13,351 10 Dividends unpaid, 945 00 Profit and Loss, 18,586 74 Discounts, Interest and exchange, 6,799 34 $467.510 42 The above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Amos BOWMAN, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of October, 1865. J. ACXErt. T. P. N EW TRIMMING & VARIETY STORE, • Opposite Diffenbach's and two doors West of the Golden Mortar Drug Store,Market-st., Marietta. MRS. MARGARET ROTH Begs leave to announce to the Ladies of. the Borough of Marietta and vicinity, that she has just opened an entire new stock of TRIMMINGS AND VARIETIES, embracing all the Novelties of the Season, among which will be found Plain and Fancy Mantua and Velvet .I.ibbons, Gimps, Cords and Tassels, and Buttons in endless variety, Hosiery and Gloves, Linen & Emb'd Collars, Zephyr Shawls, Plain & - Emb'd H'dkfs, Opera Caps, Silk & Zephyr Scarfs, Suspenders, Germantown Wool, Twilights,. Breakfast Coseys, Braids an -- Shetland Wool, Bindings, Zephyr Yarn, Laces, Neck-Ties, BA.LMOR ALS, SKELETON SKIRTS, Corsets, Belting, Edging, Ruffling, Embroidery, Fancy Soaps, &c. Particular attention has been paid to the se lecting of small wares, such as Sewing Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread, Whalebone, Hooks and Eyes, Needles, Pins, Sze. lam* The public are particularly requested to call and examine for themselves. irr Mrs. R. is agent for the sale of the cel ebrated Singer "A" Family Sewing Machines which took the first premium at the Jale New York State Fair. She will also instruct per sons purchasing from her, how to work the machine. (9-tf URPdA S' COURT SALE OF TOWN PROPERTY. ON SATURDAY THE SEVENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. WILL be sold at public sale, by virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Lan miter County, at the public house of Jacob Funk, in the borough of Marietta, by the un dersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Charles Kelly, late of the said borough of Ma rietta, deceased, the following described real estate, late of the said deceased, to wit : Purpart No. 1. All those certain six and one-half Lots of ground, situated on the south side 01 Fairview street, west of Gay street, in that part of the borough of Marietta, afore said, laid out by Benjamin Long, and number ed 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, and the eastern half of 214; each Lot containing in Front on Fairview street 50 feet, and extending in depth to a public alley 160 feet ; the whole bounded on the north by Fairview street, on the west, by the remaining half of Lot numbered 214, on the south. by a public alley, and on the east by a public alley. The foregoing Lots will be sold separately or together to suit purchasers. Purport No. 2. All that certain undivided one-half or moiety of three .one.story frame houses and Lot of Ground, situated in that part of the borough of Marietta aforesaid, for merly called Waterford, and numbered 84, containing in front. on High street 50 feet, and extending in depth to Locust alley 206 feet ; bounded on the north by High street (or Square), on the east by Gay street, on the south by Locust alley, and on the west by Lot numbered 83. The foregoing yi known as the ",Arcade." Terms.Teii Per cent of the amount bid to be paid when the property is struck off, and the balance on the first day of April next, for which the purchaser shall give his bond, with approved security. Sale to commence at 7,1 o'clock, P. M. of said day. JOHN AUXER. Marietta, September 16, 1865.-4 t. Lancaster Daily Express publish four times and send bill to Esquire Auxer. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE. 11 Goa Bohoug1) ilesihneo. AT FUNK'S CROSS KEYS INN, ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1865. Tne undersigned Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Shuman, deceased, by virtue of an alias order of the Orphans' Court of Lan caster County, will sell at public sale, at the Cross Keys Inn, (Jacob Funk's) in the Bo rough of Marietta, all that certain Two story Brick Dwelling House, Frahm Kitchen, AND HALF LOT OF GROUND, on which it is erected, being the Eastern half of Lot No. 38, containing in front, on Front street, 26 feet and 3 inches, and extending in depth, northwardly, 210 feet, to a - 14 feet wide public alley, situated on the North side of Front street, between Walnut street and a public alley, in that part of the Borough of Marietta, in the County of Lancaster, laid out by David Cook, with the appurtenances. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock in the even ing of the above named day. Terms: Ten per cent of the amount bid to be paid when the property is struck off, and a bond with approved security, to be given for the payment of the balance on the fret day of April, 1866.. JACOB L. LONGENECKER. Marietta, Septemher;l6, 186.5.-ts. LETTERS REMAINING unclaimed in the Post Office at Matietta, Pa., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1865. Beam, Saml. T. Kerns, Michael Crum, Miss Rebecca Nebe, Michael Frey, Miss Annie E. Raumbaugh, Miss A. Gochnaner,Levi 2 Small, Messrs. & eon Hoover, rs. Nancy Weiger, Peter Klugh, Jessie Walker, Alex. J. Krater, William E. E To obtain any of these letters, the ap plicant must call for "advertised letters," give She date of , this, list, and pay one cent for ad vertising. ABRAHAM CASSHI., P. M. ÜBSORIPTION4 received for all the late is Periodicals of the day At The Golden Mortar.. (4 -- O.I I HE MA.RIETTIANA\-Am ji citotts I ,sloins II John Spangler, Market Street, Marietta, Pa. AS the season for Stoves is fast approaching I would call the attention of all wishing to purchase Parlor or Cooking Stoves, to my large and well selected stock, which em braces the best and moat desirable Stoves that the Eastean markets afford, and which were purchased early, which will enable me to die pose of them advantageously to buyers. Among the leading Parlor and Cook Stoves are the following: Parlor Stoves. Cooking Stoves. Meteor Gas Burner, Galleo, Columbia do ' Royal, Oval do do Waverly, Dial, t Wellington, $320,242 4R $131,087 99 3,800 00 1,055 90 1,323 05 $467,510 42 Gem, Tropic Egg, Monitor, Also, the Vulcan- and Sanford's Heaters, a very desirable article far heating two or four rooms with very little, if any, more fuel than an ordinery parlor stove would consume. Ranges for cooking, constantly.on hand, all of which will be sold on reasonable terms. ICJ— Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. 25.386 08 MANUFACTORY, aT 718 ARCH STREET, above Seventh, Philadelphia. I have now in store, of my own importation and manufacture, one of the largest and most beautiful selections of FANCY FURS, for Ladies and Children's wear, in the city. Also a fine assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Collars. As my furs were all purchased when gold was at a much lower premium than at present, I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very reasonable prices, and I would there fore solicit a call from my friends of Lancas ter county and vicinity. Remember the name, number and street ! JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Arch-st., above 7th, south side, PHILADELPHIA. Rl I have no partner, nor connection with. any other store in Philadelphia. September 30, 1865. 4m E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Matrafactarera of Photographic Material,' 501 BROADWAY, B. Y. In addnlon to oor main badness of PHOTOGIRAPHIG alAp THWAI.3, we we headquarters for the following, AL : Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Of thase we VIEWS OF THE W have leo immense merriment, Aß, including • Obtained at giant expense and forming a complete PITOTOGTJAPIMI HISTORY Or THE GREAT UNION 001PTE9/ Mill Bang Dntch Gap , Yorktown, Pontoon tiains. Oottysburgh, Hanover function. Fair Oaks, Lookout Mountain, Savage Station, Chickahominy, Fradoricksburgh, City Point. Fairfax, Nashville, Richmond, • Petersburgh, Deep Bottom, Belle Plain, Monitors, Chattanooga, Fort Morgan, Atlanta, Charleston, Mobile, Florida, Strawberry Plains, dco. lto. - - American and Foreign Met and Lomluapoo, Groupe, Status m a tte, o .lr d ta i volluar=p u ra y or o i d mbil u c . 0 0 rpriv; if Stamp. Photographic Albums.. - We Were the Brat to introduce these Into the United States and we manufacture immense quantities in great variety', rang lag la rice from 50 cents to $lO. Our ALBUMS have the rape tationof being =parlor to beauty and durability to any other.— They will be Rut by mall, litES,cm receipt of price. The MATTE AXIOMS MARY TO ORDIEt.6OII e will find our Albums the most Saleable they can buy. GARD PHOTOGRAPHS. pot Catalogue now embraces over Fin TamilAlM diffar real subjects (to w Ids additions are continiudly being mad.) of limb moat Americans, An, via: about 100 blej4was. 100 Lient-Cole 620 Statesmen. 100 Brig 260 other Officers, 180 Divines, 214 Colonels, 7bNav7 Oflacers, 126 Author., 40 Arthiba 125 Slag 60 Prominent Women. , 8,000 Coplai of Works of Art, lueludieg reproductions of the moat celebrated Engravings, Painting., Statlow. &n Catalogue. teat on reCelpt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen Pictures from our Catalogue, will be filled on receipt of $l.BO, and sent by math wawa Photographers and others ordering grails C. 0. D., will please remit twenty live per cent of the amount with their order. earmietus and quality of our goods cannot fall to MILO. September 30, 1865. [7-Iy. G EO; W. WORRALL, SURGEON DENTIST, Market Street, adjoining Spangler Ittch?s Store, on the second ;floor. - Where he IS now prepared to wait on all who may feel disposed to pa- • 4=- tronize him. Dentistry in all'its branches carried on. Inwrn inserted on the most approved prin ciples of Dental science. All operations on the mouth performed ir. a skillful and work manlike manner—on fair principles and orr VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Having determined upon a permanent loca tion at this place, would ask a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, for wnicn he will render every possi ble satisfaction. ;Er Ether administered to properpersms. To THE PuuLte.—Having had occasion for the use of a Dentist, I called on Dr. Worrell, who has succeeded In preparing for me an ex cellent and servieeable set—upper and lower. They are upon what is called , rubber base: , and fit my mouth firmly and comfortably, and are almost as much use to me as were my nat ural. teeth. My mouth having become con siderably deformed in consequence of having gone a number of years without any teeth on one side of my jaw, but the Doctor remedied this defect, making the fit complete, whilst the working of the teeth are entirely satisfactory. I would cheerfully recommend any person in want of dental operations, to call on Dr. Worrell, havieg great confidence in his pro fessional skill. GEO: REICH. S. S. RATB.VON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At P. J. Kramph's;Old Stand, on the Cor ner of North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. GR-A TEL' U L to the Citizens of Marietta and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same; as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS . , CASSIXEDES A N D VESTINOa, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. ALBO,-4-SEADY-MA DE CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goonds and such articles as usually belong to a Mer chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. Estate of Maria W. Hiestand, sate of the Borough of Marietta decaased. Letters of administration on said estate haV ing been granted to the undersigned, all m atins indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersign ed, residing in said Borough of Marietta. THEO: HIESTAND, Administrator. :vlarietta, September 30, Mo. r6t J Lehigh, Charm, Summer Rose, LADIES FANCY FURS. Sohn Faheiree Old Established Far 111101313.LLi AND AZSAIL, EAGLE PETROLEtTM. OOMP'NY OF VENANGO COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, - - - $50,000 NUMBER OF SHARES, 200,000. Subscription Price, 2 Cents per Share, ileseitea eqpifal, 80, 000 SHARES, or $20,000. Office of the Company, at J. A. Bigler Co's Banking House, Harrisburg. PRESIDENT: COL. WILLIAM H. EAGLE, of Lancaster County, Pa. TREASURED: JOHN A. BIGLER, liarlisburg, Pa. =I B. FRANK CHANDLER, Harrisburg TRUSTEES: William H. Eagle, Marietta. R. I. Sloan, Alexandria, Virginia, Col. S. R. Thomas, &larrlsburg, Abel. H. Musslemaii, Marietta, James H. Smith, Fianklin, Pa., James J. Martin, Philadelphia. Win. H. Trump, 'Philadelphia, J. T. Carroll, New York. - DAVID ROTH, Agent, Marietta. N E W CIO CD 31:11 • ,T. R. D.FFFENBACH, HAVING RE-TAKEN HIS OLD STAND, Would announce to the public that nothing shall be left undone to sell goods cheap, and keep up 'an excellent assortment of every thing in the DRY GOODS_ AND Grocery- Lin_e_ He has just returned from the Cities, where he selected a stock of fashionable SPRING t SUMMER GOODS. For Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, WHICH HE WILL SELL CHEAP FOR I.llll._tS3E3llEni Having purchased exclusively FOR CASH will enable him to sell cheaper than goods are usually sold. All goods will be marked At the Lowest Cash Figure. ia"Country Produee taken in exchange for goods. [May 12,1865. SIMPLER & BRO” IRON AND BRASS -- F O TINDERS And General Machinists, Second stree Below Union, Columbia, Pa. They are prepared to make all kinds of Jinn Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces, Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns, Fronts, Cellar Doms, Weights, &c., for Buil dings, and castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN THE MOST MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings, Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks, Valves for-Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Washers, &c. BLACKSMITHING in GENERAL. From long experience in building machinery we flatter ourselves that we can give ge-ieral satis faction to those•who may favor us with their orders. I.liepairing promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times. Z. SUPPLEE, T. R. SUPPLER. Columbia, October 20,1860. 14 tf aoima PM" -- JCNICICIER_3IE, iu CrulPs old sttind; Market-A, Marietta. PETER RODENHAUSER, [WITFI D. HANAUER,' - DEALER IN Men's and Boy's Clothing, it HATS AND CAPS' BOOTS AND SHOES, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, IN GREAT VARIETY. P. R. would take this opportunity to inform the citizens of Marietta and the public gener ally that having opened this establishment for a permanent business, only asks a fair trial. being determined not to be undersold by any. Call and see the goods and learn the prices. Marietta;June 10, 186 b. 44-If A LEXANDER LYNDSAY, o da Fashionable Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Borough, and be ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER himself,is enabled to select with more judgment than those who are not. He continues to mdn ufadure in the very best manner everything in the ROOT AND SHOE LINE, which he will warrant for neatness and good fit. 10—Call and examine his stock before pur chasing' elsewhere. C OLUMBIA OIL WORKS. TRUSCOTT & GUERNSEY, PROPRIETORS, COLUMBIA, PA. Refiners and Wholisale Dealers in. Refined Carbon Oil, Benzine Lubric Oil, Having put up a refinery with all the neces sary improvements. We offer to the public a pure article of DOUBLE REFINED CARBON OIL, which gives a more brilliant light, at less ex pense, than the moat of Oda now in the mar ket, and is perfectly non-explosive. We manufacture exclusively for hbme trade and guarrantee our oil to be of the best quali ty. Orders aolicind. Address as above. TN THE MATTER of the petition of cer. tain Freeholders of the Borough of Mari etta, praying the Court to vacate the public alley, in said Borough, extending from the west side of Gay street to Bridge street Lane, North of Fairview street. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Court of Quarter Sessions of Lancaster County has granted a rule to show cause why said public alley be not closed up and vacated. Returnable to the Court on the third Monday, October 16th, 1865, at 10 o'clock A. M. Attest, JOHN H. ZELLER, Clerk. Sept. 16-61) Spring Shawls Remorals Gloves, Hosiery, Belts and Buc'iles, Embroidered Handker chiefs and Collars, Mourning Collars and Veils, Head Nets and Dress Trimmings. • A full supply at SPANGLER RICH'S. #'4CHOICE Lot of Books for children called indietructable Pleasure Books ; School and riper Books, Statioriary t Pens, Pen holders Sin , at LANDIS ar. TROUT. , , p u a r bi e t ,?D. L i g i rl43 . i . ri.. JELLY, for sale N EW HOOP SKIRT FOR 1865-61 the Give inbartioß of ifie, B, g e in HOOP SKIRTS. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. • THIS Invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic pure refined steel springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, inostflexible, elas tic and durable spring ever used. They sel dom bend or break, like the single springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful - shape more than `twice as long as any single spring skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, .arm' chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, com fort and great convenience of wearing the du plex elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, Misses, and young ladies they ar a-superier to all others. The- hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which is used on all Single steel hoop skirts. , The three bottom rods on every skirt are alio double steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cover ing from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, &c., &c., which they are constantly subject to when in use. All are made of the new and elegant corded tapes, and are the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the moat graceful and perfect shape possible, and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. WESTS' BRADLEY & CARY, Proprietors of the invention, and Sole Manufacturers, 97 Chambers, and 79 & Si Reade streets, New York. For sale in all first-class stores in this City, and throughout the United States, and Canada, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. U 1 Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. [3m-AILC GOLD! [1865, 1866, 1867.] SILVER I 1 T 0 75,-00 0! .$Ol .$2l $2l Z. l wo Dcala,rs DIANIIFAC AGENTS. 01)B. NEW MODE. One of our Gold or Silver Watche.s, or Silver Tea Sets for $2, as below stated. One of our tea sets or one piece of our Gold or Silverware is worth a bushel of the cheap dol lar Jewelry. We have adopted the following mode of DISTRIBUTION 1:1. sale of 75,000 articles of value OUR NEW MODE! ! The articles of goods are numbered from 1 up to 75,000! 37,500 consisting of Pianos, Melodeons, Gold and Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Tea and Table sets, Solid Silver Tea and Table Spoons and Forks, etc., etc.; and the other 37,5Q0 articles of - valuable Jew elry, Work and Toilet Cases, Photograph Al bums, Openface Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety. 75,000 notices num bered from 1 to 75,000 are printed and put in to sealed envelopes and well mixed, and one of these is taken out and sent to the person sending to ua 25 cents to cover expense of postage, correspondence, etc., and the article or goods, corresponding with the number on the notice will be sent to the holder of the same immediately (if he desires to purchase the article,) on the receipt of two dollars. For instance • —lf the number on the notice sent to you should be 500, and a Piano, or Diamond Set or Gold Watoh should be num bered 500 it will be sent to you for $2, arid on for every article in our list of 75,000 arti cles. li After receiving the Article, it it does not please you, you can return it, and your money shall be refunded. • . Twenty-five cents must be sent to pay ex. pense of postage, orrespondence, etc., on one notice. Remember, that whatever article corms. ponds with the number on your notice, you can have it by paying Two Dollars for it, whether it be worth $lOO or $BOO. And it is for our interest to deal fairly, and send out our fine articles, as it gives confidence to the public, and thereby increases our.sales. TRY OUR NEW MODE! I ! Upon receipt of. 2.5 tenth, which pays for coriespondetice, postage, etc. we send one no tice. Upon receipt of $1 which pays for cones• pondence. postage, etc., we seud.six notices. Upon receipt of $5, which pays for corres pondence, postage, etc, we send 40 notices. and a fine present, valued at no less than is lb, as a sample of our goods. Upon receipt of $lB, which pays for corres pondence, postage, etc.,we will send 150 no tices, and a solid Silver Watch, by return mail. Agents Wanted.. Send for our circular ! Agents allowed a large cash commission, by which they can make $25 weekly. Address plainly, REED & BROTHER, Box 5138, New York City, N. Y. Salesroom, 34 Liberty St. f3m. NEW GOODS ASHINGTON Skeleton Skirts. The V V best article of the kind made each Skirt is guaranteed. We are Agents for the Manu facturer. Good Style Cassimeres for Suite, Clothe, Yea tinge, Jeans, Cottonades, Shirting Flannels, Neck Ties, tac., Muslins, Tickings and Checks, Osnaburga, Drills and Flannels, Sheetings, Diapers and Crash, Feathers. Table and Doer Oil Cloth, Looking Glasses and Blankets, Transparent and Holland Blind e. Wall and Window Papers Ingrain and Rag Carpet, Wool arid Linen. Carpet Chain. A large assortment of Boys and Mena Hats and Caps. Common and Fine Glass Ware, Fine 'Granite Dinner Sets. GROCERIES Sugar Syrup. ,Teas New Mackeral in all Sized packag9e Sugar cured Hams and Dried Beef, Salt, Rice Spice skics All at the lowest prices. SPANGLER & mese rro HOUSE-CLEANERS. WALL BRUSHES, A new article in this market, and far superior to any other in use. A few reasons why First.—They are free from twine, which is affected by the lime, and liable to rut, Caus ing the falling out:of the bristles. Second.—The bristles are inserted in the wood, or body of the brush, when green,which when dry, causes them •to be held fi rmly in their place ; any subsequent'soaking or shrink age fails to affect them. Third.—They are made of Bristles exclusive ly; many kinds being composed, in part, of whalebone. Fourth.—They contain more bristles for the size, and - are as cheap as the ordinary kind. Sold exchttively by JOHN SPANGLER, AT xis HARDWARE STORE. SPEAR% FRUIT PRESERVING SO LUTION. This solution is warranted, if rightly applied, to prevent the decomposition of any kind of fruit, and preserve it in a per fectly fresh and wholesome condition _ ,, for years. It contains nothing . whichlikinjinons to health, or objectionable in articles of diet. The fruit retains its firmness and - is equal to any sealed. It is a liquid ; eachliottle Con tains sixteen ounces and , will preserve one hundred and fifty pound's of fruit and retails at ill 1 pet bottle. Pteisle at Dr. Thill4leig gurthlt. The Drug Store opposite M POST OFFICE, Where Gold, Silver and Greenbacks ARE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR Drugs, Mediciues; Stationary, &c., &C., OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. -ALSO?--- TOILET ARTICLES, Such as Perfumed Soaps, Hair Oils. Hair Dyes, Pomades. Tooth Soaps, Tooth Washes ' Hair, Nail, Clothe and Tooth Brushes, of all descnp tions, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Colo gnes, Ambrosia for the Halr, and many other articles too tedious to mention Ladies and Gents Port Monnaes, of every description. —A L S 0— All the most popular Patent iledirines NOW IN USE. SUCH AS Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Jayne's Alterative, Ex pectorant, and Vermifuge, Jayne's Pills and Carrninitive Balsam, &c., Hostetter's Bitters, Hoffland'a German Bitters, Swaim's Panacea, Worm Confections, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and in fact all the most reliable Patent medicines now in use. Fresh Coal Oil constantly on hand. A fine assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades Chim neys, &c. Also, articles of nourishment for the sick, such as Corn Starch, Farina, Arrow Root, Tapioca,&c. Spices of al kinds, Cloves, Cinnemon, All spice, Mace, Black Pepper, African Cayenne Pepper, French Mustard, &c. Chemical Food, Citrate of Magnesia, Feed ing Cups for the Sick, Breast Pumps, Nipple Shields, Nursing Bottles, Sell-injecting Sy ringes, Flavoring Extracts for cooking, &c. Golden Carp, or Gold Fish with Founts, also Aquariums. Arrangements have also been made with one of the best Aviarys in the State,to furnish Canary and Mocking Birds,&c. A lot of Family Dye colors, of every shade. Fresh and reliable Garden Seeds. A large assortment of Books and Stationary, Everything in the Stationary way, such as Pens, Inks, Note, Tissue, Blotting and other kinds of Paper, Envelopes, Clarified and other Quills, Scented Gloves for the wardrobe, and an endless variety of fancy and useful articles, usually found at such .establishments, but any article not on hand will be ordered at once. A new kind of playing cards called "Union Cards," having Stars, Flags and Crests instead of Clubs, Diamonds., Hearts, &c. The Face cards are Goddesses, Colonels, instead of the Queens, Kings and Jacks. This is a beauti ful and patriotic substitute for the foreign em blems and should be universally preferred. School Books, Copy Books, Slates and the School Stationary generall3, and Bibles, &c., always on hand. ICP• Subscriptions for all the Magazines, Il lustrated and Mammoth Weeklies received. Sheet Music of all kinds will be ordered with promptness and dispatch. Having secured the services of Mr. CHAS. H. Damon . , an experienced and competent Pharmaceutist who will attend to carefully compounding with accuracy and dispatch, at all hours. The Doctor himself can be consul ted at the store, unless elsewhere professionally engaged. Being very thankful to the public for the past patronage bestowed upon him, Will try and endeavor to please all who may give him a call. P. HINKLE M. D. Marietta, February 4, 1865-tf. . 00111101 Q 101111006 00h)P4fly. Columbia, Lancaster County, Penn'a Capital and Assets, $419,910:80. THIS Company continues to insure Build ings, Merchandise, and othei property, against loss and damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium cr premium note. FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. Whole amount insured ) $5,027,020:68 Amt of premium notes, 6426,090:66 Bal. cash premium, Jan'y 1, 1864, 3,754:47 Cash receipts in 1864, less fees and corn -, Missions, 22,870:56 Losses and expenses paid in 1864, $22,794:89 Balance of Capital and Assets, :Tari uary Ist, 1665; 429,920:80 ---- $452,715:69 A. S GREEN, PRESIDENT, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. MICHAEL'S. SHUMAN, Treasurer. DIR~iTOAB &tmuel S'hoek, William Patton, Robert r. Ryon, John. W. Steary, John Fendrieh, Georete, Young, Jr., H. G. Mink/a, Niarofis /11'Donald, Samuel F. Eon kin, Michael S. Shuman, Amos S. Green. S. C. Slaymaker, Edmund Spering. [xi-33 -4c oi/ A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a sealed envelope. Price SIX CENTS. A Lecture on the nature, treatment, cad radi- Cal cure of SPLRMATORIIIKEA, or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sex ual Minty and impediments to marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilep sy, and Fits, Mental and Physical Incapacity resulting from self-abuse, &c., by Dr. F.obt J. Culverwell, author of the "Green Book," &c. The world-renooned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves, from his own ex perience that the awful consequences of self abusemay be effectually removed without me didine, and without dangerous surgical opera tions, boogies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no mat ter what his condition, may be, may cure kimself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousand, and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postage paad, on receipt of Six Cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publish ers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New-York, Post-office Box 4,586. June 17, 1865.-Iy. 1865. PHILADELPHIA 1865„ j Paper Hangings. t HOWELL & BOURKE, MANUFACTURERS 0 P PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADES, North East Corner Fourth and Market streets, PHILADELPHIA. N. B.—Always in store, a large stock of LINEN AND OIL SHADES, August 24, 1866.-3 ml First National Bank of Marietta THIS BANKING ASSOCIATION RAVING COMPLETED ITS ORGANIZATION is now prepared to transact all kinds.of BANKING BUSINESS: The Board of Directors meet weekly, on Wednesday, for discount and other business. Bank goof* : Front 9A.Mto3 P. M. JOHN HOLLINGER, PRESIDENT. AMOS BOWMAN, Cashier. R. Eeldernach'e Army Lotion an infalli, •ble mmedy,for Saddle Gallo:Open Sore and diameters of the akin, TATTiO.I.P.P . K . • MORTAR, $452,7115:69
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers