Zile Maritttian. F. L. Baker, MARIETTA. PA : fiIitTIIP4T L. pEgEXI3 . g& 18, 1863. stintteneolline . l, tip! the iktpftlf tnenl.Yotlririgilits.. and .14orth Cato Hob, has issued an order for the enlistment of cIIMPIRMIYMnit . I'M 'Mb" catiP3f . 4l:afF familioN/cfbreafter , every , able-bodied colored man who shall enlist in General Butt% Ife'pirtment, 'shall' be :Paid 's boa h orien dollars, and 'white he yll3 re- Mai iiiFii ihe `Service fainity ' shall 'be furl subeistuOce‘ ~ Eti3,:rer the di iee -1 tio't f a Bi l PUilidepdfilt• of Negro if : fai f g... th l ey 'ttre tiil:4 filfdistied With' thlrillnie l EftielJs iiiiitg soldiers are. al loiryl,lticr Willie the pay of t e n dol loise t iriitith,nOti-coinnifssiong oin k, . hr l iVaii, pil eon i'asOthers of similar re?" trAlUrsiCongress ought talo a; crg de ire pay of Colored troOps'to a unifirrid rate with white troops. Officers arirarbkifdeli'lii diriphiy able-bodied tie grtAiiiiii iUriants z ; its the "best r use for hifii i iiicr tib' w'idld'ier." The recruit m4icti4-hlcil'ofe'd'irlOOPS, says 'Gen. But leit,"Alsi 'bitio tb is' We i riiittlecl Policy,of the t.4Biiiiitierit t tiifif he declares it to be thlifutY cif eiee'rY"Officeir 'and soldier - to abiltii l ciiittyitii:ont this purpose by every pr" 4intietitio, irrespective ' of personal iiiWtilii': 4 arlhejoilowin g vis Al) , extract from a lattermf Alen: Meade to a friend , in Nowaritebrawodersey , ,.,written just be fortthe,litsloneyement of the Anny..of tbpPetoluac . !, • • Rlsant t felly,aware of the great anxiety, lupe:public mind that something should ba,don,e,.,„ am in receipt of many let teleocitine Awn Tenons in high pod tigtlll, to iittg nqe I had better have, my amp ; dpetroyed and the country filled upswithttha bodies oL the soldiers than remairtanaative.' Whilst I do not suffer myself to beßinflienced• by such :comm. ninotioas, I ant and 'have been most avioust to,effect something, but am de termined, at every. hazard, not to. at tempt anything unless my judgment in dioatesut probability. of accomplishing scump„object,commensurete with the de stgottott, of life necessarily.involved, 1., would:rather al thousand times be re• - lined, charged with tardiness or incom. petcue,yv thaw.have,my conscience bur -440 with .a wanton lau g useless., lyy ofibrave men, or with having: jeopar. , dined the great cause by doing what I thought xvroog." Or The' G-overnment, who had not hika million Ormuskets in all the ar moriesattbe commencement of the re ,nOie has, in addition to the mil 6,1 a half" pfaced in the hands of . .l the men of our ar m ies , enough remain itikto: 'equip eight hundred thoesand men, there,. are accoutrements enough fet " *li l gieen'litindred thOusand men. It , is no tiltery that, as a nation, we shall etVei hOreafter 'be caught unprepared for war,for our present necessities have developed ill the resources which are rerr.O.,t,9,Elnppty the materials of war. israh6 statement 'that Gdn. Foray, or&the Froneh 'Minister, was furnished bit the' State Department with General Sootral , lMilitatty maps of Mexico, or °fifer :information, preparatory -to the Fredch.,invasion' of that country, is er. rams:, Neither General Foray nor the'Fretoh• Minister, nor'any other per son,mas ever furnished, or, as far as is knombi`evernasked for such information: The Boston Transcript under tliet the a9thorities in a number of tow n s Massachusetts propose to fili l theirquotas of voliiiiteers by recruit. inkiel,rabanils from yirginia and oth er-Border States, and that arrangements this Rod:have in several cases nearly redebed cempletion. All ,the grandsons of Thoritas • J e• lferion are ' with' the cOnfederateri, and ainiiiiiiiranadatighlers are with the as are ihe husbands of those who ere inariieil. Tile isron: Ittenry S. Ran dall, of Cortland, ,d.N. Y., states this feat istAwreeent letter to a friend. is v 4114` 4il:ntlarnan in Lebanon received a a' few days ago,' iii'ihich was in ktrw,el r." twenty -uve dollars from some individual,un own who stated that the moaey'Was due: 'Ve - ;know people to whom we , wish a similar twinge of con cisietmin, I e The ..jecreta - ri 4. l W " . ' ear' has decid e . tit the volunteers who served fdr n niSOthe are not entitled to the b e ef - of` twenti-fiire * dollars, which tt it inhised they were entitled, to un2, der the act of Congress of July 17;1862: 11 # IV eraer 'from ' the War Depart - Net o 44.,„, e that , . , eppri}e veteran volunteers re stl e g $9l he alloweil'a furlough ort ' lly . tit , it, - andtriOsp 9 rtatioti to and I fro l tn Ire'4 oinOs. ' - ' tr b rt,s l6 P' l . l " e V! ) l, holding i n the lar r *tiii...Or Kenioeliy, to deviiio sane 4 tZlllo 4 l'ililirdt6he 'diet map be' inidee, " A DAY Or JUBlLEE.—January 1, 1864, should be observed by the friends of Emancipattbn as a day of jubilee. On that day, one year ago; Abraham Lin coln struckihe chains off the slaves of rebele 4 in 'tea States, and started tion in a career of freedom, which will be honored to our latest posterity:— January let will be the first anniversary of this great decree. Thousands who are now blinded by party prejudice and ignor,ance will yet live to see the day alien tb'ey`will thlink God tot' 'Abraham Lincoln and his, charter of Freedom, dated January Ist, 1863. The true and faithful to freedom everywhee should meet on that day and ask God's bl'essirig on Abraham Lincoln, and the cause of AFLOAGillgiallowalisokikorgtitc... o ..rcOgnes getherAogetherin.his name,", there also will be the spirit of HIM is with the,prince and.the peasant, the monarch and the , slape, ;commend this .to the consideration 'of all who ,recognize , the hand of Providence in the conduct, of our national affairs and the instru mentality, of Abraham. Lincoln in His bands,,as evidenced. by Aim, success of the Union armies since the Ist of Janu ary, 1863. .It„is destined : to become second, in our caiender to July 4th, 1776,--,- - Laucaster. ,Examiner. girGoVernortrairilette, of ICentucky, who'has just sent in his message to the Legislature it that gtate, evinces, "con trary to the expectations of rebel sym pathizers in the Mirth, a gratifying de gree of patricitisin, and in One aspect goes even farther than some of the, loyal GevernerS'e? the Middle States. He urges "'a ,complete organizatidn of the militia for home 'defence' from guerillas' and robbers, and adds; 'itis a . source of gratification' that the":Patriotisai of the people ht 4 met the efforts to place a sufficient force' in the field- fel'. defence, and that we pre' DOW more secure and better guarded than at any time hereto for'e'since the rebellien. Kentucky's' position ia'refereace` tO"'Pederal rela tions is largely discusea, It is con ceded'iliat slavery isnot essential to'the life of the State Or '&ation, but that the-Union is. This isa wide stride in advance. and is worthy of Kentucky. The ; ,Governor moreover pledges the en tire eervice,of the State to' the defence of- the Government... Ile also recom mends the ptinishment of sympathizers with:.rebelliork I - ,The Richmond papers justify the withdrawal of the permiSsion granted to us to feed.olar soldisrs in their hands, upon the ground that it has subjected the rebel authorities to insult from "a nation of .liari." The Examiner says the -Union officers at the Libby intended to celebrate their captivity by a splen did dinner on the Bth inst., to which members of the r,ebelGovillrnment are . . invited. This is probably false, and an exaggeration of the fact diet our sol diers wished to unite their rejoicings over getting something fit to, eat from home. ar The; Cleieland tedger says that the . sob of John 'C. Breckin'ridge, who was taken prisoner at' Chattanooga, while repentjyjn conversation with Ser geant-Major Tisdel,...declared himself strongly, in favor of tbe Union. rfesaid that . he had been forced into the Con- federate service by his .father. The young_ man thinks it would be only ne cessary to put down the leaders of the febellion, to secure a prompt and honor able peace. TWA statement is made on the authority of. Major Tibdel, who had the conversation , with young Breclan ridge. 04 - Froth Inforination recently re ceived, thereis reason to believe that , , the rebel Gen,,Morgati has' ot been to Canada, but was secreted in Columbus, and is now probably on his way through Kenthcky dna tennessee to the South. Doubtless some party has palmed him siiff"ott lipon - the'Caffadian public as 'the redoubtable Morgan for the `pOrp s ose of throwing our atithorities on the wrong seent, atid thereby enabling the guer rilla chief to return Jo the Confederacy without attempting the hazardous expe riment of running the blockade. The last inimber of the Rebellion Recorder 'in On "Diary of Events, has the fcillciwitig''clea 4 r suscient State ment on the Ist of January, - 1863 "Abraham Lincoln, .President of the United States, issued. his, conarmatory emancipation proclamation, declaring the slaves in certain States and parts of States in rebellion to-he;henceforth and forever free." ,* The grearlact.of history could not be more briefly and clearly stated, - gir A• queer mfstake .wa,s made by the military 'authorities' , recently in 'confer ring a - brigadier generalship one• Col. S. A: Rice, Of the 23d lowa infantry, which . was intended for his' brother, Col. E. W. Rice. The colonel commissioned discharged the dutiei of 'brigadier gag-, eral until was discoverad,' when he Tehigned, and is now practically, out - of the Selma. or Throughout the "Indian ind)Cri-! mean campaigns, :t ,only medicines. which proved tlieinselves elle to cure WOriecitiei.et dy 0 5 duterY, scurvy Land fever, were . Millovitif's and meat. ThereforeAt every volunteer see_ thathe is. supplied IFith4ilem, Only '25 cents per., hos pr,p,,st, ,228 c - g--P'aTHE General News items. Some of the ladies in:Hartford appear in the Streets without hoops, but with 'dresses that come doaki only to the an •kle, Siselosing balmoral bOts and striped stockints. One of the \- llartford papers thinks this a "pleasant reform." The patriotic women of Philadelphia are about to form an association whose duty it shall be to seek out and relieve distress among the,ifamilies of soldiers in the field. The official returns of the late elec tion in Ohio show a majority for Brough of 192,000. ISO ile44nYotlpo'sition f re . p-: ieveiltatives are niao c sen to the Legiila= ture. LY'Tt.:++lXSl`i9y~.yil3X3~~,~•. Secretary,, Seward,; says, he is , sixty years old, and has been forty years in public life; . . ' , 'Thirty printers and _ editors were artiOng . the killed at Chickamauga.— Well,it'is not unusual for printers to be aindrfg'the dead iiiatter. The Baltimore Ansrican places at the head _of its -coll:mins tbe 'name .of Abraham Lincoln as:a candidate for the Presid3ricy in 1864. The Supervisors of Albany, have ye . solved-to pay a bounty of three hundred dollars •to every volunteer 'enlisting there. Jacob Lamb, a soldier of the Revolu tion, died at Indianapolis on Monday a Week, at the great age of , 100 years and 9 months, <lie, served under General Wayne, and was one of-, the guards placed•bver the prisoners captured un der Cornwallis at Yorktown; in 1781., At least forty thousand deserters frorn , the army of the Union are helieved to be in Cauada and the adjoining Bri tish provinces. They are not all skulk ers or "beauty, jumpers." , A large pro portion of them are men who have over stayed their furloughs, and are afraid to rejoin their regiments.- Some of the deer in Ldg,an Square; Philadelphia, •have becomevvicions," and several' persons -have been injured by them. The animals are to be disposed of. The deer have increased so rapidly that the authorities have determined to present a number to 'the authorities or Baltimore, who have expressed , a desire to obtain` them. ;Pile President's mmessagewas • tele graphed from Washington to Philadel phia in fifty-five minutes, and the con clusion was received in the latter citi ten minutes before the - Cleric of the liouse of Vepresentatives . had finished reading it. An Irish girl, named Kate Murray, doing housework iu Lewistown, Maine, unabbq to contribute moneyln aid of the sick soldiers, made a cake and put in it the only gold ring she had. The• cake was sold at a levee and brought seven. dollars. Judge. Advocate Ho!t has decided that the President's late proclamation suspending' the writ, of habeas corpus udoubtedly includes in • its provisions the case of a minor enlisted without his parent's consent, in whose behalf, there fore such writ cannot be , issued. •• Col. Alexander Cummings, of tbO 19th Pennsylvania Cavalry, has been appointed 'eh go to Arkansas to raise colored troops. ' In .a recent fight the rebels captured two negro pickets of the 2d Tennessee regiment, whom they hung. The ne grots retorted by throwing the rebel wounded into the river, diegging them with, ropes about the.ir necks and re fusing to touch them with their hands. .:A married woman namerl Clayton has been passed to her home' in Minnesota, having enlisted two, years since in` _the same: Minnesota regiment as her, has band, and considered , a good soldier a pear before she was found out. At the battle of Stone river her .husband was killed dye paces in front of her, and she, herself was wounded in a desperate bay onet charge immediately ofterwards. The rebel Senate 'has passed a bill prohibiting the employment 'of , substi tutes in their army. • In the rebel Con gress, on the Bth instant, Mr. Foote, of Tennessee, denounced jeff. Davis as a marplot, who did more' injury than good to the confederate army by his:visits. The Ohio conspirators, some time - ago convicted for attempting' o liber ate the rebel priaohers at Camp Chase,' by murdering the guard„ , and with the intention of burning some of, t4e . cities of that State, were sentenced on the 4th inst. McPherson and Cogle were fined $6500 and costs each, .and Rac coon ,$lOOO, and to stand oommitted nu til the fines, are paid. , , Three slaves were advertised to:be sold do .New.o;leane r01:1 the. 7th ultimo, but before the time of-auction arrived it was:determined:that they-should not be 501 d.,, The ,Era intimates that the sale was stopped on account of an unfavora ble atate. or public opinion on the sub. ject, :natixe..Louisianians even .declaring that, such an affair would be a disgrace to, the. city. Colt's Armory, in Hartford, Conne ct idut; made.a gun a minute ink tail a .dityquitiiiiihei of Vefo.: • Cir tkl4lPresilliin t's• %VW-is thus ad mitingly.sketched by "Perley," of the Boston e'Thp President's wife (iollie 'oO of of ;Mrs. Journal i- Reader) otight pot to' be left unmen ,tioned,iltholigbthere'p little of inter est to chronicle' inthe' f daily round of serving, reading, and visiting, hospitals, which occupies - the" time of Mrs. Lin coln. She may have made mistakes— who does not ?—in her invitations, and thereby have ,provoked envious eriti cisrps. Neither- do .those of the Demo cratic era admit that there can be any courtsey displayed here now-a•days.— But I am sure that since the time that ; 3 • :Mts. Idadloon' prefided at the White • l ilecus - e, - it - has not tieen l graced by a lady o~ well 9teit hylpturo end . by educa tion to dispense its hospitalities as is Mrs: Lincoln. Her hospitality is only equalled by, her Charity, and her grace ful depoitment by her goodness of heart." 111 Colonel Elias M. Greene, Chief Quartermaster's Department in Wash ington, who devised the plan of the Freedmen's Village,. on the Arlington estate, is a New Yorker by birth. In this noble enterprise he is entitled to the gratitude of the Country. The freedmen were employed by him at fair wage's, add a percentage of their wages went to a fund, • the .proceeds • of which have built their houses, supplied their wants, and made them feel like men.— Col. Greene is a thorough business man, orgreat Valuelb theVovernthentin' the responsible position he occupies, and is in his efforts warmly -supported by Generals Meigs ann Beintzleman. 114 - SundELY,pape,r says : "General McClellan is,now engaged upon a series of-articles shortly to. be published in a popular Journal. - They will be published as an electioneering document, in con nection wit]; hie i'ep`Ort:. ' life Of 'Mc: Clellan ; a . , popular New York 'jou. ualist is also under way ; and the three his life, his report, and his explanatory articles- will probably be published sometime' 'dining the coming March, It is belieied that these publications, with his supposed popularity with the peo ple,..will giye him a very fair show for the Presidency." Gen. Butler telegraphs from Fort. ress Monroe that the rebel authorities refuse to• permit any more supplies of fo'cod or 'clothing to be sent to the pris oners in the Libby jailor at Belle Isle, This was, thes , singe, caused by impu tations cast / cm ,thein by the authorities that they,had not • distributed_all, the provisions received. They state that the priionefS Can now set out'a table eijual to that furnished by'any hotel in the North. For the present nothing, but letters will he alloled to reach the prisoners: . Very sensitive, truly, are•, these traitors. gar A. general order has been issued from the office of Adjutant-General Russell. defining the,plan of recruiting, adopted, and , calling upon, the people of the several enrollment districts and sub districts of the State to oar bounties to volunteers. The deficiency of Penn sylvania being, in proportion to her population, leas than that of any of the adjacent States, it 4 is 'hoped that by a vigorous support her quota may be filled by volunteers, and the draft thus be prevented. Jehu. Jones, esq., father of Jebu Glancy Jones, of-Reading, died at Mor gantown, on Sunday, 29th ultimo, at the advanced age of 86 years. He was a native of Cmriiarvon: township, :Berke county, and served as a private in the war of 1812. 'He 'received a classical education and: studied law, but never practiced. He was a son of Col. Jona than Jones, a soldier of the Revolution ary War, who fciught at TiConder'oga in the 11th PennsYlvania Line of the Cori tinental Army. ' ter•The President has issued a,pardon for E..W. Gantt, of Arkansas, from the , penalty.of treason, which he incurred by accepting the position of a Brigadier- General in the rebel army. The par don" reinstates' gr.' Gantt all' his rights of property, excepting those relating to slaves. This 'is the fifst pardon issued by the President since the proclamation annexed to his annual message.- cir The message of Jeff. Davis to the rebelCopgress, communicated last Week, andwhich is printed in full in' some' of our journals, is regarded on all 'hands at WashingtOn, as doleful and desPond ing, though still defiant, showing that the leadeys of the yebellion will,fight as, long,as,they can, and then attempt to skedaddle to some near foreign port, to save their necks. - A, good, jabs was pe9eyated, by r t) e 1 prisoner.captuyed at Chickamau ga. The rebel was looking at one.of our guns ; and-remarked that he didn't think that the 'Yanks Would use Them big guns ',midi longer: "Why riot?" in'qnired the' Pedh. "Because," said he, "the Confederacy is getting so narrow that youlifiii cleai'Over. it and hit your men.op pe.pther side." lir Brigadier General Chas. P.-Stone of Massaplptsttys„,whose arrest erul,con finement by the military authorities ex cited so much attention, and are now acknowledged to hate been unjust, was r4ently• merriedliti . New Orleans. ENE =II (*JAI .l. z - V 1 16' 1 21;4;1 CELEBRATED STOM4CH BITTERS. A PURE AND POWERFUL. TONIC, Corrective and alternative of wonderful etas* cy in disease of the Stomach, Liver and Bo W eis ; en res Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Head ache, General Debility, Nervousness, Depres sion of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, Intermitten- Fever s„. Cramps and Spasms, and all complaints of either - sex, arising, from bodily weakness whether inherent in .the system or produced by special causes. - _ Nothing that is,not wholesome, genial and restorative. in its nature enters into the compo sition of liostetter's Stomach Bitters. This popular preparation,contains no mineral of any, kind, no deadly otanical elenient ; no fi ery excitant, Mit it is a coinbination of the ex tracts of rare balsamic lierbs'and plants with. the purest and mildest of all diffusive stimu lants. . . It is well to be forearmed against diseaso, and so far as the human system can be protec ted. by human - Means against maladies en genderedby an unwholesome atmosphere, id pure water and other external causes„ HOSTE7'TER'S BITTERS May, be relied On . as a safeguard. In districts infested with Feuer and Ague, it has been found infallible as a preventative and irresistible as a remedy, and thousands who resort to it under apprehension Of an atiaek, escape the scourge ; and thqusands Who Ile- - glect ro avail themselves of its protective qual ities in advance, are cured by, a very Mid' course of this marvelous medicine. Fever and Ague patients, after being plied with quinine for months in vain, until fairly 'saturated with that dangerous Alkaloid, are not unfreqUently restored to health 'within afetv days by the use of Ilostelter's Baterd. The' weak stomach _id rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored by this agreeable to ale, and hence it workS wonders in cases of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed forms of Indi gestion. Acting as a gentle and painless appe rient, 'as well as upon the liver, it also invari ably relieVes the ConSttpution supetinduced by irregular action of 'the digestive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit, liable to ner vous attacks, lowness of spirits and gour,lind prompt and 'permanent relief front the Bitters. The testunonv on this point is most conclusive, and `from both sexes. The, agony of. Bilious Colic is immediately assuaged by a single dOse of the stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to it, the return of the comPlaintmay be prevented. • As a, general tonic, 1 - 10STEtTER'S'BITTERS produce effects which must be experienced'or witnessed before they can be fully appreciated. In Caies:of Constitutional Weakness, Prema ture DecaY and.DebilitYpid Decrepitude aria idg from Old Age; it exercises the'electric in fluence. In the convalescent 'Stage& of all diseaies it operates 'as'a. delightful inillrgorant. When the powers of - nature ate relaxed. it operates to re-enforce and re-establish them:. Last, but not least, it is The Only We Stim ulant; being' manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely flee frern the acid elements ptesent more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stotnachics of the day. No family medicine has been so universally, i and,emay be truly tidded; descrtied4 populal . with the 'intelligent portiGn of the community, as HOSTETTER'S BITTERS. , - Prepared by :HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburg; Pa. Sold - 1)y all Druggists, Grocers and Store keepers everywhere. ff;af.i)l BUILD'S Genuine vepoqt ions. COMPOUND ' FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A POSITIVE ! •AND SPECIFIC REMEDY For ijis6aSes of the litaddnr, Kidneys, Gravel, and Dropsical`Swellings. This Medicine increases the power of Diges tion, and excites the. Absorbents into healthy action, by which' the Watery or Colcareous de positions, and alll unnatural enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and inliamation. HELMBCLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. . _ For. weakness arising front' excesses, habits of dissipation. early-indiscretion of abuse, at tended with the following.symptoms Indisposition tl , exertion, Loss of Power, Difficulty of breating i -Loss of Memory, Weak , Nerves, ~ T rembling, Horror of Disease, . Wakefulness, • . Dimness of ,Yission, .in ..the Back, Universal lassitude of the muscular system, Flushing of the body, Hot, Hands, Eruptions on the :Face, . Dryness of the skin. Palid_Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed.to go. on, which this medienteinvariably reMoves,,soon follow's Impotency, Fatuity, -Epileptic in .orie. of which the, patient may expire. Who can, say that, they are not frequently fol lowed by, those. Direful Diseases," "Insanity and Consumpticm." Many are aware .of- the cause of their suffer ing, but lone, will, confess the records of the .A insane sylutos. . . ,Itielaachok deaths by Consumptipn bear am ple witness to the truth of the assertion. The constitution once effected With 9rganic weakness requires the aid, of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system; which HELIIIBOLLPS EXTRACT. BUCHU in va r i a•h 1y - does. Atrial will convince the most skeptical. . , • ..F.EMALES—FEMALES=FEMALES. In, many affections peculiar to females the Extract Buchu is uneaqualed by anyother remedy, as.in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu larity, Painfulness or suppression. ofcustorna ry evacuations, Ulcerated or Seirrhous state of the Uterus, Leuchorrhoea or Whites, Ster rility, and for all, complaints, incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion, habits cf dissipation,. or in the decline or , CHANGE OF LIFE, Take no more - Balsam,- Mercury, or unpleas ant medicines, for unpleasant' and dangerous, diseases. , Ifunstnoup' EXTRACT. Buctro and IMPROVED-BOSE WASH CURES SECRET DISEASES - In all their'stagea, At little expense, Little or no change in diet, No inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE.. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to urinate, thereby removing obstructions, pre venting and curing Strictures of. the Urethra, allaying pairi - and., indatnation - SO frequent - in the class of diseases, and expelling all posson ous; dideased. and wornout snuffer. • Thousands upon thousandswho have been the victims of ; quacks, and Who have paid heavy fees tote cured in.a , shorttime . have found they- were deceived, and thaethe."Poison" has, by the use of "powerful astringents,'' been .dried up in the system, , to ;break' out:in an aggravated form, and perhaps after Mar- Use Hembold's Extract Buchu for all affec tions and diseases. of the Urinary Organs, whether. existing. in Male. or Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long 4tanding. Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of a Diuretic, HeintholiPs Extract Duchu is the great Diuretic, and is certain to ,havethe de sired effect in all Diseases for which itis Ric ornmeaded. Evidence of the moat relialhe and rebpon Bi ble charagter yvill accompany the medicine. PAICM"I.QOP.E.II:I3OTTLE, oISIX for 0.00. Delivered to any Address,, securely packed from _observation. Describe Symptoms in all Cammunicutions. Cures Gyaranteeck! Gratis'! Address letters for information to H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. 104 South Tenth-st., bel. Chestnut, Phila. HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot, HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical IVerehouse. 594 Broadway. New York. Beware of Counterfeits and Unprincipled Dealers who endeavor to dispose "of their own" and "other" articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Preperations. cc " Extract Boehm. cc " Sarsaparilla. cc " Improved Bose Wash. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Ask for Hembold's. Take no other: Cut out the advertisement and send for rt. And avoid imposition and exposure. $l.OO Reward. FOIL A MEDICINE That will cure coughs, Tickling in the ,Tlinoat, Ififluevett ' • Whooping' Cough, Or riclievg r .c.vivinytive AS QUICK AS, - et9E6 coo -Bwrsabc.,___( OVER--FIVE 'THOUSAND DOTTE - 595 Have been sold in its native tout, and not a single instance of its failure is known. We have, in our possession, any quintity of certificates, some of them. from eminent iphys icians, who have used it i n ,their practice.,Mll. given it the pre 7 eminence ever any othetcoln pound: It does not dry up a Cough,but 40042, at, so as to enable the patient TO EXPECTORATE FREELY Two or three doses wilt invariably cure hiitig in the thivat. A Half Bottle has often completely cured the MOST STUBBORN COUGH, and yet, thcoighAis ea : sure andespeed.444ite operation, it is PerfeetlY 'barb) tesa; Iseibglittle ly vegetable. It is very agreeable to the taste and may be administered to children of anyag,eJ In cases of Croup we Will guarrantee a tun, if taken in season. n•-.4.N0 FAMILY should be without it. It is within the reach of all,, PRICE BLINH 'ONLY 25 CENTS ~a And if an investment and a thorough .trialP does not "back up" the above atatementilhe; money Will be refunded. We say this knew-. ing its merit§ and feeling confident that oner trial will 'seeme for it a home in every house.. hold. i„r1:ko not waste sway with Coughingp when so small an investment will cure you.' It may be had of any respectable druggistovten will furnish you with a circular of genuine certificates of cures it has r,iadcs 'C.. G, - CLARK, Proprietors, Sept. 24-61n1 New- Haven, IL r •P l alac - 57 - .-Fiurß=l ALL KINDS OF FANCY FURSI For Ladies and, Children,'s • I wish to return my thanks to- my friends of Lancaster and surrounding counties, ror their very liberal patronage extended to . me:,during the lak few years, and would say to them that I now have in store, of my own imp ortation and manufacture a very extensive assortment of all the different kinds and qattlities'Offsnews fursior ladies and children, that will bh. worn during the Fall and Winter seasons. Being the dtrect Importer of all My 141 AS from Europe, and having theM all manufatifit red ander,myown supervisien—enableat4 offer nty customers and the public a tititchi'''; - HAVDSOMER SET. OF, FURS for the same money. Ladies pleasegire meta call before purchasing!' Please re:neinber the naine, number and Street. . • 'JOHN I.'NHEIItA, 718 ARcu-BT4 , Sept• 17-sms.) PHI L.. 1 DEL PH 11Ci NEW . AND FRESH DRUBS; -i • ,-clizadis, • - ' s.ttettssot to Dr. jrranklin A • TAR. 'L AN DIS 'having purchased the' entire terest and good will of Dr., P. Hinkle's' Drug Sture; would take this oppostuilltytain- SUrin' the citizens of Marietta and thelitiblic generallk, that, adelphia a large addition to the old stock; tii will spire pains to het?' constantly on hind the best and most completAssortmenboteve= rything in the drugiine. Kot Row*, consisting in part ot German, French atlfiga. Usti" pertumery - ,' Shaving Soaps and Creatne, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and otheri3i4 Hair conkbe, Thzir Oils; Pomades,etc.,fialk Port Monies' , Pocket Books, Puff 1111 F %L{l Powder Boa es, ,s•c., c .0 t • The celebrated Batchelor's HAIR DYE, DeCosta'.% and other Tooth Washes, India Cola • gogue, Bap v's Tricoperous t .for the 'hiiir,qlily Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized got tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Fltiut of Rice, Corn Starch, Hecket's Farina, all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound SyrtiPO4 Phosphate, or Chemical teod - , an excellent ae• tide for cronic 'dyspepsia add a tonic in Con= sumptive cases, Rennet, for coagulatihrmill › an excellent preparation for the table ; -Table Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes: Puroa Liver , Oil. All of HaePs perfemery,peiniides, soaps, &c. His Via airon Or Hair Restorattvio is now everywhere acknowledged the A LARGE ASSORTMENT O 'neeKs Paiß STATIONARY; Sheet Music always on. hand; and promire4 by weekly orderilrom the city: Having secured the services' of'Mr: Harrison: Roth, formerly of the firm 'of Grave/Sr-Mk. he feels - corifident.that 'he can accommodate as well as'please 'his-tumorous patrol:la-int friends. • • Old Port, Sherry and• Madeira • Brandies for medical purposes.' " • The Doctor can be piolessionally coneinitrq at the store when not engaged elsewnere. 1k• Remernber the place, oppoSite - lhe 'Post Office, formerly Doctor llinkle,s. JOHN ORETLIA,! . c. PRACTICAL HUTU NO. 92 MARKET STREET,*R.INT;TA. ; • TAKES this method of mfor., -friends and the public .generally, that* has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied by .Geotgee L. Mackley,) and is .nnw perma nently fixed to prosecute the Matting Wildness IN ALL JD NRANCHES:' , Having just returned . from the city,frharelie selected a large, varied arid fashionablelsiolt ment oteverythizig in the HAT .AND_ CAP LI4P., • and now only asks an examination of his stock andprices,before purchasing eV's:where. Havinealso laid,in:a stock of Hatting4na,telj al, he will be enabled, at short notica,,,Mman ufacture all qualities—ftom the sommonoSPiti to the most Fashionable Silk Hat. Employing none NIL the best of workmen, and manufacturing good: goodi at low prices, he hopes to Merit and receive a libefal stfaie'of public patronage. lE5 The highest price said or Furs,—in trade or cash. FAQUAL-oi REGULAR TIMEKEEPERS can be had of• H. L. & E. J: 'Zibini, Car North Queen-st., and Center ScpiaseFtialcas ter, 'Pa:, in the' shape of Equitibrifrni".444OZ-- . .. . the FAIRY ',FURS JOJIN FA RAIL* 513 ARtlicST., below I;ighih, south side, PHILADELPHIA; poivrEfts, jlianufacturer A IC]) DE.J.f.h
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers