IPIO . 33LaICI 041X4111 INDIAN. QVIAIN HOTEL • WILL be offered at Public Sale, on the premi ses, on• Saturday, Me Ist day of &Wernher, 1866, the new and large THREE STORIED HO TEL, popularly known as the "Indian Queen Ho tel," situated on Main Street, in the South Ward of the Borongh of Chamtersburg, and is the only Ho tel in the Ward, and contains TWENTY-SEVEN elegantly arranged and-well ventilated Chambers; Large and finely.fitted Bar-Room, end a very com modious Barber-Shop in the Basement. There is it Well of never.failing Water at the Kitchen door. Ile Lot has a front of 64 feet on Miin Street, and extends East 250 feet to a 16 feet Alley, and has on it erected one of the BEST CONSTRUCTED STABLES in the county, being roomy, airy, of ea sy access, and having an entrance from the. street by a private alley. There is also attached to the Stable a new pair of Patent HAY AND STOCK SCALES. The property is now in the occupancy 'of the undersigned, has a very fair run of custom, and isone of the most desirable Hotel Stands in market. It ma ybe purchased at private sale pre vious to the above day if desired. Also a LOT OF GROUND, •adjoining the a bove, will be offered at the same time, containing 32i feet front and 256 feet in depth, well adapted for building purposes. On this Lot there is a Well of Water, Both the above properties are worthy the attention of purchasers. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock when the terms of sale will be made known. , D. L TAYLOR. August 24—ts. A CHOICE HOME THE subscriber will _offer at Public Sale; on the premises, on SATURDAY TOE IST OF SEDTURRR, his late residence, at Mt. Vernon, on the public road leading from Waynesboro', Franklin Co., Pa. to Ringgold, Md., about one and a half miles from eith er niece, adjoining the lands of Henry. Baer, Wiles' heirs, D. F. Good, David Stoner and others, con taining 35. ACRES of the hest quality limastono land, nailer a high state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a up BRICK 110138, conveniently arranged; with basement-kitchen and good cellar, a part of which is arched with brick; with Wagon Shed attached. The out houses con sist of Granary, Corncrib, Carriage .11ous. Wood shed, Hen House and SW)le, Hog Pen, Wash Fur nace. Smoke House &c., in fact everything needed for convenience. A well of excellent water near the kitchen door—two cisterns, one at the barn the other at the house. There is an abundance of fruit — on the premises and a large Grapery, a young -Ors' °hard of choice apple, pear and peach trees lust bear ing, also apricot, prune and peach trees around the house.. The' location is convenient to mills, post offices school and places of worship. There is an opportunity of purchasing about. forty acres addi tional at - a reasonable price from the heirs of the Wiles estate should the purchaser desire to do so. Persons' desiring to view the property can call on Benj Steward residing an the premises, or on the subscriber living in Vaynesboxo', opposite - tr " • VErSale - to - commencerat - l - eclock - on - strid - day when the terms will be made known by BENZ. FRANTZ. Aug.-3.--.ts • G. V. MON.U, Auct. 'Herald, Hagerstown, copy 3t and send bill to his office. -- NOTICE TO TE.AOREAS. THE Board of Bohm! Directors of Washington District will meet at the Western scbool bongo, in Waynesboro', on Saturday the let of September, next, for the purposo of employing f i fteen 'Leachers, for the term of six months. By order of the Board, .IAMEkS M. McILVANEY, Seety. 17---3 t. STONER & STONER, DRUGGISTS, ARE receiving fresh articles in then line of bu siness from the Cities weekly, which enables them to, offer and sell at, a fair price, with the ad vantage of the redaction of the eastern market Their stook is large and increasing proportionally to the reduction of the wholesale prices. They have for sale Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Praha, Confectionary, with all articles a wing kept in drug stores Thankful for the le.ntronage heretofore received, re spectfully tt4 an increase as well ns a continuance of public favors. M. M. STON ER, IK, K. STON E R. Waynesboro' August 10, 1866. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 1111 HE undersigned would inform the public gen, erally, that they have by mutual consent dis solved the partnership heretofore existing between, them ip the naaChine business under the firm of norms & Hess. The business however will be continued at the old stand, wider the firm of Hass & Eatantimb The.new Ann wool' respectfully ask. a continuance of public' patronage, Hoping by strict attention to business awl a desire to render satisfaction to all to merit a shave of the same., PAHRNEY & HESS. QUINCY, August 17—St. THE PHRENAKOSMIAN INSTITU TL A Select Classical School far young Ladies and Gentlemen, at Green Cadre, Pa. J. ALONG HUGHES. A. E. Principal. Pall and Winter Session will commence Sep 3, 1860. ' TUITION. For Primary ccurse per term of 20 Weeks ss,co " Advanced English course " " 10,00 ''‘ Classical course . .4 && 15,00 " . Music On Piano, Organ or Guitar 24 Los ' • including use of instruments 12 50 44 Vocal Music-per session 5,00 Board can 'be Secured. with 7 the Principal or in private families. ' - ®'Send fora Circular. f. - - .Aug $— t.f.. • NEW 'TOWN 1 NEW STORE 1 . . NEWFIIIM 1 NEW GOODS , Vtinirtwo vieeks.nt ROUZER SHOCK. •' • .sitt'llksavillo. We flatter ourselves that igiylait'sheap as any store in the county and 4 iluce,h'i li,css h . prices fur sll kinds of country pro- - goat' '- " • .;, 17 TALLOW - 08 Buis: - - 4 isciAp 08 1)Acoo-.-13filea and iiouli rar All wilk•itakiiifor - 11 Our.stock , consisto of all Mar. 16—U:1 • it() D-ii:',‘, - "'IvI.0 it 4:1"-? Is CELEBRATED = o OL . ERA .ME,DICINE, , . ITIIIE.true and jonnine•orticle for ,tho curo,Pkol;- era,Choltira'MOrhua. Colic, Cramp Colic, - Floxi iarrhoel,-D:ymentety. Sick ljeathiche,. and nearly, all iliseinciiiththe' bowela; to lio had At jr u naimates 7 reParialtY ' • ]HOOVER, • June ..22—;-6m • • • . OP T 13 Dun. Armes 00 Saves° CHIRRIZEI 00 BLACK 85111110 00 Reerestaatee 00 4!anars rum, 00 CA/ammo •'; 11 ets• • • 17 . priblic.to give us trial. inds of toodi.: UZBR - .41r- tiUOCKE Y. REDUCED' PRICES! NE* SPRING AND SiJIIIYIER GOODS! PRICE & 110EPLIC11 MrAVE just received from the Eastern Cities one of the finest assortments of Goods ever offered for sale in Waynesboro', which they are — preifred to sett at greatly reduced rates, having purchased their stock at a time when the markets were at the loweit rates during the recent decline in prices, • LADIES' GOOD: Among the intent novelties in the Ladies' Dress Goode departinent may be found Foil de Cjievres, Percales, Rcpped Mohairs, Lin en I awn, --- Gangharns, Chatlies, . De!nines •• . A Ipaccas. PoppUq, Ammo Deluins ' All •00l De!nine, UNRUH GOODS In thelUnts line of goods we have an extensive assortment of Tricot Cloths, eassimerex Drilla. Denims, Lint% Duck, Prints and Brown bluelins from 126 cents upward, together with a host of oche; goods at correspond ing low prices. EnOtEEHIESa A pod article of Brown Sugar at 121 (As per lb, Rio Coftec, Cheese, L....zm _ m.Li _ ilui6. j All Wool, • Matting • Baskets, SA oes, Figwect, and Plain The sabseribera kindly ask the community to call and see their handsome stock of goods now, open and will vooch that persons will he convinced that "prices have fallen," and greatly too, and to con. vines yourselves of the facts just drop in and make an inspection of goods and prices. PRICE f:k. HOEFLICH: Juno 1, 1866. NEW FIRM. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SSW 'W IZT CIaIILP .IZ. WE the subscribers respectfully inform the public that we have associated ourselves in the Machine brisiness, under the firm of Fahrney & HEWS, and purpose continuing the Machine bu• manufacturing. Geisnr's Self Regulating GRAIN SEPARATORS, No 1 ana 2, latest improved. with the best improv. ed tripple.geared HORSE POWER. No. 1, eight, No 2, Six•horse Power. We wig also pay particular 'attention to Repairinc Cast Iron or Wood Michinery, and will make all kinds of cost ingot to order. Mill Gearing, thafling, Plough Cos tinge, Iron Kettles, Turning, Boring, &c. We de- si re to do justice to all who may entrust their work to us. JOSIAH FAHRNEY; June 15—tfj JACOB F. HESS. •N. 'B. We have for sale th i latest improved Reapers and Mowers, Pa'ent Spring Rake with self-acting Lever Attachment, improved Hay Forks, &c. Farmers call and see for yourselves. Fashionable Millinery • . 2, 'G. 0 0 D S , MISS C. RESStR' w.zu ,o l , , , D 9n i d a v o i rip i t y v a a t y ,h t i r friends' just 'V 1 returned''a nee from flillesielphiawith a -completeassortment of 'fiteliionatde itillitiery.Goods, embracing among •o ther satickikBPNNETß AND BONNET:TRIM MINGS ofqiiiiirdescription: Ladies_ are invited io ealtiands*nlidoilier.new styles;:- 1 - • - " .Residenei - on' Mechanic Striit, it b'onsn'nortli. cast,of44lie - 4 4rinibinton bin." [Ap. 27--1 f Poppline% ,Angora, Mohairs A co ciss, Silks Valenciea, Coatings, Cottonnttes, Cordei --- Jenne, Ti eeds. Spices, Cedarware, be Bagging. Umbrellas Oil Blinds Damasks. J. F. & J. F. H. r3IC AEI MN "Wt. SCAT IST 1866, A. B. & G. NEW summun GOO DS!! lIIIHRSON, BENEDICT & CO, Are now receiving tbar SECOND ASSORTMENT :A full stock of ' Ladies , Dress -Goods. DRESS TRIMMINGS, DRESS BUTTONS, DRESS CORD, DEIAINES, TISSUES, Collars, Cambrios; Muglins, Gloves, llosiery;, Shakers, Swiss Edge, and Inserting, All kiudß of bIEIN'S ( IVEIen COTTONADES, CASSIMERES, BOOTS AND MOBS, GLOVES, CoLLARS AND HOSIERY, CLOTHS, VESTPNGS, TWEEDS, CORD, JEANS, DENIMS. Also a full stock of GROCERIES! SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRti PS,, TEAS, FISH, CHEESE., and , oil. kinds- of Ovoceries 00131111, 111110111, ETC. QUEENSWARE, • QUEENSWARE. HARD WARE • HARDIVA RE, QUEENS WARE, HARD WARM NOTIONS. NOTIONS, CARPETS: CHECK MATTING, PLAIN MATTING, VENITIAN, STAIR, 'HEMP, RAG. Wo • respectfnlly request our customers and all o thers. wishing to buy or look at a good nem talent, to cell and examine our stock ;:ltnowing that goods ore lower now than they have sheets. for some years, and believing tiwy-will not be lover for point+ lime to come. we feel pictured we can give sitisfietion. , • AMBEItkOrt, - 11ENEDitiT & VC/. June 1,„ 0166. -- Adngnlsirutor's =Notice. . _ TOTICE hereby given t hat.Le tiers or A dmin rstration on the gelato of Lydii Wolf. late of Waynestiore'; dee'd, have been granted to the un dersigned : persona knowing . themselvas indebted to said' estate will matiti:' immediate payment; and those having chains against'therttime them property inithenticated iettieinstat.' • 461 July :2,7-...60 JOB; DOUULAS. Miter. ion SUMER, 1866. ___...-0_..._._ kosteitter, Reid & Co. -woutu respectfully announce to their Cue• touters and the public generally that they. have just receives a new and complete stock of goods in their line, purchased at the last decline, and which they offer at Facia prices. Their stock of MMUS, bracing - in -Part RIO COFFEE, P. K. SUGAR, SUGAR ®lO, 12, WHITE SUGAR, NAV. DO , BEST SYRUPS, PRIME BAR MOLASSES, MOLASSES 50 CENTS, TEA-H., IMP., 'MAK, SUGAR CURED HAMS, - . CHEESE,-MASON'S CRACKERS Queen sware of this neweet an most beantifwl patterns, in' gets and otherwise. Common ware, good assortment and voices w aeons ble. :c.—Giound Ginger, Pepper, Atypic°, Clovrs, Cinnamon, Cayenne Pepper, Mustard, dre. These n re , all pare and•ground expressly for ourselves. B. Soda, Cr. Tarter, R3wens, Dried Currants, _ _ Pepper filaixe, Tomato 'Catsup, Pickett, Cider Vinegar. EPIC ES, WOODEN WARE.—Buckels, Tubs, Boxes, &e; FlSH.—Mackerel, all grades, Shad,* P. Herring. From our connection With Market Cars running to the Eastern cities, we receive regularly YE TABLES, FRESH FISH, FRUITS, lire. Everything in this line in their proper season. We will order goods of this class for parties and deliver them at short est notice. Country Produce bought and the highest market pica paid. Terms positive'y Cask. N, 11. Thankful for the liberal share of custom we have received, we trust by &it dealing, and earnest efforts to ,please and accommodate, to in crease our trade still further. ' May t&J HOSTETTER, REID & CO. KEW STORE. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! COON & StI!ONE.HOUSE WOULD respectfully informs the public that they have now opened at their new room,on Ike south.west corner of the Diamond, in Waynes boro', a large . and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries; Hardware • anti Cutlery, Iron., &est, Nails, Coach-tankers Gentle of every description, Queenswars, •Jedarwaro. Shoes. Car pets. Oil Cloths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush es, Fish, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept its a well regulated store. Our goods aro all new and fresh and have been bought Sea cash at the late decline in prices. We flitter ourselves that from our long experi ence in business, and a determination• to sell gcods at small profits, we shall be able to, offer 'unusual inducements to all buyers who desire to save mon ey. Please call and see for yourselves. . We have a large end well assorted stock of sta. ple and fancy Dry Goods, embracing Cloths, CassimereS, titatenetts, Jeans. Tweeds, Cottonades, CordiNllen ims. Stripes, Cheeks, Gingham's, Linin oral Cotton Tablo Dopers, Crash for Towels.CaSicoes,Delains, &peens, FINCIDBESS GOOK Trimings, Shawls, Drown and Bleached *Meetings and Shetings. Tickings, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, (Neves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re. ceiving nrw'g4ods every week and will supply any article wanted that ws have maker* hand le • a few days. - We pay the highert marketpricn Fos ait - hiuds of country produce such as Bacon, Lard, Duties., Eggs, Dried Fruit, Rags, &o. May 25, 1866. Beef ! "Prime', Beef ! ! THE subscribers inform the public !bat they have commenced the Butchering business and will supply persons with a prima article of Beef at the Cellar next door to-Gilbert% Hotel. on yzintlay and Thursday evening of each week during the !lesson. Beef wifl also be supplied st.the zesiden 2, of J, H. Hoover, nee, Pikesville,' bathe saincodays. - -- _ If. fiOtweß. ' • -"•• •T. CUNHINGH 4.1 1 1;' Juni 0-3 in. " and Glassware LATEST ARMVAL Or GROCERIES. -...0-. LIDY & DICKEL IMCAVIIVO just rec eieed from the Eastern murk. ets a fresh supply of Groceries, eta.; they are now prepared to sell at reduced prices. Their stock embraces in part the following : Syrups; Cheese, Sugars, Coffees, Molasses, Chocolate, Spices, ground and unground, Baking articles of aKkinds, warranted fresh and of tho best quality. Kerosene Lamps, shades, wicks aid chimneys. Also No 1 Kerosene Oil. fui cm zia ata. Cat 03 qi;) EA3 0 •N. B.,Navy, Nat. Leaf, ribe Cut, and all the best " " Con., Brands of Chewing and Smoking " Spuna, Tobaccos of sixteen different kinds. " Oys. shell. .- Salt and fish. /3. A. Bak, flaky, large and small nark Mackrel No 1 and 3,by the barrel. -- Confections. Cakes and Candles, Water and Su. Crackers, Oranges, Lemons, • Raisons, Figs, Prunes, Alnionds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, • Pea Nuts, • Pepper. . Tomato Catsup, Pepper Sauce, Brown's Troches, Babbitt's Soap; Harrison's 4 .. Dobbin's.Blectrie Seep, Castile Soap, Barlow's • lndigo, Paper Collars beres Embrocation, . Hoover's Ink, Frey's H. Powders, Matehes, - Carpet Tracks, Gun Caps, Powder and Shot, Machine Twist. Sewing Silk, S. S. Black Cotton Thread, ;Spoof Cotton, Needles and Pins, boning Needles, Singer Machine Needles. _ Hair Pins,_ Shoe Strings, Lead Pencils, Steel Pens, pocket Knives, Pen Holders, Combs, Long Combs, Lilly, White, Ladies' Dress * Cons''s, Mean Fun, Hair Oils, Perfumeries, Nerve and Bone Liniment. Cocoa Nuts. - And connected with the Grocery we have Flour and Feed which we will deliver at Mill prices. ('The highest-prices paid for Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Country Produce. -. We are thankful for past favors, and. by strict at tention to business and a desire to please alt, hope to - receive a_ liberal - share of _the public's patronsgeT for we feel confident that our goods and prices will compare favorably with those of any other house. LIDY. & DICKEL. - May 1 l—tf. 8. 1566. L. THE GREAT ZINGARI BITTERS. AL Sure Woretexreastkiire• OF CHOLERA.! m HII3 WONDERFUL REMEDY was discov ered and introduced abou t twenty years ago by Dr 8. Cheopsus, an eminent Egyptian physician. He had longmen and -felt the want of some rem edy which 'redid strike at the root of the disease, and so prevent much of the suffering which the hu man family was then compelled to endure. This great question was presented to his mind every day in vivid colors as he moved among the sick and dying, and observed the inefficiency of nearly ail the remedies then in use: Thus ho was lead to think and experiment; and after ten years of study and labor, he presented to his fellowman the wonderful Zinged Hitters. The t ffect of this prep aration in the prevention and cure of disease, was so marvellous and astonishing, that the most flatter ing marks of, royal favor were bestowed upon him who discovered It. His name was placed upon the Roll of Nobles, and a gohl medal with the follow. ing inscription—Da S. Cheopsus. the Public Ilene-, factor—was presented to him by the Viceroy. Tho preparation has been used in several epidem ice of. cholera, both as a preventive and curative measure, and with great success, that it has boon introduced into nearly all the general hospitals of the old world. The. old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care, applies with marvellous force to cholera, and therefore any rem edy that will•protect us against this terrible disease should be freely and persistently used. All pathologists now agree that the cholera poism . acts on the system through the blood,.and that any combination which acts on the excretory organs. and keeps them in working order, must prevent a sufficient accumulation of the poison to exert its terrible effects on the organism. This is true not only of cholera, but of nearly all other maladies, es pecially the different forms of feyer. The Zingari Bitters is. just Such a remedy ns the above conditions 'moire. It nets on the organs of excretion and secretion, keepingwp a perfect bal ance between them. This Hitters is composed en tirely. of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted that every organ is acted upon and put in tone. Its lade is pleasant and its effects prompt and lasting. NUMeCOU3 cases of the following diseases have been cured oy it: Coolers,. Diarrhoea, Dysentery; Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, Aguo. Nervous Debility, Anaemia. Dysyepsia, Flatulency, Colic, Scrofula; &c. EirPrice $1 per quart bottle Principal Depot at the Walnutstreet wharf, liar rislaarg, Sold by Druggists, Hotelkeepers and Grocers. F. RA HTER, Sole Proprietor. Foz.sa:e at the "Waynesboro' Hefei," by V. B. Gwen?, Agent, Ejune22— Ly. DSN.t.. FRANTZ, 11. D. N. lINWELIC, If. D. DRS FRAN'll..dc SNIVEL? having •essocia• ted themselves in the practire of Medians. and Surgery would elute that they are well prepared tch treat all medico/ and surgical comes. Persons in debteil to either of the shove willidenso make early settlement b the time of their association. as they wish to close their old books: Office in Dr. Frames residence, in the room Au merly occupied as a store room by Mr. 1, Beaver. April I.l—tf. SECO . ND'ARAIVAL NE'W,GOODS! TOE sibsetiber 'inform his eretomers and the public. genemlly that he has received at his store, neat Dner'eFectorg, a second supply of Dry Goods, Groceries, queenswerser. Cilamsrare, Hats. Dept, tihoes; and othilaartieles Puch 'be are' usually kept is co6n try stores. He is still supplied with a prima snick) of Honey: Call and examine, goods and prices.o , . . • • •P. WWI:MR . . Junt3,2B--tf • • • . • . wr, PEN you. want to awoke a fine Bogor, go to I V -- Ki.LUTZ t 'd foir#,* .; •: ANMEO , --To .Irish Potatoes. ' Una ' liusr,er nen; ttNIDA 11a.- Wa MILLER'S LATEST -ARRIVAL SUMMER GOODS. lIA VINO returned from the iihatera cities with a large and choice assortment of Teaa—Young Hracn Oolong, Dry Goods, Queensware, Ce.; ; :darWare, Hardware and Groceries, which T am prepared to offer with much greater in ducements than heretofore, prices being much re , duced. Silks, all wool De!sines, hilliest Delnines, Alpaccas Gingham, Hoop Skirts, Collars, (mag ic) Ruffling, Hosiery, Cloaking Cloth, Repp mo hair, Poplins, Armure Delanes, Linen Hdk'fs. GENT'S GOODS • - Fancy and Plain Cassimeres, Black Cloth, Italian Cloth; Tricot Cloths, Vesting, Shirt Fronts col. Jars, Neck Ties, Cuffs, Slay Linen, Linen Check, Union Shirts. Sundries. Shoe Blacking, • gs Brushes, ' Horse si Wh't wash brushes, Washboards, Clothes lines, Corn Brooms. Hickory o Painted Buckets, Brass Hooped 4 , Bushel Baskets, Clothes Ladies Tray. Baskets Chip Baskets, &c.. STATIONAAY. ' Envelopes, Nato Paper, Fools Cap, Fitney Soaps, (Mager Soap & Oil Prepared CoMe, "qssetom---1. DOMBSTIC GOODS: Furniture Checks, Bed Ticking, find Bleached Ta• hie Diaper, Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Ta ble Diaper, fine Linen Towling, Napkins, Ameri can cowling, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Umbrellas, Carpetting—all wool, Ingrain and hag; Oil Cloth, stair and floor. QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE. CEDAR WARE. HARDWARE,Yubs, Chums, Buckets,Knives and • Forks, Table and Tea Spoons—curry combs, horse cards and brushes. Syrups, Molasses, Sugare, Rio Coffee, Tobaccos Cigars, Teas, spices, Concentrated Lye. Ex't of Logwood i Corn Starch, Ex. of Coffee, Rabbet's. -Soap,-Fancy - Soape; - Kerosencr Oil - and Tanner oil. The above stock embraces all the latest styles of goods, which have bean p urchased with great care aid wit)} a view to suit in quality and style tho tastes of alb All we ask is a call sad examination of our 'present large, stock to convince those wish ing to purchase that we aro enabled to sell as cheap as any house elsewhere By strict, attention to business 'lnd .& desire to lease in all respects I hope to receive a continuo tton of publig patronage. J. 'W. M. April .0, 1866. JUST - RECEIVED AT THE STONE FRONT CASK BAR GAIN STORE OF CHAMBERSBPIIG, Main Street, 3d Door South of the Diamond, Another lot of those Eiogant Watch Spring Steel TTHESE Skirts are of the latest styles, with alt the latest improvemg r hts. including Hntl's solid fastener, which renders the Skirt secure in fastening against wrench or liability to pull apart in front.— The Hoops are of the best'quality of steel and cov ered with a heavy braid of cotton yarn, and finish ed in a manner that renders their appearance neat and tidy as long as they are worn. Every Skirt is warranted in every particular. We have the agen cy for Franklin County and job them to Merchants at Man ufurer's prices. We too are just in receipt of a large lot of PA MOLLS and SUN SHADES in all colors, silk and gingham; Fans in every vent etyl Cords and Teasels or Girdles, all sixes, in Red,. White, Bleak and Blue. We will close by saying anything you want iit the DRY GOODS awl N 0 T 1 0 N line you can get at oar establish ment as we keep'our stock full all seasons of 11w year, Remember notwithstanding the late advance in the East we have not advanced the price of a a single article, still selling the best yard-wide Mus: lin at 25, and every thins else in proportion. METCAI.FB & H ITESHE Chamberaburg, June 29, '66. GMT Hats, Shoes, Trunks and Clocks, Tbbacco, &gars, Candies, &c. (kc , FOR THE - LEAST Z. BEAVER, The founder of this en terprise in Waynesboro', A. D. 1854, has again fit ted up a new room. The shelves and drawers aro filled with an entire new stock of the latest style.— Facts are stubborn things and , selling superior and cheap. goods for so many years has satisfied the citi4 eons of Waynesboro', and the community in gener al, ' , that some thimpt.ean be done as well as oche ere," and notwithstanding the' prophecies and: kiwi' wilding of my neighbors, the house' still stands, with the.originel motto still floating o'er it, and. not a sin gle star eraced. Come then old and remikftiesulsond buy from Jti Beaver. . Remember' his plan; e east corner of the square, next, door to. Mallen's Hotel and Dr. Cal , lig's offlce. CARRIAGE MAIM THE subscribers would inform the public thus they have associated' themselves together in the Carriage making business, ant that the business. hereafter will be continued, at Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm of A'ekna & HAM MB. They will have constantly . on hand BUG. GIBS of, even descrption ; new and isecond‘tiliesded Ythielas of all kinds. • 'Repairing done at short • They employ none, but good mechanics and use the best matenal. Persons wanting anything in one line will dO well to give se* a calf before purchasing clambers. • JACOB A DAMS, Of SPIUNO AND ILLES 9 EMS,. GROCERIES. METCALFE & lIITESHEWt HOOP SKIRTS, Manufactured by Ilide & Co., Conn THE BEAVER'S EMPORIUM. Jose 8% 1866. NEW FIRM! • • " tiRORGE Church Skirt • nisei,' 7rir:sVi It, V. C . 01 11 7 1. k. " •-• EMPORIUM! MONEY !.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers