VILLAGE RECORD. ~~ ~ ~ibs~~~: - - - Febr"tialr3r Cr The Frederick (Md.).Republietia has laoi t_d the banner of Impartial Suffrage.:— Ttó. net üblidan is a live paper ti`nd htin Pee tce "conservativeby or "confederates," t►ith• ;Jut gloves. tr The Keitiucky nonse t7f Aelreseats tives hai , e refarre the Committee on Ftleral Relations a resolution that Andrew be requested to issue a proe:atnation for gen. oral amnesty, or that John C.'Breekinridge, the traitor, be pardoned and permitted' to re tuin to Lis totne. WITAT ITAS HE GAINED?—The term of the present Congress'will expire by Coned tutional limitation on tilt:Vibe' of March &est That substantial. Union .Daily, the Harris burg Tcleyraph, says it is Che Erst Congres--- o' Andre* Johnson's 'creigrt,'' and Wirr date an epoch in the history of the Government. When Johnson was nominated for Ore Vice Presidency his'opponents denounced him as the blackest of all the Aactieals, a renegade Dethocrat who, for honor and emolument, Pad dexerreast expressions of opin :On and professions of princifrles. When this man became President by the violence of a murderer, it was predicted by . thousinds of I eople that he would rule:the States then i o tt—tvith—ati ran—l tan d,`-t-hat—he would repay trens_on with such yulishn.ent as mutt forever prevent the recurrence of a 'meter armed effort to de6troy the Govern ment. At the approaeLint , end of Johnson s_ fist Clongresg., while President, is_is fo ails what Lc 1114 gained Tor the country, what has he done for the Government?— in the first place, we can safely make the sweeping answer that Andrew Johnson has not added one particle of strength to the GJverntnent, or contribute] a single geenrity for the future peace of the country. From Vie hour tint he was inaugurated President to the Kirkwood flot,e7e" he has been in league with traitors who Warred to over hrow the Gm:rim:mt. At no time during_ the_ past twenty-two months has Andrew John son attem eted the ierformance of an honest act, -to put the weight of treason on traitors tie liag_used );is power, inveriablo, to screen —gt/iity—rebels. 110 has 'pardoned—men—who ly deserved eferuaftiof if not dis -14-set:fill death, and he has ainu , ,ed himself ru sett?trg fret the most depraved wretches, --- Ofar -- e --- ci - Tnvi - utio - tr-wa - s -- dri ant ofgreut — publib justine, and whose incarceration was regard ed as a necessary means of scenting pnblie safety. Ile has been his own secret agent in encouraging murder and arson in the South as the beA wny the rebels defeated in battle could revenge themselves on Union rocr. Ile ineited the mobs who filled the strettg of Memphis and New Orleans with the blood of Vnido men. He has done more to bring the Government to reproach than the rascals who assailed it 'Ojai arms in their hands. He has steadily and delibetatelyop• ;celled the wise action of Coogvesd to in crease the goners? welfare. He has exercis ed the veto power exprosaly assigning as a reason for so doing that his object was the protection of traitors from punishment. * * * Having attempted to usurp the power of Congress; be has forced that body to assert all its conttittitional rights, the ex orcise of whieh lefties the President power less, rendering Andre* Johnson to-day the most contemptible ind;vidual in the world invested with civil and military , power At the approaching end of .Andrew Johnson's first Congress, he has no friends mt such as are unrepentant traitors or the friends of treason. He had proven himself incapable of good, and after a feeble struggle with the legislative branch of ' the Government, be has been rendered powerless:for evil. kiii"ihe secession plotters in the Maryland Legislature, alarmed at the storm of indigna tion excited by their outrages upon the loyal people of thar,State, have repealed the bill calling a new deaden in . tbe city of Balti more—so tharthe Radical city government, headed by the brave Mayor Chapman, will stand. letit•ren. Sherinan, in his Atlanta letter of 1864, said: "If you admit the negro to this strugglo for any purpose, he has a right to stay in for all; and when the tight is over, tht hand that drops the musket cannot denied the ballot!" air The new bounty bill reported id the Ilciuse allows $8,25 per month for the tithe Served, deducting all United States, State and local - bountice i. and provides for the pay meat of the same upon duelpQof,evell though the soldier may hate lost his iso argo pa pers. A NE.w Vottk —The national in Company, No.. 507 Minor St., Philadel phia, have in press a work by Hon. Altman. der H. Stephens, entitled t'A History of the Late Win: between the States—Tracing its Origiii, Causes and Results." Mir The plan for the central monument for the Gettysburg National Cemetry, him been agreed upon. It is to be a white mar= hie shaft feet Mali, costing 847, 500, with one or more statues by Rogers, Ball's Journal of 11‹olth scolds the ladies lor not wallsinw more; and thus fortifying ~GGIi' tt4o9, LOCAL MA SALE REOISTRY —The pliblie sales 'ad ieriisod tifrotigh the columns of ibe. Record doieo off as follow --- Sebildkpecht, .Saturday, February 9. David &Julia Newcomer,Monday Feb. 11 John Le,her, NVednesday, February 13. Henry Slartzmato, Friday. February 15 Benj. F.- Stewart, Monday, February 18. Philip M. Bell, Monday, February 18. Samuel Dayrralt, Wednesday, Feb. 20. John Lintz, Jr., Friday, February 22. William Johnson, WedneSday, , Feb. 21. John L. bletcalf, Thursday, Feb• 28. W. P. Weagley, Thursday, March T. WAGONS —See advertisement of wagons for sale by J. S. Forney. REOEITED.—We acirnotleage the receipt of $2, from Daniel Indlesberger, Dixon, 111. The lot ocenpied by the Eagl'e recently buri,t at Hagersto'vra, has been pur ch•ased by A. J. Magruder and A. H. Hag er, for the ecm of V 0,500. A CHANCE —Any per Sons in want Of a first-class Piano eau' procure one direct from the mtnufacturer, at an - unusual discout by applying at this office• PUBLIC CALEB.--Several more SItICS of valuable personal property will be found a mong our advertisements to-day,• to which we invite special attention NEW GOODS.-L. S. Forney & Sons hare receive 3 another supply of new goods at their new Leather and Finding Store. See advertisement Tice COurtr 1/otBE —A ccordio2. to tin published Statement of the County Commis sioners, the entire cost - of rebuilding the Court house in Chambersburg, amounts to the round sulb of $5'2,083,25 " 1 TI2/EFS.—gi*Oral attempts, bi a !ate Tiour, have recently been made to enter meat. houses in this place. Some "long-fingered" 'gentle man is eVidenflyishbrt of p34."ra-tiorysiP—a, • we would advise citizens generally to have an eye to their "hams.'' latirTnE - Irttri - nr — ift,Tort will visiTfhis plaze on Wednesday and Thursday, Feb 18th and 14th, when he can be found at hrs room TITG particulars see supplement in 0111 week's pa per. STuvlr.q.,&c.—WiltWite special atten COO CO thie advertisement of W. A. tritlo, in a- noiher etilimn. It will be seen that he is a ell supplied 'with - stoces - and -- cithr - artieles in, his line cebasintss. lisEirtrz Anna;Es.—We have the pleas tire of calling the attention of oar readers to the advertisethente of Nixon's ro'prietary:ar ticlei; They huge been before the pablie for some years, and have proven worthy of priblio confidence. Nizon—llas_4(pent_o.ue_r_ twenty years in the Drug business, and Con trols his business with a masterly hand.— We advise our readers to try 41. lose articles. DISEASES OP THE LUNGS AND Am PAS sAGES.—Doctors Frantz & Snively are pre pared to treat all diseases affecting the throat and luogs,.by means of the Atomizer, an in strument by which medicines can be applied in the form of spray, combined with vapor to the diseased surfaces, in a manner, and with a success, heretofore unknown. THE LADY'S FRIEND—We have received the February number of this popular month ly. As usual it is beautifully embellished, containing many engravings, among which aro "The Sailor Boy's Dream of Home" end' a colored Steel Fashion Plate of the usual double page size. The contents o f this number are interesting generally. Price (with engraving) 32,50' a year. Address Deacm & Peterson, 319 Vi'aln'ut St., Phila- GROUND HOG DA . Y.—Saturday last was Ground Hog Day. It is alleged that if his "hogshir sees his ShadOw on that day he will return to his hole, and that we may ex speck eix weeks more of severe weather.— As old Sol did not make his appearance" on Saturday, nary shadow was seen and we cah therefor anticipate an agreeable ‘13poll" for the next few weeks. The man with the "white hat" can take consolation. OURT PAOCEEDIN QB.—Among the cases importance before the Court last week was / hat of Rupolph Speelman vs. Daniel W. Royer. Mr. Speelman several years since purchased Mr. Royer's farm. Mr. Daniel. Myers since transferred two notes against Royer' to Specimen amounting to some $2,- 700. Mr. R. claims that the notes were ac commodation notes and that he received no value for the same. Hence the suit. A large number of witnesses were examined on both sides. The verdict of the Jury was in favor of the defendant, but a motion'for a new trial has been made. NOTICE.—We are requested to announce that all our efforts to secure Mr. Hewlett to lecture on Temperance, in this place have tailed, and in lieu thereof we haie the pleas ure of annountling that the Rev. S. H. C. Smith, of Chnobersburg, Will address the cit izens upon that subject on, Thursday eve ning, Feb. 14th, and we promise.them anoth er lecture by some stranger from a distance in the early spring If this be not satisfac tory to those Who, submibed, they can have their subseriptims refunded by applying to the lodge through Mr. Jos. F. Kurtz It. fl Row; W. S. CUMINCI To Lit an. , .- - -The following cir cumstances throw some light on the late Post Office robocry in this' place. At the time the robbery was announced suspicion attached to a stranger named Clark who had been' eaahin,,ctiaretending to each•a Writ ing class here several weeks previous. Ire decamped without paying his Hotel bill, but 'ERS. - , returned about 9 o'4Nroel , on the .night the offiee was robbed, and was 'missing in the morning. We now havo it from good author ity that the same individual has bean passing under the !mum of Lund, and Within' a, feW' days attempted to get his frank away from McGrath's lintel, in ChambersbOrg, without , t squaring. up arrearages. being cliseoVered be was locked in a room with the trunk for t..11 r the night, but stscceeded in releasin irn self by tying the bed clothing toge r and letting biros - elf down from the wiu ow l — Our imformant also states that a few evenings previous to this occurreneehe was seen enter a. restaurant and ofter;a slieet of stamps for sale. These were' donbtlesa some of the stamps taken Irani the Post Offiee is this place GROWING 01. D.-It is said that time itself itt. growing old, and must soon lose itself in 'the boundless expanse of e ity. Thd years roll round rapidly, and gerreratii ter generation passes aw%y, and is forgclten , or treated as a tale oft told,. Nen are born in • to the world, grow up to youth and . maturity and, old age with its sure marches, soon . over takes them.' We look for them a air). we find the new made grave with its simple headstone, the bereaved clad io the habili tncars. of mourning, and sorrowing friends moving slowly about tile streets., All things are passing rap'illly awy, men and wonleo aro growing old, and new forms and fates will soon occupy the places they now fill. ELEcTiolg OF PAsTo g.—The Lutheran Congregation of Hagerstown on Sabbath _last unanimously elected Rev. T. T. Titus, of- Springfield, Ohio, to fill the. ministerial va eattcy—iih,lr—e-h-rtroh, a - Adian iiinkle an old citizen of Hog erstown, died on the 3d inst. Fa President Pierce is sixty-three- There are 200 funerals daily in' London. 'err - thouiand - peoplei - ve — tiridefilni pave. meats in New York. Broad street, Philadel an Queen Tietoria weighs one hundred and iieve,nty pounds. Tdeaday, the--12ch; annivcrsa• ry of the birth of President Lincoln. The snow drifts on the Alkghany moun tains are 30 feet high. Every county in Ohio but one has a post of the Grand Army of the Republic. A Memphis lady took chlo'roform, When about to have a swollen finger lanced, and died: -Since the assassination of President bin- Coln over fifty thousand people have visited hie old home at Spri - ogfield. ° The High street M E. Church, Baltimore, last year contributed $22,000 for religious purposes. • In Holland no creditor or: tat gatherer calla at a house where .there has been a birth until sit weeks after the event. It is stated that a dinner clan given recent ly in Paris, of which the principal dishes were shark . , horse, dog and rat. 171 c crown of the Delgian Queen is corn. posed of 45 pearls, 40 diamonds of /urge size, and 5,000 small brilliants. A fascinating young railroad.ensineer has been arrested in St. Louis for having three wives too many. There are 105 schools for freedmen in Tennessee, having 122 teachers and 6,810 ptipils. At Black Hawk, Colorado, they citargt $l4 a day fur board, and S2O for board with lodgings. Mr. Robert T. Banks, an opponent of the war for the Union. is the copperhead nomi nee for Mayor of Baltimore. The newest Yankee notion is an unArella with a gutter round the edge and a spout at one corner. Hundreds of miners are being discharged in the coal regions, in • consequence of the depression of the coal trade. The Illinois House of Representatives has passed a bill unanimously to contribute the sum of $50,000 to aid in building the Lin coln monument. Mrs. Catharine Heesh died in Baltimore last week aged 101 years. She is supposed to have been the oldest inhabitant of the State. JEFFERSON'S IDEA OF MEDICINE.--ieffer. son had no confidence in Materia edica. While a resident in Paris, his daughter was seized with typhus fever, and an eminent physician was sent for. He came, examined the patient, gave directions about nursing, and departed without giving or leaving any medicine. The same course was pursued en the second and,third days, when Mr. Jeffer• sou said: "Doctor, you don't appear to be doing any thing for my daughter. What is the reaßon?" "The reason is I want her to get well. I had suppose& pin knew what my system of etice was." "No; what is it?" "To have the most careful nursing, leave the disease to wear itself out, and let nature do the rest; but I never give any medicine." The result was the daughter recovered with an uninjured constitution, and for thirty years Jefferson followed the system of the French physiciiin. Anthracite oal is confined to only four counties i ennsylvemia.—Sehuykill, Lu zern, Northwubeiland, and Carbon. There are no other Anthracite depogits iu the Uni ted• Gov. Wells, of lchisiane, in his message to the Legislature, approves and favors the adoption of the constitutional amendment, and assumes that Congress will require the Southern States fro enfranchise all their citi zens. - Referring to the July riots, he do= pounces the assault upon and killing of the cotiventionists as an unwarrantable and . un provoked massacre to gratify the hatred felt by the police and mob against loyalilts.- A3YERIOAN Poti.TRY r 1; - elar.AN.15.-An Peglish paper sap:- "During the last few weeks several ships arriving at Liverpool from the United States have brought over as portions of their eisrgees barre4,/nontain ing tterkeyg,geese, and other birds, sufficient ly pickled to enable them to reack the 'old country' in : On the 31st ult., at the residence' of the bride's fatlie)', by Rev. W. E. Krebs, Mr.. HENRY. F. LECRONE, to Nies ALICE. S. CARBAUGH, both of this vicinity. Accompanying the above notice we reel red "'one dollar" and a basket full of "good things" prepared for the oecasion, for which the happy couple will aecel , t our gratefulae knowledgementr. May fortune smile upon these generotrs yorfng friends, and health and happiness abide, with them, On the 19th ult. in Quincy township, SUSAN 113131 A, infant daughter of Eli and Nary Mickley, aged 10 months and 20 day-s. IrITILADELPH4A CATTLE 'AJAIIKET.-_-_-310*- - WY6I) - 4 - = - Tho - arrivale of the week will reach 1,500 head of Red Cattle. The offer ings to-day are made up of cattle chiefly from Ohio. Indiana and Illinois, with a fair number of good and extra, which are sought (after at priees ranging from 16 up to 17c he-poorer-g-rad es con - tinife — tTi — forid - __ttic_, bulk nt the arrivals, which in many instances are disposed of at prices far below a minim entice figures. COWS AND CALVES.—The extreme dullness which has prevailed for some time Lpast still continne:,,_ holders' experiencing great difficulty in diFposing of their sup plies. We_quote at ,56003)90_f_nr_Cu_vrs—an-d Calves. Total on sale 250 head. SHEEP.—The dullness recorded at the Close of our last still continues. A few were put off at 6c, while some of a better quality changed hands at 7iel? lb, gross.— Total receipts daring the week, 8,000 bead HOGS —At Henry GlaSs' flog Drove Yard 2,095 head were recorded as the arriv 'als-for the week. Fritts advanced,--and—the stock was closed out at slo@ll 14 100 lbs net. At the Avenue Yard about 1,000 head sold at $10(11 11 100 lbs net: PHILADELPHIA - MARKETS.—Tuesday Feb. 5, 1867.—Trade Flour slightly improved today, but prices were weak and barely sus tained. Ilome-cotisiamers purchase rather more freely, taking 1,250 barrels at sB@B.- 75` . 40 bb). for superfine, $9,10. 50 for ca ms, $11®12.50 for Northwest extra family $1.1.7513. 50 for Pennsylvania and Ohio, do , and $l4 50@16.50 for fancy brands, ac• cording to quality. There is very little prime Wheat offering, and this description is in steady demand at full prices; white common aradesarezegiect— e an* a most unsaleable Small sales of Penn. syl - vi - nia red at $2.75@3.10, Southern dcf. at $3 10(a)3. 20, and white at $3 20@3 40. Rye was In better demand, and 1,200 bush. Pennsylvania were disposed of at $1.35(c1)1.- 38ef bushel. Corn was in fair request at yestersday's prices; sales .of 11,000 bushels new and yellow, chiefly at 85c for Pennsyl vania. Oats continue quiet; 'sales of 3,000 bushel at 57(§58e, and 1,000 bushels at 560 e Nothing doing in Barley or Malt, mud prices are nominal. bia, is ten miles Sales of 400 bush Cloversoed at - 14ic if 4 lb (or $9. 84 19 btlah). Timothy is steady at $3 75@4. PUBLIC SALE. nndcHigned will sell at Public Sale, on . tho I premises, near the Hagerstown toad, leading from Waterloo to Ringgold, on Wednesday the 27th day of February, the following personal property, to wit: 3 HEAD HORSES (all young) good stock; 3 colts, trro tieing 2 yEars old and ono rising 1 ',eat; 17 Head Horn Cattle ; among which aie four Mulch Cows and one young Bull, (good stock) two good sized Steers which will be in good order till time of sale, the balance 3 oung stocli; 17 HEAD or HOGS, fourteen' are large shoats, one brood sow, good stock; 1 good Broadhead Hold Wagon with bed, bows, cover, &c,, 1 Plantation Wagon, 3-inch tread, one Cart, 1 boarded Bed, 1 pair Hay Ladders, 1 pair Wood Ladders, 1 Ohio Reaper and Mower combi ned, good as new; 1 Thrashing Machine and Horse Power, Shaker, &c., 1 tiring Rake, 2 three Horse Plows, 2 Gap Plows, 3 Harrows, 3 single and three double shovel Plows, trebble, double and single trees, 2 pair stretchers, 1 111th chain and carrying chain, 2 log chains, 1 rough luck, lock chains, butt breast and cow chains, grain cradles, mowing scythes, forks, rakes, picks, shovels, mattocks, dung hooks, spades, brier scythes, and other articles in this line; used l Blacksmith Anvil 2 sets Breechliands five sets Front Gears, 4 Fly -nets, bridles, Collars, Hal ters, Housens, Horse Isla kets, Wagon Saddle, whip, lines, backhand and cart saddle, 1, 11.ibrake, &c. Also the following 1101USEHOLD ARTICLES: I kitchen cupboard, 1 wife. 1 Bet chairs, 2 bedsteads, 1 good Itilie, (Armstrong's make) 1 shut Gun, two large Meat Ve-sel, cider barrels, '2 sausage cutters and 1 stutter, some clean fat, 1 Baddler bench, 1 24-hour clock, and many other articles not necessa ry to enumerate, Vale to continence at tt o'clock oti said day when a credit of 7 moue will tie given on all sutn4 of *5 and upwar 'a. WILLIAM JOIINoTON. Feb 8—1..] G. V. Aft , ZiG. A uct. - WAGONS FOIC S SILE 1 - THE sub.criber ofrera iit private sale 1 Spring wagon, 2 two horsy _,,wa;onts and 2 four 11./fEle GOV( Tainflit wagons. N, J. 8. Ftalt:i rel B—tf. • THE subscri!mr ofilas at Piivato Sale FIFTY A eitliS more or less, host quality, limestone land, adjoining the Borough of ayneaboro', and lying along the Chambenburg road. J t)itN FUNK . (of H) 1' d,, g tf. Tgam-,r .~Z. r xi . M - A,:ifzmz.3miEsa. PRIVATE SALE ! 10.000 NIBS OF BUTTER! rpliE quantity of gutter' made inAhis country is A to:ran:all. ft csebe increved 10 000 pounds by the use of Nixon's Hone n'd Cattle - Powders. Good, for 11-diseases of }loses Cattle, Sheep and Begs. Sold by J. r:KURTZ, Waynesboro'. •W . Read these certificates, hundreds of which could be published: Four of five years ago, J. S. NINON compound ed a Horse and Cattle Powder. and asked me to try if. I was the first farmer to whom it was given and the first one to use it for stock. I found it ful ly equal to what Mr Nixon said of it, and I hare used it extensively since, and heartily recommend it to farmers as a sure thing in fattening stock of all kinds and a capital Powder for Horses. MICHA EL EBERSOLE Chambers Intrg, December, ~8661 J. S. Nixon.—To the multitude in this por tion of our State,who have used your Cattle Powder, no commendation is• necessary. Its beneficial ef fects have been fairly tested, and hence its unboun ded popularity. h have used it for my horses and 'cows fiTrieVerra - years past, and'cannot afford to do without it. It keeps-all kind of cattle in good con dition,Q loosens,, the skin, smoothes the hair, and sharpens their appetites. As *prevent* , from dis ease, I regard it as invaluable. Yours, ficc., REV. R. SACHNECK. Chambersbure,!.lgril, 1866. J. S. Nutort Dear Sir :—lgirve your Horse and Cattle Powder a fair trial with all my stock, Horses and cattlo,.and it improved them wonderful ly. It speedily increased the richness of the milk of my caws, andlimproved the condition of my stock greatly. can cordialiit recommend it as the best thing of the kind I have ever known or tried, for all kinds of stock, and it should be kept in every stable. Yours truly," A. K. McULUEE, Ed. Repository. SURral CURE. ARMY ITCII, CAMP ITCYf,- BARBER'S ITCEE, Itmo W ornr, and all S inllisBaeca. certainly cured by Glycerine Ointment. Sold by J. K. KURTZ, Waynorboro' ~Nixon's East^ln3ia Tincture. _ . . The beef medicine for Internal antrEsternal pain Perfectly safe und er_all circumstances.—Every-fam ily should have-it. or If you have raiva, use NIXON'S East rti•}ia Tincture. Stir If you have Skin diseases, use NIX ON'6 Glycerine Ointment. garif you have horses or cattle that don't 'rive, use NIXON'S Horse end CatdePowders. Chambersburg, Feh.'B--Iy. PUBLIC SALE rpiiE undersigned intemlina to discortlimiclarm j ing, will olrer al Public Sale, at his residence, on the road leading from Leiteraburg to Smithburg, of a mile from the former place, on Monday the 18th1 day oj'February, ISG7,llthe following iwrscatirF property, to void SEVEN iIEAD OF VALUABLE OR. HORSES three of which nro goad Brood Mares, two'of them being with foal, three are Rood plow and ,wngori leaders, I family mare, suitable bulßiditlif and cid • ving; 16 EM 01 Mil CHTLI, 6 of which aro good milch cows, I or 2 will be fresh by the day of sale, Borne of therm c•ftle are of the Durham and Teaswater breed; also the celebrated young Dull, Roanoke, of the sautes. breed; 5 RDA D OF COTSIVOOL AND SOUTHDOWN SHEE,P 1 of them a fine Ram; 40 HEJD OF HOGS, 6 of which are good brood Sowsf 2 Plantation Wag ons; broathrsail, I wood bed, 1 english boil, I pair hay carriages, I sleigh and bulls, 1 McCormick Rea per, 1 Drain Drill, 1 spring tooth Rake, 1 wheat fan, 1 three horse and •I fro horse Plows, / flarroes, 2 single and ;# double shovel Plows, I corn coverer, trubble i do - übla and single trees, 1 fifth chain,sprea dors, breast, butt and cow chains,l2 log chains, a lot old iron. Wagon and plow gears,l collars, bridles and halters. Mowing scythe, forks rakes, grain bags; I SET BLACKSMITH TOOLS. Also . , GILAIN IN TILE Gnoilivo ; Household Furniture, 3 bedsteads. 1 large (lining table, I churn, 1 doughtray, 1 ten plate afore, 1 set chairs, barrels, and many other artieles . tuo tedious to enumerate. Safe to commency at 9 o'clock on said day,friten a credit 'of eight Months will be4given on all sums of *lO and upwards, by the purchasers giving their notes with approved security; sums under $lO the cobh will be required. No goods to be removed un til settled for. . riumr M. BELL rticasou SIitCCKLZEI, Auct Feb. 8 —2w, COOK STOVES. rirCA LI. AT Tritle's Stove, Tin . and Copper Store ! FClien a large stork of latores and TINWARE on hand, which he will sell cheap. Pikes t‘) suit tho tun S. His stock embraces_ the best of Cook. Nine-plate and Coal Stoves. COOK STOVES FOR. COAL OR WOOD, G 0 OI) BAKERS, large Ovens„ and take a long stick et wood. Ilia is good, strong and wide of the best Tin. Brass and Iron Kettles, Brass Dippers, Bake Pans and Tinned Iron Ware, also the • BEST CISTERN POMP IN MARKET, is strong, simple. durable and cheap. Price si2 Instired not to Freeze. Don't fail to give him a call Old Castings taken in exchange 14 St ,acs or ware, next door to Mider's Dry Good Store. rvbru try 8, 1866, Pr HE aubscrilacr Mtonding to quit -farming, will' 111_ sell at Public Sale on his farm, 1 mile South of Waynesboro', near the road leading to Smithsburg, On Thursday the 7th day of March4B67.- the following personal property, to wit : 7 HEAD HORSES four of which are first-rate work horses, two driving' horses and•one colt 3 years old; Six head of Young Cattle, one cow will tie fr'esh in the spring. one.fat stter; one four-inch trend and one two-inch plantation; Grain Drill, 1 new Spring rake, • 1 mower and Reaper, 1 wheat Fan, 2 Harrows, 2 aim horse Plows, two double and 2 single shovel Plows, I jackscrew, 1 ice cutter, tr:ough jock, .1 log chain, fifth chain and' ripragOs,Aloubfr and single trees, 1 coning box, 2 griii*Viddles, 1 mowing scythe, I grain shovel, bne dung book, hay forks and rakes, 1 set wagon bows, 1 feed trough, 1 pair hay Ladders; 1 woad bed, one mill wagon, 20 good bags, 4 sets - wagon gears, 3 sets plow gears, 2, Lines and 5 brad halters., 8 tly nets, 2 wagon saddles,4 housens, 5 blind Bridles , a lot of collars l lreast and Pow chains, I wheelber, row, spring wagon with top, 1 falling top.bu 1 buggy without top, 60-11A-RRELS OF-COR-N, 50 BUS. RYE; 90'chestnut posts,ll set doublelbar nees, 2 sets single barnass, a many othetarticat not necessary to mention. Sale to commence at 9 o'elo saiJ day,Twbutf a credit of nine:montlii will be giv n on ,all simis•of $ 5 and upwards. W. P WEAGLY. Fvb 8— ts - "HE subscriber will sell at Public' Sale, on THURSDAY THE 28TH OF FEMIUAIT3I:, 2+ miles oast of Wsynssboro l i — ricnrlke - arSrFrrelory i , the [anon -lag personal preperlY, In wit: l_fine bieck four years, suitatilo for work, riding or one, Twang driving;,2 EXTRA 'MULES, well broke to batnesi and perfectly gentle to handle;: .mang-heifer,exsta brecdr-1 Spring - Wagon, tens horse Wagan and bed, new; 1 two horse Spring Wagon, I two hors° Government Wagon, gaol as nevq Iwagonibed, 1 pair rewihay carriages, 1 good two horse Plow, 1 thuble shovel Plow.ll Harrow, 2 sets Front Genie newly new, coleys, bridles, Hal ters,fcLw chains, forks, rakes, 1 jackscrew, 1 crew- - bar, 2 cant hooks, 1 long work -bench,--I—set-slung boards; 1 SET.BLtCKSMITII TOOLS, 1 nine plate Stove, 1 Parlor Store and pipe, 1 pair large scales, weighing from 1 to 130 pounds, two large-Hot-Ueda-and-sash,a lot Street P:itstots; ONE NEW SLEIGH, largersrring of bells, 1 large dinner tell, 1 hand bell, single and double trees, 3 log chains, 1 dram hook, 1 sausage cutter and stutter, hlard press, a lot' MilLl'icks and facing hammers, I brg wagon, 1 new dry house, Locust Posts and Stakre,l 2 cross rut elists, l new boat, potatoes by the bushel, alt t old Ironton(' steel, grab) cradle, mattock, I set hie ory cogs and rounds for face gearing, 1 Cider Mid to ruin with water or horse power, 1 dung book, a lot GOOD TIMOTHY HAY; 18 BUS. DRIED A PPI, ES, a lot oak se nntlitrg and otter lumber,il fplondid • Water Level ith spy glass, I t•ew log sled, 2 seeps beer, 2 rocking cl a sr, and many other articles not necessary to men firm S.lle_to-commetice-at-9—olclock7l, viten a credit of 6 months will le Elven on all s ums of $5 and upwards. JOHN 1,. METCALF; .4 , O. V. MONO. A uct. Feb 8 - ts.), NEW LEATHER IJEWIS S. , FORNEY & B . O . NTS, tecould info:rn the public that they have received another sup. ply of goods at their new Leather and Finding Store, ombracing among other articles the follow ing : Sole Leather, Itnugh Skirting', netnlock and Spanish Sole, €iulf Skins, French Calf do., Sheep do., French and buns Morocco, Lining Skins, all kinds, Lasts, every style and size, Threads, Boot Webing, Laces, Galloons, Size Sticks, Measure Straps, Peer Bones, Burnishes, Heel Shaves, Last ‘. Hoops, Peg Floats, Double Cutters, Welt Knives, Nails and Tacks, Wax, Clamps, Crimp Boards, Batrbers, Thistles, Lasting Irons, Files, Ink Powders / Surd Paper, Compasses, Boot Trees, Pegs, Knives, Pinchers, Hummers, various kinds; Rasps--- and Files, Anis and Handles, Collis Irons„, Long and Shoulder Sticks, Eyeletta and Eyelett Punches, Strip Anis, And all other articles usually kept in such stores. Ilighost cash price paid for !tides and IS kiwi.— Feb. B. , FORNEY & SONS. INSERTS Beautiful and Durable teeth mnunted on Platina, Gold and Vulcanite. Particular attention given to the preserrati , n of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for tho extrac tion of teeth without pain. Office at his residence on Mechanic Street. JUST ItETUI6I.D. . Mr. Metcalfe, Senior Partner of the firm of METCALFE & afTESIIIEW CHAMBERSBURG, TAB just returned from the East vatero he has been since lust week buy lug all such goods as they are out of, an I also buym; all bargains offer.d. The RIOW goods will be oreited to niono.r, 6u tor day January' sth Those who want bargains in tho Dry Goods and Notion line go to No. 15 Lain Jt. where you will be sure to find them. Goods of every dia riptiou 1S hu:esalfal at city jobbers pricey. M. & H. Chalubersi)urg, J in. 4, 1867. DENTIST, GREENCASTLE, PA. rrEETII extracted without pain. Office in Clip ." penger's building, nearly opp site Adams' H '- lei, where he will attend to lientonry wit't care and attention. Old Gold and Silver plates taken in pats pay for new ones. Teeth inserted (torn a singe tooth to a fultiset, inured for one year. 'Jan 18-Iy, EICRS, Furs, Muff, and tie:th A at r Nov. 2.3 J Plitch ti flohFLteu'ri T n Fre, rand Only 1V0..1 td;et. No ?..3.J S. ilustucus W. A. TU[TL[ PALE' SUL TWO WAGONS, PUKE SAL FINDING STORE !. DR. T. D. FRENCH, 3:33MATULIXERV, :DM D. it. tk. TaUFFER,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers