AOCERIESO . • DECK EL ,r ~)ULL_raepecttuUy announce i.nd the po:dic generally that lie ieprepare4 ~it vlso need f !EN, SUGAR,' SYRUPS,' - ''' 1'0.13.1CC0. CIGARS, TL AS, RICE, ROUNI, BUCKETS T WIN ES, i WO z.ssottuient,-14---,I • -„ ,A "' ;afection - aries; otions, Stationery, etc. Gotan.try Produce- -nt in exchange fur goods. In connection ;!, the Grouery business he also keeps FLOI li ,! 11 ED STUFF, than which there ciut he none nor cheaper. -Ici . ir..fitt for past-favors Ira respectfully - olicite ••• sane. maul WORKS I Al, IN Alia Lit &JIRO. !AD; urACTUIZERS AND DE9LER-9,1* 11 itiuoi2sts,-To:9tbs. flahadstunesy 4'cs ; 4c:,- R call attention to our-assortment of the a bove, comprising the tiewebt arid must• ap •1 ht.) •~"r th athanta e of Water orcer, and a txpuLionce in the BTOiNE CUTTING BUSINESS, ob:e to fill orders at the shortest notice and übt re, , ,, term , . t at our Yard, near Antietam June- , two mrc, from the lernicr place. l'ott Office 11 SboW . , c,tu be lett with Jahn Waltei and IN 1.11; t attention. IL %V. & 1511.0. rii 4Saw. t;LL ii ha jut , treceived a full assortment of 1,3 , ,,0tt:,. in ilk line 0! ilis *lock ttr, ut uii the latest et} les of merfa and -1.;.% •F%-s a. 441 .& \S"cinen's, Miss.'s, Boy's and Children's of cvciy description. Ladies and et rian,P6, Trimmings, Sundowns and Hats, frunn,ioss, hoop Skirts, Hair Nets, Hair l'araaola, Sutr Urubtrel . Blank. and Miscellaneous Books,Station , all kiada; Notions and Fancy Goods. of v.'bie.h wit( be sold as cheep as the cheapest ,t, J. K. WELSH I MILLINERY STORE IN WAY- Nt.OffFSP. s, is beg I•eave to inform the citizens v. i , oro', anti Siethity th4t — they have ): ide . ploa wan a file awl • .! t ui 111 lij eiv go•Als, ~nti itre r it 111,i1,1 tit; the lad WS ill any ~, • • •.., 11'1,1 vv , ,tit,l taerkt )ro , 11,1,1//111:41. ta t apr L/11/1 / • /1.0.; LLII/4,s bta, / ;iping 1/111:01g 11.11, -, • / , 14: :411), h • LL.dl :Iseß ! r. Iti 1 f 1;1: 1 , 1 WOWS. 1,:, 2,1.11.1:11LIN Vc," _IL 1 aIA 6 . lIMMIEMI=II IMMIIIIIM=I ti‘ ): DAM!, 11 111, la tJN :Of t.) ; t.. t' cit.. 01 tui f,,l..ta,MY w at :1101-1110tlee, eteoios I.o;at ',;‘) eteeluthst anti use .1, ,rt,t, n..) Pl)foOlit• Nau ut,g ci,J3 titiot; it, uu s ttc 11 lJ gitu uo a call buiore J Ct.) 13 Al) 1,3E012(11:: 13. V,li Llt, kt tit 1. C hiti7C EMMA Y.: IL:12 E,',2;kll.l.t;'S 1' ;U • .111)101111Ce . . c.:...,1C/1/.13' r.. w cam u:tl 4011'1, iutt.nd (flitting Lot txrects to •:ary 1111 •x I. •y li.llll diet) intends ear .:; ;(, A .11',K1ING in connection v. tin 1.4% i:{g had curisideratile pet. uLil hilt• 1141,i: it. :)ersult that :Ate will be „iTe 10 U. Returning thanks giv4.ll he: heretofore. six hui.cs tahte , ..) 0: the K.ine to 11).t: futurt. 20-1.1 . L .-b-% • z.". r v X..' OItN - E 'l7 LS:, SONS i : Ci with a Largo :':,.dung, Luting. art.! Alo- =TM ,1 10- tt-4 tukcii iii th, autlit.s...thut• run. u ulll Lc paid itir 400 =IEEE Liam ;As - .'zeriug: I.l.,•ither infoyins the public that he eon nos htliog hu-thesb in the room next ' S 01111( . 01 , Jiore, 11.111 i, mall times ; 1 ,, simvmg, e•harnpuurilog. . painniage of the pub- , . a I 18',7 rrofessional. j A:III3EI{6ON having•porman :j t a to tuts yLce, otrers tits profes.-sion - 0t to ~.omatunity. Calls promptly at . ..itltt3. office it, A. rz.lloriebrake's tore, oat. aut:r webt I,Voyuebboro, 1,1.1\112.1 I LIME! tis v.a,oll:g- fic.h I.;rltt3 can bcsiipplied by oLI ILL tiber it) —l4. ;Lux HAALILTON < -‘ 4: . • 1 -.1IF421211111111." - 31091LT-SEILIIOI AND S-I,P A I [\ - .w.%,c, , '; =TM ,',10,1 EY 1,\1114 1 40 MONEI RIDE' CONSIDER YOU!? INTEREST AND BUY 111L.1 E lOU CAA BUY THE CiIEAPEST! Ali 13tiIs of One 1)al1ar and over, dim c.:unted five per cent. i • I evvive , l our lust supply of fall. and \\ 1.. t. • t: “.1- %NI tti It' u, ,t:1011I'I5 Ittal the pub• t. , gar::,::tt. to L.til ant! Ix.,uuno both stuck um! p t . .. b tye lest COIIII.III/I ti.;ll tll.l will colop ,• W !lII , SO of ally similar est ablisnment it t,.wn or • .I.ll:'ry t 1 v will lot say that"we sell chl,,p r cheapest" but w. will sell as cheap a, ...try and discount 15 per cent. for rash. nose who promise impossibilities will disappoint you. Give lis a chance, by ealti ng, to prove what we say. Our stock consists of thu following classes : Dry Goods, Cedarwatc, shoes, ti nice' ies, Tinware, Drugs, Motions, hats, bledicines, hardware, Caps, Oils, Queensware, Boots, l'aints, (For and fable oil,cloths, carpets, &c. &c. &c.— Our stock of dress g is lull and v‘ell assorted in styles and prices. Fur men and. boys we have cloths, eas-d,rii les. Lassii.ttts, kersc)s and jeans, all ~t) le. ii ii.l Wif hope, by at:eu Lion to business aud striving phase, to merit a continuance of the patronage which has been be linciallv bestowed. GEHR, S e pt 25 ly Ri.ig oIJ, Wa.hington Co., Md. C ITY GENTS DRESS GOODS. Washington House Building, Hagerstown, Mary had. I am daily receiving fresh supplies of the latest patterns of • and ns 1 buy from old dealers of the Eastern Cit es sin enabled to soli at a corresponding reduction of rated, all I dese is an inspection of My Goods, All cases Of 41)11t13 tustAlly kept in a lirst class m e Gentle en's furnishtnfteuse of tho latest sty les constantly on hand. My motto is, 'Cheaper than the chetqa-st, Better than the best.' Give me a call May 22 1868. ", JAS. A. FISsIEIt. W. A. PRICE. Mot and. Shoe Store. l in l. fo L r l m A S p ' u re li W e t t a ß t T he 7,...lodporneelecatt hisfuythe residence in Ringgold, a well selected lot of Ladies, Misses and Children's shoes, also Me n's and Boy's Eitel coarse shoes, Ladies Polish Boot tees, fancy Boot, tees, and buff Balmorals,- Childrens Shoes of all description ; also a lit of Men's and Boy's SUM MER HATS, which ha will sell at short profits for cash lie • also continues to manufacture Boots and Shoes to o r, and returns his thanks to his ritts touters in gene • Sul part favors and hoPas a con— tinuance o f the' Aug. Id-9w -R U-G MEDICINES, OLD II 31E. tgki die, Ake,, Go to Fourths an s Waynesboro', Mtiy 24, 1867 E M 1' 0 11 1 U M JAMES A,FISHEFL'S F.s,:n:HIONALICE MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT NEW STOCK OS SPRING GOODS GENTS DRESS GOODS, My stock is full and complete, TITE WORLD MOVES ! 'W. A. REID i - AAREB - pleaaure in informing the 'labile that- ho has openelithe fullest and largeat GENMCPC:atLaaaallZga — Me The fairest anerichest NEW SUGARS - , -- •- Best stock of COFFEE,. V Finest flavored TEAS Bright syrups, N. O. Molasses and P Moo do, dtc,,_httjtan,bekn.-abto_to Offerin Wayntntboro MB" 31E-3( • The fattes' Mackerel, white, sound and choice Shad and Ilerrin4 in salt or ice. • COVE OYSTERS; The best oysters in the world,. "Patuxent," and 'McMurray" brands, by the can or whviesalc,, - CRACKERS Farina, Mushroom, Cream, Tea cakes, order, and water crackers; fresh frcim JAS. MASON & CO., Factory, which enjoys the most favorable repute FRESH BREAD. FANILY FLOUR, The well known "Willow Grove in and 1-paper — sacks, at Mill - Price:. • CONFECTIONARIES AND FRUIT Candies, Pruebs, Figs, Dates, Fresh Currants. Oranges, Lemons, Lemon and Raspberry syrups GLASSWARE, LAMPS, &C Bou. ht-at-Facto Uoble ts, cheap tumblers. QUEENS WARE Best grani ein fete or siagle piece. C. C. w ere /ow. VARIETII43B. Buckets, Tube, sugar buckets and boxes, baskets, brooms, whisks Fancy Soaps, Pocket Books, Sta tionery, rfr Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, or cash paid for leading articles. Cash buyers will fin'l it to Alien interest to call. Thankful for the increased patronage of the pain year, I hotili for a continuance of the same. May 1. I ~,,41110661011. 6 166. 6 . 6 666654103 ".------ : - v FAHRiv- .---.1›... t , --- -',,, ''' =. lk,. 9 PAN-A-CE-A I Ac, 0 4 ° ' 6 BZABCOO ° .: IS • V , K 4 Nt I.'PVVVitilitsPitgPiMit-Vit9 A "Dr. P. rahmey's celebrated Blood Searcher or Panacea," Is a medicine that we can recommend to to those who aro afflicted, having used it in our own family and furnished our friends with the article; we can, therefore, from experience say that it Is a inoeliclne possessing rare medicinal properties. Being n mild purgative, it is well to keep it always in the family where there are children or those subject to Bolds or other sickness. It is compounded from medicinal Roots, Leaves, Barka, Seeds and Berrie*, which are said to be entirely free from poison. We are personally acquainted with the proprietor who was our faintly Physician for several years, and we were at one time raised from a bed of affliction under his judicious treatment."—Ciariettan -Family Com panion. "FAIINET'S BLOOD BEAllnfilin:—From our personal acquaintance with Dr. P. Fahrney, and film; the re putation of the above named medicine in the com munity where he lives, we can cheerfully recom mend it to a fair trial to all who may need a PANACEA for the physical maladies of mortality,uutil the groat PANACEA. for all diseases shall be found in the leave* of the trio° of life. -:-Prophetfo Watchman. mold by fuLmA.N, Cito. , By dc, ‘l , holesnle Druggists, Chicago, 111. B. A Palincitock on & Cu , Wholesale Druggists, Pitts.burg. Pa., And by druggists 'generally. None genuine without the proprietor's signature, thus Mfaivvyl797ts . oct 23 ly NEW g 03118! G11011S! E& J. ELDEN have just received a splen did . stock of New Goods, consisting of Hats sad Caps of the latest styles, Boots and Shoos of all kinds. A nice lot of Button Gaiters for Ladies or Misses. A FINE STOCK OF NOTIONS, Such as Paper C illars and Cufis for Ladies or Gen tlemen, Hosiery, Gloves of all kinds for Fall or Win ter ; Neckties elf the latiest styles ; Suspenders, et:caper than ever, Pocket Books at any pike from 10 cis. to $250. Note Paper and envelopes, steel pens, Ink, Raz Ira, strops, Penknives and pocket cut lery, a fine aSsortinent ; Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers, Photo. Albums Combs, Brushes of eh kinds; in fact everything pertaining to fancy No tions. STONEBREAKER S4IIEDICINES,. FRANTZ'S PEA RL•POLISHING POWDERS CONSTANTINES PERSIAN HEALING SOAP Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Canes, Umbrellas, Baskets, Mats, Rugs, &c CLOCKS, WATCHES' AN JEWELRY, a splendid assortment; sieve Buttons from 10 cents per pair upward; Gold Pens and Pencils, 'Watch Guards, Chains, Keya, Spectacles, Goggles and everything pertaining_to the Jewelry Business. A large lot of empty Store Boxes for sale cheap. Watches, Clucks and Jewelry Repaired. All those in want of anything in our line would do well to give us n call, for we are determined to sell =ZAP for. cash. Thaakfal for past favors we would ask a contin. mince of the h awe. E. &. J. ELDPN. sop 18 GEO. W."WELSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. , Office lathe Town Hall Buillin,g, next door to the Post Office. Dec 14 u+i.~~~: ~ ~ cftirs ~Ncxfr : fca~~ u~ iii,ilathlsu - - . STONER, DRUG-_ C 11. e in 1 c a 1 s , PATENT MEDICINES, PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, OILS, PAINTS, V AR NISHESES 9 -0- CO'Physicians dealt—with at 20 per cent. discount. _Way_ates_b_o_r_o_?=llolel-13 Ming, March 21, liklil. COACH rAcTon,w. NEW FIRM rrl HE Subscribers res pectin Hy anno unc - e — fir the JL public that they have purchased of Messrs. Hess & Crouse their Coach Factory in Waynes boro', and purpose continuing the Iniiitiess in all its branches. CAREL-16'ES, BUGGIES; &c., &c always on hand or made to order, of the best ma terial, and warrante , l. REPAIRING of all kinds (brie at short notice. Being practical workmen they hope to receive a liberal share of public pa • (WWI go. S. S. THOM PBON, ay 22. L P. TIIONIPSON. D R. II.A. STOUFFER, DENTIST. PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN GREENCASTLE, PA, Will perform with care and attention all operations in Dentistry AT PRICES AS REASONABLE AS ELSE VI , HERE I:'Special attention paid to Extracting, Filling and Inserting Teeth. Dental Rooms in Nathaniel Martin's residence. May 1-Iy. ALLEN TINGLING TINGLING & REARICE livery day receiving Fancy and Staple pry Goods, IconoNs, HOSIERY, GLOVES, 1100? SKIRTS, CORSETT6, etc. &c all of will At will be sold at the very loweFt city pri ccs. N. 13 Pub. squaro, Ilakerstuwn , Mil May 15,186 W 30S. H. CREBS, UNDERTAKER, INFORMS the public that ho has constantly on hind Collins of all kinds; including the Pitts burg Excelsior Collins, end n Patent FREEZER, in which Corpses can be pres,rved for any length of time desired. He will be in readiness at short notice to convey Corpses to any point desired. lie returns his thanks to the public for the liber al patronage heretofore given him, and by strict at tention to business and fsir dealing hopes to merit a continuance et the same. May 29 —tf PR. JOHN A. HATTON. [From the Philadelphia Dental College. lases a I II 4%rs NITROUS OXIDE G VS u4aa t 4) 10' cAr T WITHOUT PAIN, (kr when patients (tests it. L: will use the NARCOTIC; SPRAY, a pri.crss of Freer.. ing the Gums. Or Operative Dentistry dune in a scien tific manner: • He will imert Artificial Teeth mounte i on Gold, Ryer, Platina or Vulcanite,and wirrtin'ed to give satisfaction. Offi...e, No. IlilNorth 0..rl tie st:rae t, nearly opposite Cu) A.l.uni Hood. Oreen.:4sllei Ju'y 3—. f WAYNESBORO', PA. Newest, Best, Cheapest CLOTiIIN& IL' `3Ol3ClO' C3COI:7NTILP! CEOROJE Kir Has recently openel. up an entire new stock of SPIN 11E"" JEW 311( .111 - I ===E .AND SUM bIER- TrOliM All of which has been obtained from the justly celebrated house of A. JARRETT, Bal timore. Every article sold is WARRANTED to he of the best custom make, and the material just what it Isrepresented to be. A tull assortment of GENTS FURNIS lIIVG 6 4 99D5-always-orr-lrandrsuclrirs—tinder-Gicrthit 1, G'lovei, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, All we ask is, that you give ub one trial, and you will alwitys buy, for remember we do not keep badly male clothing an ,l the goods are all of ,the latest style. GEO. DENI/gll. NEW FALL A N D WINTER GOODS, AT THE FIRM OF STOVER & WOLFF (StrOUESSIA - S - WillEo. STOVER.) -DRY GOODS, CARPETS, NOTIONS, QUEENSAVARE, GROCERIES, 1100 TS AND SIIDES, --- CIJTLE{Y, CEDERWA.tcE, OIL CLOTHS, 44C., &C. To which we invite the attention of all who want to buy ellen! , goods, Nuv 13 1868. STOVER & LlN.a7 rimiE subscriber would inform Ins ',sarong anti the public generally that he has recently larv ly increased het Livery stock, and is now prepared accommodate thus, wishing to hire with either NES QIII VESICLESFAftt At the shortost itottee, all hours. Persons desiring Horses and ituggies, for riding. would do well to give him a call, as his stock has been selected wit t great care as regards gentleness and last traveling. • Ilia Vebic'es ALL libW,labbionable, and ride easy, having bLen bought with a view to accommodate the public. 1C:47 - Parties conveyed to any point desired, ac- COrripaliltil by a careful driver. Persons wishing Horses or Buggies, night or day, will please pply ut his father's Saddle and Harness Shop, Main Street, 2 doors west of - the "B'..wden House," wit , re an attentive Ostler will always he hi attendance. Ap. 17. Pit INMAN WEAGLEY. DR. T. D. FRENCH, 3MICTJUX,Sp r io, TICSERTS3 Beautiful and liurable teeth mounter. on Platina, Gold and Vutcanite. Particular attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. NitrousOvi Ia Gas ad ministered for the extrac tine a tee th withuut pain. 01lice at his residence on Mechanic Street. Feb. 8 • LlVZillt LIVERY TIIE subscribersannounve to the public that they still continue the I.ivery business. hav ing recently added both horsc;s and vehicles to their .stock they are now better prepared than ever to accommodate persons wanting •tine riding and driving horses and com- Alltiortable conveyances. An attentive Os der always in attendance and parties con veyed to any point desire, night or day. c , i p risivange rs conveyed daily to and from Green atstle Their Buss leaves at 61 A. M. and returns 7, P. M. N,VOLFERSBERGER & STONER. Aug, :30-tf. . 'rims. a. FILBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND AGENT FOR SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. June 16, '6B. .110*IE VII DO EGLAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, foul Rants and Insurance Agent, Office in Walker's Building. Wagnesburv', Penna. Bfly 8-tf FLAVORING Extracts Vanilla, Lemon and Orange Concentrated, pertect in purity and delicaey of flavor, a I Linn'l `ll"l'ir SW EE I' POTATO will receive /every Friday P. M., th.oughout the season the bat Sweet Petat)es direct the Enstorn market. 'la IS '.03.• • ! REID. •e•ri .iv XVII desire to call the attention of the people 111 - of Wiynesborot, and eurrounding - co'untry to the following FACYria : —l. The BENDER SINGER SEWING MACIINE Is the best for Family Use. 2. It has the Lest Hemmer ever put on a Sewing Machine_; commencing at the corner of the work. atid turning a very pretty horn that will not wash out. It will hem into a square corner and out; a round an abrupt curve; into a scollop, and turn the work all in neatly. It will also hem the edge of unbleached muslin without trimming off the fringe. 3. It has the best attachments fin Hemming, Binding, and Trumning..ever put on_a Sewing Mat 4. It is the fastest running Machine in the world and runs the easiest, •-- - 5. It does not take six months to !ear o ' t is so b imp 6 t at a child can use it. 6. It will out.vveur any two other machines yoa can name, and hence the most durable. 7. does its work equally well, at fast or slow rates of speed. 8. It cannot be got out of order by sowing. With theist: FACTS, we invite .ou to come see for yoursc , arid can assure you that after ten years praeticti - with Sewing Machines, we know by practical experience which Ma-hire to sell and which to recommend ; and can say that you will find it to your own interest to see these before ma . rg_a_p_o re h asp, Parties will please leave their orders with the undtraigned who will promptly All them. T110:-. J. FIL 1.31111 r, Agent. june 19 —tf. ay nes .ro F . , subscriber announces to his customers and I the public that he has just opened out a full stuck of new f.,11 and winter guods, among which he •numeratea-the following ; . Alpaca luster, t Mohair lustre, • .aet Wool detains, Hosiery, White goods, Shawls, Notions, Cloths, Cassimerei - Domestic goods, Carpet Matting, 071.0loths, for Table and Floor Groceries, • Queemaware, C'ederware, Glassware, Cutlery, &ta • My assortment in every department is more c orn. ptete than usual, and I am offiaring Extraordinary inducements to purchasers at the very lowest prices. I tender my thanks to the community, far their liberal patronage, and hope to merit — is continuance of the svne. Bacon, hard, Butter, Eggs and Rags taken in ex, change for Mercha oct 23'08 NEW GTJODS! NEW GOOD-8! (IST ()ULU respectfully inform the public that they have now opened at their new room,on the south-west corner of the Diamond, in Mums bore', a large and well selected stock Of and Cutlery, lron, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goods of every description, Queensware, Cedarware, Shoes Car pets, Oil Cloths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush es,.Fish, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods•are all new and fresh and have been bought lot cash at the late decline in 'prices. We flatter--ourselves.-that from_otur_long_experi. ence in business, and a determination to sell g..ods at small profits, we shall be able to offer unusual inducement.: to all buyers who desire to Neve mon ey. Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large and well assorted stock of sta. pie and fancy Dry Weds, embracing Cloths Cassinleres Sattinetts, .leans, Tweeds, Uottotiades, Ctirds,llen. lam, Stripes, Checks, Ginghams, ',taut and Cotton Table IS, r apers, Crash tor Towels,Calicoes, Detains, Alpaccas, FINCY DRESS GOODS , Trimings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached :Meetings and Shirtings, Tickings, Linens, Flannels, W hite Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not 4in hand in a tew days We pay the highest market price for all kinus of country produce such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs Dried Fruit, Rags, Sitc, May 29, 1868. New Goods! New Goods! T_T AVE tbrir fall stock now reauy for sale, and laare prepared to sell at extreinal low prices, as they have thoroughly canvassed New York and o•li. er eastern markets, and having bought roost of their stock from li'e' - t hands enables them ter sell as cheap as the the 'pest. ..Their motto is," nut to be under. sold by any es tablislunen: anywhere. Their stock embraces almost eves) thing belonging to the DRY GOODS AND NOTION BUSINESS We also Wr,olesale all goods at the lowest city jobbing prices. sept 18 METCALFF; & HITESHEW. Boot and Shoemaking. HE tubscriber would inform the public that he I is at all timts repined to make to order Gents Coarse or tine Boots, also coarse or fine work los Ladies or Mimics. including the latest - style of last. ing Calton. Repairing done at short notice, and measures taken in private !amities if desired and the work delivered. THOti. J. HOLLINGSWORTH . Alay 8 tf, _ FATS MIE STUBBORN THINGS, AEU' GOODS! NEV COWS! new STORE, COON & STONEHOUSE Dry Goods, ' Groceries, Hardware NETCALFE & .111TESHEW. No. 27, Front Street, CHAMBERSI3URG, JOS. W. MILLER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers