VILLAGE RECORD. :vgirds.Traamal 0 CPR CO% Friday ) April. 2, kir Both branches of the Pennsylvania Legislature have ratified the Fifteenth A• wendment. larThe Adventists aro preparing to - 'go bp' on the 10th of July.' There is, they say, no fooling, about it this time._ , Pottsville has been selected as the place for holding the next session of the Methodist gpiscoral Conference. in the spring of WO. kir Gan. Hancock is -spoken of as—the democratic candidate for President four years hence 1211" During Vebruary 39,112 acres of pub lic lands were sold to actual settlers, at the rate of 81,25 per acre, WIT you go foto a store and Bn•] boys ly iog on the counter asleep, you may just bet your bottom dollar that the proprietor don't advertise. Wiiit-So far eleven States have taken de. finite action on the Fifteenth Amendment, nine of which have ratified and two rejected sThe President has refused to grant an ___lnterview_lo Mrs. Dr. Mary Walker, who is addicted to male attire, unless she presents herself in a garb suitable to her sex. go.. on. war , t ates, who was fur a time Attorney General during Mr. Lincoln's first Administration, died in St. Louis on Thurbday afternoon. lrilrA dispatch passed over the wires last week that Andrew Johnson bad made his last swing, but though he has been quite sick he is toddling about again. • _ wa.Plesitient, Grain was slightly indis posed on Saturday and received no visitors. His_ilinessis_notserious, but a temporary prostration from the over work and barrage meats of the position since his inauguration. ge..General Stoneman on Saturday issued an order removing Governor Wells, of Vir ginia, and assuming the duties of the office _himself.-- A-large-number of removals have recently been made throughout the State, n old-womarrof - Yra - nkl rielmr) ty, - V a., named Kesiah St:Dithers, died on the 21st of February last, at the advanced age of one hundred and twenty five. She* is said to have bad a cross of Indian blood in her veins, and was remarkably active even in her old age. ' tiv,„The President lies fully determined on the policy of sending Quakers to deal with the Indians, and will soon begin appointing prominent members of that society as super. intendants and Indian agents. logabe snow in the northern portion of New liampsbire, in many places, is from nine to eleven feet deep on a level. Fences are entirely obliterated, and people take the ' most available routes they canfind from point to point without regard to prescribed lines of travel. Along the Grand Trunk, as far down as Bethel, the snow is up to the car windows, and in many places much' deeper. Stirln the House of Represeetatives on Monday Mr. Morgan offered a resolution in structing the Committee of Ways and Means to report a bill to relieve from all taxes cof fee, tea, sugar, salt and tobacco, and to im pose a tax of 2.3, per cent. on all United States bonds heretofore issued or to be issued. The resolution was laid oil the table. HEADS IN DA NOER. —A Washington paper gives as a rumor that the Secretary of the Treasury and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the consent of the President, have determined to make a clean sweep of a number of Internal Revenue officials in Penn sylvania, consisting of collectors. assessors, storekeepers, and gaugers. RICHMOND'S POSTMISTRESS —The ap pointment by Postmaster General Creswell of Miss Van Lew, as Postmistress of Richmond, seems to have given great satisfaction. The Richmond Journal of Friday says : Miss Bettie Van Lew, out new post mann, is in receipt daily of letters from all parts of the Union, congratulating her upon the ap pointment she has received from the Presi dent, in reward for her services to the Union and fidelity to the flag. As it would be im possible for hor to reply to each of her well wishers, she requests us to return them her thanks by general proclamation. So in her name, we say : '‘Thank you, ladies and gen Ileum', for your kind sympathies and good wishes." She is al.() bothered almost as pinch as General Grant with applications ,for places in the post ere, and asks us to state that there are no vacancies. PATENT MEDICINES —The Committee on Public Health in the New York Legislature have reported favorably a bill creating a Commission, consisting of three persons,. to be appointed by the Governor, whose duty it shall be to inspect patent medicines and ewer tale- their ingredients,.and report the same annually to the Legislature and to the State Medical Society. A movement that might be followed in other quarters with decided public advantage. MEETING OF CLASSIS.—The Maryland Clesais of the Reformed Church will convene io Frederick on, TLureday evening, .April 29th. I'Ay ilie ranter and abatua Ito d—l =l= I . "WHAT WILL He DO WITH IT f"---What hi the'name of common sense and comfort does a man who has all his life been a coal beaver and deck baud on steamboats, want with half a million of dollars? Why, he enough to set, the fellow wrath or itt least ruin bite. 'Andy at sue an, all his life so situated, a neky fellow who answers to the name of Hear Marty, and bails gener ally from St. Louis, has recently fallen heir to that enormous sum, or very near it. When this shower of wealth fell upon him, be was employed on a St. Louis and New Orleans packet, and it is hot related that be fainted at the receipt of the news, - jumped overboard ) or performed any extraordinary feat, which shows that tba man had no idea of what had really befallen him. It appears that ho was cousin and heir to an old, unsociable citizen of St. Louis, named Sullivan, whose—corpse in a state of decomposition, was found some two years ego in a lonely room in a building fp that city, and who, as the sequel . showi, was possersed of great wealth. Marty, as the heir of this man, has quite lately been put in possession of nearly two hundred thousand doll h, beThYda Jars cash, les reel — estate, lands - and stocks, which amount in all to halls million. What will the wehapyy Irishman do with it 1 EXCESS - Or - LAWYERS.- Evidently - Sell= ator Sprague, of Rhode Island, has formed no very high estimate of lawyers es practical statesmen. Ile startled the U. S Senate last weak by a bold, nn looked for and terrible on u •on the tribe. "The reatest evil in both Houses of Congress," he said, 'pis that too many of the members are lawyers, never educated only-in one' line, in one range of ideas and ex serience nd t • • petoot to represent faithfully the diverse in- terests and necessities of the great mass of the people 1" Ot the sixty-six members of the Senate, forty-five are lawyers, and five of the remaining received a legit education., The preponderance in the other House, says the Senator, is still larger. His speech pro dueed-a decided sensation'. LOCAL MATTERS. 119,..91ex, Hamilton has corn and oats for sale. it Butter ie-retailin "steep price" for those who have to invest. tention-is-direeted to the - advert": meats of John Riddlesberger and Geo. Fore man in this inns. FAMILY FIOREIE FOR SALE. —Rev. C. V Wilson offers at private sale a valuable lam ily horse. PREACHING.- Rev. Mr. Demoyer will preach his first sermon in the M. K Church on Sunday morning next. Kr Col. G. W. Z Black, of "The Repub lican,' boa been appointed Postmaster of Frederick, Md. MOVING DAY has again come and gone. We trust those of our prompt paying pa• Irons who Lave been compelled to "flit" are comfortably and securely quartered in their new places of abode. Del -Yesterday was the first day of April, or All•Fools' Day. Those who failed to eet tle up atrearages at this office, should not for get that it is never too late to do a good act wto,..We invite special attention to the ad vertisement of Rev. D. F. Good, proprietor of the '•Antietam Factory and Saw Mill," to be found in another column. REMOVED.—The trial of Mrs. Rowland and the colored man named Carroll, charged with the murder of the formet's husband, has been removed to Cumberland, Ikld. am. Rev. C. V. Wilson of this place, was assigned by the late M. E. Conference which met at Danville, Pa., to Markleeburg, Hun- tingdon county, and will leave for his field of labor sometime during , next week, tiirThe Repository says the Presbyterian church of St. Joseph, Mo., has sent a call to Rev. J. W. Wightman, pastor of the Pres byterian churches of Greencastle and this, place. PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned will of fer at public sale, in Waynesboro', on Sat urday the 10th inst., at 1 o'clock, P. M., her Household property, consisting of Stoves, Furniture and the usual variety of other articles. Terms made known on day of sale. SUSAN FAHNESTOCK. :E9...0ur friend Johnny Lantz, of Quincy, has taken possession o f the Washington House, in Chambereburg. Nr. L. is pos sessed of that which should constitute an acceptable and successful landlord, affability of manners and generosity of disposition in a large degree. C DAN 0 ED.—The Adams House, in Green castle, yesterday passed into the hands of our young friend, Mr. H. R. Gaff, who had been clerking for several years for Mr Adams the retiring landlord. .Mr. Gaff is experienced in the Hotel business, and we predict will make a tip-top landlord. tor A report was in circulation here on Tuesday morning that the Cbambersbnrg Jail had been burnt the night previous We learn from the papers of that place that the reflection of the' fire seed from-our town and vicinity was from the burning of a large bank barn belonging to Jacob Strickler, iu G uilford toirnship, which is supposed to have beau the work of an incendiary. it. it MEETING large Railroad Meet ing was held at Mercersburg on Sattniley last, which was addressed by the Ron, Mr. ones, of Rucks county, the representativa of the a'Caladonia Land, Iron and Railroad Company," under whose charter it is pro posed to build the road. Their charter al• lows them to hold and work mineral and other lands anywhere in .the State, and to construct railroads from their land to maned with any other road. This company propose to the oitiaens of that section that if they will take 050,000 of the stook of the said company they will obligate themselves to build within one year, a road from 'Mercers burg to whaiiiir point may be hereafter determined upon, on the Franklin or West ern Maryland railroad, that they will erect anthracite furnaces there, and at once coin. -menee-developing the mineral--lands -along the base of our mountains. The stockholders of this railroad ate to have an interest in the Subscription books were opened and $75,- 000 at once subscribed. - OUTRACIEOUIL - We learn that cerlme - of the most malignant type was committed in Fayetteville, on Saturday night last. • Some villain or villains entered the Union church, in that place, and - completely - detuolished - the chandeliers and lamps, with a single excep -tion-of-one-lamih-that-most-prabahty-eseape, notice. They first succeeded in tearing them from their fastenings, dashed them to the floor, 'and from the appearance of several • rs,actnall_y-trampled-upe bible, a very large and costly edition, but lately placed on the pulpit, was thrown down and trampled. The oil from the broken lamps was strewn over the floor. Every-ex -erticti-sh-catebe made, and we have no doubt will, to ferret out the guilty parties, and we sincerely hope for the good of the communi ty that the efforts put forth by the citizens may be successful in bringing them to justice. Crime seems to have become quite prevalent in our county lately, but we scarcely be lieved that in the community of Fayetteville there lived a being, so lost to every manly attribute--so deeply steeped in crime, as to enter the House at God and thus desecrate it-; what the motive was that prompted such a dastardly outrage, remains to be discover ed when the guilty are arrested, but the gen. eral opinion is that it was done, not for re venge, but maliciously, and prompted by a spirit of devilisbness.—Repository. ECTIPTEi- J - a - c - ob — .111114Tr — (orG;) $2;00 Jesse Morningstar, 2.00 Jacoh Carbaugh, 2.00 John Philips, 2.00 Jacob Shank, (Ringgold) , 200 John S. Grove, 1.00 John Greenawalt, 2 00 Jaoob Middour __ 2.00 Galvin Spellman, Abrm. Snwsvrerger, David Shank, B. F. Funk, Samuel J. Christian Frantz', Peter Geiser, David Lohr; H. E. Wertz, David Stephey, Daniel Potter, Geo. Potter, Samuel S. Speck, Samuel H. Barr, Daniel Mickley, Sen RELIGIOUS MEETINGS series of re ligious meetings was commenced in the Pres byterian Church of this place on Monday evening of last week, which have had the ef fect of awakening a serious interest on the subject of religion in our midst. On Sun. day last, Communion occasion, about twenty individuals were admitted to mem bership in the church. The Pastor, Rev. J. W. Wiglitman, has been assisted iu his la bors by Rev. Mr. Hays of the Central Pres byterian Church o f Cbambersburg. The meetings'sre being continued. COURT.—The following individuals have been selected from this township and Quincy for the next term of Court, commencing at Chambersburg, on Monday, April 12th : Grand Jurors.—Joseph Gilbert, Richard Jacobs, Wm. A. Reid, John Sanders.--= Traverse Jurors.—Adam Caufman, D. M. Deatrich, John Downing, Henry Gilbert, Martin Geiser, M Honstine, E Snider, Wm. Stover, Jr. Second week—Ephraim Baer, D. H. Garver, Jacob Hookermitb, L. C. inepper, Peter Koeppel, Joseph M id dour, Samuel Nicodemus, Samuel Ryder, Peter Whitmore. PRINTER DECEASED.-Mr. Isaac N. Gor don, who had been afflicted with Pulmonary disease for several years, expired at the res idence of his brother, J. H. Gordon, near this place, on the 26th inst. Mr. G served an apprenticeship to the printing business in this Ape, and for several years thereafter was a resident of B.lltimore, Md. The de ceased possessed a naturally kind disposition and was a young man of exemplary habits. His age was 32 years and 8 months. HUBER HOUSE.-Mr. F. Bowden, of this place, yesterday took possession of the well known Huber House,, in Hagerstown, which is to be kept -as a Boarding house, with an Eating and Drinking Saloon connected there• with. Mr. B's. experience and reputation as a Hotel-keeper should secure for him a liberal patronage. The business of his Hotel and Restaurant in this place will for the present be entrusted to his son, S. S. Bowden, in connection with Messrs. Henry Funk and Aaron Beck, relia ble and accommodating gentlemen. General Grant has been sent from Con -pendent a cigar six feet long, and weighing eisteen lbs. scrip aim our A goon bAlt's Stieuxtsitt.—We notice hi the lialtionite Stet, of Monday s that °Or old friends N. Hyde, Esq., - of fialtlMotei in connection with two other gentlenten of that city, bugged 050 floe robins in lees thin three hour's shootin on Saturday last, lb the neighborhoed of Uoothby's hill, in fleet ford county, Md.—fiati'oeer Npectatoh, We agree with the Lewistown Gazette, that the Auer of the Mod who permits such an indiscriminate slaughter of these birds de serves to have his trees denuded by eaterpil• fare and his crops destroyed by flies, grass. hoppers, ite. These 350 robins would have gladdened the honiesteads of many families, created pleasure in the hearts of hundreds of children who delight in the presence of robin redbreast, and destroyed millions of worms, insects, And larva), which will now be left to increase by iucalculable numbers. Yeseit was a bad day's shooting, Mr. Spec tator. LADY LOAFERS.- Brigham Young who ought, by this time, to have learned some thing of women from the multiplicity of his wives, in a recent lecture on education de livered by him to the ladies of Mormondom, said : 'See in the fashionable, world, the ed -IJ:cation-given-to a young lady ! It consists mainly of how to bow and curtsey, hoW to meet a gentleman, bow to be graceful in a ball - room, hoir to get into and out of a car riage, how to walk on the streets, how high :r-aluthes :should - be liftchow many feet they should drug behiid her; and, in addition to this, to thrum on the piano and have i smattering efEr_encharltalian,_—_ These are what should be called female loaf ers; they are no good to themselves or any body else. They cannot knit their stockings, made theirdresses or underclothing or do anything useful' THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL for April contains the portraits and Biographies of Harvey P. Pees, LL. D., - the eminent in structor of the deaf and dumb; James T. Brady, the distinguished lawyer; Henry D. Barron, the legislator; Henry Frank the Jew ish publisher; besides sketches and illus trated articles on Hiram Powers and John Stuart Mill; Phrenology and Religion; Fish Culture, with nine engraveings; Napoleon's Head, nothing but a baby, the Planohette Mystery; Creseedo, and illustrated, Poem; Japanese-Houses, a good Inheritance, duatry and Reepectability, - .Wthere an open Polar Sea? Music. Price $3 a year or 30 ots. a num ier. . 389 Broadway, N. Y. TIM LADY'S FRIEND, for Fortune Teller" is the subject of the fine steel engraving which leads off the last num ber of this charming monthly. - This is fol lowed by a handsome and refined steel plate of the latest Paris fashions. Then we have a striking picture of an Avalanche among the Alps, followed by a number -of engrav ings devoted to ladies and children's dresses, bodies, fancy work, etc; The music for this number is the popular song, "Pulling hard against the streets," and the literary contents are varied and deeply interesting. Published by Deacon & Peterson, 319 Wal nut street, Philadelphia, at- 82,50 a year which also includes a large steel engraving. A COURAGEOUS NAN.— A man named John A. Wood, whose standing weight is 135 pounds, has bad the coutage to have himself married to a certain Alias Rosins D. .Wohardsoa, otherwise called the New Hamp shire giantess,' whose standing weight is 400. rouids. 11 there is any Sorosis about that woman, her husband should be a man of iron not of wood. Poor John! he must be rather sappy—but be has a brave heart. Jacob Surget, 91 years old, died at New York last week and left a property valued at 810,000,000. The President appoints, direCtly or in directly, 41,000 officers, and controls patron• age amounting to $150,000,000. . A statistician says a man stands sixteen charms of being killed by lightning to one of being worth a million of money. One thousand and' forty dollars in gold pieces of the year 1795, or thereabouts, were recently disposed of in Trenton, N. J , alter having been hoarded for seventy•fcur years. The lose of interest in that time was eotnewhat over 44,000. A Revenue agent in Cincinnati, visiting a suspected distillery, came upon one room marked "private," and securely looked.— After some little delay he managed to effect an entrance, only to discover a young man on a bed in the worst stages of smallpox,— The agent did not stop to confiscate any thing SPECIAL NOTICES. 200 SETS OF LADIES FURS ! Comprising Mink Sable, German, Russian and American Fitch, Siberian and French Squirrele, Canada and French Mink, French and Belgian Sa ble, for Ladies and Misses; Beaver, Otter, Swat 's Down,Ernine and sable Trimmings on band and any width cut to order in a few moments notice. Fur Trimmed Hoods, in velvet and silk; Muff and Cape Tassels, Silk. Lamb and Ermine Linings.— All kinds of Fur Materi-le. Old and Moth-eaten Furs altered, repaired and renewed into the latest styles in the most improved manner at Updegratrs G ORAT Foe AND Gto , VIC FACTORY, where can be found on hand or made to order in a few hours, Ladies Dog Skin, Buck, Goat, Sheep and Leather Gloves and Mitts, unsurpassed for neatness, dura bility and cheapness, on band of tur own make.— Gents Fur Collars, Fur Gloves, Lamb Felt and Flannel Lined Gloves, Buck, Sheep, Goat, Leath er and the great Dog Skin Glove Also Buffalo Robes, Sleigh and Buggy Blankets, (six different patterns) Grey Blankets and Horse Blankets, an immense stock selected and manufactured express ly for out Winter trade for '6B and 69. UPDEGRAFF & SON, Hat, Fur and Glove Manufacturers, Opposite Washington House. Hagerstown, Oct. 30, 1868. GEO. W. WELSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the Town Nall 13uilJing, next door to he Poet Office. Dec, 13 NOT. PHILADELPHIA, Tuesday March $0.1.80. -- .LOUR.—There is oirldetitly more tees in the breadstuffsmarket, and it is the beneral Opinion that ptices of flour have a• oat toiiched bottom. The demand is very good, but confined to the wants of the home trade, whose stook, it is universally conceded, have become reduced to low figures. About 1,800 barrels changed hands, mostly lowa, Wiseousin.and Minnesota extra families, at $6.75®7,25 bbl , including•Penosylvania do do. at 87.25©8.50, Ohio do. do. at 89- ©lO 50; fancy at slo®l2, extras at so®o.- 50, and superfine at 85®8.00. Rye flour is steady at 97,00®9. In corn meal noth ing doing. The wheat market is influenced by an ad vance in neighboring markets, and light bus iness, is firmer with a fair inquiry; sales of red at $lOO® 1.65, amber at 81.80®1 90, and white at.l. 80®1.95. Rye is dill and cannot be quoted over $1.45®1.50. Corn is dull; sales.of 3,000 bushels - at 85e®87e, for yellow, and 83c®850. for mixed western. Oats are steady, with sales of western at 730. to 750., and Peon'a at 60®08e. In barley and malt there is no change. Clover seed is in fair request, with further sales at. 89.75. ©lO 50, the latter .from second hands.— Prices of timothy and flaxseed are steady. THE subscriber - having pin a wagon and pair of horses on the road between Waynesboro' and (ireencastle-informsthe publie that he is well pre. pared to do all kinds of hauling regularly between the two places, and that he will be thankful for a -share - uf - the - public's - Tnitronage. Orders left at the Drug Store of A. S. Bonebrake will receive prompt attention. apt—if GEO. FOREMAN. - 11Nrint Mgr— HAVING in creased facilities for manufacturing all kinds of building material, such as Sash, Doors, Fratnes,'Shutters, Blinds, Flooring, Weath er boarding, Moulding, Washboards, Chairboards, Corn ice, Stairing. Porticoes, &c., &c. I oiler to furn ish all material to the public (building)_of_dry_ lurntur ilia substantial workmanship and at !e -duced prices. The abovematerial constantly on hand, or made to order at the shortest notice. Al so flooring worked to order. Sawing by mill and circular saws of every description done, lam also prepared to fur nish the two noted Bee Hives, Lang stroth (pat) and the Antietam Hive, the last ol which is cheep , simple, and just the hive for com mon bee culture . Ca 11, see and examine for yourself, or address D. - F. GOOD, Factory near Waynesboro'. op 2—lf LIFTING JACKS! ELLS 'n , r-- - ' i t • - :7; . itia147.47.1K The subscriber announces to the public that the finn of Messrs. Lidy, Frick & Co., of Waynesboro', have taken the contract for manufacturing and sell ing Lis Patent Lifting Jack for Wagons, Buggies, &c , whilh will:be - pat - np - in - good - style - androfgami material, for the counties of Franklin. Pa., and Washington, Md. The public are invited to. call on the above firm and examine it. ap 2-30 JOHN RIDDLESBERGER. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE. Md. For sale by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United States, Canada and South America. march 26-3 mos NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad. ministration on the Estate of Wm. Stover, late of Antrim township, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Washington and Quincy townships. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly au- thenticated to tither of the undersigned. mar S 9-6t] THE subscriber having purchased a wagon and pair of horses lor•the purpose of hauling be tween Waynesboro', and Greencastle, is prepared to haul to and from the latter place regularly, and will be thankful for a share of public patronage. All orders left at the Drug store of Dr. J. Burns A mberson will be promptly attended to. march 9-tt J. KEEPERS. 111. A NT PO PATOES— W e have now on hand and for sale. Goodrich, White Peach blow, Blue Mercer, and a small lot Early Rose Po tatoes, Those wanting good seed will please give us a call. 111 ANTED. Bacon, bird, Rutter, Eggs, Got , V ton Raga, &c., for which we will give the highest market price in trade. • mar 26] . REID & WAYNANT. `SHE subscribers want 500 ;cords of Hark, for Li which they will pay the highest cash price.— They also continue to pay the highest prices for Hides delivered at their Tanery in Waynesboro'. mar 26-6t] FORNEY & SONS. G OOD , lugar at iift4flXl.3XlllVOili: ACCOMMODATION WAGON. AND SAW MILL. FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED Horn al Gatti° Powders. This preparation, long and favorably " own will horough !sp irited re-Invigorate b kn raken ' down a nd low-spirited bones, stomach ntee i ng in e i n n i ttin„. strengthening cleansing the ' It is a sure preventive of all diseases incident to this animal, such as LUNG FEVER, GLANDERS, YELLOW WATER, HEAVES, COUGHS, PIS TEMPER, FEVERS, FO UN DER LOSS OF APPETITE AND VITAL, - Na t ENERGY, ke. Its use improves , ' the wind, Increases the appetite.... gives asmooth and glossy skin—and *74' transforms the miserable skeleton 4-= intoadne-looklngand spirited horse. - - To keepers of Cows this prepara tion is invaluable. It is a sure pre ventive against Rlnderpest, Hollow Horn, etc. It has been proven by • actual experiment to increase the quantity of milk and oream twenty per cent. rind make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, It , gives them an appetite loosens their bide, and makes them thrive much faste r, In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers la the Lungs, Liver, &0., this articleacts as a specific. By putting from one- „41,, half a paper to a paper in a barrel of • -r.":" • -. swill the above diseases will be eradi cated or entirely prevented, If given a. IA A in time, a certain preventive and. Caro for the Hog Cholera. Administrator's Notice. GEO. STOVER, i Ad e n ,. WM. STOVER, 5 NOTICE: RELD & WAYNANT. Bark Wanted. illi: 3. BURN AMMON 3._r. KVittz, (At the Corner Drug Store,) WAilltrEShOß(7, PA. 'Having purchased of J. P. Kurtz the stock and futures . of the Corner Drug Store, I Mill continue the business at the old stand, and have constantly on hand a full assortment o f all goods belonging to our line, viz : Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, Oils, erftmt , Spices, Lamps, • Shades, - Chimneys, - Toilet and pecial-attention-given—ttr - comgcnunling prescriptions. Remember the Corner and give us a call beim going eliewheze, feb 26-1869. 'LIF PROCURE YOUR PICTURE, EITHER A PHOTOGRAPH, AMBROTYPE, OR FERREOTYPE, 'DIAMOND" GALLERY. The undersigned having purchased Mr. Hamil ton's Gallery, is now prepared to make pictures in the highest style of the art. He will give special attention to large photographs for framing. FRAMES, 'CASES, ¢C, We will always have on hand a fine assoittntnt of Frames, to which we invite encoder, Pictures teen in cloudy as well as clear weather. Having purchased all old Negatives in the Gal lery, copies can be hatLat_any_tine. Coppying of old Daguerreotype. 4. Ambrotypes, &evvill - be - matlera spertality=as - thes - e - pktures are fast fading, and can be greatly improved by being copied, have it done &pre it is too, late. It does not "ure a picture at all, to take copies from it,, le picture yid end in every case t turned, N. B. Particular attention in taking, pictnres ofi children. mar 1%-ISI , a. v. Liar. JACOB faEX, MACHINE SHOP AND LUMBER YARD LIDT,FRICIC & CO. having refitted their Ira chine Shoe and grocured the latest and best inven tionsinlabor,saring_tnachinery,_are_new prepared to manufacture more extonsisely than heretofore the celebrated Willoughby Grain Drill, greatly improved, The Brinkerhoff Corn Sheller, and The Gibson Washing Machine. They have als3 added, t) their 6usi ness the man ufacture 01 Sash and Window Frames, Doors and Door Shutters and Blinds, Mouldings of every description, Flooring and Weatherboarding, Palling and Plastering Laths, Spokes and Felioes, and all articles usually manufactured in establish ments of this kind Particular attention paid to , turning spokes. Repairing all kinds well and promptly done. A Leas® STOCH or L'31131311 Ofi every description. constantly on hand. Sold for cash only. LIDY. FIILCK & CO. dee 11 DISSOLUTION.. MIME copartnership heretofore existing betwenir the under.igned in the Merchant Tailoring bu siness, was this day (March 16th, 4869) dissolved by mutual eonsent. The books of late firm are ra the hands of Berkely Logan, upon whom all per sons indebted are requested to call and make set tlement. J. A. FISHER, BERKELY LOGAN. The undersigned will continue the business at the old stand. Ho returns his thanks to the public for past patronage and hopes by attention to busi. ness and a disposition to please all to merit a con tinuance of the same. BEHKELY LOGAN. Hagerstown, March 19—t1 • CHOICE SEED POTATOES. rpHE subscriber offers at Private Sale about 150 bushels Seed Potatoes, consisting of the follow ing varieties : Harrison, Early Goodrich and W h't Peach Blow. A. E. PRICE. mar 12—tf INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Cash Capital and Surplus January Ist, 1869, $2,348 3 323.89. ACTUAL SURPLUS, over and above all Li hiiities, including Capital Stock, the LA B URST of any Fire Insurance Compa ny in the United States, save two, as shown by the official Reportof the New York • Insurance Superin tendent for • ISM 1137'1.098ES PAID - sit co organization, over TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS;-the LABGBIEr AMOUNT PAID by any Fire Insurance Company is the United States save one. • ARTHUR U. COFFIN, CHARM PLATT, President. Vice President. Mathias Mars, Sec'ry. Joseph Douglass, Agent, Waynesboro', Franklin Co., Pa. mai 12-3 t GUNS! PENKNIFE BLADES. dec 18-4 mos J.M. JOHNerI'ON. DR. JOHN IL RIPPLE having Varmanently located in' this place, offers his professional services to the community. Office in the front roorn.noxt door to Boncbrake's Drug Store. Dec 11, 1868. REID'S, SUCCESSOR TO —Varnishes, Brushes,' Glass', &c., &c., &c., ISU L. C. BRACKBILL D. B RIISBBLL, J/LiON BELL. 1'794-1869 GUNS!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers