S. 1800. L. THE GREAT ZINGARI BITTERS. AflLEttire• 1 1, 3re• - liirecattv'e OF CHOLERA ! THIS WONDERFUL REMEDY was dikov ered arid introduced abou t twenty years ago by Dr. S. Cheeping, an eminent Egyptian physician. He had long seen and felt thelvant of some rem• cdy which would strike at the root of the disease, and so prevent much of the suffering which the hu man family was then compelled to endure. . • This great question was presented to his mind every day in vivid colors as he moved among the siek and dying, and observed the inefficiency of nearly ail the remedies then in use. Thus he was mad 4.0-think- a nd-experiment;-ind_after-ten years-of study and labor, he presented to his fellow-man the wonderful Zingari Bitters. The t fleet of this prep aration in the prevention and cure of disease, was ' so marvellous and astonishing, that the most flatter ing marks of royal favor were bestoWed upon him who discovered it. His name was placed upon the Roll of „Nobles, anti a gold medal with the follow• ing inscription—Dr. S. Uheopsus, the Public Bene factor—was presented to him by the Viceroy. The preparation has been used in several epidem. ice of Cholera, both as a preventive and curative measure, and with great success, that it has been introduced into nearly all the general hospitals of time 01~ world; — The — old - saying ,that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies with —marvellous-force-to-cholera,-and-therefore-any-rem edy that will protect us against this terrible disease stpuld be freely and persistently used. All pathologists now agree that the cholera pistno acts on the system through the blood, and that any con bination which acts on the excretory organs, and keeps them in working order; must prevent a sufficient accumulation of the poison to exert its terrible effects on the organism. This is true not only of cholera,lnit of nearly all other maladies, es pecially the different forms of fever. The Zingari !titters is just such a remedy as the above conditions require. It acts on the organs of eviretion and secretion, keeping up a perfect bal ance between them. This Hitters is composed en tirely of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted that every organ is arte I upon and put in tone. Its taste is pleasant and its effects prompt and lasting. Numerous cases of the following diseases -have been cured ny it: Coolers, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever — Ague, ervoua Debility, Anaemia. Dysyepsia, Flatulendy, Colic, - crofula, &c. urPrice $1 per quart bottle. -__-.Principal_Depot at the Walnut street wharf, Har risburg, Pa. sold by Druggists, ' Hotelkeepers Grocers. F. RA HTER, Sole Proprietor. For safe at the "Waynesboro' Hold," by V. B. GILE6RT, Agent. , IRE PROBLEM SOLVED-AT LAST. Tbo best method of converting paper money into gold and silver is to call at the Jewelry Store of C. C FORCE Who has just returned from the city with a large and beautiful assortment of Goods which he offerb - at reduced prices, consisting of Ladies' and Gent le men's GOLD AND SILVER merican and Swiss WATCHES,' SETS OF JEWELRY, PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, CH ATA LINE, Leentine GUARD and VEST CH AINS, alga, a large assortment of Silver and Plated Waro,such as Dinner and Tea CASTORS, Cake Bask ets, Coffee URNS, Napkin ' RINGS, Ice and Cream PITCHERS, Butter DISHES, But ter 0 KNIV ES,Salt and Mustard Spoons, Oysterand Cream I.ad- Ies,GOII LETS, SALT CELLARS, TEA, TAME AND DEAER,T SROONS, &o &c. Also—A large assortment of the CELE BRATED SETH THOMAS' CLOCKS. rir Persons will please remember that here they can find a large assortment of UOLD, SILVER, RUB HER, STEEL AND PLATED SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES rar Particular attention paid to'the REPAIRING of WATCHES. tar All Watch Work warranted for ONE YEAR N. B.— The' highest cash prieepaid for OLD SIL. VER find COLD. C. C. PoRCE, At the Old Stand of Thos. A. Routh, four doors East of the Washington House, May 17 1867.--ly DENTAL CARD. DR. H. PORItEST, ri -) thelk - exxtisit, REPURNS his th ks to t e citizens of Charn bersburg and the i ' generally for the pa tronage he has hitherto received, and would respect fully inform his patrons and friends that he has re moved his office to No. 27, Main Street, next door to MeClintocit's hat store. Dr. Forrest being a graduate of the Pennsylvania College of DENTAL SURGERY, and having been in practice for several years, is thoroughly experienc ed in every thing that canes within the province of fast class Dental operation*. Dr. F .havang furnisbed his office with one of DR. BEAN'S Patent Improved Appatus for the manufacture of Perfectly pure. NITROUS OXIDE GASwould announce that he will be at all times prepared to administer this popular Anaesthetic for the EXTRACTION of Teeth without Pain All DENT.AL OPERATIONS will be per formed at Dr. Forredt's Rooms, N 0.27, Main Street, Charnbersburg, Pa. [May 10-Iy. NOTICE. wE will offer to sell at ilublic Outcry in front of F. ilowden's Howl, in Waynesboro,' on Saturday the 25th inat.,,at 9 o'clock, M„ the Public Roads of Washington Township, in sections to contractors to make and keep in ender . according to specifications for one year. All sections thatbids are considered , too high will not. be • sold •on said day. • , HENRY HFiMOLE, Moyl7-2w. HE N.RY X. STO.N ER. NOTICE. OTIGE. is hereby given that letters.° f sAdmin= istration on the:Estate of John Shockey, of 0, ate of Washington 'Pewitsltiy. Dee'd, have been granted• to • the undersign, All . persons knowing thennelve's indebteitto [mid Estate will please make immediate payment and allege having child's will present them pioperly authenticated foraettlements GkIRibTI 8110cKE.Y, May ~,Atimiaistrater. - E4NESI I ')).;P,A.PE; .112.'•D,' 1138 DrOadirey, Nam' Yotk,liiiitigr for'years made diseases ofwamen a speciality ku,stutly and:piecticeArittrmarked pro le:ol°nel succors, - devote e fifs time'neviinotitly to of ficellia practice and corresponli e - with his 'tumorous Otranto Iftratighotit the 'I/ nito tee,. Ladies can confidentiafiy addreis Wei cm he moat delicate sub. jeet. and imeiire proper and prompt reply. Enclose ;stamp :postage. [April 20--3 m, VV. A._ REID, Hostetter, Reid & Co. CALLS the attention of buy-(l7jA, ere to his stook of goods just ill=_-7 . 1( received, vis : Steamed Cove angSpiced Oysters. The "celebrated A. FIELD Brand!' in 1 lb. and 2lb Cane. McMURRA InS Balt. Oysters. Lunch Oysters, an x L N 7 thing for Pic Nie and Private Parties. All sold by the case, dozen, or single can. [Fresh Fish in Season.] Particular attention paid to the Fish •rado. . Shad and Herring by the bid or half bbl. Shore Mackerel by the hbl., halves and quarters. He keeps everything usually found in a well reg ulated Grocery, all of which will c sold at a very small advance. for Caen only. Come to "Mexican Row ' His best bow to his customers nr the liberal en couragement heretofore extended to him. May 17, 1867.] W. A. REID. P• S. Highest market price paid for Country Produce, such as Butter, Eggs. Bacon, Lard, &c., in exchange for goods, or bough tfor cash, LATEST ARRIVAL OP HAVING just received from the Eastern mark ets a fresh supply of Groceries, etc., they are now prepared to sell at reduced prices. Their stock embraces in part the following : Syrups; Sugars. Molasses, Spices, ground and unground. Baking articles o all kinds, warranted fn•4h and of th.. hest quality. Koreseoe Latnpi, shades, wicks and chimneys Also No l Kerosene Uil. • Hagerstown, Md R.Wi GE) clota cma H. B. Navy, - Nat. Loaf, Fine Cut, and all the lies " " Con., Brands of Chewing arid :smoking " Spuns, Tobaccos of sixteen different kinds. " " Oys. she 11. G. A. Salt, Dairy, large and small sack, Mackre No ! and 3 by the barrel. Confections. Cakes and Candies-, Shoe Black ing, Water and Su. Crackers, 4. Brushes. Oranees, Horse - Lemons, Wh't wash brushes. Raisons, , tsVos!,boar.its, Figs, Clothes lir.es, - Prunes, Corn Brooms. Almonds, Hickory " t z . Walnuts, Paint d Buckets, Cream Nuts, Brass Hooped " Pea Nuts, Bushel Basket; Pepper Clothes " Tomato Catsup, Ladies Tray. Baskets Pepper Sauce, Chip Baskets, &c. Brown"s Troches, STATIONVIM Babbitts Soap, Envelopes. Harrison's '• Note Paper, Dobbin's Electric Soap, Fools Cap, Castile iSoap, , Fancy Soaps, , Barldw'e Indigo, Gallager Soap Si Oil Paper. Collars, Prepared G:caree, Robert's Embrocation. Essence " Hoover's Ink, Frey's H. Powder's, Matches, Carpet Ticks, Gun - Caps, Powder and Shot Machias 'Pw let,- • ; Sewing Silk, 8. ev: Blaeli'Cotion Thread, „Spool cotton, Needles and Pins, - . - 'Darning Needles; . Singer Alachine Needles, Hair Pins, Shoe Stringy, ' .* - . Lead 'Pencils, Steal Pens, . Pocket 4 rlivos, . Pen .Holders,' " Comte, Long Combs, • Lilly - White, • Ladies' Dress CO;11 1, 8 . . Mean Fun, , Hair Oils, Porfu aeries, Nervia and Bone Liniment, Coeoa Nuts. And connected with the Grocery we have Flour and Feed which : we will deliver at Mill prices. lar4',he highest prieespaid fur.Dutter aud.Egge and all kin de of , courttry• Produce.. ; • . Wo nre thankful for - past favors, and by. strict at tention to hairless and •rt, desire to please hope to'rieeive a liberal share', Of'the paubnage, for we lief confident that'our goods and prices , earnparefavurably with those of any other lioattei ,& DIOKEL. May 1 L-.7t,t. rr [( ID GLOVES.-50 doze,/ ;busk:9llaq Kid Ol f wes just roceitted at klrrostms & Fitnumew's, ChAtubersburg. April 5,'67.] FAMILY GROCERY ! •1•.. m.. ..•1:1•1m• SUCCESSOR TO COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, KEROSCENE OIL, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOODEN W ARE, PURE SPICES; NOTIONS, LAMPS, S. C lIAMS, BACON, CII HESE, SALT, MASON'S CRACKERS. F X "Mil -31E3 • GROCERIES. LIDY & DICKE' Cheese, Coffees, Chocolate, Salt and Fish. MOM= Err • s FOR INVALID SOLDIERS: Incorporated by Act of Assembly of the Com monevealth of Pennsylvania, March 6, 1867. The Board of Soper/isms appointed by the above 1 Corporation to carry out the objects of the act of in corporation,'respectfully announce to the public that the Legi.lature of Pennsylvania has authorized the raising of funds for the • erection, establishment, and ' maintareanceir of in /Whim for Invalid Soldiers of I the late war, to be on the Battle-field ofOetlys burg. and titian inducement to patriotic citizens to contribute to this benevolent object. have empower ed the Corporation to distribute amongst the SO scribers such articlesof valueand interest, from as sociation with the Itte'war, or any moneys, elle. is property, or estate, real or personal, whatever, in this state or elsewhere at such time or upon such terms, and an such way and en tier whatsoever, as ,to them shall seem - fit, any laws of this Common wealth to the contrary notwithstanding. The enterprise is cordially recommended by the following named well,known gentlemen r Major General GEORGE G. MEADE, Ex-Governor ANDREW G. CURTIN, Major General GALUsH A PENNYPACKER Major General E. M. GREGORY, Major Genroef i lOHN R BROOKE, • Major General CHARLES .T. COLLIS, Major General H'Y J. MA DILL, Major General JAS. L. SELFRIDGE, Brigadier General JAMES A. BEAVER, Brigadier General' HORATIO G. sruK ELS, Brigadier General JOSEPH F K N IPE, Brigadier General WM. J. BOLTON, Brigadier General SAMIi'L M. ZULICK, Brigadier General JOHN F. MURPHY, Brigadier General JOHN F. 13 ALLIER, Brigadier General T. F. McCOY, Brigadier General R. L. WINSLOW, Brigadier General HENRY PLEASANTS, Brigadier General J. P. S. CV )BIN, Brigadier General J. M. CAMPBELL, Brigadier General THOs. M. W 1 LKER.- Brigadier General W M. COOPER 'VALLEY, Brigadier General D M. Nt GREGG, .S Colonel l'. S.T UM 0 A UGH. The site for the insuttuteiti (thirty .acres) has al ready been purchased, and it is hoped that the good work-may commence before midsulnmer. Subscriptions will he received at the office of the Association, Nei. 1126 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia' on and after M• nits)? the 6th day of Nay, 1867. F or each subscription of five dollars a certificate will be issued, which will entitle the holder to such article of value as may be awarded to its number. .. 0_ The' first distribution of awards will be made im mediately upon the receipt of $BO,OOO subscriptions 1 'ch. The distribution will be public, and under the di rect supervision of the Corparators. Persons at a distance are requested to remit their aubscriptions-(when practicable) by Post office me ley order, or registered letter, to insure prompt de- livery, The following is a schedule of the awards to be made under: the first distribution, The items of Diamonds and other precious stones were purchased Nm-citizens - of - the - C 4 outh during the war,snd - their genuinenebs is certified to by Messrs. Henle & Bros, the 'post extensive ~ iamond importers in the coun try and by J. Hermann, diamond setter. N, York. GETTYSBURG ASYLUM FOIt INVALID SOL• It corporated by Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, March 6, __1 . 867. _____ Eighty Thousand Subscribers at Five Dollars Each. 1, 1 Diamond Necklace, 48 Brilliants, valued at $30,000 2, 1 Diamond (:luster Brooch and Ear Rings, 15,000 3. 1 Award 10 40 Government Bonds 10,.000 4. 1 Diamond Cross, bet in dilver 7,000 5. 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 5,000 6. 1 Award 10.40 Government Bonds 5.000 7. 1 Diamond Single stone Ring 4,600 8, 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000 9, 1 ;Diamond Single - Stone Scarf Pin 4 000 10, 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 4,000 11, 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000 12. 1 Pair single Stone Diamond Ear Rings —3-600 13. 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 8.01)0 14. 1 Award 10 10 Government Bonds 3 000 15, 1 Diamond Single Stone Pin 3,000 16. 1 Diamond Single Stone Stud / 3 000 17, 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch. 2,500 18. 1 Diamond Single Stone Ring . 2,500 19. 1 Diamond and Emerall,Brooch ,2,500 20, 1 Diamond Single Stone Ring 2 000 21. 1 Diamond Cluster Ring 1,500 22, 1 Long Indian Camel's Hair Shawl 1,500 23. 1 Choice Emerald Stud 1,500 24, 1 Sinitic. Stone Diamond Ring 1,000 25 to 34. 10 A wards of 10.40 Government Bonds, each 1,000 35, 1 Three-stone Diamond and Ruby, half hoop Ring 800 36, 1 Diamond single.stone Ear Knobs 800 37, 1 Pair Di flional C uster Studs 600 38. 1 Diamond Single.stone Ring, star • • setting 500 39. 1 Diamon .ingle Stone Pip ' 500 40. 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 500 41 to 50. 10 Awards of 10.40 Government Teas—Young Hyscn Imperial, Oolong, Bonds, each 500 51 1 Lady's Diamond set Watch 400 52. 1 Diamcind Single Stone Ring 350 53. I Diamond and Opal Cluster Ring 250 • 54. 1 Diamond Single Stow" Ring 200 55 1 Pair Emerald Scarf Pine 200 56. 1 Diamond single Stone Stud 150 57. 1 Diamond Closter Pin ' 100 581,1:-Alain , o and Pearl Brooch and Ear Rings 100 50 to 158. 100 Awards 10 40 Government Bonds, each 100 159 to 258. 100 Awards, Government Legal Tenders, each - 60 3,000 Awards, Government Legal Tenders, each 5 Sundries The distribution of the above rewards will be made in p iblic as soon as the su •scription is full of which due notice will be given through the papers. On ant after "ffay 6th the Diamonds will be on exhibi tion at the iffier of the A ssociation. The public can confidently. rely on everything being conducted in the most honorable and (kir man ner. All the awards will he handed to certificate hol ders, immediately after the distribution, free of all cost, at the office of the Company, No. 1126 Chest nut street, Philadelphia. We herein , . certify that we haye examined the Diamond Goods, Pearls, Emeralds, Rubies, and 'o ther precious Stoney, as described in the above list, and find them all genuine. BEN & SRO'S, Diamono Importers,' 26 Maiden' Lane. Drew Yerkt . ' J. HERMA NN, Diamond Setter.• 394 Broome Street, New York. THE subscribers take this method of informing the public that they have now on hand, at the new Kiln, a superior'atticle, of Wood Burnt Lime for Whiicwabbing; Plastering; Afc., which they will continue to keep and sell at reasonlble rates during he season. JOHN & .10SEPH M. IiK.SS. March f3-3m Afair ait.icla, of b,rown Sugar at Ioi coats at p4,6a) Paws Jr: Ifokniciu's 2, 5 map far.coMa,at Ap. 6] Pam & HORPLICUN tillEEBl3 'et ki April 5. SHEET/NGSs till widths nt Ap. Pinot di, Tlonvcu 'a. Direct all letters to J. D. HOF FM %N, SZCRETAIIY - acrenu - or - Surenyrson g, Box 1481, P. 0„ Philadelphia. DIERS. Ulf EziTNUT Street, Philadel FIRST DISP4 sITION CERTIFIC ATE. AGENTS WANTED Book. can he had containing Twenty Certificates, DNB HUNDRED DOLLARS. All orders for Certificates must be addressed to J. D. HOFFMAN, Secretor, ' Dox 1981, Post Oflico' Moy 10-2 m FRESH LIME ! Still the Latest, PoiCz.ifir Noonanim. AND c , Most Important to . Mankind, Is that I have,removed my Merchant Tailoring and Furnishing Store from my ohl stand. one door west of the extenslv , lint and ,Fur Stem of Updegraff & Son, to the new ly fitted room in the Washington • one door Eastof Mr. Ogilbv's Store, where I have now Mature one of the best selected•atocks of English, French, German and Domestic CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &0,, that sin be found in the city of Hagerstown or Coun ty. These goods have all been selected with great care, especially adapted to the Fashionable as well as the Plain Dress, and at prices that cannot fail to please all. All thoroughly shrunk before made up and satisfaction guaranteed. I have also a stock of • HEAVY COTTON GOODS FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, • OF THE BEST MAKE. Linen Ducka and Plain Linens, and a full stook Plain and Mixed Cassimeres for Boy's Wear, and as cheap as can be sold in the town or county. will be mode to order or sold by the yard or pattern to suit buyers. All work guaranteed to fit or no sale.. My stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods is large and complete of everything in that line, and at prices to suit the times. I have also the Agency for the sale of the celebra ted improved Singer- Family Sewing Machine, arid am_ prepared_to_competo _with_every_other—Ma chine sold in the town or country, and for sample if Machines please call at my store. I return my thanks to my customers and the pub lic generally for their patronage extended me and hope a continuance of the same. llon't forget:—The place is the Washington House Merehant Tailoring Establishment, West Washing ton Street. Hagerstown, Md. .1. A, ISHER, May 3,1867. 'TO ALL WIIO VALUE Their Eye-Sight ! Cl • C) • - 3E" C:0 Mt C, 3EI •\, % OUL ID respectfully announce to the citizens, 1 of Waynesboro and vicinity, that he has re-. ceived a large assortment of the celebrated t Caifey - COttifeXi - Orlditi — SpeCtaekt:, in Gold, Silver, and fine Steel Frames. These Glass es ore the best in use, ground of pure Cryital after *he shape of the cornea of the eye, they strengthen and preserve the sight and will not tire the eye by candle light as other glasses so often do. • , Also, the new style double focus glasses so valua ble for persons whose sight is impaired for distant objects. By the aid of these glasses, which have a double focus; the lower to read, the upper to see at a distance, the use of two pair of glasses is rendered unnecessary. Remember they are not. the old style but of a late improvement, not split but only one lens for both purposes. MOK ED GLASSES for weak, and concave for near sighted eyes. Giasses set in old frames. All t.peetacles adjusted to the eye with an optometer. Millers' Spectacles, Rubber and Gold Eye Gl. A SSES, and everything pertaining to tbis breach of business. All Spectacles are warranted to suit the Eye. tar Call and examine my stock. • C. C. FORCE, (Old Stood of Thos. A. Boult,) 4 doom East of tho Washington House. Hagerstown, May 3-3 m. _ CAPT. MILLER'S Celebrated Ointment ! A sure cure for Ringbone, Spavtnif Evil, Wind Galls Old Sores, or any En. largetnent on a Horse. This Ointment is so well known by the Farmers in this community, that it is not necessary for me to say anything about its good qualities, further than that it has moved itself to be the BEST PREYA NA ever oltere•t to the public for the cure of the abeve diseases,_,l wish to inform the public that I have purel sea from Mr. Miller the recipe for Ma king this "Celebrated Ointment," and am now man ufacturing it at my house at Mt. Hope, where per sons wishing it can 1 supplied. It is shofar sale by J, KUFtTZ, Waynesboro', Agent, DANIEL TIUTLE, May 10—lf IV/EXIAT-NIZTIMELIr AND Fancy Dry Goods! •it s.. A. FECHTIG would announce to the Ladies and the public generally that she has just opened out an extensive stock of Spring and Summer Millinery and F4tnoy Dry goods, Cloaks, Trimmings, and hll ether goods' usually kept in Millinery and Fancy Dry Good, Stores, which she is selling at greatly reduced prices Ladies and others visiti g Hagerstown, ere invited to call and examine her stock. Her Stoais an the Northwest corner of the Public Square. Hagerstown, May 10-2 m. ' SASH, DOOR, SHUTTER, BLIND AND FLOORING FACTORY ArANUFACTURING to order and otherwise, 111 . 11(1 kinds of Building material nt moderate pri ces, Alto sawing of evcry description, by mill and circular saws, nt the Antietam Factory. April 19 —3m.] 13. F. GOOD. N. 13, Saw logs of every description wanted. for which we will pay the highest, price. D. F. G. Plants, Plants, Plants. FARLY York Cabbage, Tomato, Egg, Pepper, Strawberry (Agriculturist) Sweet ,Puttto &c., &t., , by the dozen, hundred or thousand at the gar- den of April 19-6 w Plants! Plants!. THE subscriber having turned his attention to the cultivation of Plants is now prepared to fur nibh the public with Sweet Potatoe, Cabbage, Beet: and Pepper Plants, latest and most improved varie ties, by the dozen or hundred. Residence and gar en near Antietam Junction. • it -- 4t.] M. C. DE ATRICH. COUNTY T4EASU.RER. AT the solicitation of a number of my friends, I announce myself It candidate fir the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Union .Nominating County Convention. FBED'K. Li. tiSNIVELY. Shady Grove, April 6.'67, tc. COUNTY TREASURER rpHE undersigned, a resident of the Borough of .11. Merccrshura,offera himself as a. candidate fir the office of COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the decision of the next Union Republican Conven tion of Fmulilin County. - JAMES C. PAITOY; , Mercersbarg, March 18, 1807, lc. DR, D. - A. STOUFFER, . • DEN.TI:34'; GREENCASTLE, PA. rEgni extracted without pain. Olfre in Clip: IPainter's building,nearly opposite Adams' H tel, where he will attend to Dentistry wit t,care and attention. Old Gold and Silver plates taken in part pay for new ones, • Teeth inserted from , a single tootle to a fill set, insured for one year. jan 18-Iy. Newest, Best, Cheapest pow., m 1 =I IA 141.'41 CEORcE BENDER /MP' Mae recently °pond up an entire new stock of MNI;3E I ° AIL 3E 411Gir All of which has boon obtained from On justly celebrated house of A. JArtnETT, 13a1- timore. " Every article sold is WARRANTED to ho of the best custom make, and the _material just what it isrepresente'd to be. A full assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS always on_handouchits_linder_Clothing Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, &c. • All we ask is, that you give us one trial, and you will always buy, for remember we do not keep badly made clothing and the goods ,are all of the latest style. GEO. BENDER, May 4-13/4 Waynesboro . A NEW DISCOVERY ! Hagerstown the place , to Buy DRY GOODS! Tx &A. YINGLING,Tast corner of the pub • lie square, have just opened out their Main moth Stock of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS, NOTIONSp& - c7 — They ha e now in a oFe an or sale 2,000 yards Calico (fast colors) at 12+ 4,500. " " best qualities • 15a18 3,200 " 4.4 BIOT - man 'a 1,100 " .3.4 k 7.8 " 12#a18 8,000 " 4 4 bl'h'd " 18a25 900 " 34a; 7 8 '" 12ia18 6,000 " Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, all styles, qualities and prices, from a good style De laine at 25 cents to a Oro_ Grain bilk worth $5,00 per yard. Their stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, &c:, is the largest/in tho county and will be sold at greatly ro duced prices. A largo stock of Table and Floor Oil Clothe, Straw Matting% &e. - &e.,lvill.be sold at City prices for Cash. A large stock of F. HULL & CO.'S celebrated Hoop Skirts always On hand. H. & A. Y. May 9-Iy. BOOKSTORECIND BINDERY! MIIE citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity me respectfully invited to give our Establishment ben visiting Chambensburg. • We have a general assortment of SCIIOOI. and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONARY and BLANK BOOKS. ,A Ise a full line of WALL PAPERS, BORDER ING, Paper and Linen Window Shades and Fix- tures, Picture Frames, Cords and Tassels. Fairthilds' and other celebrated make of Gold Pens,Which we warrant to give satisfaction. Ladies and Gentlemen's Morocco Satchels, Trav eling Bags and Baskets. Berlin, Zephyr and Domestic Wool. Photograph Albums, Pocket Books, Farctily , Pock et and k3ehoot Bibles. Presbyterian' Methodist, German Reformed and Lutheran HYMN BOOKS. Book Binding in all its branches attended to. Paper ruled to any pattern. Blank Books made to order. Goods ordered weekly from the Eastern Cities. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Agency for the sale of Internal Revenue Stomps. J. N. SNIDER. April 26.—et. J. W. MILLER'S • ARRIVAL OF , - Spring & Summer Goods! HAVING returned from the Eastern Cities with a choke assortment of goods belonging to their line, such as DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, QU EMMA nE CEDAR WA RE GROCERIES, CUTLERY, I tender my thanks to the community %for their liberal,patronage and hope to merit a continuance of the same. J. W..% April 19, 18G7. IaAS removed her Millinery Store to the house formerly occupied by Dr. Lechler, on Church Street, and the Bret coin Coon & Stonehouse's Dry Goods Store. She has just returned from Philadelphia and is now opening a splendid assortment of summor styles of the Wait pat erns, D. F. UOOD. Bonnets, Hats of . every style. Ribbons, and all kinds of Trimmings usually kept in a Millinety Store. Thankful for past favors and hopes a continn ance of the same. April 26—tL To the Republican Voters of Franklin. County. ENcrya.GED by ti r e generoussupLor t recd efrnouonafomuoccabion, idaLthe earnest solicitation of a number of f iauds, I again offer myself as candidate for "County Treasurer," subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. Any aid, you can consistently give me in affecting my nomination, will be gratefully appreciated. V&ry Truly Yours, FLEAGLE. Quincy, March 29 , 1807, tc. DR. T. D. FRENCH, . . • 4 14 - 41: ',JEW WM M', INSERTS Beautiful and Durable teeth mounted nn Flatina, Gold -and Vugbnite. • Particular attention given -7 (o the preservation o. the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Grua , adininistered for the lien of - teeth without pain. Office at his residence on - Mechanic Street. Feb. 8. WHITE awl Gray Wool Blunkot4f4, t , Nov 23.] Paioir. ,HOott;ioiett;', COUNTERPANES and Bud Bpreael#at. Al. 5./ nacE CLOTHING AND SUMMER GLASS WARE, &C , &C MRS. C. L HOLLINBERGER LOW FIGURES! NEW GOODS. lOWA RENRICT & CO. Are now Receiving a Large stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES QIIEIENSWMIE, HARDWARE. We call the attention of our customers and the community to our new stock of goods which are now cheaper than they have been for five Our goods have been bough t at low prices and yr.: think we can sell then) to suit all Wye-re. Givo us a call, A MBERSON, BENEDICT & Co April 5, 1867. GOOD NEWS To every Man, Woman and Child. The groat reduction in prices at the Waynesboro' now HAT AND SHOE EMPORIUM. First olass 0 00dB lis I• 0 111: I• -11M1111.1.11.MME This is o pc invitation to the reader to ex amine my larg. et and most complete stock of epting and summer gt oils ever uttered in/this little Homo h Also:the best make of Clocke.and Trunks Lamp Chimneys, Wicks, • Hose I C osp , , R Tobacco, &gars, Pa er Collars Indigo, soap Lye, Paper, Lend Pencils, ,Pens Soda, Ginger, Variety of Soaps, Cinnmon, Extracts, Hair Oils, -- Pepper, Matches, Lilly White, Rogue Salle, Pearl and Silver Infant Powder, Gloss Starch, Shoo blackning and Varnish, Candies, Almonds, Mill VVri II and Window Filberts,Peti Nuts, Brushes, Oak, Bushel, Clothes Canes, Umbrellas, -Chip and Market Baskets, Shoe Strings, - Essence of Cottoe,l Stonobrakers Liniment find Pain Killer, and many other Trinkets. The Dietetic Shoe Sole, to loop the clammy's from the feet should nevrr be lest eight 01. Retail pric , , 25. Also shop rights sold at the low rate of to, or d the pole firmetol at (uric°, which a ill pay a large percentage, Rememberthe - place - direcl li - oppeal'e the Town Hall, on the Diamond, Ladies and Miro,. a call and vet the nice trimmed, and untrimmed Bata. Oh, I can sell them so cheap. ,Aprll 12 J, BEAVER. NEW SPRING -ArN B SlRrimnrinimsq GEORGE STOVER HAS 'RETURNED FROM PHILADEL. PH IA WITH A SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS IFS (CD 4ED r3lir AND E . 42 T.MC CID SI-M • NOTIONS, QUBONSTIRE GROCERIES, ikar• To which he invites the attention of of his patrons and the public generally. October 26, 1866. COACH MAKING ! THE subscribers announce to the inblic that they arc carrying on tho coach-making busi ness in all its branches, at tho old stand, on East Main Street, and have now for bale a fine stock of CARRIAGES and BUGGIES, new and.. 44.v.s sccond•handed, which they will dispose of Me Upon the most reasoroble terms, and warranted to be os reprepiesented. Repairing of all kinds done of stow notice aad upon reasonable terms. Norio but the best material used and only the best mechan ics employed. They feel confident that their work will give satisfaction, and respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. April 12-6 in WAYNESBORC•' LIVERY! E subscriber takes this method to intorm the 1 public that he purposes continuing the Livery business arid is now well supplied with couttertatdo conveyances.and tine traveling forces for `.. L jak, either riding or driving. Parties convey. ed to any point desired, A share of pub lie pstronage is n•spectfully solicited.— r & z:-.4•,, Persons desiring horses or conveynneet, % ill p ea s e apply at the" Waynesboro Ho - .1011 N RICHARDSON .. April 18-tf. HOUSE PAINTING ! GEORGE & A. D. MORE INTRALL having associated themselves in co.partuthrship in the Painting, Graining slid Glazing business, inform the public that they are now prep:stud to do house painting with neatness and despatch and upon rea sonable terms. Persons having any work in their Inc will du well t r give them. a c4ll before waking - vngagenteuts elsewhexo. AIORGA TIT ALL SON. Much 411—tg, SPRUNG ltalnaorals at Ap.+s I Pans & Efocrucu' 11 *. r,6euta for a Elrod.N,t. at AP_ 5 ], Roxitacife, 4ti `fir-23 11 . 1 a ba. lyagF.,' also bazging at Ail. 51 norm= HESS & CROUSE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers