PALLIg SHE W I RE subscriber will eel! at public sale et his ea. 1 41 idence, 3 mike Southwest of Waynesboro', on the old Hageratown road, and near Salem Church, on Thursday the 27th of February the following personal property, to wit ; 6 WORK HORSES, three of *bleb are good leaders I yearling ()int 4 'HEAD ZILCH COWS, 4 young Hcifets which will be fresh about the first of April, 3 head young Cattle, 1 Bull, 2 Shoat's, 1 Sow with 9 Pigs; TWO FARM WAGONS one four-inch, thu other two• inch treed, I two horse Wagon , 1 Now Jersey Reaper and Mower com bined, 1 new Grain Drill, (Lily & Lecron's make) 1 good Spring Rake, Threshing Machine and Horse Power, about SO R strap; 1 now Wood Bed, 1 pair Hay Carriages, 2 three-horse Plows, 2 two horse Plows, 1 good Cutting' Box ; 3 Double Shov el Plows, 2 new single Shovel news, 2 new Har rows, one three-horse and one two-horse, 1 set BLACEiSMITH TOOLS, double. single ant treble trees, jockey sticks, 2 sets Breechbends, 2 sets Front Gears, 4 housens, 6 sets Plow Oasis, 5 new Fly nets. 1 wagon saddle, 2 plow lines, - 6 blind bridles, 5 halters, 9 cow chains, 2 barn shovels, 1 pair spreaders, filth chain, log chain, 2 sets butt traces, 1 act Weald. chains, 1 'indmill, rakes and forks, two pitch forks, two dung forks, 1 dung hook, two sets dung boards, 1 new copper kettle, about 300-BBLS. CORN, about 600 lbs Pork, Lard by the pound, Applebutter by the crock, about 2.000 Staves and Heading, a— bout 4 TONS OF HAY, and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 9 o'— clock on laid day when the terms will be made known. . ISA A O . FOX. Jan. 24—ts. G. V. Mona, Auct. HE undersign' d will ofi•r at Pubhe sale, at h's residence. near Frantz's Church, between Ringgold end ro,' on Monday Ike 10th dcy o f February following personal prop erty, to wit : HEAD HORSES , some of which are excellent plow leaders and °th en superior for saddle or harness, 8 HEAD CATTLE, Bull and 1 Fat steer, 12 Head Hoge ; 2 Wag ons, one a lour-inch tread nearly new, 1 wood bed and pair new Wood Ladders 2 pair Hay Carriag al, one nearly new, 1 one V - ) rso — Wilton, 3 Bar shear Plows, 2 single and two doable Shovel Plows 3 Harrows, 2 long ladders. 6 sets Horse Gears and 2 sets breeching, collars, bridles, lines, forks,-takes, shovels, barrels, tubs, cider barre la, meat benches churn. zneat vessel. together with HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting of Bureaus Bafes,,bedstead• and bedding, Stoves and pipe, Chairs, Tables, dtc. and a lot old ken , as well as a lot H A. Y-B Y H E - T - 0 N and many other articles usually kept on farms.- - The terms of sale are—On all sums.of $5 and up writ; a credit of six menthe will be given by the purchasere giving their notes w ith approved seen rity, and if not paid within ten days after maturity irateresi_to_llo lAA from day of sale. Bale to corn sauce-aa-/O-o'elock, - Jan.24—te PUBLIC SALE. E subscribl residence, three Hope. on the Toad leading to Broarn:a Sat urday the lilth day of Februutrpolze_tollolving_per- Banal property to Wit : 3 WORK HORSES, 6- woo of which is a bead mato with fool ; I two-year - Hag Colt ; 2 FRESH SLILCH_COWS, 1 Bull.jibeifen I PLANATTION WAGON, 1 Spring Wagon panty new, 1 Wood Red, 1 Parr Hay Carriers, 1 Grain Drill, 1 Spring Rake, 1 INEANNT REAPER, 1 Thrashing Machine and horse power, 1 Clover huller, 1 Gum Belt 60 ft. long, 1 leath .r belt, 1 bay fork and 4 pulleys; 90 ft. new rope, 1 new dinner table, 2 grain cradles, 2 mowing scythes, I saw: for Gleaning apple trees, a lot old Iron. 2 sires, 11 Ilith chains, 8 new single trees, 1 new feed trough, I sets Breechlvands, I sets front gears, 4 Housens, 4 fly. nets, 4 blind bridles, a lot collars, 3 sets Blow Gears, butt and.brsast chain', 1 Banshear Plow, 1 Harrow - 1 11 single shovel plows, 2 double shovel Plows, 1 tar can, 1 jackscrew, Corn Coverer, 4 halters and chains. 1 six-horse and 1 four•borse line, 2 pa.ts , repels, 1 three-hone tree, double tree, 8 ladders 481 ft. lathe, I mhatock, SEPARATO:II.!, with horse power;,new saddler bench, sail other ar ticles not neccesaary to mention. Sale to com mence at 9 ~clock on saii.l.xlay when the terms wrll be mado known by JOHN F. HESS. Jan. 17—to. 4. V. 4CJIIIGI. Auct. ' PUBLIC SALIN VIHE subscriber intending to quit farming, will sell et Public Sale, at his residence, at Mt. Hops, • in Quincy township, on Thursday the 20th day of February next, the following pyre.mat prJp arty. to wit: I good work and FAMILY HORSE , 10 HEAD OF CATTLE 3 of which are good M ilch COW large Devon Ileiters, I Devon dull , 4 head young cattle, 0 bead }logs ; 1 F A.lthl WAGON, 4-inch tread, I 2;and 4 horse wagon 2 itV-h tread, I goad Spring wagon, 1 standing top Baggy. I spring rake, I set new Hay CArriers, 1 Wheat Fen, 2 sets new Breechbande, 2 blind ltrtgiles, 2 collars. 2 fly - nets. all new ; backbend and backing straps for a one-horse wagon. 2 pair butt chains, 1 patr breast chains, 2 now halters and chains, 1 set Buggy Iki ness, 2 two. horse plows, t Harrow 1 Shovel Pion, 12Corn Coverer, I epreader. 2 double, 1 trebel and 8 single trees, d manure book; 14 Tons Timothy Hay 1 grain shovel, a lot rakes and forks, 10 cow chains , 2 sets dung boards, 1 dung sled. a lot oak lumber, such as I-inch boards, inch plank. I wheelbar row, 2 mattocks, 1 cross-cut saw. 1 new axe, maul ■nd wedges, tar.can, a lot tools, such as augers. chisels, drawing knife, bamm"rs, square and saws new grindstone and frame, a lot grain basis, grain cradle and mowing scythe, a lot brJoin handles, 2 long !Adders, 1 log chain ; 120 BARRELS OF CORN One number 9 Cook stove,l Parlor Word Stove 1 large meat vessel, benches, boxas and barrels, 1 barrel slacked lime for whitewashing, 1 bedstead, 2 wash stmnds. 26 yds carpet, a lot books, 1 shot gun, 1 new rills, a lot empty bottle., a lot window blinds, Potatoes by the bushel, shoulders and aide.; by the pound, 4 chairs, crocks, jugs, tinware, and many e. ther articles too numerous to mention, bale to commence at 9 o'clock on said day, wh en the terms will be made known by Jan. 24-4 i. LET all hearta b glad when th4rcisigeiki;i47o• go• Corn starch, bilver Gloss iStarch (for the Laundry') Farina, Bakers Chocolate, Norfolk d o , co c oa, and a multitude of articles tor family u+e, cheap et Dec 13 tr., WILLIAM WILES widen] of • mile west of Mt. D %NIEL TR ITLE. 6. V. Mona, Auct. 'GROCERIES. • C. H. ilviczEza wo O n tl d Ite public respectfully gale a nnounce r4liy tat h e to i f s e r r io a n r t to foul* all who need COPP Et, SUGAR, SY R U FISH, TOBACCO, CIG 61, SPICES, TEAS, Inc BROOM, BUCKE TWINES, SALT, Also a fall assortment of Confectionaries, Notions, • Stationery, etc. Country Produce Taken in exchange for goods. In connection with the Grocery business be also keeps FLOUR and PEED STUIP; then which there can be none better nor cheaper. Thankful for past favors he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. Aug. 2,1867. T" "EUREKA". SMUT AND SEPA RATING MACHINE. • PATENTED FE II Rtief o t RY, 23, 1867. M HAYS, idol° Agent For Franklin, Perry, Cumberland, Bedford asd Fulton Counties, Pa , and Washington and Frederick Counties, Md. • This Macine is before the public upon its own merits. It is the most complete machine of the kind now in use, and is guaronted to all purchasers. In manse will pay be required until the machine has been thoroughly tested and @alit faction given. Fot Circular ad•lrees M. HAYS, Men ersburg, Pa. N. B.—The subscriber also builds and repairs MILLS ofell kinds at short notice and upon the most approved plans. Cast Iron and Turbine Wa ter W heels, Bum, !limiting Cloths, P i lloAr Packers, Belting, Proof 6taffs and all kinds of Miltrurnish ings furnished at the lowest cash prices. All work and goods warranted. M. H. June 24. ly. 1‘ II ILV Flitillt CIRRIAGII-16IA kIN -! THE subscribers would inform the public that then have associated themselves togethei in the Carriage making busineee, ant that the business hereafter will be continued at Jacob Adams' old stand 'under the firm of ADAM & %walla. They will have constantly on hand BUG GIES of every description ; new and second-handed Vehicles of all kinds..: ,- mot -Kr-Repairing-done-at-short-notice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the beat material. Persons wanting anything in out line will dolman to give - us a call before purchasing elsewhere. JACOB ADAMS, GEORGE - B. RAKER, Church Street neatly "semi 'e the E. E Church Jan-116-11 FRU BillBITION! 1-N VITES him customers-and-the-public-general trio call and examioe his stock of ge ode juat.a COVIEZ, TEAS, N. 0. sad P. R. MOLASSES, Po 1 M ACIEREL, CODFISH • sad a full limo ofJeading articles. SPICES Bought at the most celebrated Spice Mills and war ranted FORS. Delicticiecanil Baking *tildes of choicest; quali ties. CR&NBERRIRS, Fr. CURARNTS, CANNED FRUIT, Pesehes,Pine A pples, Strispberries,.GßEEN CORN, &o. Y. F. CHEESE—aII . winter. MABO l 4'B CRACKE 88 7 -Water. Mushroom, Cream. 'Sugar, &c. CZOI:II33EAN,SVV - AII.3EL El GLASSWARE! P 1 sin and lig'd Granite Tea Sets, cups and aau• cars . dishes, meat plates, &c. of the latest styles. Fruit Mend*, (Glass) Butters, (orb%) plain and cut sublets, tumblers, At c. Presentation cups and fancy China ET tho Ho li 'days. CONTICITIONARIEt. Candies, Dates, DidtAt, and Toys to tickle the young. - "Kir -Come one, come all. Waynesboro', Dec. 6, 1867 W A YNESBORO' MARBLE YARD. NIEA.L . S & JIRO. On Main Street, Wayneahoio', Pa., next door to the "Bowden House," where they are prepared to furnish all kni.lB of work in their line, such as MONUMENTS , TO 1135 , IIEADSTONES , MANTLES , &c., at the shortest notice, and AS cheap as the cheap. est. Give us a call. ^ • Waynesboro', Jan. 24 U. EXECTUOR S S NOVICE . IVNITOTICE is hereby given that lettere testamenta ry to the estate of Barbara ihdrner, late of aellington Townsbip, dec'd, have been grm ted to the undersigned. AII porsone knowing themeelves indebted to said Estate will please make immodie Lv payment and those having claim' preaunt them fully, authenticated tin sett lenient.* Jan. 31-6 w. ISAAC 81 - IOCKEY,Ex'r. PILNK.NIFE: 1.11. %DES, —C.III at J. H. IQIUI- Uec t 3— 4in, SUGARS, SYRUPS, PRUNES, RAISENS, W. A. REID. A NOTICE FOR ALL TO READ I THE "MORNING GLOM", Is the Cheapest math° Best Base Burning Store be joreihe Futile! ir E No. 9 M. G. sells at $25, end hi:teddy IN ihe• hoarier than the No, 9 Oriental, and is larger than the No 10 or No. l i , which sells at live to six dollars mare than th a No. 9 M. G. • A gain, the morn ing Glory is the only store that breaks up its cinder • ni.l passes them cif with the ashes. This is done I y means of the Mill Grata. This grate is, not in any other store, nor can any other stove use h— ills mill grate is insured for 'five years, now, in the Oriental stove, when you must takeout cinder you hare to open a door on top of the fire-pot and with a poker rake them up and pare them out through this door Very nice that, provided some of the hot cinder falls on your nice carpet. "Oriental Book, page 3 says that you must take I, fr your pipe during the season from the stove and remove the ashes &c., which have accumulated in the back flue." An other nice job in a nice room. Now 4nothing of this kind have you to do in the Morning Glory. W. A. TRITLE is the only agent in Waynes boro' for the sale of the M. 0. stove. He has sold since the 28th day of Sept., 60 of these stoves. The M. G. has taken since 1889 all first class Premiums over all other Base Burning stoves. Call and, Tr the at ore in operation and learn what the stoveitsr for yourselves, then you can judge which is the beet ate ye. 'Fringing that-in this exposure I have done no injwit ice I leave it for the public to judge es to which of th este stoves shall receive their patronsge.• CELEBRATED BASE BURNING STOVE THE MORNING GLORY! e Mornin a magazine or reservoir for reserve coal, which is re quired to be filled but once a day, and if the proper sized coal is used ins not necceseary to rekindle the fire during the entire winter. (No clinker will remain in these stores. nor will there bee any trouble from slate, or other impurities in the c oal, th_e fite being_alwitya_at_the_baso-of-the- cost , the ira purities are , left in tl eat by thelfill-grate. - ) TRUE'S NO ESCAPE OF.GAS OR DUST ECONOMY OF FUEL Tho combustion of foal being perfect and at a k teat orature the amount o • • - from the same quantity of coal then - at - a - low - temperatuyeArerreirblit as s tity_othiallis-neccessary to be undegoing the pro cess of combustion at one time - The ettire outer 'surface of this Morning Glory is radiating surface. Add to this the surface of cbjects heated by rays of light through thcznica windows, and you have the secret of-the great heating properties of the Meroing Glory with a small amount of fuel• illiirFor sale at W, A. TRITLICB Tin and Stove Store. Its has a large stock of Stoves, Tinware and oth sr goods in his line, which he will sell cheap. You will find the best COOK. NINE PLATE aed COAL STOVES in market. Also on band Braes, Copper and Iron Kettles. His Copper Kettles are better than are offered for sale elsewhere, and cheap er, is he makes them, and can sell at charter profits . Also the best CISTERN PUMP in market, i stronk, simple durable and cheap, is insured not to freeze. Call and see it. All binds of repairs dons, in Tin, Copper or Bheetiron. • Don't fail to call as you will find a large stock of goods, Sept. 6.-7 mos. W. A. TRITLE. GLOVE HEAD QUARTERS. METCALFE & HITESEIEW, • No. 27, Front Street, id Door South rj Centro Square, Is Lead quarters fox Glos of over, description. They have the largest stock outside of the city, em bracing FORTY-FIVE DIFFERENT STYLE Gloves and Gann dem i Fine Beaver " Seal skin Goat " Buckskin gloves " and Mittens ; n short, a full !hip of Skin Glove, of every do scrip. Len can be found et METCALFE & HITE-4IEW 'S. /an 17 • PUBLIC SALE . r HE subscriber will sell at public sale, near hi s residence, 3 miles ens, of Waymodion,', ne■r Hopewell Mille, on Friday she 7th day of February next, the following personal propcity to wit ; • 2 BUREAUS, 8 STOVES, 2 beds and bedding, 2 chaste. 12 chairs 1 settee, 2 tables 2 atautio, 1 corner cupboard, 1 eight-day clock, 2 Looking glasses, 1 doughtray, 1 copper ket tle, Iron pots, flowere t coverlets, quiii4, t111)10 cloths, Refine!, linnen &c , a lot of pork and hoer .1 !so n lot of WHEAT, RYE:, CORN AND and many other ertirl s too numerous to illtention. Mole •to:carninenre at 10 I t).!cliuilt--oro--zaitl ---111,--when reasonable credit will be given by ISAAC SHCCKEY, Efr. 0. V MONO. A uct. inn.3l—te NOTICE. n [MIN: NOTICE is hereby given that an op. riantion bris bean ma le to the Court of Com mon Plena of Franklin County, at Jsnuary Term, 1868, to Frankel Charter of Inemporation to sundry inhabitants of Waynesboro', County af.reanid, un der the name and style of •'Tlie ay nenboro' AssO6atiun." W. B. lirtellOW Jan. 31—aw. Prothnuatory LIVERY: LIVERY THE subscribers annourve to the public that they still continue the Livery btlxiilll•tdi. Hav ing recently added both horses and vehicle.' to do it stook they are now better prepared than eVtlr to accommodate persons wanting fine riding and driving honsee and coin tortahle conveyancer. An attentive On. tier always in attendance, and parties cort;• 'rayed to any point desire', night or day. e i Pas s angers convoyed d a ily to and front Green atstle Their Buss Leaves at 61 M. and returns 7, P. M. WOLFERSHERG ER & EITOYER• Au -, tual burner, baying_ a I quail- CUAWSAII4BUItG, PA., EVERYBODY COME AND SEE TUE IMPROVED BASE BURNEII, At the sign of the Big lied Horn, and von will be convinced that the Orientni is the beet, tho hand somest and the cheapest Baca Butting Coal Stove in the WORLD for Oath is mighty and will prevail. We have the Morning Glory in our more so that you can image for yourselves. D. D. RUBSELLIseIIs the No. 9 at $23, No. 10 at $27, No. 1 l at 30, No. 12ot $34; Th. Oriental has a larger fire pot, a better grate, makes more heat with leis coal than the Morning Glory. The Oriental has taken the four first prom• iums at the State Fairs.of New York, and the large Silver Meddle:et the American Institute. Come and use at the sign of the • "BIG RED BORN", Waynesboro', Pe., whcro you - can get Any ,kind of Stores yes went of D.ll. RuesELL, who aler:tys keeps on hand and for aide Tinware mad. of the bept tin andby good workmen. House furnishing goods &c. et the sign of the BIG RED HORN VED ORIENTAL Base Burning Coal Stoves, and Parlor Furnaces, Ilnie received Four Flea Class Premiums nt the New York Eitnte and other Fairs. Also, the vent SI LYNN. IIIEDA I, at the VSI I r of the American institute held in the City of New York. 0105. THEY ARE PERPETUAL BURNERR, ONLY --ON-14:-YERE-BEE-NG-REQUIKED-TO-BN MADE DURING THE SEASON TREY ARE PERFECT VENTILATORS OW THE APARTMENT. 1111112131 CAN BE NO MCA- TIIRRR CAN BR NO CLINKER OR SLAG TO OBSTRUCT. THM VIRE WILL REMAIN FOR DAYS WITH. OUT ATTENTION. ILLUIdIN-A-TION-18713QUAL - 7'u Ali " OPEN* FIRE." ARE_POWERFUL -HEATERS , 167 PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO THIRY ARA TUR MOST RCONOMICAL WITOVILS AND FURNACES EVRLI MAD& • TIN FURNACE WILL HEAT, .BATIS3'AGL" TORILY, BOTH AN UPPER AND A • LOWER ROOll, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL litEL. • EWA Sizes of the &wee, and Three Sizes Qf the - Parlor Ft Images. Manufactured and for &de to the Trade by PERRY & CO.; ORIENTAL• STOVE WORKS, No. MI llytion St., Albany., Mold at Retail by D. B. RUSSELL. Sign of the Big Red Horn, Waynefboro,' Pa COOK STOVES Tinware, Nronwrare, Bramsware, House Furnishing Goods Anil other useful uncles at the sign of the BIG RED 11011 N, Wayneabaro', Pa, where a large aa tortm'ent of COOK STOVES, • NINE PLATE STOVE,S P ARI.OII. STOVE, S CO ‘ll, STOVES, ttc. of the latest improvetrwri 0, the vary beat in the market, at the Cheap 'I'M aml Stove :Aron+ of D. 13. 11USSSELL. TINWARE mode of the hest Tin in the mirkct, and warramed at the sign of the ".33,14g; M884:1 MaC01,032./7 1) D. 1/1165E1,1. keep; ronntan tly on hand a largo russortovnt of, 1101141 Purnienug Goods for nab , cheap, Pure N.. I liero3ene Oil and a large asmodment of Lamp. • Washing. Made Easy ! by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and getting the best Close Wringer ever made. rZ'Peraons iu want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods. &c. &c,, can get full value for their money by on D. B RITI.SELL, Sign of the "BIG RED BORN " Waynesboro', Po Oct 25. DR. T. D. FRENCH, X:0 JO TV 'DMZ ISM" , T !CREWS'S Beautiful and ituralllo teeth mounted on Platina, I'lol.l end Vulcanite: Particular attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Goa administered for the extrac tion o tee th without pain. Office at his residence on Mechanic Street. Pelt. fi• fii - V - F:10)0.11'1NGS 14()OR Oil Cl AU patterns and style nt the btore AMID: 131011 , 11tCV & Co. ORIENTA GA cl SPOlt /NV- Japansacil ware, Pmcm & liosnicu'a.. SECOND ARRIVAL. Great-Reduction in Prices ! no To PRICE & HOEFLICIPS, Where they have received the finest assortment of goods of all kind. that have been brought to Waynesboro' since the war. Bought at a low price and will be sold accordingly. The aul scriScre kindly ask the citizens of Wayne.. born' and vicinity to call and examine their goods, and feel assured that they will concur in the a bove statement. Bilks, Alpaca Reps, Pique cloths, Mohair Reps Marines, Delaina. Coburg', All•wool De!sine in all shades and qunliliao. Cloths, Caradmereit. Cords, Satinels,kans,Tiveede, all varictiea, with a heat of all kinda,of Foods at Oet. 4 181,7. PICCE & HOEFLIOWS 'RHEA KFAST Longd' Fquaro Shaw!',ki nmllll6hards, Ir ante sic kr, at . Psuen & floartu We- i h :l PLEN DIP GOOtia from thn Chnmbersharg Wool en Factory at PRICH & HOP FLICII.S. G LIIT Bina( ts a nice article for e rftiny any at Palos & 3I svt at!' 'O. W HIT Wool end Grey Blankets nt Pawn & Hi 1,171.101'5i lion NII Arr.\ N. Germntltmn Fact ry Yrarns at raleo 45r. A i.o . rof Pretty casein's), at l'l.ica St IloerLicles NEW kty Ira of I irs p skirts ni. Pules a Ilornrcrea B A I MORALS a lien aeni) lot ju at rece:vetl at Ploca & Ht BYLI(1/'3. m EN and n ye o A In:L t n a Si n e t s i h S 1 1 1 1 ,7: 1 1 find Childlenn Shoes and (;nik;rs at • Pgreß adignrusiiO3 ,REMADE Rag Carpets nt -Pawl & Ilea t iRE 11 Macknel at iI IiCK:IM I N Gloves end Gn:lic i ts ii a , t ia, len .2 LADZE Sack C lothent 4 Ptarn & Bowmen F. 1 UM Shoes snit ttamlais /It 1867! LADIES FUR! HUDSON BA COON SKIN ROBES ! the great Cumberland Valley lint end Fur Em. porium, the fashionable resort i)f Ladies and Gentle men visiting Chamber shurg, is at .1, L. DECHERT'S, 3( youth Front 0 P Ano largest assortment o filets, Capat and To I slie!r_Ettre_wes t—o fPhila d el i ,—VV-11441-TE-SA-171.1 - 1 OR ItF:l'All.,at prim' to suit tho timem. A va riety in the way of a full set 01 Ladies Parent ON LY FIVE DOLLARcI, and a good nr:iele at that other.placea call a nd see if we can not sell cheaper goods than e had- elsewhere. Chatabersburg Nov. 22, I WV. A 1- 02 rri tilto. =, 0 co, 1=• = co rrl Q Bl"' D P/ 1 r a in I=l CO C:::$ 4 -•-4 V..; E° c =, C, ) 0 CeJ ter Wo have just received our Elm stock of DR V GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, IN ()r lON s, QUEENSWAIM, CARPNTING 4 ., 11.1 HDWA To which we call the attention of all whc wish to bay cheap comb, ' ANIBERSON, BEis:111111:T & CO. le .tom_.:, 5i3.':.?..ttT.3~ ~.s ~.:f✓u:,~~. ~'CtK-i.- ~c i. v1✓~: (. R. JOUN A. LIATFON, [From tholßila.lelphia Dental Careee. 1) ENTIS . T . • It E.E NC A STL I'.l. Nitrous Oxide Gas used to • Exrnmyr TEETH Wri'liOUr PAIN*, Or when palli.ntx desire it, be will u-43 'Ow NA coTio SPRA V. pr , cess “fFreez:',ig the Minas 'porative Dentihtry done in a liciervitic in ill ncr He will insert Artificial Teeth mounted on Gold Silver, I'latina or Vu cantle, end warranted to era; Fiction. Office, No., Ili North Caxliple street, nearly op posite the Adnmb House. Nov. 22-6 n. G ym Shots and &mats st Palo: LrATF3T ariiat of Fir'w fi00.1,4 at the atom 4'12111311::r4ON : lfsrxi tcT h Co. mg .6" . 110F11 teti'd Patcw & tfoormcci'v ISOSY ,F LADES RATS AND CAPS! t:-.5 : OIL CLONIS, &c NEW STORE. NEW GOOD►S! NEW GOODS! COON STONEIT OTJSE NlTni.ll.o respectfully inform the p:.blic thir. they have now opened at their new reunion the ecitith•west corner ofthe Diamond, in ay,ww bow', n large lind well selected stock of Dry GoodR 0 Grocerieg hardware awl Cutlery, Iran,-Steel, Nails, Conch-makers Goads of every description, Queensware, Cedarware, ' , Shoes, Car- pets, Oil Cloths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush es, Fish, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are all new and fresh and have been bought cash at the late decline in prices. We flatter ourselves that from our long experi. once in badness, and a dttermination le sell g• ode at small profile, we shall be WO . to offer unusual inducements to ell buyers who desire to 97 ye 111 , 1tI • ey. Please call and see fhr yourselves. We have a large and well assorted week of sta• ple and fancy Dry lioodd, oink-acing Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetis, Jeans, 'rwee:ls, Cottonailes, CortiA, Den ims, Stripes, Checks, Litt iii and Cotton 'r a bi c 1 :ropers, Urivill for Towels, C alicoes, Delaitis paccas, FEVY jjqici Trirainga, Shawls, Ilrown and Blenelv:d Shootinrm and Slrtings, Tiekinga, Linens. Flannels, -1% hue tioods, Gloves, Hosiery end Nonona. _We are- re. relying nets goods every week and will supply ;my article wanted that we have not en hand to a lew days. We pay the highest market price for a I Linea r I country produce such es Bacot', Lard, Butler, Eggr., Dried Fruit, Rags, &e. Oct !S„ ti 37. Ir) P. 1, STOUFFER, DENTIzT PEILIIAN EN TLY LOCATLD IN GREEN (3 .1 Tl, E, A. jtjAvt.mi taken a thor,,ugh rat in4rur- Ition in Dcntal nce t.r:(l ni. , re than lis •' - pears e I lit . ile.ll(*P, is pr. irtre..l lu I.ractic.• i.H hni4s Sion With care anti tate Dou! , :e .end sin gl.. fags T ^ctii_muunre‘l—n plate, city style,wlrch is lie !Willi! and nmre CO _forth bly_tvorn at' p rives whieh fv- comp:rm. ttth I mounted on G .t.l or t:ki Ivor . ti vmg ono of (Jr Richards Ether or Ns remit: IS} rays, a rroress of hei zin I ttle gins, proves an excellent nit thod td genera llyFik 11, and Klwaya totiE7 - 1 pt. , for It to IN I trous Ox do Goa. AL•gnoto-111, rt:ic dy is wed fur weak no V ( and noura.gii. chorgo I instioti of 'rot th. Ilt,ve your Tenth exam nod owl , or twice a you 0, find filed ;IR soon f p; a col/0y Id form( d. ThlIA r1:1 Teeth IC ay Iht ',ave. , . Pori tett= tar attention in paid to' children's teeth (too much y lifiretitQ), n so, t p (m--ervation o t _qn b fiul n.. Pent..l roonis in N I 11Pgwel natury or tharnel Martin's rersi , loiccr, once cuptes! by Dr Dentidt, Wcirt lia lautnrc strec t ictober I I '1467. VALUABLE FARM F 0 II 8 it lit, subscriber olTers nt I'r,vate 8.%1e his (*urn containing 4:3 acres and some p-r dies of clear land, about one half mile North of Wayne.,borov on the g,taincy road. This land ail lays fo rha mor ning sun and is in the best kind of order, has all Kean limed except 12 acres wdhtn 18 months to the amount of 100 hue. to the acre and part of it had 200; there is about 1500 1 us. of. iron now randy roc the balance, which will be put on in th e s p r in g ,— The fences on the pre petty ere g , 41(1, a good bearing Orchard and also a new ouc of 100 tie. a of choice fruit just begining to bear, a nevi r-t.rilin,g well of elegant water, a comfortable hou-e, ii tolereldo fare B ern, Carriage; hall cr• Ifog pi n. Conicrib4, and a food rhed for hay Till.; is one of the, ch bees . pieces of land in Franklin Corium, conven.ent t Town arid to Mills in the neig,s - Tit'i l'n,• lan I ni all clear. 1 hare al.o 2 i lecoo .1. clog int M no thin Lind that I will sell with it if •lesire I For ref erence to the alio% e nnrp sae en l l oa d M 13l . SOrtt ill Aimr‘.', of Mr. .1 • Itron.hngrrwi n s rrbidea on said prop, rty.. G. J. 13LE Y. Nov. 211 —tf Newest, Best, CheapeEt. CLOT MG riL° Mar. _M• C) TJ 2 - _ 0 tUEOCt. -- 67-`ND7R Vdf" fI as rceent'y npenel up an stock ut .121.2.. AND SUMMER, "if !rd _ All of which has been obtained from thu justly celebrAted hous,c ul A. JARRETT, Bab timore. ilv,ry article solif WAR/LIATED tot i of thr ticst ewitoot in all the tudkriai ilia what it hteprostinteil to lie. • A tull aisortutetit of GENTS FlittN COODS alw.lys un hnn i, such lIJ !hider Clothihg, I{undkerchicf4, Hose, Colhirs, &e. All we ask is, that you give gs 01le trial, and you will always buy, for ;member WC do not keep badly tnadu clothing and the good; are all of the mteA Lt.: le Tvl..y ty] aides Wanted. rnHE subscriber will p'y the highest cash p'ico for fi ides delivered at the tore of zi.tuver & Wing' rt, Quincy or et the II trdware '4 4 tero 00 Geiser & Ithinehart, in Wayneslioro% Th e hi ge st c • fd ) pi ice alec be paid fur 300 cord of Bark, to iso delivered of Quincy, • •• Nov, Ili— cf. GEO. MIDDOUR. HUBARO and Vegetableg—throughout tha [scar:twin, at BEMS, Muy t 7 GE O. 13E:SI:Ejt. Waynesboro
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers