186 7 , Ai AL 'lr 1 2 CI 313) 4 A Tremendous Arrival of New Goods at Metcalfe & Hiteshew's, NO: 15,. MAIN STREET, CIIAMBERSBURG, • PA.- WE have just returned from the East and are now openings very large stock of Dry Goods and Notions of every descoption. We have White and Checked Matting 1 and I} yds wide; Ca•pets of (very description, very cheap; beet quality white and colored Shawls, all seizes, Ladies Hots. a . nice a sortment. There has been a decline in Muslins! N.,w is the time and this is the place to buy lyd wide good Muslin for 15 I, •c AI cf 12 ft fair it 86 - 0 Our stock of Muslins is full embracing'2s differ ent Brands. Chambersburg Woolen Manufactur ing Co.'s goods always on hand. In short we claim to have the largest stock of goods in the county and defy any House to beat us in low prices; therefore you can rely on having the pleasure of selecting from the largest stock at the lowest p ices May 31. MET :ALF & HITESHES. N.B. Goods of every description Wholesaled at City jobbing prices. CONFECTIONERY AND BAKERY IIALLO! HALLO! S. J. ST RITE, No. 3. North Carlisle street r • GREENCASTLE, Pa. Haying purchased the establishment lately owns by Strife & Cushwa, is prepared to snpply all kind of confiTfions and - Bakery at -- thttio - iteit. - notice,— His stock comprises His Candies are manufactured expressly for his eatabliahment, which he will sell at wholesale and Orders from a distance promptly attended to. A LADIES' ICE CREAM SALOON has been fitted up, adjoining the store-room where he will be happy to nerve it up every evening. May 31-3 t. P. T• BARNUM'S (PATENT) Elastic Strap and Buckle, TOR PANTS, VESTS AN]) DRAWERS This little invention is just out, and as it is re "humbug" is meeting with a rapid sale. It can be a ''lied in a moment to any garment, h an .erson causing it to fit perfectly. Le elasticity prevents tearing the straps and buck les-ontierclothes,a-rid=a lso=al lows=perfun-t - - - Ireed am of the body while working or takil.g exerct , :e. For sole by tailors and the trade generally. Send 25 cts. for strap, circulars, terms to agents and the trade, to the . _ BARNUM E. 8. & B. Co. 650 Broadway, New York ' Agents Wanted in every county. May 31-3 m. '=R - "A wait m-pro-ved-for-186-7 MBE subsrrber would informe farmers generialy that he is bfill acting as Agent tor the McUor tri!et's Celebrated Self-Raking Reaper, and has now a supply on hand, As improved it is unequaled for rill conditions of Leavy or lodged grain and Bin o ily perfect self-raker in use. Call and examine and judge for you McCormick's Two WSEELED MOWER with Flexible Cutter Bar, Lifting Leaver and• Leaver for Fitting iho Cutting Edge to any angle instanta neously vt Bile in motion, to secure close mowing on rough ground 'I his is a new think in the mow ing line, to which the attention et' farmers ispjudic ularly directed. WM, E.FLANACIAN. TIE largest assortment of C A R P E T 8 in town at the _torn of A MISERSON, BENEDICT & CO, FLo 11 oths, all patterns and style at the store of AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. 0 111 C.i and plain Matting at the store of AMDERSON, BENEDICT & CO. PRIME N. 0. Molasses at the store of • 4 3 MEERSON, BENEDICT & CO. OIL Cloth and paper Blinds at the store of A 31BERSON, BEEF DICT & CO, L ADIES Dress Goods of n d kinds it the store of Anmannson, BLairrner Sr. Co. • Tj ATFST arrival of New Gools at the store of AMBERSON. BENNDICT & CO. CURTAIN Fixtures ofall kinds nt the store of AMBEKEION. lISNEDICT & SAT R V E G • mH E undersigned, having thoroughly studied the 1 subject and having in the last five years had considerable experience as a practical Surveyor, is prepared to do all kinds of surveying, laying out 011 ti divi hug up lands at short notice and on reason able terms Persons entrusting him with work may rest assured that he will spare_no_ pains to, render hit, work accurate and satisfactory. Residence in 1 411 ay nesboro', Pa April 5 —3m, Lightning Rods 1 TAE subscribers would inform the public that thoy have made extensive preparations fur put ting up Lightning Rods during the season, 'and for this purpose• expect to visit fiirmers and others gen erally in this section. One of the firm has had ma ny s ears experience in. the business. The public can therefore rely upon having tlieir work well and satisfactorily done. No humbugging. HAUSE & DEATRICH. April 26-tr. SOMETHING WONDERFUL FOR THE MILLION, all may be rich, wise and happy. Agents wanted. Enclose stamp foe .particulars. H. Came, 142 Bleecker St, New York, [April .2G-3m, COUNTY TREASURER. AT the solicitation of a number of my friends. I annonnee myself a candidate fir the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Union Nominating County Convention. FREDI{. 11. SNIVELY. Fhotly Grove, April 5,'67, tc. POR SALE- A Prime arne.e of Corn and Oats by the quanti -1-30.y. Also Chestnut wood hy the load. 1 ALEX HAMILTON. ril sth-tf. BANK. DIVIDEND. MITE Directors of tho First National Dank of .1„ Waynesboro' have doe.lared a Semi-annual Dividend,of 5 per cent for the last six months, pay able on demand, JOHN PHILIPc+, Casa. LAST NOTICE., PE"nNB indebted to the eubectiber by note or book account are notified slut all such notes and accounts have been lett in the hands of John Richardson for collection and if payment is not made within twenty days suit will be r 'ought - it May' 31—rs, W. II ROTHERTON. DRIED A.IPPLES. JHE .subscriber will pay thl highest cash price for 1•000 Pounds of Dried Apples. . BENJ. P. STEWART. BADLEY'S late Myr() Hoop Wits at Ap, 51 Pares & Hotruco's 1W ILI MIL IP' IILT KIL JIM 1..%1%V a:ia'CII)U2.O SALESROOM, O. 921 CHESTNUT ST„ This Machine is.ronstructed on a new principle of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable im provements, having been examined by the most. pro found experts, and pronounced to be I -1 IL n d-ILE It FE Tit ENi—IXIMBEVED D. The fullowipg aro the principal objeztions-urged agatnstachines : • 1. Excessive fatigue to the operator. 27 - niability to get out of order. 3. Expense, trouble, and loss of time in repairing. 4. Incapacity to sew every description of material. 5. Disagreeable noise while in operation. The Empire Solving Machine iA Exempt from all these Objections. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, mak es the LOOK or Sli !ITT LE STITCH, which will neither RIP nor RAVEL. and is alike on both oldest performs perfect sewing on every description of ma terial, from Leather to the •finest Nansook with linen. cotton or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. • yr HEMS, FELLS, BINDS, BRAIDS, TUCKS, QUILTS, Ph %ITS, G ATH ERS. Moving neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the feast possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is vIPEIATICALLY A NOISELESS MACIIINE. Ail varieties of CABINET MACIIINES from $6O up pards. IPP'Particuinir attention is called to our rim and turitovso Manufacturing Machine, for Tailoring, Shoe-Fitting. Coach Trimming, &c. Its advanta ges are simplicity. durability, rapidity, easy adapta tion to all branches of manufacturing. It makes perfect work on all material. It is especially desir able in seeing Patent Leather, and is very still. In short, it is the most perfect manufacturing machine in the market. N. B. Every machine guaranteed. EMPIRE S. M. CO., 921 Chestnut. Street, Philadelphia. I 'Agents wanted] I•sesx. GRANKLLO, Agent. Mar. 1-24 mus. B ROWN sugars from 109 ts. up at Palms & Hotelmen a S HAD, Herring and Mackret at Paws & Homecu's FLOOR Matting at Paws & liosnectes l I VEIITE - Embroidered - go p od i s c st & Hontmcn's B EAUTIFUL. Crgandie Lawns 'lt PAWN & HOEFLI CH'S A. B. STOIXR. riIANI ISE Cloth at riHIP and Straw Hats at • A.) Paterc BL Homtcn'a BETTY Parasols at PRICE & slinenicies THE PHRENAKOSMIAN iiiSTITUTE. A Select Classical School for young Ladies and Gentlemen, at Green Castle, Pa. 3. ZONG HUGHES. A: E. Principal:. Fall and Winter Session will commence Sep 8. 1866. TUITION. For Primary course per term of 20 Weeks .s'l,oo " Advanced English course " " 10,00 " Classical course • *4 IS 15,00 " Music on Piano, Organ or Guitar 24 Les including use,of instruments 12 50 " Vocal Music per session 5,00 Board can be secured with the Principal or in private families. rE I- Send for a Circular. Aug 3 tf. PHOTOGRAPHS! AMBIIOII.'I 7 PES . 1 - B. HAMILTON informs the public that he 3 • Was associated with him in his basin. sir, Mr. L. C. BRACK BILL, a skillful operator, and that his rooms, have Ken materially improved and stippli ed with new instruments. We are prepared to take Photographs of every description. and we guarantee satisfaction. Small picture copied and enlerged to any size. l'ictures taken in all kinds of weather. Children's pictures taken in a second or vvo. Vail and sou specimens. HAMILTON et. BRACKBILL. June 14— 3w] rasurzzamtkozzzattesitrerAzzz - 4 stit T. J. FILBERT, i a T 44 DRAPER./ Ras ermstantly for sale a full assortment of ;,1 z... ~ .... GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. tit ~,ra• Latest City Fashions always on hand. ill, ki Waynesboro', Pa. kmx,vxmxxx zvhxvu.vgAlN7.N7,4 ii DRUGS MEDICINES, &c. & C., Go to Fourthman's Waynesboro', .21lay 24, 1867 AIPIRI4; SHUTTLE MACHINE. PATENTED FEBRUARY 14, 1860 PHILADELPI - 114. Capital Stock - Surplus furd Profits, Discount and Interest Circulation out Standing Due Depositors Due to Banks •. $204,493, 5 8 The above statement is just and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN PHILIPS, Cash. Sworn and subscribed before me, April 2d. 1857 Ap. 5-60 J. P. Kuttrz, N. P. -DR. H.-FORREST, raork.tlist, 1 - ) ETURNS his thanks to the citizens of Chant- Ilbersburg and the public generally for the pa rottsee-hs-has-hitherto-receivedi and-wohld-respcct fully inform his patrons and friend a he has re moved his office to No. 27, Main Street, lex t door. to McClintock's hat store. Dr. Forrest being 'a graduate of the Pennsylvania College of DENTAL SURGERY, and having been in prat tize for several years, is thoroughly experienc ed in every thing that csnnes within the province of first class Dental operations. Dr. F. having furnished his office with one of for the manufacture of perfectly pate NITROUS OXIDE GAS would announce that he will be at all times prepared to administer this popular for the EXTRACTION of Teeth without Pain. All DEN'I'AL OPERATIONS will be per formed_at Dr. Forrest:a Houma, No 27 , Main Street, Chambersburg, Pa. [May 10-Iy. Waynesboro', Franklin Co. Pa. Capital paid in 875.000. , Collections made promptly anu f remitted for at lowest rates of Exchange on New York. Directors :—W . S. A mherson. Ale George Beecre, George Jacobs. Daniel John-Prieei-lienTy-Gootl;anies rico. Correspondents :--ThiFFIWI National Bank of Philadelphia and 9th National Bank of New York W. S. Akanasori • t'rea't. J NO. PUMP?, Cash' THE subscriber informs the citizens of \Vogues ' bonn that he will hereafter run his Hill Wagon regularly to town. Persons supplied with Flour. Meal and Mill Btuff. Orders can be left at the Post Office, with Amherson Benedict & Co, at Miller's btore,or with John Walter. All orders promptly filled, the cash to accompany each order. May 24 —tf. JACOB HOOVER. 1 0 CENT SUGAR at ( OOD Levy Sugar at SYRUPS—Good and C 1.09 at REID'S, QTJEENSWARE—A new lot of beautiful s tyles 9t C REAM CAKES—Nice fox Tea, at - REID'S, RHUBARB and Vegetables-- hrouohnut the sea son , at REID'S. _ may 17 1 ARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS—A fresh assortment received this day, and sold al. 8 cts a piper by March 8, 1867 WELL-TRIED REMEDIES RUSSELL'S Iron OINTMENT, an immediate and , cer tin cure, 25 cts Ids also a sure remedy for seratches'on horses. !tunnel? SALT lIIIETM OIfIIiSET, is unequal. ed, 50 CIS RUSSELL's PILE OINTMENT' Cures after all oth er remedies have filled. $1 00 These ointments..nre certain, safe and reliable spe cifics, as thousands have and are daily certifying. For ale by all Druggists and medicine dealers. General Drpot at PINCHOT DRUEN& HO -13 A RT, Wholesale Druggists, 214 Fulton at (near Greenwich), New ir ork. Sent by mai.; itch. 40c.; F. R. 65c.; Pile, 1.50. April 26--3 m. Prtic & OALICOES from 10 cente•nt k.l- Ap. 5 .1 Puicic & Hosnica's. - COUNTERPANES and Bed Spreads at Ap. 5 ..] Paws & limiter( a, S Pn A i p X . G 5.l 3a i n wrala at Palcs & turn's. scenAtgp. 5.] fora Head Net at PRICE & HORTLICII% BAGS. 4 2 1 and 3 bu. baga, caulaa&bliroaticantli. 9 7-'; ce A n y ta 5 11 c o ffee at 491 U Pawn & Hostitactea. ' C HEESEat . Palm; (Sr Homan's. April SBE A E p T S IIIGS, all widthal , t uics & Horpraces. L INEN Napkins at PRICE & B LACK and Drab Cord P at iz= &noEFLicn,a N°TICE is hereby given that letters of Admin• istration on the Estate of John Shocltey,of C, late, of Washington Townshiy. Deed, have been granted to the undersign, All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will ulenao make immediate payment and .hose having claims will. present them properly authenticated far smtlrmenta. EIHOCKEY, May 17-4. Plants, Plants, Plants. AR IX Yor't Cnbirage, Tomato, Egg, Pepper, Lti strawberry (Agriculturkt) sweet Pont() ac. , t., by the dozen, hundro or thou‘incl nt the gar- Lien of 1). k'. (;001). April 1 9--6 w. • ERNES'I' D. PAPE, M. D, 1128 Broadway, )Cew York, having for years wade diseases of women n speciality in Mu I y and practice, with marked pro fessional success, devotes his lime now measly to of fice practice and correspondence with his numerous patrons throughout the United Staten. Ladies can confidentially' address him on the most delicate sub- ject. and receive roper and prompt reply. Enclose stamp postage. • ['April 2C-.-.31n, QUARTERLY REPORTF O THE - IST NAT. BANK OF WAYNESBOItO'. April 1,1867. RESOURCES. fioans and Discounts $39,861.80 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 75.400,00 U. S. Bonds on hand• 41,500,00 , Duo from Banks 7,172,81 ' P. & A. Tel Stock 60,00 Rev. Stamps and Cash Items 263,49 Over drafts- - - • - - 6,06 , • • . Current Expenses ).202 08 Speck and Legal Tender Notes - 30.421,00 Nat Dank Notes and frac.Currency 8,50 11 ,34 State Bank Notes 43,00 VIABILITIES. DENTAL CARD. DR. BEAN'S mpro red Appatuo Anaesthetic S - T=N=A=TTO - 1 1 4 - A=t - B - A N K Willow Grove Mill NOTICE. FAMILY 1111001111 W. A. REID, SUCCESSOR TO Hostetter, Reid & Co. C i e re l l ar t , o B h t i leestaototno7;:fdsbilYs; (*(k(4), receiVed, : . TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, • SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ICEROSCENE OIL, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOODEN WARE, - PURE SPICES $204,493,00 75,000 00 17,500 00 2.307,90 66,675,09 49,06 6 ,51 2 62.248 Steamed Cove and Spiced Oysters. Tha "celebrated A. FIELD Brand" in 1 lb. and 2-lb-ClansMent.lft-R-A-Y l 6-Balt. hyvte k m—Lunc Oysters, an x r. N x thing for Pic Nrc and Private Parties —Alizsold,by=the-casdozeni - or - single - ca • ME` 311[ Mil °H • {Fresh Fish in Season] Particular attention paid the Fish trade. Shad and Herring by the bbl or half bbl. Shore ackerel_by_the_hbl.,-halvea-and-quartere,-- amilton,l lon; Jose He keeps everything usually found in a well reg ulated Grocery, ell of which will be sold at a very small advance, for CABII only. Come to "Mexican Row." His best bow to his customers for the liberal en couragement h6rotofore extended to him. May 17, 1867.) W. A. REID. _ P. S. Highest market price paid for Country Produce, such as Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Lard, atc., in exchange for goods, or bought for cash, LATEST ARRIVAL or REID'S REID' S, LIDY & DICKEL HAVING just received from the Eastern math. ets a fresh supply of Groceries, etc.,. they are now prepared to sell ht reduced prices. Their stock embraces in part the following Syrups; Cheese, ' Teas—Young liyacn Sugars, Coffees, Im perial, Molasses, Chocolate, Oolong, W. A. REID. Spices, ground anti unground, Baking articles of all kinds, warranted fresh and of the heat quality. Korosone Lamps, shades, wicks and chimneys. Also No 1 Kerosene Oil. ".I.Z , CD I 3 eQ,. Cf 3 (MI 3:› 6M Q H. B . Navy, Nat. Loaf, Fino Cut, and all the bee " " Con.; Brands of Chewing and Smoking " " Spuns, Tobaccos of sixteen different kinds. " Oys.shelL Salt and Fish. G. A. Salt, Dairy, large and small sack, Mackrel No I and 3 by tho barrel. Confections. Sundries. , Cakes and Candies, Shoo Blacking, . Water and Su. Crackers, " Brushes, Oranges, Horse " . Lemons, , Wh't wash brushes, Raison., Washboards, • Figs, Clothes lines, Prunes, Corn Brooms, Almonds, Hickory " . Walnuts, Painted Dockers, Cream Nuts, Brass Hooped " Pea Nuts, Bushel Baskets, Pepper. Clothes " Tomato Catsup, • Ladies Tote, Baskets Pepper Sauce, Chip Baskets, &c. Brown"s Troches, SeAnosAvg. Babbitts Soap, Envelopes, , Harrison's t• Note Paper, Dobbin's Electric Soap, Fools Cop, Castile Soap, Fancy Soaps, . Barlow% Indigo, Gsllager Soap & Oil Paper Collars, Prepared Coffee, Robert's Embrocation, Essence " Hoover's Ink, l Frey's IL Powders, Matches, Carpet Tacks, Gun Caps, Powder and Shot Machine Twist . Sewing Silk, S. S. Bleat Cotton 'I bread, Spool Cotton, Needles and Pins. Darning Needles, Singer Machine Needles. flair Pins, ' Shoe Ntrings, Leal Pencils, , Steel Pens, Pocket Knives, Pen Holders, if Combs, Long Combs, Lilly White, Ladies' Dress Corn's, Mean run, Hair Oils, Perla !tenet', Nerve and Bone liniment. Cocoa Nuts. And connected with the Grocery we have Flour anal Feed which we will deliver at Mill prices. La'Phe higheet prices paid for Butter and Eggs and ail kinds of Country Produce. We are thankful fur past favors, and by strict at tention to buzinese and a desire to plPhse all, Dope to receive a liberal share of the public'd patronage, for we feel confident that our goods and prices will compare favorably with those of any other house. I.IIIY do DICKEL. May 1 i—tf. A large lot of Floor Oil Cloths, all maths just Ili.cipened at & HOCIPLICII4. April 6. Lion's, S. C HAMS, BACON, SALT, MASON'S CRACKERS. GROCERIES, -.0- THE PROBLEM SOLVED AT LAST, The best method of cenvertmg paper money inte gold and silver.is to call at the Jewelry Store of C. ct FORCE, Who has just returned from the city with a large and beautiful assortment of Gooda which he offers at reduced prices, consisting of Ladies' and Gentle men's GOLD AND SILVER ' -- American and Swiss WATCHES, • SETS OF JE W EERY, PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, CHATALINE; Leontine GUARD and VEST CHAINS, also, a - • large assortment of Silver and Plated Ware,such as Dinner and _ Tea. CASTORS, Cake Bask ets, Coffee URNS, Napkin RINGS, Ice and Cream • PITCHERS, Butte r DISHES, But ter :KNIVES,ISaIt and *Mustard Spoons, Oyster and .(:ream Lad • les, GOB LETS, SALT CELLARS, TEA, TABLE AND DESERT SROONS, &c. &c. Also—A large assortment of the CELE. BRAYED SETH THOMAS' CLOCKS. re- Persons will please remember that here they can find a large assortment of GOLD, - SILVER, RUBBER, STEEL AND PLATED — S - PfIf:TAGIIRS - a - o - d - EYE — GL ASSES. 'Particular attention paid to the It EPAIRIN G_ - 6f - w - ATcrrEs -- armi Watch Work warranted for ONE YEAR. N.l3.—The bigheit cash price pnid for OLD SUL. VER and GOLD. C. C. FORCE, At the Ohl Flint) of,Thos. A. Swint, four doors Eait of the Washington House, May 17. 1867.—1 y. Hagerstown, Mtl. TO ALL WHO VALUE Th - • ,- - magi. FORCE, OUL 1.) respectfully announce to the citizens VW of Waynesboro' and vicinity, that he has re- - , ceived a large assortment of the celebrated Concave, Convex, Crystal Spectaclek in Gold,Silver, and fine Steel Frames. These Glass es are the bent in use, ground, of pure Uryital after 'he shape of the cornea of the eye, they strengthen and preserve the sight and will not tire the eye by candle light as other !lasses so often do. Also, the new style double focus glasses so value. _ble_for _persons_whose-sight-is-impaired - forsdistant objects. Dv the aid of these, glasses, which have a double focus, the lower to read, the upper to see at' a distance, the use of two pair of glasses is rendered unnecessary. Remember they are not the old style but of a late improvement, not Fplit but only one lens for both purposes. kMOICED GLASSES for-weak, and concave for near sighted eyes. Giasses set in old frames. All tvectaclea adjusted to the eye with an ()plow:ter.' Millers' Sic:moles, Rubber sad G_old_E 0 LASSES, and everythingzertaining to this broach oLbusiness. —Mt-Spectacles - are - warran te Eye. Wean and examine my stock. C. C. FOR'JE, (f)lit - Stau - d - of - Thutl 4 doors East of the Washington House. Hagerstown, May 3-3 m. - CAPT. MILLER'S Celebrated Ointment ! A sure cute for Ringbone, Spavino, fool Evil, Wind Galls Old sores, or any En largement on-a Horse. This Ointment is so well known by the Farmers in thiscommunity, that it is not necessary for rne to say anything about its good qualities, further than that it has paved itself to be the BEST PREPA RATION ever offered to the public for the cure of thn tab cam diseases. I wish to inform the public that I have purcl seed from Mr. Miller the recipe for ma king this "Celebrated Ointment," and am now man ufacturing it at my house at Mt. Hope, where per sons wishing it can be supplied. It is a too for sale by J, F, KUFtTZ, Waynesboro', Agent, DANIEL TRITLE, May 10— tf T\l'M PLY AND Fancy Dry Goods! it RS. S. A. FECHTIG would announce to the jui . Ladies and the public generally that alto has just opene.l out an extensive stock of Spring and Summer Millinery and Fancy Dry Goods, Cloaks, Trimmings, and all other goods usually kept in Millinery and Fancy Pry Good Stores, which• she is selling at greatly reduced prices Ladies and others visiti g Hagerstown, are invited to call and ermine her stock. Her Store is on the Northwest corner of the Public Square. _ Hagerstown, May 10-2 m. MRS, C. 1.., HOLLINBERBER lAS removed her Millinery More to the house former ly occupied ity_Dr—Leeltleri on Cfai - Feli Street T and the - Eist Item Coon & Stonehenge's Dry Goods Store. She has just returned from Philadelphia anJ is now opening a splendid assortment of summer styles of the Woo patterns, Bonnets, flats of every style. Ribbons, and all kinds of Trimmings, usually kept in a Store. Thankful-for post foots and hopes a confirm ante of the sat& April 26—if. To the Republican Voters of Franklin County. "VNCOURAGED by tl.e generous support recei LAI vcd from you, on a former occasion, and at the earnest solicitation of a number of friends, I again offer myself as candidate for "County 'Treasurer," subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. Any aid you can consistently give me in alT,Cting my nomination, will be gratefully appreciated. Viry Truly Yours, WM: FL EAGLE. Quincy, March 29, 1867, tc SASH, DOOR, SHUTTER, BLIND AND FLOORING FACTORY ! TANUFACTGRING to order o rid otherwise, _ale II kinds af 13uilding material ut moderate pi ece, Also sa wing of every descnption, by mill and circular saws, at the Antietam Factory. April 19 --3nt.] D. 1. GOOD. N. D. Saw logs of every description wanted,. fer which we will pay th© hig,hvit, price. D. F. G. ARSRALL,a; KELLER, ..- (Successors to F. I. POSE 3(,) DEALER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY -AND SILVER WARE No la Washington Street, HAGERSTOWN, MD. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. • !lagers town, 11. y 21,—1f. Still the Latest, Most Important to Mankind, Is that I have removed my Merohant Tailoring and teurniehing Store from my old stand. one door west of the extensive Hat and Fur Store of Updegraff & Son, to the new. ly fitted room in the Washington House, one doot East of Mr. Ogilbv's Store, where I have now WO" one of the best selected etooki of English, French, Getman and Domestic) CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &a., that can be found in the city of Hagerstown or calm. ty. These goods have all been selected with groat care, especially adapted to the Fashionable as well as the Ylain Dress, and at prices that cannot tail to please all. All thoroughly shrunk before made up and satisfaction guaranteed. - I have also a stock of HEAVY COTTON GOODS FOR NEN AND BOY'S WEAR, OF THE BEST MAKE. Linen Ducks and Plain Linens, and a full stock Plain and Mixed Cassimerea for Boy's Woar, and as cheap as can be sold in the town or county, will be wade to order or sold by the yard or pattern to suit buyers. All work.guaranteed to fit or no sale. My stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods is large and complete of everything in that line, and at prices to suit the I have also the Agency for the solo of tho celebra ted improved Singer Family Sewing Machine, and am prepared to compete with every other Ma. chine sold in the town or country, and for sample of Machines please call at-my-store. I return niv thanks to my customers and the r ul,. lie generallalf.ir their patronage extthJed me amt hope a continuance of the same. Don't forget—Thc place is the Washington House Merohan t Tailoring Establishment, West Washing ' ton Street. Hagerstown, Md. J. A, FISHER, May 3, 1867. Newest, Best, Cheapest .CLOTEEING - ek•II Y GEORCE-BENDEIf-- Mr' Has recently openol up an entire new stock of INN_ .1111-m MIL X. ‘IkT 1I I r • AND SUALMER L -J1 All of which has been obtained rom t o justly celebrated house of A. JARRF.TT,•BaI timore. Every article sold is WARRANTRD to he of the best custom make, and the material just what it isrep•esented to be. • A lull assortment of GENTS FURNISFIING GOODS always on hand, such as Under Clothing, Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, &e. All we ask is, that you give us one trial, and you will always buy, for remember we do not keep badly made clothing and the gooilr are all of tbo latest style. GEO. BENDER, • May 4-Iy] opiesborn . HO! THIS-WAT BARGAINS! XTOW is the time to buy goods from E. &J. 'EI don cheap for cash, on account of the great re auction in prices of goods in the Easton markets, We aro prepared to furnish our customers and the public generally with all kinds of goods in our line lathe LOWEST CASH PRICES. Conic one, come all, and buy your Hats, Caps, Boots, Notions, Trunks, Clocks, Baskets, Mats, &c., &c. A sp!entlid assortment of Watches, Gold Pens, end Jewelry just received and wiil be sold at ex tremely low prices. Now 13 the time. We will be plenSed to show_our_goode to all_and_a_call-will-sat-- sfy the most incredulous thnt we can sell cheap. AV-Watches Clocks sod Jeweliy Repair ed at short notice. April - 19;1067-.) CII A hl•B E S B R..G BOOK STORE BD BINDEraI THE citizen; of Waynesboro' and vicinity are respectful'y invited to giro our Establishment a call %hen visiting Chain',ersburg. We have a general assortment of SCHOOL, and TOISCELLAN EDITS BOOKS, STATIONARY and 131. A NK BOOKS. iflie a 'full !me of WALT, PAPERS, BORDER ING, Paper and Linen Window Shades and Fix tures, Picture Frames, Corks and TISEIP'Si. Fairchild s' and other celebrated make of Gokt Pens, which we warrant to give antiarnetion. Ladies and (lentleineffe Morocco tiatchels,Trav ding Bags and Ilankets. Berlin, Zephyr and Drimegtie Woof. Photograph Album, Puctut Licoks, Family, Pock et anti t?..chool Presbyterian ?Methodist, German Reformed and Lutheran HYMN BOOKS. Bonk B inding in all its branches attended to. Paper rut, el to any pattern. flank foolts elide to ~i der. Geode ordered wieldy from the Eastern Cities. Orders from n distance promptly attended to, Agency for the sale of Internal llevenu e Stamps. J. N. SNIDER. April 2(3.--6t. COACH MAKING! Tsubscribers announce to the rublic 'that they are carrying on the coach-making -Nai -1 ess in all its brancheri, at tho oW stand, on East Main Street, and Linvo.now for solo a tine stock of CA lIRIAGES and BUM: ICs, new and 1, second-handed, which they will dispose uf , t A upon the most reason-blo terms, and warranted to Dena reprepiovented. Repairing of ali hinds done it' tibett notice and upon renronable terms. Nonn but st,mateti.il uved and only the beet mechan ics employed'. They feel confident that their work Will give anti3faction, and respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. rit 12--Gm. crop New (Mon as,'N'tollioses at Ap. 3 I ' & ceFLlou's L•. & J. ELDEN. UD3S-ds CROUSE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers