e - ,..a c=4 c::) c.... GootAMBERSON. BENEDICT -- & - CO. - have just received their first supply of Fall and Winter s, to which they invite the attention of their customers and allay o wish to buy good and cheap goods. We have a full assortment of - - --- - DR"'! GOODS. Ladies nod Gents Goods of all kinds. A large lot of CHAMBERSBURG GOODS. for smite' wear. Also a full line of -Groceries, Queenswaro, Oarpetioes, Oil Cloths, —INT—AnciWPa We are also ag,enis for the sale of the well•knewn Howe Lock Stitch &:viing Machine We have an experienced sewing lfachine operator, who gives al necessary instrurtion in sewine whrn required. AMBER ON, BEN utmyr & co. Oct 9 - G. P. LID'S'. JACOB_BBICI, MACHINE SHOP AND LUMBER YARD, I A LAVF-141-0-1 chine Shop and procured the latent and best inven. lions in labor-saving machinery, are now prepared to manufacture more extensively than heretofore the celebrated Willoughby Gram Drill, greatly improved, The Brinkerhoff Corn Sheller, and The Gibson Washing, Machine. They have also added t) their business the man ufacture of Sash and Window Frames, Doors and Door Shutters and Blinds, Mouldings of every description, Flooring and Weatherhoarding, PaiHogs and Plastering Latta, Spokes and Felines, end all articles' usually manufactured in establish ments of this kind. Particular attention paid to turning spokes. Repairing of all kinds well and promptly done. A banns Seam or L tom of every description constantly on hand. sold for cash only. LIDY, FkICK & CO. dee 11 QUARTERLY REPOR.T OF THE IST WNat. Bank of Waynesboro', Pa. October 3d, 1868. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, U. S. Bonds'to secure circulation, IT. S. Bonds on hand, P. and A. Tel. Stock, Tax and Expences, Due from Banks, Legal Ten lers and Frac. Currency, 10,079,40 Cam. Interest Notes, 240,00 Nat. Dank Notes and ( Arculation, 885,00 Stata Bank Notes, 22,00 Rev. Stamps, Smell Coin and Cast, Items, 165,58 MA MUMS. Capita; Stock. Circulation, Due to Banks, Surplus and Profits, Deposites, Dividends Unpaid $215,23,21 The above statement is just and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN PHILIPS, Cash. Sworn to and subscribed before me this sth day of October, 1868. J. F. KURTZ, N P. oct 9-8 t BANK ELECTION. - -_ AA election will he helil at the First Niti.:.nll Hank of Wiyn'esboro,' Pa , on Tuesday the day of January A D. 1869, between the hours of 10 A. Al. and 2 Y. M., to elect nine Directors to serve for the ensuing year. JN O. PHI L IPS, dec.ll 4t Cashier. NOTICE. PERF.ONS who gave their notes at the sale of the subscriber are hereby notified that the same will fall due on the 27th iust. Prompt plyntent is re- quested. dec 11 3t Last Notice. ALLpersOns in arrears for State and County tax for 1838 and fir School tax for 1867, in Washington township, are notified tbat said talcs will be collected with costs after Saturday 25th inst. dec 182 w 11. A. Fl3ll Eft, Co!. Boot and Shoemaking.. MILE rubscriber would inform the public that he is at all times repared to,make to order Gents Coarse or fine Boots, also coarse nr fine work for Ladies or Mrsesseincluding •the latest style of last ing Gaiters. Repairing done at short notice, 'and measures taken in private families if desired and the wink delivered.. : t , - r •11 - 10%,3.4,10LLINGSWORTIL May t}.—tkr . G OOF , Sugar at s se! c=l V 01 I I= 0 A C TORY Notions, Hardware, Mattings, 1 Boots and Shoes, D. B TICEIsELL, JASON lint,. refitted their M- $56,635,98 75.900,00 42,600,00 300,00 1,105,98 27 590,27 $215,023,21 $75,000,00 67,500,00 104 20 16,102,81 56,128,70 . 187,50 IS.kAC FOX. RF:ID - S, Ms j.LEESE & CO. ENCEINRERS, Foundry, Machinists and Blacksmiths EST \ULM 4ED 1661. PARKELISKMq, WEST VA. Yout attention is respectfully called to our oxten FOUNDRY and MACHINE WORKS situated on Kanawha street, near the B. and. O. It. R. Depot. Tne entire establishment, in all its departments is supplied with the most approved Machinery tools and appliances necessary to the mar ufac,tute of M-A 11-I NERY_AID_LLG T - AND iir,Avr CASTINGS - 01? EVERY DESCRIPTION. Our Work is of the hest qualitv,both,as to rustr terial and Workmanship. Wo aro extonairely_ofnmail in manufacture of Portable and Stationary Steam Engines, Steam Boilers, Circular Saw Mille, , Gang Saw Mills , FloUrin Mill Maehinery,,_ _ _ Surglilfm Sugar Mills, Sbaftang Pulleys And flaugerry—,,- „ _—____ We are preparettio_do COPPE BRASS; , Sheet Iron Work • An• •tpe FITTING, - and to manufacture salt pans and aSI the appurte nances and machinery for-making salt. We also manufacture_ OFFICE AND OTHER STOVES. Our office stoves are of the best quality. We have also on hand PORTABLE-ENGINES, At all prices, adapted to the running of all kinds of THRESHING MACHINES, ALSO, JACK SCREWS Ariu• STAVE MACILINES As to our Stave Machines we respectfully refer he public to Missre. Kimble & Shaller, l'ennsbo all others. They cannot • surpasses. -Iron Railings, Verandahs, Garden Vases, Brass and Iron Castings of every description. We would also call the attention of School Of& cers and others-interested to our IMPROVE BCIIOOI. DESKS, which for neatness, cheapne.s, and durability. 'ars not surpassed. They are - recommended — by — Frof-1 W. It. White, Sta to Superintendent of Free Schools of West Va., and by . the Parkersburg Se.hool Board, "I have examined M. J. Lecec & Co's., Folding Sea ts for e choolßi--and-fixe4l-selts_for__primary _ de, partment;, mitrufiretil dter-surg,—.West, Va., I most cheertaily recommend our Boards of ' Eduction and others Interested, to supply our Puhlic School Hinkses with them._ W. R. WHITE, Gen'l Sup% Free Schools, Wheeling, W. Va." PAititeasnuaa. Nov. 7, 1863. "M. 3. Lrese dr Co., Dear Kir :—ln answer as to how we are pleased with your Improved Iron Schooi Desks, we would state that we have us, d several kiln's, but for cheapness, neatness Ind durlbility, we give yours the preference to ell others. S. F. SHAW. I fully concur in the above fttl'E PHZ--13 OAIDNIA N, Sup't Free Sant) lo Wood Go.. W. Y. New ant recon(.lrand Er;giriPirTof—all-sizes—o hand end for sale at low rues. GOOD MAC DINEItY, We will reply to en , quiries by mail and promise our beat efforts to:plea - se purchasers, b,uhlas to quality and,price. Call on or address M. J. LEESE & CO., Parkersburg, West Va. sept 4, 1869 RING'S % Ole A nar k , GRAY HAIR. Thls ls the Awns GOSIA tb rit Ling mad*. '11: • v .s Cure This ie the that Iny. In the A 311111084 that Mpg am* ;, , i r ' ....... . 'Me Is the Man who was bald and . gray, s. Who now has raven lacks, they any. . -...... 'ss • • , A ...:- 4 Ile used the Cure that Icy ?".. s -,:.. s: In th© A)liat'AlA that Wag made. ~. '4 ~. Tid. le the Malden, handsome and '':.' Who married the man once bald and ..'. . gray, ..; .~ '-v . ,... i,.... lie used the A11111:081A that Ring ±..i -,_ made. This is the Parson, who, by the wnv. ,Cnaik Married the maiden, handsome mid ;fr../ 44 477 " To tilt 3' ' man once bald and grey, A, But who now has raven locks, they . .'"ri,.:.. , ~ c. any, . - -",' Because he used the Cure that lay '- '. '''',,' in the itatnnost.t that Mug made. '; This Is the Bell that rings wry 4 "ro arouse thli people sad and gay • •• Cute this fact, which here does lay • If you, wovM not I , e bald or pray. ' Lee the AIVIIRO&IA that truule. E. M. TUEIRR & efl., PROPRIETORS, PETERBORO', N.H. Sold by J. F, KURTZ and F. FOURTHMA N Waynesboro', and by Dramas generally. Eeb. t4—ly. 1868 ! 1869 ! THE GREAT Hat and Fur Emporium No. 36, Main Street, CHAMBERSTURG, PA. cal-1E largest stock of Ladies Furs in the Gum, lj Berland Valley, embracing Hudson Bay, Rust shin and Mink Sable, French Mink, Biborian and American Squirrel, amain and American Fitch, water Mink, Beaver, and in Net. everything in the 'Fur line. A first class store. hrge stick, splendid assortment, and EXTREMELY LOW PRICES as en inducement for persons from a distance to come and purchase my goods, has en-bled me to build up the largest Fur trade in the great Cumb. Valley. I.ook around at the other places and then call and see for yourselves. _ nov 2.9 Flour ! Flour ! Flour ! ! AT WONDERFULLY REDUCED PRICES' G_OOD Family Flour, warranted to give a-tia rfaction, at the low rate of NINE and a half DOLLARS per BARREL, and 20 lbs. for $l.OO. But all for cash (anti no, other way) Corn and Meal, Oats, Dried Fruit, hominy and Beans all cheep—for rash. .1. ELDEN. Dec 4—if DR . PETER FA H RNEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER, OR PANACEA. Con be had now •10 . 8711 - 012 - Elf.A747 E. T. IJR.A BOSH, Board of Education. J. L. DECHERT. FOURTH MA hrB Drug FON. SAVE YOUR FRUIT I TUE DRY HOUSE;- This i~ Mt' best - Dry - House ever -offered- to th public. It dries Fruit in half the time required by the old method. _ _ _ It dries Unifoirrily - Mitl4wifietly: The Fruit dried by it retains more of the natural flavor. It is easily maim ;ed. It saves fdel. • It is durable and portable. It has 14 feet of drying surface. It w;11 dry apples twice a day. Gail and sec them at the sign_of the -1110 RED and lenve your orders for them COOK STOVES i 1 lilftware, Ikon ware, Br asswa re,_ House Furnishing Goods Buckets"; Churns, Knives and forks, Spoons, • Ladles, Lirge iron and Copper kettles And other u.erul nrfteles at the sign of the 1310 /MD 11 , )1I.N, Waynesboro', Pa., where a large as sortment of 00049TOVES - , NINE-PLATE STOVE,S PARLOR. STOVB,S COAL STOVES, Ste of the latest improvements, the very best in the market, at the Cheap Tin and Stove Store- ot U. IS. ittISSSELL. TINWARE made of the best Tin in the,micrket, and warranted at the sign of the "Mt Rad Born." D. B. HUSSNLI, keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House Furnishing Goods for site cheap. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. Washing Made Easy ! by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and getting the twat Close Wringer ever madr. ILT'Persons iu want of Stoves, Tinwlre, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value for their money by cal.ing on D. 11 Sign of the "BIG RED HORN." Waynesboro', Pa EVERYBODY • COME AND SEE Tilt. IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE BURNER, At the sign of the Big Bed Horn, and you will be convinced that the Oriental is the best, the hand somest and the cheapest Base Burning Coal Stove in the WORLD for truth is mighty and will prevail. We have m the Morning Glory in our store so that you con judge for yourselves. D. li ItUSSEI.I, sells the No., 9 at $2:3, No. 10 at $27, No. 11 at 30, No. 12at $ l 4 Tho Oriental has a larger fire pot, a better orate' makes more heat with lees coal than the- Morning Glory. The Oriental Imo taken the four first prem iums at the State Fairs of New York, and the large. Silyct Meddle at the American Institute . and see at the sign of the "BIG RED UOItN", Waynestoro', Pa , where you can get any kind of Stoves you want of D.B. RiLISELL, who always keeps on hand and for sale Tinware made of the best tin and by good workmen. House furnishing goods &e. nt the sign of the HIGHER HORN. Sold at Retail by D. 11.10.18 SELL, Sign of the Dig fled Horn, Waynesboro', Pa Farmers will please look at the great advantage in Thrashing, 14Iraiu With SUEBABGEILATING GRAIN SEIPARATOL Y 2IST 1868 No. I is a eight-horse power, with cast iron thresher frame and wrought iron and wood cvlinrle'r, sir. teen inches in diameter and thirty three inches long. Trunk has ten inch rake crank and seven rakes is'thirtyfive inches wide, and delivers the Straw on the second rake. these carry the straw out on their tops, and deliver it ea the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-five feet beyond the feeder, oh a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can to easily mann id to carry the chaff with the stra tv, or deliver it in a separate place. The (Junk and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw and chaff, remedies nit difficulties in cleaning grain against wittily weather. It bags the grain tor reasonable management, ruf ficiently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances, is from twenty to forty els per hour, using eight horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work tinder favorable circumstance, it will thresh from forty to fifty bushels per hour, and with more case and agreeableness to hands;than any other machine now in common use. • The'No. 2 Machine, fully represented in the above cut, is pa r ticularly adapted to the farmer's use; in intend - a - tfrriply-tb-riny-cummorrlever-or-:railyvay_paaver;_weighs IAOO pintails; b a i t an iron threster4 frame, and cylinder, 12,} inches in diameter and 23 inches long; delivers the clean grain-in bags, or if desired, in a half bushel. It delivers the straw fifteen feet from the feeder, or if desired, can deliver the stow and chaff together; will thresh and clean, in good grain, ready for m arket. from 100 to 175 bir s h e i a of wheat, or from 300 to 5110 bushels of oats per day, using four or six horses, and the same number of minds- but to force the work, under most favorable circumstances, good grain, dtc., will thresh and clean considerably - more. The Machine will threahatrid clean all kinds of grain generally threshed with the common machine, and requires no more horse power, but in many cases does not - run no hard. - - It will apply very well to a two-horse railway power Now h - erei - s - what the-Farmer and thrastierman wants, a Separator to gn ham ( * tart' to farm, to thrash grain, with more satisfaction than any other separator now in use, and why is it 1. Because thislsepara. tor has a self regulating Blast, which prevents grain fr o m_blessing_into the chaff, and also has a sclf rep,- Waling feeder to feed the cleaner arid it has rollers and combs in the cleaner %chick prevents it from t,=-listslottl__this machine run so_light,smil give so little trouble 1 Because there is less fric nulled ware, and slipping, causing dust to NI into the wheat. Why neS it c can rigniiiiiTtlie"Wilaift - 11Wthae - re blast has direct action on the grain and the cleaner is so well arranged that the wind has no chance to drive the dirt into the hopper. Why is it built permanently on two wheels and the front carriage see. arate, ready to attach when necessary ? Because it is mare convenient-in the barn without the front car riage. You can turn the machine or run it from place to place more easily. Why has it not got Eleva. tors like some other machines? Because the Elevators carry the filth back alternately into the cleaner which must eventually go into the good wheat or in the chaff, and all know, that filth shon/d be kept, separate for feed, &c we might as 'well keep shoveling the Tailings from under our hand fin into the hopper and expect to get the grain clean. Why is this separator more cleanly and satisfactory to work a- 1 bout than others? Because the Fan and Trunk Sides are closed up to prevent the wheat chaff arid:duet from coming nut rind scattering over the flaw, causing waist and giving much trouble with dirt and sore eyes, &c. Why do rbrashermen get more work with these separators than they Jo with others ? lin• cause this separator has all these advantages and many more, which makes it a separator suitable and a staying one for all farmers and Thraihermen that have grain to thrash, whilst in most crisps farms rs must suit themselves-to the machine, because the machine will not suit itself to the farmer In short this is the cheapest, most durable, reli title, simple and most agreeable to work about; and the only. bet,- 1 orator that will clean and bag the grain sufficiently clean for market under albcireuntstances. Farmers eon rest assured that this machine is no humbug, and judging from the high recommends tintrof-fitrinere-that--are-using-them,weinust come to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far mers want and will have as soon es they have an opportunity to appreciate and attest its meritn4for which we hope they will giste us an opportunity, as we are willing to be responsible if it doss not perform as represented in this Circular. A reduction of 2 per cent. on all orders handed in onsor before the fifitof %pH, 1861. Shop Prices - of Machines range from 8215, to 8540. Li 'We warrant the machines to be as above represented; also against any reasonable defects of material workmanship, &c. Geiser, Price & Co., Manufactures. wAYNESBORCY, FRANKLIN CO, PA. Null's Pat. Post Boring A. series of trials of this machine hes convince': the inventor and all persons who have witnessed its operations that it is superior to any other in use in the following particulars : • This machine is constructed an as to be operated either by hand, horse, water or steam prine'r. By hnnd 25 to 30 posts can be bored-per day; by one-horse power frem 100 to 150 per day ;by two-horse power 200 per dily, and by water or steam power from 200 to 300 per day. It is also a self feeder. The subscriber is now prepared to dispose of State and County Rights for the above valuable in vention. MONEY SAVED. We are constantly purchasing for cash in the New York and Boston Markets. all kinds of MY AND FANCY GOODS, SILKS. COT— TONS, 1300 TS AND SHOES, WATCHES, SE WING MA CHINE S, CUTLERY, DRESS GOODS, DOMES• TIC GOODS, &e., &c. Which ore are actually selling at an average price of Osa DaLLAII pot EACH ARTICLE. Our sales being strictly for cash, and our trade much larger than that of any other similar concern, enables us to give better bargains thali can La obtained of any other house. THE LADIES Are specially invited to givo us a trial. Our club system of selling is as fellows: For $2 we send x 0 patent pen fountains and checks de scribing 20 different articles to bo sold for a dollar each; 40 for $4 ; 60 fur $6; 100 for $lO. &c.— Sent by moil. Commissions larger than those of fered by any other firm, tccording to size of club.— Single sountiin and check, 10 cts. Male and fe- male agents wanted. INiND MONET IN RaGIeTSSID MATINS. Send ut a trinl club. and you will ac knowleage that you cannot Wrend to buy goods of any other house thereafter. EASTMAN & KENDALL, C 5 Hanover St., Dolton, Maas. Improved Thrashing Machine ! Daniel Geiser. B. E. Price. EISERS' CLEANER AND BAGGER; mx=x Mi=M STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. LABOR SAVING QUA LITIES- E ASE OF OPERATION - kINIPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION. A di hem June 19—tf &ND Full A CIIICOGAL AND EXCUANGE LIST. -PATENT DANIEL GEISER Proprietor: PATENTED MARCH 24, 1868 THE Waynesboro' Bakery, Confectionary AND OYSTER SA.LOON. /THE Wen known and popular Restiurant and Saloon (innerly kept by ‘Vm. 13. Crouse. has ken leased by the undersigned. Th ey are devoting t! sir entire time and mention to the business af ca. tering for their friends and the public, and ready to supply the luxuries of the season OYSTERS', CRAI34, LOBSTERS, TURTLE.,S, TRIPE, CHICKENS, dm, w&c., will be.yervell' up at short notice and by the beat of cooks. In fact and in short, we aim to keep a first :lass Eating House and to please the appetite of all who may cover us with a call. At all tones the best ALE can be had on draught, for proof of which call and try the • arti• cle. We have a saloon final up expressly for the Ladies. .• Thankfid kr the encouragement we have re ceived thus Jar,•we hope to merit a still greater share of public-piatiOnare. • nov 201" :HENNEDERGER & HOOVER. p- O. kfolasees at the store of RIME N. .4AIDZIVION, lkscbicr & Co. J. F. 011er. giONiala Falk men ear or Machine. JONATHAN NULL, Quincy, Franklin County, Pa. CORNUCOPIA. THE MORICING, GLORY This Stove has 'been in use in this part of dm country fur three years and has given more satifle. lion thno any other Base (turning Stove Orem!. I can ref-r to One Hundred and Fifty person , ' to whom I wild these stoves and every one says it is the best rt .50 they ever saw or used. I sold Ono Hundred and 'Seventeen of these stoves last season, nod from the or lers new reeTivel — fur — thko, no dook but that 1 will sell more AdartiiWwaiconitT Como arid van my stgck of Stove.. You will lino n largo stock of the hest Coil Stows ever ofrerecl for Hole. I have now in glom three other ro.ty 131 so Burning Stoves, "The " rlin Itevol‘log Light" and the "thnpirei" all fi ff.t class tittlVeN. The publi:: hove long desired n perfect eon% Ft we for coal. f nnw hnso_found,that stove. TIII4I--e-ALORII,IU 101-brooking= ' • • r-,t1440tr-kt-thii=l44), either Antbracito Hitumit.ottit Coal. Cail rut I eec it. W. A, TRITLE, Manufacturer of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron 'Ware, and dealer in all kinds or Stovea frin*„Coa or Wood. lie hes now on hand a lone 'stock of the best Cook Rtoovs in ninrket. He is selling 40 gel. Copper K vides it ,*2O 30 4. 4.1 ( 18 4. '• 10 • The Rime kettles are slrunler thin you can '4O. elsewhere and much cheaper I am now puttio; up a NEW DRY HO,LI sg : on the lint Air Principle which comes much 'never in price than nay , ffered before. and ig snßi n up in good style, is strong and dur Odr, takes hut t,tt!e wood, and does its work splendid. II is also a good Baker. Call and goo it. Metolic wire fur Clothes lines cheap. n e DROA'3I)/C ACT. NO 12 CClraftltOr fJ Y. The best Clothep Wringer in the World The best Force Parnp in MArkat'l. Iron Wash Kettles. Tiono.l Iron Pots nrol Stew. Pans, Copper and Brass wore Al , o n !zoos! stock of Tin and Sheet Iron nil of which is trytdo of the hest irriterial. All kinds. of Joh Work dorm in hi 4 line. 'Don't NI to call and yonrsr Ives ns yonw)it and many a rticles that wilt want. Sep , WXLLOW cROV BIZ Il2",1. fl4l subscriber return,: sr.o , i 'ha nlra CLIA • lS tamers for their very li`wrd rarrnuaer in-tho-- prn.4. and IA auftl iliform than, that his 'XI go t" continues to run, and that ho prertre,i to t ) order the brat Family Flour .1r) , 1 al/ himls of hldl Stuff: Erie fl ur in diltorent parliatles can at nil times le had at the Grocrry ~ t orr. of W. A. Beal. JACOB HOOVER. re W —lf privi:lo;o4ro_Jr..WX* - mb - .^:.111 The st Iptctiber wishes to inform th.l puhllc that he has a Ways on hand a fu;l stock ot . puro DkUati, MEITCP , II3 . . l'AL\ T PERFUNII3IIY • NOTIONS. and everything usually kept in a well appain•ed Drug store. Prescriptions carefully um! promptly sorr pounded at all hours. Physicians dealt with at a liberal discount. aug. 28. J F'. KURTZ. TOWN - POOPEarI A — T PRIVATE SALE. THE HOUSE AND LOT adjoining thrt resi• denee of Joseph IL ((rein , is (,lr:red it privato sale. F'ussessitm given on Ist of April. For fur ther information address oct 30 if] illiouse - and ILot for Sale. iIE subscriber offers at private sale 'a Hon o JIL and Lot of ground on North :Street, Wavnes- bor.,!. on 30—if CHEAP ``COONET." BOOT AND SHOE STORE! MITE suhscri!'er has just returned &tin the city l and is now opening lot examination a large and well selected stock of [loots and Show. Having had a long time to become acquainted with the Boot and t•hos trade ; no doubt if you favor him with it you will buy as he will sell cheap and warrant the work. All rips mended free of charge. Give wooney" a call. C. RUTHES. • Sept 25-tt t.) b PERFECTION AT LAST OoOJLE CE^ft _ •V:72 _44 • 1 . 7 . 4 4 37 •, r er 0.1 :,,- ~ D-R 17 G S AND H. 8. STONER, Chamber.hurg ALEX. HAMILTON MIMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers