PUBILE subsetiber willaffer at Public Sate, on Fri. day the 22d day of February, at hist - cable:ice, in eight of Quincy, the following valuable pe'rpOnal property, to wit: • TU - EAIYHORSES two of which are colts, I rising three years, and one six months old, two Mares, heavy with foal; 13 HEAD OF-CATTLE , duct of thorn geed liTilch et.wa, all of which will hit feesh afoot the time of vale, one fine flu II; 12 Head of Hogs, one of them fat; 18 Head of Fine :41.cep; 1 Road Wagon with bect and bows, 1 Spring Wagon, 1 new Feed Trougho new 'holing' Bug gy • 1 McC rmick Reaper,. 1, Rolling Screen, 1 Cuttin ox, I,pair Wood Lad ders,2 pair Hay La era three horse Plows 1 har row, single and 3 le shovel Plows, 2- trobb•le trees, sixth chain; double and single trees, log (-bairn', cow chains, 1 crowbar, 1 mattock, 2 axes, I mixing trough and chop chest, 1 set Breechbands,3 sets Front Oenre f ante Plow Gears, 6 Blind Bri dles, f} Collars and Ilousena, i• Side Saddle, good as new; 6 Halters and chains; fly nets, raises and forks, dung forks, a lot Ttmothy and Clovcrseed, • 1 Freud fot•2 horses; CORN BY THE BARREL; 80 acres, more or less, GRAIN IN THE GROUND, also 2 barrels Vinegar, 2 Wit vessels, I set new Chairs, 2 Bedsteads, L large Rocking Chair, 1 large new Dining Odds, 1 Settee, 1 Ten-plate Stove and pipe, I Rocking Cradle. Li Spinning Wheels, 1 barrel cut arid dry Tobacco and many other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said day VI hen s credit of 10 months will be given on all sums of *5 and upwards by JOH ikir LAN'J'Z, Jr. G. V. MONO., A net. Feb. I —tsj LATEST IaSEITONs DI I ISIA - ,N - d. W. 'kradley's celebrated Patent DMEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) K IR T THE wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Eliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies. Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and Howe Dress, as the Skirt can he folded when in use to occupy a small pl ice as easily and conveni ently as a Silk or Muslin Dress, au invaluable qual ity in crinoline; not found in any Single Spring Skirt. •A Lady having Enjoyed the Pleasure, Comfort and GreaeConvenience of wearing the Duplex E liptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will Never afterwards willingly dispense-with Mel. use— Fur Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are supe rior to all others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring,- but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three or four ordinary Skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The Hoops are covered , with double - and-twibted-threa-d--and-the-bottom-iods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) coNered; preventing them trom wearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, Ste. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the Fash ion Magazines as the STANDARD 861tiT 01 , Tlig IoPIABLE WoRLD. To enjoy the following inestimible advantages in Crinoline, viz.: superior quality, perfect manufac ture, stylish shape and finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, enquire for J. W. Wadley a Duplex Elliptic, or Double Spring Skill, and be sure you get the genuine article. CA UTI ON.—To guard against IMPOSITION be particular to woricit that skirts offered as "ImPi.zx" have the red ink stamp, viz., "J. W Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring," upen the waistband— none others are genuine. Also Notice that every Doop - will - admit - apin -being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the seeret ul their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other :Skirt. FOR SALE in ell n totes where FIILST CLASg Skint, are sold throughout the 'lulu d States (Intl ela•ee- Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the Patent, WESTh, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chamber it 79 A, 81 Reade Sts., N. I. Feb. 1-3m.] ADMINISTRATORif Sill OF . PERSONAL PRO R* ILL be snhl nt Public Sale at the lAt o resi dence of Solomon Newcomer, deed, about 2 miles South of Waynesboro and about 1 mile North of Ringgold, on AIONDAT the 111/8 day qf FEW! UA BY, 1667, the following property , v;z: °'''' 12 11E111 OF 11011SESt six of which are work hcs^s, I three year o:d Coil, 1 two year and 4 Yearlings; 14 Head Costa-, among . which arc six mitch cows, the 1)1111411LT young cattle; 1 - 6 HE3D . HOGS, among which are 3 fat hogs and 2 large brood sows; TWO PLANTATION WAGONS, 3.inch &ea I, one nearly new; 1 Spring Wagon and 1 two-horse 'Wagon, t pair Hay - Ladders, 1 pair Hay Carriages nearly new; 1 Wood Bed. 3 Barshear Plows, two of which are three horse nearly new; 2 Harrows, 3 double and 2 single Shovel Plows, trebble, double end single trees, 2 log chains, 1 fifth chain, spreader, I irickscrew, 1 Spring 7'ooth;Sny Rake, interest in Separator, Geiser's Patent; 1 ''Bolling Screen, 1 Crosscut Saw; l Grindstone, 1 Hay Ftirtt with rope and pulleys, all complete; 2 sets Breech bands 4 arts Front Gears, 5 sets Plow Gears, 5 fla tlets, 6 Housman, 6 Blind Bridles, 8 Collars, 2 sets Buggy Harness,. one new; 6 Halteis and Chains, a lot cow chains. a lot fines, 1 Riding Saddle, one Wagon Saddle, 2 riding bridles, 2 large meat ves sels, a lot of axes, maul ,k•ind wedges, a tot carponter tools, 2 Grain Cradles, 4 mowing scythes, lot Bacon and Lard, A Fiplebutter by the crock, Clover/wed by the bushel. Hay by the ton, Con:fodder by the load, Corn 1)v the Barrel, Rye, Wheat and OIN by the Bushel, Potatoes by the lin -he'. Vinegar by tho barrel; al , rr household and kitchen furniture, viz: I :Secretary, I corner Cup 6 oard. 3 Bedsteads, a lot of Bedding. 1 dez. choirs, 1 Cook Stove and fixtures, 2 ten plate moves and pipe, 2 tables, 1 largo kitchen table, shot gun, I eight day clock, I sliver u.attql, a lot carpet, straw mattress by the yard, a lot grain bags, GO acreis, wore or less, GRAIN IN TUE GROUND, and many other articles not neceautry to mention Mole to commence at 9 o'clot k on said day. CONDITIONS OF SA all sums of $5 and upwards icredit of six -months will be given by the purchaser giving his note with approved Hu. entity; ter all euma•under $5 the cash will do re= ',pared. No goods to be removed milli settled fur. DAVID IsiEWCONI Eli, J N COM IZ. Ad ter's. G. V. MONO, A act. Jan *25 —is.] 40; I) Nil 0 i ,--A gmki article for fitlitt Neiecp 8 . 1 iIOSTICTMIC.I4II) & AAR SUE ktubscriber intending to quit farming, will et! at Public Sale, at his reSi.leueo, near 'Way nesboro',l on WEDNESDAY THE• 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY next,tthe following personal pro perty,Qtr wit; 4 HAD WORK HORSES, (all good) three of which are Ply leaders; 11 1-I.ead Horn-Cattle, three of which aro Mileh Cows, one tino atkelnz Bulk 13 HEAD OF HUGS, among whiehlielmo Brood SoWs and two Boars; alsor THREE WACONS, one three-inch. the other two-inch tread. and one ,-suitable for ,one or two horses, 1 Road Bcd with r bows and cover, 1 pair Wood Ladders, 1 pair -Hay Carriers, i pair Hay . Vittlders, 3 sets Dung Boards, 1 two-horse Sleigh, 5 Plows, 4 Harrows, 1 Roller, 3 double and 2 single Shovel Plows, 1 Corn Coverer, 'J'rebble, Double and singleA'rees filth chain and premier, 2 spreaders, 2 log chains, 2 pair butt end 2 pair breast chains, halter and cow chains; I NEW YORK REAPER, (Si'lf-Raker) 1 Mower, good as new; I Threshing Machine and Horse Pow( r, 1 Ginin Drill, 1 Spring Grain Rake, 1 Revolvinz Rake; 1 Hay Elevator with rope and pulleys, 1 hook for cleaning stables, a lot Hay and Gornfoddcr, I Wheat Fan, Forks, Rakes, I Cutting Box, 2 sets Lbeechbands, 3 sets Front Gears Gears 5 sets Plow Gears„, Fly-nets, Collars, Bri dles, , and Plow Lines, I Wagon Sadie; al so 1 Ten-plate Stove and pipe, '1 Stove Dr m, large 'Fable, good as new, 4 Chairs, 1 large Copper Kettle, large iron Kettle, largo Meat Vessel, Apple butter by the crock, tubs, buckets, a lot Flax, and many other articles not necessary to mention. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock-on said diq when Credit of Ten months will be given on all sums of $lO and upwards. Jan. 18 Is PUBLIC SALE. subscriber intending to discontinue farm -j_ing-,,:rviti=sell=-rit--Pliblift;SiilF,-Tit—his residence, near Price's Church, on the road leading trom Waynesboro' to Chambersburg,, 2 miles from the former place, on Friday the 151 k day of February, 1867, the following personal property, to wit : 6 r K HORSES, T '0 OF THEM FINE LEADERS; f 2 lead of Horn Cattle, five f which are Mitch Cows, two will be freak by day f sale, one fine Dull, (Devon breed) Laaaj Laua : 4 ,„, 40, one of them an extra brood sow ; 12 11 EA D COTSWOLD SHEEP; Plantation - Wagons ; ( bro iret,,,l ) 1 ono-horse Wagon, 1 Spring Wacon for one or two horses, 1 Rockaway Buggy, 1 Bas ket Sl•igh, 1 , Wood Bed, 2 pair Hay had lore, one NEW REAPER AND MOWER, Tiuckeye and , il,combined, 1-- Grain Spring Drill, I Spring Rake, 1 Windmill, 2 three-horse and 1 two-horso Plows, 3 double and I single Shovel I'l Avs, 2 Harrows, 1 Cutting Hex, 2 Wheelbarrow, trebble, double and single trees, I I pair spreaders, fifth chain and spreaker, 2 log chains, butt, breast' and cow chains, 2 sets Breech bands, 4 sets Front Gears, with new traces, (Pur ley's mike) 5 Housens, 6 Fly-nets, 6 sets Plow Gears, bridles and collars, 1 wagon s tddic, 2 ri ling saddles I side saddle, 1 wagon whip, 2 riling bri d'eQ, 1 six horse line, 1 tout horse line, 1 p•iir check lines, I set good Harness, 6 bead halters and chains I strum sleigh bells, a lot good bags, 1 good grind stone, 2 grain shovels, shaking, ,lung and pitch forks, grain cradles, mowing scythes, rakes, hoes, chop chest and mixing trough, 3 lung ladders, one laurel tar, 2 Ma baskets, half b u , measure , a Lot of old iron, &c. SIXTY ACRES GRAIN in the GROUND Also Household and Kitchen Furniture-1 Cook Stove and fixtures,n2 Tables, :I Bedsteads nnd Bed ding. 1 safe, I sink, I set chairs, 20 yds carpet, 1 iron kettle, I sausage cutter, meat vessel, meat bench - , cider barrels, applelaith r by the, crock, tubs, buckets crocks, and many oilier articles too n unier ow, to mention. Sale to cnnrnu•ncc at 9 n'el,el( on said day whin n credit of Nine Months mill bti given 011 111/ rums Of Tell DJILIrt ( 1111(1 iil ,c•:ln's, II EIVRY STA I? G V. MuNu, A uct j 111 25 -3t] PUBLIC SALE. ran subscriber intending to quit finning,, will sell at Pub:ic Nnic, - on the firm of John I3 , me brake, dee'd, 2 miles East it Way or-horo', on 11',ri ticvdtry the 20th day of .reltruazi 18i.7, the follow ing valuable prliorty, ro wit mr.mAs..r) '4ll DRAFT HORSES I one-year end 2 two year old G.lts, one fine Farn ily More with foal; 20 HE AD CATTLE, s i x o f w hi c h are Mit c h Cows, 3.wi1l be fra4h by the day of sole, 2 Bul s, 2 extra Catves4 II 13 E A D SOUTHDOWN tiffEr.EP; 27 Head of Hogs, two of which JTE Brood Sows with pigs ; 2 PLANTATION • WAGONS , one four-inch tread. nearly new; I Spring Wagon, ISb igh and Bells, I Chain Drill, (Trove make) 1 t.pring-Tooth Rake, I 14:4st Par, 1 Rolling Screen, I pair Woad bad lets, 2 pair Hay Carriages 2 Barshenr Plows, 1 single and 2 double Shovel Plows, 2 Harrows, a loi trebble, double and single tree, 2 nets dung boards, a SET BLACKSWITII TOOLS (.100a), lot old iron, spreaders, streteher4 and fifth elvin, 1 log chain forks, rakes, shovels, 2 sets Of ltreeehl.ntls. 3 seta Front “ear 4, Plow 1;,.ar,4, }lou,en•, Fly•nets. Lines. Collars, Bridles. 11 elle, end sew chains. 2 llives_Bees and 2 PalticLo, ono limner bell, 75 BARRELS ' CORN, 7 TONS TIMOTHY HAY ; a lot Foci(ler, 100 BandloN Rye Straw ; SIXTY .M.)I , IES OR:UN IN T 1$ GROUND; • .52 it inch Hope; HNC) Household Furniture— one C oo k :-Love find Drum, I twenty four hour Clock, I corner cupboard, I set choirs and rocker, Table., 3 belt; veronsit blinds, 1 Rifle, Johnston's make; meat veszeb,, barrel's, Arc., 1 lame chop chi at anti noxiiii4 box, and many other articles too numerous to mention. bale to commence et 9 o'clock on nail day when the Let rits wilt be ina.le known jln 25-!a] ti V. ICING, Anct - 4ti.e.13 - RATED Weir or M , j }ita:zr.h. :41110C:6n 1%, V, Mobro, Auct THE LATEST ARRIVAL 811110, EMS, MY GOOK II J. F. KURTZ I' ISHES to inform the good citizens of Way ' VT neeboro' and vicinity, that-he has just receiv ed from the East a large and 'full assortment o fresh Drtvga, Medicines, Oile, Paints, Dye State Window Giese, Putty, Blushes, &c, &c., which he is prepared to sell as cheap as they can be had at any other house in the town, and which, in regard to quality,,cannot be excelled. Ile h.s also on hand a large asciortment of TOILET A ItTICLE.4 comprising in part the following articles, viz : Toilet Waters, all kinds, .Eau de Cologne, endless in variety, Extracts for the handkerchief, Fine• English Potnadus, ar's Oil, . • Fine and Fancy Soaps,- Tooth Brushes, Nail Hair " Combs, See. &e. For Culinary purposes he hes Corn Starch, Pearl Barley, Pearl Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz: Lemon, Vanilla, Strawbery, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple, Orange, Banana, Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg, &c. Fresh Spices, Black Pepper and all oth. Cr articles in that line. He has also something to please the CIIIIA ID EN . A fine stock of Toys of all kinds, a large supply of China ware, IP Eat C%lilat Wit c1ia1.326 ass . lie has n Bitters, Drake's Plantation Ali. Hoffland's German do. Sand's Sarsaparilla, '93 .Wa do. fiiteßhcw'se - ough Syrup,_ f Carr oea Cordial, Frey's — Vermitugoi---- - VorrnifugeS, doz. kinds. Judron's, Spaulding's, Ayer's, Brandreth's, • Morse's, McLane's, liver, Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Dr. Parishe's do. Kerosene Oil; Lamps and (Thins, neys always on hand. Thattkful for kind favors already bestowed upon him, he solicits a continuance-of - the - same, hoping that by trying to please he may win the confidence -of-the -^ -4. e. — As - much - care token in wi - iiting up en adults ae children Phricians' Prenriptions promptly and carefully nornpounded at all hours. J. F. KURTZ. , Aualiet 111, 1864. CELEBRATED BASE BURNING STOVE TOE MORNING GLORY! The Morning Glory is a porpr tun! burner, having a magazine or reservoir for rekserve coal, which re quired t.) he filled but once a day, and if the proper sized coal is used it is not necessary to rekindle the fire during the entire winter_ (No chillier willjremnin in these stoves, nor will there be any trouble from slate., or other impurities in the coal. the fire being alwai sat the base of th= coal, the hop trines are left in the ashes and groun out by the "Mill-grate.") THERE'S NO ESCAPE OF GAS OR DUST ECONOMY OF FUEL 1• . The combustion of fuel being perfect and at a high temp •rature, the amount of heat produced from the same quantity of coal is ranch greater than at a low temperature, hence hut a small quantity of fuel is necess t ary to be undergoing the process of combus tion at one time The entire outer surf Ice of the Morning Glory is radiating surface. Add to this is the stunt of objects heated by rays of light thra' the mic • vilidows, and you have the s:icret of the great h 4 ing properties of the Morning Glory with a small amount of fuel. .Cer - For sale at W. A. TRITLE'S Tin and Stove Store. [Dec. 28-2 m. PUBLIC SALE! rfiliE subscriber intending to gait farming, will sell at Public Sale, at his rebidenc,e,on the road leading from•Wayneaboro' liinggol\t, about two miles from the form , r and one fr.lm the blurt- place, on Monday the 18th day of February nt xt, the fol lowing purbonal property to wit: 5 HEAD HORSES four of which are extra I , ader:3,. one good riding and driving mare; :3 CONVe; a h, of SIJOATS; insol..l \-v-3 441,64110! r "N vr. one broad tread, ope Plantation, two Spring Wag ons with top and pole, ono one horst. Wagon; I Buggy, 1 sleigh, 2 three-horse Plows, 3 two horse do , 3 single and 4 d. , uble shovel Rows, 3 II arrows, Hay Carriers. I pair Wood 1,1,1 lers, new; I Cut ting Box 1 spring tooth Rake, 2 Hite Breechbands, 3 sets Front Gears, 4 sets Plow ,Genrs, 4 sets Bug gy Harness, 4 Buggy Fly nets, bridles, collant, And halters, 1 carriage pole, trebble, double nod single trees, cow chains, 1 uheelbarrow . I corn coverer, forks, rakes and shovels; 2 'run plate :Stoves and pipe, 1 Dinner Bell, I Rine, 1 hand Cart, Corn by the Barrel; HAS BY THE TON, 1 good lad,!er, .1 jackscrew, I mattock, axes, log chains, tiafth chains, one set dung boards, rail carriages, 5(10 bundles cornfo.l4ler, rpreaders, butt and breast chains, I stave jointer; ONE MOUNTA containing 7 acr,se; the undivided share of 50 Elll3 THE 011011111; Alpo 1 Minion, 1 Salo, I ' , et chairs. 6 leilatraila, loi hediling, Rtt yds corpot. I sink, 1 copper hettle, 1 largo moot veosol. and many other attielon too nu nu-roux to InPntion. Sale to c nunenec a( o'clock on said Jay when the ttrins will be made known by BENJ. P. E 11: A 12. T. Tau 25 —ts G. V.A1..:4(4, uct, ALITABLE PROPERTY PRIVATE SALE. • 1111 E 13 , 1 1 )Heribei 14114 a nt Priviie r nlo Lie vn In t bte pr•perty, ditualed orluitz ttrect. known as IL•+ “Waynesboro' Brewery,' including Dwollnig If oue., good Stabling, &c.— For ter ng, &c. opp'y to jar) tti 61.10. FOURTH N 1 t. ZoTc '' X GLIM vvsstsubsciieer informs the pnldie th it he is in• ed with power DP NlqdrY ti) ask edge DvOLIS: PO we! of A tturtitty , Pr•Antn Aesot u tts, ute. I)ec. '21 4 tf. SECONIDARRIVAL PHU &110EPLICH, in the way ofa large and hands ome,utock-of New Winter Goode just received from the East The firm tendin their thinks to the community or their very liberal pltronege, end now 'ask them o call and•see their present assortment of desirable WIXTER GOODS:, which they feel confident that they will pronounce cheap compared to former pricy° and quality We ask the ladies to call and look over the array of Plaid good's , good's, Twills,Cashmeres. • Allnroot Dclains 'The gentlemen are directed to the beautt ul line of Cassimeres Fancy, Cassimeres Plain, • - Clot /11 Satinets, With a complete line of Gunr Sandats and Bushing. Bradleys Hoop 'Skirts, Bahnorals, -Skirts for Misses & Children. Shaker -- and — BMW(Wire — lTlnnels, Opera ,t Army and Grey Flannels, bloat and Cotton Yarns, all colors, Golored-anti-Wh itt; Cu t tun Pia nn s, Alen's Undershirts and Drawers, :Men's-Roundabouts, Ladies Breakfast Shawls, 4;3 Long and square Shawls, Haney Blankets, Horse Blankets, Whips. Blankets, nail Road 134g8, Buckets, Brooms; Spices; &c 7'lfe sehs'crihers kindly ask the community to call i.nd see Weir handsome stock of goods now open and will couch that persons pill he convinced that "prices have filler]," and greatly ton, and to eon- VJIICAd yourselves of the f.ets just drop io and niake au inspection of goods and prices PRICE: dr.:IIOEI 7 I4CH. Nov 23, 1866. THE VERY LATEST, And most Important to Mankind, is that J A. FISHER, Merchant Tailor, has just received the Largest Snuck of MOTHS, °A SSIMER ES ' and VESTENGS iu the town or County, By Either Jew or Gentile, and don't except gen Fenian , ' or earthagcninu•, or any other man ; if you d believe it, call ad se•e fir yourselves. I will Make than to order in the :noel Fashionable and substantid manner, or s•Il them by the Yard or Patten] to snit LiJyyr , :, UIINAJ ) for I.:ASII. All work guaranteed to lit or no eule. :lino, a com plete stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods. It is not neeeEnary to enurnentte the atticks, ns it is Weil known thnt you Can tdways find a LA ttl;E STOCK of Fl,ll.satzi.ll:\ tiOtillzi ou hand at my wore. return thanks to my fri, and the public arm entily tor their liberal patroonge extended to nie.litid dome nttention to ousuless hr receive ir con rinu duct) of thu - saute. J A. FISIll A qi, Opporlite the Weehurgton Muse, P. 8.---The Celebrated SING I; R JE VYING M 1- 1:11.1. always oil band, bwli Family and Ilia Manufacturing Wichita,. J. A. F. Nov. 23, 186t1 TET l'Eft• Atlminigtratioa on the ratite of 4 :Solomon .Newcomer, at of Washington town whip, dec'd, having !eel' duly ttrinted to the under. Nig lied, they hereby notify nil periotie Oaring chi loot against.vnid derrn eil. to present Mein. and all per. [41 , 111• indebted to him to in ike leiv meta vvitnuut d e . - VII) WC JM ER, ,11)11.A A d 'rs, 1 . F. K It IZ. A. 1' .1 1 2.5 ti! AT THE CHEAP CORNER OF Poplins, Ivierinoa, Dela i us, TweetTer, Gaiter', Gum Shoes, LaWee Buffalo Over Shoes, Adies-will-plense notice our fine aesoriment of Cont. Has. Rugs, Gum Cloth, Bask etR, ' Tubs, Blvter PzintQ, ilogli, Spoons. Cuffoe, TM, Rice, Chocolate Grain Bugs, IYest z-hington at., If rigt , Diown, Md N 0 T-I CE . SEPT. 20TH 1866 00011 S!! Alpacas, Mohair Iteps. 411BEIVON, BENEDICT & CO. '414, Are now receiving their !-S-ECOND ASSORTMENT. Flannel* 111 arr Glo 3CI) . Clyildren's Shoes CLOTH'S, CASSIMERES, BOOTS AND SHOES, GLOVES, COLLARS AND HOSIERY, CLOTHS, VESTING:3, TWEEDS, a CORD, JEANS, DENIM'S Yarns, Ladlos, GROCERIES Bging, &e. CARPETS: respectfoliy request our en4loiners rind nil o thers, wishing to buy or ;0.1( nt assoitinent, to cell and examine Our Rock ; knowing th rt goods nro lotver now th it) they have, liven For some years, and b e ik v i tie thry will Dia 1w lOWNT frc some time 10 come, we, feel nt , sured we elm give fl kfietion. ANI IllEtitiON, 1•;11I!) & 00. Sept. 21, 1 FIS P; Ellitont, and lipilitiful,ett:icove by 12 rents. ti,,o I for ID venta at 11.1 y IS. ETC.% I.Pg & IFITESII,EW.S. OW is the tints t.. I uv rine' irglyarnkt j Patch: .c. f ~_ ;i .. -.__ 9 1 & C 1 NEW FALL A full stock of Ladies' -Dress—Goods. DRESS TRIMMINGS; DRESS BUT•PONS, DRESS (-3)RI), DE LAIDIES, -TISSUES, k \.. Collars, Can bries ' Ifluslins, Gloves, Hos ‘ry, Shakers, Swiss' Edge a d Inserting. All kinds of AEA'S PIMA Lui Also t full stock of Sti(Al4., COFFEE, SYREIPS. TEAS. FI:411,. • (31•11:;E:q:, 810 311 kinds of Grarerioa ETC QUEENS WARE, /TEENS 11".-1 IL E, HARDWARE HARDWARE, QUEENS WA RE, HA RI) livA NOTIONS. A 0 77 0 NS, (111ECItil MATTING, I'-LAIN 31 ATI'ING, VENETIAN, INGRAIN, STAIR, HE VI I', J W. MILLER'S AItRIVAL ' OF FALL AND WINTER GMK, "•-"-.••••••• o'---- TX A iIINO returned from the Enstera cities _n with n large and choice assortment of goods at reduced prices I pm prepared to offer much greater inducements than heretofore in, price and quality. Our stock embr aces Dry Goods, Queenswarc,. diarware and Groceries. ' Viffsl:llA LIANIE't Silks, All Wool Ropp, French Morines,Stax - ony Co burg, all Wool Delaines, Printrd Delahies, Alpne. ens, Ilairathen, all Wool Plaid, Poplina, Cloaking Cloths, Shawls, Break! ist Shawls, Daltnorals, Ging ham, Hoop Skirts, Collars, Ruffling, Hosiery, Amur° I)elaines, Linen dkis., embroidered Brocade Mu hair, Kidd & &c. 3FOR VELE GEN' 'S. French Cloth, Black floe Skin Una imeres, ran g CasNirneres, Silk 'Vestitr,.. Ii er (unling, I ;Mile Cloth, Satinets, Jeans, ltlettons, I 1 der Shirts and Drawers, Duck and Ifinr.zwood Berlin, Glow F r Suspenders, shirt-Front , , (A/ 4, Neekiit'S, . Furniture Check., Red Ticking, finelene —I and Unbleached 'lnb , e Nape', flue Linen 'Fowling, Bleached ancl-13-tddeached-Totvling;Wapkinp,-1-31eriel I _ _ ed and Unbleached Alaska, t 4 heetingli4 and 10 4 nankeen,Prints,Umbrellas F !wands. Ma rig, Girth- Ingrain and Rao Oil Cloth, 4 4 and 6 4 , kitalr Oil Cloth, Wh ENS ARE, GLASSWARE, CEDAR- liitt".E. 'Alai, Churns, Bucket., Knives and Forks, TA ble end Tea Spoons—Curry Combs, Mose Cards, anti Brushes, white wash and shoe Brushes, Bath Brick, Syrup, Mo lito_CotPe, TobareO. , , se gars, Teas, Spites, Concentrated Lye, Ext. of Log wood, Corn S.tarch,Ess. Coffee, Babbitt end-Fancy Soap, Kerosene end Tanner Ci!, [bay Salt, No Extra Shore Mackerel, White r Balier's No. 1 Cho3ko'ate, Tar.dtc. The above ateek ernbr ices elf the Tritest styles of goods,-which have been purchased with great car-, and-with-a-riew-to-suit-in-quality and .ty-lo -tho tastes of all. All we ask is a call and examination of our stock to convince those wishing to purchase that we are enabled to sell ns cheap as Ally house elsewhere, I tcrtiler - my thanks to the community for their_ liberal patronage and hope to receive a cont . - Cation of public patronage. _ .1. W. Ai. October 5, 1864. STOVES A ND TINWAR An a larg I supply of houme furnaAing; goody at the sign of the "1116 ItED Ut11111," 11 a} nerboro'c Pa„ where a large amsortineat of Cook Stoves, Nine Plate Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Coal Stoves, &c., of the latest iinprmsemenl4, the heAt in the:norket to he had at the cheap Tin and Stove store of D. B. itussELL. TIN ViT:A It L% . A lar.4e egeortineta of Tanvire of everyl,teser:plion. made of the:holt till ill Ut mark t warrantnl, at the sign of the 616 .101,r, 3Eloci. MID arZet.. D 13. Russell keeps conk-may on hand and for sale a generni assortment of tn.b v. ry best huteSe rflrllisking goods. Japaned wire. t;n tow' and fancy articlea. Pare No I )(era:vent: Oil, and a la , ttc ns , ortment of Lamps ol the late:t style and inipn.vetecnt I. r sale sheep. WASIKENG 31.61)311 EAST By raying at the sign of t!io ' , III , : 1Z1:D 111 11:'e' and getting one of the 1.1e...t Clot ies tit ring. rs eve,r mn(11.. -- Pers nariol want ‘.. of good stores, or gooditinware or hoar remishini guemis gen.qoiy. will do %veil by c.4l.ii • on 1) IS Inl , 81.:1.1,. Sign.of t :60.1itt; RED - fillltN " —4% spit shoo', Pa. , Ssp 2a, 380 G. PUBLIC SALE! 4 Hi sul;sTriber intending lo leave I , l 7 nyneaborn . , will sell et Pub ie Side, at hie residence on Bast Main street, on SATUNDA V TUC 911.1nar or Ficauumor next, the following' pertoon,,l property, to wit: 4 Bedsteads, 1 doz Chess I II BUREAU, 2, BLEN, I crib, 1 wash stand, I rickintr, chair, 1 sink. two clocks, I flour chest, 1 iron kettltt, 1 omit bench, lot barrels; ;3 Kl'llYVEzi, ono cook with fiXiureA, ono len plate and one dining conk. Ala° 2 Arta BLACKSMITH TOOLS: I 'l' ire bender, 1 box mandrel 1 jork•iere v, 1 Grin - stone, stone, 60 pair to! gA, 4 ~.10'1“. 14, 5 screw plates, right and kb; 2 vb. WI tug box, s Hui Iwns, SETS DRILL TOOLS , 2 Pearth t runv, 1 lar,e Vi•e, 24 jockey sticks Iron ed, 3 sets tongee clef I , !q her P,lfttli lb tit Wa.,., , stes, 4 F els ittage lie` I,', wheel shop desk a..(1 skirl ti, I wiivello untw , 1- Port dde ;shop Ft/ 171 eel', 121 i t stt 1;e,1 !..r, I oe••I of 1 , ,,,rt0es teeth, a lei Iru.v p ert Iron. 3 hut's, iII 'WI a', It I st. rep, 1101.1 Ittr .111- glee and double trk,,, elite 6,43.1,4 drill, 1 per s,:op Lad:e M It ; 01g. TllOl l ll V 1 MG"; 1 new spring wagon, a lot chains; about 5700 j , ): shingles, a Jot old iron • and other articles not nu. cessary to mention. sale t commence at 10 o'clock 01 sail day when a credit of 13 months will tm given on all sums i)f and upwards. L. SCHIIEctir. Jan. 2A— tsi • U. V. Noss, Apples Wanted.. rri 11 E subscriber wi:Lpay the high . .at cash price I fa. amnia Apples. Jan. 11—tr BEAL F. e'l' N: W A iri'. I , 4 HANG Molnses, 3 15,, so n 1 rty4 n; “icrucit'L A •4,11:111 •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers