The World Renowned M, E D i C 1,.N:.E Drs. D.rahirney & Son's . , CELEB PREPARATION C LEA 1611 illid: TIM BLOOD. WILL CURE SCROFULA, CUTANEOUS DISEASES, ERY SIPELAS, BOILS, SORE EYES, SCALD BEAD, PIMPLES, and BLOTCHES ON THE PACE, ,TETTER AFFECTIONS, old anti STUBBORN ULCERS, RHEU MATIC AFFECTIONS, DYSPEP SIA, COSTIVENESS, SICK HEADACHE, SALT Eli EU M, JAUNDICE, GENERAL DE- I3ILITY, CHILLS AND FEVER, FOUL STOMACH, TOGETHER with ALL OTH ER DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPURE BLOOD AND DISORDERED LIVER. TRY ONE BOTTtE. OTPACKAGE -- --. 4 nti he convinced that this medicine is no humbug. S3M-hy. all Druggists, CLA.II7SPIC3 Drs. D. Fahrney & Son's Preparation for Cleans ing the Blood is COUNTERFEITED. The gen uir.e has the name "D. FA HRNEY & SON" on the front of the outside wrapper of each bottle, and the name of Drs D, e ahrney & Son's Preparation ---il)t-Clcansing_the Blood. Boonsboro,Md.,blown in each bottle. All others are ClTUlrrftfl l n7--Itec-- cllect that it is Drs. 1). Fahrney & Son's Celebrated Preparation for Cleansing the Blood that is so uni versally used, and so highly recommended ; ar.d do not al tow the Druggist to induce—youtio take,any thing else that they may say is just the same or as good, because they make a large profit on it PREPARED BY .Drs. 11, FA /IRXEY & BOONSI3OBO, And Dr. IN D. Fahruey, Kedysville, Aid Be sure to get the genuine. None genuine un less signed Dr — F-A:1111N-E Y_ &AON Sold by Dr J. B. AIMBEMON 01 this place. june 30- 6mos) URSINUS COLLEGE, Located at Freeland., Montgom ery- county, Pa. —The—ricaclortic_De .[FORMERLF FREELAND SEMINARY.] First-Olass Eugttsh, blathematioal and e3lassical-Boarditig Bchoot for V4)ILIA-G-11111KIVANID BOYS; _ and 131ana e. merit of the faculty_ of the 1 TERMS MODERATE t7'2% 11 necessary t xiienses, including Tuition, Boarding, W ashing, Books, &C., not. ex4ecciing -? I'iil4; c o [ATE DE P ART - MEN Will be distinct born the Acndemic and will afford all the advantages of a full llclloge cour.e in the to•uill higher branches it study, under the direction et a Fnculty of eix l'r Ofel4BlljB T lie Academe Year for bath Departments wilt be divided into the-tollowing three ternis:—The •Sellool Opening with the Fall 'l6-frA, a eptember 6, 1870 to December 22. Winter Ter ,January 4, Iti7l - to April 5. ,Spring r ierm,_Aprif 12, to July_ 7,1871. • for further irtforrr.ntinn npply to lltv. J. 11. A. lifThll3lotUEut, President of lirsinus Col ege, FREELAND, MONTGOMERY COUNIY, PA. july -IQ SECOND ARRIVAL! RECENTLY OPENED 3Y PRICE & 110EF1EJUI, A large assortment of very cheap goods, j ought at the /ate decline in prices, and consequent ly will be !old correspondingly low. The price of all kinds off' goods haying declined in the Eastern Markets, the subscribers assure their friends that they Can offer them superior inducements this sea son. 'With a large stoclj to select from, and pt ices and qualities please, they invite all to" come a nd see and judge for themselves. For desirable style of goons and durability of fa. brie they pay particular attention, so that their cus turners run tilwa3s rely on getting the worth of their :money in purchasing from them. LOOK AT THIS AIL lat. TUL -AL -144 t af articles and ace if you are not in want of some herein specified Ligbt and Mita Aipacese, literunnicer, D Alpacca Lustre, Debarits. latlrtg, Gingharns, (Amazes. razz Tomer tines, Crash, Braize, Napkins, Percales, Towels, Hoop Skirts direct from the manufacturers, Arabs—a Ima ttful wrapping, Prints at 6,8, 10, 125, Hosiery and Gloves, Feathers by the pound, 0.1 Cloths tor Table_, Stand and Floor. Tubs, Churns and lluckets, Boxes. Kegs and Keeters, Window Shades and fixtures, theese—a good article. . Mackerel in .1, and whole Barrels, Cottonades—a line assortment, , Lenther 'Mitts for garden making, Hoes, s pades end Rakes, Shoveb, Forks and !frowns, Poking, Jeans, Ermine (itetha. june 9-187 U Mour and-Feed. rug Store of Dr. J. D. Atotterson. Also of Lidy Frick & Go. 2:le will also deliver Flour by the Inr rel...and Mill Stull' to any point desired. Orders, may be left at Amberson's .Drug Store, or at the Post Office. , 4,DA VI D LOHEt. MEXICAN RO W! HAS. received a fresh stock of gonds, and is al tame. % daily' making additiOn to his - stock. He PURE SPICES, db) = - , , • Prime Rio Coffee, Browned Coffee, MI Cofee, MI Brown and Crushed Sugar, Loaf sugar, Ce, Powdered White Saga r,e , larolion• Rice, evil Syrups, superior in quality and low in price, (4 , 3 P. Rico and N. Orleans Molasses, Corn Starch„Chocelate, sweet do., —re Pickleo, Cattiup, Mason's Crackers and Cakes, 'Ea G. A. Salt, Pine Salt, = Sugar cured Hams. I offer the above at redneck] prices, not . withstand intfthey Eire on the "rise" in the East. Cove OYSTERS in 1 and 21b. cans, always on hand, Bold by the to or doien. He warrants them good. • 'What! you go to Picnics, or to the mountain, omo where _you got good oysters and crackers, cheese &c. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. Layer Raisikis, French Currants, Candies, Oranges, Lem ons, Dates, Citron, PrunesPApples, nuts of several kinds. FOR BAKING AND ICE CREAM.—We have good and pure extracts of Leman, (Prange, Vanit a, . ra , • rrrr-essences-of-Lemon-,--Cinnainort,- Get the Eng. Soda for making Biscuit. GL A SSW A R E.—Look at our cheep got lets, dish es, castors, tumblers, flask's." molasses cans, lamps, chimneys, &c. We have the hest and cheapest in town. • QUEENSWARE.—An unrivalled assortment, full stock, lower to price than ever. Tea sets, cups and saucers, meat plates, soup do., Tea, Dinner, and lirdakfast do Wo have the real granite, no decep tion in th.c...q.u3iity. We have the common ware. new stock.. Are invited to look at our knives and forks, butcher knives, large spoons, common Minus and sliver plated tea and table spoons, clothes baskets, buckets tubs, market baskets, school du.. as intent 1 OTNNe..—Toilet tfoaps, perfumery. tombs, pocket books, pencils ink cap letter and note paper superior Whale Oil, test Keto,ene Oil, canes Is • Barlow's Blue Indigo, Wick Yarn, Besides many useful articles always on -hand =Go - un t rr - produce-.l.nd=-_-_'_' green bn 6 7 f—tilt e in exchange f r goods. I am thank for past tronnge, And golicit rt continuation of tht game at. the FAMILY GROCERY store. Waynesboro', June 2, 1870 AYNESBORO'IIIII-EAL' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, On all safe class property at reasonable rater W. 8. AVLBERSON. President. StmoN Lscsott, Vice President. Jos. DOrGLAS, :SeCretin'''. Jos. W. !Wuxi?, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: W. S. A mhe moo , tzirnou Lecron, Lewis S. Forney, Jacob Carliough, Jos. Dr•ne•lng, Jos. Price, Jacob J. 11 , 1 iller, Joe. W. Miller, Benj. P. Funk, D B. Russell Levi :tinders, jute 16, '7o] GinghalllS. Prints„ Checks, Cottonadea, Denims, Chanit'rg, heetings, thirtings, Dopers, TiE undersigned having refitted and added eti the latest improvements to his Mill, (formerly Fr.nt.eo announces to the public that be is now manufacturing a 'superior article of FA ICILY FL 0 VB. which will be delivered to pcnrons at market prires. He has also. on hand a supply of ill IL L S T TIFF of all kinds, which to Will wholesale or retail at the Mill, or deliver if desired, at the lowest market rates. Having refitted hie Mill with the most improved machinery he feels that he is enabled to give general satisfaction. ilia Fleur inenclie can bo hatrat Reid'a Orrice: ry, where orders maybe left. The highest' market juke 'paid for WHEAT delivered at the Mill. COOPER STUFF. wan ted: mar 21-11 DAVID PATTERSON. RECEIVED—A fall stock of Loather for ti shoemakers and saddlers, at jurte 911 B PILDING LO r$ for pole in Pikes vine by ' VIITER W;UZ>✓R. june 9 w. A. REID Call and examine. No trouble to show geode HOUSEKEEPERS WAYNESBORO', PA., X Xte" 0 ID" XL 30 SI AGAINST ,Logs-on DAMAGE BY 32E4 -1 ME AM. -11 OFFICERS: Jacob S. Good. DANIEL SNIVELY, Agent, . Way acsboro', Pi. FAIRVIEW MILL ! FAMILY FLOM, ETC, ROM R & FRANTZ'S, • Pikes villa. NOTICE. We nre now receiving our first supply of S 1 1- IUZ N G GV-0 et lower prices than They have been for acveral years, to which we call the attention of all who wish to buy w. A. RY.IO. A Cull assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, &e., for Men and Boys wear at A. B. & Co's. A full assortment of Detains and all kinds of sum mer goods for ',tidies at A. B.& Co's. Bleached and Brown Muslins selling low at A. B. & A heavy stock of Ingrain, Imported, Rag iind all kinds of Carpet at & Co.'s. Cil Cloths and Mattings a largo lot at A. B. & Co. s. Wall and Window Paper in great variety at A. 13. .10; Co.'s. Ladies and Misses Shoes cheap and good at ' A. B. St. Co.'s. We have a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, queensware. Hardware, and Gra. ceties to which we call your mtention and feel con fident that we can give you full satisfaction in re gard to price and quality. !'Give us a m111..0 AMBERSON, BENEDICT & COh june 2 1870,, 1870. SPRING. 1870. New Goods! New Prices! IHILLER *t BEAVER . Have just received their first supply of Spring and surnmsr Goods to which they invite the attention of all who wish to purchase good Goods at greatly reduced figures. Their Spring stock is complete in every department, and having had the advant,ree of the recent decline in the Eastern market they flatter themselves that they can compare figures with any house in the County. In the Dry Goods . depart merit they have black and fancy Silks, plain and fancy Delams. all colors Alpacces and Empress Clothe, plain and figured Poplins, Chintz s, Lawn, Piques, Brilliants, plain and barred Cambrics,lSlain sooke, Swissys, Mulls, Cloth. Cassimeres. (plain and fancy) Sattinetts. Jeans, Cottonades, Linens, &c. Their linerof Notions is lull and complete. Be low is appended a list of the leading articles : Hosiery, Neck Ties, Gloves, - Suspenders, Ef itte, Switches, Corsets, Chignons, Collars, Banc kerchiefs, Trinimings, Bows, Buttons. Their stock of GrOCOTiO9, Hardware, queensware, Cedarware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Stc., is large, and was selected to suit the trade ; All they ask is on examination of their stuck to be convinced of the truth. slay 12,1870. .Bills rayahle w4thin 39 nap 4. The subscriher informs the public that he still continues the Butchering business, And is prepared to supply persons as usual, at the Basement of the Walker' 'property, Main street, Waynesboro', on Mammy, Thursday and Saturday acacia week, with a prune article of Ueef, Vent end Mutton. Ail bills for meat mast to paid within 30 days, He will slaughter the best stock the market will afford, and by attention to business hopes to merit a continuance of the public's patronage. may 12— tf T. J. CUNIN INGFC AI. Notice is Hereby given that letters of Adminis.- tration on the estate of lieorge Itenderr, late of Way. nesboro', deed, have been granted tbe'unclaisigned. All persona knowing thenuelvev indebted to said estate will please make immediate pity:nen!, andll these having claims against the same present them properly authenticated for settlement. YNANT, may'264 t Ad monist rat& el 0 CHEAP GOODS. BEES BEEr ADAINISTILATORIS NOTICE. TORIIIOIVJNG - GLORItifOR, For sale at W. A, TRITLE'S new Stove and Tin- Store He has on hand a large stock of the above :toves, all of the late imp - dyed-kinds.-- There is added to the Morning of this year an oven, which is neat in appearance. It is a good Baker. You can heat Irons. Bake, Boil, Roast, stew, and it does not interfere with the operations e,..a Parlor Stove, In regard to tiM — filiikt — of - sruma — Stove—Dealers,- who say that their particular stove tapes lees coal and gives more heat than the Morning Glory, you can put that kind of talk down as a aloui-well, as the Morning (Thry has been sold (in this part of the country) for four years, and in that time I have put out over three hundred of them, and never had to take ono back because it would not do its work or it was not what I cold it for. Now that cannot be said of any ether stove ever offered in this mar i her. Thatis the proof which . is the stove. I have other styles or heating stove's for coal or wood. Heating Furnaces put up - and warranted • My Cook Stoves are of the best in market for coal er wood, nil warranted good 13.ikers. Also a new Parlor - Cook Stove, something that can't be excell ed. -.. . et, ne Tin ___ Sheet-Iron and other wares of tke best kinds, and at low rates. On hand, the best Clothes Wringer in market.— ; Also a good and cheap Washing Machine. '___Roofing and spouting done of the best stock and 'tit - Slfort notice. Job wobk-of-falLltlnds-in-my-line done at low rates. The only place in town where you can get your copper work done, beit4 the only Copper Smith in the place. • Uet I] W. A. TRIPLE. _ T H ir, "CORNER DRUG STORU," DR. J. BURNS ARREIRSON PROPRIETOR, T. C, REISSER, ASSISTANT. Constantly on liand a full line of Drugs. Chemicals, Patent Nedieicee, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, &e. Ste., Q Spices ground or unground; Kerosene, Perfumery, Toilet and Fancy Articles, etc.. etc. oto. We sell you but ger.ds of the best quality and at prices satisfactory to 01 con s umer s . Special attention given to the compounding of prescriptions. Remember the "Corner Drug Store" and give us a call. r f. BURNS AMBERSON, sp. 14 STOVER & WOLF'S STORE, East Jfain Street, Waynesboro', Pa. GOODS SOLD AS LOW AS ELSEWEEELE. Just Received, a fine assortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' ar4aaaa (ttoQiaa,;p At Greatly Reduced Prices. Ali Goods its Stock Educed tO•the Lowest Prices of the day. Printi frqm 6to l 2 Cents for the best, and also all Colors. 'rown Muslies, 1 yard wide, at 121 eta., : 14 .1 oas 1 (Aker Goods,aclOiktg,ll, We Invite Inspection, may 5;1870 STOVER & WOLFF. K. .O.H.A.NIBIIOL TS, SURGEON DENTIST. MECHANIC tiCUE.ET, tii AyNEs. BORO', PA. D. Q. ftl. ant,. NEVV FIR.Ffi P, B. RUBSEILL & SON nt the sign of the flu Rod Horn, will keel) constantly en hand nod for sale a large aasortment of :Stoves and Tinware. COOK STOVES! (warranted to give satisfaction.) ~D~~'~nrc IronivarN Bresssra re, Home _Furnishing Goods • Tubs, Buckets, ClAnrna, Knives and forks Spoons, .Ladies. Large iron and Copper kottleg, AM other u.etul oracles at_thit_sign_etAle 816 RED HoliN, Waynesbmv . , I'a , where a large as: Fortment of COOK STOVES, NINE,PLATE STOVE,S PAL O[ sroVE.S COAL STOVES 6.•,e of the latest improvements, the very hest in the market, at the . Chealy Tin and Stove store of 13. RUSSELL & SON, EVERYBODY COME AND SEE TOIL IMPROVED ORiErtITAL BASE BUIVNER, _ : .5 . , : „... :..p 11' 7 1 .,, PiArj , ' E.t I , VrA, 0 itilt.;llril'i 4 ;T4 ,4 . k 9 . -- ?,-*.ll# " , ..,4.1.;, - ,: xtr,lo:. „Wilt,7lif ~ ~,1 1 1,,,,, , ) 0 , l i g 0,_.t.. r .).4., 4 2\ igrA,,-mrlidmel, ,i).-!!,-;. Atir,,,,,r; 1; ),, , ,..--,--..- 0 4 l• v7r 1'4. , Lirg, *.,.:WA 4 ?-''' r, . " : V7'.?": 7 ,7 - 11f . TS , --‘,;,, ` , ,i k ' '''' ) • ,irty : --,, Sold at &L a i thy D. 13. RUSSELL & SON, Si g n of the B;e Red Horn, Waynesboro', Pa TINWARE made of the beat Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the "ji3lg M:t.4115c1 D. B. ItUSyEIA keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. t Kerosene Oil and a larg e assortment of Lamps. Washing Made. Easy ! by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and getting the beet Close Wringer ever made. 1-7'Persons iii tvaut of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value for their money by calling on D. 13 RU'-iSELI, SON. Sign of the "BIG RED HORN," . , Waynesboro', Peo SAVE YOUR FRUIT ! TM L. A. OELLIG DRY HOUSE 9 PATENTED J kNUARY 21ST, 1868. This is the best Dry House ever offered to O l e It dries Fruit in half the time required by the.old method. It dries uniformly and perfectly. . The Fruit'dried by it retains lame of the natural flavor., • It is easily ronna;e4, It saves fuel. It is durable and portable. It has 21 feet of drying. surfaCe. Call'aiul ace them, at the sign of the Bra RED /MIN and leavoyour anions for them March 24, 1870, M=E=l:l=lo JOTIsi 13. RS%II3rLL NEW GOODS? NEW C-35 i',23 COON 8. STONEHOTTS:I2. UL rverctfuy inform the pAlic 1 they have now opened nit their r:i•ti" ronm, ou •'- no corner of the Dioinooti, in V ayows. Nee', n snd we selected stoelt uF .027 Good*, Grocerie, Hardware huh, Cosch-makers - evt•ry tlescription, Queensware, Ce,kr.vqrr.. pets, Oil Onth4, Paints, hiss, ( lily, Brusn ea, Fish. IS.tit, am! all lona Or „.,00 k ept i n 0 regutare , d store. Our g.mis are al nov and tient/ and have beet' bought for cash at the late (lodine We flatter ourselves that from our long experi ones in blisiness, and a determination to sell at semi profits, we shall be able to eller unususl indmiements to a buyers who desire to cove 111011 a ey: Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large and we assorted stock of sta• pie and limey Dry Goods, embracing Cloths, Cassimeties, •Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonndes, Cords, Den- Ism' Stripes, Meeks, (lingliams. Limn and Cotton Table Diapers, Crash for Towels,Calieoes, Delains, A Ipaceas, Wings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached B.Tiectinst and Shirtings, Pickings, Linens, Flannels, While Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and "'lotions. We are re• ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on band in a few Jays. We pay the highest market price•for all t ds (1 country produce such as Bacon, lard, Butter, Eggs Dried Fruit, Rags, &c, , May 19-1870. At the well know stand under the Town Hall, his entire stock of goods would tike thin method of in forming the eitmens of Walineshoro', Pa., aria vi cinity that f have just returned from the ewes with a s large and comith.te assortment of ltA TS, Paper, Pear, Ink, and Notion's generaly. Comp to we and get Ms. • • I mu ready. • Dly stock is large. My styles numerous. I would respectfully solicit a share of public pa tronage. may 26—'70) SPRING GOODK Brown & Walter, MT. HOPE, .HAV . E just received and, opened a large exotic bought at lowest gold premium prices and wil bo sahe'ns tow as they can he puternwell anywhere. , Call and examine our,' Stklk before r urcivl.3;a g tlnowhere WALATLII. Mt. hippo, May s—tf. • --- ' The othscriber offers flr sale a i istory and nalf Log iforemorhichtw ill. answer/or stable or other ow-nu/Wine& may 19zf The subscriber offers at Nista Salo. 1 nets Mc. Cormict Reaping. and Moving Mc. chino combined, Not 2 or y es ti.e puroOur desire. Abp's to Litly, & Co., Wctsitkaio r oi mar 31-tt • ' JtJkiN Wai0431.). nothing else enn M - unviu Containing neither oil nor dye, it tlocH not ,soil white cambric, and yet lasts— lustre and a grateful ptrfutne. Prepared _by Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co,, PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CLIEHISTS, LOWELL, MASS. A. t 4 .I3ONEBBAK li, Dtvggul, A gent. 'VFWcTAPT? it 1 Ala • PINEY DRESS GOODS, HAVING PURCEIASED PROM J. R. VII E L S ii tLIPS, noel's, '1.1.0.E5, eke. BOOKS OF EVERY DESCUTION, Envelopes, renclis, 11 S:IIVI3LY SMITH, Spring Goods, lb use ft ~. {' Al@. JACOB CAII3ALTGH. FOIL SALE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers