aurarat .111Ps1W-TitilLitErs DRUGS MEDICINES, crap iz. ]lid... ow IP LA 7 , tte. i&e., - Go to Fourthman s MsI:PZ)UC3L:I4: Waynesboro', Nay 24, 1867. ANTIETAM MARBLE WORKS! U. lb ALT 111: It (Ye 1111.0-, Id A Mir A (iTIJ It EDS AND DEALER 2 IN abnunotits, Tombs, litextryfones, 4c„ call attention to our assortment of the a hove, cumprteing the newest cud moat ap woved bty hrs. Having the advantage of Waterpower, and a Lung experietme in the STONE CUTTING 13USINESS, We are able to fill online at Clia shortest notice and on most reasonable term.. titve ae rt ca ll at our V.trd, near Antietam June :ion, or. the Waynesboro' end Hagerstown Turn pike, two inibie from the former place. Post Office adores*, Wayn—eboru', Pa. N. 11. thiere can be left with „lobo Walter atid ill receive ptuinpt. attention--11:W. Cc. bt:O. April 3E3 IX "OW - 13F1 11.11L-IK EID IrrIHE under.igned would inform the public gem A. orally inutile nos purchased the Livery here. ; Erre owned by Franklin Weugley, and is fully prepared to meet the WIMIS of the claim muttity in his Hue of businekti. He has hod all his carriages neatly re. paired and relined end his horses are 'lllO -16 . .ofe, gentle arid fast travelers. Par ' ties conveyed to any poin, tlesired, ac companied by u CuretLll driver. ()Mee one door west of riowilen'a Hotol, where an- to tens ire hostler will be in attendance at all hews ad the night and day. ' No etrirt will be spared to accommodate all win may trurowita him +boa 17 If OMNIBUS 'LINE; rarlllE subscriber inkirins the public that he is now proprietor of the Ito. line running 'daily be tween IVayliehoro' Iwo Greeneactie. heretofore run by Wolleroourger & :510114.- With 'good herool and u finit-elost: lour harm: Omnibus be rc enabled to convey riggen t erg to and fro with 'caution luta COW; iieito . . Hts Butt w ill leave Wayneshow' at G 3 A. IL, orrivatg, et tireettea*tte et ti. making tittle %tut bUre C ilia. tutu With ti.t' titat Paa•weger train ut 83 A. M. I.t.av , a titet.ileastia at 11 :'chick, P. 111... lir- Tivitti; at V tot ittthboro' at t 45, Il i i s t imis or , P ro _ prietur, I :ant ram o r and Driver. Delivers Adams Expreas mutter Io and frau. Grecuctiott.. All EX rabs v3preosi.4l tl.o same morning n nil through to Wayne, horn' the none day it strives. l'aratnia*,wishnig to goat goods by Expreitg will if u well by 9iving•nito a call. Pergolas whining to go to Ilugergtown should tulle this wow. The train leaves at 9 1a malting c, 1111 l cction with the Wuub. logien Vivouty saw 20 tr . ] . .1 It WOLFERSIIVIWEIL Moot and Shoemaking. THE sulacriber would inlortu the publis that lie is tit all times prepared to woks to order (Joist% 'Gumtree or fine dome, also anaree or doe work tor Idolise or Misses. including the latest style ut last ing thin:to. Repairing done ut shunt notice, and I.l.tasure4 taken in private. Infinite's. if •desired. Shop pu t•'ast Male tstreat, in the wino tortsterly occupied by J. Eiden, as a flour and feed store. TllO6. tioLLINusWOUTH. July 23—.tf OTOCEING UNITTING. HE subscriber wouttl inform the public that he itqs cenontutcell the husinets of atotking Knit ting /0 the Tinning seetoblishutritt of C, M. ry, in Wayttssiutroi. Winilett and Cotton btockings for um. Avner+ or children. always on hand, or noon, utsclareti to order when the notterial is Inveigled, to chino dots the smug) walk as by hanit, nov 10 31n) TitOt. 1101311 S eUbi. LX. pl. A. 1117GHES' 'Alas Bone, 13one Spavin, Splint and • Curb 13.9pudy. A4uro owe or Looney retwolrol. Each pricklno Ontiind gull dirottio.w. Price SS. A11,0'1.14%1 ad airesovd to Int J. A july 14 Gm] Wayncsivoml, lat fain 2:Ci LOT, E roircr ISuiltling hoto lur uit bruit! *beet. cicA:L.,u. Lirveurriug azuoil L0t4:13e21 , ? 1,..1.114 141 f.PviFf s DAUM/JAM PATE 14T MEDICINES. PREPARATIONS FOKTHE HAIR," OILS, P TS,PCIAC at 20 per cent. discount. licaynesborie lloteilluilding, FAIL ninval COON et STONEHOUSE kVnULD responds:ly inform the public Pat they have opened at their store room, on the south.weat corner of the Diamond, in Wayne. boio, a large - and we selected stock-of (fon, Steer, Naito, Coach-pakere Goode of every cleseription, Queensware, Cedirwirre, Shoes, Car pets, Oil Cottle, Paints, elass, Oils, Varnish Brush. ea, Fish, Salt, and ail.kind regulated store. Our goods are al new and freak -and-have-been - bought - lareash - ft the late diEW iu prices. We flatter ourselves that from our long oxperi ence in business, and • determination to sell gc ode at stint profits, we shall be able to offer unusual inducements ton buyers who desire to save mons sy. Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large and we assorted stock of sta. ple and fancy Dry Goods, embracing Cloths, Cassimeres,--- Sattinettil, Jeans, Tweeds, Dononailes, Cortle,Den inie, Stripes, Checks, I iingharns, Linin end Cotton Table I)ispers, Crash Aor Towels.Ualicoes, Delains, Alpaccus, Triingv, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Rheeting and Skirtings, Tickinga, Linens, Flannels, White tioods, Ciloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re ceiving new goods every week and will supply Any article wanted that we have not on hand in a' few days. We pny the highest market price for all kinds o, country produce such es llagost,Lard, Buttor, But Dried Fruit, fins, &v. Nov. a-18711 ALLYN Goof) WM. lI.FUSK. GOOD & VIETcAzor Who aro prepared to furnish and make to order, We are else prepared to do POST BORING, and in shut anything in our line of business.— Wishing to enjoy the success and sustain the rep. motion of the former proprietor. we will try to sell or make anything for you. you went or need in our Jim.; make t t as well es we can, mid sell it as cheap ut we can, with justice to you end us. Address GOOD ar METCA Waynesboro', Ps. Factory l j miles South of Waynesboro', Pa. Feb. 17. 1870. NSW %lilt 6 1 1 1 011,E. THE undersigned would most respectfully in. fora tho citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity tint he has opened a new Tin More on East Main street, opposite Istover di; Wolff 's Vry IJuods em porium, and keeps constantly oa Moat good sap— id, of COOK Fe COAL §TOVES , MO RD; OLORIE)3, etc,. at prices to suit the times. All kiwis, of work ,done in his line with prowess and dispateholuchses reofin. spouting and repairing. You will find it to your ir.terest, to give him a 'reit before pup:basing elsewhere. , The aigm is the Dig fled eatree Pot Always on the Post. Thankful far past (agars ha hopes for a contingence p 1 the eagle, Tours Respectfully, 19 VLAWTON M, FREY. p. IL RtisSFl-Lt ONA.LVR IN DRUGS, Chemicals, VA RNISHESES Ase. &e. -- - o-=- - - GTPhysicians dealt with WAYNESBORO', PA, Misch 27,1215 Dry Goods, Groceries, nardsware and cutler,y, • FANCY BRNSS GOBS, ANTIETAN ' FACT ,Y AND MILLS A NEW •FIRIII Sash, Doors, Shutters, Bliudd, Brackets, Staking, Moulding, Scrolling, Fluorin. 3lantleg, ike.,40., an. --ALSO— Sawing, phiinior, Tniniug and Grindiug. A BLEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY VINEGAR BITTE►S $f Iltaidreds of Thousands F.' f 4 k .., Bear testimony to their Wonder, NO 1121 CUrtStAre Effect", 34 ill WHAT ARE THEY? 'Re a a 0 .sP'a kr, . -. 0 4th 0 I ! ...g. P . a S A ps to E., E I I ; 1 S'P. I'6l EF*7 4 i ; f.. 4 P - .... F.. 2. 3 3 E l l u 0: t :: pal A■ ri t A V ; Li 0 " 6 q ...9. gi ig C 2 - 0 g Er la E°, e kg ,a§ THEY ARS NOT A VILE ir gl . A' 40. FANCY DRINK. till mad. of Poor Bum, Whiskey, Proof SAW' and Bernie Lionorodoctort4M/004 andsweet. cued to please the taste. culled " Tonics," Appetts. cro, Restorers," ec., that load the tippler on to drunkenness and rein, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants, 'They are the GIIEAT IILOO4 PIIKIFIEK and A LIFE GIVING PKINCIPLId a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring tho blood to a healthycondition, No person can take then Pincus according to dine. Goo and remain long unwell. $lOO willbe given for en incurable cue, provided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs pasted beyond the point of repair. Fqr Inflammatory and Chronic Manaus" than pod Gout Dreversla, or Indigestion, Itemlttent and Intermittent roma Diseases of the Blood, laver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters havo been most success. fol. Such Blackmon aro canned by Vitiated Blood, Which is generally produced by derangement. ofthe Dines:lvo Organs.. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Deed ache, Fain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Mott, frizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach. Bad taste in the Month, Bilious Attacks,_Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and atundred_othez-paintol—, pyr...ptome, are the offeprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the fior pfd lifer and bowels, which render them ofunequalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting now life and vigor to tho whole system. FOIL SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Totter, Bait Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Bolls, Caw band es, Bing-Worm, Scaldltend, Sore Eyes, Ilryelp clas, itch, Sena, Dbcolorations of the Skin, Rumors , and Diseases of the iskin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up undaunted out of the system fn short limo by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such poses will convince the post incredulous of their curative offeet, • Clearto the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its , Impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Brno-. Lions or Bores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and elaggieh in the veins; clesnao it when it ioroni. and your footings will toll you when. Heap the blood pun and the health et the system will PIN, TAPE and other WOUNIS, Bytom of so many thousands, are effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor-fail-directions, read etrefogy the circular around each bottle, printed fit fonrisa guages—Engllsb,Gorman, French and Spinfall. 3. WAINER, Proprietor. B.E. MoDON-ALD - & - ffo;. --- Druggists end Gon. Agents, Ben Francisco, Cal. end 12 and It Commerce Street, New Tort. GOLD BY ALL - DMITGOISTS - ANDBEALICEL . P ATFNTIE.IIO The merits of this Machine consist , in part, in the attachment of curved knives to the arms of the cut ting-wheel, the shearing cut across the mouth-piers, the great power and directness of the blow, by which treble the volume of material is cut, with less pow er than is required by any other Machine; those combined with its durability and simplicity of con struction, command public attention. Nothing lia ble to get out of order, but what a boy could remedy with a pocket wrench. Persons in a want of Machines of this description will do well by calling upon or addressing the un dersigned, blood and responsible agents wanted to sell machines and territory. 'Vito above Machine ip now on exhibition at the office of the Waynesboro' Manufacturing Company Persona interested should call and examine it, for it is what every farmer should have. H. C. GILBERT, BxxJ., F, STOVFITII, Proprietor, • Agent. Waynesboro', Pa. sum HEW URTCAI,P July 14-d] NE* STORE: ILLIAII4 8711 W ART has been to the City and laid in a large supply of Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes, of the moot fashionable styles. Men and Hoy's Shoes, both coarse and fine,• Mon'. Congress Gaiters; also Straw Hats. The' public aro generally invited to come and exam i ne for them selves. All who will buy of him will receive satin. faction, as he will sew all rips gratis. Ho also keeps sugar. coffee, molasses and gimps, pepper, alspice and cinamon, mackerel, letter paper, envelopes, steelpens,pen holders, kerosene, &c., &c. A lot of the best leather on nand. Work manu factured to order at abort notice and upon reason• able tortes. He returns *hulks to the public for past patron age and hopes to be ahlo to merit a continuance of the same. may 8, 1870. Wm. STE WART. WSTNESSORO' SELECT SCHOOL WILL be opened by Mrs. JOSEPHINII. Fong on the sth of tioptentbor, for the reception . of pu . pill. Having engaged rooms with every' convenience for the comforkof her scholars, she hopes to receive the patronage of her friends. The course of edu• cation will be thorough such as to qualify her pu• pile for the active duties of life. Private iustruc• tionirgiven on the Piano if desired. aug 11-18704 m NOTICE. GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH IN Roma it Timm intend doing a, mutar cash business, commencing the lot day of April, 1870. They are deteimined to sell goods as cheep ari they can be sold. All they ark JO to Ore thew • trial. They ate•sery thankful for peat fevers and hope a continuance of the same. mar'4tf• " • ROITZER & FRANTZ. Xs stit b.e r c THE subscriber has for sale Chetnnt Shingles, Frillings,Passtering Laths Shingling Laths, PUN Lumber from a half to one inch. All other sixes of Lumber furnished to order Also Oak. Pine end Chestnut Wood by the load for sale on the around. fie hqr pbso It 7 E Int seep • op 23-01 4 $ MONN. Dr. ur:iaiceiril RINGGOLD, hid PIiCE,SVILLE: .. 4.1. WAYNESBORO' NUTEIL FIRE INSURANCE-rAMPANY, wAtigtOoliiJl, FA., I 'AT TI 3111 SI 4GAINBT LOSE OR DAMAGE BY llB'Xika.3lW49 04 all safe class property at rstitatable rates. OFFICERS: W. 4, A MBERsON, President., Smog I.noaoN, Vice President. Jos. Potinte , i, tiecietarr. Jos. W. Mitt.tiu,,Trorisurer. DI.ILECTORS: Simon Lemon, Jacob Carbsugh, Jos. Price, Jos. W. Miller, D. B. Russell Jacob S, Good. DANIEL. SPiIVELY, Agent, June 16,'70] Waynesboro', Pa. W. B. Amherson, Lewis 8. Forney .los. Douglas, J .ieob J. M Mgr) Benj. F. Funk, Levi •^:+ndere, URSINUS COLLEGE, Located at Vreeland, Montgorn. ery county, Pa. The Academic Department: [FORSERLI FREELISD MINOT.] - A First-Olaac BugLich, Mathematical and Classical Hoarding School for VOLUM MEN AND BOYS, Under the immediate Tuition and Manage. ment of the faculty of the Codege. rirA II necessary expenses, including Tuition, Boarding, %telling, Books, &c., not exceeding $230 a year. THE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT . Will be distinct from the Academic and will afford alt the advantages of a fall College course in the usual higher branches cf study, under the directiOn of a Faculty of six ProfeSsors ("The Academic Year for both Departments will be divided into the following three must—The School Opening with the Fail Term, September 6, 1870 to December 22. Wfoter Terns, January 4, 1871 to April 6. Spring_Tetni, April _l2, to July 7,1871. For furthest information apply to Rev, J. H. A. BO M BEIWER, D. D., President of- Ursinus Cot ege, FM1111430, MONTGONCIPthiUSTY, PA July 30—tf.] ALEX. LEEBS, N •z+ door to the Town Hall, has now on ►ud f!ae tssortnient of O /K 1 S dele•;ted,by himself with great core, a large and well selected assortment o: avia ut Swiss, English, and American Manufacture ; JEWELRY cheaper than ever before sold in AV aynesbtiro , all the latest styles kept constantly on hand. Every variety of Cuff buttons. A fine assort ment of FINGER AND EAR RINGS. Solid Gold. En4aitimeut and WEDDING RINGS, Silver Thimbles and slierlds,' Castors, Forks, and Spoons,Salt Ce!Jeri, ttnd Butter (wives of the ccl. abraded Roger Manufacture, at reduced rates. SPECTACLES - . • 9..1411111:NZ 1'44 554 - AO/ To suit everybody's eves. New glasses put ip old frames. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry promptly and neatly repaired and tearianted. ' ALEX. LEEDS, Qest oor to the Town Hall, under the Photograph Gallery July 31. NOTICE. A Ckanee for Bargains! THE subscriber is now offering the stock of RICAMMADIO COMING formerly kept by the 'late Geo. Bender,,Eeq., AT AND BELOW COST FOR OASII - A'new supply of men and boys' Clothing just te• ceived from A. Jarrett of Baltimore, Add. All goods warranted and made in the best man, ner. Those who desire to purchase Clothing at the lowest figures wilt do'well to call at the old stand E. corner of the Diamond. atm 254 f A. E, WAYNAPiT. Tailoring Establishment ! VIRE subscriber would respectfully announce to la the citizens of Wayneshara', and vicinity that ha has commenced the Tailoring business in the dwelling house of Mrs. B.l'. Brotberton, opposite the Bowden Mitre, and is now prepared to male all kinds of clothing to order, which he will guar. antes to give satisfaction. lie asks a trial. ug 254 f GEORGE BOERNER. ;Barbering! Barbering! pall subscriber informs rho public that he con. ji Once° the Barbering business in the room nez door to' Ir. Bold's Urucery 8113 re, and is at all times peParod to do heir cutting, shaving, shampooning etc. in the best style. The patronage of the pub is is respectfully solicited. W. A. PRICE. Ana 28 1867. • L. V. HUACialiteise PHOTOGRAPHER, B. E. Corner of.,the Diamend, Wairsiessono', ri- AS at ell times line assortment of Picture Ei Promos and Alouldi*. Call and see spec/ Ulkltl OiCtures. ' how Q tr. ''Pectoral,,itorlipherr • . !, it* Miemini '4 the' ..TIM* =A in*liiiPo ' - such is Court:. CM", -1171uming ,C 011" BrOnghttifp •A#Ona• n ! n4 CO*lo.o9tins). ' '' •• ' . • trOtyabtinintOiniennl in 'On nt,ilin hlitOrr of , luedicino, nu tint Wag wen en widely Mid so IWO/ uliOnithe ointfidinice of nutpltind, asj.hls exceuent remed ..for 'Minion :07 neMpisthts, Through along series of - years, and among _MOW. • of the rapes of mob it haarbieis higher and higher - 4tn their estimation * as %has become better knewp, s uniform character and pincer to cpre the vs. U pus affections of M lunge and throat, Om ade It hn'owit to n reliable proteeter 20111 1 4 them. WUe a dapted to milder forms of 'Mists and to yeung children, it Mat the IMMO time mist effectual remedy that can be given for incip. - lent consumption, and the datigerous Affections of the throat and lungs. ' 4 1:8 a provision against sudden attacks of Crean; it should be kept on. i band in every Ihmily, and bide as all ere some. times subject to colds and , cou gh s, ail Should be provided with th is antidote for em. Althongirsettled COnsumption is. thought In, curable, still, great numbers of cases where the disease seemed settled, have been completely I cured, and the patient restored to sound health 1 by the Cher r y .Pectorpl. go coipplete is its ' • mastery over the disorders of• the Lungs and Throat, Qua the most obstinate of th eta yield to it, 'When nothing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pecuaret they subside toad disappear: Singers arid Public s.2makers find great protection from th, Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cured by It. • • Branching is generally cured by taking 1 1 * , Cherry Pectoral In small and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known, that we need not publish the certificates of them herep.or do more than assure the public that its qualitlei • pre Dilly maintained, • . • . ,flyer's Ague Cure, 'or Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever. Remittent,Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bitiotte Fever, dto., and indeed ell the affections which arise from • malarlous, marsh, 9r and poisons. As its name Implies,. it does 'Core, and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bas: muth, Zinc, tor any other mineral dr poisonous substance whatever, it in nowise injpres any pa, tient. The number and importance of its cures in the ague districts, are literally beyond account, and we believe wi th out a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other rent: adios had wholly failed. , Unacclimated persons, either resident in, or travelling through miasmatic localitle,s will be I l i by taking the AGUE CURB daily. For Liver Complaints ;wising from torpid. ity of the Liver, his an e xcellent remedy, stimu lating the Liver into healthy activity, For Bilious Disorders and Liver - Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines bad failed. Prepared by Dn. C. 4vElt Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, MSS" and sold all round the world. _ $l.OO P.F.11 33027.1%.111. A S. IIONEBRAKE, Druggist, Agent. T H E "CORNER DRUG STORII," Dli. - J BIURNS--.AMBERSON PROPRIETOR W. c. RiAsszit, ASSIBrANT. Constantly en Land a fug line at Drugs, . Chemicals, Patent Medieiees, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Ghee, Putty, ao. , ,Spioes ground or uogrosnd; Kerosene, Perfumery, Toilet and Fully Article, etc. etc. els We sell you but ier.tle of the beat quality and at prices satisfactory to all commuters. Special attention given to the compounding o prescripttens. Remember the "Corner Drug . store" end-give us a cell. J. bUIt.N.% AMBERISON, M. 1). TUE IMPROVED BUCKEYE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE la a wcunlerful achievement of invention, genius and mechanical &kith For DVRAINILITT and MUTT it atapda nriva 'ed. Stitt& Alike on Beth Sides. For Family sewing and matiulactuting. gent defies competition. for rims et rronwo. NIENIMING, wsLIA NO. CORDING, TIICAING, 111 h NQ. BUJ DIN 9 QUILT ING. fCwPLING, GATIIMING, and asuman and akw- Ow uw at the same lino. These machines are RAPID IMIII4IOIIIT-SUNNING., They have the BUT aIIOTTLETINCom and the MOM. UT and UST PISMO worm in else. They can he furnished with plain cover. orna mental cover. or full cabinet cover, and at prices ran ging . froml2o to $l2O, Agents wanted. A. E. Wornant. soot, for the counties of Franklia,part of Washingtan and Fted rederick, Md. 8. E. cor. Diamond, Waynesboro, Pa sep22•tf CHEAP "COONET."‘ BOOT-AND SHOE STORE; THE subscriber hasjust returned from the city and is now opening for examination a large and well selected stock of Boote and Oboes. Having had a 104 tune to become acquainted with the Boot and khoe trade, no doubt if you favor him with a call you will buy as he,will sell cbesp'and warrant the work. MI rips mended free of charge. Give "•looney" a call. C. RUTHEII. !Tilt 25-tf EXECUTORS' NOTICE. :WHEREAS letters testsnientary to the Estate 'V of Miss Mary U. Cochrsh, late of Waynes boro', deed, hare been granted to the sirbacribers. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, end thOse haying claims or demands' against the same will present ate same without delay. AMUERSON, W. A. HEW S &miters. jan 5-Ow TIROS. J. FILBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND AGENT p.m SNGER'S SEWING MACHINE. rt and Vhcatnyt • IA ALEX. TIAMILTON. THE KIDNEY& The Kidneys ire two, in numbei, alit: ' tea if: I er 'upper port of the loin, surroinided by, fst, and, eon listing of three :sit s; vie: the Anterior/ the terior, and the 'Exterior. • • - •,• ; The anterior abiairti. 'fiterior consists of iiiwee4 qt. veins, which servo is a deposit for the urine arid' convey 'it 'to the extorter. nil Merler is a ceimlnev. or also. terminating in e single tube, st called . the Theier. The ureters ire connected with the Mad der. - • The bladder I. composed of vsiiotis coierinirs or thanes, divided into parts. vie: the Upper, the Low— er, the Nervous, and the Mucous. 'I he uppor. ex— pels, the lower retains. Many have it'desire to uri- , nate \rhhout the ability': others initiate Srithout the ability to retain:* This fregeontly occurs in chil dren To care these affections, we must bring into ie. Lion the muscles, which are engaged in their - va •ions funCtiens. If their *te neglected, tiring orilhopet may ensue. The reader must elso be Made aware, that how ever slight may be the Ranch, it is sure to effect the bodily ihealth and mentol powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. - G 0 R Rl4 E,U.M A - MOO Pain - obscuring in thejoins is inflictive of the obeyer diseases. They occultist! 'persons disposokto acid stomach and chalky concrstions. THE GRAVEL. The!cresol ensues from neglect or improper treat. mr At of the kidneys. These organs being weak, the waterlisArot expelled from the bladder, but al lowed:to remain ; *meows feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this deposit, that the stone in farmed, and:Aravel ensues. DROPSY k isiNk olfaction of wator intone) parts of thibody, andiin different names, aceordineto th e partial. test, te via: When generally diffusediover the body, it is ealied4A negates ; when of the ainlvinen s jAa‘ char; when of the chest, Bydrothorsa. . viaumwav% ifeladoles highly concentrated compounillik— tracy4Buclic..is_decidedly_ONE OF THE._ kkEIII:F REMEDIES FOR DISEASES OF 'FHB BLA DDER, KIDNEYS GRA Vcr„ DROPSICAL, SWELLINGS, RHEUM ATritM, and gouty-affections. Under this head we horst ar-. noi t ei Dysuria, or difficulty and pain in paving water, Scanty Secretion. or small and frequent dis charges of water; Strangury. or stopping of water; Hemituria, or bloody . urivve, Gout an.l RtArisrnatiam of tote kidneys, without any change in quantity. but increase is color, or dark water : It Wee always HIGHLY RECONNENDED by Ihepste Dr. Physick, iu glut's salotionu. This knealiciu* INCREASER;THE POW ISR.OF DIaSSITION.. and excites the absorbent's into healthy exercise by which the watery or culcureous deposition., and all unnatural eulargemcnts t as wen as petit and irillser• motion, are reduced, etid it is taken by men, woe men, and children. , Directosin for use and diet as PTHLAnzuquA, PA"Peb. tts, 1887. H. T. Raomotv, Druggist : [Mina `rtt —1 have beet, a sufferer, for upwind of twenty vents, with gravel, Mulder, and kidney af fection, during which time I have used various cite (Urinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the mosleminent Physicians; experiencing but little relief. Munn; seen your preparation extensively adver tised, I consulted with my tinnily physician in re gard to using your extract Bache. I did this became. I had used all kinds of adver tised remedies, an. , had found them worthless, and some quite injurious ; in fact I despaired of sever get, ling well, and determined' to use no remedies here. atter unless I knew 1/1 the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you ad• yertised that it was composed el buchu, cubebs, and juniper berries, it °marred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, with his advice et'• ter an examination of the article, anti comet tang a gain with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I eon.- inencett its use about eight months ego, at which tune I. was confined to my room. From the first bottle j was astonished and gratified at the beneficial effect, and after using it three weeks, was able to walk out, I telt much. like writing you a full state men( of my case at that time, hut thought my ire. pros-einem might only be temporary, and Iberians concluded to defer and see if it would efect a per. feet cure, kbowing then it would be of greater vales to you, end more satisfactory to me. I tau now able to repcut that a cure is dr.:deft a ter using the remedy gar five months, have riot used any now for three months and Adige well in all respects es I ever did. • Your Kuehn being deroilof any unpleasant tails bpd odor, A NICE TONIC AND INVIGORATOR OF THE SYSTEM, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may reggire its use in such aft.:ctions. M. McCORMICK. should any doubt Mr. McCormick's statement In refers them o the 'allowing genttemen How Wir t Bunn, e*Governor, Pennsylvania. Hon. Taos. 8., Ptomegoa, Philadelphia. ' Hon. .1 1 C. lfgok, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. 4. B. Bucg. Judge. Philadelphia. '- lion, D, H. Poona, eg.Governor. Penn's. Hon. 4; k ma Lam, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. H. C. Gams, Judge, United butes court. Hon. G. W. Wuonwattn, Judge, Phitedeiphis. Hon. W. A. Poona. tlity Solicitor, Phila. Hon. JOAN Mean, ex Governor. California, Hon. E. Buss. Auditor Oen., Washington. D G. And many ot h ers if necessary. . Bold by Druggist, and Dealers everywfiers. Do., ware of counteneite. Ask for fielmbobl's. eke no other. Psios-631116:per bottle. or 6 bottles for eg.f.e. Delivered to any address. Describe symp toms' in ill communications. Address,H.T. HELAIDOLD. Arm; and Cheini• cal IVrirebouse, 694 Broadway, N. Y. NTONE ARE GENUINE UN- A:1161d dome up in libeci•etigreVO:intr3ppOT. fug-..amile of my' Menke! Warehoure, and sigu-. e4l MMIIIM EM:IIIE I! !!!II! T:IIELMBOLD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers