VILLAGN RECORD: 411. VIVXMIII El OEL COP. Friday, April 9, 1969, logi.Gen. Andrew W Denison has been Made Poet Master of Baltimore City. The President ban signed the Tenure or Office' bill, as passed by Congress. ilarGovernor Wells hal been reinstated Govan or of Virginia. -- „ lerThere were twenty five Senators who voted for Gen. leingstreet's. collimation as Stuveyor at New Oilcans and ten against- it Isgl6,Ban Francisco has been visited by another earthquake. No damage was done to buildin • e but the sed.le were considers- bly alarmed. a&1 is said tbat Petroleum , V. Nasby, or whose right name is D. R. ,, Loeke, will be made Post-master at Tofe — do, Ohio. - • SW - The office of the St. John's Safety Fund, in Philadelphia, was broken into on Sunday and robbed of nearly a million of dr.llars, of which over six hundred thousand I:ollars was in available funds, greenbacks, it 3. - _ I=l roared crick—Douglass - has - been - earnestly solicited to accept the office of Minister Resi dent to Hayti, but has respectfully declined it, upon the twofold ground that he cannot . .ld — Wers to dwell so e land of his birth. THE TWITCH ELL CARE.—Tho last effort of the counsel of Twitchell (the ap 'Relation for '1 Writ of error) having failed, that unfortu nate and most probably guilty individual will suffer the extreme penalty of the law to day, the Sth instant, unleas the Governor shall re• prieve or pardon him. - Da Andrew Johnson has been swinging himself in a two hours' speech io Tennessee, in whioh he said he was sorry the govern ment had credit to borrow a - dollar to put down the rebellion) Who assassinated Abra ham Lincoln ? sThe President has removed General Stoneman from command in Virginia, and ordered_him to join his_regiment,_ which_is_ about - leaving for California. It is believed that Brigadier General Robert S. Granger will succeed to the command for the present. It is said, also, that General Stoneman'a ad ministration has not been for some time ae• ecptable to the Executive, arid that his re tnoval of Governor Wells was the immediate occasion for the issuance of the order referred to. ge d .Connectietxt held her ennuil election on bloaday last for Governor and 'nowhere of the State Legislature, Members of Con gress were also chosen. The election was regarded as of peat importance, as the Leg islature elected will pass upon the Fifteenth Constitutional Amendment. A. despatch from Hartford, says that the returns iodinated the election of the entire Republican State ticket by about 3,000 ma jority Mr. English, of New Haven, who is now Governor and was defeated, has been successful at each of the Gubernatorial eke tious for the last two terms. ITe is one of the most popular men in the State, and is very wealthy. .The self-exiled Sontherners who left the country after th e war because they thought tiley could not breathe the to them detested air in which ihe Star Spangled Ban ner floated aro now anxinna to get back, and in order to facilitate their return the Govern ment of the United States, with a mag nanimity almost uoparalleled, has directed Admiral Davis to furnish free transportation, on a Government Tassel, to any citizens of the Uuited States who may now be voluntary — exiles in Brazil. To *hot a humiliation these hot-headed sons of the South have thus subjected themselves. WY'An interesting fact asserted by Dr. thory Yale Smith, the physician of the Philadelphia prison, is, that during all his long and extended experience in the treat ment of eve of nranra•n•pntu (twelve years of which he has been a physician of the, prison,) ho never yet has seen a ease of delirium tremens in a pure negro. This fact was asserted by the doctor many years since, and ho has stated recently that he bad seen tan cause to change his opinion in that re- A pet% iteat„,2l sehnol teacher, near Plymouth, 0 , named Williams, has paid a fine of ten dollars end costs, exceeding ono hundred and forty dollars, for brutally whipping one of his pupils, a girl of .eixteen, named Fanny Bee!• man. fle took some hickory witbs, warmed them, and twisted theta thgether. Ile then grasped Miss Beetroot) by the hair, and draw nne her head down over the desk, -struck her over the shoulders and habit until the line a mass of bruiser; In endeavoring to ward off the bloc's, she threw np her hand, which was struck and lamed. 3he fellow angst /gave been a bru:e. IMEMEI!!=MI===I Wit is clic! that sinee Grant has shoiin his preference for Quakers to manage Indian ffaire,.4l.the Indian ring politicians bey° Puddeoly become posecestd of broad brim bate and drobTionti Utit the irk& won't go doWn. Groat Rill lift their bets and tba pldy the 'Alex R. Stephen! is I.lifi tb bb dying r. his home in GeoriOs. ittirGeorga,S. Twitchell, who is under a-uterine of death at Philadelphia, on a--con viction of murdering his mother-in law Mrs. BM, has made a confession in which be im plicates his wife as the active party in the retarder of ber mother. lie states that on the !Agfa . of the murder be was asleep,_when he was aroused by the calls of his wife, who stated that she had quarrelled with her mother and killed her, and asked him to assist her bide the crime. He then helped his wife to throw the body of the murdered woman out of the window, hoping to creak, 'the-im pression that she bad fallen out and killed herself. The story hangs but loosely to gether and has probably been "Coacocted -by ,Twitchell to avert his approaching fate. It will be recollected that Mrs Hill was killed by blows on the head with a heavy poker, one - blow - it aving - -beetr - given-w it h-such-foree as. to drive the sharp end of the poker fat into the brain. Both husband and wife were arreatei and indicted, and tried separately. Twitchell was convicted, but the woman ge. quitted. The confession is thought to derive some corroboration from the fact that Mrs. Twitchell has always disin — ided buiband from making any statement in regard to the murder, tbat when bkmantfested a disposi ton to confess, she stopped visiting him in jail,-and-has-since-disappeared.—Looking-at the eireumstane. of the murder, the proba bility is that both ushand and wife were parties to it, and that tho wile having been acquitted, Twitelie4-myw-teil. ". • ". the hope of obtaining a reprieve and ulti merely escaping execution. P S.:- A despatch received at the Tele . mph ofTice ituhas-place-annonnces_thc-fact_ that Twitchel committed suicide Yesterday morning. Particular not given. MowE . ? —Money is a queer institution says the • Harrisburg Telegraph. It buys provender, satisfies justice and heals wounded honor. Everything resolves itself into cash, from stock jobbing to building churches Childhood craves pennies, youth aspires. to dimes, manhood is swayed by the mighty dollar. The blacksmith swings his sledge, the lawyer Fiends, for his client, and the judge decides the question of life or death for his salary. Money makes the man, there -fore—ma n—must —tusk e-money,-ii-he-would-be respected by fools; for the eye of tho world looks through golden spectacles. It buys Brussels carpets, lace curtains, gilded cot. nines, rich furniture, and builds marble man Mons. It drives us to chureh in epleodid equipages. and pays the rent of the best pews. It buys silks and jewelry for my lady, it com mands the respect of gaping crowds, and commands obsequious attention. It enables us to be charitable, to send bibles to the heathen, to provide domestic ihdulgence. It gilds the rugged scenes of life, and spreads over the rugged paths of ritistence a vat et csrpet soft to our tread; the rude scenes and turmoils are encased in a gilt fence. It bids care vanish, soothes the anguish of the bed of sickness, stops short of nothing save the grim destroyer, whose relentless hands spare none. but level all mortal distinctions, a nd teach poor humanity that tt is but dust.— Thus wealth pauses on the'brink of eternity; the beggar and the millionaire rest side by side beneath the sod to rise in cqual . ty to answer the final summons. Tut TrquAxs.—General Putter, in a let ter to the Chicago Tribune, says that he pro poses to treat the Indians as wards of the nation, as den:tens of our soil, with a tight of occupancy only to such part as we may aushzn there, Massachusetts has always heat ed the Indians within her borders in that way, and she has had no trouble, nor has she ever asked any aid from the General Govern ment. Ile remarks that nothing can demon strate the fact of the utter incapacity and hopelessness of our Indian system—or rather watrt of system—than to sny,"on the North ern side of the indefinable line which divides us from British America tbere has never been a war, or a treaty, or a substantial sub sidy; and on the Suuthern silo of the line, which divides Us from Mexico, the same is true; and in Alaska the Russian GOvernment have never had any difficulty with the In diens, but do sooner do we raise our flag than tbere is trouble. The Indians and whites are at loggerbcads i and blood flows on the frontier. fgrlf everybody would mind their own business, they would make money by it, and be more respected. X®'-Many a lucrative 'nosiness has been ruiner► and brought to nothing by the em ployment of gruff, surly and unpopular clerks. Many u store is PbunnFd on account of this error. IT FADES —The 1-eintiful violet ink so mach in vogue at present is said to fade in a few months and eventuaay disappear en tirely. Person; should be 03.11)(111 not to use it in writing notes, bonds, mortgages or anything that is tote preserved any great length of time, for these purposes good black ink is always the best. Minnesota does not allow any of the Nihonl fund to go to schools front ;which Colored children are escaladed. Tie is a butte of a husband who brings his wife to the 9ast shift." The hhursh hens charm our ears, but the MIMI) belles roish our hearts. A good pair—a Oeng lady with the Cie- ciao bet►d and a gating fan who parts his im tkM lehbre, LOCAL MATTERS. WITH Us—The garden•making season. sa.,.Alet. Hamilton lila oaf° and oats for IttirSpeetatles,_ Jewelry_ &e., ttt Leeds—neit - door to - the Town Hall. Pr, A !Vie: —See advertisement of Rev. D. F. Good, in another column. 1k .Those cheerful harbingers of warm weather, the Manias, are again making their appearance. Welcome visitants I ifiar;According to published accounts the prospects for the speedy-completion of the- Western Maryland Rail Rotteitie cheering la r Over two hundred families have re• moved from abambersburg since the first of January. DEAD.—nrs. Call - arise Neff died" io gerstown oo the 31st day of March, aged 102 . yeaii, 7 16 diiys:— Or Geo Eyster, Esry , of Chambersberg, has received the appointment of—Assistent- IT. S. Treasurer at_ Philadelphia. FOR- S - ALE...—A Ing,-and=frarne--shorrabout 20 feet square. Enquire of Mrs. M. Sau- CHANGED —C. W. Beaver has purcbased of his f(ther, Mr. Jerome * Beavet, his stock of goods and will continue the btisiness at the old stand. See advertisement. FERTILIZERS -It WI3 be seen by refer ence to our advertisina columns. that .Ir.. $' I t 111 I • ,skerth_e_r_g, 314J. 1 . - tab I iah ed a depot in that place for the sale of fertilizers. Farmers should give him a call. Itt Houck. a popular landlord, for. merly of Leitersburg, bld. , has leased and taken possession of the large brick Hotel in Smithburg, Washington county. NEW GOODB.—Mosars. Price & freeflich . request us to announce that they expect to receive their Bret snr ply of new spring and summer goods next week. LOST, —A lady's carrying basket contain. -ing-a-pair-speetaelesrseissore, pocket - hand= kerchiefs,"&c., way lost between Waynes. boro' and Ringgold on Monday last. . A lib oral reward will be paid the finder by calling at this office. PIONEER STII M P Ptrut.ett.—Aingltog, Gilbert, Shover & Bro. will test one of their Stump-pulling mscbins near Waynesboro', on Saturday the 17th inst., abont 3 o'clock, P. - M. Persons wishing to see it operate are invited to be present. RE COMMENCED -It will be seen by ref erenca to our advertising columns that Tbos. wi re open a Jewelry Store at the old stand on West Waghingten Street, in that place, on the first day of May next SORGHUM SEED.-D. 13. flesh has Left at the tt , re of Messre. Stover A, Wolff in R'ay• nesboro% a lot of Sorghum seed just re ceived Item Ohio, which persons can get by raying the expressage. 11e6Samuel Zeller, a much esteemed citi ten expired at his resilience in Washington county, Md., on the 2nd. inst., from the ef fects of an orcriose of strichnine, taken an der despondency and ri diseased state of Mind. fle was in the 72d year of his ago. ts.Thail. M. Mahon, of Chambersburg, in another column, announces himself a eau didaie fur the office of Clerk of the Courts, eubject to the .action of the Jleprthlican County Convention. LOST.—On Wednesday, March 21, on the Ohamberaburg road, between the residence of Jonathan Null anti that of Abrm. Smet• zer, a leather pocket book containing 825 and a promisory note for 8200 given by Chas. Bush to Jonathan,Null. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning it to the ht ter. war. L W. Wingert of the firm of Wingert, Phillipy & Co., started for the Eastern cities on Monday to lay in a stock of Spring and Summer dry goads. Ho pro poses to return in a few days with a stock from which every person, whether in town or country, can be . suited both to price and quality, We need not tell our readers that this is the most enterprising firm in town Call and see their goods, opposite the Na tional Hotel, Chanibersbarg. FUIR.—On Tuesday night of last week,- the Barn of Mr. Cyrus Eyler, in Eyler's val ley, Frederick County, Md., was entirely de stroyed by fire, with its contents, a quantity of hay, buggy, sleigh, k.e. &c. During the progress of the fire several houses in the neighborhood were entered by robbers who brandished pistols and demanded of the lc pales money. Fortunately however,. they a ueeeede t ; in getting but $2. Three_houscs Were searched by them and an attempt made to enter the. fourth, that of Mr. John Wel ler, but Mrs. W. with axe in hand stood he roically by her windows and kept the soonn dreig at buy. Tbcsc proceedings explain the fact that, the fire waa the work of iucendaries Mr. lees loss is slurut 61000 upon which we understand he hal no insurance, This may be taken as a lesson for others iu the fUtUre. In owe' of a lire in any noighliothookl at least one trusty male should be left at bvtlle with a snnli rerolree OF riffe• 81711TBODIES -4 0 'Gill, borough or vii. lage, says the Telegraph, no matter what its 'population, is free from a class of people who seem to take particular delight in prying into the domestic and private affairs of their neigh bors, and we regret to say that our own town has a number of these meddlers and gossips. Every now and' then we hear it said, "Ain't it a pity that Mr. and• Mrs. So and So do not get along happily. Mrs. B. says they are often at loggerheads," and "Is it not a pity tor Mr. O. that he drinks?" "Mr. D is too attentive to his wife and waits entirety too much on her. Ile is a hen pecked husband 'and cannot do anything without asking her advice. Why, I declare, 1 saw @in carrying a number-of bundles for her, and abe makes a perfect -slave of him; drn't you pity him ?" "I saw Mrs G. buy butter and other articles at market and .a the most exorbitant vices, she will break her husband up, without a doubt,' and other remarks similar in character ad inflator/1. Whose business_ia it butAhat of -the parties interested if such be the case r If all such individuals would attend - at• el usi vely_t 041hei r-ow n-affa i m i t hey-wo uld-fi ad sufficient employment without giving them• selves any unnecessary uneasiness about mat. ters which do not. concern them, and about erci'e his or her own pleasure. They should remember the passage of Scripture which says: "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the . .e_ostrittort---Ohot thou see clearly to cast, out tho mote out . of thy brother's eye." SUBSCRIPTION RECEIPTS.—The following • A. E Price, Mrs. Isabella Weagly, Thos. J Cunningham, Geo. Stoles, Mrs. M. .14. MoFerran, Miss E. Boult, V B. Gilbert, I Baer, Lewis Dcatrich, Nis A. M. Blair, Mrs. Sallie Brotherton, Henry Gilbert, Henry Good, Israel Hess, Wm Stewart, Julia 0. Grumbine, John — JobtlBoD, Jacob Holsinger, J. A. Benedict, Joe. Flora, J W Angle, J 11. Clayton, Jacob Summers, Jr , Jacob F. Hess, Jacob Frantz, J. C. Beecher, David Cunningham, RELIGIOVS.—The meetings in the Pres byterian church referred to in our last issue are confirmed. Services commence at 71 O'- clock in the evening. The meetie I s are w • attended and a solemn interest on the subject of religion manifested. On Sunday evening the altar was again surrounded by persons who were admitted to membership in the church. The Pastor, Rev. Mr. Wightman, has hien assisted by Rev. Mr. MeAtee, of Hagerstown, and Rev. 'M r. Patterson, of Em• mittsburg. AN OLD Sruscet»r:a•—ln the lost Lan caster Examiner we find tho fulbwing notice of one of our citizens : A few days since we had a visit from Mr. Abraham Barr, of Franklin county, Pa., who was one of the original subscribers to the Ex,, MI:NMI-. some forty years ago. Ile also has the honor of being the loan who hauled from Philadelphia, the first press upon which the (Id anti masonic Herald was printed.— At that time it required no small degree of fortitude to expose the anti•masonic cause. Mr Barr, however, feelingly did so, and to day he upholds and defends the same prie ciples. Our old friend is a staunch Repub lican, and we regret to add that ho suffered severely by the rebel raitiluto Peuns,ylvania prior to the bittle of Gettysburg. SPECIA IL NoTicEs. 200 SETS OF LADIES FiUlitt4 Uomprisiit :Mink Sable. German, flu.sian and American Fitch, Siberian and French Squirrele, Canada and French Mink. French and Belgian sa ble, for Ladies and ,disset Beay. r. Otter. Donn. Loraine and sable Trimminga on band and any w raith cut 10 order in a tow momeois notice. Fur trimmed Goods, in velvet and silk; Muff and Cape Tasae k. Lamb and ermine Linings.— All Pinds of Fur i%Literi• Is. Old and .3102 n eaten Furs altered, reriri.d and renewed hag the latest styles in the nio:t improved manner at Updcgraitf's G EAT Fun AND Gi," FACTORY, where can be found on hand or made to ord. rin a few hours, Ladies Dog Skin, Buck, Goat, blimp and Leather Gloves and Mitts, umurpassed for kentness, duns. bitity and cheeriness, OD band of . ur own make.— Gi nts Fir Collars, Fur Gloves, Larch Felt and Flannel Lined Gloves, tincli. Sheep, Go.t, heath er and the great bog Skin Glove Also Rohm:Sleigh and Buggy Blankets, (-ix different pattern) Grey Blankets and Hor , e b4rt.kets, an iminense stock selected and *iiiipluf;settired exprma ly for our Winter trade f.r '69 and 69. lii'DEG it & SON, Hat, Fur and Glove Mahufacturera, °mimic W,arhington Houae. Hagerstown, Oct. 30, GUIDE TO MARRIAGE. Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The famine views 61 bentvo. lent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses loci , ent to Youth and Earty Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, tree of charge Address, Iftl WA HD AS~OCI. P., Philadelphia, Pa. • June 19--Iy. "la...ETIM WC:OIVI.I3. On tho 10th ult:, at the residence of Wm. Tallhclut near shady Grove,. Mrs. MARIA ROWE, aged years, 11 menthe and 18 dap. Farewell dear Fieter, thou ail gone, AnJ we era ltfr for thee to mown; pot stilt our lope is thy great gain. for than art free Item woe and intim Dearest Fitter them haul left tie. A anl thy loses nue Yii ore know t h at thou are huppy NI Ilia! wi.l all our surrow e imaj, On t e 18th of March near Baer's Fac tory, r EORGE WILSON, eon of Hiram and Elizabeth Miller, aged 1 year, 2 months and 10 dol. Calm on the bosom of thy God, Dear spirit rest thee now, E'en while with ours tby footsteps trod, His seal was on thy brow. Dust to its narrow home beneath,, • Soul to its rest.on high; - - They that have seen thy look in depth .No more may fear to.die. - - - as., - . --- PHILADELPHIA, Tuesday April 6. 1869. There is not much cloverseed coining for ward, but the demand is limited ; small sales at 89 50@10.00, the latter figure from second hands - . Prices of timothy and fialseod — re; main unchanged. TheAkar market has re lapsed ;.tito a remarkably dull, unsatisfactory condition, and prices are barely. supported. Small sales of superfine a t $5.00(§5 75, extras at $6.000625, 600 barrels lowa, W kconsin and 31 indesota extra f.mily, 86 10- ®7 Pennsylvaoiado do at 87 00(97 75, ()bin do. do at 88.00(§9 50 1 , and Saucy lots at 810 00@12 00. liye flour is dull and 25- ®soe per barrel lower, with -sales at 100 barrels at 87.00®71:5 1 blothing _doing in corn meal -- - „_ The wheat Marketis-extremely quiet, and die nob; sales reported are small lots of red at - 81:60@,1775; 1,500 bushels California at sl.Bo ; SUO bushels very " choice amber at $1 85. Rye is strong, with farther sales of western - at $l - 45@t1 - . - 50:1 Corn - is - better-and the offerings have fallen off; sales of 2,500 at 88@890“md-1-,-000-bushels westein4nixed at 850 Oats ale unchanged; 3,500 bushels western sold at 73(F).75c, 'and i'ennsylvania at 60@70c as to quality. nomination for the ofil..e of Clerk of the Courts, sulsject to the action of the next Republican nomi tia hug convention of Franklin County. Chamberbburp, April 9 tf PLANTS! PL-ANTS! issue S 2 00 2 00 2.00 1.00 2 - 00 -- 2.00 2 00 7 12 200 2 00 4 00 200 4 50 2 00 2.00 2.00 - 2 - 00 2.00 2 00 2.00 -- 2,00 2 00 • 2 00 2 00 2.00 2,00 4 00 CaMltge, Beet and 'Vomit() Plants to ha had at the Garden of D . F. Gond, near Waynesboro', Pa. epril 9 3t , bissolution of Co partnership. TOTICE is hereby given that the I'o•partner jl ship heretofore existing between the under• signed mettle M;wantile and Huckstering hasinesa was by mutual o , nscnt en the ,first day of April, 1869. The books and accounts are in the hands of Blain Frantz fur collection. PETER ROUZER. • ELAM FRAN l'Z. The lin:lines, of Merchandising will by continued as I ,rmerlv by the undersigned, who respectfully so licit a continuance of public patronage. SLAM El? .NZ, PAM I►l,_K EIMART._ Attention Farmers ! MII I:: advantages of Fertilizers - is growing - more pupalar every year among enterprising Farm ers. The end,' rsigned having sold a large quantity mat season, which gave entire eatistaction, is in• du-ed t.l estabdsh a depot for the sate of Fertihzers at his ware -hou+e in Leitersburg. I have now on hand 50 ions of Phosphate and Guano, all of which will he warranted the beet in the mirket, and will be sold on liberal term!' at manufacturer, priers, freight added. My t•lock consists of vii different kinds and adapted to corn and other spring crops. J USE PH GROUN Leitersburg, Md. rep 9-4tl NEW STO.R E FEW GOODS! THI subscriber havin It purchased from his father (Jerome Beaver) his entire stock of Hats, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and , Clocks, &c &c, respect tnlly invites the attention, of the public generally to his fine and well selected stock, baying also just re ceived from the East a splended line of goods. con sisting of the latest spring stiles; stu4ly your own interest first; he it determined also to soli for cash only. Give h itn n cat' and examine his fine and well selected 'tuck. npril 9—'o9J C. %V. B-EAVER. T O THE PEITIATI THUS. A WILL RESUME BUSINESS On The FIRST DAY OF MAY Next, AT 1118 OLD STAND, (..rouNsros's) No. 16, West Allashin7ton Street, HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND lie will off r for sale a &pleaded assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER, WA HE, nil errry article kept in aJEWELRYSTORE In reFutnine hupinees he intends to be' aatiafied wit h leas inofit than is uatial in the Jewelry trade. Persons intending, to make purchases will SAVE MONEY by waiting urdil the first of May. The repairing of W ATCII ES, CLOCKS AND JEW ELRY, Will receive his personal attention and will not be entrusted to Apprentice Boys or other inexperienced Orders for goods will he received at hie newStnre [teem, which'is now being 'renovated, refitted and rt furnished. In making the sham ann^uncement I avail my self of this ,pprtunity to thank old frlends and Cus tomers for past lavort , and invite them, wit'a new friends er.d aepaintanees, mad•+ in another branch of ltiness, and all others who wish to save money in tie pineha e of Wit•ehes, Jewelry and Silver Wale to expmine the assortment whichl shall offer at the vino named. Amy (lice an LIFE INSURANCE AGENT will he n•re•vwea to my Awn Room, where I can be found buNinees hour 4. Iteeticctfully, err Tll )NIA.S A. Di /MAX. ACCOMMODATION WAGON. E subFcrilter having put a wagon and pair ..11. of 11,11.'4 Rau the road between Waynesboro' and fireenca.tle itirornis,the public that he is well pro pared to do all kinds of hauling rt•p.u!arly between the two places, and that be will he thankful fur a share at tro ruid:e's patronage. Orders left at the Drue More of A. S. Bonebrako will receive prompt attention. apt GEO. r OREM t N. NOTICE: I HE sulo•crOvr haring purchased wago and rpiir of hewer, for the pu pie of haulirg bo tworett ‘Vaytientier.i l , uu.l Greencastle. is prepared to haul ;nand Item the latter place rrgulairly, and will be tliantiftl for it shirt. I`f public otrett .ge. Ali ord, rri iv it at the Drug tore ut Dr. J. Burns It:there in ‘sill lie promptly a: t , nili 11 jinircli -tl j • J. haiLTE:II.S. wi I be a candidate for re A CARD. 110IILLT, DR. J. BURNS 11111USOL stecEsson to S. F. KURTZ, (At the Corner Drug Storea-- AY I‘ 7 . S 8.0 Having purchased of J. F. Kurtz the stock end fixtures of the Corner Drug store, vill continuo the business at the old stand, and have constantly on h.tntl_ a full essottroent of.all goads belonging to our line, via r- - - Drugis, Chemicals, Medicines, Oils_ p ; Tarnishes, - - Brushes. Perfumery. spices, Lamps. Shade., Chimneys. Fancy-articles, &c., &C., &C., &e. Special attention given to compounding prescriptions. emernber-the-C going elsewhere. J. BURNS AMBERSON, M. D feb 26-1869. 'LIFE IS UNCERTAIN!' OGI-1-R-E-4-011-11--1413 1 a/R-EralH-El2-A PUOTOGRAPH, AMBROTYPE, OR. FERREOTYPE, • At the "DIAMOND" GALLERY. The undersigned having purchased Mr. Hamil ton% HaVery, is now prepared to make pictures la the lop hest style of the art. lie wi!l give special attention to large photographs for framing. FR A ALES, We will always have on hand a fine assortment of Frames, to which we invite attention. . Pictures taken in cloudy as well as clear weather. Having purantsed all old Negatives in the Gal _lery, U oppy ing of old Daguerreotypes. A mbrotypes. &c.. will be made a speciality—as these pictures aro fist fading, and can ho gr*ally imProvi'd by being - copied; have it - done. &fire it ie too late. It does not injure a picture at all, to take copier t r a m it, and in every case the picture will be carefully re turned. N. U. Particular attention in taking pictures of children. mar 12-1.1 O. If MDT. JLCON MCI, MACHINE SHOP AND LUMER YAP; I.IDY, FMOlt St - C - o — . having refitted their Ma chine :glop /11111 procured the latest and best inven tions in lonopeaving machinery, are now prepared la manufacture more extensively than• heretofore the celebrated Willoughby Grain Drill, greatly improved, The Brinkerhoff Corn Sheller, and. The Gibson Washing Machina. They have aladJeJ ti their business the maw ufeeture of Sash and Window Frames, Doors and Door Shutters and Blindo, Monldingti of every description., }louring mad Weatherboarding., railings and Plastering Laths, Spokes and Felbes, - and all arfirles usually manufactured in establish menu of thin kind Particular attention inid to turning spokes. Repairing of all kinds well and promptly done. A LAROB t;Titelt 41? L. num of every description constantly on hand. Soil for cash only. LILY, & CO. dec II ANTICITI F irrollY AND SAW MILL. UT aAaVi kindsN (1 i o n i c t r i e u n i ' li s t gfacniii!ttiee;si material, r emu h a fa s c t u s r i i g n i f Lo ,c, Frames, c•hutters Blind, Flooring. Weallie; ell:warding, b 1 oulding, Watlilioards, Chair•oords„ Cornice, rstairing . Porticoes, &e., &e.. I oiler to furnish all neatens I t, the pubiL: (building) of dry lurnb , r and substantial workmanship and at ,e -ducrol prices. The above material conttairtly on hand, or made to orier at the shortest notice. Al. so fl wrinz„ worlred to order. :awing by mill and molder saws of eve Ty description done. lam also prepared to furnish the two noted Bee Hives. hang- Etroth (pat) and the Antietam Hive, the last of which is cheap, sin) pie, and just the hive for com mon bee culture. Call, see and Cl amine for younself. or address D. F. GOOD. • Factory near Waynesboro'. DISSOLUTION. THE co partnership heretofore existing between the under:signed in the Merchant Tailoring W etness, was this day (March 16th, 1869) dissolved by mutual consent. fhe hooks of late firm are in the hands of litikely Login, upon when all per eons indebted are requested to call and make set tlement. .1 A FISHER. op 2 tf The unili rtigneil will continuo the business nt the obi ttanii. Lie returns his thanks to the public for past patronage atal hopes by attention to t•usi• iirss and a disposition to please all to tnerit ac• n tirmanco of the snipe. LOGAN. Hag., March 18 —tt CEIOICE SEVD POTATOES. •lill sub-eriher offas at Private Salo about 150 bushels cc,l Putltueß, consisting of thcfullow. ing varit t;e. : Harrison, 113r!y Goodrich and W d't reach Blow. mar 12. tt GUNS! IliilUNSt PENKNIFE BLADES. dec IN-4 mos J. 11. lutiNtcl 0 DR. 301 IN M. RIPPLE having wrmanently located in this place, offers his prefeAsional Fe vices to the community. Office in ine front room. mu door to Met ebrake's Drug Store. lice H. MIR. N. .10. 3101:13Elhi Ilia store of RIME uususoN, LlgNsoto . dr. Co. tsbil. ore CASES, 1.. C. BRACKBILL D. B. 41 WISE Li. .1/..0)111 BE RKELY LOG. N. A E. PL ICE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers