COOK STOVES t' WM . watre, grqiinvaie, Hottve Fuuniskirg_Geoo4 Anil other ireful ertteles at the eign of the BIG RED 11011 N, Waynesboro', Pa., where a largo or eortme,t:of COOK STOVES, N IN E-PLATE STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, COAL STOVES,. 86e <r +be latest improvements., the very beat iii t kot, at_thc . (:heap Tin and IStove Store of 11. B. RUSSSELL. • • • TINWARE rustle of the best Tin in,.the market, and avarraned at the sign of the ` 6 331. ]ElLoci 3E3Cc)w3a." D. D. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House Furnishing Goods for I e cheap. Pure No. I Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. Washing Made Easy! I.y calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and geming- the_best_Close_Wringer_e_verna_d_e. e'r%Thrsons iu want of Stove's, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value Or money by calling, on D. B Rus;SEI.L, Sign of the "BIG RED HORN," Waynesboro', Po Feb. 35 NEW GOODS! New Spring Goo4s at 1:1 9 -T-C-A LIIE_&_111T S ELMS elf AMLIERSBURG, PA 'HEY have 'ust returned from the east and are now cpening a 11-mentions stock of dry goods, - NO_TI.ONS. 0 - IL CLOTHS, CARPETS, and all goods belonging to their line. would here say to all who want to buy goods cheap and have the pleasure of selecting'from the largest stOck in the connty, not to fail calling at Mutc.tlfe & teshew's; No. 15 Main Street, before al - Tying , as they are deteranned — ro — ier goods rid stdl them as cheap as the cheapest. ETCA ',FE & HITESITEW. eharnhersburt;, ?,larch 293' 1867. N. 13. Goods of every dercription wholesaled to s„.orekeeperb at city jobbers' prices.... M & 11. Fresh Lime for Sale ! IHE subscriber takes • this method of informing p. the public that he has cugaged in the Lime burning bnsiness, and will continue to keep Wood Burnt hime,for white washing. plastering, &c., on hand during the season at moderate prices. A su perior quality of istomiused from the Ripple query. 4Ons known as the :hockey Lime Kilns. March 22—tf I AARON FUNK EPHING OPENING! Anil xtithe it we announce a Grand Opel:1111g of all the Varietlea - cpt - Dry Goods, 6,:r0. t cries, fare. PRISE & 110EFLICll'S. The attention of the community b:reppectfully directed to the Fp: undid assoitinent o' 1 • . 1_ Cassuneres, Cloths, Tweeds, Jo DR, Denims, Cottonades, Linen Goods, Cor duroys, Velvets, &o. Also a fine variety of Ladies Dress Goods of. the latest novelties, corsibting of Mozambicluo;, ' Delaincs, Plaids, A Ipaccas, finghams. Lawns, Prints, with a large stock of ( ;roc cries, Qu eensw are, and g...led rwa re, all of which the undersigned are offering very cheap. 'rho subscribers tender their thanks to the COM- Tnui)ity generally Inc then liberal patronage and kindly ask a continuance oft he same. PRICE & HEFLICH. April 5,,,1867. nr O! THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! NOW is ihe time to buy goods from E. & J. El den cheap for crash, on account of the great re duction in prices of goods in the Eastern markets We are prepared to furnish our customers and the public generally with all kinds of goods in our line at the LOWEST CASH PEICES. Come one, come all, and buy your Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Trunks, Clocks, Baskets, Mats, &c., &c. A splendid assortment of Watches, Gold Pens, and Jewelry jest received and will bo sold at ex tremely low prices. Now is the time. We will be pleased to show our goods to all and a call will sat sty the moat incredulous that we can sell cheap. 01-Watches Clocks and Jewelry Repair short notice. hr1110,'1067.) rIOTTAGE ON PET, also Woo'; Rog and BenlP ut Pout & A pril e. Brassware, Japanned ware, fercul Is, E. a J. ELDEN. COOK STOVES, lITGALL: AT Tritle's gtove,Tin . and Copper Store ! li Tj'E li ne a large stock of Stoves and TINWARE on hand, which he will sell cheap.,. Prices to butt the tim s. His stock Mnbraccti the beat at Ceok. 40d Coat Stoves. COOK STOVES FOR 'COAL OR''WOOD G 0 0 . 1) BA K B a l? S, large. Ovens, .and take a long stick of wood. - ills; • is good, strong and made of the best Tin. Brass and Iron Kettles ; 13ress Dippers, Bake Pans and Tinnedlron Ware, also the BEST CISTERN PIMPIN is strong, simply, durable and cheap. P. ice $l2 Iftsured not to Freeze. Don't fail to giv him a call Old Castings token in exchange for •toves or ware, next door to Miller's Day Good Ste e. W. A. TRITLE. February 8,1866. UNWI SUOLL THE aubscriber would inform his patmns and the public generally that he has rgiently large. ly increased his Livery stock, and is now prepared to accommodate those wishing to hire with either HORSES MI VENUS •at the shortest — notice, all -1-..` N ic' hours. Persons desiring ITorses or;Bug gies, for riding or driving, would do well to give him a call, as his stock has beeniyewt - ea with„great care as regards gentleness and fast trav eling'. His vehicles au trim, fashionable, and rile easy, bought with a view—to—riceommodate_ having been the public. or Parties conveyed to any point desired, ac companied by a careful driver. . Persons wishing Horses or Buggies, nighi or day, will lease apply at his father's Saddle and Harness Shop, Main Stseet, 2 doors west ()lithe "Bowden House," where an attentive Ostler will always be in-attendance. PR:IIITKLIN WEAGLE Y. September 21—tf. AT TM "TON HALL I" VITELSH—bas-just_received_a-full_assottment_of_ 11' Goods, in his line of business. Ilia stock. 81 slats in pact; of all the latest styles of men's and ,uy HATS AND CAPS, Men's, Women's, Misso's, Boy's and Children's BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES, and Slippers of every description. Ladies and Misses L3® I:3' 'CP 6EI a Bonnet Frames, Trimmings, Sundowns and Hats, Dress Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Hair Nets, Hair Coils, Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Sun Umberellas. Fans, &o. School, Blank and Miscellaneous Books, Station. ery of all kinds; Notions and Fancy Goods. All of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest June I—tf. J. IL WELSH. NE W •F IR 1.1.1 CARRIAGE MAKITGI THE subscribers would inform the public that then have associated themselves together in the Carriage making business, ani that the business hereafter will be continued at Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm of ADAMS & HAwksa. They will have constantly nn hand BUG GIES of every description ; new and r,-1:21.z second-handed Vehicles of all kinds. Wr— la'Repairing done at short notice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting anything in out line will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. JACOB ADAMS, GEORGE B. H Vic KER, Church Strut neatly .7rtimite !fie E Chordd. Jan 26--tf rilmnrrrmiTmmim A. Select Classical School, for young Ladies and Gentlemen, at Green Castle, Pa. J. TIM HUGHES, A. M. Principal. Fall and Winter Session will commence Sep. 3, 1866. TUITION. Primary course per term of 20 Weeks . $6,00 Advanced English course " " 10,00. Classical course " 15,00 Music on Piano, Organ or Guitar 24 Les including use of instruments 12.50 " Vocal Music per session 5,00 Board can be secured with the Principal or in private families. rirSend for a Circular. Aug 3—tf. BENJ,. FRANTZ, M. D. t. N. SNIVELS', M. D. TAUS FIZAATZ' & S.MVELY having associa ted themselves in tho practice of Medicine and Surgery would state that they are well prepared to treat all medical and surgical cases. Persons in dated to eitaer of the above wiliplease make early settlement to the time of their association, as they wish. to close their old books. Office in Dr. Frantz's residence in the room for merly occupied us a store room by Mr. 1, Deaver. Pori! ' 4-tf. BARBERING ! BARBERING 1 "subscriber would inform his customers and the public generally that ho purposes contin uing the Barbering business:, next door to the New Grocery, having purchased the interest of C. C. Rhoyuat in the Shop, and is now prepared to do hair entting, shaving, shampooning, etc., in the best style. The patronagts'ot the public is respectfully colieited. ' Wlti: A PRICE. March 2, 1866 I WAGONS FOR SALE! 11111 HE subscriber offers. at private. sale YSpring -k• waiNn, 2 two horse wagons and 2 four borne Government wagons. 3. H. FORNEY. "Feb 8--tf. PATENT self-fitting •Shirt Bosoms, for sale at Metcalfe & Hite/Am:es, ehambersbnrg. Full directions accompanying each Bosoin,p7 which r! perfeckfitis guaranteed, April b,'o7. CARPETS t AcAlarzgrs z JUS C received at Metcalfe 4r. Iliteshew's, Migh colored Wool striped carpet, Price sl,oo,such as has been 'Belling. for 'sl3s. MI wool'ingrain, beautiful styles, Prong $135 to $1,82. Aiwa 5•'67. . Improved Thrashing Al Farmers will please look at the gr'eat adrautage in Thrashlag Grain with . . GEISERS I V'ATENT SELNIEGRATING Clt 11Y SHPARATOR; r-4.4-4-T7TTIFTTw7-TTT-74., With the latest Improved Triple-Geared Horse Power, driven either by Gear or Belt. This Machine is conveniently arranged for hauling and threshing, bar permanently zed on two wheels.—One-Man-can-easily-move-or_shift_it_abont,so that it is . not half trouble in_it harp floor as a common thrasher and shaker. It is also easily put in operation. It is aimple, easily managed, 'pliable, durable, compact and cleanly to work by when in operation, not malting near the dust as the cotimnon machine or other Separators. Farmers can rest assured that this machine is nt, hu;ntitia, an I jit•lging irom the high recommenda tion of farmers that are using them, I must olme to the conclusion that it I , i the very Machine that far rners want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity to ;!ppreci itt nn.) ittest its merits, for which I hope they Will give me an Opportunity; as I am willing to be ye:limn:Pilo if it riot perform as represented in this Circular. No. lis eight-horse power, with cast iron thresher frame and wrought iron and wood cylinder, six teen inches in diameter and thirty three inches long. Trunk has ten inch rake crank end seven rake:, is thirty-five inches wide, and delivers the straw on the second rake, these carry the straw wit on their topaTifialaver it on the stacker, which will deliver stout thirty-five feet beyond the ttlifer, on a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily managed to carry the chaff with the straw, or deliver it in a separate place. The trunk and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw and chaff, remedies all diflicnities in cleaning grain against windy weather. It bags the grain b. , reasonable management, (tuf t ientilean for market, and its capacity, Under ordinary circumst 'aces, is from twenty to forty bush els per hour, using eight horses antrihr riff - trurritrer - of hands; but-to-foree-the-work-under favorable circumstance, it will thresh from forty to tifty bushels per hour, and with mare ease and agreeableness to hands than any other machine now in common use. The No. 5 Machine, fully represented in the above cut, is particularly adapted to the farmer's use; is intended to apply to any common lever or railway power, weighs 1 w an iron thresher rarne, an cy in er, es in tame era tr2trir — ielfesorlgT - d - e grain - iirbagor-if desired, in a half bushel. It delivers the straw fifteen-feet-from the ri red, can deliver the straw and chaff together; will thresth and clean, in good grain, ready_for market. o°lll_loo to 175 Withers of wheat, or from 300 to 500 bushels-of oats per day. using four or s, horses, and the same number of hands; but to force the work, under most favorable circumstances, good g S t e., will thresh and clean considerably more. The Machine will threah and clean nil- kinds of grain generally threshed with the oatmon machine, and requires no more horse,power, but in many cases does not run su It will pply very well to a'tvvo-tiorse railway power _Shop_Prices of Machines range front 8210, to 8525. WI warrant the machines to be as above represented; also against any reasonable defects of materia workmanship, &c, ' CPHaving now taken a room to keep Repair Castings on hand, Ihave also selected and am prepared to furnish a variety of other agriculturfti implements, the _latest and best Improved and such as are best adapted to the wants of the farmers of this part of the country : Such as the Hagers town (Miller's) Clove* Stemmer, Huller and Cleaner, which is proving by its own merits to be one of the best machines of the kind now in use. The latest impioved BUCKEYE RE PER AND MOW ER combined, with Dropper, and the Mower alone. The American tiny Fork and Knife combined, Hay Rakes, Fodder Putters, Cider Mills, Sic. &c. &c.,whictri - will furnish on short notice and warrant them to answer the purposes for which they are intened. WOrders solicited and promptly attended to. For further particulars. circulars, &c. address !. - ---DLNILEL-GEIMER I Waynesboro', Franklin CO: Penn'ai May 4, MN.] Waynes6oro' AND MACHINE GEISER'S PATENT SELF-REGULATING GRAIN - SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND BAG GER, AND THE LATEST IMPROVED THRESHER AND TRIPPLE•GEAREU HORSE POWERS; DRIVING EITHER BY GEAR OR BELT, ALL FURNISHED COMPLETE, READY TO PUT ON WAGONS. I, the undersigned, desire to call the attention of Farmers and Threshermen of Franklin and adjoin icTg counties to this machine. It has been before the public for a number of years, during Which time i has given general satiefactiod, and the patentee Las made some very important improvements which rent der it still more complete, both for clean separating and cleaning, and also for the ease of draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in recommending ato the public knowing that it will give the best satis faction. lam manufacturing two sizes, viz : The largest is eight-horse power and will thresh and clean from 200 to, 500 bushels per clay. The small size. See the above which fully represents the machine, also full description, price, &c., of machine. Persons wishing machines should send in their orders in reasonable time tu insure their being filled. au?aravatav itliza lam manufacturing different sizes of Sugarcane Mills (to he driven either by water, steam or horse power) and Evaporators and fixtures for making Syrup; also Portable and Stationary Steam Engines for driving Mills, Threshing Machines, Sawing Woou, &c I am fully prepared to make the above to order and on short notice; ititio GRIST AND SAW MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON. BRIDGES, CAST . IRON WATER-WHEELS. IRON KETTLES, &c, • Stovosand Plow castings,also cast iron,and wrought iron pipe for steam ()meter, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I am prepared to de everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest improved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing end Drilling Machines, - persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner. am also prepared to manufacture to order machinery for wood. sucL as Tonging and Groving ma chines for flooring, Surface. Tenour and Moulding machines. &c. I also offer to the public a new and valuable improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old enigma. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hands are all experi enced workmen in this line of btiabless, and I use all good material; so that I am perfectly safe in war ranting all my work. lam also prepared to do repairing in workman like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must ee accompanied with the cash. For particulars and circulars descriptive of machine, address GEORGE rarcic, Or Dalnat. Gunn, Proprietor of Territory and solicitor of orders, 'Waynesboro,' Franklin Co Pa Sep2l—tf.. QUINCY 116UNDRY AND MACHINE ShOP•! -0- WE take leave, to_inform the pu bji4that we in: tend continuing the Foundry ant Machine business near Quincy, Pa. We are P repared .o do all kinds of repairing at short notice, also mill gear. ing, cast and wrought iron shafting, stoves, iron ket tles, oven doors, shoe scrapers, stove hooks, &c„ &c. We also build an improved buggy and wagon Jack. horse powers, bevil jack, wood saws, iron ash hop- pers, iron bottom plate for ash barrels, iron fencing .knd railing made to order. Old iron bought or ta• aen in exchange for new work, Oct. 26—tf. Beef)/ Prime Beef THE ii‘bscribor - would inform the public that he has re-commenced the Butchering business arid will be prepared to supply persons with a prime ar ticle of Beef on Tuesday and Friday of each week dertvg the season, at tbesellar adjoining the 4 Way nesburo' Hotel." THOMAS J. CUNNI?iGHAM. March 29—tf. . 7 21 PLANT NG POTATOES i 0-- .1 it I - hinting potatoes are the , WHITE CUECO.• CHILI GARNET, LA PLATTE. • No rot. Good yield. Samples can f seen at the grocery store of W. A. REID. March 11867. TUE very OR a-oaka of fine Soap, you must go te. -4 *IMMIX AND MANUFACTURERS OF SYRUP 1 HESS & EiviMERT 1 'a n Foundry SHOP. TRIO GREAT HAT & 1:11.POIUMR OF WU E • CUMBERLAND VALLEY, LOCATED AT CHAMBERSBURG, PENNI, -----o---- Z. L. DBCHER'II t'OULD inform his numerous friends and cos taners•that he has just• returned from the east with an extensive assortment of Foreign and Roniestic, Ladies - Furs, embracing Hudson Bay, Russia and• Mink Sable, German and American Fitch, Siberian Squirrel... Water and French' Mink, &c., dec., which he is ofleritui at very Low rates. WS ASSORTMENT OF Enss mars. and magnificent Store Room, cannot be elnaled in the State. Call and examine his stock, at his atom op Main a teat, Chambersburg, Pa. , Sign of the HIG-RED HAT. - November 3, 18p8 • e une! , OU6OIOERHEY 00115 it 7 VX77.lllollP.B•Ornifoun2,tbe good eitizenaef Witr VI --neeibotiii ind-riiitiity, that-hit has just reeetv.l od from the East a Large and full assortment of 'fresh-Drugs Medicines. O i ls. Paints, Dye •Sieffe - Glass; Puttp,,lltuabes, at; dr.c., which he is prnPared to. eeB as• cheap as they can be had at an y otheit bowie in the town, and which, in regard tolpinlity,Zahnid be excelled. He h a also on hand 's large assortment of „ TOILET ARTICLES ' comprising in part the following prtieleq, viz Toilet Wakes, all kinds, Eau de Cologne, .eiidiess• in variety, _Extracts for the handkerchief, Fine Noglish Pomades, Bandolines, Bear's Oil, • . ' Fine and Fancy Soaps, `- '-Tooth:Brushes, • Nail , " Combs, &o. &o. r'or Culinary ptirigiski ho bas Corn , Starch, Pearl Barley. Pearl sago, Flavoring Entracte, via: Lemon, Vanilla s Strawbory, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple, Orange, Banana, Celery; Pear: Peach, Nut meg, &c. Fresh Spices,Black Pepper . and all otn er articles in that line. fe has also .something to please the . A find stock of Toya,of all kir.ds, a large supply of China ware - - ptateta;Lt C1L1C31311(319. He has Drake's Plantation Bitters, Hoffland's German - do. Sand's Sarsaparilla, Morse's, - McLane's, liver; Mrs Winslow's - Soothing - Syrur.= Dr. Parisihe's do. Keroseoe Oil, Lamps and Chim, nets always on band. '►'hanklul for kind favors already bestowed upon bun, he solicits a continulnee of the same, hoping mat by trying to please he - may win the confidence of the peeple.. As Inuclicanetaken in w r ailinj mr adults as cbildrer DRUUUISTS, ARE receiving fresh articles in their line of nu sinew; from the Cities weekly, which enables them'tcr offer and sell at a fair price, with the ad vantage of the reduction of the eastern mirket Their stock is large and increasing proportionally to the reduction of the wholesale prices. They have for sale Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, .1.1,ye Stuffs, Fruits, Confectionary, with all articles a- ually kept in drug attires Thankful Mr the patronage heretofore received, ro spectt tally auk an inclease as well Asa continuance of f public avors. M. M. STONER, ' It STONER. Waynesboro', August 10 1866. FALL AND WINTER ni HE subscsbet has just received a -- most exten- I sive assortment of new Fall and Winter Goods, embrcing all the latest styles or Ladies Dress Goods, Cloaks, Sacques. Black and Colored Cloths', Sba ivls, Gentlemen_and Boys' Clothing, Domestic Goods, Blankets, Carpets, Balmoral an d Hoop Skirts, &c., &c. The extent and variety of our Stock can only be appreciated by personal examination, which is so licited Purchasers may save 15 to3o per cent. oy examining this stock, as great bargains will be -giv en. S. OGILBY. Hagerstown, Nov. 23. NE W•FIRM• 1111 E undersigned would respectfully call the at tendon of the Public to their stock of embracing all ankles of Furniture usually manu factured by cabiriet makers'. We will also give our attention to COFFIN MAKING , and hope by strict attention to business to merit a liberal share of public patronage. All orders for Furniture or Coffins attended to with dispatch.— Our Furniture Thome can be found on Main Street, up stairs, in Willaima Fl megan's Drill Shop. J. M, F. - BENDER. December 41-tf. 25X. 25X. 25X. 300 PIECES Best one yard wide Bleached Muslin just receiv ed at METCALFE & HITESHE W'S, Cmagnicassinta, and selling at 25 cents, same as has been selling at 37. send for a piece. Remember the place, No, 15, Main. Street. March 8] kIET3ALFE & HITES.HEW., _ omy ! SX. • 5X- • Ceettairasttuact. They are selling them at 5 cents, same quality as bas been selling at 15 and 20 cents. [Mar. 8 Itcs3l3. 2 1ti0.12. S Itch. 2 mance ! MATCH I Sandi WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure the Hain 48 Hours. Also cures SALT KHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, 'and all ERUP /lONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER. Sole Agents, 170 Washington 'etreet,Boston,it will be for warded' by mail, free of postage, to any part of _the united slate. June B—ly. IRADLE hoop Skirts at ' Hozwuou's Alarge lot 14 Flpor WI Cloths, all Width* just o PenCil 14 Pans 4r. April B. N E VI( prop New Orleans Molasses as , Ap. 5.3 Paws dr. Hantvan'it. CO Aim - at ' . , A.,lr )R A 7). 5.] 11 . 11 . et . 'loin:L.l6l'Si J. F. KURTZ • liiteshew's CoUgh Syrup, t 4 Diarrhoea Cordial, Prey's Verwifuge, Verruifuges, du kinds. _ rills—W right's Judrop's, Spaulding'S, Ayer's, ranor• t s, _ Physicians' Prescriptions promptly and carefully ointiounded at all hours. J. F. KURTZ. august 111, 1864. STONER & STONER, NII'W DA '' GOODS - . - lk - .V II I:I3ELZW . ITID'XILIEIp JUST OPENED- - FIFTY DOZEN GOOD QUALITY HEAD NETTS, METCALFE & HATESHE W'S, Hair . " 106000 TOMBS OF DIME THE Appsatitg ol , ltutter nade fn. this country Is too smith. •lactrit isself-10.000-fo.unds 'by the , inept iVizon'e Horse and o,4llo , Powteri• Good tor:allaseises of Itcrsett glade, Yfilheep,sruj Hole, Sold by F. KURTZ • 7 • • ra" Bead thess certificates, ,hundreds of which . could he • Foss or five years ago, .1. S. NIXON compound• ed s" Horse Mid battle Winderl edd 'diked me: to try it. I waether first farmer lo *hum it *as' Mien, and : th,e 'first mho to odd fr• tot stoat; -I found it fut. ly equal to•%,vhst.Mi'ltfinin Bald of end hare 'Used iteiteniiielY since, rind heartily. recommend it to fanners ss'n tore thing in , fattening stockoi : hinds and a capital Ponde., •for Hones. • .• MICHAELEBERSOLE: I Chambergurg,Deelmber, . , Mt, J. Nixon.--To the multitude in-thin por. non of JAI StateiVlti9 hest used your Cattle Powder, no earnincndstion - ii necessary. Its. beneficial 'eh fedi have'Veen 'fairly tested, - and hence its Unboun ded ToStilaritY.' ' I bate 'titled it for' my horses and cows for several YeriMptitonid cannot afford to do withatit' it. It fleeter all kind' of cattle in good con tooseni the skini' atndothes the hair, and sharpens their spisaites. As apreftneive front dia. Intim, I reseed jt as inyalnable. - Yours. die., BEV- B: S. SCH.NECK. - ChentiberOurg, April, 1868. • Mit. 17. 13: - N and Cottle Powder, a fair trial with all my stock, Koreas and Cattle, sod it imprevedthem wonderful ly: ft speedily increased the richnessof the milk of my cows, and improved the condition of my stock • greatly: I can cordially recommend it• as the hest thing of the kind drove ever known or tried. for all kinds of stock, and it should be kept in every stable. • Yours truly, ' ' A. IC. McCLURE, Ed.'Repository. 'll Hex SURE CURD, ARMY ITOR, VAgr Irvu, BA4.13E11:8 ITCH, 11 . 1? a WORM; ETTER, and n Skin diseases. - eettainly cured by NIXON'S Glycerine Ointment. J. K. KURTZ, -Waynesboro!. Bold by Nilron's East India Tincture. The best medicine for Internal and External paint Perfectly safe under all circumstances. Every fare+ ily should have Or If you have pains; use NIXON'S East India Tincture,. ' laiV 4 If you'have Skin diseases, use NIX ONts- filyettine - Ointfrient. 0110 - If sari badehorries or cattle that don's thrive, use NIXON'S Itorse and Cattle Powders. Charitheraburg, Feb. 8-Iy, NEW STORE. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! COON & STONEHOUSE Ir . nULD respectfully inforrit :the public that 1" V they have now opened at their new room,on the southwest corner of the Diamond, in W E t y m a. i nr - V - iand well selected stock of Dry 'Goods, GrOceries, Hardware and .Cutlery, lion, Steel, Nails, .Coach•makers Goods of every description, Quensware, Cedarware, • Shoes Car pets, Oil Clorks, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush es, Fish, Salt, and 'alt kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are all new and fresh and have been bought for cash at the late decline in paces. We flatter otirseltis that from our long' experi ence in business, and.a determination to sell goods at small profits, we shall be-able to offer unusual inducements to all buyers who desire to save mon ey. Please call and set for yourselves. We have a largerand,well assorted stock of sta.. ple and fancy Dry Goods, embracing Cloths . , Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords, Den ims, Stripes, Checks, Ginghams, Linin and Cotton Table 14apers, Crash for Towels,Calicoes,Delainß, Alpaccas, FANCY DRESS CINDS, Trimings, Shawla, Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, Tickings, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We - .pay the highest market price for all kinds - of country produce such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Hags, drec May 25, 1866. NEW LEATHER AND - FINDING - STORE ! IBwis S. FORNEY & 'SONS. would inform _ j the public that they have received another sup ply of geode itt ,new Leather end Finding Store, ombracing - ithorig articles the follow . Sole Leather, Rough. Skirting, Hemlock and Spanish Sole, Calf Skins, French Calf do., Sheep do., French and Mens Morocco, Lining Skins, all kinds, Lasts, every style and ,size, Threads, Boot Webing, Laces, Gallocios, Size Sticks. Me re Straps, Deer 'Bones, -Burnishes, Heel bhavee, Last .l oops, Peg - Floats. Double Cutters, Welt • ni7es, Nails 'and .Tacks. Waif,' Clamps, Crimp. Boards- Bubbers, Bristles, Lasting Irons, Files, Ink Powders, Sand Paper, Compasses, Boot Trees, Pegs, Knives, Pincherti, Hammers, various kinds; Rasps sod Files, Anis and Handles, Collis Irons. Lung and Shoulder Sticks, Kyeletts And Eyelett - Purahesi Strip Anis, And' il other articles usually kept in snob stores. Highest, cal* price paid. ;for Hides awl Skins.-.• Feb. ' . FORNEIrat:SONS., DRIED APPLES. •• PicHE aubscriber will pay thi highest cash price for 5000 Poutide of Dried Applea. eb T".l STPWA TM:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers