VILLAGE -RECOND. 1 12cr.AL V NIUSIMIGIVLOP. !Frith 7, rebkuniy 7 180. S. 'ALE REGISTRY.--Tho followieg public wales of personal property advertised in the Record will come i,tl as follows : Isaac Shookey, L , g , near Itopetbrell Mills, February tch. John b'. Hess, near MtL Hops ) February B,h. Whi. Willis, atm. Fraotes Chnrch, Feb ruary 10th. Satn&l .11 Barry on this Marsh Run, lour miles from Waynesboro', :February 13th and 'l4th. W. S Anabereot3, Waynesboro', February 1i0i; Daniel irk)°, at Mt. Hope, February 2001. baniel 11. Fahrncy, near Mt. Hope, Sat- Februnty, 22d. John Row, near Quincy, February 25th. Isaac F0x,,3 miles South of Waynesboro', nenr Salemehurch, February 27th. Abrni Go!ley, near Shady Grove, Monday, March 2d. was rumored in Washington on Monday that Gem Meade had ordered the arrest of GoV. Jenkins, of Georgia. lerOn Monday in Alabama, the Consti• tution was submitted to the people. The polls_were to be kept open four days. - tass.The Free Railroad hill passed the House of Representatives, at Harrisburg on Tuesday by a unanimous vote. ttis.The cholera is reported as preValling In New Orleans with great fatality, some 60 deaths occurring last week. Ites.,,,The Anti-Contrsction bill is now a law ) the ten days during which the President must either sign or veto a bill having ,ex pited. tion as Minister to Great Britain is said to have beon reoeived at the State Depart !vent. Nit -The 13altimore Rebels are preparing l'o bring nnmercns mite against military officers who were in authority in that city rich harvest in the shape of lees nEtl...The Heads of all the great Executive Departruents at Washington, aro . now indef. pendent of the Pret.ident, by virtue of the Tenure of Office bill.' This fact seems en. tirely in spirit with our free institution!, and is a bar to the President becoming a dietutor. THE STATE CONVENTION —The State Re publican Convention is to be held in Philo -pelphia-Fon—Wedne*sdayr-Mareb-1-ITone-week after the Democratic Convention at llarriE burg. This Convention nominates an Audi tor General an a Surveyor General. itgrlietters from Chicago represent Mrs. 'Lincoln as unquestionably insane. Ono of her delusions is that sbe will come to want, bnd,sbe sells everything she can lay her hands upon. She is said to be living in a house, all the furniture .of , which she has disposed of; with two old men as her body guard. liarm PoitEttoT.—The editor of the Corry Republican speaks as follows, concern ing the vile Copperhead sore who edits the La Crosse Dcmorrat. He claims a person al knowledge of this brute's actions: lie is a thief, liar, and rirunkard, and wife beater, to our personal knowledge. We have known him to bent his wife and chil dren unmercifully, without the show of a provocation and forbid the merchants to trust them to the necessaries of life, while he was carousing in dens of prostitution. We have known him to sing bandy songs, and crack obscene jokes over the dead remains of his friend and companion, who was strangled to death in attempting to drink half a gallon of whiskey on a wager, in Milwaukee. We have heard him curse the snit, and defy the power that sustained it. We could chroni cle numberless instances, but it is useless.— In personal appearance, Pomeroy is just what the imagination of a decent man natur ally pictures him. He has bushy hair, (wears it long, to hide his horns,) a whiskey bloated face. and a rem red blossom nose— in short, ho looks like the pernonification of sib, puked out red hot from the bowies of hell. He, a sweet scented japonica to 'prate of the imperfections of the church, whose mind never entertained a christian thought, who has no conception of virtue; he talk of reformation whose heart never palpitated with one single emotion for God or human kind ; ho who was sent into this breathing world a restless curse, in whose throat blas phemy and vulgarity gurgles and seethes like the hot breath of a damnable dream; he, Mat k 11. Pommy, •the personification f the displeasure of Heaven and the glory of Hell, wrapped in a nigger's stolen overcoat, who was seen, sluggishly dragging himself over the hollow sepulchers of our brave soldiers, recently, to deliver pusilaniwous and itihu '4nan lectures to the southern traitors —eulo gizing "the lest c a-u s n." Aid such n man, the leader of a great par ty, and a MORN!, REFORMER !! Groat Jehovah, Wet hint out ngs„jo the house of Representatives on Monday Mr. Netteomb, of Missouri, intro duced a bill for the to of the Capital. The bill is to the effect that whenever the Mate of Missouri shall cede to the United States a designated portion of territory in 'St. Louis 'county, the President shall detail three engineers from the engineer corps to 'layout the :grounds for a cite, the name of vrhieb Anil he Now Washington, and the District of Jefferson. `l he bill proposes to have the pull° buildings 'erected, and the seat of Government removed ea .the 4th of 'July., 1876. LOCAL MATTERS. TOBACCO.—Mr. ticid hois some choice Rough an Iteady chewing tobacco. -- ----...- 1211""Cobe Buckwheat Flour;" a prime ar ticle, for sale at Dickel'a grocery. iFor a . good article of writing fluid call at Welsh's hook Store. oft.. Another bnow on Wednesday. Sleigh ing much improved, LAMP BURNER.—Tbo solar kerosene bur ner, the latest and best, makes more light at less cost than tiny other. ;;an be fitted on ordinary lamps. Sold by W. A. Reid. !®`Nest Sunday morning a sermon will be preached (D. V.) in the Reformed Church by the Pastor on 6 The life and labors of the late Rev. Henry Harbaugh, D. D." Mora. SALES —Special attention is (Erec ted to the public sales in to-day's paper by Abrm. Holley, D. H. Fabrney nail John Berninaderfer. • IIEcEIVED.—We seknowle3ge the receipt of 86.50 from A. Jones, lowa City, lowa. Also $2 from L. A. Ilarbatigh, Elkbart City, 111. lira PORKER.-A hog was recently slaugh tered in Adamstown, Lancaster county, 20 months old,whioh weighed (clean meat) 9461 pounds. So the Examiner states." LEO BROKEN.—We regret to learn that Mr. Solomon Flory on Monday last fell on the ice near the Sash and Door Factory of Rev. D. Good, breaking one of his legs. fitirGov. Swann of. Maryland refuses a certificate of eleotion to Hon. W. T. Hamil ton as U. S. Senator, alleging that his elec tion was illegal. ORIGINAL STORV.—The original story of a youth and hie that attempt at th a t kind of. composition. There are too some inaccuracies in it due to the compositor:— We therefore ask the critic' to criticise it charitably. SENTENCED —W. R fire underwent a trial before the court at Harris lrarg for assault and battery upon his wife and also upon the officer who arrested him, was sentenced on Tuesday to pay a floe of $lO and costs and be imprisoned 30 days For the second offense a fine of $lO and costs and, 10 days imprisonment. _ • —..•.. Aic OLD Goosz.—The Elizabethtown Ga zette says — that Slsthias Shenk, of West Done gal township, in that county, has a goose 45 years of age on his premises, 'went! •in good health. We do not doubt it, rese some times lire to a great age. ____ BUILDING AssocrATrort.;—This Associa met at the Hall on Wednesday evening and completed a temporary organization by the election of six Directors to sorve until after April Court. '4 The Directors are, floury Gilbert, Jos Douglas, Jacob Beaver, Jacob S. Forney, Gee. F. Lidy, Wm. F. Grove The meeting deoided that members wishing to commence depositing upon shares could do so after this week, by calling on the Secretary, Ezekiel Elden. DrewAszu.-11irs. Susan Kane, supposed to be about 80 years old, died at her resi dence near Solomon Flarbaugh's, in Quincy township, on Saturday last. About ten days previous in passing out of her door she re ceived a serere fall, the back of het: head striking the ground, from the effects of which ber death is supposed to hare ensu ed. Exam— The following is said to be an "out west" receire for making cheap whis ky :—Take ono barrel good whisky and add eight barrels of rain water, 150 bble. of "dog leg" tobacco And one box of cayenne pepper These ingredients make nine barrels of whie• ky. So a traveling friend informs ns. We advise acme of our acquaintanees to remain East, for the present at /east. THE LECTURE.—On Saturday evening last our citizens were well entertained at the Town flail with a public lecture by•the Elon. Chas. Lee Armour, his subject being "The Gold Fields of Colorado, and Across the Plains." The description of his travels a cross the Plains, the climate, soil, scenery, productions, towns on his rowe, , the inhabi tants, ere., the Red Man of the forest inclu de., was both instructive and highly enter taining, Mr. Armour's popularity as a pub lie speaker - drew together a crowded audi' Once of both ladieiand gentlemen, and an hour or Moro was thus pleasantly and profit ably passed without any interruption save some little annoyances from ill-mannered boys_ NARROW t SCAPR —We understand Mar tin Funk of D , recently narrowly escaped being seriously injured if not killed. In crossing the new bridge at Antietam Junc tion with a one-horse wagon, the horse be came unmanageable and backed the wagon over the abetment ) both falling some 16 or 20 feet. The wagon and harness were con siderably damaged, but the animal miracu lously escaped with but slight injuries. Mr. Funk only escaped by making a leap that al most equaled that of "Sam Patch." This we believe is the second i pecurrence of the kind at the bridge. - Would it not be well for public safety 'for the Turnpike Company to put raiiinis to to the abutments WORK FOR COILDRICS , --There is no greater Meet in educating children, than neglecting to accustom them to work. It is an evil that attaches mostly to. towns and cities. OUT children suffer much for it The parent does not consider whether the child's work is necessary to the child. Noth ing is more certain than that in their future independence and comfort much depends on their being accustomed to work—accustomed to provide for the thousand constantly re curring wants that nature entails on us. If this were not so, still it preserves them from bad habits—it secures their health—it strengthens both body and mind—it enables them better to bear the confinement of the schoolroom—and it tends snore than any thing else to give them just views of life. Growing up in :lie world without a koowl• edge of its toile and cares, they view it in a false light. They cannot appreciate the favors you bestow, as they do not keel; the toils they coat. Their bodies and minds are enervated, and they are constantly exposed to whatever vicious associations are within their _reach. The daughter probably be. comes that pitiable, helpless cbject, a novel• reading girl. The son, if he surmounts the consequences of your neglect, does it proba bly after his plans and station for life are fixed, and when knowledge, so far as one of its important objects are concerned, comas too late. No man or woman is fully ed nested, if not accustomed to manual labor. Whatever accomplislftnents they possess, whatever their mental training a deduction must be made for their ignorance of that important chapter in the world's great book. NORMAL INSTITUTE. -It will be seen by reference to our advertising columns that the next seesion of this flourishing Institute will commence Ott the 2d day of March. In this institution a public want has been suppliedfa - n - d - ltis - rgratilvng-to7-ticto - b - e able_ . to that it_has_m_far_been_ liberally sup ported, and that the Ptineipal and his Ai: sistants have in return given general satis faction, notwithstanding the poor apcommo• (lotions afforded them for teaching, being compelled to occupy different and discon nected a sartments. It will be observed that ~dno= who recently the pupil in this Institute has the advantages afforded him of all the branches taught in other High Schools. The Principal and As sistants are gentlemen of thorough education and experienced as teachers. With a new school building, which we be believe it is proposed to erect during next summer, the school must - tiecierilaTilyliforsawe in numbers and become a permanent and more important institution in our midst. A - IVOTHIR -- "SHIS -- RSSEL - :"-=W - 0 - III3ii • stead a she rebel from - across - the - line - visited our town one day this weak soliciting alms for the poverisod rebels of the South. This petticoated piece of brass and ugliness had not only 'the effrontery to solioit contribu tions from °likens, but went so far as tq in• suit some of them" by expressing the hope that Gen - _Lee would yet , be elected Presi dent of the United' States. The Govern ment has made provision through the Freed men's Bureau for both white and black,,in the South, who are in need of alms, but we presume some of the more straightened in circumstances are . too haughty and strongly tinctured with old secesh feelings to partake with their sable brethren of this common bounty, and hence .private subscriptions.— Not many years have elapsed since this nee dy doss from down South traversed our val ley plundering from seller to garret, and in many instances pillaging from ettiienceven to their hats and boots. Those who were then their eiders and abettors in treason now come asking subeeriptions, alleging that these traitors, conquered at such a price of blood and treasure, are so needy, so poor.— Could anything be more cool, more impu dent I THE FOLLY OP PAYING RENT.—Suppose a man occupies a house worth three thous and dollars, and pays a rent of four hundred dol'ars, per annum, payable quarterly. Ile will, in seven years, hays paid two thousand eight hundred dollars, and lost_ the interest on the payments of the lent .he has made within this time, amounting to five hundred and sixty-seven dollars. He has consumed three thousand three hundred and sixty-sev en dollars, and has nothing to show for it save the receipts of his landlord. Hots much better would it be to buy a lot on Reset) year's time, and put up a house, which would at the end of that time be paid for, without any trouble ? A house and lot is also The best and safest saving bank a man can have This advantage Building Associations afford men of moderate income. 11013 BED.—We learn from the lastßerke tey Union, that a rogue entered the sleeping room of Mej. E. S. Treat], in Martinsburg, on Thursday night a week, and with a lamp burning on the_ mantle within . two feet of his bed, removed his clothes from a chair aud made off. with them. • Mrs. T. was awa kened by the noise just in time to see the man's arm closing the door of the room.— The Major pursued the thief, but ho succee ded in escaping. The clothes were found in the morning in a pile of lumber, rifled of their contents, a valuable watch, a pocket book containing $7 in money and some prom isory notes. The Major was fortunately' in the habit of depositing in the vault of the National Baok;or his loss might have been a more serious one. MILL BURNED.- 7 The large flouring Mill belonging to Mr. Frederick Foremen, for merly Frontlet', situated on the West Con oceoeheague Creek, in the Welsh Run set dement; this ecunty . was entirely destroyed by fire on Friday evening the 24th ult., with its contents consisting of about 5000 bushels of wheat, etc. The Mill had been lately repaired, and one of the gudgeons be ing screwed too tight caused friction, from which the building took fire. Mr. Fore man's entire loss will perbaps not fall nine' eliort of twenty-five or thirty thousand dol lars, upon which we learn he had only an in surance of 84000. Mr. F. Is an enterpris ing business man, and we regret that it has been his misfortune to thus sustain so heavy a loss. LITTLE CourottAL, for Februa ruary, is a very fine number. The Publish er offers most beautiful premiums, and un• ußual inducements to raise Clubs. Terms, One DoHar a year. A.• sample copy will be Bent free to any one who applies for it du ring February. Address Amtp.n L. Sam ara', Pubtisber, Chicago, 111. ANOTHER, :WARNING On Saturday eve ning, just after the second Sufferne train had passed out of the tunnel, a kerosene lamp exploded in the last ear, which happened to be the smoking car of the Hackensack line attached, and which was about half filled with passengers. The whole front of the car was instantly in flames, and the passen bete crowded to the rear in terror, being un able to pass through into the other care 'in front, The flames spread so rapidly that be fore the train could be stopped half the car was enveloped, and the gentlemen tumbled pell-mell from the platform not an instant too soon, as the fire followed the varnish as though it had been burning fluid. By the time the train came to a stand, it was on the meadows, and the front of the oar was burn ing so fiercely that difficulty was experienced in uncoupling it from the train. Here was a narrow escape from a repetition of the Angola disaster. BALTIMORE, Feb. 3.—A serious trouble bas arisen regarding the recent election of thethe lion. William T. Hamilton as United States Senator. Governor Swann refuses to issue a commission for him, on the ground - of his illegal election. The law passed at a previous session of the •Legislature, mink. ing the next United States Senator to be a resident of the W-extern—Shore ; has--ne-v e been repealed; arid, therefore, Mr. Hamilton being a Western Shore man, cannot be United . States Senator, It is believed, is almost certain, in feet, that the present Leg islature must repeal the law, and then go in to a new election, or elect another gentleman who shall be a resident of the Eastern Shore, under the existing law. SHOCRIIIG 00011BRENCE.—The Shamo kin Berate!, of Thursday last, Bays s—On ednesday morning of last week, as Patrick Burk, residing at the Excelsior Colliery, seen - d ed - th - e-eta 48 i -he—found—the- life I ess _body_of_his aged molber lying at the bottom with a deep gash in her forehead, and her neck - broken. It is supposed the -old lady bed attempted to go down so the kitchen at an early hour, as was her custom, and in some way fell headlong to the bottom of the stairs although no one in the house hoard the noise. She was one of the oldest ladies in this section, being in her nicety second year, but had full use of bar limbs, and wits considered active for ono of her age. SUDDEN DEATIIS —On the 14th instant, Wm. Meredith, residing near Uniontown, Carroll co , Md., died very suddenly. Mr Meredith, a few days previous, was thrown from his horse, from whioh cause ho was confined to the house On Tuesday even ing, while seated at the stove, he complain ed of pain in his, side, and while being led to bed, was found to be dying. llefori, med- ical aid could be called he ceased to breathe. On the loth, while the relatives and friends of the decenpd acre preparing to follow his remains to the place of interment, his sister Mary Grace Meredith, while aroma% the room to put on her wrappings, foil to the floor, and before she could be carried 10 a bed in the adjoiging room had expired. A remarkable medical discovery has 're cently been made in the treatment of deaf ness by Professor Scott, of the New York Medical University, by which the lutist appa rently hopeless cues have been radically oared. The method consists in introducing atomized oxide of phonyle directly into the tympanum. No unpleasant sensations ere produced, and a fzeling of clearness teems to follow. A man in Chillicothe, Ohio, heard a corn. motion in his hen-house the other night, and calling out 'who's there" received no answer, and fired into the darkness. The nest morning a dead negro was found with a chicken under his arm, Mrs. Fleury C. Narrow, and child, o Baltimore, were so badly burned on the night of the 15th inst. by the upsetting and explo Mon of a anal oil lamp, that both have since died from the effects. Few of us read our Bibles so curiously as to have discovered that they contain no such word as its from Genesis to Revelation. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Corn• pany has a surplus of almost two millions of dollars. Three hundred and twenty-eight thousand and ninety dead of the Union armies now lie buried within the national cemeteries. 242, 437 immigrants arrived at New York duriag 1867. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Itch I 2 itcaa.2 2 I tcla 2 2 PCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! ! SCRATCH ! !! In from 10 to 48 hours. Wheaton's Ointment cures Tho Itch Wheaton's Ointment cures salt Rheum, Wheaton's °intro ent cures Te tter. Wheaton's. Ointment cures Barbers' Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Old Sores. Wheston's Ointment cures Every kind of Humor like Magic Price, 50 cents a box; by Mail, FO cents. Ad. dress WEEKS & POTTER, No. 170 Washing ton Street, Boston, Mass.. For sale by all Druggists. aarLADIES FUR.% BUFFALO ROBES, AND BLANKETS AT pOST. The undersigned intending to remodel and enlarge their Store Doom, will close out at first cost : 4 setkof elegant MINK MIME, 8 sets of 81IIERIAN BQUIBREL, 2 German FITCH CAPES, 15 sets LADIES FURS from $6 to $l5 per set, 6 Fur trimed HOODS, 5 Buffalo ROBES and 6 leader Buggy and sleigh Blankets, _ 8 Fur Caps, Collars and Gloves, 7 Horse Covers, and a lot of Heavy Wet Blankets. Also, a lot of Winter Caps, Gloves, &c„ The above areall geode of this season's produc tion, and will be sold at coat to avoid handling while improving our storeroom; UPDEGRAFF'S, Hat, Fur and Glove Manufactory, 0 *mite Washington House. Will pay in cash bigest price for all kinds of FURS, Muskrat, nk, Coon, ()prism, dtc, Hagerstown, J .24 1888. Eir SIGN OF THE RED HAT. I 2 3 PERPETUAL" MOTION. I I 3 Lailieq SUN UMBRELLAS, New Style PAR ALSO, RAIN UMBRELLAS, ike. A complete stock at UPDEGRAPF'S Hat, Cane and Umbarella Stores, Hagerstown irE3C Ell ALT-er.A.R. On the 80th ult., at the Bowden House, by Rev. W. E. Krebs, Mr. BENJAMIN F. SPESSARD, to Miss KATE HARTLE, 'both of Washington Co. Md. On the 28th ult., by the Mr. EPHRAIM HOCKERSMITH, to SARAH A. ORN DORF, both of Quincy township. At tho residence of the bride's father, Dr. C. G. French, Springfield, 111., on , the_2o_th_ ult. by the Rev. Dr. Brown, Dr. BONE BRAKE, of Mexico, Ohio, (formerly of this place) and Miss LAURA FRENCH. Accompanying the above notice we re ceived a substantial token of onr young. friend's regards, for which he' will accept our thanks and well wishes for his happiness in the future and that of hie fair partner.— In the home of his adortion may profession al honor and success crown his efforts. It =I niPlL..l•=v,.o=Pl On the 25th ult., near St. Thomas, Mr. JACOB SITES, aged 74 years 10 months and 10 days. On the 29th ult , near St Thomas, Mr. SAMUEL SMITH, in the 68th year of his age. irtmi ;-011 PHILADELPHIA, Tuesday, Feb. 4 1868. Flour and Mesl.—The Flour market ra sa last quoted, the demand being limited and - confinedto - the wants o t thTirne consumption. Small sales of Superfine at $7.25®8 25 V bbl., extras at $8.50®9.25; 500 bbls.. Northwest extra family at slo® 11.50; Pennsylvania and Ohio do. do. at $10.50®12 25, and fancy lots -at- $13®14.- Rye Fleur is selling in lots at $8.50. In Corn Meal nothing doing: --taruin .—The_mark every—poorly—sup-- plied with prime Wheat, and other descrip tions are not wanted. Sales of 1500 bush. Pennsylvania and Western red at $2.50® 2 60, and 500 bush. Kentucky white at $3. -Ryels , in—better—request, -- and - 1 - 200 — bnah Pennsylvania, in_the_ears,_sold_at_ $1.60® 1.62. Corn is quiet, u there is not_ much stook - here - tcoperate — sales - of - 1800 — bush now yellow at $1.1541.16; 1000 bush yellow sold at $l3O, and 600 bush. Northwest yellow at $125. Oats are in strong demand, and 1000_bush. Pennsylvania sold at 76® 78c. Prices of Barley and Malt remain as last quoted Salt—ls unchanged. There is none ar riving. Seeds.—Cloverseed meets a moderate in quiry, and sales of 300 bush. are reported at P®B 75 V 64 lbs, the latter figure for choice; 200 bush Timothy sold at $2 75®3; Flaxseed is worth $2.70. NORMAL INSTITUTE. VAi HE next session of this Institution will corn. 91 mence on Monday, the 2d of March. Those wishing to send pupils, should make it known to the Principal, as soon as possible, as but limited number can be received. The government will be mild and parental. ap pealing to the pupils' reason and sense of propriety and right;yet obedience and good behavior will be strictly required. The object of this school will he to give ladies a complete education, and to prepare gentlemen for business or for any class in college. Pupils will be taught to study understandingly, and not merely to commit rules to memory or go through text books. The branches that will be taught are, Orthogra• phy, Reading, Penmanship, Geography, Arithme tic, Grammar, A Igebra,Geometry, Physiology, Corm position. Rhetoric, History, Botany. Trigonometry, Natural Philosophy, Geology, A nslytical Geometry, Mental Philosophy, Zoology, Elocution. Logic, Mor al Philosophy, Astronomy, Calculus, Latin, Greek, Fronch,German, Italian, Music, Drawing and Paint ing. N. 11.—Ptimary - pupils, if sufficiently advanced to be classified, will be received at somewhat reduced rates. W. NOETLTNG, A. M., C. E.. Prin. Rev. C. V. Wzmos, 2 Assistants. J. F. Wlmom Waynesboro', Pa., Feb. 7,1868.-2 m. PUBLIC SALE. 111 HE subscriber will sell at Public Rale, at his I residence, about 1 mile Northwest of Shady Grove, and it mile North of the Waynesboro' and Greencastle pike on Monday the 2d day of March, the following property to Wit : - A WORE HORSES, 2 coltr; 2 Mulch cows, 7 young cattle, including I fine young Bull; 1 Plantation Wagon, 1 'Wood Bed Hay ladders, 1 spring lake nearly new. 1 trotting Buggy nearly new, Plows, shovel plows, single and double, 1 111 ceOR:111 CK REAPER. front gears, bridles, 2 sets Buggy Harness, 1 of which is silver mount:a, nearly new ; 1 pair spreaders. a lot old iron; 1 set Billekalllith 'Fools. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day, when a credit of eight months will be given on all sums of lslo and up wards. ABRAHAM, GOLLEY. Feb. 7 ts. PUBLIC SALE. jHE undersigned, assignee of M. M. Stone r will offer at Public Sale, at the store room formed y occupied by M. M. Stoner, on'Afonday the 17th day of February MS. • A STOCK OF DRUGS, Store Furniture and Fixtures. A largo amount of the refuse stork tas been disposed of. By an in— vestment of a few hundred dollars the stock would be complete. The room can he had on a leave of three years. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock our said day when the terms will be made known by W. S. AMI3ERSON. 0. V. Mow, Auct. Jan. 31— ts. NIBIAIC , EALE. VIBE uniersigned will Werra public sale at his kJ residence, 1 mile North of Mt. Hope. on the road leading fronts Waynesboro' to Uhanibersburg, 41,2. n Saturday the 22d of February, the following pr rrty to wit 1 WORK HORSES, ' • 1 two-yearliwit, 4 head Milch Cows, two of ..Nnir.s trbicb are fresh ; 6 HEAD YOUNG CATTLE, le head hogs, among which is ono brood sow; 1 two•horae plow, 1 double and I single shovel plow, I harrow, single and double trees, t Wheat Fan, 1 Cutting Box, 1 bag wagon, barn shovel, grain and shaking forks, 1 manure hook, 1 grain cradle, 2 mowing scythes, 2 sets Breechbands, 2 sets Plow gears, 2 fly-nets, 3 sets harness I nearly new, blind bridles, riding bridles, lines, collars, &c. 1 carpen ter's work bench, hot bed frames and gash. Also Cook Stove and fixtures, 1 Ten plate Stove,l ssfe 1 Excelsior Washer, meat bench, saddler bench, 1 chest, 1 cottage bedstead, t dinner table, I chum, and other articles not neccessary to enumeratek--- Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said day, when the terms will be made known by DANIEL H. FAHRNEY. or At the same time and plate wirl be °Cored, t Cow as good as fresh, 1 two-year old Heifer, 5 hogs , 1 hand cart, I wheelbarrow, 1 grindstone and frame; 5 SOAPS OF BEES, 5 bce boxes, 2 long ladders, a lot Chestnut rails anti lumber, 1 side saddle as good as new, 1 riding bri. dle, also 1 Bureau, 1 corner cupboard, 1 set chairs. wood box, large meat vessel, 1 buffalo robe, 1 saus age staffer, 1 beadstead, 1 large copper kettle, good as new; 1 set blasting tools, t large• crowbar, dig ging itononattock,pick, and many other articled not neccessary to c mention. Terms made known on day of sale by JOHN BEMISDERFER. Feb. 7—ts. Cr. V. Motto, Auct. filLO t to) • AND LUMBER YARD ! L'"' FRICK & CO„ woula inform the Public genhally, that they have taken the establish. meat and business. lately °ailed by LiJy 4. Lee: rune, (formerly Wm. Flanagan,) and are now manufacturing . , GRAIN DRILLS, of the latest improvements and intent. them to give satisftction. Also Brinkerhoff 's Celebntol Patent CORN SHELLER, Separator end cleaner, the Nisi eheller ever offered GIPSAPUS—PA-TENT CLOTHS WASHER. Warranted to give satis faction or no sale, They are prepared to do all kinds of Joh Work, Repairs, sc., in their line of bairiness, done at the shortest notice and on rem oneble terms. They hays also on hand a large lot of the best Lumber for sale sheep, and have opened a regular LUMBER YARD of all kinds of Lumber, which they will sell very cheap for cash only.— Persons in went of anything in our line will please give us a call. We will give satisfaction. Jan 31.—tf. LIDY, FRICK & CO. PUBLIC SALE. S -- # HE subscriber intending to quit farming will. IA sell at Public Sale, at his residence on the Marsh Run, four miles from Waynesboro' and iii from Greencastle, on the road leading from the turnpike to the Marsh store, one mile from the former and -two-from-the-latter,on—Thuraday—acrd-Frirkry, 13th and 14th days of February, the following property VIZ : I ll HEAD GOOD HORSES f of which ere work barges, titre* of them brood mares with foal ; a colts, 1 three years old, 3 two years old and 2 one ya sr old ; 19 HEAD CATTLE ! sof which are milch cows, one fresh, the balsam/ springers, 1 large Durham Bull, 4 large Steen, $ fine heifers, the balance young cattle; a lot of sheep 36 HEAD.OF HOGS , among which are I brood sows, the balance stock hogs ; 2 PAR= WAGONS, 1 heavy 4 inch and 1 three inch log Wagon, 1 now two bores :Spring Wagon, 1 one and two-horse Carriage, 1 Mower and Reaper, (Ball's improved) 1 Grain Drill, 1 spring Rake, latest improved, 1 four-horse sled, 2 pair Hay Carriers, 1, pair Wood Ladders, 1 Wheat Fan, 1 Rolling Screen, 4 Bar shear Plows, 2 tnree-horse and 2 two-horse, 3 Har rows, all new, 4 double Shovel Plows, 2 simile Shovel Plows, 2 Corn Coverers, 1 Jackscrew, rough. lock and davit/, log chains, fifth chains. spreader*, 3 double trees, SO grain bags, 1 bag wagon, 2 beta shovels, 2 hay forks, grain and shaking forks, man ure 'forks and hooka, 1 hay knife, 2 grain cradles, 6 mowing scythes, 10 cider barrels, 12 hand rakes, 1 hand wagon, 1 wheelbarrow. 1 Sleigh and bells, 2 sets Breechbands, 4 sets Front Gears, nearly new ; 6 sets Plow Gears, 6 Fly-nets, 9 collars, f blind bridles 6 boasting, 3 riirng bridles, 1 Riding Saddle ' ' 1 wagon saddle, 1 six -horse, line and whip, 11 head halters and chains, 1 pair check lines, 1 set Baggy Harness, 19 cow chains, 2 pair breast and butt chains, I heavy lock chain , 1 SNT BLACKSMITH TOOLS ; 1 large grindstone and 1 small ons; 150 BARRELS Or CORN, 100 Locust Posts, 200 feet Dry Walnut Boards, mattocke and shovels ' sledges and diging iron, a lot seed potatoes, 1 hay fora and pulleys, 110 feet good rope, 1 buggy pole, about lb TONS TIMOTHY HAY, about 76 acres Grain in the ground; also the follow ing household articles, viz: 1 Cook Stitt, 1 Ten plate Stove, 3 tables, a lot benches, a lot Tinware, epplebutter by the crock, 1 pair large steelyards, about 25 yds., carpet, and many other articles too numerous to mention Sale to commence at 9 o'- clock an said days, when due attendance and a credit of 12 months will be given on all sums of $5 and upwirds, Under $5 the cash will be required. Jan. 24--ts. SAMUEL U, BARR. I wow Anat. PlElit snLE ITIHERE will be cold at Public Sale at the mai -1 dence of the subscriber, about 1/ miles North east of Quincy, near the road leading to the Mt. Al to Iron Works. on Tuesday the 2bth of Fthruary, the following personal property to wit : 2 WORE. HORSES , 2 Colts, I rismg two years and the other I year; 2 Pd'ILCH COWS, lof which will be fresh about the day of sale, A head Young Cattle, 4 head of Sheep, 1 good Brood Sow ; 1 Narrow-Tread Farm Wagon, 1 Wood BNI I pair Hay Carriages, 1 pair 1-hone hay ladders, 1 good three-horse plow, l harrow, 1 shovel plow, 1 CORN COVERER, Spreaiers, double and aingla trees 1 Let harness. 1 set dung board., I set front gears,' collars, and halters, cow chains, I piir breast chain.. 1 'pair butt traces, CORN BY Tilt BBL. OATS BY BUS. and many other article. not neccessary to mention. Sale to commenco at It) o'clock on said day whoa a reaisonable credit will be given. Jan. 31—ta STRAY HORSE. CA ME to the premises of the snb. criber. living ,/near Price's Meeting House, on the 3d inst., an Iron-grey Colt, supposed to be b. tween 3: and 4 years old. The owner is requbsted to prove proper ty, pay charges and take it away. reb. 7.-3 w. JACOB S. HO FFMA N. JOHN HO W. G. V. MOlll3, .duct.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers