PUBLIC SALE. rit B h undersigned Will gin puhßessia, at Ilia residence. about I .mile Emit of Ringgold, on the farm belonging to the Mein of Joseph. Ga;rrer, idec'd, on _____IVEDMSDAYItIft 10 4 11 PRORVARr,ASTIti the following riensdnal Property, :to 'wit: Eight head of VALUABLE HUM HORSES, among which are 3 excellent Wagon and Plow Leaders ; I goof Brood Mare, 2 two and I yearling Colt ; • • 20. HEAD O 1 CATTLE among which are 3 good Mitch Cows, 2 Heifers with Calf, Bull, and the balance Young Cattle ; 12 head of FINE SHEEP; MICIEI,4I6XO .13041:31451, fr BROOD SOWS; I Dodge Reaper and Mower combined, with self-Rake, nearly new One 'Willoughby Grain Drill, withGunano Attachment, I Spring-tooth Hay Rake, 2 Farm Wagons, 2 pair Hay Carriages, 1 Wagon Bed, 1 Spring Wagon, 1 New York Horse Power end Jack, 1 Cider Mill, 1 Eureka Fodder Cutter, I Wheat Fan, I Rolling Screen, 4'Barshear Mows ? two of which are new, 4 Double and 2 Single Shov ot Plows. 1 Cultivator, 2 new Harrows, treble, dou , He and single trees, 1 new fifth. 1 carrier, breast and butt chains, 2 sets breechings, 4 sets front gears, two of which are new, 6 housings, collars and bri dies, 1 four and 1 sir-horse line, 1 wagon saddle, halters and plow lines; FIVE BARRELS GOOD VINEGAR;: 1 Work Bench, 1 Grindstone, Grain Cradles and Mowing Scythes, Grain and Hay Forks, Rakes and bhovels; 1 complete set BLACKSMITH _TOOLS, 1 Screw Plate and Bitts, a lot old Iron, 1 Dinner Be ff, 1 Saud Screen, 1 40 Foot Rope, new, a lot of Empty Barrels, 1 Feed Trough, 1 batting,' Cutter,- and many other articles not necessary to mention. .A.Za 45 fan SHIN Till EOM Sale to commence at 9 o'c lock, A. M , on said day, when a credit of 10 months will be given on all sums of $5 and upwards, the purchasers giving their notes with approved security, sums under $5 cash. No property to be rrnauved until settled for. DANIEL, H. Ur tItVEMI - jar' 26-ts PUBLIC-S .THE , subscriber; intending-to-tinit-farming, will offer at public, sale,' at his residence. 25 miles North-west of Waynesboro', and (thrust of a mile from tie Waynesboro' and Greencastle turn,. ____ITTESDA_Y,_2/IE".2I_SI DAY IMBRVARY, '7l, the frllowin; property, to wit 11 HEAD HORSES & COLTS, among VC hich are I fine Riding and Driving Horse, 4 Brood Mares. 3 wit° foal, all of *Ha are 000 d Leaders; 3 Colts rising 3 years old, 2 rising 2 aad I yearling; 20 HEAD Cr CATTLE, b of which aro Mitch Cows, 1 is fresh and another wi 0 be flesh about the time of sale, the_balartee_are oung Catt e ; ..18C30.49.111:10 °VIE ClarS, 1 part Chester llonr,a Sows with pig; 1 three-inch ,igom 1 Dodge & Stevens Heaper, 1 McCormick Mower, 1 Drill, oh nef.r:y new.) SPRING_:_tO-O—TH RAKE, Top Buggy, nearly new, 1 Sleigh and Bells near ly new, 2 pair flay Carriages 2 sets bong Boards, 3 plows, 2 three-horse and 1 two horse plow, 1 sing gle and 6 double shovel plows, 3 harrows, 1 wheel barrow, single, double and treble trees, 2 sets breast drains, 1 bet butt chains, 2 eels front gears, 3 sets breechbands, 6 sets plow gears, 6 ily•nets nearly new, 9 blind bridles nearly new, 10 chars, 3 riding bridles, 2 riding saddles, 1 wagon saddle, I set sin gle harness, 3 Larness nets, 12 halters, 15 cow chains, • 2 fourthorse lines, nearlylnew, breast strap, - inich's mAt,) 1 windmill, lot of forks and rakes, 3 grain cradles, 2 mowing scythes, 2 spreaders, 1 emr cry grind stone, 1 large dinner bell, 25 bags, 3 plow lines, 2 show Is, 2 picks, 2 saws, 2 axes, 1 hand saw, 2 bushel baskets. Also, niontimber of articles will be sold out of the house, such as • ONE COOK STOVE, I Coal Stove, 1 Wardrobe, 2 Bede and Be !ding, 1 eheA,.A pplebuttcr by the crock, Lard by the pound, Ha Kis. Shoulders and Bacon by tho pound. 60 WES Of OM I Till GgOBO I lirty bj the ton, r odder by the bundle. Corn by the barrel. I Robe, I BuTgy spread a► u l Blankrt, and a vtriety of other articles n."t necess•ity to mcriti n. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, on said day, when tt credit of 12 months will be given on all sums 01 $lO and upwards. Persons in want of gaol or l'artning utensils, should not fail to be present. FRANKLIN MILL.ER, 0. V. Motto, inlet. . jan 2649 PUBLIC SALE, MHE undersigned will sell et Public Sale, at his residence on the road leading from Quincy to Mont Alto, o WED:tuna, FunimatrY Ifnit, 1871, the following property, to wit : 3 WORKHORSE 2 MUL ES , young and well broke; 2 Colta,riring 3 ye%ra, ono an extra; 17 HEAD HORN CATTLE, among which are 3 Minch Cows, one fresh by time of sale, 6 Heifers with calf, the balance young cat , tle; 3 Fut 'Steers; 3 Sows and pigs, 11 head fine Shoats, I large Chester Boar; 1 Road Wagon, four. inch tread, with bows and cover, 2 Plantation We , goes, 1 wood bed; 1 pair Wood Ladder , , I Falling top Buggy, (good) 1 Cart, 1 Spring Rake, 1 wheel• barrow. 2 pair Hay Ladders; 1 Threshing Machine and Horse Power, 1 Corn Shelter, 1 Cloverseed Huller, 1 Fanning Mill, 1 Rolling Screen, 3 SETS BREECHBANDS, .1, sets Front Gears, 3 sets Plow Gears, 6 collars, 6 blind bridles, 4 fly-pets, 6 houseful, 1 set Harness. 2 plow lines, six horse line, 4 pair spreaders, wagon Biddle, a lot Single trees, 2 three-horse. 2 two-horse tees, jockey sticks, 3 three•horee Plows, (Hooker vintih mike); 3 Harrows ' 4 double Shovel Plows, 1 .single shovel plow,slot old iron, rakes. dung, pitch :and *shaking fork slibiela and'. mattocks; *v. stove, 1 fleik. 2 Ruts breast chnimi, filth chajo ft car rying chairi/, 2 'sets dung bositle,"ll4 341ite tiga, 3 meat vessels, 1: pa tent churn;' and'•ntady oper arti cles. • ' Or. aunts of $lO and up-Nardi a credit of 121w:intim will be given. i3ale commence at'9 on ;add day. ' JO/iN HELLER; jan 22- r; toj G. V. Ildnea f acct. IMPORT ANT TO FA RMERS. RANNDEI NORWAY OATSI 11T1A18.0ats is finenperier ;to any, other,.for, ifs JL ;great yield per acre and,excrileutiardiiy. • 'rho stalks grow firm and "donut •lodge easy, .many t hem:bearing frop 150 to 050 grain!. CAttrriott.—Well•tve evidence th,at, many oushels were sold last season under this !urine, which was no entirely different and inferior grain. _,'.l:his.seed was oht tined from D. W. Ramsdell. and is , Warraidit'd „free :of all '4)O seed:;- Viutiished in any alma sacks defrired, ,, ‘ Ad Ir.rsk • A. M. BELI. & Wayncabcre7,Franklin Uo , Pa. Jan .t. 6" tf vilmN i l , -, - -FgoLL:l4l : . • : pik.l THE "alanniiig.increaniit the: nifthbet of fright• fel accidents, resulting in terrible dcathe and destruction of valuable property,teaused by the in discriminate use of oifsyknowei under threntime of P etrolenm, prompts its to call 'Our-Special attention _teLatiattiele wherever used, teatime the cause Of such ' accidents . We allude to' I CARSON'S STIOLIAR MUM , ILLIJI!IINATING' PIIIIPOSES The proprietor of this' il has .for several years felt the neoessity .9f providing„fonnnd, presenting to the public, as a substitute fertile dangerous coin pounds which are sent broadcast over the country,- as an oil that is safe, brilliant. and entirely reliable. After a long series of laborious end , costly expert manta, I* has succeeded in providing,-and now of fers to the public, such a subbtitute r in CARSON'S" STELLAR OIL.' It shonld be used by every family because it Is safe beyond tr question. The primary purpose in the preparation of STELLAR GIL has been to make it Perfectly Safe, ,thus insuring the lives and prop erty of these who melt: Its pres'ent standard of SAFETYand BRILLIANCY wilt always be main tained; for upon this the proprietor depends for sus taining the high reputation. the STELLAR OIL now enjoys,- • To prevent the adulteration of this nil with the explosive compounds now know under the name of kerosene, ditc., dr.c., it is put up for family use in five-gallon cane, each can being sealed and stamped with the trade-mark of the proprietor ;- it cannot, therefore, be tampered with between the manufac turer anticonsumer.- None is genuine without this trade-mark, • • . . It is the ditty and interest of -all dealers and con. Burners of illaminating oil to use the STI LL 41{• OIL: only, because it alone is known to be safe and reliable. It is for sale by Amberson, Benedict & Co., Waynesboro'. %non & Stotler, Marion: B. 11. Winger, Qtrincy. Gelwicks & Burkhart, Chambemburg. Ar. D. Dixon.. st. Thomas.. J. Hostetter & Co., Greencastle. Thomas C. Grave,- Mercershurg. Joe, L. Ritchey, 6r JARIJEN & CO., WEIOLUALZ A GeNTBr No.l feb 2-1871] PRIVATE SALE OF YiMOLE TOWN PROPERTI übseriber-ofers-his-Valuable--Ilomestea situated in Waynesboro, containing 2 Acres of well Improved Land. The improvements consist:of a large two story -- BRICK DWELLING HOVIE, newly fired up and painted both in and outsitte; (food Water supplied by hydron in the kitchen. / Also a now two-story BRICK WASH AND BAKE 'IOUS / containing- two_good_Dwelling_Reems and Sm.. e - House up stainall - connected with the main dwil ling house; also near by is a new two-story Frame Work Shop, Wood end Coal House combined, to gether with other nncestary ont•buildings.-The yard and surroundings of the house are made pleasant and d..sirable by convenient Brick Pavements, sand walks and about two dozen shade and Ornamental Trees ; about )Ite, on 100 YOUNG FRUIT TREES, of all the choicest varirties.. _r_his_is_one_of the most desirable and finest lo cated Homesteads in this town or neighborhood be ing situated on an elevation unencumbered by other properties and affords a magnificent view over the town and all the surrounding country. - The soil is in a high elate of cultivation and is of a nature that makes it more thin ordinarily produc tive, and in both the we-test end dryest seasons its situation being high and on the sun side is well cal culated for gardening, early and late, both for Film ily-and-Marketing purposes. lar Good terms will Ekgiven; and if net Bold be fore the 25th of March nest, it will be ()tiered at Public sale on that day. feb 2-tf P. G EISER. EVERYBODY READ THIS AND REMEMBER THAT MILLER & BEAVER Havii received their Fall and Winter Goods, and are now ready to offer great iniucements to all who wish to save money in ranking their fall purchases. Their stock of uclaa d.aoLA.t tor Ladies and Gents consist of all the late styles, such as Silks, Alpacas; . Poplin Mohair, crintoes, • Delanes, &TA Cloths, Black rind Fanereassimeres, Overeoatings Velveteens, Cords, it atinetts, Jeans. Tweeds, c. In the notion line they have GutT, collars, phis, ties. handkerchiefs, Hosiery, gloves, mitts, conif switches, chignons, corset , , suspenders, laces tapes, trimmings, And ladies and Gents underwear. For Ladies' Wrappings they have Lone, .`'quire, Shotilder said Breakfast iihatvls, binbies, Hoods, etc. •Theis stack of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Queensware, Cedarware, Oil Cloths. Carpets, aC c., is large and was selected to suit the trade. All they ask is an inspection of their stock to he con vinced of the truth. No trouble to show goods. Fresh Butter, Lard,.Eggs, Rage, Bic takentin ex change for goods Limy 10 , QUINCY NORMAL SCIDOL. ce HE Patrons end Friends of EdOration of Quin -1.11 cy intend to form a Normal School which shall be under the instruction of Jour; W. throws, B. E., as Principal in which•the Higher English branches will be thoroughly taught. Mr. Brown has had sev eral years of experience in bin profession and has recently griduatsdin the '•Normal CoUiSi" at the State Normal school, comes well recom mended'by the Faculty as a practical and success= ful Teacher: Mr. Brown's reparation as a Teacher is such as will give general satisfaction to the com munity. Special attention will 'be given to students whir •desire to prepare for'toatlhing. The government of the•school will be. mild• andPareutal.l' • Moral in struction will be given ahroughout•tbe entire:session. The session will commence about the First of April. The citizens of the surrounding vicinity .shoulda *ail themselves of this farnablerepportunity to form such ii school, Exerdses in Composition and Dec. Isimation will be given. The • rates of tuition will vary' treariltig to the• grade. of studies - pursued.— nr . ,furttioi"informatiakaNly to ' • • • , • •• ' AHDDOUB. • . . • JOHN HEMMINGER; • • ' "Fl. E:' YV Eit l'Z, • feb 2--4 t ' • - 'E. B. WINOER. LE 'w DETitrcn, ATTUI&Et AT . LA * - Z.YPILAII0110! ) PA , Y/MA ltiie pionipt . eiaslose attention to all business intrusied'to his' Office nes door to the Burden 14000, iii,tlte,yalker building . 4 "W $67" - Lt . < •• .• - • . • The cligheat eits.h price Will • he • paid for Cant Iron tlil:niedelivere'd at the werke of the. f Vif if . uctatn VO. ....:-:o-,-- South Front tit., Philadelphia. if1111010110:61,04VTOW'61 For sale at W. A, TRIPLE'S new Stoie and Tin store- lie has on hand a large Mock of the above stoves, aq of the late imrroved kinds. There is added to the Morning of this year an oven, which is.nent in appearance. it is a good Baker. You can heat Irons.—Bake,lioillteast, stow, and it does not interfere with the operations as a Parlor Stove. In regard to the blast ()Isom Steve healers, who say that their particular stove takes less coal and gives more - heat than. the Morning •Glory, yuu earl ut that kind of talk down ns a Blow:well, as t e 5 Liming G 1 iry has been sold (in — this — part - of the country)fi)r four years, and in , that time I have pat out over three lila-knifed of them, and never had to take one back because it woultb not do its work or it was not what I sold'it for. Now that cannot he said of any ether stove ever offered in this mar ket. Thst is the proof which is-the stove. • I have other styles or heating stoves for coal or wood. Heating Furnaces put up and Warranted. My Cook Stoves are of the best in market for coal er wood, an warranted good Hatters. Also it new Parlor Cook Wove, something- that can't_ be excel', ed. Call and see me. You will find my stock of Tin Sheet-Eron arid m other wares of the_h_est kinds arid at low rates. On hand ; the best Clothes Wringer in market.— Also a good and cheap, Washing Machine. Roofing and Spouting dope of the best stock and at short notice. Job work of all lands in my line done at low rates. The only place in town where you can get your copper workg . the only Copper Smith' in the place. Oet 4 l] W A. TRITLE. HUSH FIIIMTUILE! LH. WflIT ORE, Wholesale and Beta .4 Dealcr,land AlaLufacturer et 11,0USE2URNITURE, ANA UPHOLSTERER.. GREENCAsTI,E, PA., takes Ibis method of informing his customers and the public that he has REDUCED THE PAIGE OF FURNITURE from ten to twenty per cent. Owing to the advan• lieges to has ever other Manufacturers he can and will sell Furniture at it less price than any other Manufacturer it. the state. Having THREE STORE 1400M3 tilled with every variety of FurOture, frmn a plain, common arlic:e, to the finest in use, he feels war ranted ift soy tog that he can pluses all taetto., EXA3.IENE LIST OF PRICES. ISEDST 0 A UM. COTTA E—lmitation of Walnut *5, 6,7, to 8 aaliJ ulnut 8,9, to 10 EN NY LiN L.)— 3-A r.;11 Tup Panel, Walnut " 14. 16 to 18 " 3-Arch fop Panel, Imitation 111, 12 to 14 Round, Corner f00t,3 Panels Walnut caned 25 to 20 ";'y, FOOL ►val Panel Wal nut, Mollified 30, 35 to 90 ANTIQUE—New tdy le 25, 30, 35,40 to 00 FIN% niiqun Uti AMBER :SUM, Full A 1 ort4o • 130 to 175 enT. CNA M lEIi .t.1711'8, :1E38,40,43 to 60 a 01.11) AL OF 'UI fN 60, 73 to 85 BIikOAUS Imitation WM., 4 'homers, with glass Woo.l top $l4, 15 to 16 Imitation 4 drawers,with glass, Marble top 17, 18 to 30 Solid Wal./1 Drawers,.witb glass wood top 2n, 22, 25 to 32 /I Itlarblo top 25, 30, 32 to 60 Imitation 10, 12 to 14 TABLES Dining Table, lit legs, Breakfast do , four loan, 5 to 6 Marble top do. 20 L!ilreront patents, 9, 10, 12 to IS Extension Tables, per foot, 2 to 3 GILA I RS. Windsor or Wood Seats . (i ocx ) from $5; 6.7 to 10 Cane Seats, pee ha If dor., 9,10, 1 t 11.50,12 b 0 to :30 (Have over 600 of the above on Lana ) Wood Seat Rocking Chairs. from 1.25 to 5 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs, from . • 2to 7 Willow Seat Roelting (Theirs. from 2 to 10 Sfiring Seated Chairs, upholstered in Heir Cloth. Brocatef, Rap & Ter- ' ry,rangintin price, per halt doz. - from 21 to 75 Ruking Chairs,4lpholvtered astbove, 9 to 15 Tete•a-Tetes, upholstered 'tie aboie. (each) from 20,'22, 50, 26, 30 to 75 Box or Plain Sofas; from . IS, 20 to ;AI Lounges, upholstered in, !fair Cioth,,,, , $ BrOeafolOter i Terrifind DataMk; Spring Seats, (each). , • from 7,8, 9, 10,11,,.12, to 80 WARDROULS. imitations Walnut, far • SIB, 12.14. 16 to 30 Hplid Walnut.. , . . , . 15, 18.1'0, 25 to ell Also, Nide Eoaida, Wail' Stands, Mattresses, and in fact everything iu the Furniture tine. The lim its 'of an advertisement is entirely too, narrow to give a full list of prices, and • kinds ut furniture. mane facture& at - thia establishment. CALL AND SEE 'FOR 'YOURSELVES. rirßemetnber the piece. It. WHITMORE, • • dee 1:671 - • • • Greencastle, .PRIVA,TE •SALII. Tang subscriber offers Howe' end Lot t of Ground on North street,. Waynesboro'. There is on thi tot a well of good water par ly completed. Also 8 Bui'ding Lots on Broad staid. and 12 on West' Main .street.: Int' one of" the loiter there is Lime Ki:n and geed Stone Quarry. Money cnn be made upon this Mt lry - d.ime Burning. Aho 6 Out Lots ranging in sire from Li'to 4 acres. ' If it is desired 'intension' of llailiiug Lots can got poisoseim,of than this Fall. sop e-tf ' ALEX I1.114:11,TO:X.' NOTICE. LI ' • to - A :iii: - '•-• ,:: • Wit ' PI Sts We are now receiving oar first sappry of FALL GOODS at lower 'prices than they have been for gevernl years, to which ws call the attention of all who wish to buy CHEAP GOODS. - A full assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres. &c., fur Men and Boys wear at A. B. & Co's. • A full assortment of Delains and al: kindsof sun mer goods fur Ladies at A 13.'& Co's. Bl'ached and Drown Muslins selling low et • . A. B.& Co-'a. A heavy stock of Ingrain, I 'nom:a, Hag and all kinds of Carpet at A. Li. dr. Co.'s. Cil Cloths and'Mattings a large lot at A. B.& Uo. s. Wall and Winthiw Paper in great variety at A. M. di Cu.'s. Ladies and Misses Shoes cheap and good n t A.•B. & Co.'s. We have a full assortment of an' kinds of Dry Goods, INotionsy Queenswriro, tinrilwao, and Gro ceries to which we call your attention and feel con fident that we can give you full satisfaction in rc gard to rice and quality. igrGive us a &Lao A MBE RSON, ILEINEDICT & CO dec 1-1870: 41 PINLI A PENNY SAVED SAYS'TEJE OLD ADAGF. Well, bow4and.where is the pleco,to do it? Why wherever you can use your money to the best advantage; ■nd popular opinion has long Knee • given the palm to, Stover 4. Wolff, $7,50 to $9 for .keeping the bust arid cheap est store ; all they want is for buyers to call and examine their stock and convince themselves Our stock consists in rut °f lint following *ekes : LADIES'- DRESSGOODS, ALPACAS, , 51011 AIRS, POPLINS, ARMUNS, • DELA INES, OPERA, CLOTHS, REPELLANT S, EN,GLISLI VELVETINENS, I• . • 2 k •l • C " iiNT e star; - Cloths, Doe*kln Cassimers, Cords. •elatinetia, Cot ionades, Linens, Tweedy, arc., ;.' •••1' We would call especial litigation to our dock of LADIES' CUSTOM-MADEISHOES, in Lasting and Morocco, du ap. GROCERIES. We have boughtelterge, coniequently bought Cheap All our goods have been bOughe at.panie prices, consequently wears enabled to undersell those who bought before the decline. • CALL AND SEE.• 'VA Awl we rill provo . to you what we:say. Alt kinds of Country Prodisee • BOUGHT AND SOLD. - • • Nov. 24, 1870. ' B jOVER ilk' WOLFF.' Apleasant room in. the roar of ,my offices, with four largo windows in it especially adapted, for a stiorm..ker shop and now occlude.] by • Vtir I..ront. jan 1211 l. N. SNIVELY. bUeil AS ror Rent. D B. stu,saLL. NEW FIRM D. B. tilizi:A3l,T, & SON at the Aign .11 th e fi g R 441 llorn, will keep enostaritly ran harm and for sale a Inge wieorterrerbt of :Rto•ves and Till ware. COOK STOVES ! (warranted to give eatibiactiot..) :eihmware Iron were, House Furnishing Goods Tabs, Buckets, Churns, Knives and forks Spoona, Ladles, Large iron and Copper ketrlea, And other ireful ariteles at the rior of tho BNI RED 114 1 RN, Waynesiwro . , Pa , where a huge um ,sortment of COOK STOVES, NIN 11.1 3 .LAT1+; STOVE,S PA Li, LOB. §TO TF3 • COAL STOVES tic of the latest improvements, the very host in the market, at the Cheap Tin and Stove Store oh D.ll. RUSSELL, Sc SON. EVERYBODY TilE IMPROVED - ORIENTAL BASE BURNED, Sold et NWMy TINVITARE made of the heat Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the ",3Ella 13Ccor11" D. 11. RUSSELL keeps cotton:wily on hand a large assortment of House, Furnishing Goods,' for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and a large Assortment of Lamps. Washing Made Easy ! by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and getting the hest Close Wringer ever made. Persom in want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value for their money by calling on D. IS RUSSELL & SON. Sign of the "BIG RED HORN" Waynesboro', Pa SAVE YOUR FRUIT I REPS; TOP; L. A. OELLIG DAY HOUSE, ..PATENTED J.tJJIIARY 218 T, 186 R. • This ip the best Dry House ever offered to the It dries ]fruit in half the time required by the old teethe!. It dries uniformly and perfectly,. • 'l'he - Fruit &hit by it retains more 'of the natural flavor. •) It h easily unrlled: • It elves fuel.. • ' " It is durable and portable. It has 'A feet of drying warfare.' - Call and see them at the sign of the 4- PIG RED BORN MIA Innvovnur orders fur than laarch 21, 1870. JOhlNfl atmaccr. Brmwsra re, Japanned Ware, CAME ANDS EE D. IL RUSSELL & SOV, sign of the Big. Red Horn, Waynesboro', Pa GEISER'S PATENT 'ELF-REGUIAIING GRAIN SEPARATOR MUER IMEI Ala NIMS No Implement more unpartart to t: e (arum- I)nn, a FIRSP-4:1,A8e3 GRAIN TII RI.:811ER A\ It ClatiNEß—for none prys him an well awl bperei ly. The above rut showq the Orel, Y GEIS rlr rll '- CHINE now built under the immediate elli-n4 obi inventors threascivets taint ail the tuttlinortal im pravernenis made dnririg the te,st I M years, :Irad now withfirst class workor n and mate, int t hi , to whi ne justly, stands hich up ahuve aq le it' cbss. A= a Thresher it is equal to the hest, as a °lim ier it is ,0 1 - I;erior to any existing, ntnehine T e as k tintilto.l .11 all limiest emapothois. Indeed it k the rorty Ntachine that refill/I Can one operation. the^ ugli— ly thresh and clean grain fit for markt t. 'lnt the tact that grain direct front this maehine corn:nand: ,firtoti2. to 3 rent, ettAnt mare shall grain oirart Iran any other relehma t s, tiles the (Jae:ohm ol Isuperiority, as a cleaner ny. r a ll otter,.. •Impaii4l judgesl.ll, all tla Mato anal Cenniv Fairs what it Wlla thoroughly 011 , 1 I.l . o , tiCa to I'ollll t ti tinn woll,` tending rnx bine:, a I way a n r that it k tours and - orated b y !wise n0..6;i1n0 (Imre Curs. 111(.. threshing as much a ti.l ..I eteotridA , hitter with lees power an,: anire co-„Gat to tansat. than any other inn diine 111 11 . .. n— 011,1 111:1 , 1 , 1C , 1 all lbnt 14 sold for less money arronlont to rapacity. 'I htne facts are further attest, d by the Hu t.arols rf pet chaser,,,.onnt an v. linat hays h 4,1 th, is in'tvoe I'r the last '8 4 . :11iN. .1 . 1. • utply the wants r all, %le now matte 4 bi:xos, lie: Prom a 2 lion-e 11,filtvay or 3 licratt Le er Power, to It ten I liirse J.ever power. with ptices ranging crow $l9O to tF,CI.O r without power- Vl'e also make ti.ti latest it', - prom, triple-geared I orse Powers nitst•le Inc each size machine ranging fiorn,tiall) to $(35, and all telly and fairly warran ted. For Itol her ilitt/r-- million send for Circular and Puke LiA. -iTtirti (fir... - sierpons.biu Nuts want, d ni terrAtiry - rf, -tineed. Address T E E GLi ATANTIFACTIMINC;((Y.: %AA\ nuilicim 'n jln 21-11]. See Here 'Read This ! THE sung...rilno• has grist rclurru II from the East with a larg.• stuck ui tj ou d s , BOOTS. i. 7 1101i - 3, ( - MILERS, 1M 1,11 - 0- A1,, ,- ( and all kinds Bouts aml SEoes f , r Mott awl Buys, Wo:nrn, Misses and whi.:ll he' ii selling et rice» that will plea,c; HATS OF E V EALY-S-T-17-17E fur Alen and Ploys, Caps of all 6he !codling styles 10 suit and lit any head. We h night our shuck ehea • and ar.: determined. =LI=MB Notions . 1 : Non OBIS . 7 . Motions. It READ THE LIS7. Shirts rind Drawers thritlets, rmspendris Urning Gte.ves Paper Collars Fur top Gloves Duck Gloves Ilostrry Stier!) Skit' Gloves Wool l u rit Half Dose Lista Thread Gloves Cotton lia I nom. Woo-knit Gloves Germantown flail tiobe• Hut cities Black Silk Ties Fancy aitk Ties Dread End Ties ladies & Gar•ts Pa cuffs Linen- I f arlkerchiefs . Pocket 'looks INO RIO n Brushes Pocket knives Cloth Muskeg Psi' Knives. Hiaving Brushes , Nail K MVP:. II air lictrattrs - Fancy :Soaps . Tooth Ilrit.lies Perfumery Shoe Brush& s Albums Combs Pins arid Needles !Lams— Lead Pencils Gum Gaps • 'elates ' Violin strings trite Note Paper l'en fielders Envelopes Dlacking flair Oils ldemorandas Toys I nrpet tacks Groelipt Needles .Fancy toys, ilrc &c. &e. &e. and so fourth. GOLD AND SILVER. WATCHES,. • American, swiss and Eng lish; Seth 1 home and o ther blocks. Jewelry of eve.), description for La dies, Gents, Misses and Children at It eatly reduced Prices. Finger flings, a large stock. plain Gold, Fancy Sett, Chased and Fancy Ftueor!tinps;SJly er and other Plated Rings in arent Sanely, watch chnins. Guards, I:11)ms, Itreeelets. °Foams. Sleevo Illations. Gold Peals and Pencils; watch chain hooks keys, Ste, Trunks, Ca-nos, Umbrellas, Baskets, Mats, Volige6, Carpet Baia , H. R. Bags: To:ru). s and Nbuir. l%eudieß, 'Fruits, .Hats nod Confertionari-q of nli kinds Come one, come nil, and—boy. Tllanrctul for past layers lrr nopea by a desire to please to merit a liberal share •il pubt•c LZEKIEf f ELDEN, Oct 8 1R69. • K. BRANI.BIIOI4TB, RESIDENT 'DENTIST, ✓ :,.,,.v..:ia1m**13\ 4 :__„,,,....,,.....„. 7 . 4 , it --,. 1 WAYNESBORO' Cap be found at all times at his office where lyr is prepared to insert teeth on the best brisk in used oral at pal tee to suit the times. Teeth extracts Without pain by the. usa ehleiroform,eather, ni trous male wig or the freezing process, in a manner surpassed by none. WE the undersigned heing acquainted with A. K. Branisholts for the pit yurr. can recom mend him to the public generally to no a Dentist well qualifiad to perform all operations belonging, to Dentistry in the roost skillful manner. • Drs. J. B. AMB h": Iltis IN, 1. N. 1 VELY, E. A. H . 1 . M. RI I'PLE. J. J. opa.LIG . , A.S.BOIN E 1111 A K Sept 29in • T. 1). FRENCH. How is this for High ! JOHN FORD in returning thanks to the public u For their patronage announces that mien i removing his shop to the Basement iif Walker's Building, (and nut leaving town as is rho I e.tef tr 'many) where he intentli carrying en the 800 r AND SHOE IIIic.INES as usual. All persons knowing themselves indebted to ins will p e call and settle their accounts. lor T i psy cash or illy stock and must have my money.— Don't wantto see the faCe of that unwelcome visi tor, the Deputy frets &Fort Fletelter" provvlinA,s bout my shop Refiring whom he may devour, klestomers will therefore fine tit.: nt the. ,Oise- Mtlit'referred to utter the first of Auril next, 2,6 4. F. DENTISTItIe: 1.1 t;:,.1 pn . J. ht. TiltSO It I), lato of San Francisco, (; a 1 , ..-16..1**343-.,eyneishore, and will at tend to all thrittitfitheadt iheprofeslion. in is thor oughly innetitthYlritintiir. `Tooth es traded willund pain, by Nitr9oli-tl.tiilhr Gas;iir a highly improved freezing priicess, two doors Weei' el"the Village Record Ott flee. QIN 1 l-ti P. JlllO. , PA.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers