Tilt 'WEST 4.400,41 i 111R- i IIR ;IC J. F..KURTZ ITIBHEB to Inform the good citizens of Way nesboro' and, vicinity, that he has just recoiv od fromtho East' a !Urge and Mit assortment: of fresh Drugs, -Medicines, 'Oils, Paints,' Dye Staffs Window'Ulass, Putty, Brushes,- 454 4 1 C.. &COY hich he is prepared 'to sell as cheap is they cititbe had ht any other house in the town, and which, in regard to quality, 'cannot bo excelled: Ito h . 's also on hand a large assortment ot. TOILET ARTICLES comprising--in part the following artieleq, viz I' Toilet Waters, all kinds, Eau de Cologne, endless in variety, Extracts for the handkerchief, • Fine English Pomades, • Bandolines, Bear's Oil, Fine and Fancy Soaps, . 'Tooth Brushes, Nail • Combs, &,o. &O. • For Culinary purposes he has Corn Starch, Pearl Barley, Pearl Sngo, Flavoring 'Extracts, viz: , Lemon, Vanilla., Strawbery, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple, Ornnge, Banans, Celery, Pear, Peach, • Nut meg, &c. Fresh Spices, Black Pepper e'nd all oth er articles in that line. He has also something to please the CHILDREN . , A fine stock of Toys of all ki:As, a large supply of China ware. 3Patioixt Be has Drake's Plantation Bitters, .11offland's German do. Sand's Sarsaparilla, • . • • Bull's • .do.• • • Iliteshew's _Cough Syrup; • ' 4L Diarrhoea Cordial, Frey's,Verrnifugei. • • • , Vermil'uges, doz. kinds. Pills—LWright's • Judron's, Spaulding's, A •or's ' Brandreth's, 'Morse's, Mcl,nne's•, liver; Ilfrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Pr. Parishes do. Keroseoe Ofl l -Lamps-find-Uhim f r je y s 'always on hand. • Thankful for kind favors already bestowed.uPon him, he solicits a c.•ntinunnce of the same, hoping that by frying to please he may win the Confidence of the people. As much care taken in waiting up on adults as children. Prescriptions promptly and carefully aompoundcil at all, hours. J. F. KURTZ. August 1),, 1864 ,It is WISDBM and ECONOMY to Insure in the BEST COMPANIES, and there is tone better than the Old Insurance Co, of North America." i 79 INSURANCE COMPANY North AririeriCa, PR ILA D PHIA. MEE Abstract of the 142nd Semi-Annual.State ment, showing the condition of the Company on the 2nd dav of January, 1865, shows the Total Assets to be $1,715,171 71. MP7I Years Successful Business Experience ! It-V*The Prompt Payment of $17,500,000 00 Losse Ea — A Reputation for Honorable Dealing linsurpass ed ! • ETAnd Cosh Assets exceeding "1 ; 1,700.000,00d Claim the References of the public for this, the Old est Insurance Company in America. DIRECTORS: Arthur G.Coflin, Wm. Welch, /An Mason, , Sorel W. Jones, R. D. Wood, G.D. Harrison. Jahn I.: Broivn, Win. E. Bowen F. R. Cope, (Thus. Taylor, Jns Mason Ed. H Trotter Ambrose W hiti, S. M. Wa 111. Ed. S. Clarke . Wm.Curnmirms, T. Charlton Henry., ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pre 't. CHAR. PLATT. t'fee'ry. Nov 24 6m] Jos. ThiraLnv, Aet: Wayncsboro' AT TIM "TOWN HAIL !" 11,7 ELSF! has just received sa s full assortment of Goods, in his line of litisirte4. Ills stock consists in part, of all the latest iti•les'of and: boys IaAT S AND CAPS, Men's, Women's, Misse's, Buy's and Children's BOOTS ! GAITERS , SHOES, • and Slippers of every dent iptio 1. Ladies 'rind plisses . LZI 3 EZ:3 Bonnet Frames, Trimmings, Sundowns . and Hats, Drelts Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Hair Neta,' Hair Coils, 'Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Sun Umberellas. Fans, &c. School, Thank and Miscellaneous. Books,Station. ery of all kinds; Notions and Fancy Goods. All of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest June I—tf. J. R. WELSH. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Waynesboro', 'Frantz n Co. Pa. Capital paid in $75.009,. Collections made promptly and .remitted for at lowest rates of .Exchange on New York. ' Directors W. Amberson, Alex. Hamilton; George Bosom, George Jacobs. Daniel.: 141 i -Hey Jnhn•P:ice, Henry Good, James H. Cluyton,,Joseph ° Correspondents :—The First National ;Bank of Philad..lphia nod pch National Bank of .N.ow York. W. s A Stinotsom, Pres't. JNO. PHILIP.. Cash. TAILORING! E subscriber informs, the.chizens of Waynea ' boro' and the publiC generally thit ho has open ed a 61:op in the room - adjoining tbollarbeallhop., next-cluor to die; new Grocery Store, #4O he Will I, carry on the Tailoring businesis.'Garmeritstir men and blys cut out and made-to- order 'at reasonable rates. thipHitivantaggipfinm;foll4e . T. ` lt t i A lqiil'iOnl,..e:A/R . ; ll MtgriA494 l .0 1 44t4IP;ati 2 1 ;e ge.ucial,EatfPfiteucT- -• e, ••• .;* . 04:H • ' :YliFfhiPni 06**rtasovAt • i• • .• f-.• , :11.11L141111pitYGORIPS","' 4.1.1 ti • A.,49 -„, .lAiLorpots • e, t 119y0e,n al I. tißt4, surd :*.ith;0 0 :44 4 *.t PLY.P.P 401!kr*Y quP4 l ;i 0 7; P -4 1/, 4 - • itioN,**Oißt*:: - 11' 71 - ' ' • Pads-14 lit?sitifou: '''‘'lv . `64;''' zest 'Che4est , r.?, J:1:, IN I'X'XIII43 C7ColD:Wrirl'' GEORGE- BENDER seir Has recently opene3 up an entire new stook of lON JO* _ll4. .'~d~4~lo~~a v All of 'which has been obtained from the justly celebrated house of A:JARRETT, Bal timore. Every article hold is WARRANTED. he of the best custom make, - and 'the maienarjuat what it is represented to be. A full assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS always on hand, such as Under Clothing, Cloves. Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, &c. • Al! we ask is, that you give us ono trial, and you will always buy, for remember ive do hoekeep badly made clothing and the goods are all of tho latest stA le. 11E0. BEN DER, May Waynesboro'. Et All lAD HAS fitted up the (nest Hat Store this side the );~astern andls selling a ft - rcttlpiT.ltife= ed prices. His stock embraces, all the latest styles of Fine Black Light French Farmers who wear the Broad Brim, old style Ru sin Hnt can find a superioi article that ,cannot fail to give satisfaction. Hats for old and young men, boys and children, of every style trod quality, at prices to suit all. 10F' Store lloririv-on Main street. opposite Eyster .& Bros. Dry Goads House, Chamheibburg. Pa. April 20:--ty.-;- , N T 'II Wood Work' jig and 0,43.: 1 1;70XNi3r • .ESTABLISHMENT AND*MILLS STILL continuing the manufacturing of a II kit.ds of Building Material, snch as • • • •S n ' • ' • Doors, Shutters; -FACING, MOULDINGS,. Door-Ffames iiiTitidow4llttnes notautito, Ste.' t„ • - TaMir . 1' 4 61W . By mill and circular saws of 'every description.--• Asking a continuation of favors. I promise atilt to sell an oesr . tuitable terms-as possible, considering ; times and, prices. For further , particulars apply, to the stibacriber and Proprietor., Factory g, miles Southeast of Waynesboro'. , : • . April 1, DOC 'D. F. GOOD. • "- USE rim ;FOR. ALL!, . . rOLIE Grover -,Sr. Baker Sowing 'Machines of dif ferent kin-ls. both family•and lock stitch, at va rious prices and for. the different kinds of work, via: Tailors, Saddlers, and Coach Makers, and for tinn ily sewing geneaally, are-kept constantly on hand and for sale at my-room -flora-door. to Stenor's Drug Store, where an operator Will-at all times show how the work is done: . Havirg obtained she agency-foa part of Franklin C0.,-.Pawairali Washington, Fred crick and Allegheny countiesin Md., I am prepa red to furnish machines in any-of these counties. 11---stf) • HIENIIY BELL $1.500 P ev ß er ß yn 3 fh E er2 R ic?: soil on l4 ; an t l aten ag o e v n E ts o $2O SewingAgachines. Three" new kinds. Under and'iipper feed. Warranted five 'years. Ahovesal; ary or large nernaniesiuns'pahr:The ONLY machine, sold in United' States foi teas thin $4O, which are fully licensed by liOwe, Wheekr'4 Wilson,. Grover Mfr Baker, S'iter,4- r eo..,and Baehelder. All other cheap machines are infring*risests and the. seller or user are liable to arrest, jine,tand imprisoninent,— Circulars free. .'Adeltoss, or 'call nprin• Show, & Clark, BittdeforiLlfaine,ni Chicago, Illinois. : • ' • BARBERING ! BARBERINGT: 7- . . rrHE subscribe:r would inform hist nstomeiS nnd the .public generally that ho ° purposes contin uing the Darbering business, next door to the New •Gioccry. having purchased the_interest of it,%. .C. Itheypal in 'the Shop and,iif,now preparedleAlolair ,cntting; shining, shiunpoening, etc.; ; in ithe best style. The patronage el the public is .respectfulty solicited. PILICXY 'March.2 1866. • aregozxzw.., , :..., , ,jstadx r 7, 7:3410:111EIVC," - :-. is ''' 7. " ' .I) sit' ii,,i.,Aqi. " 5 -* Has eonahrqy for sale'afull assortment oft-' , ^ 1 I "r -, -.. , ,13991* ,:hrs,Genilimen's ware 4 Ai' • • ' ' 7 ' • r , • . i'• geja g qiattiot City Finihilins ,always on liana.' iii Waynesboro!, Pa.-- litilitlaMillaaMaiiegMMlNt Llet'of'Uountry Vaeore ' ' • . '1•14/0 31 ..*Of+.! , .. 4114, ! Sae SPikpcat 'AL". l• ; Ar. .4 0 . 1 CP, 7 4 4 :01: 4 Q.PARMIOIII , -.16.14d0il article far isle : : Heararren. RitTEI • 'aCCIP. Vouriteriones,Ao ~,at • ' • - • • PniciA - - rRU C JAP L F,R 1, A• - et ..iti.use lola - 2 .;.'; iflostrtistil(eAVek. CO; i;'" _July Ail.' : ; : 7 AND SUMMER FASHIONABLE RESORT. FOR LATEST STYLES OF 3. L. DECHE*T, MAIN STREET," Silk, Derby,.. French Felt, Planter, White Piautei•, Fett, WlE't rlanter,&c BELL'S; . 414TERA.TIVE ' c • ,OR • ; bl4 . itilitit l / 1 POW-defEr FORIIORSES, CATTLE 4N4) SWINE PRICE 25 CENTS A PAPER, OR $1 A BOX. T ft tiimmense stiles of these fowderiditnifiltie short period they ,have been before .the., a tutteietat guiranteee their great'Optilar4y, Aid thtrdeelded benitii.qpVid Ae beluses iiientritnnairetrtfot oily. 'as. a p4evc hive, but as 'a complete cdie.for all diseases' incident to the Horse, Caw or Heg,-ita ''• ,'• • Distemper, Pounder, Yellow • Water, Heaves, Loss of Appetite, 4c. By their use the Horse's appetite is improved, and derangement of `the digestive organs . corrected; — sof• - teninglhe cost pfleokspd shining- apPearattio,:falitl vit *lea safety atalt times, jui4it, Contaiiinoo quiredirts which eliniiijiro•it Welty. t _T 3 / 4 04„i me n s , a bic44*,sipseal i i4i prop rlieKtn ineriasiifg quantity nrstailk' sit curve; tht3reby giving them an importance and value which should place them in the hands of all interested. ' For fattening cattle they are invaluable', in diseases to which the Hog is subject, as Ulcers, in tt.o•Lings-and Liver, etc., we guarantee , their eft cien4, if onto, fairly tried. . , GREATEST . LIVIDIENT - . IN USE . BELL'S WHITE OIL. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOTTLE A Potcerful Oleaginus Compound. for the Cure of Rheumatism, Strains, Sprains, Numbness of the Limbs, Wounds, Frosted Pent and Hands Spaying, Saddle Galls, Poll Evil Ring Mulles ; Swelling of all hinds • and in fact every Disease ' • for which an Em brocati on is • • applicab'o. • - • The Cleanest and Cheapest Liniment in Use It is extensively used in mally parts of,the coun try, and beitig a compound of the most valuable and efficficious remedies, the froprietor recommends it with the utmost confidence as a safe; and certain remedy. in Waynesbiro' hy . F.:Fotquyatt, and by Druggistsand Storekeepers generally. . Prepared by W. I). 13e11,,Apothecary, (Graduate of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.) Rage I stown, April 20-Iy. THE VERY LATEST, And most Important to Mankind, is that J. A. FISHER, Merchant Tailor,. has - eeiveti—t-iie—l-Arrges-tL-S-took of CLOTHS, CASSIMER.F.I . S and.VESTINGS in the ' --town—or—County,, By either Jew or Gentile, and don't except even Fenians or Carthageniane, or any other man ; en] if you don't believe it, call and see for yourselves.. I will make'them to order in the most Fashionable and substantial manner, or sell them by the Yard or Pattern to suit buyers;" CHEAP for CASH.-- All work guaranteed to fit or no sale. Also, a com plete stock of Gent ' s Furnishing Goods. It is not necessary to enumerate the articles, as it is well known that you can always find a LARGE STOCK of FORNISAING GOODS on hand at my store. I return thanks to my friends and the public gen -erally-for-theirliberal-patronage-extemled-t-o-ineiend hope by close attention to business to receive a con tinuance of the same. J. A. FISHER, Opposite the Washington House, West Washington St., II agenatown, Md. F. S.—The Celebrated SINGER SE WING MA CHINE always on hand, both Family and the Manufacturing Machine. • .1. A, F. , May 18, 1866 Lflirgy sTarali /11HE subscriber would inform his patrons and 1 the public generally that he has recently largo. ly increased his Livery stock, and is now prepared to accommodate those wishing to hiro with either ac . • ROMS AIM" WIRES r t, at the shortest notice, all 4 ' hours. Persons desirinelforses or Bug gies, for riding or driving, would do well to give him a call, as his stock has been selected with great care es regards gentleness and fast trav eling. • His vehicles ALL sew; fashionable, and ride easy, having been bought with a view. to accommodate the public. rr Parties conveyed •to 'any. point desired, ac companied by a careful driver. Perconi. witihine Wage' sOr Beggiee, night of day, will pleasti apply; at hill! fattier's Saddle and Itarnaaa Shop, Ai alp . t 6 tietti 2, doork.iwest ' l / 4 :4 the Howderi House," where an attentive Ostler will' always be in attendance. FRANKLIN WEAGLEY. April 27—tf , , . Teeth' Extracted *without rain! DR. T. D. FRENCH, 7L7P.V.MTMIXIST, - i - p 4 XTR ACTS Teeth without pain . 1 1 on Wednesday and Friday of .. each week, or on any other day of the • s •a • week if thirty minutes notice is given. Through the influence of Nitrous Oxide Gas the most a greeable sensation is produced. daring tha.operat ion Those . who have •had teeth extracted 'through the influence of the Gas declare they will not have a teeth extracted in any other mannerJ Deauttfuland duralile•teeth ibseriedinounted!on• gold, silver, vulcanite or amber base. Particular attention given to the preservation of the itetural teeth•• • • Office (until 'father notice) the first two weeks o each 'Month at the Photographic - Gallery of Mr...t. li. Hamilton. in Waynesboro', the balance- of the time at Brown's Hotel, in Fayettville. Satisfaction guarantied in all operations.. April 13 • • -. • NEW. LIVERY", rrHE subscriber would inform his friends and the 1 public geneially. ttkat.he has opened a Lively nt iho Waynesboro' Hotel, where he can be seen.— Lle.has a flue selection•of • . WEDICLES AND HORSES . to hire on the moil. aceennn , ttating terms, faith' or without drivers. Passengers conveyed to and item all paints at ali.bours ot the day-or:night. libir of share of itiblie;fitiorla solicated. , In his absence V:11. Gilbert will lietfis his agent May. 411-6 m. : .401-I,N,RICHARDsON.;:i $9O • ' T r ow yn ! .: juvi out. A d Oesseo 14 Y.. 4y t kupding,Llidr Ideforil, Maine. - .STATES' •UNION.HOTEL.:: OPPOSITE THE 7 ''• tell.- Valley ,k PenpolpijOkß. R, Dcp9ts,,, '' - HRRISBURG :„ Ouc f .enaor t.‘,4; W. Taylor. 'Ateir2o, 1868. ••• , _ • ; TH VILIT.E•and . grey , blankets at • V y " " • ' '"'' . & ~ LADIF.S ',Tarp°, vests, sz; - Oases & Itcarven'a. ROUZEllt , ChlliEfiliArED LEA ra bU fur sale et the stare_of Rouzsa eitocirsz; , • ia,s 41 dek t ak i° Ititproten -hr e 7_ , Farmers will please look at - the great advantage in Thrashing Grain with ettS:E . g,S' •PATEN.T Sill-REGULATING . GitAiN r gitt-RATA A. . ukt.,E o .N ow AND BAGGER. With the latest littproved Triple-Geared . Hot-se Pozver„ • • • , This Machine is conveniently arranged for hauling and ihkeshittg,„.bgink pertryttleiglY Oed. t pri t*co wheels. One man can easily move or shift it about, so that it is not half trouble in a barn floor as a common thrasher and shaker. It is also easily put in operation. It is simple, easily managed, veliable, durable, compact and cleanly to work by when in operation, not inaking near; the dust jib' the common machine or other; Separators. . fainters -earl reitassured that this .intichine ts hu humbug, and judging from the high recommenda- : lion of farmers that are using them, I must come to the conclusion that it is the very Maehineihat far mere want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity to appreciate and . - attest its merits, for which I hope they will give me an opportunity, as am willing to be responsible if it does not perform as represented in this Circular. No. is a eight-horse power, with cast iron thresher frnmo and wrought iron and wood cylinder, six teen inches in diameter and thirty-three inches long. Trunk has ten inch rake crank and seven rakes, is thlny.five inches wide, and delivers the straw on the' second rake, these carry the straw out on their tops, and deliver it on the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-five feet beyond - the feeder, on a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily managed to' carry the chaff .with the straw; or.deliver it in:a 'Separate: tiufik and fan aides being closed, to confine the straw and chaff', rembdies all difficulties in cleaning grain against wino , / weather. It bags the grain by reasonable 'management, suf ficiently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances, is from twenty to forty bush els per hour, using eight.horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work under favorable circumstance, it will threat' from forty to fifty bushels per hour, and with more ease and agreeableness to hands than any other machine now in common use. The No. 2 Machine, fully , represented in the above cut, is particularly adapted to the- farmer's use; is intenkled to apply_ to any•coniiiron Wei oi'reibny power; weighs 1,300 pounds; has an iron thresher frame, and•cylinder, 12} inches in diameter and 28 inches long; delivers the clean grain in bags, or if desired in aha If bushel. It delivers the straw fifteen feet from the •ed • • ea'red can de -t• straw and chaff together; will thresh and clean, in good grain., reiady:,fpc market; e front ; lOU tcyl7 - s , linshels of wheat, or from 300 to 500 bushels of oats - per day, using fait Waix: horges, and thOatriii nbrirbei of hands. ' but to force the work, under most favorable circunistan6es)iiibil:grafa;Sic.oirill•thkshlndidlean cor.sideralit3cmore._!__The-Machine-will-threah4ind_clean_all_kinds_of_grain_generally—threshed—with_t he common itrichine, and,reqnires nn morethorsa power, but in many cases does not run so hard. Ik apply *cry Well to a two-horse railolay power Shop Prices of Machines -range from 8210, to 8525. set warrant.the machines to be as above represented; also against any reasonable defects of Material workmanship, &c. . , • rir Having now taken a rooter to keep Repair Castings on hand, I have also selected and am prepared to furnish a variety of 'other agricultural implements. the latest and best improved. and' such as are best adaptekto the:Wants of the farmers of this part of the country : Such as the fingers: town (Miller's) Clover Stemmer, Huller and Cleaner, which is proving by its own merits to be 'one of the best machines of the kind now in use. The latest improved BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOW ER combined, with Dropper, and the Mower alone. The American Day Foylt. and Knife combined; Hay Rakes, Fodder Cutters, Cider Mills, &c. &c. &c., which I will furnlim on short notice and warrant hem to answer the purposes for which they are intendd. rr Orders solicited and promptly attended to. For further particulars, circulars ,&c. address Waynes,boxo', 'Franklin CO. Penn'a.. May 4, 1860.] PPay c liesboro' AND MACHINE GEISER'S PATENTELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, .CLEANER AND BAG GER, AND THE LATES•V IMPROVED THRESHER AND , TRIPVLE•GEARED HORSE POWERS, DRIVIisIG , ':EITHER BY GEAR OR BELT, ALL FURNISHED COMPLETE, READY TO, PUT ON WAGONS. , I, the undersigned, desire to call the attention of Farmers and Threshernien of Franklin Hint adjoin ing counties to this machine. It has been before the public for a number of years, during which time i has given general satisfaction, and the patentee has made some very important improvements which rent der it still more complete, both for clean separating and cleaning, and also for the ease of draught and fast threshing. I take plea Sure in recommending at to the public knowing that it will give the best satis faction. lam manufacturing two sizes, viz : The largest is eight.horse power and will thresh and clean from 200 to NO bushels per any. The small size.• See the above which. fully represents the machine, also full description, price, &c.,of machine. Persons wishing machines should send in their orders in reasonable time to insure Melt being tilled. • • auPauvkautt allatatiteamauacaaaa AND MANUFA MUMS, OF SYRUP ! I am manufacturin? slitlerent sizes of Sugarcane Mills (to be driven either by ,water, steam or horse poWer) rind Evapiirators andifixtures for making Syrup; also Poitable and Stationary Steam Engines for driving Nlidls , Threshirrg Machines, Saivitig ( Woon, &c. I am hilly prepared to make the above to order and on short notice; also GRIST AND SAW MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON.,WATER-WAEEI.S, IRON , KETTLES, &c, Stovesand Plo*,.eastings,alsO 'cast iron and wrought iron pipe-for steam orwater, and Brass castings of everrdesetiption; in a word, I am prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry,and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest improved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing end Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in'the! Most satisfactory manner. I am also prepared to manufacture to order machinery foraveod; such as Tonging and Greying ma chines for flooring, Surface, Tenout and Moulding machines, arc.- I also ofli3r to the public .a now and valuable improvement in my. steam engines, made.within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed,• which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold.under warrantee. My hands Ve.allTexperi anced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good, material, so that I am perfectly safe in war . , ranting - all• my . work., I am also prepared to do repairing in workman like manner, on the shortest notice.- Orders solicited and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must-Do accompanied with the cash. For particulars and circulars descriptive of machine, address - I:ApOIaGE PRIME, licitor of,nderf, iW syneaboro,' Nati - - klin Co. Ta, Or DANIgL Glassn; Proprietor-of Territory and so .ctIS NEW LEATHER FINDING" STORE ! EAV IS S. FORNEY & SONS,. would inform I:Lathe - public That RIO havi this ;/.lay tiesoriatkl themselves inlhe business bE;Taning and Currying; hebideii have also conriected *ith tha aboie bnsitiess a Leather and Finding store, at the house of Forney, where they will keep constantly on hand an assortment, as fellows Sole Leather,..Rii4,hiSkiiting,illemlock and Spanish Sole, CailSkiiii,Fritich Calf do., • Sheep do., Frenel3-:iind!M4is Morocco, Lining Skins, all kinds;.Lsisis;:every style and size, Threads, Boot lWcliing, Laces, Galloons, Size Sticks, Mdaintre Straps, Deer Bones, Burnishes, Heel Shaves, Last Hoops, Peg Floats, Doußle Cutters, Welt Knives, Nails an4l 7 Teeks, Wax, Clamps, ilrinip,Boards, Bubbers, Bristles, Lasting Irons, Files, Ink Powders, Sand Paper, 'Corn passes;' . ..Rnott'lreeti,'' , Pi n eh ttna „Leng.'ai4'Stioulder'illsiudies, %Q lid It~ns, Stiets,Eyeletts Eyelott; Punch etN ,Stri utsv , t+ And all ethei4ifictWinlii464/Vrie 'anish stores. Highest.cash price paid for Hide/ounit -161/hlit L-7 A leo 500 .cords bark wanted.- 't E 4 , 1 „:„ 1 3 RNPY SOMI•• -(:) tPiP 1 4 . ...4 4 Pri1riP3 a.: , r. , ) " 4 " ' :6' . "• .1.0, ‘. . ; : i , - .444 - cie 4r. 4iciatruicip'..•:, . c Ahert0 H 44.4 4 4, -. &:•,.. 1 1- igtfiliE,Vga, • ale ovry 1 i nitiiitbi - Akie,..A*troiikld,,to.parcholts,poiltr, Y itigleffso,*o fe1?9,1,1 , stock I* jiitost stylqs.4ll, the. time, , ~.. z .1' ,- „ .., ... i, • 4 Esuig. : 4l. !. • driven either by Gear Belt: F.! © 11,4,4-;rs SHOP NEW GOODS! NEW VOWS! n..4'a• ELDEN HAVEjust received their new stock of goois tot the spring trade, consisting of • • Hats and . Cpps , Bootan,(1- Shoes Trunks, Valises, Baskets, Mats and. Pails, also a fresh supgily-of„NotiOi.s. congaing., hi pan of , suspendors, ,Handkerchiefs,crenta Patton' and' Donnstia - liase,Nrlalres.Neckt But terflies, Pa- • per I C altars, Ilrgshes of ; all. iPenkhivesti Razors, Photograph -A tllctea; Ibrtrnonaies,Comos , Pipie ' Tans, Foolscap ' end-Letter Paper Envelopes,Steel, Pens, .P.encils, &c., .Rabbet's 'Sea ? l nod Shavipg Soaps, f:erftinaory an& Hair nil; of Retrourey'st Turkish ' fillandotentatt.got.Tonic,‘ete , grestestr beantifier Bpi d keptater art; tbo a..; . ~1 Tbbabco l , wars , and , Snifffi , Ors ngetr, - Lotezns. Nuts, Candies, Floisona,Penpill Caen; ./fsisocie4 •13,itrlow's I upigo. I.llscicißg and (Brushes;_Match es, Powiler,end Shot, Watebetii Clocks and Jew.' elry, together 'with Benton'e Gold: ge-W3italins, ..(11ao,lis and Jownletitopaired. _Thankful far, paartfavors wicsolicit•it , 00titintanCe of,.pu4lic,patronago, feeling ttit . bur goods azni prices 'Twill coranaralavoribly kith: those af,anYootkor • '•• 64 ,1 4 lELD6?I.. _May i47:1138.6. ) rilit AP, Migutt,,and , lisau•al , ali CPRUI.- C 4 004'iye,I 0, ceutit•atkz.;:',. ..1.(:• , • 11: - • I 414 ,1 , - :,I 4 ETCALS2 ; • ';"." ,:: :t . ,::".! . D .",' , ''.s' , ' r , C . . . ,X , ' •• ti : ''( -"7 : ' 7.:, ; f 1 , " . 1" ? k r 4 . i . A.4. --- itzl i; .7" i :, ~~ t ~ •'' t ~~ f r u ICI 111,k • ~ I : e, 1 7-. 4 .,.:T0VA,:;;;M4,N::.; , ; " . • - At * PAVING purchabd tbe , Dlog. Store: of Di. ' 7 • iloyeri formerly keptisyhimieff, woilld t liPeittiOTE of the ':citizens of Woydeelioro' :rind • 'vicinity- to liteloige oeleetea' 3stork• of = ," • ; 4 -11611GSe-gBiIEJNEkIIP4-:z -„•• t• ;; • .1i : biirrlirisiqg.esggifpg • oup the IMil„ir• - My stack , consists . in or .. • ' • sliO ',l" Prugs • :! • $ • 1 $. ° , lls ia ' rni L shes: tailey Sotip§ Fatioy • Kritoles, • • . Patty. . .• , • White Lead Car 6 4. ' 1144 !Paibegiin FOREIGN AND 'DOMESTIC. FRUITS' #Dfl:•? -; • BgiilagT{lNS, ••• - r k• F . , Sunberger Scoteli a n d , - R Souffa. Havana .Prinoi Common Cigars,• Pure Mines • and Liquors for liedieinal pier pose,_Cosin`eties and every de gsiag my eitraiiit preitbip to secure the,Beil and Phrest articled of Drugs, 'dint blei(ieihee;,. a it as sure the public that thei Prat , here,.Ohly.such as can be relied on: , '• Purchasing: for `cast " AND , Selling at small Peofitsl I offer my goods at—one-price and Chet the ;very lowest.. rXr Physiciftne Prescriptions compontidati with care,.• • Illarctrg44 - 1160,. „ • SAFTY AT"LAStr THE•` •L:• PARAGON OIL LAW , NTo Chimney, 7 No 'Snikftke, No 'Smell, 'No Grease . And - ,Non.explosire. Call onirtit , i3 thena at the sigri . ef the 6433.1.1g .D, 33. , 11,U55.tfa; Sole Agent. for. this .Township; A. large aseoitment• of COOT IWO STOVES, J• • of i 'the latest improvements, the' beet in the market. Just received ,nnd for eale, at the cheap ,Tin. and 'Stqvia Store" of . , . D. 0. RUSSZL. tr. gY s:Q. IMk A large Asaortment , of Tinware 'of, eve/ ,dioscrip tin, madii 'o f the bee( filh in -the nnititet—iiitid'iker ranted at the sign of the ""BIG RED HORN." , r: D. EL RUSSET , keepa . constanity oh -; brad i . arl for sale a getieral asslirtnieheof HOUSE' • .FURN I HI N ,G GgODS;.- Pato-Pfo.,l..Kerpscito Qit and .Lamps of ,the latest isapto,ensetn; W*SEtt - 117 ABE ° EASY By calling at the sign of diiy 1:110"R ED HORN' a n'd e getting Futnam'a • I.Ciothep , Ringer,. Of . .1 : B ,111.181iEV Forams in want of Stoves•of any kind or good Tinware, or.,,klouse Furnishing 6 79 6 0 a gerterallY , can do well by calling on , D. 8.. R U SSEL, . • Sign of the "BIG RED HORN," :AV.ityneohorce, Pa. 111SIMIIT ou that are wanting the best 'and cheapest OcicOrb...ll,3afig Sitol7o tha is in the market will do well by; calling, at W. A TRITLE'S • .. TIN AND STOVE STORE Theo you will find the .r.inaitr stock of Skities 'and Tin-ware in Waynesboro', The. subscriber tenders to r the ccommunityi his thanks - 44 nag* pationage and .hopes :for a continu ation of the same. Call-and hear what induce nl.ntssi offers, fir•yow tp;ieire:st; r? in yeas deal: inge tiriit him you will' be dialth with with fairness; YOU will 'find ti•ginid , stoclepr ' ''', . 7 . ,lo . pers,:„Biastf i , Tefid S, f1a74,4ir0" .. p war .11 7 a r sli,Ket Iron, ' Bread Pans, Brass Kettles, &o. Al kinds of Coppermark done and repairs:Made; You will find. among. hitt Stoat of stoves thoLtesplen. did Cook Staved, the , - liaga • • Pornbinati94 They have an extra large:oveniltixtentied - :fire-box taking. klong_stielcoflaynad, square top, good draft, and in all aped illakerm , ..ln !That'll:get the..atde fF t.4o good . housekeeper,wisites.' i . • -- Don't forgot to n,all, 1,1141 eri.minejkie - Stock. It wifittj'• .?„ Next &tor to th 4 Post Office- • Feb 16) "" '''" W. A. TRIT fine asiattrietitiif4ueelietieie'lif Poem & Hoan e`eake . of fine SO9p4oe'runst got """ 11 . 4 •• "'• '; ' "1" Ki7RTVA ty" " . thigiiiTres; Pizzo co.„ - - - APES. 'omega and Diplie tipringtikkrts act "' & LI • •-„ ,-;!, • pox omtuau 3,0; lII ' , ",r• r.i t ~~ .. 14,0,302.5 W%, cAemionis t 1 Peffumery, • • Zitieir; • • • 1 4 iniped' Oil, Flirt .Oil, =ME
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