THE GIEttAT ZiNGARI -BITTERS. .01,. Si c 3 oNrcortiititro OF CIIOLERA - L t u rns WONDERFUL, REMEDY was discov ered and introduced alma t twenty years ago py lir. le. Ulan - mints, an eminent Egyptian physician. lie had long seen , antl•felt the want of some:rein edy which would strike at the root of the disease,' and so prevent much or tho oulforing which the hu man family was then compelled to_endure. _ _ This great question was presented' to his mind every day in vitid colors as is moved among the siek end dYing, and observed the inefficiency of nearly ail the remedies then in use. Thus he was lead to think and etperiment; and after ten years of siudy and labor, he presented to his fellow-man the weriderKul Zingari Bitters. The r Erect of this prep oration in the prove:die and cure of disease, was so marvellous and astonishing, that the most flatter ing marks of royal favor were' bestowed upon him Who diicovered it. his name was pliced ,, upon the 801 l of Nobles, not a gold medal With the follow ing inscription—Dr. S. Cheopsus, the Public Bene factor—was presented to him by the Viceroy. • , k!•• • The preparation has neer' used in several epidern icy of cholera, both as a preventive and curative measure, and with great success, that it has been introduced into nearly all the general hospital. , of the old world. The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies with marvellous force to cholera. and therefore any rein ply that will protect us against this terrible huuld be freely - and persistently used. — AB pathologists now agree that.the cholera pismo nets on the system through the blood, and that any , bination-whiciracts—on—tho ,tory---or g ar and keeps them in working order, must prevent a uflirient accumulation of the poison to exert its terrible effects on the organism. This is true not only of cholera; but of nearly all other maladies, es pecially the different forms of lever. The 7.ingari Bitters is just such a remedy as the above conditions require. ft acts-on -the'ergans of -x-eretion-and-secretioni-keeping-sq—a7-perget—hal— ance between them. 'fhis Bitters is composed en tirely of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted that vrely organ ''‘; acted upon and nut in tone. Its taste IS pteasaut and its erreetS prompt awl lasting. Numerous cases of the following diseises have been cured ny it: Coolers, Diarrhnes,•Dysentery; Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, Ague, Nervous Debility, Anaemia. Dysyepsia, Fiatulencyq" Colic, 'crofula, &c. LTPPrice per quart bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street wharf; Har risburg, t'a. Sokl by Druggists, Ho telkeepers an•] Grocers. . F. 12.11-IYEIR.,_SoIe-Proprietor.- , --: For sale at the "Waynesboro' Hotel," by V. B. UILEFCIiT, Agent. [june22— ly, . OKS - TOVES! 71 alma re, ironware, r- sslrare, Furni . hiug Gecds Ana other ug chit art tiles -a - t-the-vigrp-01—i1143-lile ZA,_Wity_uctlto_r_ol,_4 4 4there_a_laxke_i %-orttneitt, of COOK STOVES, • NINE-PLATE STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, COAL STOVES, &c of the latest improvements, - the very best in the market, at the Cheap Tin and Stove Store , of D. D. RUSSSIII.L. TINWARE made of the best 'fin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the "3E114; MFILEKSL 7E3Coanni.." I). B. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and a large at,soitinent of Lamps. Washing Made Easy ! by calling at the sign of tfie "Dig Rea Horn" and getting the best Close Wringer ever made. liZ'Persons in Want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value fox their money by calling on _ _ _ • D. B RUSSELL, Sign of the "BIG RED IIORN," Waynesboro', Pa Feb. 15 J. W. ,MILLER'S ARRIVAL OF Spring & Summer Goods! fI AVING returned from the Eastern Cities with u choice apsortment of goods belonging to their me, such as DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, QUEENS WARE, CEDARWARE GROCERIEs, CUTLERY, GLASSWARE, &C, &C. tender my thanks to the community for their liberal patronage and hope to merit a continuance of the same. April 19, 1867 'AYNESBORO' LIVERY! MITE subscriber takes this method to intorm the 1 public that he purposes continuing the Livery business and is now well supplied with comfortable f . conveyances and fine traveling Horses for either riding 01 driving. Parties convey. ed to nny point desired, A shnre of pub he patronage is respectfully solicited.— h: N i i to Persons desiring horses , or conveyances will please apply a►. the " Waynesburo JOHN RICHARDSON. /EEO Fresh Lime for Sale ! TilE subscriber takes this method of informing the public that he has engaged in the Lime burnibg business, and will continue h) keep Wood burnt Lime for white washing, plastering, &c., on pond during the season at moderato prices. A su berior quality of stone used from the Ripple query. Kilne known afl the Shockey Lime Kilns. March 22—tf.] • AARON FUNK FRESH LIME ! THE subscribers take this method of informing the public that they have now on hand, at the new Kiln, a superior article, of Wood Burnt Limo for Whitewashing, Plastering, Ake., which they will continue to keep and sell at reasonable rates f.inring the season. JOHN & JOSEPH - M. HESS. March 8-11 m 7AIREASURER Sam'l F. Greenawalt - offers him.. selfas a-candidate for the office of COUNTY - EASURER subject to the decision of the U- Won Nominating Condentiop. - • Chambereburg, May 17. WHITE and Greg ' 00l Bla • Nov 23.] Prqcs 65z I. -. 156413. Japaian'ed ware, J. W.-M, ,ta at ,• 08PLIC11.8. ' • NEV 660 - D'S! NEB li GOODS! , C.lOON•e4 STON-E.l-1 ictrolif.Wrespletfuliy, inform _ tha,ppoid• - tko- I' they; have agw O - Penc4 l : l 4 ll : 1 t_e_r insw,iriorn, or, the southwest corner pf tint Dintnrrid, iii Wayues ' bo,o', a large and well selcetcd,stock of • ,41R00dg;,.. arimekri,e s, , . . tiara! Ware and Cutlery Iron, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goods of every description, Queenswarc, Cedarware, Shoes, Car pets, Oil'Cloths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish 13rush es, Fish, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are all new and 11.esh' and have been bought for cash at the late decline in prices. We flatter ourselves that from Our long experi ence in business, and a determination to sell gods. at small profits, we shall be able to ofli'r unusual inducements to all buyers who desire to save mon ey. Please call Mid see fur . jronr:selvesi We have a large and well assorted stoci.:Ol' sta. I d e and fancy Dry Goods, embrauing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonados, Strikes, Cheeks, Gingham, ',juin and Cotton Table *pets, Crash for Towels, Calicoes,llelains, Alraceas, - - - DRESS GOODS, " Shavels„_Hrownand_Bleacl and Shirtings, Pickings, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We pay the highest market price for all kinds of country proiluee:snaras Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs, _Dried Print, Rags,_&e. May 31,18 6 1. COOK STOVES, ta - ' CA 1,/, AT itle 2 OVC, avid — opper T_T E has it large stock of Stoves and TIA'IVARE :Lon hand, which he will sell cheap. Paces to suit thy tim •s. His stock embraces the best of Conk, Nine-plate -and Coal Stover. GOOK STOVES F-01V7C-G- 011.7W0013 GO OD . A, 6 E,R S, large. Ovens, and tape a long stick of wood. Ills _cal_Lz4--T, is good, strong and made of the best Tin. .ass Di'ppers, .13;21-1 3rass_an , Pans-and Tinned BEST CISTERN PIIMPIN MARKET. is strong, simple, durable and cheap. Price $l2 Insured, not to Freeze. Don't fail to give him a call Old Castings taken in exchange for Stoves or ware, next dour to Miller's Dry Good Store. W. A. TRITLE. February 8,1866. LavEnv SifJ,\ol-7 IHE subscriber would inform his patrons nntl the public generally that he has recently large ly increased his Livery stock, and is now prepared to accommodate those wishing to hire with either IifiIIIESANII VERICIERkftt. 4, at the shortest notice, all hours. Persons desiring Horses or Bug . ties, for riding or driving, would do well to give him a call, as his stock has been selected with great care as regards gentleness and fast trav eling. ' His vehicles ALL mv, fashionable, and ride easy, having been bought with a view to accommodate the public. Fr Parties conveyed to any point desired, ac companied by a careful driver. Persons wishing Horses or Buggies, night or day, will please apply at his father's Saddle and Harness Shop, Main Stsect, 2 doors west of the "Bowden Hons&.," where an attentive Ostler will always be in attendance. FRANKLIN WEAGLEP. September 21—ti. _ _ NE W MS CARRIAGE LIKING: THE subscribers would inform the public that o they have associated themselves together in the Carriage making business, an I that the business hereafter will be continued at Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm of ADAMS & llmvitEn. They will have constantly on hand BUG- , GIES of every description ; new and te• second-handed Vehicles. of all kinds. fZ'Repairing done at short notice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting aaything in our line will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. JACOB A DA M'cl, GEORGE B. HA Vu ICER, Church Sired newly atlo,sVe !la at. E Chtifch Jan 26 —•tf DR. T. I). FRENCH • IP; t 14 4 - 1i - A =PPM l ae l 3C a% UV, JNSERTS Beautiful and Durable teeth mounted I on Platina, Gold and Vulcanite. Particular attention given to the _preservation o. the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the extrac- tion of teeth without pain. . • Office at his residence on Mechanic Street. Feb. 8. BARBERING 1 BARBERING I MITE subscriber would inform his customersand t:te public generally that be purposes contin uing the Barbering business, next door to the New Grocery, having purchased the interest of C. U. Ithoyual in the shop, and is now prepared to do hair setting, shaving, shampooning, etc., in the Wet style. The patronage 01 the public is respectfully solicited. WM. A PRICE. March 2, 1866. DR. D. A. 'STOUFFER, DENTIST. 'GREENCASTLE, PA. SETH extracted without pain. O ffi ce in Clip ." M pongees building. nearly opposite Adams' 11.)- tot, where he will attend to Dentistry wit t care and attention. Old Gold and Silver plates taken in part pay for-new ones. Teeth instated from ak single tooth to a full lot, insured-for one year. jan 18-1 y: • • • MOROCCO and Lining skins at P. 63 ranz & florstacter, InithyPoi4.4l Mit chijio! MEE Farmers will please look at the great advantage In Thrashing Grain with BE6!'-REGULITRG „ . With the ltcteat linproved Toye-Gf.ared Lforse' Power, driven either by Gear or Belt. • This Machine is conveniently nrranged threshing, being-Tiermarreirtlyorr-two wheels. One man can easily move or shift it about, so that it is not half trouble ill a barn floor as a cormorin-thrash4r-and-shaker.—lt-is-slag easity_pnt in npera(ion. It is simplealtsily managed. reliable, durable, compact and cleanly to work by w in operation, not, making near the dust as -the common machine or other Separators. Farmers can rest assured that this mach e 4„no hurahng, and judging from the high recommenda tion of farmers that are using them, I must come to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far risers want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity to appreciate and attest its merits, for which I hope they will give me an oppatunity, as 1 um willing to be responsible if it'does not perform as represented in this Circular. No. I is a eight-horse power, with east_iron thresher_frain "eiart.l Wro_ugllt-ironjanslite2l4liniler,Air teen inches in diameter and thirty three inches long. Trunk has ten : inch rake crank and seven rakes, is thirty-five inches wide, and delivers the straw on the secon l rake, these carry the straw out on their tops, and deliver it on the 4.,acker, which will deliver about thirty-five feet beyond the feeder, on a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, I — M.ean be easily managed to carry the'ehati' with' the Stra vrior deliver it in a separate plate. The trunk and fan sides being closed, to - confine the strew and chair, remedies all dillimlttes in cleaning grain against, wittily weather. It bags the grain b reasonable_ management, suf ficiently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances, is from twenty to lorty bush els tor hour, using eight horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work under favorable more ease and-agreeathaiesa circumstance, it WI to hands than any other machine now in common use. . The No. 2 Machine,fully_xameseMed_MAhe_above_tut,3s_particatlarly_a4ap_teal_to_thie_fartnees_use;i 3 _ intended to apply to any common lever or railway power; weighs 1,300 pounds; has an iron threstr frame, and cylinder, 12} inches in diameter and 28 inches long; delivers the dean giain iii bags, or if owed - , in a halt bushel. It delivers the ,straw biteen fed - from toe seeder, or if de:-.hed, can delivta the straw and chat] . together; will thresh and clean, in good grain, ready flit Marker; from 14; 115 ; bushels . , -of-wheat,-or-from-200-to-500-bushel,;-of-oats-per_clay,_usiug_fiffir_orsi:t litirses, an.l the s'arhe inifaber Of_ hands; but to force the work, under in is t favorable circumstances, good a. din, &e., will thresh and clean considerably More. The Machine will thresh and clean alt kintl4 of graia , generally .thres,hed with lhe, common machine, and requires no more horse.power, but in many cases dues not run so hard. It will apply very well to a two-horse railway power • , „ rho ) Prices of Machinesraivre frombi 8 0 10 , to g 525 ...., . Eirl warrant - the machines 12) lic-as-above-representedraien'againstany-rea-sunable-defects7of-inatoria workmanship, &c. Erliavin now taken a ronrn tu &CC moommaa,ismar am prepared to furnish - .rtety of other agricultural implements, the latest and best improved, and such as, are hog' rdaptcd to' the wants - of the farmers of this part of the country : Such d'S the 'lagers tow,"-Caltller's) Clover Stemmer, Huller and Cleaner, which is proving by its own merits to be one of the best' machines of the kind 'now in use. The latest improved BUCKEYE RE t PER AND MO W jhninliivwilTxvith-Th-apper, :al the Mower-arlelle Ant erica - n — Hly - Fork and Kifite combined, Hay Rakes, rti - dife:r - Cilliers, Cider Mills &c. &c. &c., whiclaWilrfurniaricirt - short notice and-warraut them to answer the purposes for which they are intended. la'Orders solicited and promptly attended to, For further particulars, circulars, &c. address DANIEL GEISER, Waynesboro', Franklin Co. Penn'a. May 4, 18601 Waynesboro' AND MAtHINE 31:3ER'S PATENT SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND BAG GER, AND THE LATEST IMPROVED THRESHER AND TRIPPLE-GEARED HORSE POWERS, DRIVING EITHER BY GEAR OR BELT, ALL FURNISHED COMPLETE, READY TO PUT ON WAGONS. I, the undersigned, desire to call the attention of Farmers and Threshormen of Franklin and adjoin ing counties to this machine. It has been before the public for a number of years, during which time i has given general satisfaction, and the patentee has made seine very important improvements which rent der it still more complete, both for dean separating and cleaning, and also for the ease of draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in recommending it to the public knowing that it will give the best satis faction. lam manufacturing two sizes, viz : The largest is eight-horse power and will thresh and clean from 200 to hOO bushels per iiay. The small size. See the above which fully represents, the machine, aleo full description, price, Sec., of machine. Persons wishing machines should send in their Orders in reasonable time t.) insure their being filled. Lt4Rarkiirazat actil,%tiraaaiza a.lacmaau, lam manufacturing different sizes of Sugercane Mills (to be driven either by water, steam or horse power) and Evaporators and fixtures fur makin g Syrup; also Portable and Stationary Steam Engines for driving Mills, Threshing Machines, Sawing Woou, &c. I am fully prepared to make the above to order and on short notice; also GRIST AND SAW MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER-WHEELS: IRON KETTLES, &c, Stovesand Plow castings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam orwater, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I am prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest improved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing end Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner. I am also prepared to manufacture to order machinery for wood, such as Tonging and Groving ma chines for flooring, Surface. Tenon' and Moulding machines, &c. I also °Tette the public a new and valuable improvement in my steam engines, made within•the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior tor the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hands are all experi anced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly safe in war ranting all my work. I am also prepared to do repairing in workman like manner, on the shortest notice.. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must ye accompanied with the cash. For particulars and circulars descriptive of machine, address GEORGE PRICE, Or 'DANIEL GEISEIL, Proprietor of Territory and solicitor of orders, Waynesboro,' Franklin Co Pa. Scp2 I —tf. . QUINCY FOUNDEVZ AND MACHINE SHOP ! --0- • WE take leave to inform the public that we in tend continuing the Foundry and Machine business near Quincy, Pa. We are P reparod .o do all kinds of repairing at short notice, also mill gear ing, cast and wrought iron shafting, stoves, iron ket tles, oven doors, shoe scrapers, stove hooks, &c„ &c. We also build an improved buggy' and wagon Jack. home powers, bevil jack, wood saws, iron ash hop pers, iron bottom plate for ash barrels, iron fencing knd railing made to order. Old iron bought or M oen in exchange for new work, HESS & EMMEHT. Oct. 26—tf. Beef ! Prime Beef ! T"s subscriber would inform the public that be has re-commenced the Butchering business and will be prepared to supply peisons with a. prime w ink) of Beef on Tuesday and Friday of each week durtng the seeson, at thecellar adjoining the "Way nesboro! March 29—tf. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! T US r received at Metcalfe' & iliteshew's, High 0 colored Wool striped carpet. Price $1 OIL suer as has been selling for 151.25. Ail wool ingrain beautiful styles, from $1.25 to $1,62. April 5, '67. 2 1 11 dair article of brown Sugar at I2i cents at Ap. 5] . Plum & Hamm . a F OR a cake of fine Soap, you must go ts• KURTZ'S GEISERS' PATENT eLEAVZR - AND BAGGER, AND MANUFACTURERS OF SYRUP I THOMAS J. CUNNINGHAM, GRAIN SUPARATOR, Re air Castins on hand I have also selected and Foundry SHOP. NE W SPRING AND GEORGE STOVER HAS RETURNIW FROM* PIIIIAADEL PHU WITII A SUPPLY OF • Enity GrOCio-S igEg GLID 42CD fAt5l -AND , nom, (FEENswnu, GROCERIES, Ater' To which be invites the attention . of of his patrons and the public generally. October 26, 1866. A fine stock of Toys of all kinds, a large supply of China ware, 1 "E 72 .lsttLt Ile bas Drake's Plantation Bitters, rua — d - o. Sand's Sarsaparilla, Bull's , do: • Ilitesbew's Cough Syrup, Diarrhoea Cordial, _ Frey's Vortnifuge, Vet-mirages,. doz. kinds, . Judron's, Spaulding"s, - - _ - • _ • Ayer's, .r-androilf• Drerse's, 11lelaneis..,_liver; Mrs Soothing_Syrufr_ Dr. Parishe's do. Knroscoe Oil, Lamps and Chim, neys -always on hand.. • • - ~, • Thankful foi kind favors' alkeady tiekonted upon him, lie solicits a contintiance of the same, hoping that by trying to please he may win the confidence .f-the-peepla.--4k-s-umoh-eare-taken-in-waiting-up-- 1-on-adults is-children. 'Cloves, Cinamon, Extracts, Bar Oils, Pepper, hintclieF, Lilly White, Rogue Balls, Pearl and Silver Infant Powder, ACC receiving fresh articles in their line of bu siness from the Cities weekly, which enables them to offer and sell at a fair price, with the ad vantage of the reduction of , the eastern market— Their stock is large and increasing proportionally to the reduction of the wholesale prices. They have for sale Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Fruits, Confectionary, with all articles u•ually kept in drug sto res— Thankful for the patronage heretofore receiv ed, re spectfully ask an increase as well as a continuance of public favors. M. M. STONER, M. H.STONER. Waynesboro', August 10, 1866. rrl LIE undersigned would respectfully call the at tenlion of the Public to their stock of embracing all Inflates of Furniture usually manu factured by cabinet makers. We will also give our attention• to EBIDSI I . and hope by •strict attention to business to merit a liberal share of public patronage. All orders for Furniture or Coffins attended to with dispatch.— Our Furniture Ruoms can be.tound on Main Street, up stairs, in Willairns Fltnogan's Drill Sbop. J, M. &F. REINDER, December 21—tf. BENJ. FRANTZ, M. D. I. N. ENNEI.Y, N. D. TIRS FRANTZ & SNIVELY associa .l jted themselves in the practice of Medicine and surgery ;would state that they are well prepared to treat ali• medicai and 'Surgical cases. .Persons in debted-to ei.ner of the above willpleaae make early settiamcnt to tho' tiino of their association, as they wish to close their old books. .' 011ico in' Dr. Frantz's residence in the room for merly occupied as a store room by Mr. J, *aver. April 14—tf. , . Also cures SALT RHEUM, UIZERS, CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF TEE SKIN. Price 50 cents: For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street,Boston,it will be for warded by mail, frco of postage, to any past of the United . ' Juno B—ly. firlHE substriber will Puy tha hightst cash price for 5000 Pounds of Dried Apples. h'eb 25—r tfl] BENJ.' F. STE WART. BRADLEY'S late style Hoop Skirts at • Ap. 5.1 • Pelee & Hormares NEW crop New Orleans Molasses at Ap. 5 j Paws er. Ilccrucu's '~gi 11tT68d 'eltflv;4G OF 111 E, FliCi GRIM, &1 J, F. KURTZ IDETISIIEB to inform the good citizens of Way- nesboro' and vicinity, that he has just receiv ed from the Bast a large and fult - itszortrn - ent of fresh Drugs Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stain' Window Glass, Putty, Brushes, drc. &c., which he is prepared to eelt as cheap as they can be bad at any other house to -the-towu-rand-whielOrtiregard lo quality, cannot he - excelled. :Ile ha's else oit hand a large assortment of — 'I -- TOILET ARTICLES comprising in part the following articles, viz Toilet Waters, all kinds, Eau de Cologne, endless in variety, Extracts for the handkerebid, Fine English roulades, Bandolines, Bear's Oil, Fine and Fancy Soaps, • Tooth Brushes, Nail ,g eoinbs, &o. &c. For Culinary purposes he has Corn Starch, Pearl Barley, Pearl Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz : Lemon, Vanilla', Strawbery, Rasplairrx, Pine Ap pkyOrangeyllananb, Celer - Pear,l Peach, Nut•L meg, &c. Fresh SOices,lllack Pepper and all eta er articles in that line. Lie has also something to lease-th CHI .IE, D R E 1141 Physicians' Prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded at all hours. J. F. KURTZ. August 19, 1864. ' GOCO)*NEWS o 'ovary Man, Woman and Child. The great reduction in prices at the Waynesboro' now HAT AN,) SHOE EMPORIUM. First class goods-almost - as cheap as ever. This is a personal invitation to the reader to ex amine my largest and most complete stocklofkpring and summer grads ever offered in this little Borough Also the best wake of Clocks and Trunks Lamp Chimneys, Wicks, Hose, Kerosene, Inks, Paper, Lend Pencils, Pens Variety of Soaps, Tobacco, Segars, Paper - Collars, Indigo, soap Lye, Soda, Ginger, Gloss Starch, Shoo blackning and Varnish, Candies, Almonds, Mill Wall and Window Filberts,Pea N uts, Brushes, Oak, Bushel, Clothes Canes, Umbrellas, Chip and Market Baskets, Shoe Strings,• Essence of Coffee,' Stonebrakers Liniment and Pain Killer, and many other Trinkets. The Idetalic Shoe Sole, to keep the dampness from the feet should never he lost sight et, Retail prier, 25. A lso shop rights sold at the low rate of 401.), and the sole furnished at a price; which will pay a large percentage, IternembeQhe place directly opposite the Town Hall. on the Illiam,md, Ladies and Misses call and see the nice trimmed, and untrimmed Hats. Oh, I can sell them so cheap. April 12] J, BEAVER. STONER & STONER; DRUGGISTS, NEW FIRM. 3FitTMILN - ± I 2OIZIM-30, COFFIN MAPING, - 41 V 4 4E1 1) APIIIANs• Hair " 10.000 YOWLS it MITTEL! THE qditelitiriof:blittor"..mOitollio: this -country is too entail. It can be increased 10000 pounds by the use or/Viioir'l IThisi" anti Cattle Powders. Good for nil diseases of ns nes Cittle, Sheep and sold by , " -J. P. KURTZ, Wayn e sboro'. Read; these eerlillealee - hindreds 'of which, could be published , Four or five years ago, AXON Mit Horse, and Cattle ,Posid,ef. end. asked me to try it.: I was the ilret farmer to whom it tvaer gisen and the to for stock.„ I found it ful ly equal to what Mr. Nixon said or it i , and' I'lia 4 o used itextensively since,. and heartily reConnitend itAefamers as asure thing in fakentna Otoili4ll - all kindi and a capital Powder for Horses. MICIIAEIPEbERSOLE. Chanzliersbarg,Deceniber, ,805. . , Ma. J. 13 .Iklitott.—To the multitude' in this por tion of bur State,who have used your Cattle Pnwdcr, no cotfitnendatiOn is' necessary. - Its beneficial el tette have .been fairly tested; mar hence its•unboun. (led popularity. I hay : wined it for any hordes and cowslor'several year; petit, and cannot afford to do without it: keeps albkintl of cattle in good con dition, loosens the skin, smoothes the hair, and sharpens their appetites. As apreven . live from dis ease. I regard it se invaluable. Ydurs, &c., BEV. U. B. SCHNECK. Chambersburg, April, I€‘66-. Mu. S.j.Dlizos Dear Sir gave Your Torso and Cattle Powder a fair trial with all my stock, Horses and cattle, and it improved them wonderful ly. It speedily Matinee!' the richness of milk of my cows, and improved the condition of my stock greatly I can cordially recommend it se the beet thing of the kind I have ever known or tried. for . all kinds of ou . 0 :ep every s a e. Yours Truly, A. X. Met:LURE, Ed. Repository. CAMP - ITCEE, BARBER'S iretv, Rif 0 WORM, I ETTER; and a Skin diseases, certainly cured by • NIXON'S Glycerine Ointment. sad b LK:KURTZ Nizon's East India Tincture. The best medicine for Internal and External palm Perfectly safe under all eircumatences. Every fam ily should have it. - • - tar If you have pains, use NIXON'S East India Tincture. tom' If you have Skin diseascs, use NIX ON'S Glycerine Ointment. WWII you have horses or cattle that don't thrive, use NIXON'S Horse and , Chide Powders. Chambersburg, Feb. 8-Iv. LOW FIGURES! NEW GOODS. lIIBBILSON, BENEDICT & CD. ',Are now; Receiving a Large Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, DAUDWARE. We call the attention of our customers and tho community to our new stock of goods which are now cheaper than they have been for five years. Our goods have been. bough E et low priceirand we think we can sell them to euit;alljbuyere, Give us a call, AMBERSON, BENEDICT & Co April 5, 1867. NEW LEATHER AND FINDING STORE ! EWIS S. FORNEY & SONS, would inform j_jthe public that they have received another sup• ply of geods at their new Leather and Finding Store, embracing among other articles the follow ing Sole Leather, Rough Skirting, Hemlock and Spanish Sole, Calf Skins, French Calf do., Sheep do., French ' and Nona Morocco, Lining Skins, all kinds, Lasts, every style and size,- Thread's, Boot .Webing, Laces, Galloons, Size Sticks. Measurta traps, Deer Bones, Burnishes. Heel Shaves, Last hoops, Peg Floats, Double Cutters, Welt Knives, Nails and Tacks, Wax, Clamps, Crimp Boards, Rubbers, Bristles, Lasting Irons; Files, Ink Powders, Sand Paper, Compasses, Boot Trees, Pegs, .Kruves, Pinchers, hammers, various kinds; Rasps ' and Files Anis ant Handles, Collis Irons, Long and Shoulder Sticks, Eyeletta and Eyelott Punches, Scrip Asti, And alt other articles usually- kept ill' Built irteres. Highest cash price pad for Hides and Skips: 7 .... Feb. 8. FORNEY* SONS. HOUSE PAINTING , ! GEORGE `dc A. D. MOROANTHALL having associated themselvert in - covarbleiship ,in the Painting, Graining and -Glizing• -business, inform the public that they are now prepared to do house painting with neatness and despatch and upon read. sonable terms, Persons having any work in their line will do Welt to give them a call before making Ingagements elsewhere. • MOROANTHALL az SON; March 29 —lf, nynesbaro
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers